• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 12: Discord pt.2

Junior and Mosura were running through the town, searching for the source of Transmutants. They ran past many citizens of Ponyville, using their senses to detect them. They continued all the way through the town, finding themselves outside. The two began to sprint, making their way over toward the forest.

"We need to hurry! It's coming from the forest. They might find the lair!" cried Mosura.

"Got it!" shouted Junior. The two dashed into the forest, passing trees, bushes and small animals. Birds were startled by their speed, taking off from the trees. They made their way deeper, lowering their speed to a jog. Mosura took the lead. She suddenly gasped, skidding to a halt, and grabbing Junior. She pulled him behind a tree, panting.

"What's wrong?" asked Junior. Mosura shushed him, and then pointed to the other side. Junior leaned from the tree, peaking to where she pointed. Junior's eyes widened at what he saw. He saw three mantis-like creatures walking through the forest. One of them was a shade of green that he recognized.

"I think that's one of the Transmutants that attacked a few months ago." whispered Junior. A thought crossed his mind. ‘What were they doing here in the first place?’

"OK, we have to make our move now. There's a dairy farm nearby with cattle. Grab what you can and take off back home. A few of them should have been sedated by now." said the forest green mantis. The other three mantises nodded in agreement.

"What are you going to do?" asked one of the mantises.

"I'm going to find that young Transmutant that interfered with my job last time and slice open his throat." growled the forest green mantis. Mosura lightly gasped as she heard what he had said. Junior jumped at her gasp, quickly turning and covered her mouth with his hand.

"What was that?" asked one of the mantises. Junior breathed lightly as he held Mosura close, hoping that they would ignore her gasp. The forest green mantis's antennae began twitch.

"That son of a bitch is here!" shouted the forest green mantis. He dashed toward the tree, slamming his body against it. Mosura yelped as Junior took her and leaped away from the tree as it fell onto the ground. He sets her down, glaring at the mantis.

"You're going to pay, boy!" snarled the mantis. He raised his hooked appendages in the air, screeching as he charged toward Junior and Mosura. They both rolled away from the mantis. Junior then tackled the mantis onto his side, sending punches into his face. The mantis screeched as it punched Junior back with his humanoid hands. Mosura was about to help Junior but saw the three mantises heading her way. She looked back to Junior in worry.

"Go get Angirasu and Rodan!" shouted Junior, sending another punch toward the mantis.


"Go now, dammit!" shouted Junior. He was then grabbed by the mantis and was thrown off across the forest. Mosura looked toward the charging mantises and back to Junior. She groaned in frustration as she charged at them, sliding under the one closest to her. She began to sprint from the area, a fearful expression on her face.

'Why? Why did I abandon him?!' thought Mosura in anger. Her friend was in danger, and she was leaving him to fight alone. No, she couldn't think like that. Mantises are dangerous when in greater numbers. They needed the Rodan and Angirasu. She began to pick up her speed, hopping over stones and passing trees. She was almost home; she prayed that they were in the lair.

"Gah!' cried Junior as he was kicked in his chest. He flew across the forest, slamming against a tree. He coughed as he impacted the tree with great force. An ordinary human would probably have a broken spine from that. He fell onto the ground on his knees, panting. He noticed that the forest green Mantis was charging towards him, his hooked hand raised, ready to strike. The mantis swung his hooked appendage; Junior rolled away, the appendage was caught in the tree. Junior quickly stood and round house kicked the mantis in his head. He cried out in pain as he came unstuck from the tree, falling onto his side. Junior charged toward the mantis but was grabbed by his leg by one of the other mantises. The mantis screeched as it slammed Junior on the ground multiple times, like a sledge hammer on concrete. Junior grunted everytime that he was slammed on the ground. The mantis dropped Junior on the ground and grabbed him by his neck. Junior gasped for air as he felt the mantis choking him. The mantis opened it mandibles, screeching in Junior's face. Saliva splashed over his face.

"Get out of my face, you ugly, nasty ass, mother f-" Junior was then thrown over the tree lines, soaring across the area. He landed hard on the ground, rolling across the grass. Junior groaned as he began to stand up. The same mantis that threw him was flying toward him. Junior glared at the beast.

"Show me what you got!" shouted Junior. The mantis was getting closer. Junior suddenly leaped in the air, over the mantis. He grabbed the antennae of the Transmutant, pulling its head back. Junior landed on its back, pulling on its antennae harder. The insect screeched in pain, flying higher above the tree line. Junior kept pulling on the antennae with increasing force. He was then out of the forest, nearing the school house of Ponyville. Junior yanked harder, pulling off the antennae of the mantis. The maintis shrieked; its senses lost. The Transmutant stopped flapping its wings, spinning out of control. Junior lost his grip to the mantis, falling off. He fell to the ground, rolling to a skidding halt. The mantis crashed into the earth, skidding and kicking up dirt. The Transmutant slumped in the ground, its wing twitching. Junior stood in exhaustion, slowly walking toward the Transmutant. He looked into the bright yellow eyes, they stared back at him.

"You're strong, kid." said the mantis weekly. He then began to chuckle. "But, you won't be enough to handle the rest of my group at once."

"We’ll see about that." retorted Junior. He then heard a door opened, he looked and saw a woman with light grayish rose hair with light cerise stripes. She wore a moderate cerise blouse and a brown knee length skirt. She gasped at the sight.

"What is going on out here?!" cried the woman. Junior's blood went cold. School was still in session for the children. That meant that Applebloom was nearby the fight!

"Miss Cheerilee, get the children as far away from here as possible!" commanded Junior. He suddenly felt a force connect with his cheek. He was punched by the mantis that he had downed, falling onto his hands and knees. The mantis stood back up and kicked Junior under his gut, knocking him over onto his back. The mantis turned and glared at the woman. He leaped toward her, causing her to yelp in terror.

"If I were you, I'd do what he says." said the mantis. He towered over Cheerilee, clicking his mandibles. Cheerilee fearfully backed away from the mantis, heading back inside. After a few seconds, she came out with the children walking in a line. The children gasped as they saw the mantis, who sent menacing glares at them. Some of the children were already screaming while a few were trying to stay calm but shook in the mantis's presence. The mantis turned, finding his allies flying towards his position. He then looked toward Junior, who was attempting to stand. The mantis walked over to him and stomped on his back. Junior fell back onto his belly, yelling in pain.

"Stay down. My boss wants to settle a score with you." chuckled the mantis. He then kneeled next to Junior, grabbing his head. He lifted his bruised and scratched face to meet his.

"Did you really think that you could have won against all of us? You're weak, just like the child that you are!" Junior glared at the mantis.

"You think I'm afraid of you guys? This isn't the first time that death stared me in the face." said Junior. He then spits a blob of blood on the ground in front of him.

"What are you going to do with him?" asked Cheerilee. Her eyes were filled with fear. The mantis looked back at her, clicking his mandibles in amusement.

"It's not me that's going to be doing anything." answered the mantis. Suddenly, three other mantises landed on the earth, making their way over to Junior. The mantis released Junior's head, stepping away from him.

"There you are!" said the forest green mantis. He grabbed Junior by his neck, raising him in the air. Junior tried to pry his hands off of his neck, but couldn't as he felt himself being deprived of oxygen.

"No! Leave him alone!" cried Applebloom. She attempted to run out to stop the Transmutants but was grabbed by two other girls.

"Don't go out there!" cried a little pale skinned Elf girl with Grayish mulberry hair with pale, light grayish rose streaks.

"Let me go, Sweetie Belle!"

"She's right! He's already done for!" said a tan skinned Valkryie girl, with small, light brilliant gamboge colored wings. Her hair was moderate cerise.

"Don't ya dare say that, Scootaloo!" glared Applebloom. She then saw Junior struggling to breathe. He looked to her with weak eyes.

"Tell. Applejack. Won't. Come. To. Work. Tomorrow." said Junior. He was slammed onto the ground, gasping for air and groaning in pain. He then looked back to Applebloom, she had tears forming in her eyes.

"Tell her that she and the others have been awesome friends. Be good kid." Junior weakly smiled. Applebloom began to sob. The forest green mantis glared at Cheerilee in annoyance.

"Get out of here with those brats or you will all be next!" threatened the mantis. Junior's eyes shifted over toward the mantis, glaring at him with intensity. Cheerilee began to herd the children away from the school yard, looking back to Junior in despair. She turned back around and continued to herd the children away.

"Before you die, you should know the name of your killer." The mantis stepped on Junior's head. He then slowly rose his insect foot high above his skull.

"My name is Kickback. It was fun killing you." said the mantis. Junior closed his eyes, accepting his fate. His life flashed before his very eyes: His family, his mutation, and his days in Canterlot; meeting Twilight and the others; becoming their friend; meeting Mosura, Rodan, and Angirasu. All those memories made him realize how miserable they would feel if he were to abandon them. Junior's eyes shot open, his pupils shrunk and his irises widened into a beastly look. He quickly stood up and tackled Kickback. He opened his mouth, revealing razor sharp teeth. Junior bit into the mantis's neck, puncturing his exoskeleton.

"Get him off! Get him off!" cried Kickback. Junior began to chomp on Kickback's neck, getting his blood in his mouth. He suddenly felt himself yanked and thrown across the school yard. He landed on his feet, glaring intensely at the mantises. Kickback stood, clutching his neck as it bled.

"I'm gonna get you for that!" shouted Kickback. Junior growled like a beast, crouching down as his fingers began to grow black claws. He wasn't going to transform completely, he only needed something to help him fight without revealing his Transmutant nature to any passing witnesses. As he prepared to strike, the sky had suddenly darkened. The Transmutants searched the sky in confusion.

"Where's the sun?" asked one of the mantises. They kept looking around in confusion. Junior's claws retracted.

"Celestia, what are you doing?" whispered Junior. After a few seconds, the sky had lit back up with the sun back in the air. The Transmutants all looked to each other in confusion. Junior's eyes suddenly widened.

"Uh...I know we're fighting to the death and all, but do you guys see what I see?" asked Junior. He pointed past them. The mantises turned, jumping at the sight. In the distance, the town of Ponyville was in...chaos. There were buildings that floated in the air. Pigs were flying in the sky, cotton candied clouds rained chocolate milk, and the land was checkered in light colors. Soon, everything around the Transmutants had changed. The ground was checkered, the school house began to float in the air, and chocolate rain began to pour on them. Kickback turned to one of his allies.

"You, go to the dairy farm and wait for one of us to arrive to grab one of the cows!" commanded Kickback. The antennae-less mantis nodded and took off in the air, flying away from the area.

"Why are you taking Ponyville's cattle?" demanded Junior. Kickback turned back to him.

"For food. MONARCH has forced us away from most human settlements in the nation, standing guard. We can't survive where we live because it’s barren wasteland. The only territory with food is in control of a rival group." answered Kickback. He then clicked his mandibles in frustration. "This settlement is one of the last ones that has yet to be touched by MONARCH and that has what we need!"

"Look, if food is all that you guys need than we can work this out." reasoned Junior. He never thought that this battle would escalate to this, but here it was. He never was that much of a diplomat; he usually just fights and asks questions later. Well, now is the time to step out of his comfort zone. Kickback laughed in amusement.

"And what, pray tell, did you have in mind?" asked Kickback. The sky suddenly darkened again, the moon replacing the sun in the sky. The Transmutants groaned in irritation.

"Well, I can't let you guys take the cattle since they are needed. However, I could let you fish in the ponds for food." said Junior. Kickback glared at Junior, anger fueling his blood.

"There are too many of us to be sustained by just fish! We need larger portions of food to feed our group!" shouted Kickback. Junior groaned in frustration.

"Well...why not attack your rivals and take their territory?" asked Junior. He then shivered in disgust. 'I can't believe I suggested something like that.'

"They're too strong for us. Would you rather we perish?!" demanded Kickback. Junior glared at Kickback, taking offense to his words.

"I'm just trying to keep things from going out of control here! You already revealed the fact that Transmutants are in Ponyville. Now none of us are going to be safe near this town when MONARCH finds out!" shouted Junior. The sun suddenly rose back into the sky, replacing the night sky and moon. Kickback stomped toward Junior, hissing. Junior growled at him, his throat producing a rumbling sound. Suddenly, a thundering roar sounded in the air. The Transmutants stopped in their tracks, searching for the source of the roar. They began to hear a high pitched sound in the air, and the sound of something whooshing over them. A gust of wind blew over the Transmutants. They searched frantically around the area. Out of nowhere, a large brick red figure swooped down, sweeping up on one of Kickback's cronies. The mantis screeched as it was carried away by a flying beast. The beast slammed down on the ground with the mantis, dragging him on the earth. The beast released the mantis and soared back into the sky.

"What in the hell?" asked Junior, incredulously. The flying beast flew back over toward the other Transmutants, landing on the ground.

The beast stood at 8 feet tall, on two legs. The creature was brick red in color; it was reptilian but almost looked like a featherless bird combined with a serpent with bat-like wings. The wing span was twelve feet wide and the wings had claws on them. The beast had a long grey beak, with a crest that extended to the back of its head and in-between two smaller crests on both sides of its head. The beast had razor sharp teeth in its beak, with a tan colored armored chest. The creature stood slightly hunched over and its neck raised, its wings reaching the ground, supporting its posture. Bright green eyes were on the beast, with nostrils flaring on the beak. The chest appeared to be built like a human's, and the legs appeared almost the same but with clawed feet that were capable of grabbing. Spikes ran along its neck down to its back. The creature lifted its arms off of the ground, displaying its wings on two feet in a erect posture and gave off a thundering roar at the mantises.

"Fall back!" commanded Kickback. He and his allies took off in the air, heading over toward Ponyville. Junior cursed under his breath. He then noticed the bird-like reptile walking towards him; its claws were being used to help it walk.

"Hey, you better not try it!" warned Junior. That was when he caught a familiar scent coming from it. The creature stopped, with an amused look on its long beak.

"Dude, it’s me!" laughed the creature in a somewhat deep male voice. It sounded familiar to him.

"Rodan?!" asked Junior in surprise.

"You guessed it, bro!"

"Why did you transform? You'll give yourself away!" exclaimed Junior. Rodan shook his head.

"Not as long as I don't speak with people that I know. I know that my voice isn't that unrecognizable in this form. Besides, Mosura said that we had to get to you as quickly as possible. So, I transformed." explained Rodan. He then crouched down. "Hop on! I gotta regroup you with Angirasu."

"I don't know..." said Junior. He eyed him uncomfortably. Rodan rolled his eyes.

"What? You afraid of heights?"

"No. I just don't trust you flying." deadpanned Junior. Rodan recoiled back, offended by Junior's assumption.

"Excuse me pal, but I'm the best flyer around!"

"Yeah, I heard that one before from Rainbow." muttered Junior.

"I heard that!" said Rodan. He and Junior suddenly heard the sound of wings beating in the wind. They turned and saw that the mantis that Rodan had dragged was back on his feet. He then took off into the air, flying away.

"Where's that chump going?" asked Rodan.

"He's gonna help steal one of the cows." answered Junior.

Junior was jogging with Angirasu through the Everfree forest. Angirasu carried a spiked kanabo, a club that was made of iron with spikes at the thick heavy end of the weapon and slender handle. The weapon was as long as his forearm, capable of being held one handed by the average warrior. Angirasu carried it with ease. Junior walked at his side, a katana sheathed as it hung by a strap on his back. The two were searching for the Transmutants that fled when Rodan arrived.

"Hey, will our weapons actually hurt these Transmutants?" asked Junior. Transmutants were much more durable than he had thought. It was natural for him to feel wary of using weapons that would be useless.

"Yeah, a Transmutation that changes into a mantis isn't as durable against steel blades and iron clubs. MONARCH enchants their swords to be able to penetrate Transmutants with tougher armor." answered Angirasu. He then sheathed his weapon onto his back, picking up his speed. "You know, it’s a good thing that you spent time practicing at wielding a katana. It’s dangerous to an inexperienced user."

"Yeah. I think I've gotten better. Mosura says that I need more work. Besides, it's not like I'd suffer permanent damage." Junior picked up the pace as well, both making their way out of the forest. The two had made their way near the town, finding the town turned up on its ear. Junior had to recompose himself before losing it again. He had stopped running, taking deep breaths. Angirasu, making his way back over to him.

"Are you OK?" asked Angirasu. Junior nodded.

"Sorry, I'm fine now. Let's keep-" Junior stopped as he noticed a familiar Valkyrie flying in the air.

"Fluttershy! Down here!" called Junior. He was looking forward to see his friend; the kindest girl that he had have ever met. Fluttershy descended toward him, shooting him a mean look.

"Shy? What's up? Why are you grey?" asked Junior. Fluttershy lost her mean look, turning into a mischievous smile. She slowly walked up to Junior, still holding her smile. Junior felt himself growing uncomfortable. Why was she smiling like that?

"Hey, there. What happened? Did you wander off to cry back at Canterlot? Does Mommy Celestia have to make you feel all better?" cooed Fluttershy. Junior raised a brow in confusion. Angirasu's eyes widened in surprise, as he realized that the Valkyrie in front of him was not the same girl that he had met.

"'Shy, why are you-" Junior was interrupted by Fluttershy, as she huffed in annoyance.

"God, you're so pathetic!" said Fluttershy. She then looked at him with unkind eyes. What has happened to those beautiful and kind eyes that he once saw? "You know, I think that when you acted tough, you were more of a man then you are now."

"What?" asked Junior. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Shy, why are acting like this? Where's Twilight?"

"Hmph! Wouldn't you like to know." said Fluttershy, crossing her arms. Junior placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"I do want to know. Please, tell me." begged Junior. Fluttershy glared at him.

"Get your hands off of me, you pervert!" shouted Fluttershy. She raised her hand and slapped him across his face. Junior stood, stunned. He reached for his cheek, feeling the slight sting. It didn't hurt as much as his heart did.

"Wait, 'pervert'?!" asked Junior, incredulously

"If you feel like touching girls, why don't you go back to Mosura and see if she'll let you climb in the shower with her this time!" shouted Junior. Angirasu looked to Junior with wide eyes. Junior noticed his stare.

"No. She needed to use my shower when we got back to Neighpon. I swear to you that I've never done anything indecent! Ask her yourself!" said Junior. Angirasu nodded to him.

"I believe you." replied Angirasu.

"Ugh! I can't believe that I actually liked you enough to be your friend!" said Fluttershy. Junior looked back at her, his heart aching with more pain. "You're nothing but a big, stupid, perverted, pathetic, loser! I hate you, Gojira!"

"Shy... you don't mean that." said Junior. His heart was falling apart in his chest. It eroded from all of the cruelty that came from his first friend.

"I do mean it. And don't call me Shy! We aren't friends anymore." Fluttershy took off into the air, flying away. Junior stood, staring at her as she took off.

"Shy...come back. Please." Junior said weakly. Angirasu walked up to Junior.

"Gojira?" called Angirasu. Junior turned around, a serious expression on his face.

"I need to find Twilight." said Junior. Angirasu looked to him in surprise.

"But the Transmutants-"

"-Can wait. They're just looking for food. I have to find out what happened to my other friends." said Junior. He then broke into a sprint.

Junior sprinted down the town, searching every corner. He passed under floating buildings, moving past the oddities that infected the town. He rounded a corner, finding who he was looking for. Twilight was walking down to the Golden Oaks Library, a dejected look on her face. Her clothes and skin were grey, just like Fluttershy was. She wore her Element of Harmony upon her head. He sprinted toward her, calling her name. Twilight turned, facing him with an upset look. Junior stopped, standing a few feet in front of her.

"Twilight, what happened?" asked Junior. Twilight glared at him.

"What happened? My friends all turned into the biggest jerks that I have ever met!" shouted Twilight. Junior recoiled from her tone and glare. "We couldn't beat Discord and the Elements are useless. They're nothing but garbage!"

"Twilight, you can't give up. Especially not on your friends. This isn't like you!" argued Junior. Twilight huffed.

"I don't have friends anymore. What's the point of trying if they're just going to stab you in the back?!" Junior felt himself losing her.

'Please, not her too.' thought Junior in despair. "Twilight..." Twilight then stepped closer to him, grabbing him by his sweater and brought him down closer to her.

"Where were you?! Why did you leave us when you could have helped?! I thought that we were friends!" demanded Twilight. Junior's eyes widened in shock. Was it really his fault that they were divided? Could he have made a difference in defeating Discord?

"I...I thought that you were capable of doing it on your own. I thought that you girls didn't need my help this time." answered Junior. Twilight's eyes began to water.

"Well, we did! You big jerk!" shouted Twilight. She began to beat her fist against his chest. Junior didn't stop her. His heart had completely broken as he looked at the consequences of abandoning his friends.

"Twilight, I'm-" Junior was cut off.

"I don't want to hear it!" shouted Twilight. She then shoved Junior away. She turned, walking away with tears running down her face. She then turned her head back, a hateful glare in her eye. "Some friend that you were."

"No..." said Junior. He dropped to his knees as he watched Twilight enter her home. He heard footsteps approaching, along with panting.

"Gojira! What happened?" asked Angirasu. He panted, trying to regain his breath from chasing after Junior. Junior remained silent. The sun disappeared, replaced by the moon.

"I failed them Angirasu. I failed them." said Junior, his tone devoid of emotion. "I wasn't there to help them. I thought that they could do it without me. I was wrong."

"Gojira, don't blame yourself." said Angirasu. Junior turned and glared at him.

"Why the hell not?! They couldn't beat Discord! I could have been there to help! What did I do? I went home. I abandoned them! They're friendship...our friendship is dead because of me!" shouted Junior. He then slammed his fist on the ground, sending huge cracks into the checkered ground. He breathed heavily.

"I can't...I can't blame anyone else. It was my fault. Equestria is doomed." said Junior. Angirasu looked to his friend in pity. He looked down at the ground before an idea formed in his head.

"Gojira, the Transmutants can wait." said Angirasu. Junior still remained on the ground, not moving. "How about you and I go and take on that sad excuse of a Chimera?"

"What?" asked Junior. He turned to face Angirasu, who had a smile on his face.

"You might not be able to heal your friendship with them, but you still have a few friends left. Let's take care of the one who is truly responsible for this asylum." said Angirasu. He reached his hand out. Junior stared at it for a second. He then formed a determined smile. He took Angirasu's hand, being pulled back up.

"Yeah. Let's go kick his ass." said Junior. Angirasu nodded in agreement.

Angirasu and Junior sprinted across the town. They leaped off of buildings, running through alleys and running up walls. They then leaped off of a roof, soaring into the air and landing onto the town square building that floated upside down in the center of town. The two wondered around on top of the underside of the roof, searching for their target.

"Where is that son of a bitch?" snarled Junior. Angirasu searched the area, finding buffaloes in tutus doing ballet, bunnies with giraffe legs, and...

"There he is!" called Angirasu. Junior went over to his position, finding Discord sitting on a tall, black and red throne with a skull appearance with deer antlers at the top. The throne sat on a checkered hill, facing away from them. Junior growled in anger.

"Watch my back. I'm gonna finish him quick." said Junior as he unsheathed his katana. The curved, steel blade reflected the sun's light as he pulled it out.

"You sure you want to do that?" asked Angirasu. Junior looked to him with a serious expression. "If you take his life, there's no way you can give it back. Are you absolutely sure that you want to kill him?"

"I do. He will pay." said Junior. Angirasu nodded in understanding.

"Got it." said Angirasu. He leaped off of the building, landing on another building that was still planted on the ground. Junior got into a crouching position, readying his blade to strike. He then leaped off of the building, diving toward the back of Discord. He wanted to give a shout as he descended, but that would cause him to lose the element of surprise. As Junior was nearing the hill, he aimed his blade over his head in a stabbing position. He dropped down toward the throne, thrusting his blade forward into the back of the throne. His durability and landing at a high velocity caused the hill on top around him to crack. Junior panted, in the same position as his blade punctured through the throne. Junior yanked his katana out of throne. To his shock, the blade was dry. No blood was on it!

"What?" whispered Junior. He suddenly heard the sound of Discord teleporting behind him. He turns, finding Discord standing behind him with a look of amusement.

"I knew that you were filled with anger and hatred, but I never knew that you had the spine to kill." said Discord. Junior growled at him, swinging his blade at him. Discord's lower body disconnected from his upper body, the blade passing in between the gap. His torso reconnected to his lower body. Discord waved his lion claw disapprovingly.

"Uh uh uh! It's not nice to kill." said Discord, his tone as a scolding parent to a young child. This only made Junior madder at him.

"It's not nice to play with the lives of others either!" retorted Junior. He swung his katana again, Discord phased through it this time. Junior began to continuously swing his blade, slashing and stabbing. Discord teleported, ducked, and hopped over the attacks. Junior growled in rage. Discord shot his finger forward, sending a blast of magic at his chest.

"Gah!!" Junior flew off of the hill, crashing back onto the ground. He reached for his chest, feeling it burn. He looked down at his chest, discovering third degree burns. He stood up to his feet, his breaths heavy as he glared at the spirit of chaos. Discord sat back on his throne, waving his finger. Angirasu yelled as he was flung off of the building that he was on, and crashed toward Junior. Both grunted as they had collided, falling onto the ground in pain.

"I would love to see you make a fool of yourself as you try to kill me but I have another idea in mind." said Discord. He snapped his eagle claw, revealing two of the mantis Transmutants sealed in bubbles. Junior and Angirasu stood, looking in confusion.

"A fight to the death between your group and the mantises! Also, a little handicap." said Discord. He snapped his claw again, Junior and Angirasu flashing for a brief second. They didn't feel any different, but they knew something changed within them.

"I disabled your ability to transform. You will fight these Transmutants with only your weapons and the enhanced strength and senses that you gained in human form." said Discord. He snapped his claws again, a small gong appearing in his hand. He grabbed a gong mallet, holding near the mini gong.

"Get ready boys. Fight!" shouted Discord. He slammed the mallet against the gong, causing it to echo out in the town. The bubble popped, freeing the mantises. All the Transmutants looked toward the spirit of chaos in anger.

"What?" asked Discord, shrugging.

"We aren't going to fight for your amusement!" shouted Junior. He then pointed his katana at him. "I'm gonna come up there and slice your head clean off!"

"Yeah! And when he's done with you, I'm gonna kill that boy!" shouted Kickback. He then glared at Junior, he returned his glare. Discord laughed maniacally on his throne.

"I overheard that your group needed food to survive. Kickback was it?"

"What's it to you?" asked Kickback, turning back to face Discord.

"I am the spirit of Chaos. My magic is greater than any other in the world. If you teach young Gojira a lesson, I shall award you and your group. Enough food and a special place in the new world! In my new kingdom!" said Discord. His voice was very persuasive. Kickback stared at Discord.

"How can I trust you?" asked Kickback, suspiciously. Discord merely chuckled.

"Because we freaks have to stick together. Right?" Discord smiled, sitting back on his throne. Kickback turned toward his ally. He stared back, nodding to him.

"We can finally have place in this world." whispered Kickback. He then turned and glared at Junior. "When I'm done with you, we don't have to worry about when our next meal will come. We will finally have a home!"

"Damn you, Discord!" shouted Junior. Kickback screeched, lunging at him. Junior and Angirasu rolled out of the way, avoiding Kickback. Kickback screeched, charging toward Junior with his left hooked appendage raised. He slammed down his arm as Junior swung his katana, slicing off the right forearm. Kickback wailed in agony as his dismembered arm flew in the air from the strike; green liquid stained the checkered ground. The dismembered arm fell on the ground, twitching. Kickback screeched, slashing at Junior with his left hooked appendage. Junior caught his hook with his katana, his blade locking with the serrated hook. Kickback pushed his weight on Junior, forcing him to strain as he struggled to keep the appendage at bay.

Angirasu swung his kanabo at the other mantis, striking him in the head. The mantis fell over on his side from the strength of the smaller Transmutant's swing and the iron club. The mantis raised its leg and kicked Angirasu, knocking him six feet away. Angirasu rolled across the ground, hopping back onto his feet. The mantis charged back toward him, Angirasu yelled as he charged toward the Mantis. He began to beat the mantis with his weapon, swinging it at his arms, shoulders and backside. The mantis bit Angirasu in his shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain. Discord sat on his throne, chuckling as he watched the battle unfold.

Rodan soared in the sky with a humanoid moth-like creature flying behind him. He dived towards the ground, landing outside of a small farm. The moth-like creature landed right next to him.

The moth-creature stood at seven feet tall. It was covered in white fuzz all around its body. A round fuzzy head with big blue eyes sat on its thorax. Long white, fluffy antennae sat on its head. The fuzz on the moth had orange patterns on the top back of its head, running all the way down to its backside of its abdomen. The head’s mouth opened sideways on its face. Its thorax was strong and feminine; underneath its thorax was not covered in fuzz but with an armored exoskeleton belly. It stood on two brown insect legs, with white fuzz covering down to its calves near its ankles. The moth had four insect arms with claws, and white fuzz that went from its wrist to its forearms. Its wings on its back were large, yellow markings running on both of its fore wings, and with a black background. A red and orange spot was decorated near the tip of the hind wings, veins could be seen on the insect wings. The hind wings were yellow-orange, with black markings at the bottom and a red and orange spot near the top end of the hind wings. An abdomen hung from the moth, covered in fuzz on the top side and armored underside. A sharp stinger stuck out from the end of the moth's abdomen. The moth creature folded its wings behind its back and looked over toward Rodan.

"This is the place?" asked the moth in a feminine voice. Its voice was slightly high in pitch. Rodan nodded to the moth.

"Yeah, Gojira said that mantises were targeting a dairy farm. This is the one that the two of them flew off to." answered Rodan. The moth looked down to the ground, then over toward the town in worry.

"We shouldn't have left them to go after them." sighed the moth.

"Don't worry about them, Mosura. They're tough." reassured Rodan. He then began to walk over toward the farm. "Let's just get these pests out of here."

Mosura and Rodan traveled over toward the dairy farm. They snuck passed cows that were outside. They heard the moos of startled cows. They picked up their pace, finding two mantises in the farm. They were dragging an unconscious cow away from its pent. They clicked they're mandibles.

"I'm starving! Why can't we just kill one of the ones that are awake and eat it? I don't mind raw beef." complained one of the mantises. The other groaned in annoyance.

"We don't have time! We need to at least get one of them back home. The whole town has gone insane!" The mantises continued to drag the cow, making their way near the exit. They stopped when they noticed Rodan and Mosura standing in the exit. The mantises screeched, displaying their wings in attempt to intimidate. They released the cow and charged toward the pair. One of the mantises charged toward Rodan, tackling him. Rodan roared as he clawed at the mantis. The mantis screeched as he swung his hooked appendage at Rodan, cutting him in his shoulder. Rodan screeched in pain, snapping his beak at the mantis in attempt to bite him.

Mosura leaped in the air, using her wings to keep herself airborne. Her antennae began to glow, and a multicolored beam of energy was shot toward the other mantis. It leaped away from the attack, the beam burning the ground. The mantis screeched and leaped in the air, its wings flapping as it propelled toward Mosura. He tackled Mosura, knocking her out of the air and pinning her onto the ground. The mantis raised its hooked appendage, bringing it down toward Mosura. She caught the appendage with two of her upper arms, keeping the appendage just inches from her head. She grunted as she forced the mantis's arm away. She punched the mantis in face, causing him to stagger back. Mosura charged, slashing his belly with her claws. The mantis roared in anger, charging toward Mosura and wrapped his arms around her. He rammed her and himself toward the farm wall, bursting through. The cows mooed in terror at the battle of the Transmutants. Mosura was thrown away toward the ceiling, bursting through. She landed on top of the roof, groaning in pain. Her bright blue eyes caught sight of the Mantis flying outside of the farm, taking off away from the area. She turned and saw that the mantis that had engaged Rodan in combat was fleeing as well.

"Where are they going?" asked Rodan.

"I don't know. Come on, we need to follow them!" said Mosura, urgently. She unfolded her wings, flapping them as she took off into the wind. Rodan followed her leave, roaring as he took off quickly into the air.

40 minutes later...

Twilight and the rest of the element bearers were jogging in the woods outside of Ponyville. They had regained their original color in their clothes and bodies. They were making their way past trees, jogging as fast as they could. Fluttershy wore a dejected look on her face.

"I can't believe I said those awful things to him!" cried Fluttershy. She had tears running down her face. After Twilight had regained her senses from Discord's tricks, she had restored the rest of her friends. Memories of herself being cold to Junior flooded back to her. Twilight frowned. She herself had been unkind to Junior.

"Wh-what if he never forgives me? What if he hates me?!" Fluttershy thought with dread. She began to sob. "I don't want him to hate me!"

"Fluttershy, for as long as I've known Goji, I've learned that he couldn't possibly hate ya." reassured Applejack. Fluttershy sniffled. "If we explain to him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand."

"Yeah! If he doesn't, I'll pound him for ya!" said Rainbow Dash, slamming her fist into her palm.

"No, don't do that!" exclaimed Fluttershy. Rainbow sighed in response.


The group continued to jog. Rarity noticed that Twilight looked upset about something.

"Twilight, dear, are you alright?" asked Rarity. Twilight stopped jogging. Rarity stopped, along with the others. Twilight was looking down at the ground.

"Why did I blame him?" asked Twilight. She looked back up to Rarity. "It wasn't his fault, yet I blamed him for not joining us!"

"Why didn't he join us?" asked Rainbow.

"He had faith that we could do it on our own." answered Twilight. She looked down and gritted her teeth in anger. "I wish I could take what I said back."

"Twilight, you can't worry about that right now." said Rarity. She took Twilight's hand, holding it as she gave her a comforting look. "We must stop Discord. If we don't then you'll never be able to apologize." Twilight looked back up to Rarity. She began feel her spirits lift. She gave her a determined smile.

"Then let's go." said Twilight. The girls began to continue on, Ponyville in its chaotic state was in the distance. Suddenly, they heard a screech in the air. They stopped, searching for the source. A thundering roar pierced the air along with the screech.

"What in the world is that?" asked Applejack, unnerved by the sounds. Fluttershy gulped, cowering behind Rainbow Dash. The girls searched for the sounds, their hearts pounding in their chest. They began to grow nervous. Suddenly, they heard the sound of something crashing into the ground behind them. The girls all yelped, quickly turning to find something that made their blood run cold. A praying mantis-like creature was lying on the ground, attempting to stand. Fluttershy began to whimper as it stood on its two legs, towering over them. It clicked its mandibles in anger, turning its head towards the sky. It turned back around, finding the girls in a petrified state.

"What are you humans looking at?" hissed the mantis. The girls stiffened as the mantis spoke. "Never seen a Transmutant before?"

"A what?!" exclaimed Twilight. She and the others began to back away in fear. The mantis chuckled.

"I guess not." the mantis began to slowly approach the girls. They continued to back away. Rainbow suddenly stands in front of her friends.

"Get lost freak! Nobody messes with my friends!" said Rainbow, putting on a brave face. She raises her fist in a fighting position, glaring at the mantis. The mantis laughed.

"What are you gonna do, little girl? You're just a feeble Valkyrie." said the mantis. An idea formed in his head. "I wonder if my opponent will hesitate if I have a hostage."

"Don't you try it, pal!" warned Rainbow. The mantis continued his pace. Then, the same thundering roar could be heard. The mantis's antennae began to twitch. He quickly turned his head, with the girls following his line of sight. A large brick red winged serpent with bat-like wings and long beak swooped down toward the mantis. It tackled the mantis over toward a nearby tree. The mantis screeched as he swung his hooked appendage. The winged reptile caught the appendage with its beak. The mantis shrieked as the sharp teeth punctured his arm. The reptile yanked on the arm, tearing it off. The mantis yelled in agony. The girls gagged as they saw the dismembered arm in the reptile's mouth. They prayed that it wouldn't eat it.

"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" cursed the mantis. The reptile roared as it spat the arm out of its mouth. It began to peck at the mantis mercilessly, the mantis screeched as his body was assaulted by the strong beak and sharp teeth. The girls took the opportunity to run for it. They began to sprint, trying to block out the mantis's agonized cries. They continued on, reaching the outside of the woods. Suddenly, another screech sounded in the air. Another mantis crashed on the ground in their path. Fluttershy quickly covered her eyes and crouched on the ground, trembling in fear. Applejack yelped as she caught sight of another insect like creature landing on the ground. The moth folded its wings, turning to find the girls in its sight.

"Now there's giant butterfly?! How many Transmutants are here?!" asked Rainbow. Fluttershy's ears perked up. She removed her hands from her eyes and saw a white fluffy humanoid insect.

"Um...actually, I think that's a moth." corrected Fluttershy.

"Who cares?! It’s a Transmutant!" shouted Rainbow. The moth refocused its attention on the mantis as it began to stand.

"After this sweetheart, why don't you and I grab some dinner." said the mantis, its antennae were missing. The moth creature recoiled at this. It then scoffed in disgust in a feminine voice.

"That's a girl?" asked Pinkie quizzically. Fluttershy stared at the moth Transmutant in awe.

"She's beautiful." muttered Fluttershy. The girls all looked to her in confusion. Fluttershy went stiff at their stares, sweating a bit.

"Wh-what? She is!" said Fluttershy.

'That's the sweetest thing any human has ever said about me in this form.' thought Mosura. She'd be blushing if she weren't an insect. Mosura then shook off the thought and charged toward the mantis. Mosura gave a loud screech as she tackled the mantis, punching him multiple times with her four arms. The mantis grabbed her head and shoved her off of him. Mosura staggered back as the mantis stood back up. The mantis swung his hooked appendage at Mosura. She ducked under the appendage and grabbed the arm. She held it tightly as she rounded behind him, forcing his arm backwards. She then kicked him in the hip, forcing the mantis to fall on the ground. The mantis screeched as Mosura used her upper arms to put the mantis in a head lock. Her lower arms were still holding the appendage in place. Mosura noticed that the girls were running past them as she held onto the mantis. She then refocused her attention on the mantis, holding on tighter. The mantis continued to struggle, attempting to pry Mosura off. The mantis then began to lose consciousness, slumping down in Mosura's grip. The mantis moaned as it passed out. Mosura gently lowered the mantis onto the ground. She saw that Fluttershy was looking back at her with wide eyes. They were wide with amazement. Mosura avoided her gaze, and caught Rodan emerging from the woods nearby. He had a few scratches on him, and yellow liquid that stained his skin. Fluttershy gasped as she saw him approaching. She immediately turned and followed her friends into the town. Mosura looked toward Rodan.

"Is he..." Mosura couldn't bring herself to finish. Rodan nodded to her in response. Mosura sighed.

"I see."

"I had no other choice. He was near the girls, I couldn't let him-" Rodan tried to justify his action. He didn't want his sister to think less of him.

"No. No, I understand." said Mosura. She then sighed as she looked down at the unconscious mantis. "I just wish that it didn't have to come down to that."

Angirasu and Junior stood next to each other, panting. They both had scratches and bruises on their bodies, they were sweating all around. Junior's sweater had tears, his face drenched in sweat and green blood. The mantises stood with cuts and beaten figures. They looked to be in pain, especially Kickback with one of his appendages sliced off. However, they looked like that they still had energy to fight. Junior felt himself growing weak. It wasn't right, as he only feels that way whenever he has taken a heavy beating. However, he hadn't taken that much damage from the two mantises. The only other explanation would be...

"Did you drain us of our energy?" demanded Junior. He glared at Discord. Discord has a mischievous smile.


"Why?! That doesn't make any sense if you wanted us to fight to the death!" shouted Junior. Angirasu's eyes widened. He had come to the same conclusion.

"I'm not supposed to make sense! Besides, it didn't really matter to me if you won or not." said Discord. Junior groaned in frustration.

"Asshole!" yelled Junior.

"Douche bag!" shouted Angirasu.

"Name calling? Very mature." chuckled Discord. Junior and Angirasu growled in irritation. The two mantises charged at them. Junior and Angirasu side stepped, tripping their attackers with a kick. The mantises fell to the ground on their bellies. Junior thrusts his katana towards Kickback, but was kicked by him. He flew several feet away. Angirasu slammed his kanabo on the other mantis's head, the head crushed by the club. Angirasu lifted the kanabo off of his head, finding it drenched in yellow liquid. The mantis's head was cracked open, lying dead on the ground. It twitched as it laid face down. Angirasu was then tackled by Kickback and was beaten mercilessly by all of his fists. Angirasu grunted as he felt each punch connect to his face. Junior got back up and charged toward the mantis, slashing at its back. Kickback screeched in pain, getting off of Angirasu as he lunged at Junior. Junior swung his katana again, dismembering one of Kickback's human-like arms. Kickback landed on his belly, missing Junior. He then lied on the ground unconscious. Junior panted, his sweat dripping from his forehead. His battle was intense. He looked at his cuts and saw that they weren't healing. It seemed that he was right about Discord draining them of their energy. If Discord kept going, he and Angirasu wouldn't be able to survive. He then heard Discord clapping.

"Excellent! What a wonderful battle! I must admit, I am a tad disappointed that you don't have it in you to finish him." said Discord. Junior glared at him.

"Oh, trust me when I say that 'I do'. I'm just tired." retorted Junior. He then kneeled as he helped Angirasu up to his feet.

"Oh, well. As winners, you two get front row seats as I remake the world in my image!" declared Discord. He laughed maniacally as he raised his glowing lion paw. Junior and Angirasu began to glow as well. They were chained up with heavy chain links, forcing them on their knees. They struggled to stand, but their strengths had left them.

"Don't worry, you'll have a place in my new world as long as you pledge your loyalty to me." said Discord.

"Never!" said Junior, defiantly. Discord frowned.

"That's a shame. I was kind of hoping that you would. Oh, well." said Discord.

Discord laughed maniacally on his throne as pies rained from skies. The dark skies were covered in the cotton candied clouds. Buffaloes passed by in tutus, bunnies with giraffe legs stampeded across the road. This was the world that they were forced to live in. Junior slumped his head in defeat. Discord made a glass cup appear and held it under a cotton candied cloud as it rained chocolate milk. The glass filled with the chocolate milk, preparing to drink.

"Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!" said Discord. He raised the glass, gulping down the milk.

"Not as wonderful as friendship!" said a familiar voice. Discord stopped drinking, turning to find Twilight and the other element bearers standing proudly with their Elements of Harmony. Junior quickly raised his head, discovering his friends. They seemed to have been in color again. Junior cracked a smile. It was sight that made him happy to see.

"Ugh. This again?" asked Discord. He chugged the rest of his chocolate milk, then tossed the glass behind him. It exploded as it impacted the ground.

"That's right! You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!' said Applejack. Discord raised his lion paw, his claw glowing.

"Oh, Applejack! Don't lie to me." said Discord. Applejack's Element of Harmony began to glow. She felt the necklace tugged at. She attempted to resist the magic but was lifted off of her feet toward Discord.

"I'm the one who made you a liar." said Discord. He then raised his eagle claw, it glowed as did the rest of the girls', excluding Twilight, necklaces. The girls, sans Twilight, were tugged towards Discord and were lifted off of their feet as they were brought up close to him. Junior growled as he and Angirasu tried to stand and free themselves from their chains.

"Do you ever learn?" asked Discord. Twilight gritted her teeth as she waved her arms in the air. Her hands were engulfed in her magical aura. She disappeared in a flash, and then reappeared in thin air among her friends. She then created a magic bubble that surrounded herself and her friends. They floated back down to the ground. It popped, allowing them to drop back to the ground. Junior grinned in approval.

"I'll tell you what we learned Discord. We've learned that friendship isn't always easy. But there's no doubt that it's worth fighting for!" said Twilight. Discord then got in Twilight's face, his face contorted in disgust.

"Eugh. Gag! Fine, go ahead! Try and use your little Elements of Harmony. Just make it quick!" Discord disappeared from them in a flash, reappearing on his throne.

"I'm missing some excellent chaos here!" said Discord.

"Alright ladies, let's show him what friendship can do!" said Twilight.

"Wait, wait!" cried Pinkie. She was under a cotton candied cloud with her tongue catching the chocolate milk rain. Junior groaned in annoyance.

"Goddamit, Pinkie!" shouted Junior. Pinkie sighed, satisfied by the chocolate rain. She then hopped back with her friends, growling. The girl's elements began to glow, firing apparitions of their cutie marks from their necklaces, nearly hitting Discord.

"Hm. What's this?" asked Discord in surprise. The elements continued to fire these apparitions past Discord. The girls began to glow. Discord's eyes widened as he came to a realization.

"No." said Discord. Junior smirked. Twilight and her friends opened their eyes, revealing white glowing orbs. A rainbow beam shot above the girls, curving down toward Discord.

"Noooooo!!" cried Discord. He was engulfed by the rainbow, his lower body turning into stone. His body twisted and turned as he tried to escape, but each section would solidify in a petrified state. Soon, he was covered completely in stone.

The rainbow extended at both ends of Ponyville. It then divided into two, falling oppositely of each other. They created a transparent dome over the town, causing it glow brightly. After a few seconds, the town was left in sparkles. These sparkles dissipated, revealing Ponyville to be restored in its original state. The girls descended back toward the ground, smiling as they found Discord imprisoned in stone once again. The stoned Discord fell over on its side on the ground. Junior smirked, as he stood with Angirasu as they chains that bounded them had disappeared. They watched as the girls cheered in celebration at the defeat of Discord.

"Balance has been restored my friend." said Junior. Angirasu smiled, nodding in agreement.

"All thanks to them." said Angirasu. He then sheathed his kanabo, sighing in exhaustion. "I need to hit the hot springs. Like, right now."

"Me too." sighed Junior. He then looked over to the girls. "That's the first time that I have actually seen them use that power. It's beautiful."

Junior notices the stoned Spirit of Chaos lying on the ground. He walks over to it with a frown on his face. He looked up to this statue. It was honestly the only friend that he ever had. He felt that he could relate to Discord despite him being lifeless. He was wrong. Honestly, he pitied him. He could have turned himself around and start over in a new era. But he didn't.

"Sayonara, Discord." said Junior.

"I guess things are back to normal?" asked Angirasu. Junior shook his head.

"No. I think Ponyville now knows that Transmutants are present here. Our future is filled with even more uncertainty." said Junior, gravely. He then noticed Fluttershy flying toward him. He didn't have enough time to react. He suddenly dropped his katana, catching Fluttershy in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, sobbing. Junior rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry Goji! I didn't mean those awful things that I said to you! I swear, you aren't weak, you're not a pervert, you're not stupid and you're one of the best friends that I ever had!" sobbed Fluttershy. Her tears ran all the way down her cheeks, drenching Junior's shoulder. He held her tightly, fighting off his tears. He didn't want to cry, not in front of them.

"It's OK. I forgive you. I'm just glad that you still want to be my friend." said Junior, softly. Fluttershy continued to sob. Angirasu stood by with a light smile. Junior was making up with her. He then noticed Twilight making her way over to them. Her eyes were watery. Junior had noticed that she was approaching them.

"Gojira, I-" Twilight didn't get a chance to finish. Junior grabs Twilight and pulls her into a hug. She yelped as she was yanked close to his chest next to Fluttershy.

"You don't have to say it. I've already forgiven you too. I'm sorry for leaving you and the girls behind." said Junior. He looks into her eyes with a sad smile. Twilight's lips quivered at those words. She leaned her head into his chest, smiling as tears continued to flow. She lightly sobbed. Angirasu made his way over to the other girls, watching the scene with them with light smile. He then heard a small sniffle. He turned his head and saw that Rainbow's eyes were watery. She caught Angirasu staring and then glared at him.


"Nothing. I just didn't expect you to start crying." said Angirasu, nonchalantly.

"I'm not crying! I...I just have something in my eye!" said Rainbow, defensively.

"Yeah? Rodan used that excuse on me a few times when we were younger." chuckled Angirasu. He then looked to Rainbow with a smile.

"No shame in crying, Rainbow. I hear people are stronger if they show their emotions." Rainbow stared at him. Then she looked away, crossing her arms.

"This scene is just too sappy for me." muttered Rainbow. Angirasu shook his head in amusement. He then noticed movement in his peripheral vision. He saw that Kickback was standing, breathing heavily with one hooked appendage and one human-like arm left.

"Gojira!" called Angirasu. He pointed toward the left of Junior. Junior went stiff, quickly turning his head to find Kickback. His eyes were wide with shock. He quickly ushered Twilight and Fluttershy away from him.

"Get back!" said Junior, urgently. He then crouched and picked up the katana that he had dropped. Kickback screeched as he lunged toward Junior.

"Gojira!" cried Twilight. Junior raised his katana, catching Kickback's hooked appendage before it could reach him.

"I'll kill you! I'll decapitate your head and bring it to Kamacuras as a trophy!" shouted Kickback. Twilight's eyes widened at the name. She remembered that it was from the Transmutant that MONARCH had captured last year. Not just that, this Transmutant was going to kill her friend!

"I don't think so!" said Junior in defiance. He kicked Kickback in the gut, causing him to stagger back. Kickback screeched as he charged toward him to strike. Out of nowhere, Rodan tackled Kickback on the ground in his beastly form. He roared as he clawed at Kickback. Kickback screeched, biting at Rodan's neck. Rodan screeched in pain as he felt the mandibles pierce through his skin. Then a white moth-like creature landed on the opposite side of Rodan. It dashed toward the struggling Transmutants, grabbing Kickback by his head. Kickback screeched as he felt himself grabbed by another foe. Junior stared in awe as he realized the possible identidy of the new Transmutant.

The girls stared in terror as the beasts fought. Rarity held onto Angirasu's arm, terrified out of her wits. Twilight's eyes were wide as she saw the Transmutants beat the one with missing limbs.

Rodan roared as he grabbed the lower half of Kickback, yanking hard. Mosura kept her hold on Kickback's neck, pulling back as well. Mosura realized what Rodan was attempting to do. She didn't want them to see this. She had to act fast.

'Not here!' thought Mosura, using her telepathic abilities to send a message to Rodan. Rodan stopped pulling, his eye shifting over toward the terrified girls. He released Kickback, allowing Mosura to yank on Kickback as he struggled in her grip. He screeched as he clawed at Mosura's arm. She hissed in pain as her upper right arm was clawed at. Kickback then elbows Mosura in her gut, causing her to release him and fall to her knees. Kickback turned and prepared to strike her with his hooked appendage. He was suddenly grabbed by Rodan by his clawed feet. Rodan flapped his wings as he carried Kickback away from Mosura. He flew farther in the distance, diving with him out of sight.

After a few seconds, an ear piercing screech sounded in the distance. The girls all jumped at the sound. Rarity buried her head into Angirasu's arm, trying to block out the horrific sound. The screech died down. There was silence, with only the sound of breathing being heard. Fluttershy was attempting to recompose herself. She then noticed that the moth Transmutant was still on her knees, holding her arm. Fluttershy gasped as she saw a yellowish liquid drip from the moth. She began to make her way over toward the Transmutant, but she was grabbed by someone.

"Whoa, Whoa! What the heck do you think you're doing?!" demanded Rainbow. She was holding Fluttershy's arm, preventing her from moving any further.

"She's hurt!" answered Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, stay away from that beast!" shouted Rarity, still holding onto Angirasu's arm. Angirasu flinched as the word 'beast' was used to refer to Mosura.

"Don't go near that thing!" cried Pinkie. The moth turned her head, facing the group. The girls all went stiff at her stare. Rainbow then shot a glare at the moth.

"Go away you freak! Or else we'll have our friends with the samurai weapons take you on!" threatened Rainbow. Junior and Angirasu both went stiff at the threat.

"Yeah! Beat it ya varmint!" shouted Applejack. Pinkie nodded in agreement. Twilight remained silent, staring in the eyes of the moth.

"Wait, don't we get a say in the matter?!" asked Junior. All of the girls excluding Twilight and Fluttershy glared at him.

"No!" they said unison. Junior glared back.

"Too bad, we're not doing." said Junior. He then looks to Angirasu, who nods to him in approval. He then turns to gaze at the moth. She was looking down at the ground, clutching her arm. Junior sighed, taking a few steps forward. He suddenly feels someone grab the sleeve of his sweater. He turns to find Twilight staring up at him with worry in her eyes. He looks back at the moth. If it was who he thought it was, then...

'Mosura, thank you. But, you have to go now. Fly away as far as you can!' thought Junior. He hoped that she had heard his thought. The moth unfolded her wings, flapping them. She took off into the wind, flying over the buildings. The group stared as the moth disappeared in the distance. Junior looks down on the ground, a frown on his face.

'I'm sorry, Mosura.' thought Junior, solemnly. He then suddenly collapsed onto his knees, breathing heavily.

"Gojira!" cried Twilight. She went over to his side, looking him over. He was covered in bruises and cuts.

"Angirasu! Darling, what's wrong?!" cried Rarity. Twilight turned and noticed that Angirasu was on his knees as well, his breathing shallow. His face was in a worse condition than Junior's. Applejack made her way over to Angirasu and Rarity; she crouched and placed his arm over her shoulders.

"We gotta get these boys to a hospital!" said Applejack. Rainbow quickly went over to Junior's side, crouching next to him and placed his arm over her shoulders. Twilight felt her heart racing as she wondered about the severity of Gojira and Angirasu’s condition.

"Equestria to Twilight! A little help here!" called Rainbow. Twilight snapped out of her thoughts. She saw that Rainbow was struggling to hold Junior on her own. Twilight rushes over to Junior’ side, placing his left arm over her shoulders, and attempting to carry him to the hospital. She began to slightly struggle under his weight, as the man was heavy.

"Jeez! What does he eat?!" asked Rainbow

"Meat." said Twilight. Rainbow looked to her with a raised brow. Twilight stiffened at what she just revealed. She turns and finds Fluttershy standing with wide eyes.

"Um...That's not important right now! Let's just get them to a hospital!"

1 hour later...

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" cried Mosura. She sat on a couch inside of the house that was built in the cave that led to her lair. Rodan sat next to her, rubbing her fore arm with a cloth. She and Rodan had reverted back to their human forms.

"I know it stings. Just try to bear with it." said Rodan. He continued to rub the alcohol-damped cloth over her wound. She hissed in pain as the cloth went over her wound. She had three small gashes that ran across her forearm. Rodan wore a frown as he cleaned her wounds.

"I'm sorry about this. I shouldn't have let go." apologized Rodan.

"Don't worry about it. You panicked." said Mosura. She hissed as her wounds continued to sting.

"I can't believe I was about to..." Rodan stopped. He didn't want to finish. "In front of them."

"You don't regret killing them?" asked Mosura. Rodan stopped, sitting in silence.

"Honestly, I don't." answered Rodan. He then places the towel down, grabbing a bandage. "I mean, I didn't enjoy it. But I don't feel bad about it either. All I cared about was their safety. And those Mantises were endangering their safety."

"I see." said Mosura. She then watched Rodan as he wrapped the bandage around her forearm.

"Was it right that we let him escape?" asked Mosura. Rodan looked to her in confusion. He then recalled who she was talking about.

"I don't know."

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