• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Until we Meet Again

Sometime after the end of the semester dance at Canterlot High, it was the graduation ceremony for Spike and all the other students at Canterlot Junior High. Outside the school on the football field a stage was set up where Principal Luna and the rest of the staff were standing on. Below the stage up front were all the students dressed in graduation caps and gowns, while behind them were all their parents, families, and friends.

Luna spoke into the mic, "As your principal, I've watched you all start out here at Canterlot Junior High. Like hatchlings learning how to fly. And as as the months followed you've all grown strong and are ready to spread your wings and soar off into a new world called High School." the students and the audience applauded on her words, "And now we shall begin the ceremony. When your name is called, you will come up and receive your diploma. Applebloom."

Applebloom stood up and walked up the stage as she could hear her family applaud and cheer for her, "Way to go, Applebloom!" Applejack cheered.

Applebloom approached Principal Luna and accepted her diploma from her, followed by a handshake. She walked off the stage and returned to her seat. One by one each of the students were called up. Spike was sitting feeling anxious that his name was getting closer. Finally after Snips received his diploma, the principal announced.

"Spike Drake."

Spike stood up and heard a large round of applause from both his parents, his girls, and many more. He walked on stage, accepted his diploma and shook Luna's hand.

"Congratulations, Spike."

"Thank you, Principal Luna." he smiled before returning to his seat.

After the ceremony the students were being congratulated by their families and friends. Spike was with his parents, and his friends being congratulated. Elsa was taking pictures of her son with each of his friends and each of the girls, before taking a whole group shot.

"Congratulations, Spike." Twilight began.

"Thanks, Twi."

"Hope you and the others are prepared for the high school life." Rainbow nudged him.

"How hard could it be?" he asked.

"You'd be surprised." Fluttershy answered.

"Don't worry, we'll be there for Spike, and anyone else." Rarity said, as Sweetie Belle hugged her.

"Thanks, sis."

"Spike!" came a group of voices.

Approaching was Vinyl, Octavia, Trixie, Adagio, Sonata, Aria, Photo Finish, Fleur, Stone, Nova, Jet, and Star. The group was congratulating Spike.

"Congratulations, bud." Vinyl patted his back.

"We're so proud of you." Fleur smiled sweetly.

"Ya done good, kid." Jet admitted.

"Welcome to the world of high school." Octavia said.

"I cannot wait to see you around the school."Trixie added.

"When you walk through the doors of high school you'll feel much older and mature." Adagio put in.

"It'll be like de magiks!" Photo declared.

"If ya want to call it that." Stone replied.

"But you have all summer to wait for that moment, Spike." Nova added.

"But it'll be worth it, especially when it's Taco Tuesdays." Sonata smiled.

"Oh, Spike, you're so grown up now!" Star bawled while hugging Jet for comfort, only to be shoved off him.

Spike smiled, "Thanks, guys. I'm really glad you could all be here for me and everyone else."

"Come on, let's go back to the Drake house and party!" Pinkie bellowed, and everyone agreed.

Spike smiled until he noticed Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon and smirked, "I'll be along with you." he started walking over to the snobby duo.

"Hey, you two." Spike called them out.

Both looked at him, as Diamond frowned, "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to let you two know, you couldn't have been more wrong about me and my friends."

"What do you mean?" Silver asked not getting it.

"What you said about my friends only hanging out with me because of pity. It wasn't pity, it was love."

"Love?" Diamond asked with a laugh, "Oh, that's rich. Still blinded by your illusions, I see."

"Hey!" came a voice.

The three saw the girls stomping over to them having heard what she said. Each girl had a look of anger on their faces. Applejack began, "Yall think we only pal around with Spike because of pity?"

"Well, you couldn't be more wrong." Twilight said.

"We love Spike more than anything," Rainbow added, before mumbling to herself, "Unless you count apple cider."

"You two meanies tried to make him feel worthless, and that's just not nice." Pinkie lectured them.

"So unbecoming of young ladies." Rarity put in.

Fluttershy was the last to speak, as she stomped right up to their faces, "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves picking on my friend Spike. What would your mothers say if they heard of this?" she began giving them a stare which sent shivers up their spines.

'Fluttershy's cold stare. A technique she developed to intimidate animals to behave if they ever got out of control or need to be taught manners. It's super effective even on people, even though she doesn't love to use it. But desperate times call for desperate measures.'

Diamond and Silver felt as if Fluttershy's stare was piercing through their very souls. Fluttershy finished, "Now I want the both of you to go home and think about what you've said. And when you attend CHS I better not hear you cause more trouble for Spike or anyone else, understand?!" the two nodded while looking ready to piss themselves in fright, "Now go!" she ordered, as the two ran off crying.

Spike and the girls watched in shock and fear at what Fluttershy did, before she turned around and her scary face returned to her happy timid self, "All done."

"You're a little scary sometimes, Fluttershy. You know that don't you?" Spike asked, "Brilliant, but scary." Fluttershy could only giggle.

Later on at Spike's house, everyone was in the backyard partying, with Spike and his boys chugging down cola. Pipsqueak spoke up, "Come first semester of our freshmen year we're gonna be experiencing a lot of new things."

"That's for sure." Spike agreed.

"I hope I can get into the newspaper club there." Featherweight hoped.

"You're a shoe in." Snails said.

"Yeah. Who else knows how to handle newspapers better than you?" Snips asked.

"Thanks, guys. What do you think you're going to do in high school, Spike?" Featherweight asked.

"Well, Vinyl said they got a hip hop club there, and said with the dance moves she and everyone saw at my... house party," he made sure his parents didn't hear, "She said I'd be perfect to join the club, and I think I'll take that into consideration."

"You should." Pinkie popped up from behind him.

The others approached as Twilight spoke, "If you all look hard enough you'll find some extracurricular activity fitting for you."

"Let's talk about school later, Summer's officially here now." Snips said.

"Agreed." Spike said, as he grabbed his can of soda and held it up, "To the start of a glorious summer vacation."

The rest of them held up their drinks, "Summer!" they cheered, before taking a drink.

When nighttime came, Spike and the girls were in the backyard looking up at the star filled sky, "So beautiful." Twilight said.

"Yeah it is." Spike agreed.

"Gonna be looking forward to your first year of high school, Spike?" Applejack asked.

"With you guys there, of course."

"That's good to know." Twilight said.

"But remember, Spike. We're not gonna be there forever." Rarity reminded him.

"She's right, we're gonna be seniors when the new semester arrives." Rainbow added.

"I know, then you'll all be going off to college." Spike nodded in understanding.

"We wish we could stay with you in high school until you graduate." Pinkie said.

"But it can't be done." Twilight added, hating to say it.

"Don't worry, girls. That's still a year away, and until then I'm gonna make the most of the time with all of you." Spike told them.

The girls smiled, as Applejack answered, "And we're gonna make the most of our final year with you too. Come here yall." they group hugged.

Spike smiled in the warmth of the group hug, before the girls broke and looked at him with grins, "Why're you looking at me like that?" he dared to asked.

"Because now that we're alone. It's time we gave you your graduation kisses." Rarity winked.

"So pucker up, big boy." Applejack smirked.

"Because we're not gonna hold back." Rainbow added mischievously.

The girls surrounded Spike, as the boy winced, "Be gentle," they tackled him and started kissing his face like crazy. Spike chuckled at how it tickled while thinking, 'Now this is the life.'

1 year later

Parked out in front of Twilight's place was Applejack's truck and in the back part the girls were loading luggage and bags into it.

"Is that everything?" Rainbow asked.

"Looks like it." Twilight said, as she made a checklist.

Spike looked at them feeling down, "So you're really going?"

The girls noticed his look of despair, and Applejack answered, "Afraid so, Spike."

"I figured." Spike sighed.

Fluttershy went over and lifted his chin up, "Don't worry, Spike. It's not goodbye forever."

"Yeah. It's not like we're going to Jupiter or anything. We're going to college. It's just college." Pinkie reminded him.

"I know. But it just won't be the same without all of you here."

"We can understand you feeling that way," Twilight said, "But remember just because we're not at your side doesn't mean we're not with you at all."

"We'll always be here for you, darling." Rarity added.

Spike looked at them smiling with tears of happiness in his eyes, "I'm gonna miss you all."

"And we will too, Spike." Applejack said.

"Hey, could you girls do the usual once more for old time sake?"

The girls smiled, "Spike, you'll never change." Rainbow chuckled.

"But that's ok," Fluttershy said, "We love this side of you." So two girls each performed the usual double cheek kiss for Spike who smiled.

Spike then embraced Applejack, "I promise to help out around the farm from time to time while you're away."

"Thank you, sugarcube. Granny Smith, Big mac, and Applebloom will appreciate it just like me." the two kissed, before breaking.

Rainbow went next as she embraced him, "Sorry you won't have me to hang out around the Canterlot high football field for a little one on one."

"I'll manage. Just promise me you'll stay awesome."

"Always." Rainbow nodded, as the two kissed.

When they broke Pinkie embraced him tightly, "Oh, I'm going to miss you, Spike!"

"Me too," Spike groaned from the hug, before she loosened up, "I'll especially miss your parties."

"Don't worry. When we come back I'll throw a super duper special welcome back to Canterlot party when we have our first break."

"Pinkie Promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." she promised.

Spike smiled, "Thanks, Pinkie. And I promise every so often I'll volunteer t help the Cakes at Sugarcube Corner."

"Thank you, Spike." she kissed him, and he returned it.

Fluttershy embraced him shedding a few tears, "I know it won't be easy not having us around, Spike. Believe me I feel the same way."

"I know, Fluttershy. But I know it won't be long before you all come back. Until then I'll be waiting."

Fluttershy smiled and they kissed. When they parted Rarity approached Spike and embraced him, "Oh, my Spikey-Wikey. I'll miss not being able to hold you in my arms like this."

"I'll miss this feeling too."

Rarity lifted his chin up to look her in the eye, before their lips connected. They kissed passionately, before they broke and Twilight was the last of the girls.

"I'm especially going to miss you, Twilight."

"I'm going to miss you too, Spike." Twilight said, as they hugged.

They looked each other in the eye before kissing one final time. When they parted, Twilight smirked, "Before we go, Spike. The girls and I have one last special treat for you."

"What's that?" Spike asked curiously.

"This." Twilight answered, as she took Spike's right hand and placed it upon her right breast.

Spike gawked, "Twilight!" he looked around seeing nobody was around to witness.

"Come on, Spike. You won't be seeing us for a few months, meaning you won't be able to do this." she said, still keeping his hand planted on her breast.

Rarity came up, "She's right, Spike. And we won't feel the comfort of your gentle hands either. So let's have this." she took his free hand and placed it on her left breast.

Spike's face was turning red from so much sexual arousal, but wasn't fighting it. When Twilight and Rarity finished, Pinkie and Fluttershy went next as each took a hand of his and put it on one of their breasts.

"Take a good long feel, Spike." Pinkie said.

"I'll miss this gentle touch." Fluttershy moaned as her breast was groped.

Spike continued to feel flustered as his hands coped a feel on the girls breasts, 'So will I.' he thought.

After a long enough grope form them, they removed his hands allowing Applejack and Rainbow to give him the last chance to grope them. Both girls moaned, as Spike felt all the blood in him rush downward.

"Oh, that feels good, Spike." Rainbow moaned.

"My girls are gonna miss this feeling, and your massages." Applejack moaned.

"I can believe it." Spike replied.

Once the two released his hands, the girls did one last hug with Spike before they got into the truck. They looked out the rolled down windows at Spike, as Twilight spoke, "We'll see you when we see you, Spike."

"Goodbye, Spike." the girls bid him farewell.

"Goodbye, girls." Spike smiled.

Applejack started the truck and started driving down the block. Spike watched before dawning a serious expression. He ran after the truck to catch up. The girls looked out their windows and saw him running down the block keeping up.

"Spike?" they asked.

"What're you doing?" Twilight called.

"Dramatic chase after your loved ones when they're leaving until you can't go further!" he answered, "Saw it in a movie once."

The girls smiled at his actions, as Spike continued, "I'll see you soon, girls! And don't forget I love you all!"

"We love you too!" they answered as they turned around the block and Spike stopped at the end of it. He watched the truck drive off as he waved bye, and the girls minus Applejack looked back seeing him until they were all out of sight from each other.

Spike smiled, until he heard a voice, "Spike?" He turned and saw Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, "Hey." The youngest Apple greeted him.

"Hey, girls."

"Said your goodbyes to them?" Scootaloo asked.

"I did, and you three?"

"We did beforehand." Sweetie Belle answered.

"I see."

"We're gonna miss them too, Spike." Applebloom reminded him.

"Yeah, I know." he nodded.

"You gonna be ok?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'll be fine."

"Hey!" they saw Snips, Snails, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight approach.

"Did they leave already?" Pipsqueak asked.

"Just did." Spike answered.

"And how're you doing?" Snips wondered.

"I'm good."

"Are you worried? After all you know college can lead to a lot of changes." Featherweight noted.

"Don't worry, the girls can take care of themselves fine. Besides even if we're apart, we're still together."

"That's the spirit." Pipsqueak smiled.

"Besides, until they return I still have you guys to keep me company. For Infinity and Beyond." Spike declared.

The group smiled at Spike's choice of words until Snails spoke up, "Hey, why don't we go to Sugarcube Corner for an ice cream? After all Summer's just about over. So let's celebrate with what time we got left before our semester starts."

"I'm with ya." Snips answered.

"Count me in." Spike nodded.

"Us too." Applebloom said on behalf of herself and her two friends.

"Then let's go!" Pipsqueak called, as the group of teenagers ran through the park feeling excited.

As they ran, Spike saw something pass the corner of his eye. He stopped and saw an eight year old boy, and six elven year old girls. He watched as the girls were playing with the boy while looking like they were so close and not in the sibling way.

Spike smiled as he envisioned himself and the girls at that age in place of the seven kids. He'd never forget about the days of their childhood and know the memories he would continue to make with them would be treasured always.

"Hey, Spike!" Pipsqueak called, snapping him out of his trance. Spike looked ahead seeing they stopped running for him, "You coming or what?"

"I'm coming!" Spike assured, as he ran after them until he was caught up. As Spike ran with his friends, he thought to himself, 'Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy. You are the girls of my life, and I will love you all now until the end.'

Author's Note:

And that's the conclusion to Girls of My Life. I'm glad to see how many of you have enjoyed reading this, and I hope I've inspired many to write Spike harems like this as well. I'll see you all again soon.

Comments ( 56 )

Yay for happy endings!:yay:

'Until we meet again', I couldn't have said it better myself :)

Awesome Story! can't wait to see what happens in the next story!
any chance of an epilogue, showing them in their adult years?


Awesomeness leaks from here.

This was a great conclusion to a great story. Maybe consider writing a sequel?

IT'S OVER?! NOOO!!! Sequel? Please...?

I think I just had a small "feels-attack". that last part reminds me so much of when all my friend went off to college and I was one of the few staying behind after high school. but after graduation, we had a big bond fire and we burned all our old high school papers and used note books and stuff

... *ahem*
*Littleshyfim impression*: Aria Blaze is the only supporting character not to say anything. *ding* Also, Derpy wasn't in this chapter. *ding*
Fanfic Sin Tally: 2
Sentence:... Being the GREATEST SPIKE HAREM FIC EVER! (You know, other than your other one)
*Waits 10 seconds*
Keita Suminome:... Dammit, why can't I have all-cute girls after my loins and heart? All I have are crazy loli girls obsessed with my loins...
Ako : Huh!? How could you say that about us?!
Riko: Yeah, aren't we your sisters?
Keita:... That's exactly my point.


Awesome. love the Harry Potter reference there in the beginning.

Wildcard, I don't even know what to say here. This is possibly the best fan fiction i have ever read on fimfiction. You have made this story amazing throughout the year that i spent reading it. I found it when it was just starting out, and now it has finally ended. Thank you so much for this amazing story. I enjoyed reading it over the course of the year.:rainbowdetermined2:

3 things
1. great story, I loved it till the end.(some stories I read I just read till there is no more, than just click the read button on new chapters because I lost interest in them but not this one)
2. this story.......
I never thought a fictional story could give me so many feels.
and 3. I would love to see a sequel to this, but I understand if do not want to because really how much more can you add?
if you do a sequel you might have the girls fall in love with anyone you see fit, be it oc or people from the show and make spike jealous at the beginning, but slowly he becomes excepting. or have spike fall in love with anyone you see fit, be it oc or people from the show and make the girls jealous at the beginning, but slowly they become excepting. or have spike and the girls fall in love with anyone you see fit, be it oc or people from the show and make the girls and spike jealous at the beginning, but slowly the girls/spike become excepting. just a thought.

So much feels I can't help but cry a bit

This is such a good portrait of friendship, where no matter where your friends are, they will always be by your side. This reminds me of the time when I said goodbye to my cousin who was going to university, I loved him very dearly

Good ending, I wish it wouldn't end but... we all know what happens when stories are carried on too long... so... I am glad you made a goo- no... brilliant ending! Thank you very much for making this for all of us to read! :pinkiehappy:

Nice story, if there was a sequel, I fear for Spike that the mane 6 may end up finding love in college and could forget about him. One thing could lead to another. This is by far one of the best Spike Harem stories I've read so far. Please make more of de magics!

I don't want a sequel, is perfect now

Wildcard, you should add to the description of the story a small spoiler that says: warning: feels. :rainbowlaugh:
All kidding aside, best spike shipfic ever. You've done a great job with this.

So, I have decided that there are two possible explanations for this. (P.s. I'm not too far yet)
The anomaly exhibited at Spike's birth is directly related to his attractiveness to the opposite sex. These spines exude an enzyme that causes hormonal irregularities and appears to have long-pasting effects. Greater exposure would lead to greater infatuation. Contrarily, it could be of a nature similar to radiation. Pollution of brain cells leading to hallucinations, mind relapses, irregular behavior, etc...
I dunno. I'm just trying to get some logic here...
[edit] this was great. I couldn't get enough of it. I had some major freak outs too. Anyways, loved the story, but this comment was because I wanted to explain what was happening. Just... Keep doing what you're doing man.

6274113 Damn, can I not think of ANYTHING original?

I loved the ending. You made it touching and at the same time relatable and reminding us that nothing can last forever. Keep up the good work and I hope that you can make a sequel to this where Spike ends up in college with the girls.:moustache::moustache:

We need a sequel either that or I won't die happy

I like.

this was amazing it also reminds me of another fic i recently read. its much like this except spike is 16 and is attending the all girls canterlot academy. its a good read and this fic of yours made me laugh just as much if not more than the toehr one. great work!!!

see what i did there? haha i love ur fics man.

Identity one of the best Story's you make so for,also please make a sequel

One last thing make a sequel with Spike,Mane 6 and with Sunset Shimmer

6773077 Well that helps brighten the image at least.

You, sir, deserve a moustache Spike. :moustache: Amazing fic!

Spike harem?? Color me intrigued!

Brillant story loved every chapter, tell me there's a sequel to this story? :raritydespair:

Add a sequel to this and I'm thinking calling it Girls of my life: we meet again loved this and read it on Chaosmagemon account

No Lie this needs a sequel plz plz plz plz

Is this story on Fanfiction.net? I think I've read it on there.

I fav'ed it there and I'm going to fav it here.:pinkiehappy:

The end.

8083290 ever see the anime Gargantia?
It has what you're looking for

Someone unlike this right now.
Look at the like to dislike ratio and you will understand.

Awesome story. Please do a sequel

8307379 There already is one

Sequal please. This was awesome

This was an glorious Spike-harem story and by far, the best one I've ever read. It took me maybe a week to binge read it but by God it was worth it cuz you sir, have a masterpiece right here.

I'm gonna take a nice long break b4 I read the sequel, til then take care. :twilightsmile:

Congrats. You have made me depressed. this was so good, i thought i was going to cry when i finished it. i just feel this desperate hope you have/make a sequel

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