• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,382 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

The Dance

One day after school, Spike was at a tuxedo rental shop, with Nova, Star, Jet, and Stone helping him. As Spike was in a changing room, the older boys were conversing with him.

"I can't believe you're taking all six of your girls to their school dance." Jet said, as he was sitting in a waiting chair.

Spike answered, "They all agreed to it, so I ain't complaining."

"We're so proud of you, Spike." Nova said.

"What I can't believe, though, is you're taking Derpy to the dance and Stone's taking Octavia." Spike replied.

"Hey, I respect and admire Octavia for her musical talent." Stone said.

"And Derpy, as clutzy she may be is very charming." Nova put in.

"I won't deny it. And Jet, how did you manage to get a gig playing guitar at the dance?" Spike inquired.

"Made a few deals with Principal Celestia, and the rest is history." the older boy answered.

The changing room door opened up, and out stepped Spike dressed in a tuxedo suit and pants, with black shoes, a purple dress shirt, and a black necktie.

"Whatcha think?" Spike asked.

"Looking sharp." Nova gave a thumb's up approval.

"We got a winner." Stone added.

"It works." Jet nodded.

Star fanned himself, "I'm feeling all warm inside right now."

Spike gave Star an awkward look, "Star, I know what you're thinking. But I don't swing in that direction. So it's not going to happen."

"Yeah, man. You know with six girls at his side he wouldn't be like you." Jet added.

"I know, but I just can't help it!" Star bawled.

Spike looked at the other three, "Is he going to be ok?"

"Don't worry, he'll find another guy he can obsess over." Nova assured him.

"I still can't believe I'm going to attend a high school dance and I'm at my last few days as a Junior High student." Spike said in excitement.

"Come high school and you're going to be doing a lot more than dances." Stone noted.

"I can believe it," Spike said as he went back into the changing room and saw his reflection in the rooms mirror, "Wonder how the girls are doing?"

Meanwhile, the girls were at Rarity's shop trying on dresses for the dance. Rarity was looking at dress after dress determining what to pick, Pinkie was trying her hair in various styles before going with her normal poof look, Fluttershy and Twilight were wondering if they should wear any accessories, and Applejack and Rainbow were were debating on what footwear to wear.

"We need to look fabulous for Spike and ourselves, girls." Rarity reminded her friends.

"We know." Rainbow answered.

"Oh, I'm getting butterflies in my stomach just thinking about the dance." Fluttershy trembled.

"We're all a little nervous, Fluttershy." Twilight admitted.

"But we're also excited at the same time." Applejack added.

"We're nervicited!" Pinkie jumped around.

"But you know something, girls?" Rarity asked.

"What is it, Rare?" Applejack asked.

"We should make the night of the dance the best night for all seven of us, not just because of the dance itself."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"We should do something afterward." Rarity explained.

"Like go back to one of our places for an after party?" Rainbow asked.

"Not like that, but something more."

"Whatcha got in mind?" Applejack wondered.

"Well, I was thinking..." Rarity began, as the girl gathered around.

Outside the shop the girls cries were heard, "WHAT?!" Back inside, the girls were looking at Rarity with blushes upon their faces, while Fluttershy was the reddest out of all of them.

"Rarity, are you serious?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"I've never been more serious about anything in my life, Twilight."

"But with Spike..." Fluttershy's body shook, "Are you sure?"

"I am. After our setback, we need to do something to truly strengthen our friendship. And this may be the best way we can all do it," the fashion girl explained, "What do you think?"

The other five debated to themselves, until Twilight spoke up, "I'll join in."

"Really, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"We really did hurt Spike back there. I don't ever want to see him that sad again for as long as we shall live. Besides, I kinda always visioned I'd do it with Spike one day." the bookworm explained sheepishly.

"So did I." Pinkie spoke up.

"I sort of did myself." Applejack confessed.

"Me too." Rainbow added.

Fluttershy spoke, "Ok. I thought one day I'd do it with Spike myself."

"So then we're all agreed?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah." they agreed.

"But what about Spike?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. He should have a say in this too." Applejack noted.

"I know. We'll be sure to tell him." Rarity promised.

"Though were would we even do it?" Rainbow inquired.

"You just leave that to me." Rarity smirked, as the girls could already tell she had a plan.

Later that week, it was the day of the dance, and that afternoon Spike was in his living room with his mother taking pictures of him in his tuxedo.

"Yes. Oh, this will look wonderful in our family album." Elsa said, as she took another picture.

"Are ya done yet, mom?" Spike asked dryly.

"Ok. I'm done." she said, as she lowered her camera.

Geki went over to Spike putting a hand on his shoulder, "Just remember son, high school dances can get crazy so make sure you stay away from the punch."

"Why, Pinkie made it herself." Spike reminded him.

"Never the less." his father replied, "But most importantly, some will say anything just to get on your good side. So no matter what anyone says, just remember... The one who invented Love Boat will not be there?"

"I'm lost." Spike said feeling confused.

"Don't mind your father, Spike," Elsa began, "Back in college your father used to pick up girls by pretending he was the one who came up with the idea for the show Love Boat. Oddly enough he did the same thing to me during a frat party."

Spike turned to his dad, "Seriously?"

Geki nodded, "You can see how successful that white lie was." he stood by his wife.

"Right," Spike said dryly, before looking out the living room window to see the girls coming over, "There are the girls." he headed outside with his parents following.

Once outside, Spike saw all six of his dates present themselves before him in their dresses (Fall Formal attire). Spike looked in awe at how beautiful each of them were.

He spoke up, "Girls, you all look amazing."

The girls smiled, as Twilight spoke, "Thanks, Spike. You look great too."

"Oh, you girls look adorable!" Elsa squealed, "I need to take your pictures now."

"Mom." Spike warned her.

"Don't worry, Spike, we got time." Applejack said.

So Elsa once again went on a picture taking craze. First she took pictures of each girl individually, followed by a shot of her son with each girl, and finally a group shot of all seven of them.

Elsa looked at the pictures saved on her camera, "Wonderful shots, girls."

"So how are you getting there?" Geki asked.

"I called in a ride." Rarity said, as they saw a limousine drive down their block and pull up in front of the Drake's residence.

"Now that's going in style." Geki said in surprise.

"If there's one thing I've learned, Rarity always knows how to do things in style." Spike replied.

"We better get going." Applejack suggested.

"All of you have fun." Elsa said.

"We will." Fluttershy said.

"And Spike, watch yourself." Geki winked.

Spike looked nervous, but answered, "You bet, dad." so he and the girls got into the limousine that drove off.

Elsa and Geki watched the limousine pull away. Elsa spoke to her husband, "There he goes, Geki."

"Yeah. Our young man off to his first dance and he hasn't even started high school yet."

Elsa broke out in tears and she glomped Geki bawling into his shirt, "They grow up so fast!"

"Elsa, they all have to grow up sometime."

"I understand, but I wish he could always be my little boy."

"You know that can't be done."

"I know, that's why it's so sad." Geki rolled his eyes.

Inside the limousine, Spike and the girls were sitting on the seats kicking back until they'd reach the school. Spike spoke up, "Girls, when dad told me to watch myself I thought he was onto us."

"Oh, pshaw, Spike," Pinkie replied, "It's normal for a father to tell his son to be careful in these situations."

"Even so. I was afraid he'd get to spill my guts about what we plan on doing."

"Don't worry, Spike. As far as your parents and our families are concerned they just think we're spending the night at Silver Hoof." Twilight said.

Spike turned to Rarity, "I still can't believe the you got the owner of the hotel to rent us out a private villa room."

"Well, Fancypants is a devoted customer and dear friend of mine. And he owed me a favor." she answered.

They looked out the window to see they arrived at the school. All seven got out of the vehicle and approached the entry way.

Spike stood in between all six girls and linked his arms with Twilight and Rarity, "Well, ladies. Shall we?"

"Let's." Rainbow answered, as all seven went inside and walked through the hall hearing the sound of music from the gymnasium.

When they entered they already saw the student body inside dancing and partying to the music. When the students saw Spike and the girls enter with Spike in the middle of all six, everyone was lost for words.

Thunderlane stood close to Noteworthy and Caramel, before his jaw dropped opened making a cash register sound. He closed his mouth and spoke to the two, "The universe just isn't fair." the two nodded in agreement.

The seven walked onto the dance floor to see Nova and Stone approach with Derpy and Octavia, "Hey, guys. You made it." Stone greeted them.

"You all look great." Octavia said.

"Thank you, Octavia." Rarity replied.

"This party is cool." Derpy said, as she ate a muffin.

Spike looked and saw Jet on stage rocking his guitar, "Looks like he's having a good time."

"No kidding." Nova replied.

"Come on, girls. Let's dance." Spike offered, as the girls smiled and took his lead as they want to the dance floor.

So Spike was dancing with each of his dates, while brushing off any of the other girls there trying to get a dance from him, or any of his dates scaring the others away from Spike. In between music and dances they'd stop by the refreshment table for a cup of punch. Despite what his dad said, Spike knew no one would try to contaminate Pinkie's punch, unlike the time he had that wild party.

Half way into the dance, Principal Celestia walked on stage and spoke into the mic, "Good evening, students. I'm so glad to see all of you enjoying yourselves and coming together to show your school spirit. And now without further adieu it is time to crown this years Canterlot High Princess."

The students stood awaiting to hear who their principal would call. She opened up an envelope, "And the winner is... Twilight Sparkle!" the students cheered, as Twilight's friends and Spike were cheering the loudest and hugging her.

The girl gasped, as she went up to the stage and presented herself to the Principal who crowned her, "Congratulations, Twilight."

Twilight smiled, as she was handed the mic to speak into, "Thank you, everyone. In all honesty I don't really think I deserve this honor. I'm just your normal teenage girl who wishes to do a lot of good in the world. But I'd like to thank you all for this support."

The students applauded, as Celestia spoke, "And now Twilight may choose whom she'd like to have her first dance with as Princess."

Twilight smiled, "There's really no need to make a choice. Because he's already here. Spike." she smiled, as the spotlight fell on Spike who smiled up at Twilight. When Twilight noticed her friends were smiling in support, she didn't want them to feel left out, "But if I could make a request, I want my five closest friends to share Spike in this dance."

Celestia smiled and nodded in approval. The five girls cheered at Spike's generous request, as she came down form the stage and back to them. All seven went to the center, as Spike offered Twilight his hand. She took it and they began dancing as music played.

Spike and Twilight danced close together, as the students watched in awe, while some of the girls sobbed at seeing the six allowed to dance with Spike. As Twilight danced she remembered all the times Spike would fetch her some books in her room and reorganize her shelves with her. Twilight thinking she had enough time to dance passed Spike off to Fluttershy who took Spike's hand and began to dance. Spike made sure to be gentle with her, and Fluttershy herself felt more calm than she's ever been. Fluttershy reminisced when she would nuzzle with Spike as if he was her little puppy dog.

When her turn was done, Rainbow was the next to take her turn and began dancing with Spike. As the two danced, Rainbow rested her chin on Spike's shoulder, as the boy smiled. Rainbow recalled the times she and Spike would play a little one on one in basketball, soccer, and football. After Rainbow, Applejack went next and the two danced away. Applejack and Spike smiled at each other as they embraced while Applejack remembered all the alone time they'd spend in the barn, and picking apples from the orchards.

Pinkie took her turn and danced with Spike, as she twirled him instead of him trying to twirl her. Pinkie recalled all the times she and Spike would bake together, and even the time they had a frosting shooting war and getting locked in Sugarcube Corner. Rarity was the next one to dance with Spike, as Rarity remembered the dream she had about Spike dancing with her and promising he would give her what she wanted. She smiled at the memory of that dream and held Spike close as if not wanting to let him go.

Eventually Rarity had given Spike back to Twilight to finish the dance. Twilight and Spike smiled at each other before they moved closer and planted their lips on each others. The students cheered and hooted, which only became louder, as the rest of the girls got to get a kiss from Spike too. All seven stood together and had a group hug knowing in their hearts this would be the best night of their lives. The best so far at least...

Late that night at the most luxurious hotel in Canterlot known as Silver Hoof, Spike and the girls were at a private villa room in the hotel with a beautiful view of the city. Currently Spike was sitting on top of an XL King sized bed, wearing only a white bathrobe.

He looked in the direction of where the bathroom was knowing the girls were freshening up. He spoke to himself, "I can't believe it. We're actually going to do it. Tonight I will become a man. I know I passed out when the girls told me what they wanted to do, but that's only because I was unprepared. I hope I can satisfy them all of them." he calmed down knowing not to get himself worked up.

"Spike." Came Twilight's voice.

Spike looked over and saw all six of the girls approaching him wearing white bathrobes like himself. Spike got off the bed and spoke, "Are you girls ready?"

"We are, Spike." Fluttershy confirmed.

"What about you?" Applejack asked.

Spike nodded, "I am too."

"Are you sure, darling?" Rarity inquired.

"Remember this is still optional to you." Twilight reminded him.

"We wouldn't want ya to do something you might come to regret." Rainbow added.

"It wouldn't be cool of us to force it on you." Pinkie finished.

"And you're not," Spike assured them, "I want this probably as much as all of you do. I just hope I'll be satisfactory to you girls."

"Only one way to find out." Applejack noted.

"Yeah." Spike smiled.

"So you're ready?" Twilight asked.

"I am." Spike confirmed.

And so all seven undid the sashes of their robes causing them to loosen up. Then they all slipped their robes off and fell to the floor behind them. Spike gazed at the girls naked bodies, as the girls themselves eyed Spike up. Needless to say they were all a bit flustered having never seen each other all the way like this compared to the time they've all only seen each other in their underwear.

After a moment of silence, Spike was the first to speak, "Girls, you all look so... beautiful."

"And hot," Pinkie smiled, as the girls looked to her, "What, aren't we?"

"Yes, you all are." Spike confirmed, as the girls started feeling a tad embarrassed.

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight smiled.

"And you look as studly as always, sweetie." Rarity added.

"Especially south of the equator." Rainbow giggled, as Spike realized what she was aiming at.

"Yeah? So, what?" Spike asked.

"Nothing. If anything this is much better." Rainbow smirked.

"So how should we start?" Fluttershy asked.

"Let's start off with a little close contact." Twilight suggested.

"Agreed. And since Twilight was crowned Princess and was so generous to allow us to share Spike in the dance I think it's fair she gets to go first." Rarity spoke up.

"Thanks, Rarity." Twilight smiled, as she walked up to Spike.

Twilight wrapped her arms around Spike, as Spike wrapped his arms around her. As Twilight held Spike close, his face rested upon her bosom, "So soft and so warm." he sighed in relaxation.

Twilight smiled and stroked his hair, "Who would've ever thought we'd go from the two little kids we were when we first met to anything like this?" she whispered.

"Strange things happen, I guess." he replied, as the two puckered up and kissed.

When they parted, Applejack walked up and pulled Spike into an embrace as well, burying his face into her breasts. Spike thought to himself, 'If I die from suffocation I'm glad it's this way.'

Applejack whispered, "Enjoying my girls, are ya? Well, they got a lot more love to give ya soon enough."

"I can't wait." Spike spoke muffled.

After Applejack released Spike so he could breath they kissed passionately. Rainbow approached and pulled him into a headlock causing his face to rub against her breast, "Now we can pick up where we left off that day in your room. Feel free to even call me by any of those heroine's names. Although I'd prefer to be known as Zapp."

"Easy, Rainbow Dash. Don't choke him." Rarity scolded her.

"Don't worry, I won't," Rainbow answered, as she released Spike's head before cupping his face and planted her lips on his. When they parted, Rainbow smiled, "Awesome kiss."

"I'll say." Spike agreed.

Rainbow stepped aside, as Rarity approached, "Be warned, Spike, I may not act a proper lady tonight."

"I'll manage," Spike answered, as Rarity embraced him and pressed her chest into his own, 'Oh, wow. Close contact with her girls is so wonderful!'

Rarity smirked seeing Spike's reaction to her move kissed his neck, making him moan. She lifted herself off his neck and planted her lips onto his as they passionately kissed.

When they parted, Pinkie bounced over and hugged Spike's face into her chest, "As much as we had fun at the dance, Spike, we're going to have even more fun here!"

"Yeah." Spike muffled once again.

Pinkie lifted his face up to look her in the eyes, "And I emphasis on fun." she planted her lips on Spike, and slipped her tongue in making it all the more hot.

When they parted, Fluttershy walked up crossing her hands over her abdomen, before speaking, "I want you so much tonight, Spike. But when we do be gentle with me."

"I will, Fluttershy." he promised.

Fluttershy smiled and embraced Spike. Spike laid his head upon her bosom while looking comfy. He got an idea and whispered to her, "Fluttershy, would you scratch behind my ears, please?"

Fluttershy looked down at Spike, surprised at his request. But she smiled and answered, "Of course, my little puppy." and she began scratching behind one of Spike's ears, as he moaned.

"Oh, that feels good."

The girls watched what Fluttershy did, and were able to finally see just how she did it that day last year when Spike helped her out at the Animal Shelter. After Fluttershy gave him a long enough scratch she released him.

"Ok, Spike, on the bed," Twilight stated. Spike nodded and jumped onto the bed. Twilight and the girls got down on it and crawled over to him, "Let's all learn about this wonderful thing together." she said.

"Let's." Spike agreed, he passionately made out with each of them.

About two hours later, Spike and all six of his girls were lying on the bed looking out of breath. Spike spoke, "Girls, you were all amazing."

"You were amazing too, Spike." Twilight said.

"The best." Pinkie added.

"I wouldn't mind doing this sort of thing again." Applejack admitted.

"Me too." Rainbow agreed.

"It was so wonderful, I don't know what else to say." Fluttershy panted.

"I feel the same way." Rarity said.

"Thanks, girls. This has been the best night of my life." Spike said, with a smile.

"Ours too." Twilight said.

"And things only going to get better from this point on." Rainbow added.


"Pinkie promise." they answered.

"Thanks, girls. We should probably get some sleep now. But before we do. Can I have the usual?" he gave them a pout.

The girls smiled and gather around Spike before each giving him a double sided kiss. When they finished, they got under the bed and nuzzled up as close to Spike as they all could.

"Goodnight, girls." Spike said.

"Goodnight, Spike." they replied, as Rarity used a nearby remote to dim the lights down until it was dark.