• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Memories of a Massage

One morning, Spike had just taken some books out of his locker and was on his way to class, until Featherweight rushed over, "Hey, Spike! Spike!"

Spike looked back at his friend, "Oh, hey, Featherweight."

"Glad I caught you. I really need to talk to you."

"Can ya make it quick otherwise we'll be late for class?"

"Come with me." Featherweight pulled Spike around a corner where none of the students were looking.

"What?" Spike asked.

"Ok, I know you'll hate me for doing this, but I think this is something you should see." Featherweight reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture and showed it to Spike.

Spike's eyes widened when he saw the picture was of him and the girls sleeping together the night after the big party. He looked at Featherweight with glaring eyes as he asked, "How?"

"Well, I was actually the last to leave. The whole place cleared out when I got out of your closet. Don't ask why I was in there because I can't remember due to sugar rush. I wondered where everyone was, and I heard noises coming from your bedroom. I peeked in and saw you with the Canterlot Six all over you. Based on this shot you looked really happy with them."

"Give me that!" Spike tried to take it from him, but Featherweight held it back.

"Seeing it was too good of a shot to pass up I took this for a keepsake."

"Does anyone else know about this, Snips, Snails, Pip, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo?" Spike demanded as he growled.

"Relax, no one knows except you and I."

"Featherweight, if that picture gets out the girls will be humiliated. Especially if their parents found out!"

"Chillax, Spike. The whole reason I'm telling you this is because I'm giving it to you." The boy handed the picture to Spike.

"You don't have extra copies hidden away do you?" Spike asked suspiciously.

"I swear this is the only one."

"And you're just giving it to me?"

"Hey, I'm not evil. Although this would make a great first page for our school paper, plus think of the reputation you could get."

"I don't need that kind of publicity, especially not the girls." Spike replied.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. Ruining others images isn't my thing." Featherweight explained.

Spike smiled, "Thanks man."

"But you owe me for this." Featherweight warned him.

"Deal." they shook on it.

"Well, we better get to class." Featherweight said, as he went on ahead.

Spike took one last look at the picture before pocketing it, 'I can't let the girls know about this.' he thought to himself before heading to class.

When classes were over, Spike had gotten his stuff out of his locker and into his backpack. When he left the building, he looked down and saw Twilight and Applejack at the bottom of the stairs waiting. He came down and was greeted by them.

"Hi, Spike." Twilight greeted.

"How ya doin', sugarcube?" Applejack greeted him.

"Doing great, though I'm surprised it's just you two today." Spike noted.

"Rarity decided to help Fluttershy out at the animal shelter today, Rainbow Dash stayed behind to get some extra soccer practice in, and Pinkie's got some orders to complete." Twilight explained.

"So we were wondering if ya'd like to do something with us today," Applejack offered, "Well, after we get our work done, of course."

"Sounds great, though what'd ya have in mind?"

"We were thinking pizza." Twilight answered.

"I'm sold." Spike replied.

"Great," Applejack smiled, "Let's mosey on home and meet up in an hour."

"Right." Twilight and Spike agreed, as the three headed home.

And so each of the three were busy with their homework, making sure it was all completed before they'd head out.

When they were done, Twilight and Applejack walked over to Spike's house and rang the bell. Soon enough, Spike answered the door, "Hey, Spike. Are you ready?" Twilight inquired.

"Give me a sec," Spike said, as he went back inside and grabbed a hoodie, "Ok, I'm ready."

"Great, then let's get going." Applejack said, before she groaned and grasped her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Spike asked in concern.

"Just a little kink in my shoulder, been working hard ya know?"

Spike rolled his eyes, "All right, sit down here." he sat her on the stairs of his porch.

"Spike, what're you?"

"Just relax, and let me do my thing." he started massaging Applejack's shoulders.

As Spike gave Applejack the massage, the country girl moaned in relaxation, "That feels great. Spike, ya haven't lost your touch."

"So you remember." Spike noted.

"How could I forget? Even back when we were kids you'd always give my shoulders a good massage after I was done doing my chores. And every time my shoulders felt good as new." Applejack moaned, as Spike's fingers worked their magic.

"I aim to please." When he finished, Applejack stretched her arms and moved her shoulders.

"Oh, that was perfect. Thanks again, Spike."

"No problem," Spike said, before noticing Twilight looked envious, "Ok, Twilight, take a seat."

"What?" Twilight asked, until she was sat down on the steps of the porch like A.J, "But, Spike, there's nothing wrong with my..."

"Since Applejack got one, it's only fair you get one too." Spike said, as he began massaging her shoulders.

Twilight could no longer protest, as Spike already started on her shoulders, "Oh, Spike this does feel good." she admitted, as she loosened up.

"Glad you agree with A.J." he replied, as he continued helping his friend relax. When he finished, Twilight moved her shoulders.

"Thanks again, Spike." she thanked him.

"Always a pleasure."

"Well, come on, yall. Let's go get us some pie of the pizza variety." Applejack suggested.

"Yeah." Spike and Twi agreed, as they went for A.J's family truck and drove off.

Soon they were at their local Pizza parlor, and were munching on pizza and cheese sticks, "Oh, yeah, this is good." Spike said as he downed a slice.

"It's nice to see us relax and all." Twilight said.

"I hear ya," Applejack replied, "Speaking of hearing, you won't believe how much a talk you've been around our school Spike."

"They're talking about me too?"

"So your school is as well?" Twilight asked.

"After throwing a party like we had Saturday I'm not surprised." Spike answered.

"Yeah, the guys there are really thinking of asking you to hang with them more, and some of the girls are asking us for your number." Applejack explained.

"You didn't give them it, did you?" Spike asked in worry.

"Of course not." Twilight replied.

"Oh, thank God," Spike sighed in relief, "The last thing I need for both my cell and house phone ringing like crazy."

"You're lucky you haven't had any of them showing up at your place when you least expect it." Twilight added.

"No kidding. If they blabbed about the party in front of my parents then I'd be as good as toast."

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash and I made sure that everyone there was to keep that party a secret from all adults." Applejack promised.

"Thanks, A.J. Are your shoulders still holding up?"

"Yeah. That massage of yours really did the trick. As it's always done in the past." Applejack answered, as she flashed back to when she was thirteen and Spike was ten.

Applejack was sitting on a bale of hay out by her barn, until Spike walked over, "Hi, Applejack."

"Well, afternoon, Spike." Applejack greeted him.

"What're you doing?" Spike asked as he stood by her.

"Just finished some afternoon chores, sure is mighty hard work. But Big Mac tells me hard work builds character." Applejack chuckled, until she groaned.

"Are you ok?" he asked in concern.

"Yeah, shoulder's just a little stiff. All that work I've done can be strenuous." she admitted.

Spike pondered on what to do until an idea came to mind, "I think I know what to do." he climbed on top of the bale of hay and got behind Applejack.

"Spike, what're ya?"

"Don't worry, Applejack. I think I know how to help you." he put his hands on her shoulders and started massaging them.

"Oh, this feels good," she admitted, as she started relaxing, "Spike, how'd you know to do this?"

"Well, I watched my dad do this to my mom when she was tired, and vice versa with my dad." he admitted.

"Oh, that's the spot." Applejack moaned, as Spike's massage was relieving her of her stress.

When Spike was finished he spoke, "How was that?"

"That was perfect, Spike. My shoulders feel good as new. Thank ya kindly."

"What're friends for?" Spike asked, and received a peck on the cheek from Applejack.

"Ya darn tootin' partner." she pulled Spike into a headlock and the two laughed, as the flashback ended.

"The good ol' days." Applejack smiled.

"I'll say." Spike agreed.

"And when the others found out about the massage you gave Applejack, we all wanted to get one from you to see how it was." Twilight added.

"Yeah, and each of you really loved it," Spike smiled, "Well, this was a great idea. Let me take care of the bill," he reached in for his wallet only for it to fall out and on the floor, "Darn it." he went to pick it up.

Twilight saw something else that fell out of his pocket and onto the floor, 'What's this?' she thought before picking it up. She saw it was a picture of her and the girls sleeping with Spike in his room the night of the party.

"What the!" she gasped.

Spike saw what she was holding and tensed up, as Applejack spoke up, "What is it, Twilight?" she looked at the picture, "Oh, my..." they turned to Spike.

"Spike, how did you get this?" Twilight inquired.

"Featherweight took that while we were sleeping, and gave it to me today." he explained, hoping they didn't think he orchestrated it.

"Was that his only copy?" A.J crossed her arms, while feeling suspicious of the possibility as Spike was when he asked Featherweight.

"He swore to me." Spike assured them.

"Take a look at us." Twilight said, as she and A.J saw how spread out they were on top of Spike above his covers.

"We sure look comfy." Applejack admitted.

"Yeah," Spike agreed, "Could I have that back now?"

"Not yet, Spike. Were you planning on keeping this to yourself and not tell any of us?" Twilight asked.

"No. I was gonna tell you eventually." he lied.

"Right." Applejack said dryly, seeing through his lie.

"Look, I won't show that to any of my friends. I swear to you." Spike pleaded, wanting to get it back.

"We know, but before I give this back I need to make copies. One for each of us." Twilight explained.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

"You don't expect to keep something like this all to yourself do you?" Twilight asked, as Spike chuckled sheepishly.

"I'd sure like to have a copy of that, but I hope Applebloom or Big Mac don't go snooping around for stuff like this in my room." Applejack added.

"Just as long as I get that back, because it's just as special to me as well." Spike said.

"We know, Spike," Twilight smiled, before looking at the picture again, "Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy are definitely gonna love having their own copy of this."

Eventually after they paid for their meal they left the parlor and headed for home. Applejack parked outside her place, as the three got out, "Well, I'll be seeing you two later." applejack bid them a farewell, and hugged Spike.

"See you later, Applejack." he said, before he and Twilight were walking down the block to their own homes.

When they reached Twilight's house, Spike spoke to her, "Remember to make sure Pinkie doesn't go around showing the copy she gets to anyone at school or even her parents."

"Don't worry, Spike. I'll make sure she doesn't. And I'll get this back to you when I made those copies.' she promised.

"Thanks, Twi." Spike hugged her, and she hugged him back before pecking his cheek.

"See you later, Spike."

"Later, Twi." Spike replied, as Twilight went inside and spike walked down to his house having had yet another wonderful day with two of his closest friends.

Author's Note:

And there you go. Don't miss next time where it's Halloween time and Principals Celestia and Luna are hosting a Halloween Bash for the high schoolers and Junior High schoolers.