• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 6: Tough Guy

Junior was sweating; he wore a charcoal grey training kimono. His eyes locked with Angirasu, who wore his brown training kimono. The two mutants circled each other, waiting for the other to strike first. Junior's breaths were paced, his eyes focusing on Angirasu's movement. Angirasu repeated this action. Mosura stood by and observed the two. Feeling the intense atmosphere between the two, both fighters suddenly stopped moving, they stared, their muscles tensing as they prepared to strike. Both of the mutants gave a war cry, charging toward each other. Junior threw a punch toward Angirasu, who blocked the attack and punched Junior at his rib. Junior grunted and then kneed Angirasu in his gut. Angirasu staggered back, attempting to recover from the attack. He then ran toward Junior, throwing two punches at his gut. Angirasu then punched Junior in his face, causing him to stagger back a bit. Junior was then kicked in his chest, the force sending him onto his back. Junior hopped back up to his feet, seeing that the spiky haired mutant was charging back toward him. Angirasu threw a right punch, but his arm was stopped by Junior's left. Junior then forced Angirasu's arm to be locked with his, having his forearm immobilize Angirasu's elbow. Junior reared his right arm back, and uppercuts Angirasu in the jaw. The punch sent Angirasu into the air, landing hard onto the matted floor. Angirasu grunted in frustration, getting back onto his feet and running back toward Junior. Junior punched Angirasu in his face, quickly followed by a knee to the chest. Angirasu quickly recovered and threw a right punch, Junior countered with a left. The two mutants repeated this with vice-versa punches. Junior then punched Angirasu in the gut, knocking the wind out of him, and then kicked him a couple of feet away. Angirasu gasped for air, trying to start back up his breathing. He coughed furiously, until he managed to catch his breath. He panted, still lying on the ground. He was bruised all over his face, he felt sore all over his body, the most pain that he ever felt in training. Angirasu heard footsteps approach him; Junior was standing next to him with his hand extended toward him. Angirasu took Junior's hand, using it to help himself stand back up. His legs felt wobbly, as if he was going to collapse under his own weight.

"Sorry about that. I may have gone a little overboard." Junior apologized as he helped Angirasu walk over to Mosura.

"Nah, you can't get stronger unless you get a few bruises." chuckled Angirasu.

"You're the first one to stand and fight me the longest. I'm impressed." praised Junior.

"Thanks, but I still lost." sighed Angirasu.

"Yeah, but you earned my respect in combat." Junior smiled. Angirasu smiled back, he then felt Mosura grabbed his other arm and placed it over her shoulders. She helped Junior sit Angirasu down comfortably on the ground. Angirasu sighed in relief, taking the weight of his legs.

"We're done for today, Takeshi-kun. Next week, your opponent will be me." Junior rose a brow in response to Mosura's challenge. He spent a week training with the other transmutants in the lair whenever he got off working for Applejack. He even had the opportunity for combat training with those that were almost as strong as he was. Rodan was the first, he didn't last as long since Junior figured out his pattern at dodging and attacking. His greater size and strength allowed him to end the match quickly. Angirasu mainly just went for the attack, not really planning it out. He just threw punches and kicks whenever he thought was necessary. This worked for a short amount of time, but it was also his weakness. Whenever Junior knocked Angirasu down, he would get back up to keep going. Although he found it futile to fight that way, he admired Angirasu's courage to come back up. Mosura was different story, he never took her as a fighter. She looked just like a pacifist, no way someone like her would hurt a fly. If she did, how strong was she compared to him?

"Don't underestimate me, you just might regret it." Mosura closed her eyes, smiling as she tilted her head. Junior felt himself uncomfortable at how disturbing it was to see a nice seeming young woman threaten him in a polite tone.

"Um...got it. I'll see you guys then."

It was a late morning, Junior was back in his sweater and jeans making his way out of the Everfree forest. He had light bruises on his face. His body was taking longer to heal itself; he was at least getting good exercise. As Junior made it out of the Everfree, he caught a familiar scent. Junior took deep whiffs of the scent, his lungs burning from the smell. Junior's eyes widened. It was smoke. Junior looked around frantically, searching for any clouds in the sky. He noticed an ominous dark cloud of smoke above, he traced the smoke all the way to a faraway mountain. Junior also noticed at how much the smoke had spread into the air and was heading for Ponyville. At this rate, the environment in the area will...

"Oh hell no!" Junior felt a primal urge inside of him. His home would suffer from the smoke, the air would be toxic. He growled like a territorial beast, and broke off into a sprint, making his way to the mountain.

Junior stood alone glaring to the top of the mountain. The dark cloud of smoke came from the top. There was no way for a fire could be the source of this situation; it had to be something else. Junior suddenly heard a loud, monstrous sound. Junior tensed at the sudden sound, but managed to recompose himself.

'So, it’s a dragon?' Junior made his way up the hill that led to base of the mountain. As he reached the mountain's base, he looked at his hands. He clenched them both, veins slightly exposed beneath his skin. Junior hopped onto the wall of the mountain, digging his fingers into the stone. He climbed and climbed and climbed, grunting every time he smashed his hands into the stone. The sounds of the beast echoed from the mountain, causing the mountain to rumble.

"Shut up!" shouted Junior as he continued to climb. Junior noticed that there was a part of the mountain that he could have traveled without having to climb vertically up. Junior was so lost in anger about the smoke that he missed the easy way up. He felt his eye twitch.


Meanwhile at the bottom of the hill near the base of the mountain...

"Did ya'll hear something?" asked Applejack, looking around the area.

"Twilight said that it was the snoring dragon AJ." replied Rainbow Dash, flapping her wings as she hovered above ground.

"No not that. I thought I heard an angry feller yelling." Applejack stuck her pinkie in her ear, attempting to clear it out.

"Hey, isn't that Goji up there?" Pinkie pointed up toward a small figure that seemed to be sliding down the mountain. Distant shouts can be heard from that same direction. Rainbow squinted her eyes, attempting to have her eyes focus on the figure.

"Hey, that is him!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy stuck her head out from behind the other five girls at hearing the sighting of another one of her friends.

"What in Equestria is he doing up there?" asked Rarity with an amused tone.

"I guess it’s for the same reason we are going up." answered Twilight. She placed a map into her backpack. "Come on, let’s go meet him!"

The girls continued up the hill, Junior's voice becoming more coherent.

"Goddamn dragon! I spend a week working my ass off in training and to pay for food and I come out and find this scaly son of bitch polluting my home?! I don't think so! Gojira don't play that sh-" Junior's voice echoed above, being heard by the six girls.

"My goodness! Such language!" Rarity exclaimed, a hand over her cheek.

"Wow. He sounds mad!" Rainbow laughed. Fluttershy was covering her ears, blocking out Junior's swearing. Twilight and Applejack looked to each other, then looked back at Junior as he descended from the mountain.

"I'm not taking it this time! I am going to climb down this stupid mountain, take the less vertical route, climb again and take that dragon's tail and ram it up his-" Junior slid down to the base of the mountain, and hopped off. Before he could finish his thought, he turned around and saw the faces of six familiar girls. Junior quickly forgot about his rage, his shoulders slumping down.

"Oh. H-how long were you there?" Junior stuttered, beads of sweat forming on his face.

"A couple of minutes." Pinkie answered. There was an awkward silence. Only the sounds of the wind can be heard.

"Rough week?" asked Rainbow Dash, stifling her laughter.

"Don't ask." Junior deadpanned.

Junior found himself traveling with Twilight and the others up the mountain. He was still in a sour mood from the whole thing and from being caught raging like a madman. Rarity was talking about dragons and how they prized jewels, which they apparently used to build their nests. She had the crazy idea of convincing the dragon to let her part with some of his gems. Ha! Yeah right. Pinkie got into deepening her voice like a dragon, joking around about it offering Rarity a diamond. Junior honestly couldn't find anything funny about it. He just scowled as he lagged behind the group.

"Fluttershy, you're the expert on creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like?" Twilight asked. Junior mentally groaned.

'I have a few guesses.' Junior thought to himself.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight called out, noticing that the timid girl had not answered.

"Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?" Rainbow called out, the timid girl coward behind the bushes down below.

"Ooh! I think I have one in my bag!" Pinkie pulled out a card, the sound of confetti bursting startling Rainbow and Rarity. Junior face palmed.

Things were not going well. Fluttershy was too afraid to fly up to where the rest of the group was. Applejack volunteered to take her around the mountain. Junior sat in boredom as he watched Pinkie beat Rarity at tic-tac-toe for the thirty-fifth time in a row. Twilight paced around, waiting for Applejack and Fluttershy to arrive while Rainbow hovered in a pacing motion above. The grunts of Applejack could be heard. The group turned their attention to the source of the sound, finding Applejack dragging a petrified Fluttershy.

"Made...it." Applejack panted, falling down to her knees.

Junior sighed, standing up and walking over to the pair. He took a knee and gently tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder, causing her to move her eyes to make contact with his.

"Come on. We still got a long way to go."

Junior was carrying Fluttershy over his shoulder. She squirmed in place, forcing him to keep a tighter hold on her. He couldn't figure why she was acting so terrified for. He offered to help Applejack to get her to move up the mountain, but she proved too difficult to push up. Junior didn't like the idea of pushing her, especially with his strength, so he decided to carry her.

"Please put me down Goji!" Fluttershy begged, as she desperately tried to free herself from the Earth bound's hold. Junior tried not to give in, but this being Fluttershy and her pleas were making it harder for him.

"We have to keep moving Shy. If I put you down, we won't be able to get to the top on time." Junior replied. He frowned after he heard Fluttershy make a pitiful whimper. Junior stopped as he noticed that there was a cliff, on the other side was a ledge that led further up the mountain. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack hopped over to the other side one at a time. Junior was going to have to put her down for the moment. He gently placed Fluttershy back on the ground onto her feet and pointed toward the others, informing her where they needed to go. Junior readied himself and hopped over toward the ledge, landing safely. Fluttershy gulped as she stared over the cliff, at the long drop below. Nothing but a river and the fields could be seen, along with rocks that stuck from the base of the mountain.

"Your turn, Fluttershy." said Twilight. Fluttershy held onto the mountain wall, averting her gaze from the cliff.

"But, it’s so...wide!" Junior frowned at this. Maybe he should have jumped with her after all.

"Come on Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now." Twilight said urgently.

"You could just leap on over." Applejack suggested. Fluttershy looked back over the cliff.

"I-" A loud snore from the dragon echoed into the air. The pink haired Valkyrie panicked, clutching her head as she sat on her knees, her eyes shut tightly.

"I don't know." Fluttershy said simply, trembling in fear. Junior was about to say something, but was interrupted by Pinkie.

"There's nothing to be afraid of! It's just a hop and a jump!" Pinkie hopped over toward Fluttershy's ledge.

"See?" Pinkie smiled. "It's not very far, just move your little rump-"

"Oh god, not again." Junior face palmed.

"Yes, humans are annoying when they sing aren't they?" A male voice echoed in Junior's mind. Junior's blood ran cold, he searched his surroundings. No one but himself and the other girls were around.

"Oh right, you can't respond. Yeah, we wouldn't want you to sound crazy would we? Just speak to me through your thoughts." said the voice. Junior calmed himself, taking the stranger's suggestion.

'Who are you?' thought Junior, attempting to communicate with the voice.

"My name is not important. But I am a Transmutation like you, Gojira. And I have something important to tell you." replied the voice. Junior was so focused on the voice that he lost his attention toward the girls.

'What is it?' Junior asked cautiously. He didn't like that this guy didn't give him his name, but demanding it wouldn't get him anywhere.

"I know why you have been feeling weak these past couple of months." said the voice. Junior's eyes widened. How did he know about that? Suddenly, Junior felt the sleeve of his sweater tugged. Junior looked down to Twilight, a look of concern on her face.

"Hey, are you OK?" asked Twilight. Junior looked to her in confusion.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?"

"You didn't respond when we called you." Twilight gestured toward the others, who were actually already ahead of him. Pinkie waved as he turned his attention toward them.

"Oh. Sorry, I've just been tired lately." Junior rubbed the back of his head. Twilight sighed in response.

"When we're through, you go straight home mister and get some rest!" Twilight commanded. Junior raised a brow, but decided it was best to comply then argue.


The group walked down a path, where the lined the mountain walls on their right. A few small trees rested on the stones on the left, where there was also an edge that one could fall over.

"Let's keep it down. According to the map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep can cause a huge rock slide." Twilight whispered to the group. Junior mentally groaned.

'I wish I could fly' Junior thought to himself.

"A-av-ava-?" Fluttershy stuttered in a nervous tone. Twilight immediately shushed her, silencing her. The group silently carried on, only the sounds of their steps could be heard. Rainbow Dash flew below a tree branch, causing it to rustle and a small leaf to slowly descend to the ground. Fluttershy cautiously walked, her shoulders tensed up. The fallen leaf descended down, just above Fluttershy. The leaf gently landed behind her neck.

"AVALA-!" Fluttershy screamed, but was quickly silenced by Applejack who placed her hand over her mouth. Fluttershy's cut off scream echoed. The group stood silently, anxious about what may have just been unfolded. As the echoes died down, the group sighed in relief. Suddenly, a loud rumble could be heard. The ground beneath their feet trembled; tiny rocks fell down the walls of the mountain… then large stones began to rain down upon them.

"AVALANCHE" The group screamed in unison. The rocks crashed onto the ground, nearly hitting the group. They all ran and panicked, attempting to avoid the stones. Rainbow flew past the stones, using her speed and agility to avoid being crushed. Junior saw Twilight running by herself, a large boulder nearing her. His adrenaline shot, he attempted to reach but was hit by a stone the size of his head. The stone shattered on his back, causing him to stagger. He saw that Applejack had already saved Twilight from certain death. He sighed in relief, but gasped as he noticed large stones heading his way. He glared at the incoming threat, his muscles tensing. His pupils shrunk and his irises grew. Junior reared his fist back, and punched the closest stone. The stone shattered from the force, but he felt a slight stinging sensation in his hand. His strength was dwindling. Junior was suddenly hit by several more stones, causing him to grunt and shout in pain. He fell onto his knees, using his arms to shield his head and neck and hiding his head beneath his chest. The stones were getting smaller as they hit him, then he felt dirt sliding between his legs. He attempted to stand but was quickly buried; only his hand was exposed.

"Everybody OK?" Applejack called out.

"Thanks to you I am." Twilight hugged the blonde Earth bound, thankful for being saved. Fluttershy popped out of a pile of dirt, frowning at the catastrophe that she caused. Pinkie bounced joyfully, while Rarity shook her body in attempt to get the dirt off of her body and clothes. The dirt became nothing but a cloud of dust, passing over to Pinkie Pie.

"Woo hoo! Let's do it again!" Pinkie said in exhilaration.

"This is why a girl always packs extra accessories!" Rarity reached into her pink backpack, pulling out a pink scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

"Oh please tell me that I brought the tiara that goes with this."

"Uh I think we got bigger problems then making sure our hair bows match our shoes!" Rainbow said in annoyance, pointing toward a mountain of debris that blocked their path. The girls looked on in disappointment.

"Sorry." Fluttershy frowned.

"Aw, no big whoop sugar cube." said Applejack with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, we'll just have to..." Twilight sighed "climb over."

Rainbow Dash suddenly remembered something. They were missing a person.

"Hey, what happened to Gojira?" The rest of the group tensed, they hadn't seen him since the rock slide. Fluttershy felt her heart skip. What if Gojira...

"Gojira!" called Fluttershy, quickly getting to her feet and running back from where they came. Twilight followed her in pursuit along with the others. They called his name repeatedly, hoping to hear him call back.

Fluttershy searched frantically, drawing quick breaths. When her eyes came across a medium sized pile of dirt and stone, her heart broke at the sight that she saw. A masculine hand was sticking out at the top of the pile of dirt. It was limp, with no sign of life. She burst into a sprint, her eyes welling up with tears. Fluttershy grabbed the hand, trying to pull Gojira out. She grunted in frustration as she failed to pull him out, and instead dug at the dirt as quickly as she could. Applejack and Rainbow followed Fluttershy to the mound, shocked to see the hand lifelessly sticking out of the dirt. They both made their way at different sides of the mound, helping Fluttershy to dig Junior out. When Twilight caught up, she gasped as she saw the lifeless hand. Her breaths grew shallow.

"No..." Twilight whispered to herself, denying the sight that was before her eyes. She broke off into a sprint, along with Rarity and Pinkie. Soon, all six of the girls were at the mound, moving away stones and digging at the dirt quickly. Many thoughts ran through their minds. These thoughts were, 'oh no, what if he's dead?!', 'we have to get him out!', 'I can't believe that this is happening!'. 'I won't be able to throw him a party ever again!', 'Don't you die on us you jerk!'. But the most tragic thought of all was, 'It was my fault! He might be dead because of me! I'm a horrible friend!'

After twenty seconds of digging, the girls managed to reach Junior's head. His eyes were closed, and his head was limp in the dirt. They kept digging, unearthing him up to his chest. Applejack got behind Junior, sticking her hands under his arms and lifted him with all of her might. Rainbow flew and grabbed Junior's left hand and pulled while Rarity pulled his right hand. They strained to get him unstuck from the dirt, but succeeded as he slid out. They dragged him away from the dirt mound, gently laying him on his back. Twilight ran to his side and quickly got on to her knees next to Junior and unzipped his torn sweater. She lied her head down on his chest, listening for a breath of air. She then quickly lifted her head off his chest, a look of dread on her face.

"He's not breathing!" The girls gasped in response.

"What do we do?!" Pinkie cried. Fluttershy's eyes began to run with tears. She was Gojira's first friend, and she killed him.

"I know a way. Give me some room now!" Twilight commanded. The rest of the girls complied; Rarity took Fluttershy by her shoulders and walked her away from Twilight and the unresponsive Gojira. Twilight rolled up her sleeves, lifting Junior's chin slightly with one hand and pressed onto his forehead with the other, tilting his head back gently. She then pinched Junior's nose shut, while the heel of her hand was still on his forehead and her other hand still under his chin. After inhaling, Twilight then locked lips with Junior, maintaining an air-tight seal with her mouth and his. She gave a breath that lasted a second, while still maintaining the seal. Junior's chest rose from the breath of air. Twilight took a second breath and repeated the action. She then placed the palm of her hand on Junior's chest, the other hand on top of the first hand and pushed downward hard and fast onto his chest. She repeated this action several times, grunting after every push.

Applejack looked on worriedly toward the sight. This had gone all wrong. She never imagined that someone seemingly as strong as Junior was would be facing the last moments of his life like this. Rainbow stared, mentally berating Junior for letting himself get buried. She clenched her fists at the sight. Sure, she wasn't all of that fond of him but she didn't want him to die let alone see it happen. Pinkie's hair had deflated, as she sat and stared helplessly as Twilight continued to push down onto his chest. Pinkie felt her eyes water as she sniffed at the sight. Rarity held a weeping Fluttershy, as she stared at Twilight attempting to save the life of a friend. She wasn't concerned about the dirt that covered Gojira, or the ripped sweater that he wore, she was too focused on whether or not he would make it. Twilight continued to give air to Junior, and pressing down on his chest.

'I'm not going to give up on you Gojira, so don't you give up!' Twilight was about to give more air to Junior when suddenly, he started coughing furiously. Junior sat up, coughing up dust from his lungs. Junior leaned over to his right, coughing up mucus onto the ground. Junior tried calming his breaths, but he realized that they were coming short. He needed as much oxygen as he could get. He wheezed, and continued to cough up mucus. Applejack quickly dug into her backpack, pulling out a canteen filled with water. She handed him the canteen, which he took and began consuming the cool refreshing liquid. Junior sighed; his breaths were still a little wheezy.

"Thanks..." Junior said in a raspy voice, a weak smile on his face.

"Anytime, partner." Applejack said softly, relieved to see Junior breathing and alive. The rest all sighed in relief.

"You gave us quite the scare, darling." said Rarity, placing her hand over her chest. Pinkie's hair puffed back up, a large smile was plastered on her face.

"I know! It was super duper scary to see you not breathing after we dug you out!" Pinkie bounced with joy. Rainbow smiled at Junior.

"You're a fighter man. I'm impressed. And...I'm sort of..." Rainbow crossed her arms, looking away as she mumbled the last part of the sentence.

"What was that?" asked Junior.

"I said that I'm..." Rainbow mumbled again, Junior had a wild guess at what she was saying. But he wanted to hear her say it.

"Didn't quite catch that."

"I said that I'm glad that you’re OK!" Rainbow shouted, flaring her wings. Junior lightly chuckled, breaking into another coughing fit. Twilight patted his back.

"Thanks, I didn't think you cared." said Junior. Rainbow huffed as she crossed her arms and looked away. Twilight wrapped her arms around Junior affectionately and nuzzled his cheek, making him feel embarrassed.

"Good thing Twi knew CPR." said Applejack, a grin on her face. Twilight blushed furiously and quickly released Junior.

'CP...?' Junior had formed a light blush on his face as well when his mind registered what he was just told. He noticed that he could taste something foreign in his mouth. That means that he tasted Twilight's breath! Junior cleared his throat.

"Thanks Twilight, you're a true friend."

"Oh! Um...n-no problem!" Twilight smiled. She turned as she noticed movement in her peripheral vision. Fluttershy was making her way toward Junior with tears streaming down her face. She dropped to her knees and wrapped Junior into a tight hug, sobbing as she held him.

"I'm so, so, so sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" Fluttershy's sobbed into Junior's shoulder. He felt his shirt absorb her tears, drenching his skin. He frowned as he gently rubbed her back.

"I'm not mad at you. The important thing is that everything turned out fine."

"B-but..." Fluttershy looked to Junior, her eyes puffy from the tears.

"What's done is done. Nothing can be changed." Junior said simply. Fluttershy backed away, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Junior attempted to stand, but his legs were wobbly, causing him to lose balance. Applejack reacted quickly enough to catch him, sitting him back down.

"Easy there, you're in no shape to travel." informed Applejack. Junior shook his head in response.

"No...I can *cough* keep going." Junior attempted to stand again, but his legs failed to even lift him off of the ground.

"Gojira Takeshi the 2nd, you are in no condition move!" Twilight scolded. Junior continued to try to stand but failed.

"I can do it! I just need-"

"No! You need to stop this now! You are too stubborn to know when to ask for help or when to stop for your own well-being!" Twilight yelled at Junior, causing him to glare at her.

"I can take care of myself Twilight." Junior retorted. Rainbow groaned in annoyance.

"There you go again with the tough guy act." said Rainbow as she crossed her arms.

"Tough guy act? I'm not acting like a tough guy!" Junior argued, glaring at the rainbow haired Valkyrie.

"You totally are! You did the same thing back in the Everfree forest! I see you in town and you getting into fights with punks and how it’s alienated you among other people. I even see how you try to put up an image of yourself as someone who doesn't care what others think but in reality, I'm willing to bet that you do!"

"You don't know a damn thing about me! What I do or what I think should be none of your concern!" Junior felt himself getting angry. He tried to compose himself, but he was already lashing out.

"So we just let ya take everything on your own, even if it hurts you?" asked Applejack, a hand on her hip as she demanded an answer.

"Yes! Because the conflicts that I face are mine alone!"

"Even if those conflicts are life threatening ? Do you have a death wish or something?" demanded Rainbow Dash as she got in Junior's face. That was it, Junior wasn't going to take it anymore.

"So what if I do Rainbow Dash?" Junior suddenly rose to his feet, causing Rainbow to recoil away from him. She took a stance with her fists up, daring Junior to come at her.

"Am I hurting you? Am I hurting Rarity? What about Pinkie? Applejack? Or what about Fluttershy or Twilight? It doesn't matter to me what becomes of me in this life anymore! We all gotta go sometime right?!" Junior's voice echoed. The area was suddenly dead quiet. Rainbow's expression completely changed; she looked as if she was just slapped in the face. Applejack had the same look. Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity stared at Junior with wide eyes. Twilight placed her hand over her chest, a look of sympathy on her face. Junior realized what he just said, in front of all of them.

'Smooth' Junior thought to himself.

"What?" Rainbow asked softly as she relaxed her muscles, slowly putting her fists down.

"Nothing. Just forget about it." Junior looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact. Twilight reached out to Junior.

"Gojira, we didn't-"

"Forget everything I said!" Twilight recoiled from his tone. Junior sighed, calming himself down.

"Look, just go on without me. I'll wait here." Twilight frowned, turning around to the dirt mountain that blocked their path.

"Gojira, I want to have a talk with you at the library when we're through here." Twilight walked off to the dirt mountain.

"Fine," said Junior. One by one, the rest of the girls followed Twilight, taking final glances at him. Fluttershy lagged behind, staring back at Junior with a look of sadness. Junior noticed that she was still there in his peripheral vision.

"Go on ahead without me, Shy. Equestria needs you more than it needs me."

"I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, Goji. Is there anything that I can do? Anything that we can do?" asked Fluttershy. Junior sighed, looking up toward the sky.

"I wish I knew Shy. I wish I knew."

Junior sat alone for a couple of minutes. He managed to get his breathing back to normal, but his body still ached from the rock slide. He wished that he hadn't had that conversation. He wished that he never came along for this quest. He wished that he knew how to keep his cool. But most of all, he wish that he could live in peace. His life has been nothing but torture. He had an unkind existence where he was fated to be lonely and destined to be hated. Hell, he wondered if that was why he was born. The past was the past. The present is stagnant. There was no future. Nothing but pain and despair awaited him. All because he was made into the freak that he was today.

"It can't be helped." A familiar voice said, coming from the side of Junior. He quickly turned his head, seeing a figure in a black hood.

"You." Junior said simply.

"Yes, me." The figure was now approaching Junior in a steady pace.

"You said that you knew why I was weak. Why?" asked Junior, not caring to be concerned about potentially being in danger by this stranger.

"It is because you are dying." The figure answered. Normally, Junior would be worried. But right now, he just couldn't bring himself to care.

"Really? Why's that?"

"The creatures that our DNA were crossed with relied on an energy source as part of their food. It helped them to stay nourished for such large beasts, and supported their strength and size. We inherited that trait, but we have less need to consume this energy for ourselves as often as they did. Mainly when we use our abilities often, it takes us at least a year to actually need to consume more of this energy. You have spent most of your life in hiding for so long that you were able to conserve your own energy. But since you've been using it more now, you have been starving yourself. Your body grows weak, you tire and you lack the same physical durability that you normally have. This also leads to the aggression with those humans a while ago other then you bottling up your obvious misery." The figure explained. Junior bitterly chuckled.

"Freaking mind readers. So, what is this energy source?"

"Nuclear radiation." The figure replied. Junior raised a brow in response.

"Yes, there may have been radiation that was abundant in the world at one point that supported these large beasts."

"Ugh. Damn MONARCH!" groaned Junior.

"Yes, damn them all indeed. Gojira, I have a proposition for you."

"I'm all ears." replied Junior. The hooded figure dug into his pocket and fished out a green, glowing gem in hand.

"In my hand, is an enchanted gem that is used to store a certain amount of radiation. If you accept this, you can have the radiation and become strong enough to find more radiation with me and have an opportunity to rescue one of our own from MONARCH." Junior's ears perked up. He eyed the gem, able to sense the radiation that was trapped inside. But, he thought back to what the others had said. Did he have to face everything on his own? Or was he as stubborn as they said? If he refused his offer, he wouldn't live long enough to figure it out anyway.

"I'll help you."

"Good. Meet me in Los Pegasus at the docks tomorrow afternoon. We're going back to Neighpon."

Junior sat at a table in front of Twilight in the library. They sat in silence, Junior couldn't make eye contact with her. He felt shameful just being in her presence for the way he acted.

"Gojira, I just want to know what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't ask for my help." said Twilight, placing her hand over Junior's. He slightly tensed at her touch, but settled down.

"Nothing is wrong." Twilight looked at Junior in frustration.

"Something is bothering you."

"Nothing is bothering me, Twilight!" Junior tried desperately to avoid confronting the issue.

"Liar! I know that something is bothering you! How dare you look me in the eye and lie to my face!?" Twilight released Junior's hand and stood from her seat. Her hand suddenly glowed along with Junior's seat. His seat quickly pulled back from the table with him on it, his heart jumped from the sudden movement. As Junior stood from the seat, he felt Twilight tackle him to the ground. He looked deeply into her violet eyes, they burned with anger. She had her hands were placed down on his shoulders, her knees held her up from behind as her body stood over Junior's.

"Why? Why do you refuse to let others help you?!" Twilight shouted. Junior laid silently, a surprised look on his face. One minute he was sitting down, next thing he knew he was on his back with the angry librarian over him.

"You big jerk! You have people around who care about you. Don't you see that?!" Twilight's eyes began to well up with tears as she berated him. Junior felt his heart tugged at, he never meant to make her cry. Twilight removed herself from Junior, sitting on the floor facing away from him. She clutched her knees as she wept.

"Friends are supposed to look out for each other. Are we even friends?!" Twilight sobbed. She wanted Junior to understand where she was coming from. It unfair not just to her, but to the others as well. Junior frowned as he sat up; clenching his fist as he mentally scolded himself. He remembered the day that he left Canterlot when he made Blaire cry. He hated himself for doing that, and here he was doing it again.

"I'm sorry Twilight. It isn't fair to you that I've been keeping these things to myself. I...I just thought that I was doing something right. I thought that it was right to deal with my own problems, alone like always." said Junior. Twilight lightly sobbed, listening to Junior as he spoke.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought that I was making it easier on others." Twilight wiped her cheeks, turning around slowly to see Junior looking down at the ground sadly.

"I just want to be able to be there for you. I felt like that our friendship had no meaning to you. The thought of that hurt me." replied Twilight with a sniffle. Junior sighed.

"It does. I guess I'm just a dummy when it comes to having friends huh?" Junior lightly chuckled. Twilight had a light giggle in response.

"Kind of." The two sat in silence. Twilight scooted closer to Junior, looking into his yellow eyes.

"Did you mean what you said earlier? When Rainbow asked if you had a death wish?" Junior remained silent. Trying to figure out why he would say such a thing.

"I thought I did, but now I think I'm just afraid."

"Afraid of what?" asked Twilight. Junior's mind flashed to an image of the charcoal grey dragon's face from his dream.

"I'm afraid of losing everything that I had gained living here. I'm afraid of losing you and Fluttershy, the only ones who have offered their friendship to me." Junior looked down on the floor, feeling relief from getting things off of his chest. He just wish that he could get more of his chest.

"You don't have to worry about that. We're here for you Gojira, we care about you, along with the others." Twilight gave Junior a warm smile. He smiled in return.

"Thanks." said Junior.
"I still think that your kind of big jerk." said Twilight.

"Yeah, you may be right shorty." Junior teased. Twilight looked at Junior with an offended look.

"H-hey, I am not that short!" Twilight huffed, as she hit Junior's shoulder. Junior lightly chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I was just messing with you. You make up for it with your intelligence." Twilight looked away from Junior, embarrassed at her outburst.

"There's something that I need to let you know Twi." said Junior. Twilight returned her attention back to Junior, a curious look on her face.


"I'll be heading off to Neighpon tomorrow for a week. There's...something that I need to take care of." said Junior, his tone hesitant at the last sentence.

"Oh. Well, just be safe OK?" Twilight said worriedly. Junior wrapped Twilight into a tight embrace. She blushed at how he was the one showing her affection. She smiled and returned the hug.

"I will."

Junior found himself on a ship sailing to Neighpon next to the hooded figure. His sweater was repaired by Rarity yesterday, who generously offered to sew it up. She did a good job and he felt bad about not paying her, but she insisted. The two waited for over a day on the ship. They were nearing mainland. The hooded figure was going over the plan.

"First, we're going to one of the nearby nuclear plants. From there, we can consume enough radiation to last us a good amount of time. Then, we will head off to the Vault, a prison that was built to hold Transmutants. Not many have been captured, but we're looking for one specifically."

"OK. I got it." Junior replied, analyzing the plan in his head. The hooded figure smiled.


Somewhere in Neighpon...

The two mutants were walking in a dark forest, trudging through mud and leaves. The weather had grown to be rainy. The rain dropped from the dark clouds that hid the night sky, and soaked them from their heads to their shoulders. Junior was forced to wear his hood in order to keep his head from getting soak The hooded figure stopped Junior by holding his hand up. He searched the area, looking for any unwelcome company. It was all clear. They continued on, finding two large nuclear cooling towers in the middle of an empty field. The two sprinted toward the structure, hopping over the fence and blending in with the night. Junior and the hooded figure made their way inside of the facility, the sound of generators sounding and the smell of radiation in the air. For humans, it was hazardous. But to a transmutant, it was delicious.

"OK. This is where it gets tricky. We need to partially transform in order to consume a lot of the radiation." The hooded figure took off his black sweater and shirt, revealing the face of a young man with red eyes and jet black hair. The upper body of the mutant began to shift, his bones morphing beneath his flesh. He grunted, trying to fight the excruciating pain. Then, insect-like wings sprung from his back, the markings on his wings appeared like flames. His wings began to illuminate, the light coursing to the veins of the mutant. He inhaled deeply, exhaling as someone would when consuming good food. Junior removed his sweater and shirt, not wanting to rip his favorite sweater that Rarity just repaired for him. Junior concentrated and he felt his muscles and nerves hurt. His bones were shifting in place, causing him to grunt. His breathing became shallow, as he felt a sharp pain along his spine. Dark grey, short maple leaf-like, bony dorsal fins ripped through the flesh of his back. Junior hissed in pain. His neck sprouted small gills, and an armored crest forming in the center of his chest. Junior felt his dorsal fins absorbing the radiation into his body. He sighed, feeling his body regaining its full strength. The radiation helped him clear his head of stress. After a couple of minutes, they finished consuming their needed radiation. Their bodies' morphed back into their original human forms. They both put their shirts and sweaters back on.

"Now, we head for the vault." said the hooded figure.

Author's Note:

The hooded figure revealed! Who is this Transmutant that Junior and this person are looking for? Find out next time!

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