• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,364 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

On Ice

One cold day in Canterlot, light snowflakes fell from the sky and onto the city. Spike and the girls were walking around already wearing their winter coats. They walked while carrying ice skates before stopping in front of an indoor ice skating rink called The Figure 8.

"The Figure 8," Rainbow began, "Been awhile since we last came here."

"You said it." Applejack agreed.

"We've spent a lot of winters here." Twilight reminded them.

"And made a lot of memories as well." Fluttershy put in.

"Yeah," Pinkie agreed, "Like remember when Applejack and Rainbow tried to perform moves like the pros only to slip and slide into the wall?" she laughed.

Rainbow and Applejack rolled their eyes, as the rainbow haired girl spoke, "And that was the last time I'd ever attempt a Dorothy Hamill impression."

"Well, come on girls, let's go in." Spike said, as they went inside and saw the ice skating rink was loaded with skaters, mostly friends of theirs from school.

"Looks like everyone else had the same idea." Rarity said.

"Well, let's join them." Rainbow said, as they slipped their coats off, and dawned their ice skates.

They slowly got out onto the ice rink, while Spike was having a bit of trouble standing, "Easy, Spike." Applejack said, as she and Twilight helped Spike regain balance.

"Thanks, girls. It's been awhile since I did this. I think my skills are a bit rusty." he admitted.

"We'll get ya back in shape, Spike." Pinkie offered.

"Come on." Twilight said, as she led Spike out through the rink holding onto his hands, until he was properly balanced.

"Ok, I'm getting the hang of this." Spike admitted, as he slowly skated with Twilight still holding onto him.

"See, Spike, it's easy!" Pinkie beamed, as she skated around them like a pro figure skater.

Rarity while slowly skating spoke up, "Pinkie, you can be such a show off."

"I can't help it that I've been blessed with such a talent." she giggled.

"Well, for now let's save that energy and help Spike." Applejack suggested.

"Okie dokie lokie." she saluted, and helped the girls in leading Spike along.

Soon enough, Spike felt perfectly balanced, "Thanks, girls. I'm ready to try myself again," he said, as they let go of his arms. Spike started skating slowly, until he knew he had it back down, "Yes! I did it."

"Well, let's skate." Twilight said, as they started skating around the rink, until a voice called out.

"Incoming!" They looked and saw a blonde haired girl with crossed eyes, skating right for them with no control. The girl ended up grabbing Spike's hands and the two were suddenly hanging onto each other while spinning throughout the rink, "Hey, there, Spike!" she greeted him casually.

"Derpy?" Spike asked.

"Derpy Hooves; a student at Canterlot High School. Known mostly for her cross eyes, clumsiness, and serious love for muffins. Works part time at the school as message delivery girl." Spike narrated.

Derpy smiled, as the two continued spinning across the ice still holding onto each others arms, "This is fun, huh?" she asked.

"Derpy, I have news for you!" Spike began, as the two crashed into the wall and landed on their butts, "Your figure eights need work."

They looked seeing the girls skate over, before pulling to a halt, "You two ok?" Applejack asked in concern.

"It was a soft landing." Derpy admitted, while Rainbow and Twilight rolled their eyes knowing nothing seems to get Derpy.

"Help us up, please." Spike insisted, as they helped the two back to their feet until they regained balance.

"Derpy, what was up with that?" Rainbow inquired.

"Just trying to see how fast I could go, Rainbow Dash." she answered.

"Next time, Derpy, please stick to your normal speed before you hurt someone." Rarity suggested.

"Starting with yourself." Applejack added.

"Ok." Derpy said, as she skated off.

"Are you ok, Spike?" Twilight asked, while looking him over for injuries.

"I'm fine, Twilight, really. If anything that was exciting." he admitted.

Suddenly skating up to them was a girl with hair containing a mix of amber and gold, "You're just lucky the ditz didn't land on you." she said, with a smirk.

"Lightning." Rainbow scowled at the girl.

"Rainbow." the girl replied with a smug tone.

"Lightning Dust; a jock at Canterlot High like Rainbow. Though vigorous and highly competitive when trying to test her limits. She's also about as reckless as Rainbow can sometimes get, especially when others become victims of her actions. Definitely not a team player."

"So you're all here together, huh?" Lightning Dust asked, while looking at the group.

"What of it?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, just noticing Spike still could use some help with his skating," she replied, as she skated over, bumping Twilight aside, and spoke to the boy, "How about I teach you a few things about skating?"

Spike not liking the look in her eyes, spoke up, "Uh, thanks, Lightning, but I'm happier with these guys."

"But, I-" Lightning was cut off, as Rainbow held Spike close, and spoke.

"You heard the guy, Lightning. Now if you'll excuse us, we got some skating to do." and with that, the six girls skated off with Spike, while Lightning stood there crossing her arms, and looking jealous.

Soon, the girls and Spike were enjoying the ice rink with the other skaters, with some free styling, and others trying to attempt pro moves. Spike was skating with each of the girls, until Snips and Snails skated over.

"Hey, Spike!" Snips called, before losing his balance and fell down dragging Snails with him.

"Ooh," Spike cringed, "You guys all right?"

"It's all good." Snails said, as the two lied on the rink before getting back up.

"Isn't this place great?" Snips asked Spike and the girls.

"Of course it is." Pinkie agreed.

"Glad they finally opened this place for the winter." Snails added.

"We're on our way to the snack bar, Spike, wanna join us?" Snips offered.

Spike looked interested, but worried about leaving the girls, until Twilight put a hand on his shoulder, "Go on and be with your pals, Spike. We won't stop you." the girls agreed.

"Thanks, girls. Come on you two." Spike said, as the three skated till they stepped off the rink.

The boys were at the food court having a drink each and a big bowl of nachos with extra cheese, "Now this is what I'm talking about." Spike said, as he scooped some cheese onto his nacho.

"Winter break is under way, and this place has reopened for the season." Snips said.

"So any plans with the girls this holiday, Spike?" Snails inquired.

"Well, for one thing Twilight's brother and his girlfriend are coming home for break."

"What?!" they gasped, as Snails spoke, "Shining Armor and Cadence?"

"Yeah." Spike nodded.

"Shining Armor was one of the most popular guys at Canterlot High," Snips began, until he and Snails started swooning, "And Cadence, a girl even more beautiful than Twilight and the girls combined." they sighed lovingly as miniature hearts floated around their heads.

Spike rolled his eyes, and spoke flatly, "Keep it together, guys. You're drooling." The two snapped out of it and cleaned their mouths, while looking sheepish.

"Hey there, boys." they looked up and saw Lightning Dust standing by their table.

"Lightning Dust?" Snips and Snails asked.

"Sorry to intrude, guys. But I'd like to borrow Spike, if you don't mind?" she asked, as she laid a hand on Spike's shoulder, making the boy tense up. The two shook their heads, as she continued, "Thanks. Come on, Spike. I got something special for us to do."

"Do I dare ask?" Spike asked in concern.

"Trust me." she winked, as she dragged Spike along leaving Snips and Snails envious once again.

"It never ends." Snips said, before letting his head drop on the table.

Lightning Dust dragged Spike onto the ice rink again, as the boy spoke, "Lightning Dust, what're you planning?"

"Trust me, we're gonna be the talk of the rink after this." she winked.

"Somehow I don't feel too assured about that." Spike voiced his doubt.

"Just follow my lead." Lightning instructed. So the older girl started leading Spike in skating around the rink.

While out on the rink, the girls were slow skating, while Pinkie channeled her pent up energy into her figure skating. Pinkie struck a pose on one skate, and spoke, "And the crowd goes wild!"

Fluttershy and Twilight clapped, as Rarity spoke, "Pinkie Pie, you never cease to amaze me."

"I know." she grinned.

Rainbow looked over and spotted Spike skating with Lightning Dust, "Hey, what's Lightning Dust doing with Spike?"

"Huh?" they looked over and saw them.

Rainbow scowled, "What is she up to?" she asked suspiciously.

"Rainbow Dash, while I'm concerned for Spike, how will it look if we get jealous over every other girl who approaches him?" Rarity asked.

"Rarity's right, they're just skating." Applejack said.

"And it's not like they're doing anything dangerous," Twilight added, until Rainbow turned her head to see Lightning Dust was holding Spike above her head as if they were performing a tag team figure skating move, "And it just got dangerous." she said flatly.

"He could fall!" Fluttershy cried.

"Come on, yall." Applejack said, as the skated after them.

As Lightning Dust skated with Spike over her head, he spoke in discomfort, "I'm uncomfortable with this, Lightning Dust!"

"Don't worry, Spike, I'm not going to drop you. I'm always careful."

"Sure you are." he mumbled to himself.

"Lightning Dust!" Rainbow called, as the girl looked over seeing Rainbow and the girls skating after her, "Put Spike down!"

"We're just having fun!" Lightning Dust called back, as she skated further away.

"If you're not careful you'll drop him!" Rarity warned her, as the girls tried to catch her, with Applejack dragging Fluttershy who couldn't skate as fast as them.

"I'm not going to drop him!" Lightning called, as she skated fast to try and lose them, while Spike was looking nauseous.

"Lightning Dust, you're too reckless. Of course you're going to drop him!" Rainbow called, as she reached Lightning Dust. The competitive girl seeing the girls nearly surround her started throwing her off balance, and ended up launching Spike forward as he flew across the rink.

"SPIKE!" the girls cried, as the seven skated forward as fast as they could.

As Spike flew across and above the rink he was screaming, until he saw Derpy up ahead, "Derpy, heads up!" he shouted.

Derpy saw Spike flying right for her, and didn't realize the other seven girls were skating on a collision course with her. All of them had suddenly collided and skated backwards with all eight girls holding Spike above their heads in their arms as he spread his arms out. The people on and off the rink seeing this started applauding thinking this was all an orchestrated ice skating stunt.

The girls and Spike seeing this reaction smiled sheepishly. After Spike was lowered back down they waved a bit before everyone resumed what they were doing. Fluttershy looked Spike over, "Are you all right, Spike, you're not hurt are you?"

"That...was...AWESOME!" he cheered like Rainbow Dash.

"Huh?" they asked.

"That was an amazing stunt we pulled off," Spike began, "I mean at first I felt sick to my stomach as Lightning Dust flew me over her head, but when she launched me it really felt like I could fly. And thanks for the assisted catch, Derpy."

"You're welcome." she smiled casually, while the others were still shocked.

"But, Spike, what Lightning Dust tried to do with you was dangerous." Rainbow argued.

"Yes. I admit I was against that, but you know for a thrill like that it was worth it," he admitted, and looked at the one girl, "Thanks for that, Lightning Dust. Though next time if you ask me to do something like that don't hold me above your head. Well, I'm going to grab a drink." he skated away.

The girls stood feeling awkward that Spike was ok with this, and Rainbow spoke to Lightning Dust, "All right, Lightning. Spike may have been ok with your performance, but if you put him in any real danger..."

"So worried about him," she smirked, "Well, don't worry I'm sure if anything happens to him, you'll be there to help him won't you?"

"You're damn right I will!" Rainbow declared, but blushed when she realized what Lightning got her to admit to her.

The other girls looked envious and didn't want to be one upped by Rainbow, and Twilight spoke, "I will too."

"Me too." Fluttershy added.

"Me three!" Pinkie put in.

"Don't count me out!" Applejack spoke up.

"Or me!" Rarity finished.

Lightning smirked, "Well, good luck to all of you then. May the best of you win." she finished, before skating off.

The six were taken aback by Lightning's final words, "May the best of us win?" Fluttershy asked, as the six looked at each other with concern.

Before they could speak, Spike called over, "Hey, girls. Come on, I got us drinks!"

The six after snapping out of their thoughts, shrugged off what Lightning told them and decided to just relax and have fun. They skated off leaving Derpy who had just been standing around with no idea what was going on.

Later on, the seven were leaving the rink and were on their way home, "This was truly a fun day." Spike admitted.

"I think so too." Twilight nodded.

"It sure was." Pinkie agreed.

"And we're bound to have a lot more fun this winter." Applejack added.

"Got that right." Rainbow chuckled, as she put an arm around A.J.

"But for now let's head home so we can warm up." Rarity suggested.

"Uh-huh." Fluttershy agreed, as the seven headed home.