• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,364 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Comic Con

At Carousel Boutique one morning, Spike was waiting around for the girls to get out of the dressing room. He looked up at the ceiling feeling bored from waiting. After being silent for too long he spoke up, "Come on, girls. If we don't hurry we'll miss all the good stuff!"

"Keep it together, Spike. The Con isn't going anywhere." Came Twilight's voice from the dressing room.

"Besides, you know slipping into these costumes is a delicate procedure." Rarity added from inside the dressing room.

"I know. I know." Spike replied, as he continued to wait for his friends to finish up.

Suddenly, he heard the door of the dressing room open, and out stepped the girls looking all dressed up for the Comic Con. Each of them were cosplaying as the Power Princesses' the super heroine's from Spike's favorite comic book series.

Twilight was dressed as Masked Matter-Horn, Pinkie Pie was cosplaying as Fili Second, Rainbow Dash was Zapp, Rarity was Radiance, Applejack was Mistress Mare-velous, and Fluttershy was Saddle Rager.

Spike looked at his friends in awe, seeing that each of them not only pulled off the costumes of each heroine well, but from his standpoint they looked just like the real Power Princesses.

"Girls, you all look so amazing." Spike panted, while fanning himself.

"Thanks, Spike. Rarity really did a good job in making them look exactly like they do in the comic." Twilight explained.

"I even added a little something extra to Fluttershy's." Rarity added, as she pressed something on Fluttershy's costume, and it started to inflating making Fluttershy appear muscular.

"Wow, inflatable muscles." Spike gasped at the brilliance.

"And if it becomes too hard for me to walk with them." Fluttershy pressed down on another button making the air deflate from her costume.

"Oh, this is going to be sooo cool!" Spike cheered.

"Well, the team is not complete yet, Spikey." Rarity said, as she handed him a costume on a rack and pushed him behind a changing curtain so he could also get changed.

The girls waited until the curtain of the changing room opened up, and out stepped Spike. He was cosplaying as Humdrum, the young lone male member of the Power Princesses. As Spike stood before the girls in his costume, they looked excited and awestruck at Spike before gathering around him.

"So the Power Princesses have assembled." Rainbow said, standing proudly.

"Then let's go to Comic Con!" Pinkie declared excitedly. And so the group took off.

The six took Applejack's truck all the way to the Canterlot Social Center, where Comic Con was being held. The group went inside to see the place loaded with comic fans, hipsters, and cosplayers from all over Canterlot city, and who knows how many from out of town. The group looked in awe, especially Spike.

"Girls, we've entered paradise." Spike said feeling nostalgic.

Pinkie looked around, "Funny, I expected paradise would a candy coated utopia with marshmallows, ice cream, and chocolate sauce." the girls rolled their eyes.

"So many different things to check out." Applejack asked, as she looked around from the entry.

"Where do we even begin?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Don't worry, I've compiled a schedule of all the important panels and interviews to look at, until then we're free to roam around and see all the stands." Twilight explained like the egghead she was.

"And I picked out a pamphlet." Spike added, as he held up said pamphlet he picked up when they entered the building.

"So what're we standing around for?" Rainbow asked rhetorically, "Let's go!"

"Yeah, let's go!" Pinkie cheered. And so the group started exploring the con, while passing by many other cosplayers and comic fans who looked intrigued by their costumes.

"Take a look at those guys." a fan boy wearing a Power Princess shirt said to another, while motioning to Spike and the girls.

"Whoa, those costumes look a hundred percent lifelike." the second one said in equal amaze.

The group stopped by a room loaded with stands selling all sorts of comic and anime stuff. They each went to a stand. Rarity went by one stand that sold little trinkets from rings, necklaces, and earrings. She was looking at a set of earrings from a magical girl anime that she felt looked wonderful. Pinkie went to a stand that sold authentic candies and treats sold in Japan. Fluttershy was looking at some cute magical creature plushes, and was nuzzling with a plush of a magical rabbit familiar.

Rainbow was looking at some Japanese C.D's of some old classic sentai shows. Applejack was checking out collectible figurines of comic books characters and characters from other media. Twilight was looking at some of the bargain comics and books they had. Spike meanwhile was checking out a stand selling authentic weaponry contained in sheaths and scabbards.

Spike gasped as he looked at a sword in a sheath, "Is that really the Demon Splitter from Eye of the Crystal Demon?"

The vendor answered with a smirk, "And in mint condition too."

Spike looked amazed, "I'd give a leg and an arm for something so majestic and beautiful."

"Unfortunately, we don't take body parts for payment." the vendor humored him, and the two laughed.

"Spike!" Twilight called, as she and the girls approached him with a bag in hand.

"Hey, girls. Find anything you want?" Spike inquired.

"We sure did." Pinkie agreed, as she showed him her bag with a few treats she bought from the vendor.

"Did you get anything you liked?" Twilight asked.

"Well, if I had my way I would've gotten this." he motioned to the sword he was fixated on.

"Awesome." Rainbow said in excitement.

"Spike." Twilight said sternly.

"But it was out of my price range, so I settled for something more casual," Spike reached into his bag, and pulled out a poster of the Power Princesses, "I'm gonna hand this on my ceiling above my bed. So when I wake up they're the first ones I see in the morning."

Rainbow smirked, "And when you see them, just think of them as us in costumes." she nudged his shoulder and he chuckled.

Twilight looked at her watch, "Oh, my gosh. We better hurry, the panel for the writer of Power Princesses will be starting soon."

Spike gasped, "That's right. Come on!" he said, as they started walking for the destination, "I can't believe we're actually going to meet the author himself. Adrock Harrison. I've dreamed about this moment my whole life."

"Well, that dreams about to come true, partner." Applejack patted his shoulder.

The group entered a room with other Power Princess fans with some cosplaying as characters from the comic book. The seven took a seat among the fans and waited until, Adrock Harrison went on stage and sat as a desk with a mic.

"Welcome everyone to Comic Con. It's so nice to see how many fans of my comic book series turn up to come here. And it's great to be here myself. Now I'll be sure to answer as many of your questions as I can, and afterward I'll be signing autographs and taking pictures. So let's begin."

And so Spike, the girls, and every fan present sat and listened to Harrison talk about his life experience on what got him into creating comic books, as well as other works he's done before getting into the Power Princesses. After his speech, he started taking questions from many of the fans answering as best he could.

Spike feeling compelled to ask, raised his hand up hoping Adrock would notice, "Who's next?" the writer asked, until his eyes fell upon Spike, "Yes?"

"What did inspire you to create the Power Princess comic?" Spike asked, as the fans kept silent to let the writer give his answer.

Adrock smiled, "Ah, that makes for a very interesting story. You see when I was about fourteen years old I had six friends from the highschool in the town I grew up in. They were all girls, and each one of them were very close to me."

Spike and the girls listened closely starting to get the dejavu feeling from Adrock's story. The writer continued, "The seven of us were the best of friends. We did everything together. They loved, and believe me when I say this, but I loved them too."

"Whatever happened between you all?" Twilight asked.

"Well, after they each went off to college I made sure to keep in touch with them. As they told me of the stuff they did while in college, I kept them posted about the things I was doing at home. Eventually they all found boyfriends that were perfect for them. I had a feeling they would though. As much as we loved each other, I knew they had to eventually find guys for themselves. But that didn't damage our friendship. So when I got the idea for the Power Princesses, I based each girl off one of my friends that best suited their personality wise."

"And you based Humdrum off yourself?" Spike inquired.

"Precisely," Adrock confirmed, "Working on this comic with these characters makes me feel as close to my old friends as I've ever been in years." he finished, while feeling nostalgic.

Spike and the girls smiled seeing how close the man was to his friends, and saw how it reflected them as well. After the panel was ending, Adrock started signing autographs and taking pictures with the fans who formed a line. When Spike got up close he pulled out his favorite Power Princesses comic. He reached the desk and put it on the table.

"Who do I make it out to?" Adrock inquired.

"To Spike Drake." Spike answered.

"All right." The writer said, as he began writing his autograph inside the comic.

"Also, Mr. Harrison?"


"I know you probably hear this from any fan who you've told where you got your inspiration from the comic, but I think I have the life of Ken Heathspike."

The writer looked curiously and spoke in amusement, "Let me guess, you're secretly housing alien girls and are secretly a superhero?"

"Oh, no, nothing like that," Spike chuckled, "Actually, I'm very close to six friends of mine, who're also older than me."

Adrock looked over seeing the girls Spike was with. He smiled, "I see. They are a lively bunch."

"That's for sure. And they really care about me. I don't know exactly how deep it was for you and your friends back then. But me and my girls. They really love me. Any words of wisdom about it for a guy like me?"

Adrock smiled, "Well, Spike. Treasure all the good times you spend with them, treat them on equal terms, and never let individual feelings for one of them get in the way of your friendship with the rest of them. And if they do end up seeing others, support them. Because that's what real friends do."

Spike smiled at the writers words, "I'll remember that. Thanks again."

"No problem."

"One last thing." Spike pulled out his camera and took a picture of himself with the writer. He went back to join the girls looking happy.

"You get your autograph?" Applejack asked.

"Uh-huh." Spike confirmed.

"Well, come on let's do some karaoke!" Pinkie cheered.

"Let's." Spike agreed, as they walked on.

They went into another room where fans were doing karaoke. They looked and saw the one currently singing was Trixie dressed in a dark blue sorceress robe with a hat.

They listened as she was singing, which they had to admit was very good. When she finished she bowed her head as the fans applauded. The girl stepped down and saw Spike and the girls. She smiled and walked over.

"Well, if it isn't Spike and the rest of you."

"Hey, Trixie, I didn't know you were a fangirl." Spike said in surprise.

"I'm just full of surprises and tricks." Trixie giggled.

"So who're you supposed to be?" Rainbow inquired.

"I am Sorceress Vexa from my favorite comic book series Sorceresses of the Elementals," she explained, 'And Vexa is the sorceress of water magic."

"Well, you look very cute in that costume." Spike said.

"Oh, thank you, Spike." Trixie embraced Spike, and looked at the girls smugly.

The girls growled, until Spike let go of Trixie, "Come on, girls, let's give it a try." the girls smiled, and followed Spike on stage.

They looked for a song before deciding it. Spike held the mic, and they all sang as they lyrics came on the screen.

As they performed, the fans and otakus were awed by their performance, even more than they were by Trixie's. When they finished, the fans applauded and cheered, as Spike and the girls struck a victory pose.

Later on they were walking along the crowd of fans taking pictures of other cosplayers, and even posing with others for pictures they wanted.

"Get my good side." Rarity said, as one fan boy took a picture of Rarity, while Spike watched him in annoyance.

Soon they went to the cafeteria area grabbing a bite to eat. As Spike ate a slice of pizza he spoke, "What an amazing con, huh, girls?"

"This has truly been a wonderful treat for all of us." Rarity said, as she took a sip of her drink.

"We should come here every year." Pinkie smiled.

"That would be awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

The girls laughed, until a Scottish voice spoke up, "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Spike Drake?"

Spike and the girls looked over and saw a group of four boys, one looked sixteen, two looked seventeen, and one looked twenty three.

The one who spoke with the Scottish accent was 23, was cosplaying as a cyborg griffin with an eyepatch, and cybernetic claw. The second was 17 years old and had brown hair, mixmatched eyes, and tan skin. He was cosplaying as a lizard man pirate character. The third was 16 years old and dressed like Batman. The fourth and final one was 17 years old had white hair styled elegantly like Rarity's, and was dressed like a parrot in pirate garb, with his costume having actual feathers.

"Hey, guys, I was wondering if I'd run into you!" Spike called, as he got up and high fived them, much to the girls confusion.

"Spike, you know these guys?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. These are some friends I met on a Power Princesses chatroom a year ago, we've skyped since then," Spike began starting with the oldest one, "Girls, this is Jet Stream," he motioned to the 17 year old dressed as a parrot pirate, "Star Storm," followed by the one dressed as the lizard man, "Stone Edge," and then to the 16 year old, "And Nova Blast."

The boys waved, as Spike continued, "Guys, meet the girls I told you about. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity."

"Nice to meetcha, loves." Star Storm greeted them.

"Spike's said so much about you all." Stone added.

"Really? He never told us about you." Twilight noted.

"It's a guy thing." Nova Blast replied.

"Nice Power Princess costumes, by the way," Jet Stream said, "Where'd you get them?"

"Rarity made them, even my costume." Spike explained.

"Really?" Star asked curiously.

"I'm a fashion expert." Rarity said with a wave of her hair.

"Clearly." Nova said.

"Wonder if she's an expert in actual brains." Jet whispered to Stone, which didn't go unheard by Rarity.

"Excuse me?"

Stone spoke up, "Sorry about that. Jet's an immature guy, but he's good once you get to know him."

"Who're you guys cosplaying as?" Twilight asked.

"We're the dread pirates from Power Princesses volume 7." Stone answered.

Jet added, while glancing at Nova, "Or we would all be, if someone stuck to the plan."

"What, I like Batman." Nova replied.

"This is the reason why we don't win any costume contests." Star stated with a huff.

"At our last con we were Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, and Batman!" Jet grumbled.

"And before that we were Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Batman!" Stone added.

"So sue me if I love Batman so much." Nova muttered.

"Is that sass coming from you, Nova?" Jet asked firmly.

The girls watched them bicker, as Applejack asked Spike, "Do you know if they always act like this?"

"It's normal when your four guys living in a small apartment together." he replied.

"You four live together?" Fluttershy asked them.

"That's right." Stone confirmed.

"It's not easy, but we manage." Star said.

"Hey, you know what would be good? Let's do a group LARP." Nova suggested.

"Live action role playing?" Twilight inquired.

"Yeah, we've all got parts of characters from the comic," Jet motioned to Nova with stink eye, "Most of us do."

Spike and the girls pondered on the idea, since they had free time before any other panels and such. Spike answered, "Let's do it!"

"Awesome!" Stone cheered, as the rest of his boys got ready.

Meanwhile one of the con managers was discussing thinks with a worker, "What do you mean the actors playing the power Princesses and Humdrum aren't here yet?"

"I'm sorry, but they're stuck in traffic." the worker answered.

The manager sighed, "Great. Now I'll half to cancel the Power Princesses live show. So many fans are going to be disappointed," he came out of his dismal slump, as he heard the sound of battle cries and grunts. He looked over and saw the two groups doing their LARP of a scene from one of the Power Princess comics. He watched Spike and the girls especially seeing how well into character they were and an idea came to mind, "Yes! It's perfect!"

Back with the group, Nova, Jet, Stone, and Star fell to the ground pretending to be defeated, "Curse you Power Princesses!" Stone declared.

"Well, done, girls!" Spike cheered, as he pretended to be Humdrum.

The girls cheered, as Star spoke, "Guys, I think I need to get out of my costume. I'm starting to sweat up a storm in it."

"Too much info." Jet said.

As Spike and the girls laughed at how much fun they had at Role Playing, they heard clapping. They saw the one manager approaching them.

"Very impressive you seven."

"Well, thanks it's not that big." Spike said modestly.

"Yeah. We were just doing a little role play." Twilight added.

"Still the way you acted out was so lifelike I actually thought you could be the Power Princesses and Humdrum."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Uh-huh. In fact, how would you guys like to help me with something?" The group looked curious, as to what the manager was getting too, until Spike spoke.

"We're listening." the manager smiled seeing he got their attention.

Author's Note:

The image of the human power ponies is owned by this artist at deviant art kilala97