• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 5 (Revised)

The sounds of drills rotating, saws buzzing, and the hammering of metal against metal can be heard. A great workshop, filled with people walking about with parts and tools in their hands. Throughout the room, there was an assembly of weapons being constructed. Rifles were put together; a glowing orb was placed in the center of each rifle. The side of the rifles lit up, informing the workers that the weapons were armed. Blades were being forged from hot metal, the heat burning in the air and the hot blades glowed. As the blades were finished, they were hung from a rack. A group of Elves in safety attire took their positions in front of the blades. Their hands glowed intensely; they shot their hands forward in synchronicity, hitting the blades and making them glow from the enchantment and then died down. The blades were taken off of the rack and were put together with their own handle. The swords were then sheathed and stored away, waiting to be delivered to their future wielders.

Away from the weapons assembly line, there is the forging of armors going on. Helmets, chest plates, and shoulder plates were being made. The armors are much different compared to any other armor that has been worn by warriors of the other nations. Their colors ranged from midnight black, silver, gold, and crimson red. The armors were made in different ways, some shaped to look more like muscled humans, some were bulky for larger build humans, and others were average sized for common infantry. Outside the facility, hundreds of men and women were doing training exercises ranging from jogging, flying in laps, push-ups, hand to hand combat, and lethal and non-lethal magic practices.

"So, did you hear about the higher ups decision?" asked a black haired Valkyrie male.

"About taking Transmutants alive in Equestria if they surrendered?" asked a green haired Earth bound woman. The Valkyrie nodded

"I did. It's a bunch of bull spit if ya ask me." said a yellow haired elf male.

"Why's that?" asked the Valkyrie.

"Why the hell are we gonna treat these freaks like common crooks? We're soldiers, not cops!"

"It's not that big of a deal. Besides, it’s an opportunity to introduce ethical methods for stopping Transmutants." argued the green haired woman.

"Ethical? Give me a break Shiragami! We're stopping monsters, not people." retorted the Elf.

"Like it or not, we have to." stated the Valkyrie. The Elf groaned in response. Just then, a beeping sound could be heard from the wrists of the soldiers. They all looked to their wrists at a digital device that was strapped to them.

"Come on, the C.O. said that we're being deployed." said the Valkyrie.

Los Pegasus, Equestria

Shiragami sat silently with a rifle in her grip, and a enchanted sword secured on her back. She was inside of an airship, clad in armor that covered her chest and back. A red rose was painted on her chest piece. She wore black tactical pants and a vest under her armor. Pads rested on her shoulders and her forearms. She wore black boots and pads on her knees. Her helmet covered most of her head, but exposed her lips, and had a blue visor covering her green eyes. Shiragami looked at her comrades. The Valkyrie was clad in armor that covered his form and resembled the human anatomy, dual enchanted swords mounted onto his back. He wore a helmet that was just a thin red visor with a metal face plate. The Elf was clad in light armor, a helmet that exposed his face, a lighter chest piece, black tactical pants, and a rifle resting next him. Standing near the door was a grey haired Earth bound woman with less armor, only a chest piece protecting her body. She had one enchanted sword hanging from her hip, and a rifle in her grip. Her red eyes were looking on towards the door, waiting for the airship to finish descending. The metal airship rumbled as it descended toward the ground, a green light shining in the room that the squad found themselves in.

"It's go time people, let’s move out!" commanded the grey haired woman.

"Yes ma'am!" The other soldiers responded. The squad ran out of the medium sized airship to stand in a field outside of the city of Los Pegasus. They made their down to the city, where the glow of magic could be seen and the sound of shouts could be heard. An ominous black cloud of smoke sailed across the night sky. The squad had made their way into the city; people were running in their direction, screaming in panic. The soldiers passed the civilians, rounding into the corner that they ran from. The sounds of gun fire could be heard in the distance as the shouts grew louder.

A young Earth bound man with jet black hair shouted in rage as he ran towards a group of soldiers with a short golden katana in his grip. The area was a street filled with abandoned chariots, rubble from buildings, and fire that burned flammable fluids from one of the local shops.

"Kill that son of bitch!!" Shouted a large Earth clad in bulky armor, raising a rifle and firing in blue magic bolts in semi shots. The black haired Earth bound swung his katana, deflecting each magic projectile that came his way. The other soldiers began firing their rifles, forcing the black haired Earth bound to continue swinging his katana while rolling and jumping off of abandoned chariots. The Earth bound jumped off of a taxi chariot that was the closest to the larger Earth bound soldier, his katana raised above his head. He shouted as he came down, swinging the blade down on the rifle, slicing it in half. The black haired Earth bound snarled as he thrusts his blade into the large soldier, fatally wounding him.

The mutant proceeded to swing his weapon at the other soldiers around him, decapitating, dismembering and impaling them without mercy.His blade, and his body was drenched in their blood. The mutant panted, his eyes filled with rage and hatred.

Shiragami and her squad had made their way toward the source of the chaos. She felt sick as she witnessed the corpses of other MONARCH soldiers lying on the ground. Their bodies were covered in their own blood and their eyes were open and lifeless. She swore that some of them had fear plastered on their faces before they died. As Shiragami and her group made their way closer to the scene, they saw their target. The mutant with jet black hair, walking away from a burning a chariot, and holding an Elf woman gagging as she struggled to pry his hand from her throat. The soldiers armed with rifles took aim. Shiragami's heads up display in her helmet scanned the mutant. Information about him appeared on her visor.

"Battra, release the civilian now! Cooperate and we will spare your life!" shouted the squad leader. The Transmutant named Battra chuckled darkly.

"Spare me? I don't think you’re in any position to order me around." Battra rose the woman to her feet, looking deeply into her fearful eyes.

"Please, don't kill me! I-I have a family!" begged the woman, her eyes welling up with tears. Battra frowned.

"The feeling is mutual, I had family too. But your so called protectors took them away from me!" Battra tightened his grip and flicked his wrist, snapping the woman's neck. The woman's body slumped in Battra's grip. Battra then cast the woman's corpse to the side.

"Open fire!" The squad leader commanded. The soldiers pulled the triggers of their rifles, magic projectiles bursting from the muzzles. Battra ran, dodging the projectiles with super human speed. The magic bolts penetrated the concrete, metal and the asphalt of the area. Battra ran away from the area, making his way into an alley. The soldiers followed him, letting their weapons to cool down. They walked in a formation, guarding each other's flanks. The sounds of an agonized yell could be heard, as well as the sound of popping bones echoing in the dark alley.

"Oh damn, he's changing!" shouted Shiragami. Suddenly a loud roar was heard. The soldiers pointed their rifles above themselves, seeing a black, winged figure dive bombing toward them. The soldiers jumped out of the way, avoiding the figure. Shiragami stood back up, pointing her rifle toward it, but gasped at what she saw. It was a tall, humanoid insect. It stood to be eight feet tall; its exoskeleton was black, and bulky. The eyes of the creature were a bright, glowing red. The insect had golden horns ticking out from its head, and a spiky backside for its thorax. The creature had four large arms, with sharp claws. The creature's mouth opened sideways, like insects normally do. However, the most terrifying feature of this creature was its wings. They were large, almost resembling a combination of the wings of a bath and a moth. Great red marks were on these wings, appearing almost like red fire.

"Vengeance will be mine!" shouted the black moth, its voice deep and similar to what an insect would sound like if it could speak.

The creature leaped at the Elf soldier, biting off his head. The Elf's decapitated body twitched before collapsing onto the ground as a bloody fountain. The Valkyrie shouted in rage, taking flight, and drawing his enchanted sword. He sliced at the backside of the creature. The insect screeched in pain, yellowish green blood oozing out of its back.

"Damn you!" shouted the insect.

"You had your chance Battra, now we do it the hard way!" shouted the squad leader, drawing her sword out. Shiragami followed her C.O.'s lead, drawing her sword out as well. Battra snarled at the soldiers, spreading his large wings and taking flight into the air. The Valkyrie took flight as well, speeding toward the mutation. As the Valkyrie was about to swing his swords, Battra's wings and horns sparked, his eyes glowed purple. The Valkyrie didn't have enough time to react, as purple beams came out from Battra's eyes and blasted the Valkyrie from the air. The Valkyrie yelled in pain as he crashed back toward the ground. Battra descended back down to the Earth, landing onto the ground. Battra then charged toward Shiragami and the squad leader, swinging his claws at the women. The two dodged these attacks, both thrusting their swords toward Battra. The blades impaled the mutation's thorax, causing him to shriek in agony. Battra, used his free hand to throw Shiragami away from him. Battra used his other three hands to grasp the squad leader. The insect lifted her up, swinging her against the building wall repeatedly. The squad leader cried out in pain every time her body met with the wall. Battra then lifts the squad leader above his head, two of his hands holding her by her waist and his other two arms holding her by her arms.

"Ever plucked the wings off of a fly?" asked Battra. Shiragami looked up and gasped, seeing her C.O. in trouble.

"You...want me to beg?" panted the squad leader.

"I honestly don't care whether you do or not. You're still going to die like the others." Battra pulled with tremendous strength, dismembering the squad leader. She screamed in agony, her cries being heard throughout the area. Battra threw the squad leader onto the ground in front of his insect feet. Battra then rose his foot, and brought it down onto the skull of the squad leader. Brain matter, skull fragments and blood splattered onto the ground.

"Noooo!" Shiragmi cried out in despair. Battra lifted his foot out of the brain matter, wiping his foot by dragging it across the ground.

"It didn't have to be this way. We all could be home with our families or friends. You have your superiors to blame for all of this." Battra said solemnly.

"What are you talking about?" demanded Shiragami, struggling to get back on her feet. Battra approached her, his heavy steps echoed in the alley. Battra reached for the blades that impaled him, quickly yanking them out. He grunted, with blood oozing out of his thorax.

"You fool! Are you blind?! MONARCH has been using you to cover up their dirty secrets. They are responsible for our creation." Battra dropped one of the swords, the other still in his grip.

"Liar! We are protecting different races in the world from monsters like you!" shouted Shiragami.

"Humans are all responsible for the monsters. I will stop at nothing until MONARCH and all humans are dead." Battra stepped in front of Shiragami, kicking her over onto her back. He raised the enchanted sword above his head.

"Goodbye, human." Shiragami's eyes widened in horror as she saw the blade hovering above her. Battra then brought the sword down onto her gut, the blade piercing through her and into the ground. Shiragami grunted, twitching from the pain. The blade kept her from moving. Shiragami reached for the handle of the sword, her breaths becoming raspy. She felt herself growing weak and her eyes grew heavy. She wanted to sleep, but she knew that she would never wake up again if she did. Battra flapped his wings, taking off into the air and away from Shiragami's sight. Shiragami's vision darkened, her hands slacked their grip on the sword's handle, falling to her sides. Shiragami's moaned in a raspy voice, as she struggled to hold onto dear life. Then, her eyes closed and her head slumped to the side on the ground. Drawing another breath, she deeply exhaled, not drawing another


Twilight was alone in the library, reading a book that sat on a podium. Her eyes scanned over the contents, studying for new spells. Specifically, healing spells. Twilight felt that it was necessary to learn these kinds of spells, especially due to how Rainbow Dash tends to injure herself when attempting to perform a new trick. That girl is stubborn; knock her down and she gets back up. An admirable trait, if she knew when it was a good time to be careful. Twilight continued reading, learning the hand gestures and the amount of magical energy needed to make it work.

Twilight was eager to try this spell out, but she needed an injured individual to heal to make sure that she had it down. She didn't like the idea of having someone injure his or herself for this, nor did she fancy self-injury. Twilight stood, tapping her chin. How could she test this spell? Twilight groaned in irritation, due to a lack of test subjects. Suddenly, Twilight heard the sound of the door opening. She turned her head away from the book and looked towards the door. Junior stood in the doorway, making his way into the library, closing the door.

"Hey there!" Junior waved as a small smile appeared on his face. Twilight beamed at him, stepping away from the podium and making her way to Junior.

"Hi! What brings you here?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Just thought I'd take you up on your offer today," said Junior.

"Oh right! Sure, I'm not that busy right now." Twilight noticed Junior's left hand was bandaged up, with a blood stain on the back of his hand.

"Hey, what happened to your hand?" Twilight asked in a concerned tone. Junior looked at his hand, his mind drifting to the past.

Junior was visiting Mosura and the other two transmutants earlier that morning. He thought it would be nice to give them some food since they didn't seem to leave their lair very often. Mosura tried to decline his offer, but he insisted that they took it. Mosura gave in and accepted the bag of fruits and frozen fish meats that he brought. Fortunately, the refrigerator in the actual house that hid the lair was still functional. Junior had made his way through the Everfree to get back to Ponyville. Unfortunately, he was delayed when he came across a manticore. The two had a short battle, ending with Junior punching the beast's teeth out. Junior ended up cutting his hand from the razor sharp teeth; he thought it was no problem. For some reason, his scratches weren't regenerating. Junior tried not to worry about it. He ended up wrapping his hand in a bandage to stop the bleeding.

Junior's mind came back to the present. He thought of a convincing lie to fool her. He didn't want to worry her, plus he had to keep the lair a secret.

"I cut myself when trying to fix something in my house." Junior lied, putting on his best poker face. Twilight walked up to Junior, taking his injured hand into hers. An idea crossed her mind.

"Something wrong?" asked Junior, a brow raised. Twilight looked up to him, a twinkle in her eye.

"Why don't I heal you?"


"I'm an Elf, so my magic has many uses! I can use it to heal your hand. What do you say?" Twilight stared into Junior's eyes, an eager expression on her face. Junior didn't have to think too long about this.

"Sure, I'd appreciate that." Junior simply said, smiling as Twilight had a bright contagious smile on her face from his answer. He didn't see any harm in it, besides he wasn't regenerating anyway for some reason.

Twilight brought his hand closer to her and unwrapped the bandage. Twilight hissed as she saw the cuts; they looked like they stung, but then a thought crossed her mind.

"Did you remember to wash it?" asked Twilight. Junior nodded in response.

"Good, we wouldn't want this to get infected." said Twilight.

'An infection is something that doesn't concern me anymore.' Junior thought to himself. He never got sick again since his mutation. He had an amazing immune system.

Twilight gently placed her right hand over the back of Junior's hand. She then closed her eyes, concentrating as a light raspberry colored aura engulfed her hands. Junior felt warmth over his hand from the magic. It was a soothing feeling, especially over his stinging cuts. Twilight reopened her eyes; she then gently slid her right hand over Junior's hand. The cuts glowed white, then shrunk into thin lines until they were gone. Twilight released Junior's hand, taking a step back. Junior looked at his hand, the cuts were gone. His flesh had completely healed. He flexed his hand, getting a feel for it.

"Thanks Twilight, you’re a natural!" Junior continued to look at his hand, failing to notice the blush on Twilight's face.

"I always like to help a friend." said Twilight, playing with her hair. 'Plus, you gave me the opportunity to try out that spell.'

Spike poured hot tea into three separate cups, placing them onto a tray. He carefully picked up the tray, walking over toward a table where Junior and Twilight sat. The two thanked the young drake as he handed them their cups. Twilight lightly blew at the hot liquid, and then took a small sip. Junior copied this action, feeling the warm liquid flow down to his belly, relaxing his body.

"This is some good tea Spike." Junior complimented.

"Thanks G-man!"

"G-man?" asked Junior with an amused expression.

"Yeah, I mean if that's cool with you." said Spike.

"Sure." Junior chuckled. Spike took a seat near Twilight, blowing the tea in his cup.

"Gojira, you said that you knew Princess Celestia. I remember her calling you family. How did you come to know her?" asked Twilight. Junior placed his cup down, clearing his throat.

"Well, it began back in Neighpon. My father was a soldier for the empire before I was born. He met Celestia when she came to Neighpon to help settle diplomatic relations between the Empire and the Griffon kingdom. He was assigned to be her guardian and guide while she was there to prevent any attempt at assassination. You know how it is when powerful individuals end up in foreign countries." Twilight nodded in response.

"Anyway, they became friends during that time. I remember him telling me that she was going to visit Neighpon, he even told me that he was going to introduce me to her when she arrived." Junior stared off to the ceiling, a look of nostalgia on his face. His face suddenly darkened into a frown.

"Gojira?" Twilight called.

"I was fortunate that she was coming to Neighpon when she was. I wouldn't be alive today if she wasn't." Junior spoke, his voice lacking emotion.

"What do you mean?"

"Later on, my dad...he ended up getting sick. It was serious, so his body couldn't fight it off. He...passed away shortly before Celestia arrived." Junior leaned forward in his seat, placing his hand over eyes. Twilight frowned, she thought something was wrong with him but she never thought that it was this bad.

"He was the only family that I had left. My mother died when I was five, I can't even remember her face." Junior clenched his fist, clenching his fist as he fought his tears. He had too much pride to break down in front of Twilight and Spike. Junior suddenly felt a hand placed on his fist. He moved his hand from his face and turned to his left, seeing Twilight standing next to him with a frown on her face. Twilight pulls Junior into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up old wounds." Twilight whispered. Junior really felt like breaking down now, but he kept himself composed.

"It's OK. I guess things kinda worked out in the end."

"Where do you think you're going mister?" asked Mosura, her tone strict as her arms were crossed over her chest. Rodan was stiff, he wore a crimson T-shirt and brown jeans, a crimson cap on his head.

"Um...to the town." Rodan answered nervously, looking back to Mosura. A disapproving look was plastered on her face.

"Oh come on! It sucks to stay cooped up down here all day!" Rodan complained. Mosura sighed in response.

"Fine. Ask Angirasu if he would like to accompany you outside."

"Don't you wanna come? Get some fresh air?" asked Rodan.

"No thank you, just be careful out there." Mosura said worriedly. Rodan chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes mom." Rodan joked. He took off to Angirasu's living quarters that were next door to his. Mosura sighed, but lightly smiled. Rodan may have not been that younger then Angirasu, but he was like the youngest brother out of all of them. She would worry every time Rodan would leave the lair and move up to the surface. Fortunately, he hadn't gotten into much trouble during their first few years in Equestria. It was dangerous for Transmutants to be among other humans, especially if they were careless. Mosura spent most of her time below and only went as far out into the forest. She rarely ventured near or into the town, with the exception of finding Takeshi and bringing him to the lair all of those days ago. Mosura went back to her living quarters, a small bed lying in the corner, a drawer where a few casual clothes laid in. A small lamp sat next to her bed on a small counter that held a picture frame. Mosura walked over to her bed, picking up the frame. A photo of herself when she was a little girl, she stood next to a boy that was her own age with Jet black hair and red eyes. Mosura clutched the picture frame tightly against her chest, her heart aching with sorrow.

"So, what are we doing out here?" asked Angirasu. He wore a brown coat and blue jeans. He looked around the town uncomfortably, as if he were expecting the town to ambush him.

"We're going to the library." Rodan answered.

"Really? I never took you for a reader."

"Hey, I read! Just not all the time. And only certain kinds of books, like adventure." Rodan looked back, offended by Angirasu's assumption.

"My bad." Angirasu held his hands up defensively.

"Besides, I heard that the new librarian that has been running the place for a couple months was a cutie." Rodan grinned. Angirasu face palmed in response.

"You know what Mosura said about-"

"I know, I know. But it never hurts to see a girl right?" asked Rodan. Angirasu sighed, a sad smile on his face.

"I guess not."

"That’s enough about me, Twilight. What can you tell me about yourself?" Junior hadn't been talking about himself for very long. There was not much that he could talk about.

"Oh, well I was born and raised in Canterlot. I always had this desire to learn, especially magic. I spent most of my time studying basic magic, hoping to learn all that I could. Later, my parents got me an interview to attend the school for gifted Elves. After displaying my magic in an...accidental overpowered spell, the Princess made me her personal student." Twilight thought back to her past fondly, a smile plastered on her face. Junior listened closely; Twilight's past helped him take his mind off of his past.

"I ended up spending most of my years, focused on my studies. I never actually interacted with other kids that were my age. I'm starting to regret it now that I think about it." Twilight frowned, looking down at her cup.

"Well, at least you have friends now who care about you. Besides, you’re still young. What are you like, seventeen or something?"

"Actually, I recently turned eighteen back in July." Twilight corrected, taking another sip of her tea.

"Oh. Close enough." Junior replied, taking a sip out of his tea.

"How old are you?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Eighteen, I'll be nineteen in December." Junior simply answered.

"December..." Twilight fished for a specific day. Junior looked to her with a raised brow.

"The eleventh." Junior answered, slight caution in his voice.

"OK, just checking!" Twilight smiled, taking another sip of her tea.

OK... Junior thought to himself.

There was a knock at the library door. Spike got up from his seat, walking back toward the main room of the library. He opened the door and saw two male Earth bounds standing at the door. They were both tall, especially the one with the really spiky hair.

"This is the cute librarian that you were talking about?" Angirasu whispered in a humored tone. Rodan glared at him in response.

"No! I mean, I hope not." Rodan hissed.

"Can I help you guys?" asked the small purple dragon.

"Yes! We um, we came to borrow a book!" Rodan answered.

"Yeah, except that's not the entire reason that we came." Angirasu muttered in Neighponese.

"You hush!" Rodan glared back at Angirasu, his irritation forcing him to speak in their native language.

"Uh...you wanted a book?" the small dragon asked, hoping to get their attention. Rodan turned his head back toward the dragon, a smile on his face.

"Yeah man! You guys got anything on Daring Doo?" asked Rodan.

"Yeah! We have all of the current volumes right now!" Spike gestured the two to walk into the library. Anguirus looked around the library. He was in awe of the design, and the organization of the books. However, one question was on his mind.

"A freaking tree made into a library?"

"I know right?" chuckled Rodan. Rodan noticed a short Elf girl stepping out of the kitchen, she was wearing a lavender sweater and a purple skirt with pink knee high socks.

"Hello~" Rodan muttered as he lightly grinned. From behind the Elf, a familiar face came into view.

"Gojira?!" Rodan exclaimed, his jaw dropping.

"Takeshi-san?" Angirasu's brows raised in surprise. Junior's eyes widened in shock as he saw the other two transmutants.

"Rodan? Riku-san? What are you two doing here?" asked Junior. Twilight looked up to Junior in confusion.

"You know these two?"

"Kind of." Junior answered simply. Twilight shrugged in response. Spike came out of the back room, a book in his hand.

"Here you go." Spike handed the book to Rodan, who took the book while still staring at Junior in shock.

"Thank you. C'mon Rodan." Angirasu patted the slack jawed mutant on his shoulder. Rodan shook his head furiously, putting a neutral expression on his face.

"Uh...yeah. Thanks a lot!" Rodan turned around and took off to the door. The room was suddenly quiet. The trio stood in the library in an awkward silence.

"Who wants lunch?" asked Twilight.

"I do!" said Spike.

"I'm OK with that." answered Junior.

Junior sat at home resting on his sofa. It was an enjoyable morning/noon. He got to know Twilight a little more and she learned a few things about him. He was glad that for someone who lived in Canterlot, she wasn't like the snooty or self-absorbed kind of person. He admired her intelligence, quite a blessing to have. Not bad for his first visit. Junior suddenly heard rapid knocks at his door. He groaned in irritation due to his peaceful rest being rudely interrupted. He made his way to his door, opening it to see Rodan and Angirasu.

"Oh. Hey guys." Junior greeted.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" demanded Rodan. Junior recoiled from the sudden tone.

"Huh??" Junior titled his head, clueless at what Rodan meant.

"Why didn't you tell me that you knew the cute librarian?!" Rodan grabbed Junior by his sweater, shaking him furiously.

"Twilight? Why-gah-does-oof- that-ma- will you cut that out?!" Junior grabbed Rodan's hands, pried them off of his sweater, then grabbed his arm and placed his other hand on Rodan's chest and flipped him onto his couch. Rodan grunted as he landed comfortably on the sofa. Junior panted, turning his attention to Angirasu.

"What the hell is his problem?" asked Junior.

"Romeo here, tried to score with that librarian." Angirasu sighed. Junior chuckled in response.

"Yeah, I don't think you’re her type Rodan."

"Ha!" responded Rodan, getting off of the sofa.

"Is that why you came here?" asked Junior.

"Well sort of. But actually, I wanted to see if you could help me get Angirasu to lighten up when in town." Rodan replied.

"Lighten up?"

"Yeah, he and Mosura are extremely paranoid! They act like the whole town is gonna light some torches and grab some pitchforks."

"To be fair, I've been that paranoid for years myself." Junior reasoned.

"See? Told ya that we weren't the only ones to feel that way" said Angirasu. Rodan chuckled in response.

"Hey, you know any other babes that you can introduce us to? That may help him get over his paranoia and meet a cute girl." Junior raised a brow; he turned his attention to Angirasu, who simply shrugged.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Junior said simply. Rodan groaned in response.

"Why not?"

"Oh gee I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with us being a trio of freaks that no girl would ever like?" Junior deadpanned with a sarcastic tone. Angirasu nodded in agreement.

"Don't remind me..." Rodan sighed.

"Speaking of freaks," Angirasu spoke, grabbing Junior's and Rodan's attention. "I heard that a Transmutant attacked Los Pegasus a few days ago."

"Wait, what?!" Junior exclaimed. Angirasu crossed his arms, closing his eyes in thought.

"Lately, Transmutants have been appearing in Equestria for some reason. At first, they were scattered individually or in groups around the world. Now, some are deciding to show up in nearby cities in this country and are attacking."

"Hmm." Junior looked down in worry. These attacks seemed to be getting closer. He worried that these Transmutants would end up in Ponyville and wreak havoc in the town. He couldn't let that happen. He especially didn't count on MONARCH to be around to help.

"Takeshi-san," Junior turned his attention back to Angirasu. "Why don't you visit the lair sometime? You're welcome anytime. Besides, you look like you could use some exercise."

"Are you saying that I'm fat?" Junior asked in an offended tone. Angirasu put his hands in front of himself defensively.

"No not all! You just looked tired when you tossed Rodan onto your sofa." Angirasu said with sweat beads on his fore head. Junior thought back to that. He also thought that he had been feeling exhausted lately. Maybe he wasn't getting enough exercise when working at Applejack's.

"Yeah. Sounds good. I'll drop by whenever I have time." replied Junior, a light smile on his face.

"Cool. C'mon Ro, we're going home." Angirasu made his back to the door, exiting out of the house. Rodan was about to step out the house, but turned back to Junior.

"You know, there's no shame in us liking girls Gojira." said Rodan, in a serious tone.

"No. But would they like us back if they knew the truth?" asked Junior. Rodan smirked, turning back around and exiting the house.

"We'll see." Rodan called out. Junior closed the door to his house. He made his way back to the sofa, taking a seat. Junior sat in thought, was this worth it? Was it a good thing that he was opening up to Twilight and Fluttershy and becoming their friend? Or was he setting himself up for more pain and suffering? Junior sighed, walking to his bedroom. He sat on his bed, taking his journal in his hand and began to write in it. That didn't matter right now. He was going to keep doing what he was doing. As long as he didn't reveal himself, he didn't have to worry about the pain.

Location: classified, POV: Gojira Senior, twelve years ago...

In a dimly lit room, sat Gojira, who was restrained by shackles that forced his hands behind his back. These shackles held his hands together with a magical energy that kept him restrained. He sat silently, his eyes closed and his breathing was heavy. He felt pain coursing through his body. His senses were overwhelmed with different smells, sounds and sensitivity on his nerves. It was an awful experience to be assaulted with these enhanced sensations all at once. He kept his eyes closed to at least have one sense from being added to the experience. Gojira sat in anger, he was confined in this room and was separated from his child. He feared what had become of him. He then overheard a conversation.

"Did you hear about the kid that they had locked up?" asked a male voice outside of the room. Gojira's ears perked at this. It was a good thing that he knew Equish.

"Yeah." Replied a second male voice.

"You think he's gonna make it?" asked the first male voice. Gojira gasped at this, opening his eyes in shock but was assaulted by the dim lights. He grunted as his increased eyesight added to the slight pain. He kept his eyes open, hoping that his eyes would adjust to the lighting.

"If he doesn't, then he was a wasted test subject. If he couldn't make it through the injection procedure, then that may mean that the mutagen fails to work in children." replied the second male voice. Gojira growled in anger as he heard his son being talked about as if he were an animal and not a human being.

"What's the status on Alpha?" asked the first male.

"Currently, he's displaying an increase in his senses. We were forced to confine him into this room with dimly lit lights to help him adjust and learn to control his senses." replied the second male.

"He's not gonna be happy if he finds out that his kid might be dying." Gojira felt his blood run cold hearing this. His heart was beating rapidly.

"He might already know. These walls aren't that thick to prevent him from hearing us, plus his hearing increased." Gojira stood to his feet. His eyes glared at the metal door. Gojira ran toward the metal door and slammed his body against it. He heard the men gasp from the sudden sound. Gojira repeatedly slammed his body against the door, attempting to break it down. He knew it was impossible, but he had to get to his son.

"Hey, knock it off in there!" shouted the second male.

"Let me out! Let me see my son!!" Gojira shouted, still slamming his body against the door.

"Turn on the gas!" commanded the second male. Suddenly, the room filled with white mist. Gojira stepped away from the door, searching his surroundings. He inhaled the gas, feeling it affecting his body. He fell down to his knees, glaring at the door before falling onto the ground unconscious.

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