• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Now we're Older

Six years later, Spike was in eighth grade and sitting at his desk in class daydreaming. He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't hear the voices calling out to him.

"Spike? Spike?! HEY!" a voice shouted, until Spike finally snapped out of it.

"What-what?!" he called, feeling startled as he looked around seeing his four pals, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Snips, and Snails, "Guys, what's up?"

"We're the ones who should be asking you that." Snails answered.

"Yeah, you looked really happy while daydreaming." Snips noted.

"I was?" Spike asked, while playing ignorant.

"Yeah, you must've been really thinking about something nice." Featherweight deduced.

"So what was it?" Pipsqueak leaned in, wanting to get the dirt.

"Like I'm telling any of you." Spike replied, as he turned his head.

"Come on, Spike. What about bros don't keep secrets from bros?" Snips asked, as he leaned in.

"Snips, some things are best to be kept to himself. Otherwise it could ruin our friendship." Spike replied.

"What could ruin our friendship is you keeping something juicy from us." Pipsqueak said, while squinting his eyes.

Snails suddenly gasped, and smirked at Spike, "Oh, I know what you're thinking about."

"Do you now?" Spike asked dryly.

"Oh, yeah. You're thinking about the Canterlot High Six, aren't ya?" Snails called it with a nudge to his shoulder.

Spike did a double take, "What?! Snails, you're crazy."

"Tell that to your face." he retorted.

"Yeah, you're turning red." Snips noticed.

"I am not!" Spike denied it.

"Like a tomato!" Pipsqueak called it.

"Is this true about them?" Featherweight gasped, as the boys huddled closer.

"Guys, look the seven of us are just friends." Spike explained.

"Would you want it to be more than just friends?" Snails tempted him.

"I'm not discussing this." Spike cut them off.

"Come on, Spike. Do you have any idea how lucky you are?" Pipsqueak asked.


"You're friends with juniors in high school, and not just high school juniors, but girls to boot!" Snips spelled it out.

"And six of them." Featherweight put in.

"Guys like us are never that lucky." Pipsqueak stated.

"Hey, I've known them since we were kids, so that's an advantage." Spike reminded them.

"Exactly!" Snails pounded his fist into his palm, "You have an advantage because you've known them since you were young."

"Since I was young? You make it sound like I'm ancient." Spike replied feeling insulted.

"I didn't mean it like that." Snails apologized. Spike rolled his eyes, and just kicked back in his seat, while awaiting the school bell to sound.

When classes were over, everyone was exiting the school building. Spike and his four friends just walked out the doors of the school, "Ok, guy's, I'll catch ya later." Spike said, until a female voice called out to him.


The boys looked down and saw who they referred to as the Canterlot High Six, but to Spike they were just the six girls he knew since he was a child. Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy had also grown from the little girls they were six years ago into gorgeous teenagers.

"Catch you later, guys," Spike told his boys, as he slid down the middle railing of the stairs before reaching the bottom, "Hey, girls."

"How was class today, darling?" Rarity asked while smiling.

"Oh, you know. Same old same old." he answered.

"Boring as hell, huh?" Rainbow asked with a smirk.

"You know it." Spike nodded.

"Spike, you should take more interest in your academics." Twilight lectured him.

"Hey, I take interest. Just not on a degree like you." he answered.

"Yeah, we can't have two smartypants in the group." Rainbow joked, as she ruffled Spike's hair.

"Hey, hey, easy on the hair, Rainbow." Spike fixed his spikes.

"Come on, we're all heading down to Sugarcube Corner, wanna come?" Pinkie asked.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Spike asked rhetorically.

"If I knew the meaning of the word than yes." Pinkie grinned.

"So ya comin'?" Applejack asked.

"I'm in." he answered.

"Then let's go." Rainbow said, as the seven walked off.

As they left, the four boys watched Spike in envy, as Snails spoke, "You know sometimes I really hate that guy." the other three nodded in agreement.

Later that day at Sugarcube Corner sweets and bakery shop, Spike and the girls were sitting at a table enjoying a milkshake. As Spike took a drink of his, he spoke up, "So any plans for this weekend?"

"Well, the new Daring Do movie's coming out on Friday." Rainbow suggested.

"What?!" Spike gasped, "The Fang of Destiny is already coming out?"

"That's what I said," Rainbow replied, "Interested?"

"You know it." Spike agreed.

"Now hold on there, Rainbow," Applejack interrupted her, "I was gonna ask Spike if he'd like to do some pie tasting with me tomorrow for mah family's bake sale coming up."

"Wait a minute, I wanted to ask Spike about baking cakes with me!" Pinkie pouted.

"Um, I was hoping Spike would join me at the animal shelter to help feed the animals." Fluttershy spoke up quietly.

"He can't because we're going to be shopping for some notebooks." Twilight finished.

"Shopping for notebooks?" Rainbow asked, "Seriously, that's so lame."

"Yeah, I'm sure Spike would rather be tasting apple pie." Applejack added.

"Why would he taste pie when he could have a whole cake?" Pinkie jumped in.

"If you don't eat it all whole!" Twilight argued.

The five started arguing, or four since Fluttershy was hesitant to argue with her friends unlike them. Spike looked back and forth between the girls not liking the way they were arguing over him, until he finally snapped, "Stop!"

This got them to stop and look at him, along with everyone else in the place to as well. Rarity seeing all the other customers were looking in their direction she spoke, "There's nothing to see here. Go back to what you were doing."

Spike seeing he had their attention spoke, "Girls, I'm glad you all want me to do stuff with you this weekend. But I don't want you all to fight over me. You're all friends."

The girls looked at each other knowing they were being stupid to get into such a squabble. Rarity spoke up, "Spike is absolutely right. You're all ladies and should be mature enough to handle the situation. Fortunately I know of a civil way to settle this dispute."

"Mud wrestling?" Pinkie asked, as the girls looked at her with wide eyes, while Spike had a blush.

"Heaven's no, Pinkie Pie!" Rarity dismissed such an idea.

"But thanks for bringing up that possibility," Spike put in, the girls turned their glares to him, "What? I've never seen a match like that in real life."

Rarity cleared her throat, "As I was saying. There's a more dignified way to settle this. Twilight do you had some blank paper and scissors on you?"

"In my bag." Twilight answered, as she pulled out the required tools.

"What do you need those for?" Rainbow asked, while crossing her arms.
"Just watch." Rarity said, as she used the scissors to cut slips out of the paper.

They watched as Rarity cut up five slips of paper and handed them off to Spike, who held them all in his fist, "Now then, you'll all draw a slip of paper from Spike. The one who gets the shortest slip will be the winner. Pure and simple."

The five looked at each other seeing it was a reasonable way, "Seems logical." Twilight nodded.

"Works for me." Rainbow admitted.

"Me too." Applejack agreed.

"Me three." Pinkie answered.

"And me." Fluttershy finished.

Spike sighed in relief, "Ok then, girls, draw them together." he held his fist out with the end pieces of the slips sticking out.

Each of them minus Rarity took a slips each and pulled them out of Spike's fist, "Now show us your slips of paper. And don't cheat." she eyed Rainbow, who glared back feeling insulted at her accusation.

So they each showed their slip of paper showing one long looking slip after another, until Applejack revealed hers to be much shorter than the other four, "Yee-haw!" Applejack cheered in victory, while the other four sighed that they lost.

"It's official, Applejack wins." Rarity declared.

"No hard feelings, right girls?" Applejack asked them.

The others not wanting to be poor sports about it swallowed their pride and Twilight answered, "None at all."

"Congratulations, Applejack." Fluttershy congratulated her.

"You deserved it." Pinkie smiled.

"You may have won this round, but next time count on it you're gonna be in for it." Rainbow smirked.

"I'll be waiting." Applejack smirked back.

Spike spoke to Rarity, "Thanks, Rarity. I don't think I would've been able to handle it if they wouldn't stop fighting over me."

"My pleasure, but next time if you're faced with such a task you best be ready to make the decision yourself." Rarity warned him.

"I know, this moment just caught me unprepared." he answered.

"I understand." Rarity nodded.

Spike smiled, as Applejack wrapped an arm around him, "Well, sugarcube, ya better bring a full appetite for tomorrow. Because we're gonna be tasting some of granny's most delicious pies."

"Can't wait." Spike admitted, while blushing up from how close Applejack was holding him. He looked over to the other four and smiled before approaching them, "Don't worry, guys. I can still do all those things for you this weekend. Rainbow, let's catch the movie Saturday afternoon?"

Rainbow was surprised he still wanted to join her even though she lost the contest, "Thanks, Spike." she smiled.

"And Pinkie, I'll be sure to come by later that day to bake with you."

"Yipee!" she jumped up.

"Fluttershy, Sunday would it be ok if I come by and help you?" he offered.

Fluttershy blushed, and answered, "Of course it would." she smiled.

Spike finally turned to Twilight, "And, Twi, after that would you still want me to help you pick out those notebooks?"

Twilight smiled, and hugged him, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Thanks, girls," Spike smiled, and thought to himself, 'Wow. I barely got out of this alive. I may have to start thinking clearer now about what they each would like to do with me and make choices.' he thought knowing if he was faced with a dilemma for next time the paper slips wouldn't save him.