• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,380 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

My Date with Rarity

Monday afternoon and Canterlot Junior High, in the cafeteria Spike was sitting with his boys at a table as they enjoyed their lunch, "So, Spike, what'd you do for the weekend?" Pipsqueak asked.

Spike looked at them, seeing how interested they were, "Maybe I shouldn't tell you guys."

"Why not?" Featherweight asked curiously.

"Because if I tell you ya might kill me." Spike answered.

"Why would you say that?" Snips asked.

"Ya got something to hide?" Snails asked suspiciously with squinted eyes.

"Sort of." he admitted sheepishly.

"Now you have to tell us." Featherweight said.

"Come on, man, between us." Snips pleaded.

"Ok, ok. I spent the weekend hanging out with five of the girls."

"WHAT?!" the boys cried.

"Inside voices, guys. You want the whole school to hear ya?" Spike asked scowling.

"What'd you do?" Pip demanded.

"Did you get any..." Snails began.

"No!" Spike retorted, "I just hung out with them ok?"

"Hung out, how?" Snips asked as he leaned in to hear.

"Well, after school on Friday I went to Applejack's to taste test some of her family pies."

"Lucky, the Apple family makes the best apple products there is." Pip said in envy.

"So then what?" Featherweight asked.

"We hung out around the farm before I went home. Saturday I saw the new Daring Do movie with Rainbow Dash, and I really loved it," he explained, while dare not mentioning about how she snuck into his room and practically made out with him in his bed, "Afterward, I went to the Cakes to help Pinkie bake some stuff. After we finished we got to have a cake to ourselves. She decided to liven things up by squirting icing at me, so I retaliated. We got ourselves and the kitchen covered in the stuff."

"I wish I was there to have seen that." Snips said in envy.

"Me too." Pip added.

"After we got cleaned up she said I still had some icing on my cheek and she cleaned it by licking it off my face." he said just to give them something to enjoy listening to.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa. She licked your face?" Snails asked, as he leaned his head across the table to him.

"Just to get the icing off." he answered.

"Still, she licked your face!" Featherweight responded.

"What else happened?" Snips asked desperately.

"Yesterday I went to the animal shelter to assist Fluttershy with the animals. It was fun and relaxing. Then she started telling me about this dream she had with me in it."

Pip who was sipping his soda, ended up spitting it out when Spike said that, "What? Fluttershy, the shyest of their group was dreaming about you?"

"Yes, but in a different way."

"How different?" Snails asked.

"She dreamed I was a puppy."

"A puppy?" they asked.

"Yeah. She talked about how doted and fawned over me. And how much I enjoyed the ear scratches and belly rubs. Although as she explained her dream she literally started scratching behind my ears to give me a good idea of what she did."

The boys eyes were widened as hell, as Snips spoke, "She scratched behind your ears like a dog?"

"Oh, yeah. And you know what else... I liked it." he whispered.

"NO!" the boys cried.

"It's not fair!" Snips whined.

"How come you get to have all the fun?!" Snails whined.

"Honestly, I wish I had the answers." Spike replied.

"I never would've imagined Fluttershy would do something like that." Featherweight said.

"Well, when she realized what she was doing to me she was completely flustered and apologized." Spike explained.

"So what happens next or do I want to know?" Snails asked, feeling grumpy from hearing all Spike got to do.

"I went shopping with Twilight after that. Nothing too big just helped her pick out some more notebooks. After that we had a bite and left. Nothing wrong with that."

"Wait a minute, you only mentioned five of the six." Pip noticed.

"Yeah, you didn't do anything with Rarity this weekend?" Featherweight asked.

"Actually, I'm meeting her after school today to grab a drink."

"Well, that killed whatever was left of my good mood." Snails grumbled, while Spike chuckled.

Meanwhile at Canterlot High School, the six girls were having lunch in the cafeteria with the other students while discussing how their weekend was.

Applejack had finished telling the girls about how she and Spike hung out around the farm before he headed home. The girls each kept quiet not wanting her to know they each saw her holding hands with Spike as she walked him home.

"Spike and I loved the Daring Do movie, but two losers almost made us and everyone else miss it because they wouldn't shut up. But I took care of it." Rainbow said like it was no big.

"We made some really good cakes and even had one to ourselves," Pinkie spoke up, "Although I did start an icing squirt war with him. We all got covered with cake icing."

"That had to have been a real mess." Applejack said.

"It was," Pinkie giggled, "After we got cleaned up I noticed Spike still had some icing on his cheek. So I cleaned it by licking it off his face."

"You what?!" the girls gasped.

"You licked Spike's face?" Twilight gasped, while some of the girls looked jealous.

"Yeah. It seemed like a waste to just clean his face normally. Besides that icing was delicious." Pinkie answered.

Then all eyes fell on Fluttershy, who looked nervous, "Well, we had a good time taking care of the animals. He was very helpful with everything. During lunch we talked about recent dreams we had, like him riding on the back of a dragon around the world."

"He dreamed about that?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'll say this that does sound cool." Rainbow admitted.

"Yes, but when I told him about my dream I..."

"What?" Applejack asked.

"Well my dream was about him as a little puppy."

"A puppy?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. He was so cute and adorable. I told him how much his puppy self loved it when I would scratch behind his ears and rub his belly."

"Aw, how cute." Pinkie cooed.

"But you see, as I was explaining it to him, I started literally scratching behind Spike's ears and rubbing his belly." she said sheepishly.

"YOU WHAT?!" they cried, frightening Fluttershy.

"You literally did that?" Rarity asked in shock.

"Mm-hmm." Fluttershy nodded nervously.

"Wow, I'd say you really stepped up on the chart of boldness, Fluttershy." Rainbow nudged her.

"I really didn't realize what I was doing until I snapped out of it. I was so embarrassed." she blushed.

"So what'd you do, Twilight?" Applejack asked her.

"We just did some shopping. I bought him a comic book. We had a bite to eat, and headed home."

"That's all?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, we did have a good talk. Spike feels worried if he's cramping our style around our fellow students."

"Cramping our style? Spike? That's nonsense." Rainbow dismissed it.

"Whatever gave him that idea?" Rarity inquired.

"mostly it's because we're in high school and he's in junior high." Twilight explained.

"Ya did tell him it don't matter to us what grade he's in, right?"

"Yeah why if he was in grade school we'd still want him to hang out with us, right?" Rainbow asked Pinkie and Fluttershy who nodded.

"Don't worry, I set him straight and he knows we'd always want him around."

"That's good." Applejack smiled.

"So any plans after class?" Rainbow asked the girls.

"Actually, I'm meeting up with Spike later for a drink." Rarity answered.

"Huh?" the girls did a double take.

"When did this happen?" Twilight asked.

"Last night I texted Spike, and he agreed to join me."

"Well, we all did have our fun with Spike separately for the weekend so it only seems fair." Applejack explained.

"I guess." Rainbow agreed reluctantly.

After school hours at Canterlot Junior High, Spike walked out of the building and saw Rarity at the bottom of the stairs signaling him. Spike came down and spoke, "Hi, Rarity."

"Hello, Spike. Are you all ready to go?"

"Sure am."

"Well, then. Let's go." Rarity took his hand, and the two walked off.

Later on they were outside a cafe having a drink, "So while we were changing after phys ed, one of the guys broke their cologne bottle and the whole place started smelling like it." Spike explained an incident that happened today.

"Well, I'd say that locker room will be smelling good for quite awhile." Rarity joked.

"Got that right," Spike laughed, "So anything happen in school with you?"

"Well, we got a new play in the making and as always I've been tasked with providing costumes for the cast."

"That's wonderful, Rarity."

"I know. It'll keep me busy for sure, but the pay is always good." Rarity admitted.

"And you know if you need the help, just call me and the girls."

"Thank you, Spike. It's so good to have friends who're willing to help each other out." Rarity smiled, which made Spike feel happy.

"Rarity?" a female voice spoke up.

The two looked and saw an older girl roughly college aged approach them. She had pink hair like Fluttershy's only paler, and a face that screamed angelic. Her attire included white shoes, mini jean shorts, and a white shirt.

"Why, Fleur, darling. So good to see you." Rarity greeted her.

"I was just passing by and saw you over here. Thought I'd pop in and say hello." Fleur explained, until she saw Spike at the table, "Oh, my goodness. Who is this handsome young man?"

"This is Spike a childhood friend of mine. Spike, this is Fleur. She's an acquaintance of mine."

"Pleasure to meet you." Spike greeted her respectively.

"Oh, the pleasure's all mine, Spike," Fleur answered, as she squatted down to him and laid a hand on his cheek, "Oh, you are so cute! Rarity, quick I must have a picture with him." Fluer handed Rarity a digital camera.

Fleur positioned herself as she draped herself over Spike as they looked at the camera before Rarity took the picture. Fleur looked at the digital image and showed it to Spike and Rarity, "Now there's a keeper."

"So, Fleur. You're an acquaintance of Rarity's?" Spike asked.

"Oh, yes. I do a lot modeling for her. It's what I'm hoping to make a career out of." the older girl explained.

"Well, I'll say this you definitely have the looks of a model." Spike admitted.

Fleur smiled, "Cute and sweet. Rarity he wouldn't happen to be your boyfriend would he?"

Rarity and Spike blushed, "Oh, no. Actually, we're friends. We have been since we were kids."

"What she said." Spike added.

"I see. What a shame though. He really is quite the catch," Fleur teased, "Though if not, I could use a man in my life." she nuzzled against Spike's cheek making him blush.

"You can't!" Rarity cried, before realizing she may have overreacted, "I mean, we should let Spike decide that."

"I'm just teasing you two," Fleur laughed, and the two joined her while laughing awkwardly, "Well, it was nice meeting you two. But I should get going. Have fun on your date." she winked before walking off.

The two blushed at what she said, before shaking it off and looked at each other, "She's nice." Spike answered.

"Oh, yes. Her modeling talent fits well with my dress making."

"I'm glad you got a partner like that." Spike smiled.

"Yes. Well, why don't we go elsewhere?"

"Sure, what'd you have in mind?" Spike asked, only for Rarity to smile.

Later, the two were out on a rowboat along the river, with Spike operating the paddles and Rarity relaxing as they two enjoyed the ride.

"This is nice, isn't it?" Spike asked, as he rowed.

"It's gorgeous." Rarity answered.

"And relaxing." Spike added, as he pulled the oars in so they could just drift slowly, "This was a great idea, Rarity."

"I'm glad you like it. After all since you got to spend time with the others this weekend I felt like we should do something just the two of us."

"And you picked a winning activity." Spike answered, as he relaxed.

Suddenly the water started feeling a bit choppy, and Spike ended up falling forward with his head landing on Rarity's lap. Spike looked up, and saw Rarity move some hair that fell over his face, "There, that's better. Now I can see those beautiful eyes of yours."

Spike gasped, as he looked up at Rarity with the sun shining behind her making her look more beautiful, "Your face is like the embodiment of pure innocence, like a child's innocence. That's one of the many things I like about you, Spike."

"Really?" Spike asked, while blushing.

"Yes," she placed her hands on Spike's cheeks, "You're very special to both me and the other girls, Spike. We'd hate to ever think of how things would be if you were never in our lives."

"Yeah. I look back myself and wonder how I would've turned out if I never met you girls. If it weren't for you six, I probably wouldn't have had half the guts to try and make friends. So thanks."

Rarity smiled, "You're welcome, Spike." she leaned down and pecked his forehead. She lifted her head up after the peck and continued to stroke his hair, as he laid his head in her lap with comfort.

When nighttime came, after the two went home Rarity was in her bed sleeping peacefully while dreaming.

She was in a room and saw Spike approaching her, "Rarity, you look absolutely beautiful."

"Oh, thank you, Spike." she blushed.

"What would you like of me, Rarity?"


"If you stick with me, I can give you what you want." Spike spun around and suddenly he was dressed in black slip on shoes black dress pants, a pink dress shirt, a white tuxedo jacket that was opened with the sleeves rolled up, and around his neck was a gold necklace. Suddenly Rarity found herself wearing a beautiful white dress, high heels, and a three diamond piece necklace around her neck.

Spike took Rarity's hand and brought her onto a dance floor, where he began singing to her in a very suave tone, which got Rarity blushing as he sang to her.

Spike and Rarity danced as if they walking on air, as the lights shined down on them. When in reality, Rarity was still asleep while holding onto her pillow while talking in her sleep, "Spike, you're all I ever want."