• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 48: Assault on the Revolution


Battra roamed the halls of the Revolutionary lair in silence. He hummed to himself as he approached the doorway that led into Hok and Abra's living area. He approached the metal door and began to knock on it. After several seconds of waiting, he heard footsteps approaching. The door rose itself into the cracks, revealing Abra to be standing in a night gown. She greeted the Transmutant with a smile.

"Battra, it's good to see you!" said Abra. Battra nodded to her in response as he returned her smile.

"Likewise. I came to check on you and your husband today. Is he here right now?" asked Battra.

"No, he's actually out helping with the hunt for food. I'm not sure when they'll be back. But I'm doing well. I feel like the children will be hatching any day now," said Abra. Battra nodded.

"Right. Well, that's good to hear. How's the generator holding up?" asked Battra.

"It's still running. But we're keeping the gems close by just in case. The sooner they hatch, the better," said Abra with a sigh.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Do you need anything?" asked Battra. Abra waved her hand dismissively.

"Oh, no. I'm fine, thank you," said Abra. Battra nodded to her.

"OK, just ask if you need anything," said Battra as he took off and made his way over down the hall. Abra lightly smiled as she pressed the button on her side of the wall, causing the door to close. The Transmutant continued to walk down the hall, but suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps. He stopped and turned to find Destoroyah walking through the halls in silence. Battra immediately bowed before his teacher.

"Good afternoon, Sensei," said Battra.

"To you as well, my student," said Destoroyah as he stopped, turning to face the younger Transmutant. "What's the status of our radiation reserves?"

"Currently, our supplies are still holding up. We should have enough to last us the next month. I'm actually surprised we've lasted this long," said Battra.

"As am I," said Destoroyah in agreement. He then sighed in frustration. "We haven't been able to come up with another plan of attack for the base in the south. I swear, the more time we spend debating, the more vulnerable we become,"

"But Sensei, nobody knows of our location. We should actually spend more time thinking things through rather than charge in blindly," said Battra. Destoroyah slightly narrowed his eyes at Battra, but immediately softened them.

"Very well," said Destoroyah as he stomped away. Battra sighed in relief as he held his chest. He felt a flick on his cheek, causing him to grunt as he rubbed a small red spot that formed on his cheek.

"Wow Batts. I never heard you talk to Destoroyah like that. That's pretty ballsy," said Megaguirus coyly as she stood next to Battra.

"I wasn't trying to disrespect him. I just wanted to make sure that he was thinking carefully so we don't do something that we'll regret later," replied Battra with a scowl.

"Still, I find that hot," said Megaguirus. Battra rolled his eyes.

"What don't you find hot?" asked Battra.

"I'd tell you, but I don't think that's a conversation that's appropriate when you're acting as second in command," said Megaguirus. Battra backed away with a grimace.

"That's alright. I don't really want to know anyway," said Battra. Megaguirus chuckled in response as she nudged him in the shoulder.

"Hey, I'm going to be out working on that thing for Abra's kids. I'll be back later," said Megaguirus. Battra nodded to her.

"Sure thing. Glad to see you're doing something nice for her," said Battra. Megaguirus shot him a glare.

"Yeah, well don't tell her it's from me! I want to remain anonymous!" said Megaguirus in a sharp tone. Battra waved to her.

"Fair enough. I still think that you should open up to people about your talent," said Battra. Megaguirus stuck her tongue at him playfully, causing him to smirk in response. The female Transmutant winked at him as she walked away. Battra shook his head in amusement as he moved down the hall.


As the sun hung over the land of the rising sun, a lone airship soared in the air. Its massive propellers spun so fast that the eye could not follow the individual blades. The MONARCH insignia was painted in white as it was depicted on each side of the ship. Inside, dozens of soldiers waited patiently as they held their weapons in their hands. They steeled themselves, waiting for their mission to begin.

"Officer on deck!" shouted a soldier. Immediately, all of the soldiers shot up to their feet, standing at attention. A middle aged woman walked to the center of the soldiers that stood on opposite sides of the room of the ship.

"Listen up! Just 0800 hours ago, we received a report on the location of the Transmutant Revolutionary lair. From what our intelligence tells us, all of them are camped out inside of an abandoned research facility," said the woman as she kept a firm expression. She looked over the soldiers, finding them to be mixed of Elves, Earthbounds, Valkyries, and Garudas. They stood tall with firm expressions as they listened to her. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're being deployed to strike these Transmutants in the heart. It’s a full scale assault to end the threat once and for all,"

"We are not the only platoon being deployed. We will have a few others along with tanks, jeeps, and even mechs on our side. That's how you know that MONARCH isn't taking any chances with these freaks. Our mission is to eliminate all threats in the facility. If you run into Destoroyah, fall back. We'll handle that son of a bitch together. Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" shouted the soldiers in unison. Their morale was high, knowing that this could be the final battle against the Revolutionaries. It was the day where the Revolutionaries would fall and MONARCH would rise in victory.

"Are you ready to cap Destoroyah's ass?!" questioned the woman. The soldiers shot their hands into the air.

"Let's go!!" shouted the soldiers. The commanding officer nodded in approval.

"That's what I like to hear!" said the commanding officer.

Outside of the airship, two more rose from the clouds, soaring in a V formation with the first. One of them was filled with several mechs and vehicles. It was strictly designed for vehicle and mech transport since there wouldn't be enough room to fit platoons inside. The other airship held another platoon inside. Inside, more soldiers checked their weapons as they psyched themselves up for combat. From the corner of the room, Ghidorah walked past the soldiers as he held his rifle in his hand. He stopped over by a wall while he kept a firm expression. He looked over to an Elf woman with red hair and yellow eyes. She nodded to him as the white of her eyes flashed green and her irises turned red for a second. Ghidorah nodded back. He felt a nudge coming from his shoulder, prompting him to turn and to find a Slayer unit soldier next to him. The soldier had a feminine figure, bearing a helmet with a green, jelly bean shaped visor that hid her face. The armored breast plate bore a combat knife over the left breast of the soldier. Her shoulders were covered in square armor pads, with the right side bearing the MONARCH insignia. Her armor was sky blue with white markings on her armored legs and arms. She stood to be five foot eleven compared to the Transmutant.

"You're awfully quiet," said the Slayer unit in a deep, feminine voice. Ghidorah turned forward.

"I'm just waiting for the battle to begin, Sergeant Gears," answered Ghidorah. He then noticed a shorter Slayer soldier to be approaching. She was standing to be five foot seven in height. Her armor was beige. On her right shoulder was a set of small and long gems that gave a soft glow. On her back was a sniper rifle that was magnetized to the plate on her back. The soldier's helmet was shaped more as a human head. Instead of a visor that ran across the soldier's face, there were instead two round spaces that gave the appearance of large, red optics. In the center of the helmet's face was a bridge that ran down to an armored section in the mouth area. The soldier stood by at attention to the Transmutant.

"Sir, the other Slayer units want to know our plan of attack," said the soldier. Her voice was soft, almost quiet. Ghidorah looked passed the Slayer unit and found one other feminine soldier and two other male soldiers. They all bore the same sort of advanced armor that Ghidorah wore. Except theirs did not have any cultural influence. Ghidorah turned to face the soft spoken soldier that approached him.

"We're going to hit them with all that we got, Lieutenant Long Shot. You will take a squad and take out any Transmutants that may have wondered out of the base. After that, the rest of us will rush in and rain hell on them all," answered Ghidorah. He then smirked under his helmet as he lightly tapped the soldier on the forehead of her helmet.

"Make sure you take clean shots. Pow," said Ghidorah as he chuckled to himself. Long Shot lightly scowled from behind her helmet. She sighed.

"Understood," said Long Shot as she went back to the other Slayer units. Ghidorah turned and faced the doorway with a neutral expression. Today was going to be a violent battle. It might be the worst that the soldiers have ever participated in. However, Ghidorah had different orders compared to the others. He felt the airship descending down to the ground. The airships had descended down over a forest, dropping down mechs that hovered into a vast forest. Platforms were lowered with jeeps that had turrets in the back and tanks on top. A few soldiers were already boarding the vehicles. The other two airships landed and opened their doors to lower ramps to the ground. The soldiers all marched out of the airships while the tanks and jeeps rolled off of the platforms.

"Secure a perimeter! The enemy is just clicks away but we can't be too careful," said a middle aged woman. She looked at Long Shot and a band of soldiers armed with sniper rifles.

"Snipers, you're up! Take out any shape shifting son of a bitch that you can find!" ordered the woman.

"Yes, ma'am," responded the soldiers. Long Shot took the lead and jogged into the jungle. She gripped her rifle tightly, reluctant to take part in this upcoming, massive battle.

Out in the forest, just a mile outside of the Revolutionary lair, Megaguirus hummed to herself as she placed on a large, white t-shirt over her clothes. She nodded to herself as she began to count off the colors of paint bottles that she had next to her in the grass. Megaguirus pulled out a brush and began to paint. She backed away from a large boulder that sat next to a tree. The boulder was grey in color and smooth. Megaguirus went back to the boulder as she continued to paint the head of a dog. She gave gentle strokes to give the texture of fur of the animal. She dipped her brush back onto a flat plate for more brown paint that sat on it. She lightly giggled as she saw how the painting of the dog was coming to life. It was an Akita, one of her personal favorite kind of dogs.

"I hope the kids like this. But I should have probably come up with a spot where they can get better access too. Oh! Maybe I can get some guys to help me carry this into the lair!" said Megaguirus as she snapped her fingers. She went back to painting. Unbeknownst to her, someone had their eyes on her. Just forty-five yards away, a small group of soldiers took cover behind bushes. Long Shot panted as she peaked through the bush. She found the Transmutant alone outside, painting. The soldier raised a brow in confusion.

"Is she...painting?" asked a soldier at her left.

"I think so," answered Long Shot.

"It's a probably a painting of Transmutants eating human kids or something," growled another soldier. Long Shot slowly turned to face the soldier with a neutral expression. She stared at him for several seconds, causing the other soldier to look away with a cough.

"Don't be silly," Long Shot said in a neutral tone as she turned to the bush and went back to observing the Transmutant. The other soldier sighed in relief.

"Alright, looks like we're going to have to cut off this art session early." Long Shot said to herself as she pulled out her sniper rifle. The other soldiers had just spread out and took off to different directions. They left Long Shot alone to take out the one Transmutant while they went off to find others. She sighed as she leaned into the modified scope that allowed her to see through it with the helmet she was wearing. She inhaled as she aimed at the Transmutant, but gasped as she found that the Transmutant was gone. She pulled away from her scope as she stared in confusion.

"Where did-" Long Shot felt tapping on her back, causing her to whip around with a pistol in her hand. The hand gun was kicked out of her hand by a boot. She gasped as she found the Transmutant that she was spying on, standing before her.

"Nice try, but I felt like I was being watched, so I did some snooping around," said Megaguirus as she stared at the soldier with a deadpanned stare. Long Shot narrowed her eyes and immediately reached for her knife. She swung it towards the Transmutant, but Megaguirus had stepped back with the knife coming just inches from her belly. Long Shot stood to her feet and charged towards the Transmutant. She sent several punches towards Megaguirus, but they were blocked every time. Long Shot then swung her leg towards Megaguirus, but Megaguirus caught it. Megaguirus then slid under the leg and came up from behind with her hands on Long Shot's ankle. With a yank, Megaguirus forced Long Shot to fall forward, who yelped as she fell to the ground. As Megaguirus was about to stomp on the soldier's lower back, Long Shot's thruster pack ignited and propelled the soldier away. Megaguirus's foot slammed into the dirt, and she looked towards her right with wide eyes. Long Shot rolled away and got back onto her feet. She took calm breaths as she stared at Megaguirus. The Transmutant narrowed her eyes and broke into a dash towards the soldier. Long Shot ignited her thruster pack and was propelled towards Megaguirus. The two collided with each other, both engaged in hand to hand combat. The soldier grunted as she was unable to keep up with Megaguirus's attacks, which came at her with fluid and quick jabs. Long Shot managed to strike Megaguirus in her cheek, causing her to stagger back. Megaguirus turned and glared at her.

"You're going to regret that, bitch," growled Megaguirus. Long Shot raised her fists up.

"I'm ready," said Long Shot. Megaguirus snorted.

"Hahaha! I thought you were too short to be a Slayer unit! You sound like a shy teenage girl!" laughed Megaguirus. Long Shot lowered her head in shame as her cheeks burned with a blush.

"I'm twenty-four," muttered Long Shot. She then clenched her fist as she glared at Megaguirus. "It's not smart to underestimate your enemy."

"Bring it, princess," said Megaguirus in a mocking tone. Long Shot puffed her cheek out as she grunted in annoyance. The two suddenly broke into a charge towards each other, but a magic bolt struck a tree. Megaguirus gasped as she stopped, shocked at the bolt had just passed through her line of sight. She turned to find another Slayer unit soldier clad in sky blue armor. The soldier held a rifle in her hand that was pointed in Megaguirus's direction. The Transmutant groaned in annoyance as she leapt away from the soldiers and ran away.

'I gotta find Battra!' thought Megaguirus in urgency. She gasped as she heard the sound of gunfire coming from the lair. The sound of roars echoed in the air, striking her with fear.

"No!" cried Megaguirus as she began to sprint. Back with the two Slayer soldiers, Long Shot looked to Gears in annoyance.

"I had her," deadpanned Long Shot. Gears smirked under her helmet as she approached her comrade. She tapped her head.

"I know cutie," said Gears. Long Shot scoffed in response a she slapped Gears's hand away.

"Don't call me that!" spat Long Shot. Her soft tone rose in volume. Gears laughed at the soldier's flustered state.

"Fine. Come on, let's go help with the assault," said Gears as she broke off into a sprint. Long Shot sighed as she shook her head. She went to pick up her pistol and sniper rifle. She then ran after Gears.

The sound of gunfire erupted throughout the facility. Soldiers had made their way inside and fired their weapons at any Transmutant in sight. Screams of the non-combatants Revolutionaries fled as they were shot. Three Slayer units took the front of the soldiers as they shot at the Mantis Transmutants.

"Move up!" shouted a gruff voice. A six foot tall Slayer unit with a shotgun opened fire at the Transmutants. The mantis screeched in pain as he was forced back. Three more mantises came from behind and attacked. A soldier was mauled by one of the Transmutants. A Slayer class soldier knocked one of the mantises to the ground and beat him with his rifle.

Inside of the facility, Destoroyah charged towards any soldier that came his way. He swiped them away and grabbed a soldier that charged him with his sword. He slammed the soldier on the ground and stomped on his skull. Destoroyah yelled in anger as more soldiers came from another corner and proceeded to fire upon him. The sound of explosions filled the facility. He whipped his head around and found walls being blown open. Mechs came charging towards the Transmutant.

"Target sighted. Engaging," said one of the mechs as it extended two long blades. The machine charged towards the Transmutant and swung its arms. Destoroyah yelled in pain as he was wounded by one of the blades. He caught the other blade before it could strike him and then forced it away. Destoroyah sent his fist into the machine's chest and pulled out its core battery. The machine dropped down as it began to spark. Destoroyah threw the battery at a nearby soldier, knocking him down to the ground. Destoroyah pulled back as the mechs fired their turrets at him. He hid behind a wall and panted as the magic bolts barraged the wall. He turned and found a frantic Battra rushing towards him.

"Battra, I want you to round up the rest of our warriors! We're going to push them back!" ordered Destoroyah.

"Sensei, there’s too many of them! We should only fight to buy the others time to escape!" said Battra.

"We'll all be dead unless we fight here and now! Do not argue with me!" shouted Destoroyah as he slammed his fist against the wall. Battra sighed in response.

"Understood," said Battra as he rushed down towards the hall. Destoroyah dropped to his knees as his body felt the agonizing pain from the transformation. His eyes narrowed as his face began to change.

"I. Am. Death," growled Destoroyah. His body gave into the morphological changes. As he grew in size, his face hardened into a skull-like structure and his sharp teeth grew. The soldiers that fired at the wall heard the sound of his shrieking roar.

"Sounds like we're gonna need a lot of back up," muttered a Slayer unit soldier.

Hok rushed through the woods with a frantic expression. Alongside him were several other Transmutants, including Mukade. They had abandoned their hunting grounds as they heard the sound of gunfire and explosions coming from the lair. They all stopped and gasped as they found the facility smoking with holes blown into the walls. Soldiers began entering and the sound of vehicles approaching reached their ears. They turned and found jeeps rolling towards their position.

"Look out!" shouted Hok as he and the Transmutants rolled away from danger. Mukade, however, rushed towards the jeep. He caught the vehicle by its bumper and was forced back. He growled as he stomped his feet into the dirt, causing the jeep to jolt and for the front to be smashed in. Two soldiers yelled as they were shot out of the window and landed on the grass. Mukade grunted as he pulled away from the smashed front of the jeep and turned to the soldiers. Hok rushed over towards one of the soldiers that pulled a pistol out and slammed his fist against the human's head. Mukade stomped on the second soldier's back, causing him to cry out. The rest of the Transmutants dragged out any remaining soldier inside. The soldiers cried out as they were mercilessly killed. Hok turned back to the lair anxiously.

"I'm going in! My wife and children are in there!" said Hok. Mukade rushed to his side.

"Wait, I'm going with you. There still might be more people inside," said Mukade. He dropped to his knees and transformed. The rest of the Transmutants in their group did the same, as did Hok.

Hok's body grew to be over seven feet tall as his arms extended in length and his fingers fused together. His arms became spindly and became hooks with sharp claws at the end. Two extra limbs grew from his side as he began to hunch over. His legs became reversed as his feet became wide and clawed. His extra limbs hung behind his back, planted firmly on the ground as a membrane grew from them. His head grew wider and long. As the back of his head became pointed, a frill ran down to his hunched back. From his torso came a pair of shorter limbs with four claws. His eyes became red insect eyes that glowed. His jaws became triangular as he grew a pair of mandibles in his chin. Bioluminescence appeared on the Transmutant's side and back of its head. The creature's front forelimbs held this bio luminescence at the edges. The Transmutant appeared to be a combination of a bug-like creature, but without the exoskeleton appearance over his grayish-black hide. Hok gave a trumpeting roar as he leapt into the air and spread his second pair of fore limbs. The limbs allowed the membrane to catch the wind, revealing them to work as both as walking limbs and as wings. Hok flapped his wings as he soared into the air towards the facility. From behind him, several condor-like Transmutants soared after him while Mukade charged on the ground in his Tardigrade-like form.

Hok dived towards a group of soldiers and caught one of them with his hook. The soldier cried out in agony as the hooked appendage impaled him. The Transmutant roared as he landed on the ground with the human while the condors carried away or pecked the human soldiers. Hok stomped on the human's skull, but felt himself blown off of his feet as a tree next to him suddenly exploded with fire and magic. He gave a trumpeting groan as he turned and found five tanks approaching. Growling, he raised his long forelimbs into the air and cried out as his bioluminescence glowed brightly. He then slammed his hooked forelimbs on the ground, causing a distorted space in the form of a dome to extend out around the Transmutant. As the dome passed the tanks, they suddenly sparked and rolled to a stop. The soldiers inside yelped as their controls sparked and went dead.

"What in Tartarus happened?!" demanded a soldier.

"I don't know! Everything is dead!" another soldier replied frantically as he tried to start back up the tank. Hok grunted as he took off into the air and flew towards the facility. Meanwhile, Mukade had charged through a group of soldiers, knocking them out of his way. He gave a gurgling roar as he continued to push through the chaos. His sides were being bombarded by magic bolts fired by the soldiers. Mukade roared as he tackled a soldier and shot his tube shaped mouth. The soldier gave a muffle cry as his face was mauled by the teeth inside.

Elsewhere in the facility, Battra yelled angrily as he used his telekinesis and forced several soldiers against a wall, applying more force as he crushed their bodies. Shinomura rushed towards a Slayer soldier with a sword in his grip. The Transmutant used his katana to block the human's blade and engaged him in a sword fight. The two clashed blades that sent sparks everywhere. The soldier knocked the sword out of Shinomura's hand and then grabbed the Transmutant's arm. The soldier brought his sword down on the arm, dismembering it from Shinomura's body. He wailed in agony as his lost appendage. The soldier grabbed the Transmutant by the hair and then tossed him to the other side of the room. He clutched his arm as he slammed his head down.

"Dammit!!" shouted Shinomura. Ebirah rushed towards the slayer soldier and tackled him to the ground. The Transmutant slammed his fists against the soldier's helmet, causing the visor to crack and the helmet to be exposed. Gaira and Titano rushed over to Ebirah. The Slayer pulled out a pistol and shot at Ebirah's chest, causing him to stagger back. He then pointed the hand gun at Titano, firing at him as well.

"Shit!" cursed Titano as he clutched his chest. The Slayer pointed his gun at Gaira, but it was too late. The Transmutant stomped on the soldier's hand, causing him to cry out in agony as he felt his wrist shatter. Gaira grabbed the soldier by the head and slammed him into the concrete multiple times.

"You like that?! Huh?!" shouted Gaira as the soldier lost consciousness and bled as Gaira continued to slam him onto the ground.

Ghidorah roamed through the halls with Long Shot, Gears and three other soldiers behind him. They came across a door that remained sealed shot. The sound of roars and cries echoed in the halls. Ghidorah shot his hand forward and fired his magic electric beam that blew through the door. The Transmutant stepped forward towards the door, but a trumpeting roar came from the dark room. A creature that bore the likeness of Hok's form, but with four long forelimbs that allowed it to walk. The creature stood to be eleven feet tall in height. The creature gave a trumpeting roar as she charged towards the soldiers. They all fired their rifles at her, doing little damage. The creature roared angrily as she slammed into a soldier and crushed him against a wall. Long Shot shot her rifle at the creature's eyes, causing her to duck down to hide her face from the bolts. Ghidorah shot his hands towards the Transmutant and attacked her with his magic. The Transmutant wailed in pain and convulsed from the electricity that coursed through her. After several seconds, the Transmutant lied limp on the ground. Ghidorah shook his head.

"Disappointing," said Ghidorah as he turned to the dark room and stalked towards it. Two of the soldiers stayed behind as they prepared to secure the Transmutant. Gears and Long Shot trailed after Ghidorah into the room. He stepped into the darkness, finding a mattress on the ground with a rumbling generator in the center of the room. He gave a low chuckle as he spotted illuminating orange orbs with human infants inside.

"There you are," whispered Ghidorah with a sinister smile. Long Shot and Gears came at his side. Their eyes widened in shock.

"Dear Faust, what is that?" asked Gears. Long Shot began to step closer over to the orbs and poked her head closer. One of the infants kicked and briefly opened its eyes. Long Shot gasped as she stepped back.

"She...she was pregnant," said Long Shot in shock.

"Damn. These things are breeding. What do we do, agent?" asked Gears. Ghidorah remained silent as he looked at the infants. So vulnerable and fragile. Innocence at its purest form in any race. They were perfect for what his orders were.

"Destroy them all," said Ghidorah. Long Shot's eyes widened. She turned to face the Transmutant.

"Wh-What did you just say?!" exclaimed Long Shot.

"You heard me. I want them dead," Ghidorah answered. Long Shot stuttered as her heart raced.

"But- We can't- I mean- How can we do that?! They're just infants!" cried Long Shot. Ghidorah growled as he stomped over towards her.

"I don't care how you do it. Shoot them, stab them, or burn them; hell, you can even blow them up if you'd like. I don't care how you do it. Just do it now!" growled Ghidorah. Long Shot shrunk back as her skin crawled. Her superior officer was ordering her to kill innocent and vulnerable infants. She didn't care if they were Transmutants. They had no fault in the actions of the Revolutionaries.

"Sir, perhaps MONARCH can have better use of them if they're alive. Like having a Transmutant such as Erika Shiragami in our ranks," said Long Shot, hoping to buy the infants a ticket to life.

"Perhaps. But, it's not my call to make. Perhaps if you make a call to command and give your reasoning, then maybe we can call up an evac," said Ghidorah. Long Shot nodded frantically.

"Yes! I'll do that!" said Long Shot as she went over to the side of the room and activated her COM. Ghidorah turned his attention back to the infants with a dark smile. He raised his hand slowly sparked with energy. Gears turned her head and her eyes widened as Ghidorah let loose a bolt of energy. The sound startled Long Shot, causing her to whip around. Her eyes widened in horror as she dropped her rifle on the ground. She trembled as her eyes watered.

"I changed my mind," said Ghidorah with a shrug and in a nonchalant tone. He then raised his hand again as he fired three more bolts.

"You're a demon," whispered Long Shot. She gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes. Ghidorah raised his hand again and pointed it towards what was left. Gears gasped as she watched Long Shot's hand illuminate from a magic aura.

"Long Shot, don't-"

"No!!" screamed Long Shot as she levitated her rifle back into her grip with her magic. From outside of the room, the sound of gun fire startled the soldiers that were watching over the female Transmutant that lied motionless on the ground. The sound of sparking energy filled the air.

"What the hell?" questioned one of the soldiers.

Ghidorah glared at the soldier that had fired at him. His armor bore a few holes that smoked. Long Shot lied on the ground, panting as she clutched her burned arm. She was in great pain. Her eyes ran with tears as Ghidorah stomped over towards the soldier as glared down at her.

"Since you were bold enough to strike me and succeeded in hitting me, I will allow the last three to live. But know, they will die with no one to care for them. You, on the other hand are relieved of duty," said Ghidorah in a low tone. Long Shot took off her helmet, revealing her silver eyes and turquoise colored hair. She coughed as she glared at the Transmutant.

"You...monster," Long Shot managed to speak. Ghidorah smirked.

"I know," said Ghidorah as he knelt down before the soldier. He then lightly tapped the sniper on her forehead.

"Pow. Farewell, Shot," said Ghidorah as he stood to his feet. He then sighed in annoyance.

"I'm annoyed and I still have blood lust on the mind," muttered Ghidorah. He then glanced at Gears, who stared in disbelief. He then spotted the two remaining soldiers that were making their way over. Ghidorah chuckled to himself.

"You know what Gears? I'm just going to kill you for the hell of it," said Ghidorah as he turned around.

"Wait, what?" asked Gears with a slight nervous chuckle. Ghidorah shot his hand forward and engulfed the soldier in his sparking energy, tearing her apart as she cried in agony. Ghidorah shot his other hand towards the approaching soldiers and engulfed them in the same energy as well. Long Shot stared in horror at how the man who she thought was her comrade had turned on them. As the soldiers died, Ghidorah lowered his smoking hands walked away. He began to give a dark chuckle that escalated into a diabolical laughter.

Long Shot panted as she crawled across the ground. Her pain was excruciating, causing her to grow woozy. She tried to shake herself to keep herself awake, but it only worsened her condition. As Long Shot crawled closer to the remaining glowing orbs, she slumped down with her hand firmly planted on the orb. The infant inside of the egg slowly opened its eyes and was able to make out a blurry object. The infant extended its arms out, attempting to reach out to the mysterious object. The baby grew claws at the end of her fingers and swoop them at the membrane, cutting the orb open and draining the fluid inside to slide out of the orb.

The sound of the infant crying filled the room. The cries echoed through the halls, causing the soldier to shoot up awake. She found the infant to be wrapped in the organic substance that held the eggs. The soldier weakly crawled closer and gently took the baby into her arms. She pulled out her knife and cut the umbilical cord that was connected to the orb. The baby continued to cry as Long Shot lied down with the infant close.

"I'm so sorry," wheezed Long Shot. Her vision clouded and her eyes slowly closed. The infant's cries began to die down and became echoes.

From down the hall, Battra and Hok rushed through. Hok was still in his beastly form. He panted as he was filled with panic.

"Abra!" cried Hok. He stopped as he came exited the hall and found a creature that bore his resemblance but was much larger than he was. He gasped as he rushed over to her side.

"Abra?" called Hok. The Transmutant stirred awake as she weakly turned to face him.

"H-Hok," said Abra in a weak tone. Hok nuzzled her.

"It's alright. I'm here," whispered Hok. Abra shot up with a gasp.

"Oh, god!" cried Abra as she stood up and rushed over towards the room. "My babies!"

"Oh shit," said Hok as he chased after his wife. Battra trailed behind but stopped as he noticed charred bodies. He shook his head and rushed back to the doorway. He slowed down as he found a sight that tore his heart in two. Inside of the room, Abra and Hok we knelt down, giving wails of sorrow. They were wailing over four eggs that were burned to a crisp. Battra's breathing was slowed as he stumbled back. He felt his head growing light and stepped out of the room with a look of anger. Megaguirus came rushing out of the hall.

"Ba-" Megaguirus was about to call him but found the Transmutant to be slamming his fist against the wall as hard as he could. The metal dented and his fist began to bruise. Megaguirus rushed over to him and grabbed him by his arm.

"Hey-Hey! What are you-" Megaguirus stopped as Battra turned to face her with his eyes running with tears. Megaguirus looked at him with a soft expression.

"Meg...I-I couldn't..." Battra dropped down to the ground and clutched his head. "I couldn't protect us! I-"

"Battra, there are MONARCH soldiers everywhere! We need you to help back outside! What happened?" asked Megaguirus in worry. Battra trembled as he looked back at her.

"Meg...Hok's and Abra's children. Four of them are dead," muttered Battra. Megaguirus's eyes widened. She pulled away from him in disbelief.

"What? No, that-" Megaguirus held a hand to her face. She felt her eyes stinging with tears. Her lip quivered as she dropped down on her knees.

"Oh...Oh god," said Megaguirus as she lowered her head. She wrapped Battra into a tight hug. She allowed tears to run down her cheeks.

"We couldn't push them back! There's too many!" muttered Battra. The sound of an infant crying reached their ears again, causing them to turn to the doorway. They slowly stood up and found Abra and Hok kneeling over Long Shot's still form. In her embrace was one of the surviving infants. One of them had already hatched. Abra lightly sobbed as she nuzzled the infant.

"My beautiful baby girl," muttered Abra. Battra narrowed his eyes as he stared at the soldier that lied unconscious. He sniffled as he wiped his eyes.

"Megaguirus, help Abra and Hok gather the surviving infants. Get to safety," said Battra as he reached into his pocket. He handed Megaguirus a folded up paper. "Go to Yoshida's apartment. Tell her that they're family members and that you need a place to stay for a while. Tell her that I'll hopefully be there by tonight,"

"But-" Megaguirus was about to protest but Battra had already rushed out towards the hall.

"Just do it!" shouted Battra. Megaguirus gritted her teeth. She turned and faced Abra and Hok.

"Abra, I know that we're not really on friendly terms, but I want to help you and your husband!" said Megaguirus as she rushed over towards the corner of the room and grabbed three infant carriers.


Battra stalked through the halls with a hateful glare in his eyes. For years he spent his life fighting for the cause of creating a brighter future for the Transmutants where they would be free to roam the world and live peacefully. He suffered wounds, scars and loss over this war for that goal. But now, MONARCH has brought its forces on their territory, invaded their home, and killed his friends. To top it off, they took the lives of innocent infants. He had reached his breaking point and he was going to give it his all to drive away these foes or die trying.

Battra stalked out of the hallway and found several soldiers firing at Destoroyah. Battra sent an elbow towards a soldier's jaw and dislocated it. He then grabbed a woman soldier and snapped her neck. The soldiers noticed Battra and shot at him. Battra grunted as a few bolts caught him, but he raised his hands and used his telekinesis to target the soldiers’ brains. With a loud squish, the soldiers dropped down, dead with their noses bleeding out from brain trauma. Destoroyah panted as he looked down to find Battra.

"Four of the infants are dead. I ordered Abra and Hok to flee with Megaguirus with the rest," said Battra in a low tone. Destoroyah kept a neutral expression.

"Unfortunate," said Destoroyah.

"I swear to avenge everyone on this day," growled Battra. Destoroyah chuckled darkly as his student stomped through the hall.

"I taught you the art of ruthlessness well," said Destoroyah. He charged towards a wall and burst through, finding himself outside where all of the soldiers fired at him along with the mechs. Battra, however, found himself in a room where the warriors had retreated, panting as they bled from their wounds. Several dead Transmutants that were not warriors lied on the ground and Ebirah held his head lowered as he mourned them. Battra slammed his fist against the wall, startling the Transmutants.

"Is this the end of us? Is this how we die?!" demanded Battra. The Transmutants turned to give him their attention. "Our brothers and sisters have either fled or died and are currently lying at our feet! Are we going to cower before these humans?!"

"We've already lost. We might as well surrender," said a Transmutant. Battra narrowed his eyes at the Transmutant that spoke to him from his right. He stomped over towards him and sent him a strong punch, knocking him down.

"I would rather kill myself than surrender to these scum!!" shouted Battra. He then turned to the other Revolutionaries.

"What about you?! Are you all just going to lie here and die while our leader fights alone?!" demanded Battra. The Transmutants were silent.

"Brothers and sisters, we have been through hardship for years together! We fight to survive in this cruel but beautiful world of ours! MONARCH denies us the chance to enjoy it, but I am not going to stand for it!"

"Just today, we have lost four of the infants," said Battra as he took on a solemn tone. The Transmutants stared in shock, except for Shinomura and Gaira. Ebirah lowered his head in sadness.

"But we have a chance to guarantee the survival of our race's next generation! Hok and Abra will flee while we have the soldiers distracted! Once they are far enough, we will flee and separate to meet at our safe house in Osaka," said Battra. He looked to the Transmutants. "I know you're all afraid. I'm afraid too. But we are strong! We have fought countless battles together! This is no different! We will face the humans who threaten us!"

"Yeah!" shouted the Transmutants in unison.

"We will crush them beneath our heels! We will laugh at their guns, bombs and magic!" shouted Battra.

"Yeah!" shouted the Transmutants.

"For the Revolution!!" shouted Battra as his eyes stung with tears. The cries of his brothers and sisters standing with him brought hope to his heart.

"Revolution!!" shouted the Transmutants. Battra's eyes glowed violet as he blasted a hole through the wall with his eye beams.

"Attack!!" shouted Battra as he took the front. His body began to morph as he transformed. The warrior Transmutants also morphed as they gave war cries. The sound of roars filled the air as a legion of beasts charged towards the soldiers. Gunfire filled the air as did explosions that knocked trees down. Condors swooped down and carried off soldiers. Reptiles rammed into jeeps, mantises mauled heads, and Destoroyah roared as his horn sparked and glowed as he swung it around, cutting down all in his path. Battra flew in the air and fired his eye beams at any soldier that he could. Destoroyah laughed maniacally at all of the soldiers that fell before his followers. But, he was suddenly struck by several rockets. He grunted in pain and turned to glare at a mech that stood yards away. A mech that appeared like a dragon stood behind trees.

"Destoroyah sighted, engaging hostile," said Kiryu as it ignited its thrusters and flew towards the demon. Destoroyah roared as he charged towards the mech but was caught by the mech. Kiryu flew away with the beast and slammed him into the ground away from the battle. The mech stood and faced the Transmutant. Destoroyah clawed at the mech while it continued to fire its weapons on him. Destoroyah grunted in response and was hit by a powerful punch. Destoroyah grabbed the mech's neck.

"You can't win against me!" laughed Destoroyah. Kiryu's eyes suddenly flashed red and the mech turned to face Destoroyah's face.

"I-I will this ti-time!" growled Kiryu in a distorted and deep voice. Destoroyah's eyes widened at how the voice had played back and it sounded much deeper than before. The sudden change in the color of the optics was unnerving too. Kiryu jabbed Destoroyah's head and then opened its mouth. Maser beams fired from the cannons in its mouth, striking the Transmutant in the face and making him give a shrieking roar in agony.

"I'll ki-ki-kill you," said Kiryu in a low tone. The machine's claws stuck together and appeared like a drill. The hand began to spin at high speed and the mech drilled Destoroyah's chest, who wailed in agony as yellow liquid sprayed from his wound.

"Just like how you killed me," said Kiryu. The mech gave an electronic roar as it bit down on Destoroyah's neck, causing him to wail again. The Transmutant forced the mech away and then swung his tail. The pincer appendage at the end of his tail locked against the mech's neck. Destoroyah roared as he slammed Kiryu against a nearby tree and repeated this action several times, causing the tree to give in. Kiryu opened its jaws and fired its oral maser cannons at the Transmutant's face. Destoroyah released Kiryu as he cried out in agony. The mech grabbed Destoroyah by the tail and then swung him towards another tree. The demon was sent flying against it, knocking it down onto a small group of soldiers that fought Gaira. The fish scaled ape-man Transmutant jumped as Destoroyah skidded in the dirt.

"What the-" Gaira was interrupted as he spotted Kiryu stomping away from the trees with its optics glowing red. Destoroyah growled as he raised himself.

"Where is my so-so-son?" questioned Kiryu as its voice played back while it was distorted. Gaira roared as he charged towards the mech. The metal dragon merely raised its right arm and fired bolts from its gauntlet cannons. Gaira groaned as they struck him all over his chest. Kiryu then rushed towards the Transmutant as he dropped to his knees. The mech grabbed the ape-man and slammed him on the ground. He stomped over his chest multiple times. From behind, Ebirah approached in his lobster-shrimp like form. He gave a screech as he dove his claws at the mech, but Kiryu immediately ignited his thrusters and took off into the air. Ebirah missed the mech and ended up tripping over Gaira's form.

"Watch it, asshole!" growled Gaira as he clutched his chest. Ebirah immediately stood up and looked to the sky to find Kiryu dropping down towards him. The Transmutant stumbled back with Kiryu landing on the ground with a heavy shake. Ebirah shot his lobster claw towards the mech, but Kiryu caught the claw with one hand and then kicked Ebirah in his gut. The Transmutant fell over with Kiryu's foot planted on him. Kiryu grabbed the lower pincer of the claw and forced the claws open with both hands, breaking it in half. Ebirah screeched in agony as he convulsed under Kiryu's foot. As Kiryu prepared to impale the Transmutant with half of Ebirah's own claw, a condor swooped down and crashed into the mech. Kiryu stumbled back and fell down as the condor landed next to him. The bird Transmutant squawked as he spread his wings and ran towards the down mech. Kiryu's red optics caught sight of a large rubble the size of his hand in front. The mech immediately reached for it and then turned around to meet the condor with his neck extended and his beak wide open. Kiryu immediately swung its arm against the bird's head with the stone, knocking him down. The mech then slammed the stone against the condor's head with all of his might, cracking the bird's skull. Kiryu stood up and picked back up Ebirah's broken claw as a mantis flew towards it. Kiryu roared as it grabbed the mantis by the hooked appendage as it came close and swung it towards an approaching Destoroyah, who stumbled as the mantis slammed into him. Kiryu's thrusters ignited, propelling it towards the mantis the two with the broken claw in its grip. The claw was forced through the mantis's thorax, resulting in it plunging into Destoroyah's chest. The mantis wheezed in agony while Destoroyah shrieked. The machine forced Destoroyah on the ground with its hold on the claw. Kiryu's head twitched as its eyes turned back to being yellow.

"Target incapacitated. Su-su-surren- Die!" said Kiryu as its optics turned back to being red. The machine forced the claw further into Destoroyah's chest, causing him to groan in agony. Destoroyah's horn lit up as the bony flaps on the side of his head began to spark. He opened his jaws and sprayed a ray of violet energy that struck the mech's face plate, blowing it back as the surface of its armor was eaten away at. Destoroyah grunted as he forced the dead mantis off of himself and yanked out the claw. Destoroyah roared at Kiryu as the mech revealed its face. Its left optic was damaged with only a red light that began to flicker. The metal snout was dark and brown with tiny holes burrowed within. The mech's crest that sat on its head was missing and its remaining red eye glared at the Transmutant.

"You damn machine!" growled Destoroyah as he charged towards the mech. Kiryu's rocket pods on its shoulders launched the projectiles towards the Transmutant, engulfing him in a fiery explosion. As the flames died down, the Transmutant dropped to the ground with his body covered in burns and with parts of his armor missing. He wheezed as he glared at the mech.

"You did this..." said Kiryu as the mech stared at its metal hand and clenched it into a fist. Kiryu stomped towards Destoroyah as its mouth opened wide. Before the mech could fire its oral maser cannons, a black, green and purple mixed bolt struck it in the back. Kiryu convulsed as electricity began to run through it. The split personality of the machine began to lose control of the mech as the eyes flashed red and yellow. The mech gave distorted and garbled speech before it was struck again by another bolt that matched the previous. The machine's eyes died down into being dark as it slightly hunched over and lowered its head. Destoroyah's eyes widened in shock as the machine had stopped attacking. The eyes suddenly flashed yellow and the machine had risen back up. Destoroyah had risen back up and charged towards the mech. Kiryu shot its arm up towards the Transmutant.

"Target sigh-" the mech was interrupted as Destoroyah slammed his fist against its head. Pieces of metal flew off of its face as its damaged optic bugged out of its socket, hanging by wires. Destoroyah roared as he grabbed the machine and threw it towards a group of approaching soldiers. They were crushed under the damaged machine. Destoroyah turned and found a lone human soldier standing near several trees. Her eyes were glowing the same color that had struck the bolt. From behind the tree next to her, a figure cloaked in black appeared. Destoroyah growled as he charged towards the humans. With a roar, he slammed his fists down over their heads, only to find them disappearing in a plume of purple and green smoke with black sparks. His eyes widened in shock.

"What the hell?" Destoroyah whispered to himself. He turned his attention back to the soldiers and mechs that were fighting him and his followers. The Transmutants were finally able to stand against the soldiers. The humans were being forced back into a retreat. Destoroyah smiled darkly at the turn of events.


Ghidorah paced through the facility in silence. His face bore a sinister smile as he placed packs with a dark and sparking glass that contained dark magic. He had been placing these all along the facility while the battle had been going on. Of course, he wasn't alone. He stopped as he caught the scent of something familiar. He turned and found Thanatos standing behind him with the soldier that he had previously nodded to on the airship. Ghidorah smiled under his helmet.

"Came to check on me?" asked Ghidorah.

"Indeed I have. Are the detonation packs in place?" questioned Thanatos.

"Yeah. A couple of your underlings were ever so kind enough to help me place them as well as shutting down the reactor," said Ghidorah as he gave a thumbs up to the female soldier that stood next to Thanatos. The soldier rolled her eyes in response.

"Good. In order to draw them to us, we must make their situation desperate," said Thanatos. The soldier scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"That damn possessed machine nearly jeopardized the plan," said the soldier. She then sighed in shame. "I apologize, master. I thought that I could subdue the spirit. I am weak,"

"My dear, only a few are capable of performing such a feat. I should have counted on the Transmutant being responsible of reawakening him. But, he should not interfere throughout the rest of today," said Thanatos. Ghidorah scoffed.

"If it were me, I would have just gotten rid of the spirit," said Ghidorah. Thanatos narrowed his eyes.

"Watch your tongue. The spirit's rage and suffering along with all involved in this conflict will allow our King to return," said Thanatos. Ghidorah shook his head.

"Fine. Let me just detonate these babies of death that you and your little cult were so kind to develop. I would've needed a lot more bombs developed by MONARCH to be able to take this place down," said Ghidorah. As he stuck another detonation pack on the wall, he popped his knuckles.

"We shall move onto their safe haven immediately before they can reach it. That way, they will feel even more hopeless. That is where I will come in," said Thanatos. Ghidorah laughed to himself.

"I think you're going to need me with you. I know Destoroyah and he will not be so trusting to a human," said Ghidorah.

"But you just killed four infant Transmutants. I don't think the parents will trust you at all and Destoroyah will side with them. You're better off not coming," said the soldier.

"True. But she only saw me in my armor. All I must do is arrive without it. Once Destoroyah knows what we have planned and he thinks we didn't have a hand on this raid, he will have no choice but to rely on us," said Ghidorah. Thanatos chuckled to himself.

"Very cunning. Alright, destroy this place and meet us there. Be sure to leave your armor," said Thanatos. He and the soldier both disappeared in a plume of purple and green smoke with black sparks. Ghidorah smiled darkly to himself. He reached for his side and pulled out a detonator. He vanished from the room that he was in, only to reappear outside of the facility. He pressed the button on the detonator, resulting in the sound of several explosions. The explosions sent sparks of dark magic, fire, and debris all around the inside of the facility. The foundation that supported the facility gave in as the explosion breached through certain walls, sending debris to the soldiers and Transmutants that fought. This interrupted their skirmish, resulting in the sound of the facility giving creaking moans as it began to collapse. Smoke and debris blinded everyone's sight. Kiryu stood up and scanned through the clouds of smoke, unable to find any enemies. Destoroyah grunted as he began to flap his wings.

"Retreat!!" ordered Destoroyah. After several of his followers heard him, they ran to whatever direction that they could to escape. Battra took off into the air and towards the forest. As most of the Transmutants fled, some of them were left behind, unaware of a retreat. Kiryu spotted a condor attempting to fly away, but the machine had already fired its maser cannons at the Transmutant. The mechs and soldiers were beginning to search any strugglers that they could find, either killing them or subduing them to the ground. The Transmutants that were subdued were bounded by collars that drained them of their energy. The clouds slowly subsided, but the Revolutionaries were already retreating. Ghidorah stood by in silence as he watched Destoroyah fly away.

"You'll know soon enough why I decided to fight for them," said Ghidorah.


Megaguirus walked at a quick pace with an infant carrier strapped to her back. The newborn Transmutant slept as she was wrapped in a blanket-like sack that shielded her from the sun. She was nestled against Megaguirus's chest inside of the carrier bag. The adult Transmutant turned to find Abra and Hok carrying their own egg with the smaller limbs that were in their chests. The infants had yet to hatch, but Megaguirus suspected that it would be soon since one of them had already did.

"You two are going to need to change back if we're going to be getting to a safe place. Not to mention that you'll have to carry your kids when they hatch," said Megaguirus.

"What do you expect us to do?! We can't just-" Abra growled at Megaguirus but her husband stepped in front of her.

"Abra, calm down," said Hok in a soft tone.

"Look, I'll just move on ahead and snatch you guys some clothes! No big deal," said Megaguirus as she raised her hands. She then knelt down on the ground and removed the carrier bag that held the baby and gently lowered her on the ground.

"I'll even leave her with you guys until I come back. I might have to run away if I get you two clothes," said Megaguirus. She then removed a back pack filled with a lot of glowing gems from her back.

"Here, just in case they need radiation," said Megaguirus.

"Thank you," said Hok. Megaguirus gave him a nod and a small smile.

"We're in this together," said Megaguirus as she turned and jogged down the road. Abra sighed as she lowered her head. She knelt down and lowered the egg that she carried onto the ground. Hok did the same.

"Look at this. Four of our babies are dead and only three survived," said Abra as her voice cracked. She placed her head on Hok as she sobbed to herself.

"I know," muttered Hok.

"We had named them too. Now, we'll never be able to call them!" cried Abra. Hok lowered his head and looked down at the infants that were still in their eggs and the one that had already hatched.

"At least...we can still call the names of three of them," said Hok in a half optimistic tone. He knelt down next to the hatched infant that breathed softly.

"Isn't that right, Hope?" asked Hok. Abra lowered her head as watched the baby sleep peacefully. She sighed to herself.

"Hope. But is there any?" asked Abra in a solemn tone. She shot her head up as she heard the sound of footsteps. She spotted Battra rushing out from the forest.

"Battra!" cried Abra. Hok shot up and looked over in surprise. The younger Transmutant stopped running as he began to pant.

"I found you two. I'm glad," said Battra with a look of relief. He then looked around in worry. "Where's Megaguirus?"

"She went off to find clothes for us," answered Hok. Battra nodded.

"Good. I'm glad I built a habit to hide an extra pair of clothes out in the forest," said Battra as he adjusted his jacket. He then sighed in relief as he found the remaining infants to be safe.

"I promise you both that we'll get somewhere safe. I wanted to help you two get to our safe house, but I don't think the journey there will be good for the babies. So, we're going to see if we can crash at a friend of mine's place," said Battra. Hok and Abra looked to him in confusion.

"Friend? Another Transmutant?" asked Hok. Battra shook his head hesitantly.

"Not...exactly," said Battra. He then cleared his throat. "She's uh...human,"

"Are you crazy?! We can't live with a human! How can we trust her?!" demanded Abra.

"Abra, we don't have a choice! The safe house is miles away, your children are hatching, and MONARCH is looking for us!" said Battra.

"Battra, this is unusual for you. You hate humans. How can you be friends with one?" asked Hok. Battra sighed.

"I honestly don't care that much for a lot of them. My hate was just blind anger. This friend...she's kind," said Battra. Abra narrowed her eyes.

"Would she still be kind to you if she knew what you were?" questioned Abra. Battra lowered his head with a frown.

"I don’t think so. Especially if she knew who I was," said Battra. He then looked back to her with a hard stare. "But that doesn't matter. My priority is getting you and your children to safety. Until we're ready, we will leave and join the others,"

Abra sighed as she lowered her head. Hok did the same. Battra frowned as he turned back to look at the smoke that had risen to the sky in the distance. The lair was now lying in ruins. It had been his home for the last few years. He hated to see it taken away from him just as his old life was when he was young. The future seemed much more uncertain and dark for the Transmutants.

Evening had arrived. Battra was leading Hok, Abra and Megaguirus through a neighborhood in Trotkyo. Abra and Hok were both clothed from head to toe. The other two infants had hatched just hours ago and were now resting as they were carried by their parents. Megaguirus still held Hope close to her in the carrier bag. The sound of her soft breathing reached Megaguirus's ears, causing her to lightly smile. Meanwhile, Battra was looking over the paper that Mai Yoshida had written her address on. He glanced at the small buildings that were around until he spotted a familiar building. He looked down at the paper and found it to be the right address. All he needed was to find the room number and to see if she was home. Battra led the Transmutants into the building, where they had later arrived to the elevator. As they traveled up the elevator, they had then made their way down the hall and to Mai's apartment number. Battra gave a heavy sigh.

"You sure this is a good idea?" asked Hok. Battra shrugged.

"Only one way to find out. Listen, I know that you were born and raised in Equestria, but how's your Neighponese?" asked Battra as he turned to face Hok.

"I'm uh...I'm kinda rusty. But my parents would always make me speak it," answered Hok with a chuckle. Battra nodded in understanding.

"That'll do. Feel free to translate to Abra," said Battra as he turned and began to knock on the door. He then glanced at the backpack strap that was on him and was thankful that the gems would keep the radioactive properties from leaking out and being exposed to Mai. However, they would need to make sure that she was far enough to guarantee her safety. The sound of footsteps approaching reached their ears. From behind the door, Mai peaked through the eye hole in her doorway to find Battra waving. She smiled brightly as she opened the door.

"Yasu! It's good to..." Mai's voice trailed off as she spotted Megaguirus, another woman and a man all holding infants. Her face turned to confusion. Battra chuckled nervously.

"Hey, it's good to see you again," said Battra.

"Yeah. Um...who are they?" asked Mai as she looked to Hok and Abra in curiosity. Battra sighed.

"Yoshida, this is my cousin Hok and this is his wife. These are their newborn children," said Battra as he weakly gestured to the couple and infants.

"Newborn? Shouldn't they be in a hospital?" asked Mai with a raised brow.

"We never made it," answered Hok.

"Oh. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both! It's nice to meet a family member of a friend!" said Mai as she gestured to step into her home. Abra reluctantly followed Hok inside while Megaguirus trailed behind. Mai looked to Battra with a look of amusement.

"You know, I wasn't expecting you to drop by with them. I mean, I expected Tonbo-san since you've showed up with her a couple of times, but I wasn't expecting this," said Mai. Battra sighed as he looked down with a frown.

"Actually, there's a reason why I brought them here," said Battra. Mai looked at him in worry. Battra looked back at her.

"You see, my cousin and his wife are going through some financial troubles and have been unable to pay the rent to their apartment. Now to make things harder, Abra had just given birth to triplets. They can't provide for them in their situation," said Battra. Mai gasped.

"Oh, my goodness," said Mai with wide eyes. Battra looked away as he felt shame building as he prepared to ask his question.

"I would let them stay with me until they got back on their feet, but my home is too small to house them. I want to ask if maybe...you could host them for a while until they're able to get back on their feet?" asked Battra. Mai looked away hesitantly.

"I uh...I don't know," said Mai in a hesitant tone.

"Yoshida, I know that I'm asking for a lot, but hear me out! It won't be for too long. Maybe just a couple of weeks or so. Hok and I will be working to pay for any expenses that their presence will cause. Megaguirus will be helping Abra take care of the babies while you can worry about anything that you do," said Battra with pleading eyes. Mai looked down in thought. She then sighed as she gave him a small smile.

"Well, since you seem very committed to helping them and it’s your family, I suppose I can let them stay for a while. But I better see some effort at them getting back out there!" said Mai with a hard stare. Battra nodded.

"I promise, they won't be stuck here forever. Just until we can get them the funds that are needed and when the babies are old enough to be outdoors," said Battra. Mai nodded to him as she patted his shoulder.

"Alright. I'll help," said Mai. Battra smiled at her brightly and wrapped her into a hug.

"Thank you! I promise that you won't regret it!" said Battra. Mai blushed furiously as the Transmutant held her. She smiled as she felt his warmth over her.

"I don't think I will," said Mai with a giggle. Unbeknownst to them, Megaguirus was scowling as she glanced at them from the corner of a wall as Mai and Battra entered the apartment.

"I have an extra bedroom that visiting family members use. They can use that," said Mai. Battra nodded to her.

"Thank you," said Battra. Mai clasped her hands together as she took on a bright smile.

"OK! Well, I was about to make some dinner for just one. But now I think that's going to change," said Mai as she headed for the kitchen. She then stopped and turned to face Hok. "Um...would you like some milk or something for the babies?"

"No, my wife can do it," said Hok with a reassuring smile as Abra cradled one of her babies and began to raise her shirt. Battra went stiff and immediately went to the kitchen with a blush on his face.

"Say, I'll just help you with dinner since you're being kind enough to host them," said Battra with a nervous chuckle. Mai smiled at him and nodded. Megaguirus glanced at Abra as she fed two of her babies.

"So...when can they drink from the bottle? You can only feed two at a time," said Megaguirus.

"After we establish breast feeding during three to four weeks," answered Abra. She sighed in disappointment as she watched her youngest sleep soundly. "This is going to be difficult,"


Battra was walking with Megaguirus down towards the destroyed facility that had once housed them. A great dome had encased the entire facility. All that was left were several soldiers and mechs that stood guard of what was once their lair. Now, the Transmutants were stranded outside with no home in this region. Battra turned as he took Megaguirus's hand and walked away with her.

"No point in looking back. There's nothing left for us there," said Battra in a low tone. Megaguirus sighed as she began to keep up with the Transmutant's pace.

"So I guess...we're going to meet with the others in Osaka?" asked Megaguirus. Battra nodded to her.

"We have no other choice. I couldn't possibly ask Mai to house us as well. But, Okinawa isn't too far from here. All it takes is a train ride and we should be fine," said Battra in reassurance. He then narrowed his eyes as he glared down at the ground. The things that had happened and the lives that were lost during this conflict added fuel to his anger.

"They'll pay for everything," said Battra. Megaguirus sighed solemnly as she held Battra's arm close.

"Don't...be in a hurry to fight back," said Megaguirus. Battra frowned deeply as he lowered his head. He felt weak and helpless; unable to stand against the organization that had ruined him and others. The two Transmutants carried on through the forest where they had eventually made it into the city. From there, they continued on until they made it to the train station. These trains were much more advanced compared to the ones found in Equestria or any other place in the world. They were sleek and ran on an alternative power source rather than coal. The train was much faster than any other in the known world, thanks to Neighpon's largest technological company. Battra and Megaguirus had both paid for their tickets and were in the process of heading for their train. They stood side by side in silence until the sound of the train approaching reached their ears. The train had rolled to a stop, allowing passengers to disembark and for new passengers to take their place. The Transmutants made their way into the train as a woman's voice over the intercom spoke in Neighponese, occasionally switching to Equish for tourists. Battra and Megaguirus took a seat next to each other and waited for the train to take off from the station. As the train left, a few idle conversations went on between the passengers. A woman sitting next to Battra held a small, rectangular object with a screen close to her face. Audio was emitting from the broadcast that she had picked up.

"We're back for more news involving MONARCH's recent operation against the terrorist group dubbed, 'The Revolutionaries'. Reports tell us that MONARCH's military had located and succeeded in attacking the home base of the Transmutants," said a woman on screen. Battra's ears perked as he heard the report being given. He glanced at the handheld device that the passenger beside him was holding and found the report being broadcast.

"MONARCH informs us that the battle was only in half their favor, resulting in many casualties on both sides. However, thanks to these brave soldiers and Hideki Industries's advances in technology, the Revolutionaries have been pushed back. MONARCH has managed to acquire prisoners, and claim that interrogations will take place," said the woman. A man next to her cleared his throat as the camera panned towards him.

"In a related story, we have Hideki Kin with us today. He's here to allow us to interview him and his work for the current decade," said the man. He turned to the side with the woman that sat at his side. The camera had switched over to focus on a middle aged Neighponese man that sat on a chair with his hands resting on the arms.

"Good evening, Mr. Hideki," greeted the man. The elder man nodded to him as well as he gave him a small smile.

"Good evening. It's good to be here tonight," said Hideki. Battra's eyes narrowed as he glared at the human that was being interviewed.

"Tell us, what has your company been up to for the last twenty years? You're family's company has been responsible for the technology that paved way to what we see today. Your company manufactures video cameras, automobiles, television sets, and the new bullet train," said the man with a look of fascination. Hideki chuckled to himself.

"Well, the television and automobiles were not our ideas. We only helped to improve them," said Hideki.

"Right. So, you're company has been exporting these goods to the other countries in the world, who seem to be still behind on advances," said the man. Hideki nodded.

"Yes, but I don't blame certain nations that do not wish for our products. They are pretty new and novel things scare people. But we'll always be willing to export to them when they wish. I have a high respect for nations that can still work with traditional means," said Hideki.

"Could you tell us about your technology that you have been selling to MONARCH?" asked the female reporter. Hideki cleared his throat.

"I can. You see, my company has been responsible for the line of mechs that have been used to support the soldiers that lay down their lives to stop any sort of threat. Admittedly, they have been flawed and weak compared to foes such as the Transmutants, but Hideki Industries strives for perfection," said Hideki with a smile.

"I understand that one mech in particular has been exceptional compared to your other robots when it comes to taking on Transmutants. Could you tell us about that?" asked the male news anchor.

"Of course! Kiryu, the mech that you're referring to, is special compared to the other mechs. We designed it to be able to move more fluidly compared to the other rigid mechs. The A.I. is a thinking computer designed to learn and solve problems in a situation on the battlefield. This is Kiryu's advantage over the mechs when on the field. In fact, it's what turned the tide in today's battle," said Hideki. Battra's eyes narrowed even further.

"Amazing! You and your company are going places, sir! But, does it concern you on how a small number of protesters against the war on the Transmutants paint your company in such a negative light now that you have been working close with MONARCH for vehicles and weapons?" questioned the new anchor. Battra's brow rose as he noticed Hideki was in an awkward silence. He cleared his throat as he faced the anchor.

"It doesn't. You see, what my company is doing isn't for money. We merely wish to continue innovating so that we may share prosperity with others by offering jobs to them and by getting inventions out into the world. My company's relationship with MONARCH is driven by the desire to see that the people in our beloved nation are safe. It's been this way for the last fifteen years and shall continue to be so. MONARCH provides us with funding while we build what they need to combat the monsters that roam in our backyard," said Hideki. He then looked towards the camera. "For those who speak out against my company working with MONARCH, just know that you wouldn't think this way unless you have witnessed firsthand what the Revolutionaries are capable of,"

Battra narrowed his eyes as he glared at the human. For years, he had been one of the reasons why the Revolutionaries struggled to fight against MONARCH. The technological advances made by Hideki Industries kept them at bay, unable to eliminate MONARCH. He supplied the vehicles and the mechs that threatened the Revolutionaries. He spoke of sharing prosperity, but Battra only thought of it as rubbish.

"Well, thank you for joining us Mr. Hideki! May you and your company continue to prosper and may MONARCH win against these Transmutants," said the news anchor. Hideki nodded with a smile.

"Thank you. We will continue to bring satisfaction to customers who purchase our products and continue to help MONARCH to end this war," said Hideki. Battra rolled his eyes in response as he went back to his seat. Megaguirus noticed his expression.

"I guess MONARCH really isn't taking chances with today," said Megaguirus. Battra shook his head.

"Every day I'm beginning to lose faith in our cause," said Battra with a heavy sigh.

"Hey, we'll be alright," said Megaguirus with a reassuring smile. Battra looked away with a deep frown. He pondered what to do if this losing streak continued as it had. Another attack would likely end with the defeat of the Revolutionaries and they would likely be killed or locked away for the rest of their lives. The thought made his stomach turn.

"Meg, if things get worse for us, don't be afraid to run away," said Battra. Megaguirus looked at him in wide eyes.

"What?" asked Megaguirus.

"I won't think less of you if you run away if things get worse. I would rather be locked away or killed then have you suffer," said Battra in a low tone.

"Hey, don't talk like that! Listen, things might get better for us. Maybe we should just lay low for a while," said Megaguirus. She then reached for his hand and held it tightly. "Besides, I'm not gonna abandon you when shit hits the fan,"

"You're crazy," said Battra with a bitter smile. Megaguirus playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

"That's not very nice," said Megaguirus. Battra lightly chuckled in response. The female Transmutant leaned against him with a sigh. The train ran across the rails with high speed, exiting the city and out to a vast field.

It was midnight. The land was wrapped in a cold embrace by the cool weather of the approaching colder seasons. As the stars hung in the sky with the moon, the Transmutant Revolutionaries stared in horror. Destoroyah clenched his fist as he stared off towards something that enraged him. Ahead was a forest that was far from any human civilization. Only the few temple ruins were inside of the forest, the safe haven for the Revolutionaries. Unfortunately, the safe haven was no longer safe. Just outside of the forest appeared to be a convoy of trucks delivering supplies to an area where military tents were placed. Along the tents were watch towers and nearby were a couple of tanks.

"They were already here when we first arrived," said a woman from among the crowd with a tone of dread. "They're already having patrol teams searching the forest for us,"

"These human bastards already knew we'd come here," said a man from the group. Gaira growled while Titano and Ebirah shook their heads in disappointment. Ebirah's arm remained in a claw form while the rest of his body was human. The claw was still broken, but he didn’t care. It would regenerate in weeks, a trait lobsters had. Shinomura remained in his monstrous form with only a torn wing that replaced his dismembered arm. He refused to change back unless he wanted to bleed out.

"What do we do now?" asked Titano.

"We'll stay together and find somewhere else to hide," said Destoroyah as he turned and walked away.

"Hide where?!" demanded a man from the crowd. Destoroyah stopped and turned to find who dared to raise his tone at him. He found a man standing alone with his arms cross with his eyes narrowed.

"Where are we supposed to hide?! That place was the best possible base for us and now the safe house is unreachable!" shouted the man. Shinomura growled as he prepared to berate the Transmutant that raised his tone at their leader but Titano held a hand up and shook his head. Destoroyah growled at him.

"It doesn't matter where. We still have all of Neighpon at our feet. We'll find a hiding place," said Destoroyah.

"What makes you think that we'll be safe there?! MONARCH will probably find us hiding out in a new place and attack us again!" shouted a woman from the crowd.

"How was it that MONARCH was able to find us in the first place?!" demanded another man. Several people shouted in agreement, demanding answers. Destoroyah narrowed his eyes as he growled. From among the crowd, emerged Battra and Megaguirus. The two had recently arrived in Osaka, only to find the safe haven out of reach. Destoroyah sighed in relief as he spotted a familiar and loyal face. Battra turned to face the other Transmutants.

"People, we must keep our heads if we want to get out of this alive! I agree, we should keep moving towards a safe place," said Battra. One of the men glared at him.

"This is a just a waiting game for death! We should stop what we're doing and just remain in hiding instead of fighting MONARCH!" said the man.

"Stop fighting? The only reason why we're alive today is because we fought to survive!" retorted Shinomura.

"Fighting is the reason why the humans are afraid of us! It's why MONARCH keeps building more tanks, bombs, and robots to kill us with! The humans hate us!" argued another woman. Several verbal agreements were given by the Transmutants as Destoroyah growled in anger.

"If this is what you thought, than why did you join us?" demanded Destoroyah.

"Because I thought this group could keep me safe! But I was proven wrong after today. I now realize that I'm in more danger sticking around with this group than I am on my own," said the woman with a glare.

“I will not tolerate your tone, Jira. Not from the likes of you!” said Destoroyah in a harsh tone.

“Who’s to blame her? Every plan so far has led us from bad to worse situations!” shouted another man. Some of the Transmutants began to give shouts of agreement as they yelled at Destoroyah.

“It was you who thought it was a good idea to hold up in one place in Neighpon!” cried another man.

“And it was you and your second in command who started this war in the first place!” shouted Jira. More cries of agreement ringed Destoroyah’s ears. The Transmutant growled as he slammed his foot on the ground, startling everyone.

“If any of you cowards think you’re fit to challenge me then speak or hold your tongue!” roared Destoroyah. He began to glare at all of the Transmutants that were protesting and questioning his leadership. He leaned closer to Jira, who stood by nervously.

“Do you have what it takes to lead, Jira? Are you a woman filled with knowledge of battle strategies? Are you willing to carry the burden of the group on your shoulders?” asked Destoroyah in a harsh tone. He then turned towards one of the men.

“What about you?! Are you going to fight me for leadership?! I promise you that I will not go easy on you!” growled Destoroyah. He then began to pace around.

“Who among you think you are capable of dealing with the scum that kill our fellow Transmutants?!” demanded Destoroyah as he slammed his fist on a boulder, crushing it into rubble. Some of the Transmutants flinched in response.

“Which of you are willing to fight until the bitter end for the future of our race’s survival?! Or did I take in frightened children?!” demanded Destoroyah. A silence filled the air. No Transmutant spoke against Destoroyah. Some, mainly the ones that had spoken out against Destoroyah’s leadership bore nervous expressions at his aggressive behavior. Destoroyah sighed heavily as he turned away. His most loyal warriors all glanced at each other and then looked back at their leader as he faced the area that MONARCH occupied.

“Battra, Gaira, Titano, walk with me,” ordered Destoroyah as he began to walk to the side of the hill. Battra glanced at Megaguirus, who looked at him with unease. The three Transmutants that were called on followed the leader of the Revolutionaries. As they stopped at his side, Destoroyah was silent.

"Battra, where is Hok and Abra?" questioned Destoroyah. Battra flinched from his teacher’s sudden breaking of silence. He recomposed himself as he cleared his throat.

"They're somewhere safe. I'll bring them back once we find a safe place to hide," said Battra. Destoroyah nodded.

"Good. I want you all to be on high alert for now on. Things are have gotten harder," said Destoroyah. He turned and stomped away, but he caught a scent that made his eyes widen as he was about to take another step. He slowly turned and found a familiar figure cloaked in black in the field. The other Transmutants noticed the figure as well, beginning to tense.

"You are Destoroyah, leader of the Revolutionaries," said the figure. Destoroyah growled as he narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?" demanded Destoroyah.

"My name is Thanatos. I hear that you and your group are suffering in a case of hopelessness," said the cloaked man.

"I don't know who you are, but we do not need help from a human!" shouted Destoroyah as he charged towards Thanatos. The elder man vanished in a plume of purple and green smoke with black sparks. Destoroyah gasped in shock. Thanatos reappeared further away with a dark smile. Destoroyah growled but his eyes widened as he spotted another figure appear in a gold flash. Ghidorah stood without his armor, exposing his hair and muscular build.

"You know, it's not very polite to attack someone who's offering you a way out of a big mess," said Ghidorah in disappointment.

"Ghidorah!" growled Destoroyah. Gaira, Battra, Shinomura, and Ebirah narrowed their eyes at the Elf Transmutant.

"Des, I'm not here to fight. Instead, I'm here to help you guys," said Ghidorah.

"What?" questioned Destoroyah.

"I think it's time you found out why I decided to become MONARCH's obedient dog," Ghidorah gave a sinister smile.

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