• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

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Valentines Day Festival

It was Valentines Day, and outside Canterlot High, Spike was meeting up with the girls. As the doors opened, the students began pouring out.

When Spike saw the six exit, he smiled and called out, “Yo, girls!”

When they saw him, they rushed down their stairs and embraced him, “Happy Valentines Day, Spike.” Twilight greeted him.

“And Happy Valentines Day to all of you.” Spike replied.

“We each got ya a little something.” Applejack said, as each of the girls presented him with a Valentines Day card.

Spike took them each and smiled, “Thanks, girls. Oh, I got you girls something too.” he reached into his backpack and pulled out six envelopes each baring one of the girls names on it.

They each opened their cards to see their valentines theme was of their fave hobby or interest. Twilight's was a science themed valentine, Rainbow's was a sports theme, Pinkie's a party theme, Fluttershy's an animal theme, Rarity's a fashion theme, and Applejack's an apple theme.

“Thank you, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“Yes, darling, thank you.” Rarity smiled brighter.

“Come on, let's go.” Spike said, as the group left.

As they walked, Pinkie spoke up, “I'm so excited. Tonight's the Valentines Festival at school.”

“I know, it's gonna be awesome.” Rainbow agreed.

“Especially since Spike and I will ride the Tunnel of Love together.” Rarity boasted, which caused the girls and Spike to look at her.

“What'd you say?” Applejack asked.

“Spike and I will be riding the Tunnel of Love, of course.” Rarity repeated herself.

“Now, wait a cotton pickin' minute,” Pinkie spoke up, “I wanted Spike to have loads of fun at the festival!”

Rainbow butted in, “Hey, get in line, Pinkie. Spike and I are gonna be playing loads of festival games.”

“Hold your horses, partner,” Applejack stepped in, “I wanted Spike to join me in trying some of their tasty treats.”

Fluttershy spoke up, “But I was going to ask Spike to join me at the festival's petting zoo!”

“He can't, because we're going to be checking out the arts and crafts display.” Twilight voiced up.

And thus, the six girls broke up into a squabble, while Spike was ignored. Spike watched seeing is six friends argue with one another all because of him.

He thought to himself, 'No, not again! I got do something before this squabble tears their friendship apart. But what to do?' he suddenly spotted Trixie walking by, 'Ah-ha!' Seeing the girls distracted he ran from them and slid before Trixie, much to the dramatic girls surprise.

“Trixie, I'm glad I caught you.”

“Spike?” she asked perplexed.

“I need a favor of you.” he requested.

“A favor?”

The girls continued arguing amongst each other, until they heard Spike clear his throat. They looked and saw Spike standing with Trixie at his side, holding hands.

“Spike?” Rainbow asked.

“Trixie?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“What're you doing here?” Applejack asked suspiciously.

“Well, it just so happens Spike here, agreed to be my date for the Valentines Festival tonight.” Trixie boasted.

“WHAT?!” the girls cried simultaneously.

Twilight looked at Spike, “Spike, you can't be serious.”

“But why?” Fluttershy asked, on the verge of tears.

“Trixie asked me first. You girls were too busy squabbling.” he answered.

“Spike, please reconsider.” Rarity pleaded, only for Trixie to hold up a hand halting her.

“Spike made his decision, so that's that,” she turned to Spike, “Come along, sweetie. Let's go get ready for tonight.”

“Delighted.” Spike replied, as the two walked off together, leaving the six in shock.

Rainbow shouted, “What the hell just happened?!”

“Spike left us for Trixie?” Pinkie asked sadly, as he hair deflated.

“NO!” Rarity bawled with Fluttershy.

Applejack spoke up, “Knock it off, yall! Blubbering like this ain't gonna change a thing.”

Twilight nodded, “That's right. We are to blame for once again letting our individual desires to be with Spike tear us apart.”

“So what can we do about it now?” Fluttershy asked.

“We're gonna get Spike back.” Applejack suggested.

“But how?” Rarity wondered.

“We're going to the festival and keep an eye on Spike.” Twilight said.

Fluttershy gasped, “We're going to spy on him?”

“Not him. Trixie.” Applejack corrected her.

“Who knows what she might try to say or do to sway Spike away from us.” Rarity noted.

“Awesome plan.” Rainbow smirked.

“So how about it?” Applejack asked, as each of the girls put their hands in and broke.

“Come on, we gotta hurry.” Twilight said, as they left for their homes to get ready for tonight.

As it was getting dark, Trixie came by Spike's house. The girls watched from their individual bedroom windows, while Applejack hid on her front porch watching from down the block. When they saw Spike leave with Trixie they waited until they were out of sight, before they left their homes and followed them.

At Canterlot High, the Valentines Festival was set up. There were rides, booths, snack bars, and lots more. Spike and Trixie entered the festival grounds seeing many of the students from Canterlot High, and students from Canterlot Junior High.

Spike gasped, “Wow, this looks so cool.”

“I know, right?” Trixie asked.

“Come on, let's check it out.” Spike said, as the two went to explore the grounds.

Behind them was the six girls, who were all in disguise. Twilight was dressed in short denim shorts, and a purple top while she wore glasses and had her hair tied in a ponytail. Rainbow Dash had her hair in pigtails, wore leather pants, a red shirt, and a blue vest over it. Fluttershy was dressed as a punk rocker chick, with Gothic makeup on her face her hair done up in spikes, a pair of black and white leggings, a jean skirt, and a black top.

Applejack was dressed in sandals, pink shorts, a white top with a pink heart on it, and her hair done up fancy. Pinkie was dressed as a beatnik with a beret containing her hair, and a fake goatee on her chin. Rarity was wearing boots, camouflage pants, a gray shirt, and had her hair all frizzed and messed up.

“Ok, we made it. Any questions?” Twilight asked.

“Just one,” Rainbow began, “Why the hell are we looking like this?!”

Rarity answered, “We're in disguise of course.”

“I can see that, but don't ya think our disguises make us stand out more?” Rainbow asked.

“I agree with Rainbow on this one.” Applejack agreed.

“And I'm very uncomfortable wearing this.” Fluttershy said meekly at her disguise.

“Come now, girls. This is brilliant. No one will think it's us because we wouldn't be caught dead really looking like this.” Rarity assured them.

“She's got a point.” Twilight admitted.

“Remember, girls, we're doing this for Spike.” Rarity reminded them.

“Right.” they agreed.

“Come on, let's go.” Rainbow said, as they followed Spike's trail.

Meanwhile Spike and Trixie were sharing a milkshake complete with a crazy straw which looked like two straws combined with them forming a heart in the middle with two straw ends for each of them to drink from. The two sipped the milkshake simultaneously, while looking into each others eyes.

Sitting at another table at a good distance from them were the girls each having their own beverages, while looking envious at the two, “Oh, I wanted to share a milkshake with Spike using that kind of crazy straw.” Pinkie whined.

“Be glad they're not sharing spaghetti otherwise I'd really lose it.” Rainbow added.

“I know.” Rarity agreed.

“Uh, girls, everyone's watching us.” Fluttershy whispered, and saw Fluttershy was right.

Many other students were watching the six awkwardly for not only their wardrobe's but for glancing at Spike and Trixie so much.

“Maybe we should watch from another distance?” Applejack suggested, and the girls agreed. They finished their drinks and casually pretended to go elsewhere but watched from around the corner.

“There they go.” Rainbow said quietly.

“Let's move.” Twilight said, as they followed.

They found the two were at a game booth and were shooting water pistols to make the balloon pop. When the girls saw Spike manage to win, the booth operator handed Spike a giant blue bear plush which he handed off to Trixie who hugged him.

The girls frowned in envy, as Rainbow spoke, “That should've been me and Spike playing those games!”

“Wake up and smell the coffee sugarcube,” Applejack spoke, “You, like the rest of us lost our chance.” Rainbow sighed.

“Hey, where are they going now?” Pinkie asked, as they watched the two walk.

They looked, until Rarity saw where they were headed, “Oh, they are not!” she gasped.

“What, what is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“They're going on the Tunnel of Love!” Rarity exclaimed in outrage.

“Calm down, Rarity, you'll give us all away.” Twilight calmed her.

“I don't care if we're supposed to be hiding, I'm not letting that succubi sink her nails into Spike.” Rarity said, preparing to go after them,

“Pinkie, come with me.”

“Huh?” Pinkie wondered.

“The ride only allows two people to ride it.” Rarity explained.

“But won't people think you and I are if we...”

“Never mind that, come on!” Rarity dragged Pinkie along.

As Spike and Trixie were let onto a little boat that went into the tunnel, Rarity and Pinkie managed to catch the next one and were behind them.

Inside the tunnel, the boats rode along a stream while surrounding the riders from all sides and the ceiling were red and pink lights in heart designs. Playing on monitors was soft melodic music to set a perfect mood.

Trixie smiled as she held Spike close to her, and spoke, “This is beautiful, Spike.”

“Yeah, beautiful.” he admitted.

“I'm really glad you came with me to the festival, Spike.”

“Well, I'm glad you asked me.” he answered.

From behind, Rarity was trying to listen in on their conversation, but the music was too loud for her and Pinkie to actually hear them.

“I can't hear a thing they're saying.” Rarity told Pinkie.

“Let me get closer.” Pinkie offered.

“How can we get closer when the boats are moving at this pace?” Rarity asked.

“Like this.” Pinkie stood up in the boat and tried to lean in at the end to hopefully get better reception.

“Wait a minute, Pinkie, don't stand on the edge, or we'll...” Rarity tried to pull her back, but Pinkie's weight pushing down on the front of their boat caused it to tip over and the two fell into the stream.

Spike looked confused and spoke to Trixie, “Did you hear something?” Trixie shrugged her shoulders.

Outside the ride, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy waited, until they saw Rarity and Pinkie walk over looking soaked with Rarity looking irritated and Pinkie smiling.

“Why're you two all wet?” Applejack asked.

“Don't ask.” Rarity warned her.

“Did you see where Spike and Trixie are headed?” Twilight asked.

“They're going to the photo booths.” Pinkie added.

“Then so are we.” Applejack answered, as they headed over.

They walked for the Photo booths set up, and saw Spike and Trixie going inside one and waited until they came out. They saw the two stepped out laughing as they were looking at the shots of them printed out. Some shots included Trixie hold Spike close nuzzling him, another was of the two making goofy faces, and a third shot was of Trixie pecking Spike's cheek.

The girls continued following the two, as Spike and Trixie continued to enjoy themselves at the Festival. They followed them until the two stopped to sit on a bench.

Spike and Trixie looked up at the sky, as Spike spoke, “Nice night, huh?”

“It's sure beautiful.” Trixie answered, as she looked up at the stars in nostalgia.

The two looked at each other smiling, “This has been a great day, Spike.”

“I know.” he said, as the two started moving closer.

The girls who had been watching from around a corner saw what was happening, and Twiligt's eyes widened in rage and let out a scream before trying to run over, only for the girls to hold her back.

“Twilight, no!” Applejack called.

“You can't just barge in on them!” Pinkie cried.

“I don't care anymore! I won't let the night end this way!” she shouted, as she broke away from the group and ran for the two, “STOP!”

Spike and Trixie ceased getting closer and looked seeing Twilight standing before the steaming, “Twilight?” Spike asked.

“What're you doing here?” Trixie asked, before noticing the rest of Twilight's friends approaching, while looking sheepish that they've been discovered.

“I should be asking what you were planning to do just now to Spike.” Twilight retorted while pointing accusingly at her.

“Have you all been spying on us?” Spike asked in disbelief.

“Yes.” Pinkie answered bluntly.

“Pinkie!” Rainbow and Applejack chided her.

“What? You'd think he'd believe us if we said otherwise?” Rarity face palmed.

“I can't believe you six would spy on us.” Trixie said in shock.

“Neither can I,” Spike added, “Why would you do this?”

“Spike, it's not that we didn't trust you.” Fluttershy tried to explain.

“We just didn't trust Trixie.” Rarity said.

“Hey!” Trixie called.

“I don't care who you trust, you still spied on me. And I don't like being spied on.”

“We only did it because we wanted to spend the night at the festival with you.” Pinkie said.

“Well, I'm sorry but you girls were too preoccupied fighting.” Spike reminded them.

“We know,” Rarity sighed, “We know.” the group looked guilty, as Twilight spoke.

“We're sorry to have spied on you and Trixie, Spike. It was stupid and wrong of us to do it.”

“We should've respected your choice and left ya alone.” Applejack added.

“We'll leave you two alone now, and think about what we've done.” Fluttershy said, as the six turned, and started to walk off.

They didn't get far as Twilight and Rarity each felt a hand grab their wrists. The group turned and saw Spike had stopped them, “Spike?” Applejack asked.

He spoke, “It was stupid of you girls to spy on me and Trixie. I remember you all wanted to do something with me here but got into a petty squabble over it. But seeing you all come together to watch over me while I was out with Trixie proves your friendship is still as strong as ever even thought your fought to want to spend time with me. Seeing you girls work together like so makes me happy.”

“So then are we cool?” Rainbow asked hopefully, while the others hoped as well.

Spike smiled, “As ice.” he opened his arms up, and all six hugged him in joy. Spike turned to Trixe and spoke, “Listen, Trixie, would you mind if I...”

“Say no more, Spike. I've had enough fun for one night. And thanks for it.” Trixie said, as she took her leave.

Spike looked to the girls, “Come on, there's still plenty of time for us.”

“Yeah!” the girls cheered.

“But first, think you girls can get out of those clothes?” he asked, “No offense, but you all look ridiculous.”

The girls smiled sheepishly, before Rarity pushed them off to find a place to change, and suddenly they came back wearing their normal attire, and Fluttershy had the goth makeup washed off, and Rarity fixed up her hair.

Spike smiled, until he saw Pinkie still wearing the fake goatee, “Pinkie, why're you still wearing that?”

“I think it looks good, don't you?” she asked.

“It's you.” Spike laughed, as the girls joined him.

“Come on, everyone. Let's have some fun.” Twilight said, as the seven took off to have the fun they had wanted to have.

First they were at the arts and crafts display seeing all the fine projects made by various students and others, just as Twilight wanted. Afterward they were at the petting zoo spot, where Fluttershy and Spike were petting some of the critters. They started trying out several game booths, just like Rainbow wanted, with both Spike and Rainbow having loads of laughs when trying to one up each other with whatever game they played.

They decided to take a break and get some snacks at the snack booths. They got their food, and a giant glass of ice cream soda with an even crazier straw that had seven straw ends for each of them to drink out of. Rarity finally got Spike to join her on the Tunnel of Love. And as they were nearing the end of the tunnel, Rarity gave Spike a peck on the cheek, and he gave her one in return.
Soon enough all of them were on the Ferris Wheel in a single car big enough to hold them all with Spike in the middle. They watched the sky as they slowly went up higher.

Spike spoke up, “I'm glad we could have the rest of the night together, girls.”

“So are we, sugarcube.” Applejack agreed.

“And once again, we're sorry we fought like that.” Fluttershy apologized.

“Hey, it happens,” Spike admitted, “But I know our friendship will help us through tough times as they have before.” they smiled as they enjoyed the ride.

Later on as it got late, Spike and the girls were planning to leave, until Spike spoke, “You girls go on ahead. I'll catch up,” the girls went on ahead, as Spike stood and spoke up, “You can come out now.”

Stepping out from around a corner was Trixie, “So how'd it go?”

Spike smiled, “Mission accomplished, Trixie. They put aside their want to individually spend time with me to come after me.”

“I'm glad.” Trixie smiled.

“Thanks again for posing as my date. I just hope you really don't think I did this strictly to get the girls to work together. I really did enjoy our date here.”

“I believe you. And besides I loved seeing the girls reactions to us going to the festival. Especially Twilight's reaction.” she giggled.

“Thanks again.” Spike thanked her.

“A pleasure. Now about my payment.” she said in expectation.

“I haven't forgotten.” Spike answered, as he moved closer to her and pecked her on the cheek.

Trixie felt her cheek, “May not have been lips, but you take what you can get.”

Spike nodded, “See you around, Trixie. And Happy Valentines Day!” he ran off to catch the girls.

Trixie smiled, as she watched Spike leave, “Happy Valentines day.” she said.

Author's Note:

Hope Everyone has a Happy Valentines Day next Saturday.