• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,382 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

The Make Up

The girls stood there reflecting on their behavior to themselves and Spike, "I can't believe we made Spike think he's at fault because of our argument." Fluttershy said in sadness.

"It's so horrible." Rarity cried.

"We broke his little heart." Pinkie sobbed.

"I feel like such a rotten apple." Applejack looked down in shame.

"How could I be awesome after hurting him like that?" Rainbow blamed herself.

Twilight recalled the look of distraught and sadness on Spike's face. Suddenly her own sad look shifted to determination, "Girls, we got to fix this."

"Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"We made Spike cry by acting like jerks. We got to show him it was not his fault, but ours."

Rainbow inspired by her words, spoke up, "Twi's right. Let's find our little buddy and show him how sorry we are."

The girls sad looks started turning happy and inspired, while Pinkie's hair became poofy again. Applejack spoke, "I'm with ya all the way."

"Me too." Fluttershy agreed.

"Me three." Pinkie added.

"Come, girls. We don't have a moment to waste." Rarity ordered, as the six hurried off to find Spike.

Meanwhile in Canterlot park, Spike was sitting on a bench by himself with his head down. His cheeks were red from his crying, and still sniffled.

"My six best friends fighting because of me. I thought our friendship was strong enough to stand up against anything no matter how bad. I guess I was wrong about that. And now thanks to me they've turned on each other." he envisioned a picture of him and each of the girls together with him in the center. One by one each of the girls were ripped out of the picture until all that was left was Spike in the shot with rips surrounding his image.

Spike was brought out of his state of depression when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Spike looked up and saw standing above him was an African woman with black and white hair done up in a mohawk, and three gold rings around her neck. Her outfit was a traditional African ensemble that went down to her ankles.

"Spike Drake, what has got ya in so much sorrow?" the woman asked.

"Oh, hi, Zecora." Spike greeted.

"Zecora; one of the neighbors that lives not too far from me and the girls. She's been on the block longer than any of us. When we first heard of her a lot of terrible rumors were told of her being a witch who loved to cook little children if they came near her place. Turns out she was a real nice woman from Africa. She's insightful about stuff, has knowledge about herbs and remedies, has a tendency to rhyme from time to time, and she can make a delicious cup of tea."

"This is not the usual happy Spike I am used to seeing." Zecora noticed.

"Well, sorry, but happy Spike isn't around today." he answered dismally.

Zecora took a seat next to the teen, and spoke, "Why don't you tell Zecora about your trouble? I promise you will feel much better."

Spike sighed, "Ok. I think I caused my friendship with my six friends to fall apart."

"Oh?" Zecora asked curiously, "And why do you think that?"

Spike explained, "They all wanted me to be their date at their schools end of the year dance. I told them I'd decide, but they started bribing me with stuff to get me to pick them. When they discovered they were all trying to convince me they started fighting. I tried to stop them, but they just pushed me away like I had no place in the matter. Because of me they were all fighting each other, and now I fear as long as I'm friends with them they'll never patch things up."

"Spike, you musn't blame yourself for such a spectacle." Zecora comforted him.

"What else can I do? All their anger towards each other directs back to me." he asked feeling torn between how to feel.

"My boy, I have known you and your friends for many years now. And if there's one concept I've learned from watching the seven of you, it's that no matter how bad things may get between you all your friendship will always see you through."

"Maybe, but I'm not so sure it's the same as before." Spike doubted.

Zecora lifted his chin up to look at her, "Trust me, Spike. You and your friends will always find a way to make up and make your friendship even stronger. You just have to have faith in yourself and your friends."

Spike feeling a bit better gave a smile, "Ok, Zecora."

"Spike!" came a group of voices.

Zecora stood up and smiled, "And this is where we part." she took her leave, as Spike looked and saw the girls running over in concern.

They stopped before him looking out of breath, "Spike, there you are." Twilight said in relief.

"We were so worried about ya." Applejack said.

"Worried about me?" Spike asked.

"Of course we were, darling," Rarity assured, "When we saw you run off like that we didn't think of anything else except you."

"Not even that fight you were having?"

"Spike, it was stupid of us to fight each other over you." Rainbow confessed.

"We shouldn't have been fighting at all." Pinkie added.

"We made it harder for you choose one of us to accompany at the dance." Fluttershy put in.

"And that was wrong of us," Twilight said, "You were not the cause of our argument, it was all on us."

"You tried to stop us but we ignored you when we shouldn't have." Rarity explained.

"We're awfully sorry, Sugarcube. Could ya ever forgive a bunch of stubborn gals?" Applejack pleaded, as the girls were giving him hopeful looks.

Spike looked at them while remembering what Zecora said. He gave them a smile, "Hey, that's what friends are for right?"

Pinkie smiled, "Besties always." they all group hugged Spike who hugged them back.

"I love you girls so much." Spike confessed.

"We love you too, Spike." Twilight answered.

"Always have." Applejack began.

"Always will." Rainbow finished.

They broke the embrace, as Spike spoke, "I've made my decision..."

"You have?" the girls asked curiously as they waited for the reveal.

"I want all of you." he answered.

There was an awkward moment of silence before the girls asked, "Huh?"

"I want all of you to be mine." he answered.

"All of us?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's right. Call me crazy, greedy, or even selfish, but I don't care. I love all of you and can't bear to think of myself without all of you in my life. So either I get to take all of you or nothing." Spike declared.

The girls were taken aback by Spike's words, until Pinkie spoke up, "I accept your terms."

"Pinkie?" the girls asked in surprise.

"Come on, girls. Think about it, since when have any of us been Spike's most favorite? Never. So let's all share him."

"Pinkie, that's not even legal." Twilight stated.

"That's never stopped us from doing anything crazy before, has it?" she asked.

"Well, no." Twilight admitted.

"Exactly. So come on, girls. Who's with me?"

The girls said nothing, until Rainbow spoke up, "Hell, I've done crazy things before so what's another one to add to my list? I'm in."

"Shucks, it's ain't gonna be easy telling Granny Smith or Big Mac I'm sharing my favorite boy with my closest friends," Applejack began, "But I'll tell 'em it was for a good reason."

"Well, I'm not going to be left out of this!" Fluttershy answered.

"And neither will I." Rarity added.

The girls and Spike looked at Twilight, as the boy asked, "Twilight?"

Twilight looked at the six and saw how much they were willing to do something totally crazy. She didn't want to lose the chance to be with the boy she cared deeply for, so she answered, "If you're all going to do something like that, then you'll need me to complete this circle of love." she smiled.

Spike smiled, as he and the girls group hugged again. Spike looked at them, "Now that it's decided I should do this right," he cleared his throat, "Girls, would you like to be my dates to your school dance?"

The girls smiled as each of them gave their answer.

"I do, Spike." Twilight answered.

"You betcha, buddy." Applejack nodded.

"Hell yes." Rainbow pumped a fist.

"Yes indeedily." Pinkie said while jumping up.

"I'd love too." Fluttershy answered.

"And so would I, love." Rarity concluded.

Spike smiled, "Thank you. Now why don't we kiss and make up?"

"Kiss? I love kissing!" Pinkie beamed.

"So who should Spike kiss first?" Fluttershy asked, until the girls answered simultaneously, "Well, obviously it should be me!" the girls glared at each other with contempt. Spike fearing it was going to start all over again, was surprised when they burst into laughter. He was relieved to see all was still well.

"It shouldn't matter who I kiss first, because all of you get my equal love." Spike said, before he went to Twilight and kissed her, followed by Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. All six girls felt flustered that they got kissed by him for a change, as Spike himself smiled with pride.

Watching from beside a tree was Zecora who had been observing everything. She smiled and spoke to herself, "Love is a powerful thing. And their love for each other is just as strong as the friendship they have with each other," she looked to Spike, "Good job, Spike."