• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Friendship Broken

At Canterlot High, the six girls were walking to their next class until they looked on the cork board to see a poster for an upcoming event.

Twilight read it, "The end of the Semester school dance, only a week away."

"What better way to end the school semester than with a dance?" Rarity asked.

"It's going to be so exciting," Pinkie said with a smile, "I've already got the décor designs ready, just need a few more streamers and balloons."

"With you running the party, Pinkie, everything's sure to be swell." Applejack noted.

"That's for sure." Rainbow agreed.

"Girls, we better hurry or we'll be late for class." Fluttershy reminded them.

The girls seeing it was almost time for the bell to ring, walked to class while thinking to themselves, 'This is the perfect chance to ask Spike to be my date.'

Meanwhile at Canterlot Junior High, Spike, his boys, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were kicking it in the halls.

"Semester's almost at an end you, guys." Spike noted.

"Uh-huh." Pipsqueak agreed.

"And that means junior high graduation." Applebloom added.

"We'll no longer be junior high students, but full fledged high school students." Scootaloo said in excitement.

"And a chance to date high school girls." Snips put in.

"For real, my man!" Snails agreed, as the two high fived.

Featherweight, Spike, and Pipsqueak chuckled to themselves, until trouble came along in the form of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Like you two could ever find a date in your life." Diamond Tiara mocked.

"For real." Silver Spoon agreed.

Snips and Snails frowned at their rude snark, until Spike spoke up, "Hey, at least they go looking for dates, unlike you who just reject every offer so you can fool yourselves into thinking you're too good for everyone."

"Oh, snap, Spike. You got them." Pipsqueak cheered, as they fist bumped, while the trio of girls laughed.

Diamond Tiara frowned at Spike, but smirked, "Then I suppose you think you're too good for the girls in our school, Spike."

Spike looked at her and squinted his eyes at her, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look at yourself. You hang around with older girls right from left. Are girls our age not good enough for you?" she interrogated him.

Spike frowned, "That is not true. I can't help it if girls older than me want to spend time with me."

"It just shows he's got charm beyond that of an average junior high student." Featherweight added.

"What charm?" Silver snarked.

"Yeah, what if his charm just an illusion and the only reason those six girls Spike's seen with only hang out with him because they pity him?" Diamond added.

Spike's eyes tightened, as his friends knew the bratty girl struck a nerve, "Watch it, powder puff." he growled.

"Ooh, giving me the glare. I'm so scared," Diamond laughed, "Wake up, Spike. Like you could ever stand a real chance with girls older than you."

Spike finally snapped, "You insolent bitch!" he tried to lunge at her only for Snails, Pipsqueak, and Sweetie Belle to hold him back.

"Spike, don't. It's not worth it." Pipsqueak warned him.

"He's right. You're just letting them get under your skin." Snails added.

"Just let it go." Sweetie Belle pleaded.

Spike's anger diminished and calmed down, before glaring at the two snobs, "Keep that attitude up and you two will grow bitter, old, and alone until the day you die." he walked off with the others following, until Scootaloo stopped to give them a piece of her mind.

"You two are creeps!" she followed the others.

After school, Spike and his group walked down the stairs. Spike had barely said anything, until Snips spoke up, "You all right, bro?"

"Fine, why do you ask?" he answered.

"Well, I just thought after what Diamond and Silver said..."

"You don't have to worry. I'm past it. Besides like I said, if they keep those attitudes up they'll need to take up jobs as hookers just to meet men." he joked.

The group laughed, "Oh, that's clever." Pipsqueak laughed.

"I'll catch you all later. I'm meeting the girls at their school." Spike said.

"Catch ya later." Applebloom said, as the boy left the group.

Spike walked to Canterlot High seeing the six were on the school steps waiting. Rainbow was the first to notice him, "Hey, Spike."

"Hey, girls, what's up?" Spike asked.

"Nothing but the sky." Pinkie joked.

"Waiting long?" Spike wondered.

"Not at all." Rarity replied.

"Good. Well, let's get going." Spike said, as they started walking home.

As they walked, Spike spoke up, "So anything exciting going on?"

"Well, the end of the semester dance is underway." Applejack explained.

"Cool. You got the place prepared, Pinkie?" Spike asked.

"It's coming along nicely. Should be ready by the day of the dance."


"And, Spike, I was wondering something." Twilight began.

"What, Twilight?"

"If you're not busy that day would you like to be my date for the dance?"

"Date?" Spike asked.

"Hey!" the girls called.

"Twilight Sparkle, why do you get to ask Spike to be your date?" Rarity demanded.

"I made the first call." she answered.

"Just because you asked first doesn't mean he has to say yes," Rainbow retorted before sliding over to Spike, "How about ya be my date instead, Spike?"

"Well, I..."

"One side, missy," Applejack bumped Rainbow away, "Come on, Spike ya always have fun when you're with me."

"Hey, I'm the funnest one!" Pinkie jumped in and snatched Spike.

"I'm both beauty and fun," Rarity spoke up and she snatched Spike away, "Be my date to the dance, Spike." she cooed.

"Um, Spike please be my date." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Sorry, girls, but I asked first." Twilight spoke, and soon a riot started breaking out as each of the girls started tugging on Spike who was getting uncomfortable.

"Girls, stop!" he cried, as they ceased their tugging.

"And then I said 'I prefer Cupcakes over Tacos'." Pinkie said randomly, as the girls and Spike looked at her in confusion, while the pink haired girl felt awkward.

"Look I appreciate you all wanting me to be your date for the dance, but how can I decide with all of you squabbling?" he asked rhetorically. The girls looked ashamed, as Spike continued, "I'll decide who I want to go with, but I'll do it when I've thought it all over," Spike walked up to his house, "I'll see you all later." he went inside, as the girls themselves walked to their own homes, each supporting a determined look upon their faces.

The next day at school, Spike was at his locker, until he saw Derpy Hooves walking over, "Spike."

"Derpy, what're you doing here?" Spike asked in confusion.

"I got a delivery for you, Spike. All the way from CHS." Derpy said, as she presented a small package to Spike.

"For me?" Spike asked, as he accepted it.

"Enjoy. I gotta get back to school before classes started." Derpy skipped off humming to herself.

Spike looked at the package and opened it to see it was a comic book, "Wow, the latest issue of Power Princesses," he gasped before finding a note on it, "Dear, Spike, I know how much you've been looking for this comic after it's release. Consider this a token of my appreciation. Love Twilight Sparkle," he looked at the comic and wondered, 'She couldn't be... Could she?" he decided to think about it later, as he placed the comic in his locker before closing it and headed to class.

After his first class, Spike was walking through the hall with Pipsqueak, as the shorter boy spoke, "I sure hope lunch today is more healthier than yesterday."

"You and me both." Spike agreed, until the two saw Derpy jogging up to them.

"Spike." she greeted him.


"Another delivery for you." Derpy delivered to him another package.

"Another?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. Well, I better go." Derpy hurried off.

"What's that?" Pipsqueak asked about the package.

"I'm kinda afraid to look," Spike answered, before opening it and saw it was a dragon plush holding a card. Spike read the card, "Spike, I know how this is your favorite mythological creature so I got this for you to show how much you mean to me. Love Fluttershy."

Pipsqueak and Spike looked at each other, as Pip spoke, "Seems like a nice gesture."

"Yeah. Nice." Spike said, as he felt suspicious.

"Come on, let's go." Pip said, as they walked on before Spike had to put the plush in his locker.

Later during Phys Ed, Spike went to his gym locker and opened it. To his surprise he saw his gym clothes and clean and folded neatly, "What the?" he noticed a note on top, "Dear, Spike. I know how dreadful it can be to take Phys Ed in sweaty gym clothes. So I made sure you had a fresh pair to class today. Love Rarity." he lowered the note down, "Ok." he said awkwardly before taking his clothes to change into.

After gym class, he and the boys were back in the locker room to change back into their regular clothes. When Spike opened his locker, he saw something rolled up inside of it. Spike cautiously took the thing and unrolled it to be a poster for the next Daring Do movie. He noticed a note attached to the back of it and read it to himself, 'Dear, Spike. Here's a little something for my number one bud in the whole world. Love Rainbow Dash.' Spike sported a deadpan look before rolling the poster up before changing back into his regular clothes.

He went to the cafeteria to get his lunch, and went to his normal table with his boys, "Hey, Spike, what's up?" Featherweight asked.

"A lot, Featherweight." he answered.

"What do you mean?" Snips asked.

"So far, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash have been 'subtly' giving me gifts and doing nice things for me in hopes I will be one of their dates to their school's end of the semester dance."

"What?!" the boys gasped.

"That's what this is about?" Pipsqueak asked.


"Spike, why not let them continue to do this stuff for you?" Snails suggested.


"Milk this to your advantage," Snips said, "Make it last as long as you can before giving an answer."

"Snips, are you nuts? I'm not gonna do that. Besides it's not all bad until Pinkie and Applejack try and bribe me." Spike said, until Derpy came by looking tired, "Oh, don't tell me."

"Yup. Again," Derpy said, as she placed two plates on the table, "Phew. I got to get a new job." she walked off.

Spike and the boys looked at what Derpy delivered. One was a plate that had a single cupcake on it with pink frosting and sprinkles on it, and the second one had a piece of fresh apple pie on it. Both of them had notes to go with. Spike took the one by the piece of pie and read it.

"Dear, Spike. I felt ya could use a fresh piece of my family's delicious pie for desert at lunch. After all ya deserve the tastiest. Love Applejack," Spike then looked at the one by the cupcake and read it, "Dear, Spike. I'd like you to have this cupcake I made for you at lunch. Love Pinkie Pie. P.S Be my date to the dance."

Spike's friends looked at him, and Featherweight spoke, "Spike, they've seriously got it worse for you."

"I don't know whether to be jealous or scared this time." Snails added.

Spike let out an exasperated sigh, "This is getting out of hand! Ok, after school I'm gonna set things straight with those girls."

"By giving them an answer?" Snails asked.


"Are you going to reject them all?" Pipsqueak asked.

"No! I just have to tell them they can't bribe me with these nice gestures. It's just not right." Spike sighed.

"Are you going to eat those?" Snips asked about the two desserts. Spike gave him an irritated look in response, "Never mind."

After school, Spike texted the girls to meet him outside his place, before he walked home. When he arrived home, he put his stuff inside his room before going back out to wait for the girls.

Soon enough he saw them walking over. When they stopped, Twilight spoke, "Hi, Spike."

"Girls." he answered.

"Did you get my little dessert for lunch?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, I got it." Spike confirmed.

"You got him a dessert, Pinkie?" Twilight asked the girl.

"Yeah. Just something he could enjoy for lunch." she answered.

"But I had given him a slice of apple pie for dessert." Applejack said.

"I got both desserts," Spike answered, "And the comic, the poster, the stuffed animal, and the clean clothes. Girls, your bribery only makes it harder for me to choose."

"Yeah," Rainbow suddenly spoke up on his behalf, "What were you girls thinking trying to butter him up."

"Oh, like you're one to talk Rainbow." Rarity called her out.

"Yeah, you're not so innocent yourself." Applejack added.

"Girls!" Pinkie called out, as they directed their attention towards her, "It's obvious we've all made Spike feel uncomfortable, so why don't we just cease this petty rivalry and let Spike decide."

"Thank you, Pinkie." Spike said.

"Even though he should be my date." she muttered, which didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"Your date?!" the girls shouted.

"Not again." Spike groaned.

Each girl continued to argue, until Twilight spoke up, "I should be the one to have Spike as a date because I was his first kiss."

The girls froze and asked, "You what?"

"That's right I was his first kiss."

"That's not true, I was his first kiss." Fluttershy argued.

"No I was!" Pinkie argued back.

"It was me!" Rarity frowned.

"Nah, it was me." Applejack retorted.

"I kissed him first after he got his memories back." Rainbow explained.

"I kissed him on his birthday." Twilight topped her, and the other five were lost for words.

"Spike, is this true?" Rarity asked.

Spike nodded hating to tell them, "Yes. It's true. Twilight did kiss me first for real. Rainbow was next just after my memories came back. Applejack was third when I was helping her at home not long after our weekend in the snowy mountains. Rarity kissed me the night I slept over at her place. Pinkie did when we got locked in Sugarcube Corner one night. And Fluttershy kissed me that day following I was helping her at her place."

The girls hearing this come straight from his mouth were shocked at their order, but more shocked at who got to kiss him first. Rainbow not wanting to be outdone spoke up.

"So maybe Twilight took his first kiss, but I've done a lot of fun stuff with Spike the most."

"I let him sleep on my stomach that night we were locked in the shop!" Pinkie countered.

"He lets me nuzzle him anytime he wants!" Fluttershy spoke up.

"I send him selfies of myself wearing sexy outfits!" Rarity argued up, until Twilight looked at her.

"You what?"

"I got ya all beat," Applejack spoke up, "I let him massage my breasts!"

They all looked at each other, "You Jezebel!" Rarity accused.

"Yeah, Jeze-what." Rainbow added.

The six got into each others faces still arguing and some grappling each other. Spike realizing how this was escalating out of control forgot about his own irritation to stop them. He ran over to pry them off each other.

"Girls, stop this!" he demanded.

"Back off!" they ordered, as they knocked him aside and he fell on his butt on the lawn.

When the girls realized what they did, they ceased their squabbling and looked at Spike seeing horror and sadness in his eyes.

"You. You girls pushed me." he gasped.

"Spike, we..." Twilight tried to reason, but was cut off by the boy.

"I see the problem here," he started as tears were coming out of his eyes, "You were all fighting because of me. Your friendship was at risk of crumbling because you were all vying to ask me to the dance. I'm the cause of this mess."

"Spike, that's not true." Rarity tried reasoning.

"I'm sorry, girls. Maybe it's best if I disappear from your lives that way you don't have to fight anymore!" He cried, before getting up and ran off.

"Spike!" the girls cried out, but he wasn't stopping.

"Girls, what did we do?" Twilight asked in sorrow.

"It's obvious, Twilight," Applejack began, as Pinkie's hair deflated making it flat. Fluttershy clung to Rainbow sobbing, as Rainbow herself looked down with a tear in her eye. Rarity was crying so much her mascara was running. Applejack removed her hat and held it to her chest, "We messed up, and our little buddy takes the blame." she let a tear fall from her eye.