• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,382 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Christmas Party

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the city, the residents were catching in some last minute shopping.

At Canterlot's mall, Spike and his six friends were in the food court enjoying lunch after finally getting their last minute Christmas shopping done.

"I simply cannot believe all the incredible sales." Rarity said in wonder, as she looked at the multiple bags she had.

Applejack spoke up, "I'm just glad we were able to get anything at all."

"I know. I felt like I was going to be mobbed in that last store." Fluttershy shivered.

"The good news is we got out of there alive." Spike noted, and the girls nodded in agreement.

"So everything's going to be in order for tomorrow?" Rainbow asked Rarity.

"Of course. We all meet up at my place at noon for our Christmas party," Rarity explained, "And of course, our families are invited too."

"Can't forget about them." Pinkie smiled.

"Well, good afternoon students." a voice said, as the seven looked up and saw Celestia and Luna.

"Principal Celestia." the girls gasped.

"Principal Luna." Spike smiled.

Celestia smiled, "Now, you all don't have to be formal with us during the break."

"My sister is right," Luna confirmed, "We're just your average ladies like everyone else."

"Right." the seven agreed.

"And how're we enjoying our Christmas Break?" Celestia inquired.

"We're loving it," Twilight answered, "My brother and Cadence already came home for break."

"And how are Shining Armor and Cadence doing?" Celestia asked.

"They're doing peachy." Applejack answered.

Luna spoke, "That's good to know."

"And how're you two enjoying your break?" Spike asked.

"It's a relief," Celestia sighed in relaxation, "Not having to worry about paperwork."

"A chance for us to finally spend time together as sisters." Luna added.

"That's good to hear," Twilight smiled, "You've both earned it."

The adults nodded, as Celestia spoke, "So I was wondering do you seven have anything planned for New Years?"

The group looked at each other, as Rainbow spoke, "If you count sitting at home at one of our places together eating Ho Hos or something."

"Other than that, nothing." Applejack added.

The adults smiled to each other, and Luna spoke, "Well, my sister and I have something planned for New Years and we'd be more than happy to include you all and your families."

The group looked curious, as Spike spoke up, "What do you have in mind?"

"We were thinking about taking a cruise on our family yacht on New Years Eve." Celestia explained.

Pinkie eyes widened, "You have a yacht?!"

"You two must be seriously loaded!" Rainbow gasped.

"Rainbow." Twilight nudged her to be quiet.

Celestia continued, "We just knew how much you enjoyed that weekend up at our cabin, and we felt like sharing something more with you for the holidays."

"Well, that is a generous offer." Rarity admitted.

"But we will have to discuss it with our families before giving an answer." Twilight added.

"We understand." Luna nodded.

"But we'll get back to you once we have an answer." Fluttershy assured her.

"We'll be waiting." Celestia said.

"Well, my sister and I better get going," Luna said, "Have a wonderful holiday, all of you."

"And a Merry Christmas to the both of you." Twilight added, as the adults left.

"I think we best be getting along home as well, before traffic starts piling up." Applejack suggested.

"Way ahead of ya, A.J." Rainbow agreed, as she got up with the others. They headed out of the mall and back to A.J's truck, where they drove through the snowfall.

When Spike entered his home, he shook some snow off, put his bags down, and removed his winter coat, "I'm home."

In the living room was his father standing before their decorated Christmas tree, while holding the star in his hand, "Hey, son, you're just in time. I saved the star for you."

Spike smiled, "Thanks, dad." he walked over to take it.

"We always know how much you loved to hang the Christmas Star," his dad began, "We're also glad you haven't gotten too grown up to not want to do it anymore."

"Are you kidding me? You can never be too old for these kind of traditions," Spike admitted, as he got on a stool and placed the star on top, "How does it look, dad?"

"Perfect, Spike." Geki confirmed.

"Hi, boys, come and get it." Elsa walked in carrying a tray of Christmas cookies and cups of hot cocoa.

"All right!" the two cheered, as they took some cups of cocoa.

"So, Spike, how was your shopping?" Elsa inquired.

"Packed, mom. Me and the girls barely got out of there alive," Spike joked, before eating a cookie, "Oh, mom your recipe knows no bound."

"Thanks, honey." his mom smiled.

"Looking forward to the party at Rarity's tomorrow?" his dad asked.

"You bet. I just hope Pinkie doesn't drink too much eggnog like last time," Spike shuddered, "It took three bottles of mouthwash to get that stench out of her mouth." his parents chuckled.

That night, Spike was in his room while looking out the window watching the snow fall. He smiled knowing tomorrow was Christmas. Suddenly his phone beeped, and saw he had a text from Rarity, "Hm, wonder what Rarity wants?" he asked himself, before opening up the message. Appearing on his cellphone was a selfie of Rarity wearing a sexy Santa getup with a subtitle 'Merry Christmas Spikey-Wikey'. Spike let out a gasp of arousal and widened his eyes, "This is hot." he panted in excitement.

He looked at the selfie for a few minutes, before he saved it in his phone's archive. He looked at the time seeing it was getting late so he turned in for the night and awaited Christmas morning.

The very next morning, Spike awoke and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked out the window of his bedroom to see it was indeed a white Christmas. Remembering it was Christmas morning, he jumped out of bed and put on robe before leaving his room. He went to the living room to see under the tree was an assortment of gifts.

"Sweet," he smiled with glee, until he turned and saw his parents walking for the living room dressed in their pajamas and robes as well, "Merry Christmas, mom and dad."

"Merry Christmas, Spike." Elsa said, as the parents hugged their son.

"Why don't I make us some hot chocolate?" Spike offered.

"Sounds good to me." His father agreed, and Spike left to do that, while the parents took a seat on their sofa.

Soon enough, Spike and his parents were unwrapping gifts from each other and their family. Soon enough everything was unwrapped, as Geki was sitting down while wearing a new tie, and Elsa was wearing new slippers. She spoke to her son, "Spike, what did Aunt Leslie send you?"

Spike turned to his mom with a scowl while holding a box with something white and furry in it. The boy narrated, 'Aunt Leslie was not only under the impression I was a five year old, but also a girl.'

Spike held up what appeared to be white footsie pajamas that looked to be made from scratch. His mom cooed, "Oh, isn't that adorable. Spike, go and try it on."

"Mom, with all do respect I'd rather die." Spike answered.

His mom scowled, "You try that on right now, young man. Your Aunt Leslie put a lot of hard work into making that!"

Spike muttered to himself before going elsewhere to change, "She could've spent that time doing something more useful."

As his parents waited, Elsa spoke up, "Spike, we're waiting."

"It fits fine, mom, can I just take it off?" came Spike's voice from around the corner.

"You come out here right now, Mister!" Elsa demanded.

Stepping out from around the corner was Spike wearing the white footsie pajamas, but revealed they were cat themed. On the head was little cat ears, on the butt was a white cat tail, the gloves that were part of the outfit were designed like cat paw, and the feet had little cat faces looking up at him. Spike walked into the living room with an expression that said 'kill me before I do it myself'.

Elsa smiled with joy, "Oh, look at that. Spike, you look so adorable." Spike felt as if his dignity was slowly diminishing, and knew if any of the girls, especially Rainbow Dash ever found out about this he would never live it down.

Geki looked at his son with a disturbed look, and spoke to his wife, "He looks like a deranged alley cat."

"He does not!" Elsa slapped his shoulder.

"Yes he does. Look at the guy, he looks like he should be in some psycho version of Cats," Geki explained, before speaking to his son, "Spike, do you like wearing that?"

"No, sir."

"Do you want to take it off?"

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes!" Spike pleaded.

Geki turned to his wife, "Please tell him he can take it off." he begged.

Elsa sighed, "Ok, you'll only wear it when Aunt Leslie visits. Go and take it off."

"Take it off!" Geki announced, as Spike bolted for his room.

Once inside, he tore off the cat suit pajamas and threw them on the floor, "I'm gonna torch you later on," he told the suit, only to see the cat faces on the feet looking up at him innocently, "Don't look at me like that!" he argued with the cat faces, before shaking it off and changed into normal clothes.

Once everything was cleaned up, the parents got dressed, got some of their packages and food they prepared, and were ready to walk over to Rarity's for her family's party.

When it was noon, they stepped outside and walked over to Rarity's house, that was already jumping from what they could see in the window. Geki knocked on the door, and answering it was Rarity's father Hondo Flanks, and her mother Cookie Crumbles.

"Well, if it isn't the Drakes." Hondo began joyfully.

"Merry Christmas. Come in, come in," Cookie began, as they let the three inside and closed the door, "Let me take those packages and that food." she offered, taking some load off the three.

"I'll take your coats to the guest room." Hondo offered, as they slipped out of their coats and gave them to him.

Rarity peeked out from the entrance of the dining room, "Spike!" she cheered, as she ran over and embraced him, and he returns the gesture, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Rarity." Spike smiled.

"Spike!" Sweetie Belle cheered, as the younger sister went over and embraced her friend from school.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle, good to see you too."

"Come on, everyone's been waiting." Rarity said, as she and her sister brought Spike into the living room where the rest of the girls, Big Mac, Cadence, Shining Armor, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were waiting.

"Hey, guys. Merry Christmas." Spike greeted them.

"And Merry Christmas to you too, Spike!" Pinkie beamed, as she hugged him the tightest out of all of them.

"Get any good loot for Christmas this year?" Rainbow asked, as she nudged him.

Spike recalled not to bring up the cat pajamas to any of them, and answered, "Oh, yeah. Lot's. You?"

"You know it." she smirked.

"Here it comes yall, some fresh sweet apple cider." Applejack said, as she brought in a tray of the stuff.

"Awesome!" Rainbow cheered, as she jumped around excitedly.

Each one took a cup, as Shining raised his cup, "To a wonderful Christmas, and may we all have many more."

"I'll drink to that." Cadence agreed.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed. They all raised their cups and downed their cider.

Later on, after the gang and their parents and guardians opened their gifts, they were all relaxing in separate rooms to mingle with each other. Spike had received a new hoody from Rarity specially made by her, from Applejack he got a blanket with apple designs, from Rainbow he got a a snowboard, from Fluttershy he got a a pair of purple winter gloves, Pinkie got him a new MP3, and from Twilight he got bracelet with his name on it.

The girls themselves were also enjoying their gifts Spike got each of them. Twilight was reading a book on constellations, Rarity was wearing a purple scarf while marveling at it, Rainbow was tossing up a new football, Fluttershy was enjoying her new bird whistle, Applejack was admiring a pair of shiny spurs that would go with her boots, and Pinkie was happily playing with a paddle ball.

Spike smiled watching each of his friends enjoy their gifts from him, until he spoke, "Be right back, you guys." he went for the bathroom.

After exiting it he was going to head back to the others, only to come face to face with a girl slightly older than the six, but not as old as Cadence, Shining, or Big Mac. She had grayish blue violet hair in a hime style, light turquoise eyes, a single eyelash one each eye, and eyeshadow in the same color as her hair. She was dressed in a bluish gray frock.

Spike was jumped in surprise, before calming down, "Oh, Maud." Spike said, as he regained his composure.

"Spike." Maud greeted him in monotone.

Spike narrated, "Maud Pie; Pinkie Pie's older sister. If you're wondering if she's exactly like Pinkie, then you couldn't be more wrong. Maude barely shows any expression on her face, and her voice is so dull in tone and apathetic you can't tell if she's happy, angry, or sad. But Pinkie's fanatic about her. She has a fascination with rocks, even writing rock poetry. But her calling card in life is to be a geologist."

Spike feeling awkward to be stuck with the dry sounding girl, tried to strike up a conversation, "So, how do you like this party?"

"It's good." she answered flatly.

"Oh, ok." Spike replied, not sure where to continue, until Maud spoke again.


"Yes?" he asked, seeing she had something to say instead.

"Could I talk to you privately?" she insisted.

Spike was taken aback, wondering what could Pinkie's apathetic sister want with him. Not wanting to be disrespectful, he answered, "Um, ok." And with that Maud walked with Spike past the adults in the other room, laughing and story swapping.

Maud brought Spike into a guest room, and the boy spoke, "So, Maud, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Maud looked at him with a blank expression, and spoke with her monotonous voice, "I've always been curious about you."

"Curious about me, how?" he inquired.

"My sister Pinkie Pie really loves you." she stated bluntly.

"Really, I haven't noticed." he replied, sarcastically.

"And it had me wondering, what is it about you my sister loves?" Maud wondered.

"Because I'm a nice guy?" he asked, feeling it was the best guess.

Maud shook her head, and continued, "There has to be more to it than that."

"Who says there is?" Spike asked, thinking the girl was digging too deep into it.

"That's why I wanted to meet you in private," Maud continued, as she started taking slow steps towards Spike, and the boy was backing away, "I want to really see what it is that attracts my sister to you. And I feel that close contact with you might help me better understand you," she leaned in, and wrapped her arms around Spike, causing both to fall on the guest room bed, "Touch me, please!" she pleaded in monotone.

Spike's eyes were widened in surprised, as Pinkie's older sister was in her own way attempting to put the moves on him. As Maud pressed her chest down into Spike's he started blushing up, and thought, 'Oh, man, her breasts are about as firm as boulders!' he began sweating.

Maud looked down at Spike as their eyes met, "This doesn't seem to be working."

"Well, duh!" Spike replied feeling freaked.

"Perhaps, we should try something a little more?" she suggested, still keeping Spike pinned to the bed.

"More?" Spike asked, as the girl continued to gaze into his eyes.

"Yes. Perhaps we should try kissing?" she suggested.

"What?" he yelped.

"Why does it sound so surprising, you've done it before, right?" she asked.

"Why do you think that?" Spike asked nervously.

"Pinkie told she's kissed you before, and not just the normal cheek ones." Maud explained.

"She told you?" Spike asked in shock.

Maud nodded, "She said there was something magical about the way you kissed. I'd like to see what makes it so magical. So please, kiss me." she closed her eyes, and puckered her lips while moving closer to Spike who trembled.

'Oh, damn, what am I gonna do?' he thought, 'She's not giving me any options is she? I wonder though, would it really be so bad? I know she's Pinkie's sister, and she's just doing this for an experiment, right? I mean she doesn't have feelings for me. Hell, I don't even know what she's feeling at all. So maybe one little peck won't hurt. Just to satisfy her.' he slowly puckered his own lips, but suddenly...

"What in the world is going on in here?!" a voice cried, as the two saw Rarity and Twilight standing in the doorway looking at them.

Spike looked frightened, "No, this is not what it looks like!"

Suddenly the other four peeked in, and Rainbow spoke, "Sorry, Maud, that's not going to work. I already called dibs on Spike's purity so I get to go first."

Applejack turned to her frowning, "You did not!"

Rainbow shushed her, "Just trying to get her off him." she whispered.

"Well, I doubt that'll work." Applejack whispered back.

Fluttershy gasped, "Oh, Spike, I didn't know you and Maud were going to do that. Perhaps I should go." she tried to leave, only for Rainbow to pull her back.

"Spike, what were you and Maud trying to do behind my back?" Pinkie demanded.

"Go on, Spike. We're all ears." Rarity added, as Twilight crossed her arms in disappointment.

"We didn't do anything I swear on it!" Spike cried.

"Yes. I was only trying to find out what was so magical about Spike that attracted my sister if not all of you to him." Maud explained bluntly.

The girls blinked their eyes, as Twilight asked, "That's it?"

Maud nodded, and the girls sighed in relief that Maud wasn't really trying to take Spike away. Pinkie spoke up, as she came between her sister and Spike, "Silly, Maud, what we love about Spike so much is that he's always treated us with kindness and has never let us down." she hugged Spike.

"She's right," Twilight agreed, "Spike's always been there for each of us, as we have for him."

"I see," Maud answered, as she looked at Spike, "I'm sorry I scared you there."

"Oh, no trouble at all." Spike said, trying to dismiss he was frightened at all. Suddenly he found himself embraced by Maud who whispered to him.

"Thank you, for being my sister's friend. I care about her very much. And seeing her happy brings joy to my heart."

Spike hearing her speak like that knew even thought she doesn't express her emotions like Pinkie, he could tell she truly meant that. And smiled knowing Pinkie has siblings like Maud that care for her.

Later on at a dinner table which was composed of two long tables side by side, everyone was gathered around for their Christmas feast. Everyone looked eager to dig in, until Hondo spoke up, "Well, before we begin, who'd like to say grace?"

Rarity spoke up, "I would like to nominate Spike."

"Me?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Of course, darling. You always have a way with words." Rarity complimented.

Spike looked around seeing his parents confirming as well as his friends and their siblings. Even the other adults looked hopeful that Spike would do it.

Spike smiled, "Ok," he cleared his throat, and everyone folded their hands as he began, "Lord, we'd like to give thanks to you for blessing this wonderful meal that we're all about to share. And for letting us all be family, friends, loved ones share Christmas day with each other under one roof. And we pray that we can have many more times like this with each other. We thank you, Lord."

"Amen!" everyone said together, and the feast began.

At the end of dinner, everyone was stuffed. As the adults did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, the others were heading into the living room. As Spike and his six close friends stood in the entry of the living room. Sweetie Belle looked up and smirked, "Mistletoe!"

Spike gasped, as he and the girls looked up seeing each one of them was under the mistletoe. Spike looked at the girls who smiled at him. Rainbow was the first to act, "Pucker up." she pulled him into a kiss. Shining, Cadence, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Big Mac, Maud, and the rest of Pinkie's siblings were shocked.

"No fair, Rainbow!" Fluttershy cried, as she pulled Spike away from her to get her kiss.

"My turn!" Pinkie grabbed Spike and kissed him.

"One side there!" Applejack took Spike next, and kissed him.

"Give him here!" Rarity took Spike, and gave him her kiss.

"Now me!" Twilight finished, giving Spike his last mistletoe kiss.

Spike looked star eyed from the kissing, as the girls smiled. Cadence and the rest of the girls giggled, while Shining and Big Mac despite being older brothers couldn't help but laugh at how bold their sisters were, and Spike's reaction to each of them.

Spike said dizzily, "That's the ticket!" the six giggled, until Maud approached making them confused.

She stood before Spike, who just regained his composure and saw her stand before him,"Maud?" suddenly the slightly older girl pulled Spike into a kiss, leaving the six and the others shocked.

When the two broke, Spike was once again disoriented, Pinkie cried, "Maud!"

Maud looked at Pinkie giving a rare smile, "I'm satisfied with the result." the other five frowned in jealousy.

That night, all six girls and Spike who convinced their parents to let them spend that Christmas night at Rarity's house, were all in their sleepwear and were ready to turn in for the night. Before Rarity and Spike could join them, Rarity spoke to Spike, "Spike?"

"Yeah, Rarity?"

"I have one request of you. If you don't mind."

"What is it?" he asked.

"Do you remember this picture?" Rarity showed him her framed picture featuring the two as little kids, with Rarity holding Spike close as he sat on her lap, along with Rarity resting her head on top of Spike's, and Spike resting his head into her neck.

Spike smiled, "Yeah. That was when you invited me over to try on some guy outfits you made. And they were really good outfits."

Rarity smiled, "What I want is for us to reenact this scene."


"Yes. Would you?" she requested.

Spike answered with a smile, "Of course I will."

"Thank you so much." Rarity smiled, as she set everything up. She set her cellphone on camera mode with a timer, and took a seat on a chair with Spike sitting in her lap. They positioned their heads just like they looked in the one picture until the phone took the image.

They looked at it, and Rarity squealed, "We look so cute together."

"Yeah we sure do." Spike admitted.

Rarity yawned, "Well, I best turn in. Coming, Spike?"

"Be right with ya." he answered, as Rarity went on ahead to her room. Spike looked out a window and watched as the snow continued to fall from the night sky.

He finally went into Rarity's room seeing Rarity in bed, and the rest of the girls in sleeping bags laid out on the floor. He slowly tip toed, and leaned down and kissed Twilight's cheek. He then leaned down to where Fluttershy was to kiss her cheek. He then gave one to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. After he kissed their cheeks individually each of them smiled in their sleep. Spike seeing Rarity left an open space for him in her bed. Taking the invitation, Spike crawled into her bed and kissed Rarity's cheek to complete the set. Rarity smiled in her sleep from feeling Spike's kiss.

Spike pulled the covers over him and Rarity, as he whispered, "Merry Christmas, girls." he looked through Rarity's bedroom window and saw a single twinkling star in the sky.

Author's Note:

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas this year.