• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 27

Saddle Arabia was covered in a blanket of cold air. Although it was a relief for the locals for the scorching sun to set and to leave their home, the cold was also a problem. Temperatures dropped rapidly in the dark environment, which was dangerous to many travelers.

Junior lied down in one of the three tents that he and his friends had managed to get their hands on. His breathing was calm and his eyes were half way open. His body was cool and his stomach had stopped burning, though his abdomen still ached. His ears picked up the sound of someone entering the tent. He turned and found Mosura entering, but she immediately stopped in tracks.

"Oh! I'm sorry, did I wake you?" whispered Mosura with an apologetic expression. Junior laid his head back.

"Nah. I was already awake." replied Junior as he stretched his arms, letting out a small yawn. Mosura made her way closer to Junior, sitting on her rear next to his side.

"How are you feeling?" asked Mosura.

"My belly still aches but it's not as bad as it was a few hours ago." answered Junior as he placed a hand on his stomach. Mosura sat herself down on the pillow next to Junior, blue and yellow eyes locking with each other.

"So, how have you been holding up with...you know." said Mosura, hesitant to bring up the subject. It's been a while since she had brought up about their former human friends in Ponyville. She has yet to see Junior react negatively, but she thought it would be best to try to get him to be more open about his feelings. Junior sighed as he looked away.

"Well, I guess I'm not as upset as I was. I mean, I'm still disappointed about them rejecting us. But, I guess it’s childish to expect them to automatically accept us after they learned the truth." said Junior with a solemn expression. Mosura gave him a frown.

"Do you still have feelings for her? Do you miss her?" asked Mosura. Junior nodded.

"I miss them all, but her especially. I still hold strong feelings, but I feel like letting them go." answered Junior. He then looked back to Mosura.

"Is that the right thing to do? Should I just forget about her and move on with my life?" asked Junior. Mosura looked away, unsure how to answer.

"Goji, I wish that I could give you a straightforward answer, but I can't. I never had anyone to teach me about these kinds of feelings. But, I don't think that you should forget about her." said Mosura as she faced Junior again. "I think you should keep her in your memory to remind you of your humanity."

"My humanity?" asked Junior. Mosura nodded in confirmation.

"Yes. When Destoroyah attacked, I saw how you were filled with so much rage and hatred that you spoke...not like yourself. When you were going to kill him, I felt an animalistic mindset threatening to take over. When Twilight pled to you not to kill that Transmutant, I felt that you were keeping a strong hold against that animalistic thought." said Mosura, her tone was grim. Junior raised a brow.

"But, we're not all animals. Besides, dragons are actually intelligent reptiles." said Junior.

"Yes, that is true. But, I believe that whenever certain Transmutants are under a lot of stress, they may react violently and irrationally. Since our blood is crossed with those of creatures, I think our human minds may be taking in the nonhuman blood and reacting to certain animal instincts. We all have instincts, but the nonhuman ones can be dangerous to the innocent if we don't remind ourselves of our humanity," said Mosura. She then looked away in embarrassment with a small laugh. "Then again, I could be just coming up with some ludicrous theory with no real evidence."

"Well, it is kind of interesting. I do stress a lot in some instances where I end up lashing out unintentionally. That could just be me, though." said Junior. He then thought back to his earlier years when his body was still trying to adjust to its change on a genetic level.

"I remember that I would always sniff the heck out of certain plants when I was young. There was even that one time where my skin was incredibly sensitive to touch. I went nuts at feeling all of the soft surfaces in my room. My old bed never felt so comfortable." said Junior nostalgically, causing Mosura to giggle.

"Hey, did I ever tell you that I use to be a brunette?" asked Mosura. Junior looked to her in surprise.

"Really? So, did you bleach your hair white or something?" asked Junior in curiosity. Mosura shook her head in response.

"No, this is natural. You see, when I was in my early teens, I ended up being forced into my other form. I was a moth larva at the time. One day, I got this urge to just eat anything that I could find. I began eating all of the plants within my line of sight and ended up seeking shelter with Rodan and Angirasu in a cave. From there, I had this instinct that took over and convinced me to spin myself in a cocoon. So, I ended up doing so without even realizing it and the next thing I knew, I was resting inside for a couple of weeks." said Mosura. Junior fascinatedly listened to her story.

"So, I emerged from the cocoon as the moth that you have seen me change into before. Right after I had dried my wings and changed back into my human form, my hair had turned white." explained Mosura as she held onto a lock of hair. Junior stared at it, mesmerized at how at one point, her hair had color. He wondered how she would look today if it were still the same from long before.

"Well, that might be some evidence for your theory. I mean, you felt instinct take over and drove you into a metamorphosis." said Junior.

"Maybe. I kind of miss my old hair though." said Mosura.

"Well, your new hair goes good with your eyes." complimented Junior. Mosura wore a light blush and smiled.

"Aw. Thanks!' said Mosura. Junior smiled back. Mosura suddenly reached for his head and began to run her hand over his hair.

"Hmm. Speaking of which, your hair seems to be getting too long. I'll have to trim it a bit tomorrow." said Mosura. Junior chuckled in response. Suddenly, the two heard three high pitched screams echoing into the night. They both jumped up, startled by the sound.

"That can't be good!" said Junior as he immediately dove for his shoes on the side of the tent. He quickly puts them on as Mosura began to slip on her own shoes as well. The two immediately emerged out of the tent, Junior grunted as a sharp pain assaulted his abdomen. Mosura went over to his side as he bent down slightly, her hands ready to catch him if he were to fall.

"Gojira, don't push yourself!" said Mosura.

"No. No, I'm fine. I just moved too fast. I can keep going." said Junior with a serious expression. Mosura nods to him, hesitant to let him move on. Angirasu and Rodan emerge from the two separate tents, searching frantically.

"Who?! What?! Where?!" exclaimed Rodan as he searched for the sound of the screams.

"It came from beach!" said Junior as he pointed below the plateau.

"Wow. Are you getting better at locating sounds?" asked Angirasu. Junior nodded.

"I've been practicing underwater." answered Junior as he and Mosura slipped on their sweaters. "Come on! They might need our help!"

"Oh my God! What happened to our fins?!" cried Sonata as she stared at a pair of pale human legs that replaced her Caribbean blue water scaled fish tail. Her toes suddenly wiggled uncontrollably as she began to hyperventilate. The three Sirens had all lost their fish tails, gills, and fins, which were replaced by human legs. Aria stared at her own pair of legs in shock and slightly trembled.

"Huh. I guess this explains how our ancestors were able to travel on land. I guess they weren't as dumb as I thought." said Aria with a nervous laugh. She then looked over her calves and feet, disturbed by their appearance. "This just feels so wrong."

"What kind of sick joke is this?" asked Adagio. She felt around her body, finding the fins on her forearms to be missing and reaches for the sides of her head, the fish fins behind her ears were gone. She then felt her neck, finding that her gills were gone as well. She looked at her legs with wide eyes, her eye twitching.

"We've been turned into one of those...those damned land walkers!" cried Adagio. She then turned back to the sea. She then rolled and attempts to crawl back into the sea.

"Please, don't let this permanent! Our home!" cried Adagio as she attempted to crawl back to the wave splashed shore. Suddenly, her pendant began to shine brightly, blinding her.

"Adagio! Please remain calm!" called a voice from the pendant. The Siren gasped as she recognized the voice.


"Yes! Please listen to me. Our people have the magical ability that allows us to switch our fish tails for the legs of a human. This is only permanent until you bathe into a large body of water." said the voice of Sarila. Adagio felt herself calm down a bit after learning that she wasn't forever doomed to live on land.

"Right now, I need you three to focus on your mission. You must draw energy from the humans in order for the pendants to fully work. Sing to them and draw in as much energy as you can from them. You will also need to learn how to blend in with these humans, starting with learning how to walk." said Sarila.

"But, how will we blend in?!" asked Adagio.

"You must learn how to interact with humans and their way of life. This is all that I can tell you. The fate of our tribe rests with you three." said Sarila, the pendent fading.

"Sarila, wait!" called Adagio as she gripped the pendant. She panted as she got no response, her head lowering. She then placed her hands on the sand, attempting to force herself up, but her legs felt wobbly as she struggled to keep her balance.

"Dagi, what are you doing?" asked Sonata. Adagio grunted as she struggled to keep both legs still as she stood. She then managed to stand in an erect stance, her legs shaking.

"Learning how to walk." answered Adagio. She then looked at the other two former Sirens with a glare. "Well, we aren't going to succeed in our mission if we don't learn how. Get up!"

The two other Sirens both struggled stand their feet. Sonata immediately fell on her back as she nearly managed to stand. Aria fell back on her hands and knees as she attempted to raise herself up. Adagio looked down at her feet and the sand that she stood on. She took a deep breath before taking one step. She felt the world around her spin as she stumbled. She continued this process a couple of more times with the left foot and then with the right. Suddenly, she stumbled and fell onto her belly with a yelp.

"Oof! This is hopeless! How do humans do it?!" demanded Adagio as she slammed her fist into the sand. Suddenly, her wet body caught a breeze, causing her to shiver. The rest of the Sirens shivered as well, their naked bodies chilled by the breeze. Adagio realized if they remained on the surface like this, they would freeze to death before they could even start their mission.

Junior, Rodan, Angirasu and Mosura rushed through the sand below the plateau. Their feet kicking up sand as they ran as fast as their legs could carry them. Rodan picked up his speed, passing his friends up.

"I'll take the lead! You guys try to keep up!" said Rodan as he broke off into a sprint.

"Get moving then!" said Junior as he attempted to catch up. Mosura began to pass him up as she began to sprint. Junior groaned in annoyance as Angirasu slightly passed him.

"All I got going for me is muscle." said Junior with a twitching brow. Rodan spotted three figures in the distance near the shore. He picked up his speed, finding them falling over into the sand. He slowed himself down as he got closer.

"Hey! Are you alright?! We heard you-" Rodan's voice trailed off as his eyes adjusted to the night. He found three young women with soaked hair that stuck to their skin, all lying on their bellies in the sand. His eyes widened as he saw something that made his face burn hot from his blush and caused his words to get caught in his throat.

"Uh! I-I- uh!" Rodan stuttered, his mind incapable of formulating a thought. His blush increased as the young women shifted and faced him.

"Rodan! What's-" Mosura had arrived with Angirasu and Junior not far behind. Her voice trailed off as she noticed the young women. Her eyes widened as she saw their naked bodies. She noticed Rodan's eyes staring at them. She immediately dove for his eyes and cupped her hands over them.

"Don't look, you pervert!" cried Mosura as she pulled Rodan back.

I didn't mean to, I swear!" said Rodan as he fell on his back, hiding his face away from the young women. Junior and Angirasu had arrived next to Mosura.

"What's this about a perve-oh my god!" said Angirasu as he covered his eyes with a blush forming on his cheeks. Junior noticed at what he was staring at and gasped. He immediately turned around with a blush reaching his face. Mosura bit her thumb as she saw that all three of the male Transmutants were here along with three naked young women on the beach. The situation was almost like some kind of sick comedy. She turned to the girl with the ponytail and removed her sweater.

"What happened here?! Are you three alright?" asked Mosura in worry as she helped the girl with the ponytail onto her rear, placing the sweater over her muddy shoulders. Sonata shrunk back nervously from the Transmutant. Mosura gave her a friendly smile.

"It’s alright. We're here to help you." said Mosura as she took Sonata's hands, helping her stand. Mosura then noticed that she wore shells strapped to her chest. Her brow raised in confusion.

'Why would they wear only one thing that covered them? And why clams?' thought Mosura. She then shrugged the thought off and released Sonata's hands. The Siren wobbled and fell forward, wrapping her arms tightly around Mosura.

"Oh! Are you alright?" asked Mosura as she raised Sonata off. The girl shook her head.

"We can't walk." said Sonata in a small tone. Aria and Adagio sighed in response. Mosura raised a brow.

"Why not?"

"Umm... we uh..." Adagio struggled to come up with a lie. She played with several lies in her mind that she hopped would fool them.

"We have cramps from swimming all day!" lied Adagio.

"Oh. But, where are your bottoms?" asked Mosura in curiosity. The three male Transmutants went stiff as they heard Mosura brought the subject up, keeping their eyes averted away from the girls. Aria raised a brow.

"Our what?" asked Aria.

"You know, your swim bottoms. Don't tell me you all went skinny dipping at this time!" said an appalled Mosura. Adagio's mind raced. She heard rumors about human women wearing some sort of fabric at their waistline for swimming. The way the woman reacted told Adagio that they were acting out of the norm, potentially blowing their cover.

"Of course we wore bottoms! My friend here is just freezing terribly that she can't think straight. We lost them to the waves!" lied Adagio with a nervous smile. Aria sent her a glare.

"Oh, well that's unfortunate." said Mosura. She then turned to Junior and Angirasu, wearing a thoughtful look.

"Angirasu, Gojira, lend me your sweater and coat." commanded Mosura. Junior and Angirasu wasted no time as they quickly removed the apparel that Mosura desired. They quickly handed them to Mosura, not facing her. She took them and walked Sonata over to Angirasu. Sonata tripped and wrapped her arms around Angirasu's back, causing him to flinch.

"Help her stand up." said Mosura as she walked over to Aria and Adagio. Angirasu slowly looked down to Sonata, who stood to be five foot six. The girl shrunk back fearfully at his appearance. The Transmutant's hair reminded her of a sea urchin.

Mosura made her way over to Aria and placed Angirasu's coat over her shoulders. She then zipped it up for her, causing her to look it over curiously. Mosura then made her way over to Adagio and placed Junior's sweater over her shoulders, zipping it up. Adagio felt warmth reaching her upper body, but her lower half was freezing in the cold.

"Rodan, Goji, you two are going to help these two back to camp." said Mosura. Junior and Rodan turned around with slack jawed expressions.

"You can't be serious!" said Junior.

"Yeah! I don't know what you're planning, but I don't feel right about this!" said Rodan as he waved his hands frantically. Mosura gave him an appalled look.

"I don't know what you're thinking but I'm sure it's not what you think!" said Mosura. She then looked to Junior with a look of disapproval. "Don't turn your back on these girls. They are in need!"

"Mosu, I-" Junior was about to protest but then noticed the shivering form of Adagio. He saw how her long hair was drenched and how it hung and stuck to her shoulders. Honestly, it was a sad sight for him to see, even if he did distrust her.

"Alright, come on Ro." said Junior. Rodan sighed.

"Well, at least it'd be less weird now that they're wearing something." said Rodan. He then made his way over to Aria, helping her stand to her feet. She stood to be five foot seven. Aria gave him an odd glance as he took her hand. She then pulled away.

"At least buy me some dinner first!" said Aria. Rodan rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"Don't flatter yourself." retorted Rodan. He then held his hand back out to her with a deadpanned gaze. Aria sighed in annoyance as she took his hand and carefully began to walk with him, though her steps were stiff and wobbly.

Junior made his way over to Adagio, holding his hand out. Adagio reached for it but hesitates, unnerved by this human before her. She then placed her hand on his, feeling his rough palm. She stood up to her feet, wobbling in place. Adagio then fell against Junior’s chest, then quickly backed away, almost causing her to fall backwards. Junior immediately grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back up. She stood to be five foot eight compared to him. Junior sighed as he realized that they would be outside all night if she couldn't walk. The Transmutant lowered himself and pressed his left hand against her back and swept her up from her feet with his right hand, holding her bridal style. The Siren gasped as she felt herself carried in such a manner.

"Put me down!" demanded Adagio as she grabbed Junior's cheek, yanking on it.

"Ow! What?! You can't walk, so I thought carrying you would be easier!" said Junior. Adagio released his cheek and sent him a glare.

"Next time, ask for my permission!" said Adagio. Junior grunted in annoyance.

"Whatever you say, sister." said Junior. Mosura wore a vague smile.

'Oh. These two might get along just fine.' thought Mosura.

Junior, Angirasu and Rodan waited outside of the tents. They sat together in front of the fire pit, taking in its warmth. The three listened to the struggling voices of the new girls attempting to put clothes on. Rodan's face was red and hot.

"I have seen things that I thought that I was ready for. My mind was apparently not yet ready to handle the sight, so it turned against me by causing me to be still as stone." said Rodan in a monotone voice. Junior and Angirasu remained silent. Junior then turned to face Rodan.

"How would you know if you were ready? You barely even hung out with a girl that you didn't see as a sister." Junior said as he gave Rodan a deadpanned stare.

"An overconfident bastard you are." said Angirasu as he stared at Rodan with an unimpressed expression.

"You guys looked too and didn't fare any better than me." spat Rodan.

"Of course not! How often do you see women's bodies that made you think that you could handle seeing these three?!" asked Junior with a glare.

"Umm... enough?" said Rodan.

"You're full of crap. Don't try to be cool by claiming that you've seen women's bodies’ before." snorted Angirasu. Suddenly, the sound of someone exiting the tent reached their ears. Junior immediately shushed his friends, wanting to end such a conversation. They turned and found Mosura emerging with damp and mud covered towels.

"Well, I lent them some of my clothes. Goji, I had to give Adagio one of your shirts since I didn't have any that fits her." informed Mosura as she placed the dirty towels in a bag. Junior sighed in response.

"Well, what's up with them?" asked Junior.

"These girls said that they are traveling and have lost their things to someone. They have nowhere to go." said Mosura.

"Did you ever think to maybe, do a little..." Rodan looked at the tent behind her. He then put his hand by his cheek. "...mind reading?"

"I don't see the need to. They're upset that they can't return home. They seem pretty trustworthy." said Mosura. Junior sighed in response.

"With our situation, no one is trustworthy." said Junior. Mosura placed her hands on her hips with a look of disapproval.

"Like it or not, we're helping these girls until they can get off of their feet!" said Mosura in Neighponese. Junior made his way closer to her, lowering himself slightly to her level.

"Mosu, it's a bad idea. We can barely even support ourselves out here!" said Junior, reverting back to his native tongue. Mosura sighed in response.

"Look, just trust me with this. OK?" asked Mosura. Junior contemplated his decision. He felt something off about those girls. They seemed, out of the ordinary for some reason. But, Mosura was set on helping them. He hoped that this would be worth it.

"Fine, we'll do it your way." said Junior. He then looked at the tent.

"So, are they all booking in one tent?" asked Junior. Mosura nodded in response. He then made his back into his tent. "Fine."

"So much for having my own tent tonight." complained Rodan. Angirasu sighed in response.


The next morning...

The sun was rising over Saddle Arabia. People began to stir from their sleep and began to rise out of their beds. The streets were soon filled with many people that made their way to work or wherever their presence was needed. Junior lied down in his tent next to Mosura, both in a blissful sleep. The morning sun was beginning to quickly heat up the air and sand, causing the Transmutants to stir. Junior drowsily raised himself, sitting as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Junior's eyelids were heavy, shutting and forcing Junior to lie back down. Junior was nearly falling back to sleep after a minute. Suddenly, the sound of screaming caused Junior and Mosura to shoot up.

"Hot! Hot!" cried Sonata. Junior drowsily took his shoes and puts them on. As he emerged from the tent, he found Sonata sitting back in her tent, rubbing her feet as her eyes watered. Adagio and Aria both looked at her in annoyance with half open eyes from their tent. Aria buried her face in her pillow, attempting to go back to sleep.

"Are you alright?" Junior asked in between yawns.

"No! My- uh..." Sonata searched for the word that described the things connected to her new limbs.

"Your feet?" asked a drowsy Junior.

"Yeah! My feet burn like crazy! That's what I meant!" said Sonata with a nervous smile.

"Well, that's what happens when you try to go barefoot when it's hot." responded Junior with a sigh. He then noticed Angirasu and Rodan emerging from the third tent.

"What's with all the noise?" asked Rodan with an annoyed expression.

"Sonata burned her feet in the hot sand." answered Junior as he stretched his body. He hissed in pain as he felt his abdomen ache. He then noticed Mosura emerging from the tent.

"Rodan, do you and Angirasu have work today?" asked Mosura.

"No, but we do tomorrow. Why?" asked Rodan.

"Because Goji and I are going into the market today to buy some clothes for our guests. I need you two to keep them company." answered Mosura. Rodan shrugged in response. He then made his way back into his tent.

"I need you to watch over them. Get up!" said Mosura.

"No way in hell am I losing sleep just to babysit three grown ass girls! Besides, they seem content with remaining in their tent and they can't even go anywhere." said Rodan from within his tent. Mosura then noticed that Adagio and Aria were fast asleep with Sonata lying down with a bored expression.

"Aang, look after them please?" asked Mosura.

"No problem." said Angirasu as he sat on a folding chair with an attached shade flap over his head. Mosura then reentered the tent, the sound of shuffling was heard from inside. Junior stared off into the clear sky. The Transmutants had gotten introductions out of the way during the previous night. Junior recalled how Sonata was courteous enough to thank them for taking her and her friends into their camp. However, he was displeased with how Aria gave a half-assed thank you while Adagio did not give thanks at all. She was actually cold towards them.

'Great, they're probably those kinds of girls.' thought Junior with a scowl. Memories of vain high school girls flooded back to him. He only hoped that those girls would not be with him and his friends for long. Junior suddenly heard the sound of Mosura emerging from the tent. He found her wearing her abaya.

"Ready to go?" asked Mosura. Junior nodded, trailing behind Mosura. Angirasu watched as Mosura and Junior departed from their camp. He reached for a medium sized cooler and pulled out a cold water bottle. He noticed Sonata staring at him with wide eyes. The Transmutant raised a brow in response. Sonata licked her lips as she continued to stare with longing. Angirasu's mind registered the reason for her staring. He then looked to his water bottle and then looked back to her.

"Thirsty?" asked Angirasu. Sonata nodded to him. Angirasu held out the water bottle and handed it to her. Sonata gleefully takes it from him and removed the cap. She began to chug the refreshing liquid down.

'Wow. She really was thirsty.' thought Angirasu. He then reached back into the cooler, pulling out another water bottle. Sonata sighed as she finished consuming the water.

"So, did you have a good night's sleep?" asked Angirasu.

"Yep! It was like a sleepover! I hadn't had one with Dagi and Ariee in years!" said Sonata, feeling nostalgic. Angirasu gave her a small smile.

"Well, I'm glad that at least one of us had a good night's sleep." said Angirasu as her rubbed his sore neck. The tent that he was forced to share with Rodan was not large enough for him to sleep in with another person inside.

"Right." said Sonata as she rubbed her arm. The two remained in an awkward silence.

"So, what do you guys do for fun when you're bored and not busy?" asked Sonata. Angirasu shrugged.

"Whatever we can do at the time. We sometimes hangout in the village just below this plateau." said Angirasu.

"Hey, do you think you could show us around?!" asked Sonata with hopeful eyes.

"Well...sure why not? I have nothing better to do. But, we'll have to go over some rules when your friends wake up.” At this, Sonata smiled with glee, causing Angirasu to crack a small smile.

Mustangia, Equestria...

The houses, stores, and small buildings of the town that suffered from the Diamond Dog attack were nearly repaired. People continued on about their business and their days. A few guards remained vigilant away from open areas and crowds, watching the town that they were ordered to protect. A few people discussed the news about the vigilante Transmutants.

"So, they all suddenly began to change into large creatures that looked like dragons! The Transmutants then charged towards the army of Diamond Dogs and took them all on like they were nothing!" said a young man as he did quick fighting gestures. A couple of his friends were listening to the story with interest. They were busy hiding from the Diamond Dogs when this battle occurred.

"The battle lasted for... ah I can't remember! I was so wrapped up in it that I didn't count how long it took, but it felt like it ended fast!" said the young man.

"That sounds nuts! So, where did they go?" asked another man.

"I don't know. Some people say that they saw them run off into the desert." said the first man with a shrug.

"You really think these Transmutants are heroes?" asked a young woman.

"They could be!" said another young woman with excitement. The group continued to speak about the subject, interested in these potential heroes. From above a rooftop hid Manda. Her ears picked up the conversations of the citizens. The news about them had spread like wild fire. She heard negative comments about her and the Transmutants, ranging from distrust and questioning of their action to kill the Diamond Dogs. The comments about killing the Diamond Dogs made her feel worse about the night. But, the positive comments about her and her friends put her at ease. There seemed to be a good growing number of positive thoughts. Manda gasped and immediately hid herself as an armored Valkyrie looked her way. She lied on the ground with her breaths calm. Manda slowly peaked over the roof, finding that the Valkyrie was missing. Her eyes widened.

"Where did-"

"Hi there." said a feminine voice. Manda yelped, quickly turning around to find the Valkyrie standing behind her. The guard stood with her arms crossed over her breast plate with a neutral expression. Manda gulped nervously.

"He-hello." greeted Manda. The Valkyrie leaned in closer to Manda in curiosity, causing the Transmutant to shrink back.

"Tell me, what are you doing up here, civilian?" questioned the guard.

"Um... I like the view up here!" said Manda with a nervous smile. The guard cast her a suspicious glance.

"Uh huh. Well, I have to ask you to leave this rooftop. The guards are vigil and might get the wrong idea of a human watching the town from a rooftop. You know, with news of three new Transmutants showing up." said the guard. Manda tittered in response.

"Right. A pretty dumb thing to do. Sorry," apologized Manda. The guard shrugged in response.

"Meh. The royal guard is just wary of them because we know that we don't stand a chance against them. But hey, if rumors of these ones being the good guys are true, then that could lead to some changes. Changes that could be for the better for all of us." said the guard. She then looks to Manda with a smile. "Don't you think?"

"I... yes! Oh, yes! Absolutely!" agreed Manda, hoping that her agreement didn't sound too forced. Although she genuinely agreed with this guard, she was in a position that filled her with anxiety. Manda then made her way over to the side of the roof and dropped down to the bottom. The guard rushed over to the edge with wide eyes. Manda dusted herself off as she stepped off of an abandoned mattress. She then gave the guard a thumb up.

"I'm good. I already planned for coming down!" said Manda. She then turned and made her way through the alley, quickly rounding the corner as she tried to avoid eye contact. She didn't know how many people saw her face from the previous night, but she couldn't take risk.

"Hmm. She is an odd one." said the guard. She then noticed a small grocery bag that was left on the roof. It was filled with a gallon of milk and orange juice.

"Uh-oh! This must be hers." said the guard as she reached for the grocery bag. She then flapped her wings and took off into the air. Her eyes searched the crowds in the town, hoping to find the woman. After a minute of searching, she founds a head covered in jade hair rushing through the crowd. The guard wore a puzzled expression.

"Where is she going in such a hurry?" the guard asked herself. She then took off through the air, flying away from the crowds and also out of the jade haired woman's sight. After a minute of trailing her, Manda turned to an area that led outside of the town. The guard's brow raised in curiosity.

"How far does she live?" the guard asked. She then noticed that she was running to the deserted region, specifically into a formation of tall, stone pillars. The guard picked up her speed and descended herself near the ground. After following Manda through the region, they came across the pillars. The guard landed on the ground, walking to catch up to the woman. Her eyes widened in surprise as she entered a cave.

'Who in the heck would want to live all the way out here?' thought the guard. She then stopped approaching, her mind recalling one of the rumors from the locals. She recalled how the Transmutants fled through where she had just followed the woman, causing her to wonder if the Transmutants were inside the cave.

'Nah! That's crazy!' thought the guard in amusement. She then dropped the thought and strolled up to the cave. Her ears picked up the sound of bickering.

"I'm sorry! One of the guards startled me and I forgot the milk and orange juice!" cried Manda from within the cave.

"Why were you eavesdropping on their conversations?! It's not gonna matter just because a few humans changed their opinions about us!" spat a male voice.

"You don't know that! I know that our actions will show more people that we're different from the other Transmutants!" said Manda. The guard stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widening.

'Uuuuhh... did she just associate themselves with Transmutants?' thought the guard. She was beginning to have second thoughts on doubting her theory.

"Baragon, some people compare us to super heroes like in the comic books! Super heroes! I don't think you realize how significant this is!"

"So a few kids compared us to Saddle Rager and whatever super hero with a freak genetic condition. Personally, I don’t find it flattering! This is real life! We're not super heroes, we're just-" the one called Baragon was interrupted by another voice.

"Look, this conversation can wait. We have a visitor." said a man with a deeper voice. The guard went stiff.

'He doesn't mean me, does he?' thought the guard with dread. She waited, motionless. Suddenly, she saw the head of Manda peeking out from the side of the cave. The guard flinched in response. Manda's eyes widened as she hid back in the cave, looking toward her friends.

"Do you think she knows?" whispered Manda. Goro nodded.

"She knows." said Goro. He then stepped out of the cave, finding the guard standing as stiff as a board.

"May we help you?" asked Goro. The guard snapped out of her dazed state and looks to the grocery bag.

"Um...one of you left a grocery bag on the roof. I came to return it." said the guard. Manda peaked her head out and rushed over to the guard.

"Oh, thank you! That was almost fifteen bits down the drain!" said Manda as she took the bag. The guard nodded to her lamely. She then noticed Goro's gaze. She grew uncomfortable, intimidated by his build.

"Care to join us for lunch? It'd be an honor to have a royal guard as a guest." said Goro with a welcoming smile. The guard stood still, not daring to move.

"Uhhh..." the guard's training had not prepared her for this.

'Oh man, what to do when a potential enemy invites you into his creepy lair for lunch? Do I attack? Do I flee? Ah! This sucks!' thought the guard with her heart racing. She suddenly put on a forced smile.

"Sure! Sounds nice!" said the guard. She then mentally scolded herself for making such a decision.

"Come on in." said Goro as he turned and led the guard into the cave. The guard looked towards the town one last time, hesitantly stepping in the cave. She felt the cold air from the dark cave, the sound of water dripping reached her ears. She noticed a shorter man with sunglasses casting a weary glance towards her. The guard continued on into the cave, meeting with Goro and Manda. She hoped that she would make it out alive.


The guard sat at a wooden table with the three Transmutants with a salad sandwich in her hand. Her helmet was off, revealing her short blue hair. She took small bites out of her sandwich with the other Transmutants eating their meals as well. The guard swallowed her food, clearing her throat.

"So...you guys are Transmutants?" asked the guard. Goro nodded in response.

"That's right. We have been living out here for a couple of months now, surviving on what we can find and with the money that we are able to make." said Goro as he took another bite of his sandwich.

"Hmm. I was expecting you guys to be more...monstrous." the guard said hesitantly. Baragon pulled out a newspaper, turning the page to a photo with three dragon-like creatures roaring as they fought Diamond Dogs. The photo appeared to have been taken from a roof top.

"You mean like this?" asked Baragon with a harsh tone. The guard nodded.

"Yeah...like that." the guard answered, shrinking back from Baragon’s glare.

"Ms. uh..." Manda was about to call the guard by name, but recalled how it was not given to her.

"Call me Sapphire." said the guard.

"Sapphire. We do tend to look like the creatures that people have seen, but it's more of a transformation, not a permanent appearance." said Manda.

"So...like werewolves?" asked Sapphire.

"No, those are fictional. Also, we can change at any time. We don't need a full moon. God knows how much of a pain in the ass that would be." said Baragon as he continued to read through the newspaper.

"Also, I'm pretty sure being impaled by silver will just kill about anybody." said Manda with a laugh. Sapphire shared a small laugh. The rest remained silent for a minute.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" asked Goro. Sapphire looked to him with a raised brow.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what will you do now that you have discovered our lair? Will you tell the princess of our location? Or will you arrest us on your own?" asked Goro.

"I uh... I wasn't expecting to run into a small group of Transmutants that people consider as either heroes or violent monsters. I don't think that I could possibly arrest you on my own. We were ordered to report to the princess if we were to ever locate any of you." answered Sapphire.

"Great. Now we gotta move!" spat Baragon.

"Actually, the princess has something else in mind." interjected Sapphire, grabbing the attention of the Transmutants.

"Princess Celestia has yet to announce this to the public, but she wants to try and establish better relations between Equestrians and Transmutants. Specifically, Transmutants like you guys." said Sapphire. Goro's eyes widened in surprise at the news.

"She does?" asked Goro. Sapphire nodded.

"That's right. With MONARCH gone, there's no one else strong enough to protect Equestria's citizens from Transmutant attacks. The princesses are strong, but they can't be in multiple places at once." explained Sapphire. Manda looked to Goro, waiting to hear his thoughts.

"I see. So, she's hoping that she can establish a relationship with Transmutants to protect her citizens? Why did she ban MONARCH from Equestria?" asked Goro.

"It's not just that. It's the Equestrian way to offer a hand of friendship to others. None of the other Transmutants seem too keen about that, but she's hoping that you guys would be the exception." said Sapphire. She then rubbed the back of her head. "There are also rumors of her adopted son being a Transmutant. If that's the case, then this is mostly for his safety since MONARCH violated the term of sparing Transmutants that surrender willingly."

"Where is he?" asked Manda, curiously.

"We don't know. He ran away." answered Sapphire. Baragon scoffed in response.

"Can you blame him? You humans have been treating us all like shit for the past twelve and a half years." said Baragon. Manda sent him a glare and kicked his leg from her end of the table.

"Ow! What?!" asked Baragon. Manda looked away with a look of innocence to her face. Sapphire looked down with a frown.

"Sapphire, you do what you must. We will remain here and continue what we have been doing." said Goro. Sapphire looked up to respond but a voice echoed in the cave.

"Goro!" called the voice. The Transmutants faced the exit in surprise. The guard raised a brow, wondering who else could be familiar with these isolated vigilantes.

"That's Copper!" cried Manda as she immediately stood from her seat and ran through the cave. The rest of the Transmutants and Sapphire stood up and followed her. Sapphire's eyes widened as she spotted a Diamond Dog standing in the entrance. She gritted her teeth and reached for the sword that hung from her waist. She charged towards the Diamond Dog, giving a war cry. Copper's eyes widened as the Valkyrie approached. Manda suddenly stood in front of the dog with her arms spread out.

"No! No! He's with us!" said Manda frantically. The guard stopped, casting Manda an appalled expression.

"But...he's a Diamond Dog! They attacked Mustangia!" said Sapphire as she pointed at Copper, his ears folding back.

"Yes! But he was only doing what he was told! He regrets what happened and wants to set things right!" said Manda, ready to defend the Diamond Dog. The guard casted an uneasy glance at the Diamond Dog and to Manda's pleading eyes. She then reluctantly lowered her sword. Goro stepped forward, nearing Copper.

"What brings you here?" asked Goro. Copper calmed himself and then looked at Goro with a serious expression.

"I changed my mind. I want you to train me so that I may become strong enough to defeat my pack leader." said Copper.

Meanwhile in Saddle Arabia...

The Sirens stood outside in front of the four Transmutants, wearing their new apparel. Adagio wore a gold abaya with her pendant hanging from her neck. Her curly hair was covered by the hood that she wore and her feet were covered in sandals. Aria wore a purple abaya while Sonata wore a light arctic blue abaya. The Sirens looked themselves over with raised eyebrows. Sonata, however, admired the clothing.

"Oooh! This is nice!" said Sonata.

"Yeah, those do look nice. Nice shopping, you two!" said Rodan as he patted Junior on the shoulder.

"Oh ho ho! Don’t give both of us credit. Goji gave me unhelpful answers when I asked him which ones would look nice on them." said Mosura with a deadpan stare directed towards Junior.

"Because we were shopping for clothes. We didn't need to find the prettiest looking clothes that we could find." said Junior, his tone filled with annoyance. Angirasu shook his head in amusement.

"Anyway, you girls wanted to check out the village?" asked Mosura. Sonata nodded furiously with a look of excitement. Aria looked to Adagio with a shrug.

"Yes. Sonata is one for sightseeing, and we always need to keep an eye on her." answered Adagio. She then mentally sighed. 'I honestly couldn’t care less about your human civilization.'

"Alright, then! But first, there are a few rules that we need to go by for when we're in the village." said Mosura. Arias sighed in disappointment.

"Greeeeaaat." said Aria. Adagio merely nudged her with her elbow, sending her a silencing glare.

"Rule number one, Saddle Arabia is strict with its rules. One of which is that no woman is allowed to travel alone without a male escort. Remain close to either one of these boys to avoid getting into trouble with authorities." said Mosura. Adagio's eyes widened at the revelation of the humans segregating their females. Never in her life has she heard of Sirens doing this to members of the opposite gender.

"Rule number two, do not challenge the authorities, you will regret it. Rule number three, keep your abaya's on. Everyone got this?" asked Mosura with a smile. Sonata nodded. Adagio's eyes were wide while giving a hesitant nod. Aria remained silent.

"2 out of 3. Good enough!" said Mosura. She then turned to the male Transmutants with a half threatening smile.

"Please keep an eye on them as we're in town." said Mosura.

"Got it." said the male Transmutants in unison. Sonata quickly made her way over to Angirasu. She took his arm with a bright smile on her face. Angirasu nervously chuckled as she held onto him. Adagio made her way over to Junior and Mosura with a neutral expression. Aria made her way over to Rodan with a bored face.

"We don't need to hold hands again, do we?" asked Aria. Rodan gave her a flirty smile.

"Only if you want to." said Rodan. Aria scoffed in disgust. Rodan lost his smile and turned away with a scowl. "Never mind, then."

The Transmutants and Sirens walked as a group, heading towards the village below. However, the Sirens stumbled a bit as they walked. Sonata tripped and fell forward with a yelp. Suddenly, she was caught by Angirasu by her shoulders. Angirasu gently stood the Siren back onto her feet. She stared at him with wide eyes, her face turning red.

"Are you three still having trouble walking?" asked Angirasu in concern.

"A-a little." stuttered Sonata. The Transmutant gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well, I'm sure that your legs will get better soon enough." said Angirasu. Sonata nodded with a smile. Her heart raced as she held onto Angirasu's arm for support.

'He's kind of cute now that I got a better look at him.' thought Sonata as she snuck a glance at Angirasu. His spiked hair was blown by the wind. Aria and Adagio noticed Sonata's dopey smile, both raised a brow.

'What's that idiot smiling about?' thought Aria.

'Is she? No, way! That's ludicrous!' thought Adagio in amusement.

The Transmutants and Sirens wondered the streets together. The Sirens looked at their surroundings, finding many humans roaming about as they worked or enjoyed their day. The Sirens found a tank filled with lobsters at a stand. Sonata watched the lobsters with a small smile. Suddenly, one of the lobsters were plucked from the tank, causing Sonata to tear her eyes away from the tank and toward the lobster held by a Saddle Arabian man using tongs. The man held the lobster over a pot filled with boiling water. He dropped the lobster head first into the pot. Suddenly, a high pitched screech reached the ears of the Sirens, causing their eyes to widen in horror.

"By God!" said an appalled Adagio. The man merely looked at the Sirens with a raised brow.

"What?" asked the man in his native tongue. Junior and the other Transmutants made their way over to the Sirens.

"What's wrong?" asked Junior in confusion.

"How could you cook that poor lobster while it was still alive?!" demanded Adagio with a glare. The man waved his hands defensively.

"I don't know what's going on! Please leave!" said the man fearfully. Junior placed a hand on Adagio's shoulder, attempting to pull her back.

"Hey, knock it off. I think you're scaring him." said Junior, noticing the odd stares that they were receiving.

"He was screaming in agony! Oh, you're a horrible man!" said Sonata, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Not cool, dude! I get how some people like seafood but come on! At least put the poor bastard out of his misery." said Aria with a glare. The man backed away fearfully.

"I don't want any trouble! Leave before I call the guards!" said the man as he pointed his tongs at them. Mosura's eyes widened in alarm. She quickly moved the Sirens away from the stand.

"I am so sorry! My friends, they're upset because you boiled the lobster alive." said Mosura, speaking the same language as the man.

"Oh. But, that is how I always do it. Isn't it fresher to boil them alive?" asked the man.

"Actually, I heard that the meat is better if you boil them humanely. Try to have them sleep by rubbing their heads between their eyes or put them in the freezer before boiling them. Besides, you might put animal rights supporters at ease." whispered Mosura with a wink. The man hummed in thought.

"Well, if what you say is true, I can avoid something like this from happening again. Thank you miss!" said the man with a smile.

"You're very welcome!" said Mosura. She then turned away and ushered away the Sirens and Transmutants. People began to return to their business and ignored the group. Adagio sent a glare towards the man that ran the stand.

"Filthy human." muttered Adagio. Junior's ears perked up as he heard her voice.

"What was that?" asked Junior. Adagio went stiff.

"Uh...nothing." said Adagio as she faced forward. Junior raised a brow at her.

'Aaaaalright then.' thought Junior as he faced forward. The group continued on through the village in silence.

"Hey Mosu, you seem to be getting good at speaking their language." said Angirasu with a smile.

"I'm OK. I still need to work on my pronunciations and accent. But, this book has been pretty helpful!" said Mosura as she held up a blue dictionary. She then opened the book and began to scan through it. Her eyes scowled in annoyance.

"Shoot. I thought I had that one down." said Mosura as she closed the dictionary. Junior gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry. You're a quick learner." complimented Junior. Rodan sighed in annoyance.

"Yeah. I can't even say any of the words in that book. It comes out as gibberish." said Rodan. Aria eyed the book curiously. Her mind contemplated whether if it was worth her time to consider it.

"Mind if I take a look at that book?" asked Aria.

"Sure!" Here you go!" said Mosura as she handed the dictionary to Aria. Rodan's eyes scanned the area with a bored expression. He then noticed a building with lights built into the roof and an image depicting a microphone on a poster. He smiled as he heard music coming from inside.

"Mosu, that wouldn't happen to be a Karaoke bar, would it?" asked Rodan. Mosura turned to find Rodan pointing at the establishment.

"It is! Hey, why don't we all go inside and sing a few songs and cool off?" suggested Mosura. Rodan nodded eagerly. The Sirens' ears perked at the mention of singing. Angirasu shrugged in response.

"I suppose. Just don't ask me to sing." chuckled Angirasu. Junior sighed.

"Great. Don't we hear enough singing from people breaking into song?" asked Junior with a deadpanned stare. Mosura frowned in disappointment.

"Aw, don't be like that. It'll be fun!" said Mosura. Junior rolled his eyes in response. Adagio pushed Junior aside with an eager expression on her face.

"A place where people gather to sing you say?" asked Adagio. Mosura nodded as Junior sent the Siren a look of annoyance.

"That's right! You girls interested?" asked Mosura.

"Well, we do sing from time to time." said Aria, her tone filled with pride.

"Helloooo! We sing like all the time! It's why Sarila wanted us to come here in the first place!" said Sonata. Aria's eyes widened at Sonata's slip of the tongue.

"Who?" asked Mosura. Adagio sent Sonata a glare and made a cutting motion with her hand near neck.

"Wh-what did I say?" asked Sonata with a shrug.

"Wait, who's Sarila?" asked Junior. Adagio thought up of a lie nervously.

"Uh...she's a friend of ours! Sonata meant to say that our friend wanted us to come to this country for a chance for our talents to be recognized!" answered Adagio.

"Ohhhh, yeah! Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say." said Sonata with a grin. Aria scoffed in response.

'Idiot.' thought Aria. Rodan and Angirasu looked to each other with raised brows. Junior looked to Mosura with a wary glance,

'Goji, you're being dramatic.' thought Mosura, her thoughts traveling to Junior's mind. He sent her a deadpanned stare in response. Mosura turned back to the group with a smile.

"Well, let’s make sure that those talents will be recognized!" said Mosura. She then led the group over to the Karaoke bar.

"You're at your best, when the going gets rough! You've been put to the test, but it's never enough! You got the touch! You got the power! Yeah! You got the touch! You got the power! Touch!~" Rodan became silent as he finished the song. The sound of the guitar, bass and drums slowly died down from the speakers. The audience applauded him for his performance. Junior and Angirasu sat with the Sirens in the back of the Karaoke bar with a soda in his hand. Junior wore a scowl as he took a sip. Mosura sat next to him and slapped him in the back.

"What's with scowl? Aren't you enjoying yourself?" asked Mosura.

"It's too damn crowded." said Junior as he looked on at the numerous people that filled up the karaoke bar. Mosura shook her head.

"You have to learn to get used to being around crowds, Goji." said Mosura. Junior sighed in response. He then noticed Rodan making his way over to the group.

"What did you guys think?" asked Rodan.

"You did pretty good." said Angirasu with a smile. Mosura nodded in agreement. Junior took another sip of his soda.

"Those were some inspiring lyrics." said Junior. Aria rolled her eyes.

"Meh. Not bad for an amateur." said Aria. Rodan's brow twitched in offense.

"Ooooh! No she didn't!" said Sonata with a grin. Adagio wore an amused smile.

"Oh, yes she did." said Adagio, hoping to antagonize the Transmutant. Rodan chuckled in offense.

"OK! Let's see you rock the house, sister!" said Rodan. Aria grinned at the challenge.

"You're on."

Aria made her way over to the stage, taking the mic into her hand. Her eyes looked on at the strange machine that held records behind a glass box. She looked over the labels, finding titles of many different kinds of songs. She frowned as she realized that she was unfamiliar with most of the songs. In fact, she didn't know a single human song. Her eyes then caught sight of a title that rang a bell to her memory.

'Hmm. what are the lyrics?' thought Aria. She noticed a button that was labeled, 'press to preview lyrics'. Aria pressed the button, allowing the screen at her left to display an overview of the lyrics. She began to scan through them. Aria smiled as she confirmed her suspicion. She then noticed a small text above that read, 'requires two additional singers'.

'Damn. Wait, there are two other singers that knows this song!' thought Aria. She then looks over to Adagio and Sonata as they waited with the Transmutants.

"Hey! I need you two to help me out here!" called Aria. Adagio raised a brow and then looked over to Sonata. The airheaded girl shrugged in response. The two made their way over to the stage with Aria, whispering amongst themselves.

"Remember that old record player from the surface that had the song still intact?" whispered Aria.

"Yeah, we hid it in a cave where it isn't flooded. Why?" asked Adagio.

"They have that same song here. But, I need your help to one up that punk." answered Aria. Adagio rubbed her chin.

"Well, if we're going to succeed in our mission, we will need to drain the energy from these humans in order to prepare our pendants for a larger scale spell." said Adagio. Sonata smiled with glee.

"We're singing that song?!" asked Sonata.

"Yep. Here's how we do it." answered Adagio as she gathered her fellow Sirens into a huddle.

Junior watched the Sirens converse amongst themselves. He felt an odd aura radiating off of them, mostly from Adagio. To him, she seemed like a bit odd, as if she was hiding something. Junior was familiar with that, being someone who had kept a dark secret for over twelve years.

"I'll be back. I gotta use the bathroom." said Angirasu as he stood up from the table and made his way over to the restroom. Rodan waited impatiently for the Sirens to sing, wanting to see if they were as good as they claimed. Junior looked towards Mosura, who eagerly waited to hear the voices of the girls. He lightly tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to face him curiously.

"We need to talk." said Junior. Mosura raised a brow in response. Junior stood up to his feet and gestured for her to follow him. The pair made their way outside of the Karaoke bar, standing outside.

"What's wrong?" asked Mosura.

"Mosu, don't you think that these girls seem a little...off?" asked Junior.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Mosura, oblivious to what Junior had meant.

"Mosu, why did they act so strange when Sonata mentioned their friend?" asked Junior.

"Well...I don't know. Maybe they're embarrassed to talk about their friends." guessed Mosura. She then placed a hand under her chin. "But, it did seem odd at how secretive they were about their purpose here."

"Also, who in the hell would come out here to Saddle Arabia to have your singing talents recognized?! This doesn't seem like the place where you want to start!" said Junior with a deadpanned stare. He then began to think of something else that had been bothering him since last night.

"Mosu, they stink." said Junior. Mosura raised a brow and then sent him a glare.

"Be nice! Besides, I helped them wash up a bit before we left." said Mosura.

"No, I mean they have a different kind of stench. Mosura, they smell like fish!" said Junior.

"Well, they have been swimming in the sea." said Mosura.

"Yeah, but from what I've learned as a predator based Transmutant, fish can have different kinds of scents. They smell like ...I can't remember but I feel like it's something not good." said Junior. Mosura gave him a deadpanned expression.

"You're uncomfortable with them because they came to Saddle Arabia to hopefully start a career in singing and because they have the scent of a kind of fish that you can't remember?" deadpanned Mosura. She then gave him an incredulous look. "Gojira, that is the most irrational thing that I have ever heard come out of your mouth!"

"Remember when they were freaking out about the lobster?" asked Junior.

"So what? They were upset because that man cooked it inhumanely!" retorted Mosura.

"Mosu, I heard Adagio mutter something that I have never heard another human being mutter." said Junior in a serious tone. Mosura raised a brow.

"What did-" Mosura was about to finish her question until the sound of glass shattering can be heard. The two yelped in surprise, turning to find a table lying on the side walk with shattered glass scattered around it. The glass had come from the Karaoke bar's window.

"What in the..?" Mosura looked into the establishment in confusion. Her eyes widened as she saw people fighting amongst themselves inside. They shouted in their native tongue as they attacked one another.

"What the heck?!" said Junior and Mosura in unison. The pair immediately rushed into the establishment. Junior pulled Mosura to his side and raised his arm in a defensive position, blocking an incoming wooden chair. The chair shattered against his arm.

"I'll kick your ass!" shouted Rodan. Junior's and Mosura's eyes widened as they heard his voice. They turned and found Rodan fighting four other men at once, sending kick jabs and kicks. He then performed a roundhouse kick against one of the men, knocking him onto a table.

"You want some of this?! You better check yourselves before you wreck yourselves! I'm from the Everfree forest, bitch!" shouted Rodan as began to beat a larger man. Junior turned and found Angirasu rushing from the other side of the establishment with a frantic look on his face.

"What the hell is going on here?!" asked Angirasu.

"You tell us!" said Junior with a shrug. He then felt arms put him in a head lock. He looked up to find a Saddle Arabian woman with her arms locked around his neck and head. Junior immediately grabbed her by her arms and pried her arms off of himself. He then turned and picked the woman up and tossed her over to a sofa that lied in the middle of the room. She landed comfortably, bouncing on the cushion.

"I uh...I wasn't expecting this to happen." said Aria with wide eyes as she stared at the chaos with the other two Sirens.

"Did they hate our singing?" asked Sonata. Adagio was about to answer until she noticed her pendant beginning to illuminate. She then noticed green mist radiating off of the Saddle Arabians, making their way over to the three Sirens. The mist was absorbed into their pendants.

"These pendants...they need negative emotions to fuel them!" said Adagio in realization. Aria and Sonata raised a brow in response.

"Don't you see? That song was based on such negativity and was mixed with our spell. Our singing affected the humans with negativity and has caused them to fight amongst themselves! Our pendants are absorbing that negative energy!" said Adagio.

"Just like how we hypnotized men to fall for us with certain lyrics." said Aria, catching on. She then looked at her pendant. She felt the energy fueling her as well. She deeply inhaled and sharply exhaled, her eyes flashed green. Suddenly, one of the men was heading toward the Sirens with a chair in his grip. He gave a yell as he raised the chair over his head. Their eyes widened as it was about to be brought down on them. Suddenly, Angirasu tackled the man, knocking the chair out of his grip.

"Have you lost your mind?!" demanded Angirasu. He was suddenly hit in the back by a glass bottle. The bottle shattered against his back and drenched him in an alcoholic beverage. Angirasu elbowed the man that had assaulted him with the bottle, knocking the wind out of him. Angirasu stood up to his feet and rushed over to the Sirens. He then took Sonata's hand and began to walk her away from the chaos. Mosura and Junior rushed over to Aria and Adagio and guided them through the fighting crowd. Junior punched a man that held a bottle, causing him to fall to the ground. He then pulled Adagio away as a woman slammed a chair in her direction. The Siren kicked the woman in the face, knocking her to the ground.

"Nice kick!" said Junior. Adagio smiled in response.

"Nice punch." said Adagio. The pair continued through the crowd. Mosura sent her hand forward against a man's gut, pushing him towards a table. Aria picked up a chair and hurled it towards a couple of men that rushed towards her. Sonata found a man rushing over to her with a shattered bottle in his grip. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw the sharp ends. As the man thrust his arm, Sonata shielded her eyes and gritted her teeth. Angirasu stepped in front of her, catching the bottle against his shoulder. He grunted in pain but then sent an uppercut towards the man. Sonata opened her eyes and gasped as she saw Angirasu's bleeding shoulder. Angirasu took her hand and immediately began to rush through the crowd with the other Transmutants and Sirens. After they had reached the exit, Angirasu noticed how Rodan was still fighting.

"Get some!" shouted Rodan as took down three men in three seconds. Angirasu rushed over to Rodan and grabbed him by his shoulder.

"Hey tiger, we need to go!" shouted Angirasu. Rodan sent him a glare.

"Oh you want some too?!" demanded Rodan. He then sent a punch towards Angirasu. By reflex, Angirasu countered his punch and then elbowed the shorter Transmutant in the gut. Rodan dropped to his knees as the wind was knocked out of him. Angirasu then picked him up and rushed out of the establishment with him, wondering what would drive Rodan to suddenly attack him.

"Hey! We need to split!" said Junior in urgency. Angirasu noticed a group of guards rushing down the street.

"Shoot!" said Angirasu. The group then made their way out of the area. They passed several people, hoping to avoid any guards. Junior turned back and saw that the guards had entered the establishment. He was relieved to see that none of them was pursuing them. After a minute of fleeing, they stopped to rest.

"Wh-what the hell was that about?" asked Junior as he panted. Angirasu sighed as he lied Rodan down on the ground, who groaned in pain.

"No clue. I was washing my hands in the bathroom when suddenly I heard shouting and the sound of a brawl." answered Angirasu. He then removed his coat and rolled up his short sleeved shirt. He hissed as the wind hit his wound. Sonata gasped as she saw the small shards of glass that stuck out of his bleeding shoulder.

"Oh no! Are you alright?!" asked Mosura as she noticed the wound.

"Ah. I'll live." said Angirasu as he pulled out a shard, slightly hissing in pain. He continued to do this, causing Sonata to flinch every time.

"Damn, you're tougher than you look." said Aria in an impressed tone.

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body." said Angirasu as he continued to pick at the glass. Junior then looked towards Adagio.

"Since you three were out on stage, do you know why everyone suddenly lost their marbles?" asked Junior.

"Marbles? I didn't see any marbles." said Sonata with a shrug. Aria slapped her hand against Sonata's bangs, causing it to be messy and for her hood to fly off.

"It's a figure of speech, you dummy." said Aria. Sonata puffed her cheek out in annoyance as she tried to fix her bangs. Adagio sighed.

"We don't know. We were just singing and then people just began to fight." answered Adagio. Junior looked down in thought. He then noticed Rodan beginning to rise as he clutched his gut.

"Oooooww." moaned Rodan.

"Hey, why did you attack me when I told you that we had to go?" demanded Angirasu. Junior's and Mosura's eyes widened in shock.

"He attacked you?!" asked Mosura. Rodan turned to Angirasu in confusion.

"Huh? I-I don't remember attacking you." said Rodan.

"How can you not remember attacking me? You clearly recognized me!" said Angirasu. Rodan rubbed his head groggily.

"Dude, lower your voice. I got like a massive headache right now. Also, I can't remember anything. I blacked out after a while when the girls started singing." said Rodan. Angirasu raised a brow in confusion. Rodan then noticed Angirasu's bleeding shoulder.

"What happened there?" asked Rodan.

"Some guy stabbed me with a broken bottle." answered Angirasu.

"Man, you're just getting scars left and right lately." said Rodan in pity. Mosura turned and notice the sun setting.

"Look, it's been a hectic day. Why don't we all head back home?" suggested Mosura. Junior nodded.

"Sounds good." said Junior. Rodan painfully stood up to his feet and looked over to Aria.

"Well, you showed me. You really are good at singing." complimented Rodan with a grin. Aria smiled proudly. Angirasu stood to his feet and placed his coat over his good shoulder. He then felt someone take his hand. He found Sonata looking up to him with a sad smile and her hand firmly gripping his.

"Thanks for saving us from those people. You're my hero." said Sonata. Angirasu smiled in embarrassment. He rubbed the back of his head shyly.

"Heh. First time that I've been called that." chuckled Angirasu. Rodan gave Angirasu a sly smile. Angirasu raised a brow at him in confusion.

Later that night...

The Transmutants and Sirens sat together around the camp fire. They all feasted on sandwiches in the cold night. Sonata sat next to Angirasu with a blush on her face. Junior stared at the photo of himself and his family from when he was a child. He lightly smiled at the photo as he stared at the face of his parents.

'One day, I know we'll be together again.' thought Junior. He then noticed the curious stare that Adagio was giving him. Junior cleared his throat as he slowly placed the photo back into his pocket. Mosura went over the language dictionary with Aria, helping her with translating and pronouncing the words. Aria stumbled on the words, but eventually managed to pronounce them properly after playing with them in her tongue. Sonata scooted closet to Angirasu, leaning her head against his good shoulder, causing the Transmutant raised a brow.

'Hmm. She's quite affectionate.' thought Angirasu, oblivious to Sonata's reddening cheeks. Rodan shook his head in amusement at Angirasu's naivety. Adagio scooted closer to Junior with a cup of water in her grip.

"So, what brought you guys to live out here?" asked Adagio. Junior went stiff at her question. Heartache returned as his mind recollected the memories of the attack on Ponyville.

"Certain incidents forced us to move out of our old home. We're living out here until we either find a new place to live permanently or until things settle down at home." answered Junior.

"Didn't you have friends or family back at your old home?" asked Adagio. Junior sighed.

"I had friends back there. Now, these guys are all that I have left. Not that I'm complaining." replied Junior. He then looked up to the stars. "But, I have family who are back at home. I just want to wait until it’s right to return." said Junior. The Transmutants looked to Junior in confusion.

"Return? What do you mean?" asked Mosura. Junior remembered that he hadn't told Mosura.

"Oh yeah, I'll tell you guys about it later." said Junior. Adagio raised a brow at Junior’s secrecy. Junior sent a stick over to the fire pit and moved the wood around, allowing the flames to spread.

"So...what happened with those old friends?" asked Adagio. Junior was about to answer but hesitated.

"I'll...tell you about it some other time." said Junior. Adagio noticed the slight sad expression that he wore. She wondered how someone who looked so tough and had more of a negative attitude than her own could show sadness. She nodded to him in response.

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