• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 8,994 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 19: Exile

It was early morning. The sun barely came out of the horizon with the stars still visible in the dimly lit sky. The air was cool and the sky was clear of clouds. The area was filled with a great plain of grass. Junior walked alongside Rodan, Mosura and Angirasu. They had just awoken from their sleep as they carried their traveling backpacks. Rodan lets out a yawn as he walked.

"Why did we have to wake up so early?" asked Rodan. Mosura sighed in response.

"Because we can't spare the time. We don't know if MONARCH is on our trail. We need to put as much distance as we can."

"This is crap!" said Rodan in exasperation.

"Stop bitching and walk." said Junior. Rodan gave him a cold stare.

"Someone's in a foul mood." said Rodan.

"I'm not a morning person. I would appreciate it if you didn't complain right now." said Junior. Rodan nodded.

"Fine." sighed Rodan. Angirasu looked to Mosura curiously.

"So, where are we headed again?" asked Angirasu. Mosura reaches into her sweater's pocket and pulls out a map. She points to an image that depicted a small town outside of Ponyville.

"We're going to Appaloosa. It's a small settlement in a desert region. We don't have to worry about drawing too much attention to ourselves." answered Mosura.

"A desert? Great." said Junior in disappointment.

"Don't worry, Gojira. We might not stay very long. Just make sure you stay hydrated. I know how aquatic Transmutants can get easily thirsty when in a hotter climate." said Mosura with a comforting smile. The group had spent the next hour traveling through the area; the sun started to raise higher, bringing more light into the land. Junior's heart still ached from the memory of when Twilight and the others had discovered his secret and developed sleeping problems for the past two nights. He couldn't stop thinking of Twilight. He knew it would hurt if she rejected him, but he never realized just how much it would actually hurt. Junior sighed, he wished he could go back to sleep. He needed to move on from his old life as a new one awaited him.

Four hours later...

Junior and company had been walking across the land in a steady pace. They had reached the grassless region of the area, all exhausted. The sun's rays were beaming down on their backs, increasing the heat. They began to sweat from the heat, Junior was panting as he took a swig of water from a canteen. The Transmutants were following the train tracks that Mosura had found on the map to lead up to their destination.

"Oh god, I wish there were trees here." complained Junior.

"Ditto." said Anirasu. Rodan sighed as his mind wondered.

"You know what sounds good? A nice, cold and sweet ice cream sundae!" said Rodan. Junior, Mosura and Angirasu all moaned in misery. "The taste of frozen milk with chocolate syrup and sprinkles! Oh, and some cherries on that bad boy!"

"Rodan, no more. Please!" begged Mosura.

"Strawberries, blue berries, bananas, and waffle bits. Oh! And some brownies!"

"You're evil!" said Angirasu with a glare. Junior's eyes began to twitch. He desperately wanted consume something cold.

"You know I could go for? The thirst quencher itself, ice water!" said Rodan with an expression of dreaming. Junior's mind snapped.

"Rodan! As god as my witness, I will kill you if you don't shut up!" shouted Junior. Rodan groaned in response.

"Dude, I can't help it!" said Rodan.

"I don't give a damn! Knock it off!" retorted Junior. He then looks to Mosura with an annoyed expression. "Mosu, how much further?"

"I don't know. Several more miles? It's faster on train." answered Mosura. Junior sighed in aggravation.

"This is bullsh-" Junior was interrupted by the sudden sound of a train whistle. The group stops and turns to find a train heading their way. Junior grinned as he stopped off of the tracks, crouching to the ground. Mosura looks to him curiously, but immediately caught on. She backs off of the tracks and follows Junior's lead. Angirasu and Rodan looked to each other and shrugged in response. They followed their friends' lead and prepared themselves. As the train got closer, they tensed their muscles. The train engine suddenly passes them, with a dozen cars in tow. The Transmutants all leaped onto the roof of the cars being carried on the train. They crouched as they tried to keep their stance steady. Mosura looks to Junior with a smile.

"Good thinking!" said Mosura. Junior smiled proudly.

"Thanks. Now we can get some rest." said Junior.

"Woo! Who needs tickets when you can just hitch a ride on the roof?" asked Rodan as he pumped his fist into the air. The train traveled through the desert area, taking the young Transmutants to their destination.


The train had made its way toward a small settlement. The town was comprised of over a dozen small buildings made of entirely of wood. There were a few shops, but there were mostly houses. The town was filled with Earthbound humans dressed in jeans, shirts, vests, and boots. Some of the women wore dresses that reached below their knees and sunbonnets. As the train came to a stop, Junior and his fellow Transmutants hopped off of the train, quickly hiding from the passengers and anyone else. They quickly walked away from the train, finding themselves in the town. They searched their surroundings, finding the town to be small and quiet with a low population. Junior smiled in satisfaction.

"It's hot, but this is nice. Doesn't seem like much goes on here." said Junior.

"Dude, you're so boring." deadpanned Rodan. Junior shrugs in response.

"Hey, I like peace and quiet. That's hard for me to come by."

"Anyway, let's get going. I'm friggin' thirsty!" said Rodan as he began to walk into town. As they walked, they were met with curious glances from the locals. Junior tried to keep himself calm under their glances. Mosura noticed his anxious expression.

"It's alright. They're just curious to see strangers carrying traveling supplies." said Mosura in a soft tone. Junior nodded in response. As they continued on, they searched the establishments. Junior's eyes widened in shock at the building in front of him.

"Who in the hell would build a salt bar? This is a desert! The point is to stay hydrated, not consume stuff to make you dehydrated!" said Junior incredulously. He then searches the area with a scowl. "Where do they get water?"

"Looks like in there." said Angirasu as he pointed to a sign on the establishment. Mosura smiles in amusement.

"Well, at least they also serve water for customers. That's convenient." said Mosura. Junior scowled at the building.

"I still think it's stupid." The group made their way into the bar, pushing aside the doors. The establishment was filled several men and women as they conversed and enjoyed the salt. Some even ate food that was salted. A few had turned and gave them curious glances. Soon, the rest of the locals began to stare at them. Junior felt his anxiety returning.

"Yo, what's up?" greeted Rodan with a friendly smile. The locals returned the smile with their own.

"Howdy!" the locals all greeted in a southern accent. Junior relaxed; he led his friends over to the bar keeper with a sigh. A man behind the table makes his way closer to them.

"Hello strangers. What can I get ya'll? Care for some salt? Some salted fries?" asked the bartender.

'Hell to the no!' Junior thought in annoyance. He refused to consume any salt after spending hours being bathed under the scorching sun.

"Actually, we would like some water." said Mosura with a smile.

"I would like some of those fries with that." said Rodan as he raised his hand. The bartender nodded in response.

"Coming right up!" said the bartender. He then makes his way over to a door and inside of a kitchen. Junior sighed as he and the others set their bags down. Mosura removed her thin sweater that she had wrapped around her waist, setting it on her lap. They suddenly heard the approaching steps from behind. Junior turned to find a man giving him a friendly smile.

"So, where ya'll folks from?" asked the man.

"Ponyville." answered Junior. A young woman with red hair and that wore a black stetson hat approached as well with another man with a mustache.

"What brings ya'll here to Appleloosa?" asked the woman curiously. Junior remained silent.

"We've actually moved out of Ponyville. We're traveling to find a new place to live." answered Mosura.

"Really? How come?" asked the mustached man.

"We...felt that it wasn't the right place for us. You know how it is. You gotta move on to find something better." answered Angirasu.

'Yeah, unless you were forced to leave something great behind.' thought Junior, bitterly. The bartender had made his way back from the kitchen.

"Your fries should be done soon, sonny. Have some water while ya'll wait." said the bartender. He then reaches for a glass cup and held it under a nozzle. He pulls a lever, dispensing water into the cup. He slides the cup down to Rodan, who catches it and immediately began to consume it. The bartender continued this process repeatedly until he had given Junior his glass of water. Junior chugged the water down, sighing as he placed the cup down. He stared into the empty glass, finding a sight that startled him. It was Twilight's face. He saw the scholar's face for a brief second with that cute grin that he loved to see. He looks down solemnly.

"Hey, why the long face partner?" asked the woman in the Stetson. Junior shot up immediately to find the woman staring at him.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." answered Junior in a monotone voice. The woman was a little unnerved by his tone and expressionless eyes.

"Doesn't look like its nothing." retorted the woman.

"Trust me, it’s nothing." said Junior. He then looks to the bartender. "May I have a refill?"

"Sure, kid." said the bartender as he took Junior's glass. The woman takes a seat next to Junior.

"I know that look. That's the look of a man that had his heart broken." said the woman. Junior scoffed in response.

"Maybe. What's it to you? It's not like it affects you in anyway."

"No, but it would affect those close to you to see you going through such a hard time." replied the woman. Junior sighed.

"I'll adapt." Junior said coldly. The woman frowned in response. Mosura places a hand on his shoulder. The bartender places the refilled cup on the table; he then made his way back into the kitchen. Rodan takes a sip of his water, uncomfortable with Junior's response.


The four Transmutants walked through the town. Rodan held a small cardboard tray filled with french fries. He then holds out the tray to his friends.

"You guys want some?" asked Rodan.

"Ehh... Sure, why not?" Angirasu reached for the tray, taking a fry and placing it in his mouth. The two began to eat the fries as they walked. Mosura looked to Junior, finding a dejected expression on his face.

"Are you alright?" asked Mosura in concern. Junior nodded in response.

"It just hurts a little. I'll be fine." said Junior. Mosura frowned as she heard his response. She was able to see through his words.

"No, it hurts more than you are telling me." retorted Mosura. Junior sighed in frustration.

"Mosu, I would really rather not talk about it. Let's just find some place to stay. Please?"

"Al-alright." replied Mosura. The group made their way over toward a large building in the town. They made their way inside, finding a man behind a desk. Mosura walks up to the desk as she wore a kind smile on her face.

"Hello! We were checking to see if you had any rooms available." said Mosura. The man nodded in response. He takes out a book and began to look through it.

"Yep! We actually have two rooms available." said the man. Mosura nodded in satisfaction.

"Great! We'll take one of them." said Mosura. The man chuckled in amusement.

"Now hold on little lady. These rooms have only two beds each. Two of ya'll are gonna have to book together in one room."

"Oh. Um..." Mosura stopped herself before she made a decision. She wore an uncertain expression on her face. She gestures to the other Transmutants into a huddle. The all close in with their arms placed on each other's shoulders in a circle.

"What's up?" asked Rodan.

"What do you boys think? Are you comfortable with being split into two groups for the night?" asked Mosura in an unsure voice.

"I don't see a problem with it. MONARCH doesn't know that we're here, so it should be fine." whispered Angirasu.

"Besides, if those assholes were to show up, it would be a big mistake on their part." Junior whispered in a tone filled with spite. Mosura nodded uncomfortably as she wondered what Junior meant.

"OK. So, who will be paired with who?" asked Mosura.

"Why not me and Angirasu pair up while you and Junior pair up in one room?" suggested Rodan.

"Uh... I uh..." Mosura stuttered in response. Junior shrugged in response.

"As long as she's fine with it." said Junior. Mosura slowly nodded in response.

"Alright, then there's no issue." Angirasu said nonchalantly. The group broke off the huddle; Mosura turned her attention back to the owner of the inn.

"We'll take the rooms. How much?" asked Mosura.

"For both rooms, that'll be 25 bits." replied the owner. Junior fished into his pocket and pulled out a large bag, the sound of metal jingling could be heard. He reaches in and began to count in his head the bits as he handed them to owner. The owner smiled in approval as he counted the bits. He stands up and hands the Transmutants two keys with a tag chained to each of them.

"Room numbers are on the door and key. Hope that you folks enjoy your stay." said the owner.

"Thank you!" said Mosura. The Transmutants made their way down the hall of the inn, looking at the numbers labeled on the doors. Rodan and Angirasu stop as they inspected their key.

"Our room is here!" said Angirasu.

"OK, ours is just over here." replied Mosura. As she and Junior stopped at a door with a label that matched their key, Mosura unlocks the door and opens it. As the door slowly opened, her and Junior's face flushed a bright red. The room had only one bed. It was bed for couples. They stared in shock at the room that they were forced to stay in. Rodan makes his way over to the pair and peaks inside of the room.

"Wow. Well, this is awkward. Have fun!" said Rodan with a chuckle. Junior and Mosura sent him a glare, causing him to nervously laugh. "Just kidding."

Later that night...

Junior sat on the bed with a blank stare as he looked to the wooden floor. He wore a white shirt and grey pajama pants. The moon's light had covered the land as the night had cast its darkness. The sound of crickets chirped outside of the window, unable to be heard by the Transmutants. Mosura emerged from a small bathroom as she wore a towel on her head. She wore a long sleeved shirt and short pajama bottoms. Her eyes searched nervously as she sat on the left side of the bed. Junior remained silent, not paying the girl any mind.

"So, ready for bed?" asked Mosura. Junior nodded in response.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna turn in early." said Junior as he lied himself on the bed, removing the covers from underneath his body. Mosura reluctantly gets under the covers with Junior as the two lied down on the large bed. Mosura reached for the lamp, switching it off and allowing the darkness to seep in. The pair lied down in silence.

"The bed's nice." said Mosura awkwardly.

"Yeah, comfy." responded Junior in a monotone voice. Mosura blushed furiously as she lied down next to Junior. Although she didn't held romantic feelings for him, she still felt embarrassed at sharing a bed with a boy. She shifted uncomfortably in place.

"Mosu, I can tell that you're uncomfortable. I promise that I want do anything." said Junior.

"What?! I didn't- Wait, how did you know that I'm not comfortable?" asked Mosura in embarrassment.

"Well for one, you just admitted it to me." answered Junior. Mosura huffed in response. "Plus, I can smell the anxiety radiating off of you."

"Oh. Sorry, it's just that I haven't...been in a bed with another guy before." said Mosura.

"That's understandable. I can't say that I'm completely comfortable with it either." replied Junior. The two lied in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Goji?" called Mosura.


"What was it like to fall in love?" asked Mosura. Junior looked to her in surprise.

"Where is this coming from?" asked Junior. Mosura looked away with crimson cheeks.

"I'm curious. I just never had the opportunity to do so." answered Mosura. Junior sighed in response.

"I can't put it into words. But, I would say that it feels like the universe just stops. It feels like you have the power to stop the flow of time just to be able to be with that special someone. You feel as though you are unbound by the world. You feel the need to shower that person with strong affection. It's exciting, yet frightening. You worry about whether the person will like you back or not." answered Junior.

"That sounds wonderful." said Mosura. Junior sighed in response.

"Yeah, well, it's one of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made." said Junior. He turns on his side, facing away from Mosura. He closes his eyes, his heart aching. Mosura looks to him in sadness. She then lays her head back, looking up to the ceiling as she waited for the sleep to take her.

It was the afternoon. Junior stood alone as he stared off into the area. He was standing in a deserted region of the desert. The mountains stood tall and proud, the clouds began to shroud the sky in darkness. Junior stared up at the sky as he watched the remaining blue sky disappear. He sighs as he stared up at the sky. He turns and began to walk. Lizards scurried past his feet and dove into small bushes. He suddenly heard the scream of Mosura in the area. Junior gasped as the scream startled him out of his stroll. He began to run through the area, passing stones and cacti. As he ran, he heard the shouts of Rodan and Angirasu. They were calling his name. They were calling for his help.

"I'm coming!" cried Junior. He began to pick up the pace, the stones rising from the ground. He stops and finds them engulfed in fire. They suddenly whizzed toward him, striking him all over his body. He cried out in pain as these fiery stones bombarded him. He continued to run, desperately trying to reach his friends. He found himself confronted with a feminine figure in MONARCH apparel. The figure removed her helmet, revealing the face of an Elf that Junior had learned to despise.

"You again." growled Junior. The girl smiled at him in response. She raises her hand forward, firing a beam at his chest. Junior cries out as the beam shot him ten feet away, leaving a scorching mark on his chest. He rises to his feet with a furious expression on his face. He loses his expression as he realized the Sunset was nowhere to be found. Junior walked around the area as he searched his surroundings. His foot made contact with something, prompting him to look down. His blood ran cold at the sight. Angirasu and Rodan lied limp on the ground. Their faces and bodies were bruised and covered in scars. He drops down, shaking them.

"Hey! Guys, get up!" called Junior, his adrenaline running. Angirasu looks to him weakly. As he reached for Junior's hand, his head suddenly slumped as his eyes rolled back. Junior's breathing grew shallow.

"No! Angirasu, don't quit on me! Rodan, get up! Guys!" cried Junior. He suddenly heard the scream of Mosura echoing again. Junior immediately stands to his feet.

"Mosura! Mosu, where are you?!" called Junior. He began to run through the area, searching all around him. He suddenly found Mosura standing alone. He quickly began to make his way toward her. "Mosu! Mosura, are you-"

Mosura suddenly fell backwards, causing Junior to lunge for her. He catches her, finding her eyes lifeless. His breathing grew heavy as he stared into her lifeless eyes. His heart filled with despair and rage. He turns to find Destoroyah and Battra standing a few feet from him. Junior sent them a glare.

"You did this to her!" shouted Junior. Battra shook his head.

"No. It was them." said Battra as he pointed behind Junior. He turns his head to find Sunset, Erika and a few other MONARCH soldiers standing behind him. Mosura suddenly vanished out of Junior's hold. He began to panic as he desperately searched for her.

"I told you, young Takeshi. The humans are our enemy." said Destoroyah. Junior turns his head back to the Transmutants. "They will stop at nothing until they have destroyed every single one of us. Is that what you want?"

"They will all turn on you and will destroy you and your friends. It's just a matter of time." said Battra.

"No! No, I can protect them!" shouted Junior. Battra sent him a harsh glare.

"You can't protect them! They will die because of you! You refused to fight these humans because you were afraid of losing your human friends from that pathetic little town. They rejected you! Now there's nothing to hold you back! What do you have to lose?!" demanded Battra.

"This isn't my war! Leave us out of it!" retorted Junior.

"Whether you like it or not, this is your war." said Destoroyah. He then points to the sun above. "The princess of the sun may be supporting MONARCH's efforts to eliminate you. All humans will soon bring us to our knees. But it doesn't have to be that way."

"No! No, just leave me alone!" shouted Junior as he cupped his ears.

"You can't escape your fate. You have two destinies. You can either just lie down and die, or you can stand up and fight all who threaten you." said Destoroyah as he walked up to Junior. He then places a hand on his head as he stared into his eyes. "Forget about the human girl. She could never love a monster."

"No. I-"

"Stay away!" cried a familiar voice. Junior turns and finds Twilight sitting on the ground with a fearful expression. Junior's eyes widened.

"Twilight?" called Junior as he slowly approached Twilight. She began to crawl backwards, her feet kicking up dirt.

"Stay back! Don't you come near me, you monster!" shouted Twilight. Junior stopped his approach as he fought his tears.

"Twi, why? Why are you afraid of me? Did our time together mean anything to you?" asked Junior.

"Not when it turns out that you were one of them!" retorted Twilight in a harsh tone.

"I thought you said that a monster was someone that terrorized or killed others!" retorted Junior in anger.

"You terrorized me and my friends when you turned into that thing!"

"Twilight, I did what I had to. I did it to protect you and the others! I did it for you!" shouted Junior.

"I don't want your help! I want you to leave me alone!" said Twilight. Junior growled in anger as he turned away. He suddenly felt a cold cylinder placed on the side of his head. His eyes move to look at his right, finding Sunset with a gun pointed against his head.

"You heard her. Go away." said Sunset. She suddenly pulled the trigger, the sound of a magic burst erupting from the muzzle.

Junior shot up out of bed, his body covered in sweat. His heart raced and pounded hard against his chest. Junior panted as he sat in bed. He looked and found the moon the moon still in the dark sky. He looked over to a clock that sat next to his side of the bed.

"3 AM." Junior said to himself. He turned to his side and found Mosura sleeping peacefully on her side of the bed. He sighed in relief, happy to see her well. He then lied back down in bed with a sigh as he turned back on his side. He was unsure on how he was going to continue his days. He knew that he had to find a new place to call home, but he also had to protect his friends. MONARCH was their biggest threat, but he couldn't risk a fight against them. Junior gritted his teeth in frustration as he lied down. He suddenly felt something wrap around his body. He went stiff in surprise.

"Brother..." muttered Mosura. Junior carefully turned and found Mosura hugging him tightly. He then noticed tears running down her closed eyes.

"Come back, brother. I love you." muttered Mosura. Junior frowned at the sight. The poor girl missed her twin brother so dearly that she was having dreams. Junior wished that he could fix his own problems and the problems of his friends, but he knew that reality wasn't kind enough to allow that. Junior turns and takes Mosura into his embrace. He gently caressed her head as tears ran down her face. She then wrapped her arms around Junior tighter as she lightly sobbed in her sleep.

Later that afternoon...

Rodan walked through the town alone. He had told his fellow Transmutants that he wanted to explore the area more. He had actually spent more time looking at the country girls that lived in this settlement. He had found a lot of girls to be attractive, but he felt empty as he saw them. He couldn't explain it, but it was as though a void was made into his soul.

"I'd kill to be like you guys again." sighed Rodan. He thought back to Rainbow and their time together. All of the days where they had hung out and had joked around. She wasn't like most girls that he had met. Rainbow was a girl that he could relate to more in terms of excitement, hopes, and dreams. Unfortunately, it all ended when she learned the truth about him. He felt like a fool for hoping that he could be able to lead a normal life and for thinking that that she would still see him as a friend if she found out about his status as a Transmutant. Despite all of that, he couldn't bring himself to hate her for rejecting him.

"Well, I guess life goes on." said Rodan with a sigh. As he walked, something caught his eye. He immediately stopped and turned to face the wall of a building. His eyes widened at what he saw. He dashes toward the building and tears a poster from the wall. His eyes were filled with dread.

"I gotta find the others!" exclaimed Rodan. He immediately ran out of the area and reached the Inn that he and his group were residing. He burst through the door and rushed down the hall, where he immediately began to knock on the door. The door opens to reveal a fully dressed Mosura. Rodan immediately forces himself into the room with Mosura in tow.

"Rodan, what's gotten into you?" demanded Mosura.

"This!" said Rodan as he handed her the poster. Mosura's eyes widened in shock. It was poster that depicted the faces of herself, Rodan, Angirasu and Junior. It was a 'wanted' poster that was made by MONARCH. It requested citizens to report the fugitives if they were to spot them.

"Where did you find this?!"

"In town by the local jail! Mosu, we need to go now!" said Rodan urgently. Mosura nodded in agreement.

The four Transmutants all carried their bags as they quickly made their way through the town. Rodan wore a cap over his head that obscured his face. Mosura wore her hood from her thin sweater while Angirasu avoided eye contact with anyone around. Junior wore a black sweater with his hood over his head. As they walked, they both passed by a few of the locals who paid them no mind. The Transmutants wore uneasy expressions as they continued to move on. They searched the area in hopes to that no one will recognize them immediately. Mosura gasped as she caught sight of a couple of soldiers holding up a poster to one of the locals. The man shrugged in response, then proceeded about his business. She searches the area in hopes that they can find a way to escape. She notices the train near the station preparing to leave. Mosura led the way to the train, attempting to make herself and the others look less conspicuous. As they made their way to the train, a couple of locals gave them suspicious glances. Junior cursed under his breath, fearing the worst. They were getting closer to the train, nearing their escape. Suddenly, a shrill voice called out.

"They're over there!" cried a feminine voice. Junior turns to find a woman pointing toward himself and his friends. The two soldiers broke off into a sprint into their direction. Junior ushered his fellow Transmutants to the train as he followed them. Then, the train began to move. Junior's eyes widened as he heard the whistle blow, signaling the train's departure.

"Run for it!" shouted Mosura. She and the rest of the Transmutants ran to the train as it began to pick up speed. Rodan and Angirasu leaped onto the train, followed by Mosura and Gojira. They set their bags down on the roof of the train as it began to pick up speed. Junior turned and found several more soldiers making their way to the station. They aimed their rifles in their direction, firing magic bolts toward the Transmutants. Junior quickly locked Mosura into an embrace and turned his back on their line of fire. Angirasu and Rodan ducked and hid their heads from the incoming bolts. Junior grunted in pain as the bolts connected with his back.

"Gojira!" cried Mosura. Junior held her tightly as she tried to pry herself off of him.

"Let go! You're getting hurt!" demanded Mosura.

"Shut up and stay in cover! I'll just end up healing later!" retorted Junior. He turns his head to peak at his enemies, finding that a group of four Valkyrie soldiers were flying toward them. He saw a flash appear several feet away. From the flash, appeared a feminine figure in a suit of MONARCH armor with a shimmering sun depicted on her breast plate. Junior glared at the figure as he recognized the insignia.

"You." spat Junior as he released Mosura. Sunset made her way toward them as she pulled out a sword that sparkled with magic.

"Thought that you could get away that easily? I'll show what happens when you cross Sunset Shimmer!" said Sunset. Rodan's eyes widened in surprise as he stood up.

"Hey, wasn't Sun or something the name of the girl that you knew back in Canterlot?" whispered Rodan.

"That is her. But this isn't what I would call a happy reunion." Junior whispered back. The Valkyries suddenly landed behind Sunset, drawing out swords of their own. Junior charged toward the group of soldiers.

"Gojira, wait!" cried Mosura. Sunset gave a war cry as she charged toward Junior. She swung her blade at him, missing as he ducked under it. She then shot her hand forward, sending a magic bolt into Junior's chest. He yelled in pain as he felt the magic burn his skin. Sunset swings her sword at Junior again, but her arm is caught by the Transmutant. He yanks the sword out of her grip and throws her over toward one of the Valkyries, knocking him down to the ground.

Rodan, Mosura and Angirasu stood to their feet and joined Junior, engaging the Valkyries in the fight. Junior clashed swords with one of the Valkyrie's, using his strength in his swings to overwhelm his opponent. He then knocks the sword out of the Valkyrie's hand and kicks him off of the train, causing him to roll along the dirt as the train left him behind

Angirasu charged toward one of the remaining three Valkyries, tackling him on to his back on the moving train. He began to beat the soldier mercilessly as he sat on top of his chest. As he was beating the soldier, he failed to notice one of the other two Valkyries sneaking for a strike. As the soldier raised his sword, Rodan kicks the weapon out of his hand. The soldier engaged Rodan in combat as he sent quick kicks toward the Transmutant. Rodan ducked the first kick and then side stepped away from the second kick. Rodan then blocked the third kick with his arm, giving the soldier a grin. He then delivers a right hook towards the soldier’s face, forcing him off of the train. Angirasu stands off of the soldier that he was punching without pause and throws him off of the train as well. He then turns to Rodan, who was giving him a smug smile. Angirasu sighed in response.

"Thanks for watching my back." said Angirasu. Rodan raises his fist toward Angirasu, who obliged him with his own fist. Both men met their fists with a fist bump.

"No problem!" said Rodan. He then notices that Mosura and Sunset had engaged in a fight of their own.

"Sweet! Cat fight!" said Rodan in excitement. Angirasu face-palmed in response.

Mosura and Sunset sent punches and kicks to each other at swift speeds. Sunset attempted to trip Mosura with a leg sweep but the Transmutant hopped over the Elf in a frontal somersault. As Mosura landed, she sent a kick to Sunset's gut as she stood back up, making her grunt as she staggered backwards. She then growled as she charged toward Mosura with her hands engulfed in her magical aura. Sunset sent quick jabs at Mosura, missing her each time as the Transmutant side stepped her attacks. Mosura catches Sunset's wrists and drops onto her back, placing her feet onto Sunset's stomach. Mosura grunts as she rolled back and kicked her legs as hard as she could, forcing Sunset into the air. She cried out as she was sent to the other cart that was further down the train. Sunset stands to her feet and finds Junior fighting with the last Valkyrie soldier with two swords. She runs toward the fight, desperate to assist her comrade. She fires a magic bolt toward Junior, which he deflected with one of the swords. The Valkyrie took the opportunity to strike at Junior, his blade grazing Junior's left arm. He snarled as he crouched and jabbed his right sword at the Valkyrie, impaling him in his stomach. Sunset's eyes widened as she saw how Junior stared down the Valkyrie as he dropped to his knees and dropped the sword in his grip.

Mosura turned as gasped as she saw Junior holding a sword that impaled the soldier. She saw the hateful glare in his eyes as he stared at the soldier. Junior pulled the sword out of the soldier's stomach and kicks him off of the train. He then turns to find Sunset charging at him. She gave a fierce war cry as she charged at Junior. The Transmutant charged as well, raising his two swords as he got closer to the soldier. Before he could reach her, Sunset was suddenly blown away by an unseen force. Junior stopped as he saw Sunset scream as she flew off of the train, falling to the desert ground and rolling to a stop. Junior panted, his adrenaline settling down. He turns to find Mosura with her arm raised forward as she trembled. Junior places the swords down, and then grabs the third sword that was left behind the soldier that he had stabbed. As he approached her, he noticed that she was sending him a glare.

"Why? Why did you do it?!" demanded Mosura. Junior recoiled at her sharp tone.

"Do what?" asked Junior. Mosura stomped over to him as she grit her teeth.

"Don't play dumb with me! You killed that soldier!" said Mosura. Junior glared back. Angirasu and Rodan watched uneasily at the two. They were actually shocked to see Junior kill a human being. However, Angirasu began to have little doubts of Junior not having the spine to take a life ever since the incident with Discord. He was surprised to see Junior actually take a human life.

"So what? He wasn't going to stop until he killed me. So I killed him before he could get the chance." said Junior. Mosura grabbed him by his sweater, her glare increasing.

"You killed him out of hatred!" yelled Mosura. Junior pried her hands off of his sweater.

"Yeah, cause I hated the sight of him! Just him being near us reminded me how he could have taken your life!" retorted Junior. He then looks to Rodan and Angirasu. "He could have killed any of you! I wasn't going to let that happen!"

"He could have had a family!" said Mosura. Junior glared at her.

"Don't you dare try to guilt trip me by bringing that up!!" shouted Junior. Mosura and the others recoiled from his tone."We had family too! They took them away from us! All I did was take the life of a soldier in self-defense! It's not like I killed his family!"

"Guys! Calm down!" said Angirasu as he stepped in between Junior and Mosura. Junior backed away as he tried to calm his breathing. Mosura still looked at him in disapproval. Angirasu then turns to Mosura.

"Mosu, I understand that you're not happy that Junior killed that soldier. But, he has a point." said Angirasu. Mosura looked to him with a bewildered expression.

"Are you kidding me?!" demanded Mosura.

"Look, those soldiers were obviously out for blood. Gojira did what he felt was necessary." reasoned Angirasu. Mosura began to stutter.

"B-but- He- That isn't right! If we kill them, then we're no better than they are!" argued Mosura.

"At least we didn't kidnap kids and kill their parents. Hell, at least we don't even terrorize and kill civilians like other Transmutants." said Rodan. Mosura looked to him in shock.

"You're siding with them?!" asked an appalled Mosura. Rodan waved his hands in front of himself defensively.

"Hey, I'm just being real here! I'll kill a man too if he's trying to kill me!" said Rodan. Junior sighed in shame.

"Mosu, I'm sorry. I just-" Junior stopped as he sat down. The wind blew against his face as the train traveled at high speed. "I had a nightmare last night. It was about you and the others getting killed."

"Say what now?" asked Rodan. Angirasu turned as he listened to Junior. Mosura lost her glare. Junior placed his hand on his face as he shuddered.

"You guys were dead. MONARCH killed you. When I saw these soldiers attempting to catch and kill us, I was afraid. Not for me, but for you guys." said Junior. Mosura relaxed her muscles as she stared at Junior's state. He was filled with such worry and fear that it had gotten the best of him. She slowly made her way over to him and took a seat in front of him.

"Mosu, I have just lost too much too soon. I lost my home, most of my friends, my identity, my adoptive mother and sister-figure. I even lost the girl that I fell for." said Junior. He then looks to her in sadness. "When you have little left, you do whatever it takes to protect those that matter the most to you now. Was I wrong for killing him if it was for your sake?"

"Goji..." Mosura reached for Junior's shoulders and held them firmly. "I just don't want things to get worse for us. I'm as scared as you are."

"I can't lose you guys. You're all that I have left in this world." said Junior in a distraught voice. Mosura frowned in response. She wrapped Junior into a comforting hug.

"You won't. I promise you." said Mosura. Rodan and Angirasu watched with light smiles on their faces. They then turned to the setting sun.

"How are you holding up? You know, right after..." Rodan didn't finish his question. Angirasu looked at him briefly before turning back to the horizon.

"I don't know. I really miss her company." replied Angirasu, solemnly. Rodan sighed.

"Yeah, me too. Rainbow was something special." said Rodan. Angirasu lightly nudges Rodan in the shoulder.

"I didn't take you as one to get all chummy with her." teased Angirasu. Rodan rolled his eyes.

"At least I had the guts to talk to a girl. You were shy around Flutters!" retorted Rodan.

"Yeah. It really bummed me out to see her afraid of me." said Angirasu. Rodan placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Well, I heard that she liked you a lot. I doubt that Rainbow liked me that way before the whole incident at Ponyville happened." said Rodan. Angirasu looked to her in surprise.

"She...did?" asked an appalled Angirasu. Rodan nodded in response.

"Yep. You might not feel like it, but a girl like Fluttershy liking you may be the best thing yet." said Rodan.

"I just wished she didn't care about what I am." sighed Angirasu.

"Don't we all?" asked Rodan. The two Transmutants sat down near their bags on the moving train. These two young Transmutants watched the sky, their hearts aching but still holding the will to continue on in life.

Sunset stood to her feet, panting. Her body was bruised and her muscles ached. She turned around and found a few of the Valkyries that joined her were regrouping. Sunset takes a step over to them, hissing in pain. She drops to her knee, panting.

"Come on, suck it up!" said Sunset as she attempted to stand. She continued walking and found the soldier that she had witnessed being stabbed. Sunset dropped to her knees as her hands were engulfed in an aura. The soldier placed his hands on her arm, shaking his head as blood drenched his armor.

"No. I'm... I'm tired." said the soldier. Sunset looked to him with a bewildered expression.

"No! No, I can help you! We can get that Transmutant for payback!" said Sunset.

"I don't want payback. I don't want any part of this war anymore. It's senseless." said the soldier. He then reaches for his neck and yanks out chained dog tags. He gives them to Sunset, his breathing labored. "I'm not angry with him. I saw something tragic in his eyes."

"Tragic? Like what?" asked Sunset. The man's breathing grew shallower, his eyes grew heavy.

"He's..." the soldier spoke in a raspy voice, but his head slumped back into the dirt. His eyes closed as he drew his last breath. Sunset clenched her fist in anger as she stared at her fallen comrade. She stands to her feet with his dog tags in her grip. She turns to find the train leaving in the distance.

"I'll get you, Lucky Dragon. I'll hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and I will destroy you!" shouted Sunset. Her enraged voice echoed in the air.

Miles outside of Mustangia, Equestria...

The sky was covered in darkness. The clouds were barely visible in the night sky and the moon is only a crescent. The air was filled with the sound of crickets and the sound of gun fire. A figure dashed through a dark forest that was outside of Mustangia, a small town. He panted as he sprinted through the woods. He stopped for a brief moment, his red eyes searching the area as his breaths were quickly drawn. He stood to be 5 foot 4 and his hair was brick red. His red eyes searched the area, finding lights flashing around. He shuts them immediately, the brightness blinding him. He suddenly heard the sound of clicking noise. He immediately dropped to the ground, avoiding the magic bolts that illuminated the part of the forest before they impacted the trees.

"Get that freak!" commanded a male voice. The figure stood back to his feet, groaning in frustration.

"Why are you guys after me?! I didn't do anything wrong!" shouted the figure.

"If that's the case, then why are you running away?" demanded a MONARCH soldier.

"Because you ass hats are shooting at me!" retorted the figure.

"You smart-ass son of a-" One of the MONARCH soldiers pointed his rifle at the figure, firing at him. The figure cursed as he dropped back to cover. As three soldiers continued their attack, one of them was knocked out of the way against a tree by another figure. The two remaining soldiers turned and began to fire at this new figure but were immediately disarmed. The new figure then knocked the soldiers unconscious. It turns around and began to approach the short Transmutant, offering a hand to the Transmutant. The Transmutant took the figure's hand and stood up to his feet.

"You're pretty skilled at evading my friend. But you shouldn't be out here alone. We Transmutants are no longer safe near human settlements." said the taller man.

"Thanks. So, you're a Transmutant too? What's your name?" asked the short Transmutant.

"My name is Goro. What is your name?" asked the Transmutant.

"Call me Baragon." the shorter Transmutant said with a smile. Goro nodded in satisfaction.

"It’s a pleasure to meet you. Do you have any place to stay?" asked Goro. Baragon shook his head.

"Nah, those pricks just ran me out of town when word got out that I was a Transmutant." said Baragon in a bitter tone. Goro nodded in understanding.

"Come with me. I'll take you to my group. You'll be safe with us." said Goro. Baragon looked to him uncomfortably.

"Wait, you're not like those Transmutants that form groups so that they can attack human settlements are you? If so, I don't want anything to do with you guys!" said Baragon with a glare.

"Not at all. We're just a small group just trying to get by. We even dedicate ourselves with helping a few in need." said Goro with a smile.

"If you say so." said Baragon in reluctance. Goro then turned and began to walk, leading Baragon to his safe haven.

"You guys got cider?" asked Baragon.

"We get some every once in a while." answered Goro. Baragon grinned in response.

"Nice. I haven't been able to have any in months." said Baragon. The two Transmutants traveled through the forest and out to an empty plain. Miles away were large stone pillars that stood high and proud. The stars twinkled above them and the moon stood above the top of the highest pillar. Baragon whistled in awe.

"Glad you like it. Our place is just the smallest pillar over there." said Goro. With that said, the two Transmutants continued on. Goro smiled in satisfaction. Another Transmutant helped and another member added to his group. He hoped that Baragon would be willing to do what he would ask of him.

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