• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Space Mission LARP

One night at Featherweight's place. Down in his basement lounge, Spike, Featherweight, and the rest of their pals were partaking in a space themed table top role-playing game.

Snips rolled the dice, "Yes! My explorer gains the Quasi Particle Laser Blaster, which is gives him enough points to take down the Robot Planet Knight!"

"And with him taken down, we've secured another large portion of the Robot Planet Mechatron." Pipsqueak cheered.

"Awesome!" Spike announced as the boys cheered.

"Now this is what it's all about, right boys?" Featherweight asked.

"I know. A night to ourselves where it's just us, our favorite RP game, and all the junk food we can eat." Snails said, as he took a bite out of a potato chip.

"I hear ya, man." Spike agreed, as he took a drink of his soda.

"Though I'm surprised you managed to come, Spike." Pipsqueak said.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked curiously.

"We almost thought you were going to be held up with the girls as always." Snails answered.

"Just because I love hanging out with them, doesn't mean I need to be with them every solitary day," Spike replied, "Besides they're having makeovers at Rarity's. If it's between this or a makeover, I'll choose this."

"Thank goodness," Featherweight said, "We only have a few days left of Spring Break, so we should have as much fun as we can together."

"I know, but what can we do besides this?" Snails asked.

They all started pondering, until Pipsqueak spoke up, "Guys, I've got an idea!"

"We're all ears." Spike said.

"Why don't we take our little Space Game and make it real?"

"Real?" Snips and Featherweight asked.

"You mean LARP it?" Snails inquired.

"Yeah. Let's be real space outlaws." Pipsqueak suggested.

"And have a real adventure on a Robot Planet." Spike added.

"Question, yo. Where would we have it?" Snips asked.

"Let's do it at the Junkyard." Featherweight suggested.

"The junkyard?" the boys asked.

"Yeah. It's just the life like setting for a robot planet."

"Sounds logic." Spike admitted.

"So then, let's go there tomorrow and have some fun." Pipsqueak said.

"Yeah!" the boys cheered.

The very next morning, Spike got up and got dressed. He stepped out of his room and saw his parents in the kitchen, "I'm going to hang out with the guys. Be back around dinner time."

"Have a good day, Spike." his dad said.

"And stay out of trouble." his mother added.

"Right." Spike replied, as he headed off.

He arrived at Canterlot's Junkyard entrance, and saw his boys there waiting for him, "Bros!" he called.

"There ya are, Spike, we were waiting." Snips said.

"So our quest can begin?" Pipsqueak asked.

"Not yet. I have a few more friends who'll be joining us." The Drake boy answered.

"Who?" Snails asked.

"That would be us." came a voice.

They looked to the side and approaching them was Spike's online friends from Comic Con, Jet Stream, Stone Edge, Star Storm, and Nova Blast.

"Hey, guys, just in time." Spike greeted them with high fives.

"Spike, who're these guys?" Featherweight asked.

"These are my friends from Comic Con. This is Stone Edge, Jet Stream, Nova Blast, and Star Storm. Guys, meet my boys from school. Snips, Snails, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak."

"Sup." Stone greeted them.

"I figured with a few extra guys, we'll really be a space team." Spike said.

"Well, this does make for more fun." Pipsqueak said.

"All right, then. Let's get this mission underway!" Snips called, as the group pumped a fist up before stepping into the junkyard.

They looked around the place in awe seeing it really was the ideal setting to have a space explorer LARP.

"This is awesome." Nova began.

"Meh, it works." Jet answered.

Spike started narration, "The tale begins when a group of Space Outlaws crash on a robot planet. To survive they have to fight off the robots while also looking for a way to make it back to earth."

Star storm spoke, "It started off as nothing more than a simple trip into space to gather space rocks, but their ship gets caught in an asteroid field that almost tears them apart. They escape but find their navigation system offline and the ship is near depleted. They crash land on the robot planet with their ship destroyed."

The group walked into the junkyard and stood in the center, "Marooned on the robot planet, they are cut off from Earth and must find a way to survive." Nova said.

"From the robots!" Snips gasped, as they saw some junkyard equipment crushing stuff up.

"The robots are crushing the ships of other unfortunate space travelers." Featherweight said in worry.

"And we're next!" Spike cried.

"Everyone run for it!" Jet called, as the boys ran through the junkyard.

The group was hiding out inside an old car, while looking out the window hearing the sounds of the junkyard equipment but treated them like robots on search.

"We have to get out of here!" Snips said desperately.

"What can we do, our ship is destroyed!" Star reminded him.

"I have a solution." Featherweight said, as he pulled out some wire and fashioned it into a headpiece. He began turning the knob of the car radio as if using it as a communicator, "Come in Earth. I repeat, come in Earth."

"Did ya find anything?" Spike asked.

"I'm not getting through at all." Featherweight answered in fright.

"We're stranded!" Star cried dramatically, while embracing Spike who felt uncomfortable.

"Get off me!" Spike pushed him off.

Pipsqueak got out of the car and looked around, "There's not much time. When night comes the frozen atmosphere will leave us cold and numb."

"So what do we do?" Snails asked.

"We have to find shelter." Pipsqueak answered.

"What about here?" Nova asked about the car they were in.

"It is not big enough for us all, we need something spacious to house us like a cave." Pipsqueak said.

"A cave?" Jet asked.

"Yes. Come fellow space outlaws, we must hurry before we are spotted." Pipsqueak declared.

So the group of boys were creeping around the junkyard like stealthy ninjas, with Pipsqueak and Spike leading the way.

"How much further?" Featherweight asked, as the others walked in boredom.

"Not far now." Pipsqueak answered.

"You said that an hour ago!" Jet said in irritation, only to be hushed by Spike.

"Quiet! Look." he motioned to some inactive backhoes.

"The robots are in hibernate mode to recharge their cores." Pipsqueak whispered.

"We must act fast before their charging is complete and they awaken to grind us into dust." Spike shivered.

"Then let's move!" Snails ordered, as they crept around trying to stay out of sight of the backhoes.

Once they made it past the machines they hid behind a pile of broken TVs, "If we don't find shelter soon, we may be robot chow." Featherweight said in worry.

"I don't wanna be eaten!" Star whimpered.

"Guys, look there!" Spike gasped.

They looked and saw a broken down party bus with all its tires missing, "Whoa." they gasped in amaze.

"Boys. I give you our shelter." Pipsqueak said.

They went over to the party bus and saw the door was broken opened. They went inside and saw some of the seats had been removed giving them some sitting space.

"Now this is where it's at." Snips said.

"It's perfect." Snails added.

"With this as our HQ we will not freeze in the night." Spike said.

"Part one is complete, now we must arm ourselves against the robots of this planet." Pipsqueak stated.

"Arm ourselves with what?" Nova asked.

"We should salvage some spare robot parts lying around and fashion them into suits of armor." Featherweight suggested.

"Excellent plan, Featherweight." Star approved.

"Then let's salvage." Stone declared, as Jet rolled his eyes.

Later on, all of the boys had fashioned themselves helmets and armor plates made from junk such as bowls, pans, and other stuff. They even customized fake blasters from salvaged junk. They were running around the junkyard pretending to attack each other by making blaster noises.

"Your ass is mine, Spike. In more ways than one." Star declared, as he pretending to blast Spike.

Spike jumped into a garbage pile, and spoke, "You're not taking me alive. And what did you mean by that last part?" he asked feeling creeped out.

"Taste my Proton blaster!" Snips pretended to shoot the guys who took shelter.

"Eat this!" Pipsqueak threw a empty soda can like it was a grenade.

"Bomb!" Snips cried, as he jumped aside pretending he narrowly avoided an explosion, "That was close."

"Guys, over here. Quick!" Featherweight cried.

The boys went to find Featherweight looking down at something in a pile of garbage. They saw it was a disfigured broken mannequin.

"Whoa, looks like somebody had a bad day." Snails said.

"What is it?" Star asked.

"I think the real question is 'what was it'?" Nova replied.

"Definitely not the welcoming committee that's for sure." Snips said.

"If we do not find a way off this planet, I fear this will be our fate." Spike said in worry.

"We should probably get back to Central Command." Pipsqueak suggested.

"I'm with Pip. Let's go back." Featherweight said.

They started walking back, until they heard sounds, "What's that?" Jet asked.

"Robot Bounty Hunters." Spike said eerily.

"Bounty Hunters?" Star asked.

"The robots of this planet designed to hunt for game across their planet and collect for a fee." Spike explained.

"If they catch us we're dust!" Featherweight panicked.

"Keep it together, Featherweight," Snips shook him, "If we're going to survive, we need to stay focused."

"Right. Let's go." Nova said, as they started back to find their HQ.

They walked with their fake blasters armed and ready in case they were attacked. When a clanking sound was heard, Featherweight jumped, "The robots have found us!"

"Shh!" Jet and Pipsqueak shushed him.

Spike motioned them to follow his lead, as they crept around a mountain of garbage, "They're right around the corner." he whispered.

"What do we do?" Snails asked.

"We take them by surprise." Spike answered.

They waited until Spike gave them the signal, "Now!" they jumped out and started letting out war and battle cries while pretending to attack. They stopped and saw all that was there was a gray messy cat that looked at them oddly before scampering off.

"Darn cat." Jet grumbled.

"False alarm." Featherweight sighed in relief.

"Come on, HQ can't be too far now." Spike said, as they continued on only to see a bunch of shadows on the ground approaching from around a corner.

"The robots are coming!" Pipsqueak cried, as they ran off.

Back at their party bus HQ, the boys set up a small wall of tires to hide behind. They peeked their heads out from behind the wall seeing the perimeter was clear.

"Perimeter's quiet." Snips said.

"Too quiet." Snails added.

"Shh, listen." Spike whispered, as they heard footsteps approaching.

They ducked behind their wall of tires, as Pipsqueak whispered in narration, "The Space outlaws wait in anticipation as the robot bounty hunters approach their location."

The others started sweating while Featherweights teeth started chattering in fright. Spike fingered a countdown for when to attack. When he put down his last finger, he popped out form behind their wall and announced, "Attack!" the others popped out and started firing their blasters, "Launching thermal lasers! Subatomic blasters!" the robots they envisioned they were attacking were taking the laser hits.

"Hit 'em hard!" Pipsqueak shouted.

As it turned out the so called robots they were attacking were actually Twilight and the girls, who weren't actually getting hit by laser blasts but were getting pelted by empty soda and soup cans. Twilight was getting irritated before calling out, "Spike!" suddenly the boys ceased their firing and saw who they were shooting.

"Girls?" Spike gasped.

Fluttershy was cowering behind Pinkie thinking they were going to attack again, "Um, we come in peace." she said meekly, as if trying to play along.

"What in tarnation are you fellas doing?" Applejack asked.

"Uh, just having a little fun." Spike answered sheepishly, as the boys felt embarrassed.

"In a junkyard of all places? This is so unsanitary." Rarity gagged from all the garbage surrounding them.

"Well, as much as I hate to pull you away from your play time," Twilight began, "You have to come back home, Spike. Your mom says it's time for dinner."

Snips spoke up, "Yeah, dinner sounds good."

"I am hungry." Snails added.

"Wait!" Spike began, "Before we take off, we must conclude our tale," Spike started narrating, "Only one of the brave explorers was left alive after the horrible battle between the robots and the outlaws. Wounded and stranded, would he ever find a way off the desolate robot planet, or would this be where he would spend however long he had left before his ultimate demise. That is the biggest question of all." he hung his head down, as the other boys removed their makeshift helmets in salute.

Spike lifted his head up and spoke, "Ok, now we can go." They started walking with the girls while dropping their makeshift blasters, helmets, and armor.

"You boys sure looked like you were having fun." Pinkie noticed.

"It was a blast." Featherweight said, recalling the thrills of their LARP.

"Honestly, you all looked like a bunch of nerds running around." Rainbow stated.

"We are not nerds!" the boys answered simultaneously.

"I liked how it turned out, maybe we should join you next time." Pinkie suggested.

"As long as we're not forced to play as robot enemies." Fluttershy trembled.

"Don't worry, next time you girls can play Amazonian alien warriors from the planet Amazonia." Snips suggested.

"Very tempting." Rarity admitted.

"But that'll be for another time." Spike chuckled, as they left the junkyard.

"And, boys, forgive my rudeness, but you all seriously smell." Rarity added.

"Well, of course we do. We've been in a junkyard all day." Jet replied, dryly.

"Right. So I suggest each of you go home and take a much needed shower." Twilight suggested.

"Yes mother." Spike joked, as the boys laughed along with the girls, and Twilight sighed.