• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,380 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

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Spike's House Party

Saturday afternoon at Spike's place, Spike and the girls were decorating the place for their wild party that night. Fluttershy and Rarity were hanging streamers all around from the ceiling to the walls, Pinkie was blowing up balloons and tying them up, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were hanging a disco ball on the living room ceiling, and Spike and Twilight were managing the snacks.

"Ok, girls, this is looking good." Spike said, as he inspected all the decorations.

"Agreed. Well done, girls." Twilight added.

"Oh, just wait till tonight!" Pinkie beamed, as she jumped up and down.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, "I'll get it." Rainbow went to the door, and opened it revealing Vinyl Scratch rolling in her portable turntable.

"Hey, guys, I'm here." Vinyl greeted her.

"Hey, Vinyl, come on in." Rainbow helped Vinyl wheel in her turntable.

Once they got the turntable into the living room, Vinyl greeted Spike, "Hey, Spike. What up?" the two fist bumped.

"Hey, Vinyl. Glad you could provide us with music." Spike replied.

"For a party hosted by you, I could not deny." she answered, as she looked around the place, "Love what you've done to the place. I'm sure the party-goers will love it too."

"I hope so." Spike replied.

About an hour later the sun was halfway down, as everyone waited for the guests to arrive. Suddenly the doorbell rang, as Spike straightened himself out, "Ok, Spike, this is it. Remember, you want this party to be a good one," he opened the door, "Welcome to Spike's House Party." he suddenly gawked as he saw just about half the student body from both his school and the girls school outside taking up all of his front lawn.

"Hey, Spike. Looking forward to this party." A teenager named Thunderlane said, as he led the group inside leading up to Spike's pals, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

"I can't believe you invited over half of both schools to this party of yours." Pipsqueak said in surprise.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either." Spike said dryly, knowing who caused this.

When everyone was inside, Vinyl started record scratching and playing her music, as they guests started enjoying the party. Spike found Rainbow and Pinkie mingling with some of their other friends from school.

"Pinkie! Rainbow!"

The two looked at Spike while oblivious to his frown, "Hey, Spike. Loving the party." Rainbow said.

"Can I speak to you two privately?" he asked firmly.

"Of course, Pinkie answered, as the two followed Spike to an empty corner, "How about this party? Everyone seems to love it."

"Are you two insane?!" he snapped, "I asked for under twenty but you invite half the student body from both our schools combined?!"

"Well, we did invite a few like you asked." Pinkie admitted.

"But I guess they wanted to invite their own as well." Rainbow shrugged her shoulders.

Spike gave them a glare, "This is not what I had in mind."

"Lighten up, Spike. It's not like they're doing anything wrong," Rainbow said, until a boy ran past them streaking, "Ok there's that, but you can't let a few bad bananas ruin the bunch."

"Rainbow's right, Spike. Just relax have a soda, things will be fine." Pinkie suggested.

Spike looked around seeing everyone looked like they were having fun, and didn't wanna be a party pooper, "Ok." he sighed.

"Great. Come on let's check out more of this party." Rainbow suggested, as they continued looking around seeing all the guests.

"Yo, what's up?" Rainbow asked one of the guests who they passed by, "Hey, enjoying that soda."

"Spike!" Rarity called over, "Could you come here, please?"

Spike looking over at Rarity by the refreshment table, decided to see what she wanted, "Yes?" he asked.

"Darling, three of my friends were anxious to see the hosts party," Rarity began, while motioning to three girls, "This is Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy."

"Nice to meet you girls." Spike greeted them.

"Likewise." Rose replied.

"This is some party you got going on here." Lily said.

"Well, thanks." Spike said, still wishing there wasn't so many people.

"We never would've guessed a junior high student could throw an event like this." Daisy added.

"I did have help." Spike admitted, while motioning to Rarity, who smiled.

"Spike!" Sweetie Belle called, as she Applebloom, and Scootaloo came over.

"Come on, join us." Scootaloo said, as the dragged Spike off.

"Easy, girls. What's up?" Spike asked.

"We want you to know, this is the best. Our first time being to a wild party." Applebloom said.

"And look around, everyone's so loving this party." Scootaloo added.

Walking past them was Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon, as D.T spoke, "Well, we are so loathing this party."

"Like, yeah." Silver agreed.

The four frowned at them, as Spike spoke, "If you hate it then why're you here?"

"To criticize and nitpick of course." D.T answered.

"It's about the only thing worth doing here." Silver added, as the two walked off.

"Philistines." Sweetie Belle scowled at their behavior.

"Don't listen to them, Spike." Applebloom comforted him.

"Yeah, who cares what they think?" Scootaloo asked.

"WHOO-HOO!" Featherweight called as he jumped onto the scene with his shirt off and wrapped around his head while he played guitar with a broom.

"Featherweight?" They asked.

"I'm having a rockin' time!" Featherweight called, as he played the broom like a guitar while making guitar noises. He ran off, as Snips and Snails came over.

"Is he ok?" Spike asked them.

"He just had too much soda." Snails said.

"You know how he gets from caffeine overload." Snips reminded him.

"Right." Spike said dryly, while watching Featherweight act crazy.

They heard laughing and cheering coming from the living room, as they looked and saw Twilight doing her trademark unorthodox dance while on all fours and kicking and punching her arms and legs out.

"What is she doing?" Applebloom asked Spike.

"That's her made up dance. She calls it the pony pop." Spike answered.

Twilight seeing Spike in the crowd went over, "Spike, come on. Join me!"

"Uh, I don't know if I should..." Spike was cut off as they were both on the dance floor, and Twilight beckoned him to follow along with her.

Spike seeing others were cheering for him to do it, followed along in Twilight's dance despite feeling awkward. When they finished he saw the guests cheer and whoop. He couldn't help but smile thinking maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Suddenly there was crashing, which got his attention. He ran to find the source and saw two guys were fighting each other and bumping into the walls almost knocking things over, "What the hell's going on here?" Spike asked Fluttershy who was closest to him.

"They started acting strange after drinking the punch and now they think they stole each others girlfriend from the other." she explained nervously.

"They drank the punch?" Spike asked before realizing what happened, "Whoever spiked it is in so much trouble." he heard more crashing sounds, as he saw the two smashed boys knocked some pictures off his wall. Luckily nothing broke. But Spike was getting more upset by the minute.

Rainbow seeing not only was Spike getting upset, but everyone else getting bored from the two smashed boys slurring fight had to get rid of them, "Hey, Bulk?" she called over a big guy with blonde hair, "Show those two the door."

"YEAH!" he pumped his fists up, before grabbing the boys by the collars of their shirts and threw them out of the house.

The guests cheered to see them get thrown out, until Rainbow patted Spike's back, unknown that he was still ticked off, "Now that's something worth seeing, huh, Spike?"

Pinkie bounced over, "Don't worry I can dispose of the spiked punch and make some fresh."

"No!" Spike answered, taking them by surprise.

"Spike?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

Spike looked at the two firmly, "I knew something like this would happen."

"If you knew then why're you so irritated?" Rainbow asked not seeing the point.

"I'm irritated because you two didn't listen to me! I asked for only a small group of people to attend, but you just had to invite everyone. You both ignored my request and did what you wanted. I don't know if I can trust you two with anything I say." he walked off for the back.

"Spike?" Pinkie asked, feeling hurt by his words. She and Rainbow looked at each other, until Applejack spoke up.

"He's right you know?" The two looked at A.J, who gave her own disappointed look, "He did trust you and you went back on your word. Is that really being loyal, Rainbow?"

"Hey, she did it too." Rainbow motioned to Pinkie.

"Hey!" Pinkie said.

"It doesn't matter if one or both of you did it." Rarity added, as she walked in with Fluttershy.

"Hey, you all weren't giving any complaints when everyone showed up." Rainbow noted, wondering why they're suddenly giving them grief.

Twilight approached and answered, "Because it wasn't us who needed to let you know how they felt first. This is Spike's house, and you automatically suggested we party here. You insisted on inviting more than what he wanted."

"Sorry to say it, girls, but you were asking for it." Fluttershy finished, while feeling sheepish for telling them the truth.

Rainbow and Pinkie pondered on where their friends were telling them, and reflected on what they did. When they realized they did go against Spike's words in favor of their own desires.

"Oh, man, Pinkie we screwed up." Rainbow said with guilt.

"We gotta do something." Pinkie suggested.

"Yes, but what?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight spoke, "The best thing to do first is to let Spike know you did wrong."

"But will he even talk to us?" Pinkie asked.

"It's worth a try." Rarity answered. Rainbow and Pinkie knowing it was the right thing to do went to find their friend.

Spike meanwhile was on his back porch brooding, until Rainbow and Pinkie came out, "Hey, Spike?" Rainbow asked.

"I'd like to be alone if you don't mind?" Spike answered without looking back.

"That's ok, we can be alone with you." Pinkie said, as the two sat on both sides of Spike.

Rainbow not wanting to beat around the bush spoke up, "Spike, you have every right to be disappointed in both of us. We were being selfish and not thinking of what you wanted."

"And we got so caught up in our own plans we didn't think of how you'd feel about it." Pinkie added.

Spike said nothing, but was willing to continue to hear them out, "What're we're trying to say, Spike, is we're sorry. Sorry for not listening to you, for betraying your trust, for being selfish, for being pushy, for being jerks, for... You can stop me at any time."

Spike who had been smirking while Rainbow apologized for everything answered, "I know."

Rainbow and Pinkie sighed, as the poofy haired girl spoke, "What Rainbow means is we're sorry for everything. We'll never take you for granted or ignore your words ever again."

Spike looked at her, "Pinkie promise?"

Pinkie and Rainbow smiled, as they spoke, "Cross My Heart, hope to Fly, Stick a Cupcake in my Eye!"

Spike smiled, and spoke, "Thanks, girls. And I'm sorry for speaking to you like that."

"You had the right too." Rainbow admitted.

"If you want we can end the party now." Pinkie offered.

Spike looked back inside seeing everyone was still having a blast, "No. Let's continue."

"Really?" they asked.

"Yeah. We came this far with it. I still want it to last as long as possible." he stood up and went back inside with the two following his lead.

Once they were back inside, Spike walked through the crowd as they made room for him. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack noticing him heading for the living room. They joined Rainbow and Pinkie until they reached the living room.

Upon seeing Spike enter, every guests stopped dancing, as Vinyl ceased the music wondering what was up. Spike looked at them firmly before grabbing a nearby unopened soda. He popped it opened and chugged it down. When he finished he crushed the can in his fist and spoke, "Let's Rock this Party!"

The guests cheered at his claim, and Vinyl started the music up again before speaking into a mic, "You heard it folks, let's give it up for our host, Spike! And just as he ordered, let's rock this party hard!" she started playing music.

When it started Spike went to the living room floor and began dancing with the other dancing around him. He grabbed Pinkie and Rainbow and had the two dance with him, which they didn't object to. Spike letting go of all his doubts and worries about the party was finally able to truly enjoy it, and danced like he never danced before.

Trixie who was watching Spike dance spoke to Pipsqueak who was next to her watching as well, "Isn't he just the cutest little thing?"

Pipsqueak who was loaded up on sugar, answered, "Oh, yeah. Spike's the man."

Spike dragged the rest of his friends out to join him in dancing, and they did. They partied like there was no tomorrow as the cheering and whooping of the guests echoed throughout the house.

The very next morning as the sun came up, Spike was in bed sleeping peacefully, and thought, 'Ah the morning sun come to shine on my face and greet me with a new day.' he thought as he felt something brush up against his chest from both sides, 'What the?' he thought before he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry at first, but when he got focused he saw his arms were around both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash who were resting their heads on him but weren't under the covers. If that wasn't enough he looked downward seeing Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy sleeping on top of his covers looking fast asleep as well.

'Oh, my God. I have girls on my bed with me,' he thought in shock, and remembered Pinkie and Rainbow closer to him. He nudged them, "Uh, girls. Time to wake up." he lifted his legs up that were still under the covers to nudge at Twilight's and Fluttershy's sides.

Soon each of the girls started waking up, "Oh, what a night." Applejack rubbed her eyes.

"I was out like a hibernating bear." Fluttershy added.

"Girls." Spike said, as they each woke up and they were all on Spike's bed.

"Why're we in the same bed together?" Twilight asked.

"Don't you girls remember?" Pinkie asked.

"Do you?" Rarity asked with a raised brow.

"Of course. After the party, we were all too tired and decided to sleep here. Spike offered to share his bed, and so here we are." Pinkie explained with a grin.

"I allowed you to? Boy I must've been too doped up on sugar to remember," Spike groaned, until a thought crossed his mind, "Uh, none of us had round one, did we?" he asked hopefully and with fright.

Rarity answered, "Well we're all still clothed and not under your bed covers."

"So it's safe to say nothing crazy happened last night." Twilight concluded.

"Oh, thank God." Spike said in relief.

The girls sat up and got off the bed, along with Spike. Once they all stretched, Pinkie spoke, "Why don't we get some breakfast in?"

Applejack who looked out the door of Spike's room, spoke, "Uh, I think we're gonna have to wait for that yall."

Spike and the rest of the girls were confused, until they exited the room to see the house looked like a hurricane hit. Spike looked distraught, "Oh, dear God. This place is a mess," he looked at the clock seeing it was nine in the morning, "And my parents will be back at noon! That's it, I'm dead as a doornail."

"Not yet you're not Spike," Twilight said, as she laid a hand on his shoulder, "If we all work together, we can have this place spotless before they get back."

Applejack smiled, "Now, that's what I'm talking about. Come on, yall. Let's get busy!"

"Booyah!" Rainbow cheered.

"Certainly." Rarity agreed.

"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered.

"Yay!" Fluttershy cheered softly.

And so the seven got right to work in cleaning up the house. Pinkie and Fluttershy were picking up all the streamers and deflated balloons before tossing them, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were taking out multiple trash bags loaded with garbage, Twilight and Spike were straightening out any pictures on the walls and reorganizing some stuff on shelves so that they were perfectly straight and not moved, finally Rarity was busy vacuuming up any crumbs and other stuff.

When they finished, the whole house was spotless like there was never a party. Spike looked around in wonder and overjoyed, "Wonderful! Everything looks perfect."

Suddenly their was a car honk outside, as Rainbow called, "Your parents!"

Spike looked out the window seeing it was his parents, "Girls, in position!" he ordered as they all took positions on the couch or chairs while watching TV, "Act natural." he whispered, as they acted casual, until Geki and Elsa entered.

"Hey, Spike, we're home." Elsa said, as the couple walked in.

"Welcome back, how was the retreat?" Spike asked.

"Magnificent," Geki answered, "Our marriage is as strong as ever."

"Congratulations." Fluttershy clapped.

"Oh, hello, girls. Nice to see you all." Elsa greeted them.

"They just came by a while ago." Spike answered, as they all kept what really happened in the dark.

"Well, I suspect your parents will be back soon as well." Geki said.

"Right." Twilight answered, as Geki and Elsa left the living room.

Once they were in the clear, they sighed in relief, "That was close." Rarity said.

"Too close," Spike added, before smiling, "But it worked. Thanks a lot girls, you saved my ass here."

"Any time, Spike." Twilight confirmed.

"What say we head home?" Applejack suggested.

"Yeah, and remember not a word of this to our parents either." Twilight told the girls, as Pinkie mimed herself zipping her lips.

And so they started heading out, but Spike stopped Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, "Girls, thanks again for this wild party. I'm really glad it all worked out in the end."

"No sweat, buddy." Rainbow smirked, as they fist bumped.

"But if there's ever a next time, I expect you to listen, and we'll have the party somewhere else." Spike warned the two.

The girls looked at each other, before smiling sheepishly and answered together, "Right."