• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,380 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Beach Day 2

As the sun rose over the horizon of the beach, it's bright glow shined through the window of Spike's room. When the light washed over Spike's face, he started stirring before his eyes started opening. The first thing he saw was Applejack's breasts pressed into his face.

'I must still be asleep,' Spike thought in disbelief. Suddenly Applejack's arms pulled him in closer, as his face smothered into her firm bosom, 'No, this feels real. And I'm glad it is.'

Applejack's own eyes eventually opened up and saw what she was doing Spike. She quickly released his head, allowing him to catch his breath, "Good morning, Spike." she smiled.

"Good morning, A.J." Spike replied, after getting enough air back.

"Sorry about that smother. I get sort of grabby in mah sleep." she explained sheepishly.

"I noticed. So how'd you sleep?"

"I slept mighty good." she explained.

"And it wasn't because you were right next to me?" Spike asked with a raised brow.

Applejack once again looked sheepish, "Well, ok. That did help."

"Uh-huh. Well, you better get back to your room before the girls realize you aren't there." Spike warned her.

"Right. See ya at breakfast, Spike." Applejack said, as she left the room. When Applejack left the room, Spike grabbed a fresh pair of clothes to change into.

Down below, the girls who after waking up and got dressed, went to the chalet's cafe to eat. Spike finally came down to join them.

"Well, look who decided to join us." Rainbow smirked.

"And a good morning to you, Rainbow." Spike replied, as he joined them.

"You look like you slept well." Twilight noticed.

Spike answered, while secretly eyeing Applejack, "Couldn't have been better."

"I sure hope we have an extra super fun day at the beach like we did yesterday." Pinkie said excitedly.

"So do I." Rarity agreed.

"Well, don't forget after eating we'll have to wait awhile before hitting the water." Twilight reminded them.

"We know, Twilight." Spike rolled his eyes.

"That'll give me some time to work my tan." Rainbow said, as she stretched her arms up.

Once Spike and the girls got changed into their swimwear, they grabbed their supplies and headed back to the beach.

Once they found a good spot like before, they set up everything and were lying down on beach towels while grabbing bottles of root beer from their cooler.

"Now this is a gorgeous day to be at the beach, hey, girls?" Spike asked the group as he popped the cap off his root beer.

"I'll drink to that." Applejack answered, as she and Spike clinked their bottles together and took a swig.

Suddenly they heard some complaints and groans. They looked over and saw three gruff boys who looked like they had the faces of dogs. They were stomping right through the beach knocking down beach umbrellas, and stomping over sandcastles making children cry.

The three stopped before the seven friends, as the lead spoke, "This spot will do nicely."

"You said it, Rover." the biggest of the three spoke.

The girls and Spike frowned at them, as Rainbow spoke, "Hate to say it, but this is our spot."

"Well, it's ours now." Rover said.

"So pack up, and beat it." the shortest of the three ordered.

"Nope. Kinda like it here." Spike answered smugly.

Rover frowned and growled like a dog, "Do you have any idea who you're talking too?"

"I'm afraid we haven't the foggiest." Rarity answered, with a flip of her curl.

"I'm Rover, this is Fido, and Spot. We're the Diamond Dogs."

"Diamond Dogs?" Pinkie asked, as she got up and inspected them each, much to their confusion, "Yeah. With faces like these, that title fits the bill."

"Yeah, you three look just like dogs!" Rainbow laughed, while hanging off of Spike's shoulder.

"Um, Rainbow..." Fluttershy warned her, as the Diamond Dogs were glaring daggers at her for that insult.

"Oh, a funny girl, huh?" Rover asked.

"Let's see how funny she thinks getting a beat down." Fido suggested.

Rainbow stood up, "Bring it on, dog face."

Rover's frown started shifting into a pleasant smile, "Tell you what, why don't you girls come join me and my boys for a bite, and we'll forget this whole thing ever happened?"

"Yeah. What do you say?" Spot asked.

Before the girls could answer, Spike, got up and stood before the trio, "I say you three better take your asses on out of here, before I make you."

"You?" the three older boys asked, before laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny?" Spike asked with a frown.

"The fact that you actually expect us to believe some spineless shrimp can actually make the three of us do anything." Rover answered, while choking back laughter.

"I am not spineless," Spike frowned, until he noticed three crabs waddling by close to his feet. An idea formed into his head, and spoke, "But you three are about to become big toe-less!" he kicked the three crabs that each landed on each of the boys feet.

The crabs startled by Spike's kick, pinched the big toe of the Diamond Dog's foot they landed on. The three boys eyes widened in pain.

"YEOW!" they cried, and started jumping around on their free feet while shaking the crabs off them, but to no avail. They ended up running away crying in pain.

Spike smirked in triumph, until the girls gathered around him, "Spike, that was so brave of you." Fluttershy gasped.

"I can't believe you stood up to those brutes like that." Rarity added.

"And that trick with the crabs was so awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"And funny too." Pinkie giggled.

"Thanks, girls," Spike smiled, "You know, looking those three in the eyes reminded me of that day you chased away those two dogs that wouldn't stop barking at me."

"It did?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Yeah. All I did that day was cry like a baby." Spike sighed.

"Oh, Spike." Fluttershy said in concern.

"Well, it wasn't going to be like that this time." he said seriously.

"Gotta say, Spike, ya did us proud." Rainbow crossed her arms, feeling impressed.

"Well, I wasn't going to let those creeps try and take you away, now was I?" Spike asked rhetorically.

Twilight smiled, and embraced him, "We know you'd never let anything happen to us, Spike."

"Got that right," Spike returned the hug, as the others joined in not wanting to be left out, "Well, come on girls. Let's have some beach fun!" the girls cheered.

And so the fun was underway. Applejack and Fluttershy were building a sandcastle, while Pinkie was building a sand sculpture of herself, much to the other twos surprise.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash were covering's Spike body with sand leaving only his head uncovered. Rarity was laying down beside him taking a picture of them both.

After Spike got free from his sand burial, he was picking seashells with Twilight and Fluttershy, with Twilight going on and on about what types of shells they were finding, which bored Spike and Fluttershy.

Soon they were all swimming and splashing around in the water having fun. Rainbow snuck up behind Spike and restrained him, "Dunk Spike!" she dunked him under the water a bit as his arms stuck out of the water thrashing around. Rainbow pulled him out to get some air, before announcing again, "Dunk Spike!" she did it again, before pulling him back up.

"Rainbow, don't drown Spike!" Twilight chided her.

"Just having some fun, Twilight." Rainbow shrugged it off.

"Hey, guys, look what I found!" Pinkie cried.

They all looked over at the girl, as Applejack spoke, "What is it, Pinkie?"

"Someone lost their bikini top." Pinkie waved around a bikini top that was colored both yellow and pink.

"Wait, isn't that?" Spike trailed off, as they turned to Fluttershy who suddenly realized she lost her bikini top. He breasts were slightly floating above the water level, but the girl crossed her arms over her chest and screamed.

Spike looked away, before any of the girls could tell him. Fluttershy cried, "Pinkie, give that back!"

"You want it? Come and get it!" Pinkie swam around, while Fluttershy swam after her, trying to make sure she was neck deep in the water.

"Aren't we going to help her?" Twilight asked the others in concern.

"Let Fluttershy get some exercise." Rainbow smirked, as she watched the shy girl swim after Pinkie determined to get her top back.

Pinkie feeling she teased Fluttershy enough, gave her the top back, and Fluttershy quickly put it back on, "Pinkie, don't ever do that again." she pleaded.

"What, I was just having fun, plus I think Spike got a good glimpse of you." she nudged the shy girl.

"He did?" Fluttershy paled in embarrassment.

Pinkie laughed, "I'm just kidding, Fluttershy... Or am I?" she asked suspiciously.

They swam back onto shore, and stretched, "That was a wonderful relaxing swim." Rarity moaned while stretching her arms up.

Pinkie looked at the girl and spoke, "Hey, Rarity, your belly's shiny."

"What do you mean by that, Pinkie?" the fashion girl asked curiously.

The others looked and were surprised, "Actually, Pinkie's right." Spike confirmed.

Rarity looked down and saw something shiny in her navel, "Oh, my," she looked closely at it, "Girls, it's a pearl."

"A pearl?" they gasped.

"An actual pearl all the way from the ocean?" Spike asked.

"Yes, and so beautiful too," Rarity said, as he tried pulling it out, "Ooh, come out of there. Stubborn thing!"

"I'll get that." Spike volunteered.

"Oh, thank you, Spike." Rarity smiled, as the boy tried tugging it out.

"Oh, man it's jammed in there tight!" Spike groaned, as he kept trying to pull it out.

"Easy, Spike." Rarity groaned.

"Let me give it a shot." Applejack offered, as she tried to get it out, but to no avail.

"Leave this to me." Rainbow boasted, as she gave it a go, but like Spike and Applejack didn't get it out.

"Let me get some tweezers or some pliers." Pinkie offered.

"Pinkie, no!" Rarity cried, "I don't want you sticking anything like that in me."

"Then how're you going to get it out?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe if I wait awhile it'll pop right out." Rarity suggested.

"What if someone asks about it?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I'll tell them it's a piercing." Rarity answered.

"Would you even consider getting a real one?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, heaven's no," the girl answered, "I may be into fashion and accessories, but when it comes to torso piercings I draw the line."

So they continued to have fun on the beach, while Rarity was waiting patiently for the pearl to loosen up and slip out of her navel. By the time everyone was packing it in when the sun was setting, Rarity still hadn't gotten the pearl out.

Inside the chalet, Spike and the girls were waiting on Rarity who was in the bathroom taking a quick bath before they went down to eat. Rainbow groaned, "Ugh, how much longer is Rarity going to take?" she asked in boredom.

"You know how that gal is, Rainbow." Applejack reminded her.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened up, and out stepped Rarity, fully clothed, "I'm finished."

"You sure took your sweet time." Applejack rolled her eyes.

"For your information, Applejack. I had a very good reason for spending an extra minute in the bath." Rarity flipped her curl, while sticking her chin up.

"Just an extra minute?" Rainbow asked doubtfully.

"Yes, and the reason is because of this." Rarity held up the pearl that was sticking out of her navel.

"The pearl." Twilight gasped.

"You got it out?" Fluttershy was surprised.

"How'd you do it?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Believe it or not all it took was a little soap." she answered.

The six of them stood there looking completely stupid, "Just a little soap?" Spike asked in disbelief.

"That's all it took?" Applejack asked in equal shock.

"I don't believe this." Rainbow said feeling embarrassed.

"Neither can I." Pinkie added, as she held a pair of tweezers and pliers before dropping them.

Spike and Fluttershy looked over seeing Twilight's eye twitching and her teeth grinding, "Uh, Twilight, are you ok?" Spike asked in concerned.

"Twilight?" Fluttershy asked in equal concern.

Twilight spoke through her teeth, "Soap? All it took was soap?" Spike felt nervous, as he looked and almost envisioned her body engulfed in flames looking like a raging fire girl.

But instead, Twilight burst out screaming, "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE WENT THROUGH THIS WHOLE DAY TRYING TO GET THAT OUT OF RARITY AND ALL IT TOOK WAS JUST A BIT OF SOAP?!" she continued to rant in a fit of outrage, which started leading to cursing. Fluttershy covered Spike's ears not wanting him to hear such words come out of Twilight's mouth.

They made their way down the stairs of the chalet, with Twilight still ranting away, much to the irritation of the others. When they were eating they were relieved that Twilight had ceased with the whole outrage rant allowing them to eat peacefully.

"Finally, I thought she'd never shut up." Rainbow whispered to Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Well, perhaps after dinner she'll be much calmer now." Fluttershy suggested.

After dinner, Twilight had went right back to ranting much to the ire of Spike and the girls. Rainbow looked over at Fluttershy giving her a glare, "You just had to say it?" she asked rhetorically, while Fluttershy smiled nervously.

Spike was getting more annoyed with Twilight's ear splitting rants, and had to put a stop to it, "All right, I've had enough of this," he marched to up Twilight who was so caught up in ranting, she didn't even notice him. He tapped her shoulder, "Twilight!" he shouted.

Twilight looked back at him still irritated by the events of earlier, "What?!"

Spike responded by cupping her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss, taking every girl by surprise. Especially Twilight. Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie were wide eyed, with Pinkie's jaw hanging agape, and Fluttershy was covering her face with her hands, but had peeked through her fingers.

When Spike and Twilight parted, Spike saw Twilight looked lost for words, and blushing to boot, "Better?" he asked.

Twilight answered feeling calmer, "Thanks. I needed that."

"You're welcome."

The other five looked jealous, "Maybe I should go on a rant like that around Spike." Rainbow suggested to herself.

"Me too." Pinkie agreed.

Twilight spoke up, "Sorry about that, girls. I guess I kinda lost myself." she sheepishly twirled a finger through her hair.

"It happens, Twi." Applejack replied in comfort.

"Though next time turn down the volume, or at least give me a chance to find ear plugs." Rainbow put in.

Twilight giggled,"Right."

Rarity cleared her throat, "Now that Twilight's gotten all that out of her system, I have something to say."

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.

Rarity approached Spike and held out the pearl, "Spike, I'd like you to have the pearl."

"Me, really?" Spike gasped, as it was placed in his hand.

"Consider it a little reminder of our weekend at the beach." Rarity explained, with a smile.

"Thanks, Rarity. This is so generous of you." he hugged her.

Rarity hugged him back, "You're welcome."

The girls looked envious, until Pinkie looked out the sliding screen window of the closest balcony, "Look." she said, as they went out onto the balcony. They saw the bright moon up in the sky casting it's reflection off the beach water.

"Beautiful." Fluttershy gasped in awe.

"Nice night." Spike smiled.

"Uh-huh." Applejack agreed.

"This is a perfect picture moment." Rarity said as she gathered everyone close to her, before pulling out her cellphone to take a selfie. When the image was taken, they saw how smushed up their heads were together just so they could all get in the shot. They laughed with each other.

"Not a bad start to Spring Break." Spike told the girls.

"And it's just begun." Rainbow smirked, as the girls agreed.

Author's Note:

And there you go. Don't miss next time where Spike and the girls go to a comic convention as the power Princesses and HumDrum.