• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

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Spike's Birthday

One Wednesday morning, Spike woke up and looked at his calendar seeing it was marked with a birthday symbol, "It's my birthday, yes!" he cheered, before jumping out of bed, hopped into the shower, and came out dressed in his clean clothes. He went to the kitchen where his parents were already seated at the table, "Morning, mom. Morning, dad."

"There's the man of the hour," Geki began, "Happy birthday, Spike."

"Thanks." Spike thanked him, as he buttered a slice of toast.

"Well, you best hurry birthday boy. Don't wanna be late for school." His mother reminded him.

"Right. I'll see you later. Love you. Bye." he headed off.

When he left, Elsa spoke to her husband, "Ok, they'll come right over so we can't waste a minute."

"Right." Geki answered.

Spike was off and made his way to school where he saw his boys, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle in the hall.

"There's our big man!" Pipsqueak called, as the group gathered around congratulating him.

"Happy Birthday, Spike." Sweetie Belle said.

"Hope you have many more." Apple Bloom added.

"Thanks, you guys." Spike smiled.

"And you know what this means don't you?" Snips asked mischievously.

"What?" Spike asked, seeing all of them started grinning.

"Birthday pinches." Snails answered.

"Fifteen to match your age." Featherweight added.

Spike seeing the group cornering him looked nervous, "Guys, can't we let this tradition die?"

"Them's the rules, Spike." Scootaloo smirked, as they reached in and started giving Spike pinches despite his pleas to stop.

Afterward Spike was anxious for school to be up so he can get home and enjoy his birthday. That however did not distract him from all his class lessons. When it was his final hour he kept taking glances at the clock watching the hands move until it hit three o'clock. When the bell rang, Spike bolted from the classroom and went to his locker.

Once he got the few books he needed he closed his locker and walked outside hoping to be greeted by the bright smiles of his six childhood friends. However he saw none of them waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Huh?" He asked himself, as he walked down the steps and looked around seeing no sign of them, "That's weird. I was sure they'd be here to greet me on my birthday," he sighed, "I guess I presumed too much." so he started walking back.

He walked home feeling lonely not having any of the girls at his side, 'They couldn't have forgotten about my birthday. They never do. Especially Pinkie Pie. It doesn't make a lick of sense." he continued to ponder, as he walked down his block and reached his house.

He opened the door and went inside. Upon stepping into his living room he was greeted with noisemakers and confetti. He saw his parents and the girls popping up from hiding, "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Spike!" they announced.

"Girls?" Spike gasped.

"Hi, Spike. Welcome home." Twilight greeted him.

"Sorry we couldn't walk ya home, sugarcube." Applejack apologized.

"Yeah, we had to come here and help prepare your surprise party." Pinkie smiled.

"So that's it," Spike realized, "And I thought you guys forgot about me."

"Never, darling." Rarity went over to him.

"Like we'd ever forget the birthday of our best bud." Rainbow added, as she put an arm around him.

"We're sorry if we made you feel like we didn't care." Fluttershy apologized.

Spike smiled, "That's all right. Seeing you all put this together for me only shows how much you truly care."

"Hey, don't give them all the credit." another voice spoke up.

"Yeah, we helped too." another said, as Spike looked back seeing his pals enter.


"We helped supply the party favors with Pinkie the last few days behind your back." Snails explained.

"Sneaky." Spike smirked.

"It's a talent." Pipsqueak admitted.

"Well, come on let's party!" Pinkie cheered.

And with that, Spike's birthday party was off to a start with the teens sharing laughs and reminiscing about all that's happened with Spike and them in the last year. Later it was present time and Spike opened each of his gifts enjoying them right from left.

From Twilight he got a book on supernatural theories and legends, Rainbow Dash got him a skateboard, from Rarity he got a leather jacket with his name engraved on back in green flaming letters, from Pinkie he got a key chain for his cellphone, from Applejack he got a pair of boots, from Fluttershy he received a CD, from Apple Bloom he got a pair of roller blades, a new wallet from Sweetie Belle, a new issue of The Power Princesses comic from Featherweight, sunglasses from Pipsqueak, a medallion with a dragon's head from Snails, a fedora from Snips, an MP3 player from Scootaloo, and from his parents he received a digital camera.

After enjoying a delicious cake compliments of the Cake family, Pinkie made everyone a root beer float with the help of Spike's mom.

"Ok, you guys, come and get it." Pinkie came into the living room with Elsa each holding a tray of root beer floats.

"Thanks Pinkie." Spike said, as he and Twilight took a root beer float each.

"All right you guys, let's gather them up." Rainbow ordered, as all the teens younger and older gathered their root beer floats up, "This is it. A toast to our best pal Spike. May you have many more happy birthdays to come."

"Cheers!" the clinked their drinks together.

When they took a sip of their drinks, Spike spoke up, "Thanks again you guys for everything. Seeing all of you here makes me glad I came here to Canterlot years ago."

"Are you getting all sappy on us, man?" Snails asked.

"Yeah. But I can't help it. You guys are the best friends I could've ever made here in Canterlot. And I hope we still remain friends forever."

Pipsqueak smiled, and put an arm around him, "Bro, you're stuck with us for life." The rest of the group nodded in agreement. Spike smiled seeing how strong their friendship was.

"You know, this calls for a commemorative picture." Spike suggested, and they all agreed. Spike set up his new digital camera so it could take a group shot of him and all his friends. Spike sat in the middle as Pinkie Pie and Twilight were on each side of him. Rainbow Dash was on top of him resting her head on top of his. Applejack was sitting below him resting her back against his legs. The camera took the picture and they all looked seeing it turned out perfect.

Soon enough it was getting late and the guys were heading home. Twilight was the last one to leave, but stopped as she stood with Spike outside his house.

"Twilight?" Spike asked wondering why she stopped.

"Spike, before I go I have one last present to give you. I couldn't give it to you with the others watching." Twilight explained.

"Another gift? What is it?" he asked, until he saw Twilight approach him, and lowered herself down to his level. She cupped his face and spoke.

"This." she leaned in and planted her lips upon Spike's. As Twilight kissed him, Spike was shocked, until he accepted it and closed his eyes.

When they parted, Spike's face was red as a tomato and Twilight giggled on how he looked, "Twilight, that was..." he gasped.

"I know. Your first kiss. How was it?" she asked.

"It was... perfect." he answered.

"I'm glad. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Spike." she gave him one last hug, before she went next door to her place.

"Goodnight." he said, before going back inside.

He went to his room where he dropped onto his bed and looked up at the ceiling thinking about how he just received his first kiss moments ago by one of the girls he's known for so long.

'Twilight was my first kiss,' he thought, 'I guess part of me always thought my first kiss would be with one of this six, but I never guessed who. I wonder if the others will try and do that with me? Well, if they decide to I best be prepared. After all, this time I was unprepared for that moment. Still, I got to admit I couldn't have asked for a better first kiss. Best birthday gift ever.' And with that he decided to listen to the song Fluttershy got him with the first song playing.

Author's Note:

I know this seemed short, but it's not so bad. Don't miss next time where Spike has an accident causing him to lose his memories. Will his family, the girls, and his pals help him reclaim his lost memories? Stay tuned for next time. I also don't own the song used at the end.