• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 15

Two weeks later...

It was early afternoon in Ponyville. The sky was cloudless, the sun was hot, and the air was cooling. Junior, Rodan and Angirasu stood in the Everfree forest alone. They wore their training kimonos, all staring each other down. They immediately got into a fighting stance, locking eyes with one another. The air was quiet, with only the sounds of birds, the wind moving through the leaves, and the breathing of the Transmutants. Suddenly, they all dashed toward each other. Rodan leaped and kicked both Junior and Angirasu in their chest. Both fell back, grunting in pain. Junior growled as he stood up back up, slamming his fist on the ground. He then charges toward Rodan, sending punches toward the smaller Transmutant. Rodan dodged every single punch, and then roundhouse kicked Junior in the head. Junior staggered back from the kick, while Angirasu grabbed Rodan and tossed him over toward a tree. Rodan collides with the tree, and then climbs up it as Angirasu reared his fist and hurled a punch. His punch missed, sending a hole in the tree.

"Too slow!" said Rodan, with a cocky grin. As Angirasu was about to leap onto the tree, he was punched by Junior. He staggers back and charges back at him. The two engaged in a series of punches and kicks, grunting after every strike. Junior sends an uppercut toward Angirasu, sending him five feet away. Junior then turns and glares at Rodan. Rodan chuckles as he leaps off of the tree and lands on Angirasu's chest. He then broke off into a sprint with Junior in pursuit. Rodan runs over to another tree and runs up along it. He then leaps back off of the tree, over Junior. Rodan's leg was suddenly caught by Junior and was swung toward the ground. Junior then picks Rodan off of the floor and tosses him at Angirasu as he was charging toward them. Angirasu slides, avoiding collision with Rodan. He then gets back on his feet and sprints toward Junior. He knees him in the gut and tackles him to the ground. He assaults Junior with punches to his face, while Junior raises his arms to block the punches. Rodan then wraps his arm around Angirasu's neck, putting him in a sleeper hold. Angirasu staggered back as he tried to pry the crimson haired boy off. Junior stands to his feet and then tackles both of the Transmutants, all falling to the ground.

5 minutes later...

Junior, Angirasu and Rodan all laid scattered on the ground, panting. Rodan then looks over to the other two, still panting.

"So, who was supposed to clean the dojo tomorrow again?" asked Rodan.

"You were. You went down first." answered Angirasu. Rodan moaned in disappointment.

"This blows." said Rodan. Junior sighed in response.

"I'll help you if you help me dust and clean the weapons and my dad's armor in the armory." said Junior. Rodan then looks to him in a questioning manner.

"I don't see why you didn't just leave his armor at your house." said Rodan.

"If I did, someone would have seen it and question where I got it from. I would have to fess up on how I was able to bring it back alone. I never told anyone that Mosura came to Neighpon with me." said Junior.

"Good point." replied Rodan, slumping his head back on the grass. Suddenly, high pitched screams echoed in the forest. The three Transmutants immediately shot up, searching their surroundings.

"The hell was that?" asked Rodan.

"I think that was Applebloom!" exclaimed Junior. He immediately stands and breaks off into a sprint, deeper in the forest. Angirasu and Rodan stood and followed Junior. The trio ran, passing many trees and bushes. They began to pick up a grotesque smell as they continued on. The screams were beginning to grow louder. The three of them made their way past a bush finding three young girls that Junior recognized to be Applebloom and her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The girls were surrounded by a pack of wolf-like creatures made out of wood and leaves with glowing green eyes. They stood at the same height as the girls

"Timberwolves." scowled Junior. He then looked to both Angirasu and Rodan. "I read that these things can easily be stopped but will combine if killed at once. I strike first. You two strike the other two while they are focused on me."

"Roger that." grinned Rodan.

"Let’s do it." said Angirasu. Junior nodded to them. He turns and faced the wooden creatures as they snarled at the girls. They were backed up to a tree, huddled in fear. Junior growls as he dashed toward the closest Timberwolf. Out of his peripheral vision, he notices something hurdling toward him. It was a fourth Timberwolf! The wooden creature barked as it lunged at Junior, tackling him to the ground. The wolf snapped its wooden mouth and teeth at him, attempting to maul the Transmutant. Junior grunted and yelled in anger as he shoved the wolf off of him. The creature bared its wooden teeth and snarled at him as it paced around for an attack. The other three Timberwolves turned their attention toward Junior, and then began growling at him. They made their way over to him, barking at him as they dared him to make a move. Junior eyed each wolf, watching their movement.

"New plan guys. Attack!" shouted Junior. One of the wolves lunged at him, but was met with Junior's fist. The wooden beast's head shattered into tiny bits of wood. His hand was covered in green sticky sap. Angirasu and Rodan dashed out from hiding engaging one Timberwolf each. Angirasu caught one of the Timberwolves and wrapped his arm around its neck. It snapped at him, kicked its paws and whined as it tried to free itself. Angirasu jerked his arm in a quick motion and snapped the wooden monster's neck, causing it to shatter into wooden bits in his grip. Rodan dodges one of the Timberwolves as it lunged at him. He hopped on its back and forced it to the ground. Rodan then grabbed the upper and lower jaw of the creature's mouth and snapped them in half. The last standing Timberwolf was smaller than the rest. It backed up barking at the three Transmutants. Junior turns and sends a glare that stared into the Timberwolf's soul. It immediately stops barking and cowers back with its ears drooping back. Junior stood to his feet and takes a few steps closer to the Timberwolf with his glare intensifying. He bares his teeth at it, and then lets out a loud yell that scared the girls out their wits. The Timberwolf whines as it breaks off into a sprint away from the Transmutant. Junior sighed in relief. He finds the girls staring at him with wide eyes, filled with awe. He was going to speak to them when he suddenly remembered something.

"Come on, we need to leave now!" said Junior, urgently.

"Wait, why?" asked Scootaloo with a raised brow. Junior immediately picks up Applebloom and holds her by his side.

"Hey! Put me down!" demanded Applebloom.

"No time to explain!" said Junior. Rodan runs and picks Sweetie Belle up and puts her on his back. Angirasu picks up Scootaloo and holds her by his side and then notices that the dead Timberwolves were beginning to glow.

"We gotta go!" shouted Angirasu. The three carried the girls away from the area, their ears assaulted with protests. A mighty roar echoed in the forest, immediately silencing the girls. They turned their heads and found a massive Timberwolf standing among the trees. It gave a long roar into the sky, sending chills down their spines.

"Never mind, keep running!" said Sweetie Belle, urgently.


"What were you three doing in the Everfree?" demanded Junior. He stood with his arms crossed and a look of disapproval on his face. He stood in front of Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo. They sat on the grass looking down at the ground in shame. Scootaloo then looks up to him with curiosity.

"What were you three doing in the forest?" asked Scootaloo. Junior's brow twitched in annoyance.

"You don't get to ask questions. I'm the only one who gets to interrogate anyone here." said Junior.

"OK, OK. We were just trying to find a way that we could earn our Cutie marks." admitted Sweetie Belle. Junior raised a brow.

"In the Everfree?" asked Junior, quizzically.

"We were trying to see if we could earn Cutie marks by being exotic bug catchers." said Applebloom. Rodan and Angirasu sat and watch Junior play the role as a scolding adult. He seemed to be doing a good job at it.

"What's with you girls trying to find your Cutie marks together like it’s a mission?" asked Rodan.

"Because..." Applebloom answered, she and the other two took a deep breath. "We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" The girls said in unison with high volume.

"The what now?" asked Rodan as he dug into his ear, clearing it of its disorientation.

"It’s a club that they formed to get their Cutie marks. Applejack was telling me about that the other day." answered Junior as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Angirasu looked to the girls curiously.

"So, you kids haven't gotten your Cutie marks yet?" asked Angirasu.

"No." the girls said in unison, dejectedly. Rodan rolled his eyes.

"What's the big deal? I hear you're not supposed to force it."

"We're the only ones in school that doesn't have one!" complained Sweetie Belle.

"So? What is it with kids and their obsession to earn Cutie marks so early? I never understood that." said Junior. The girls looked at him with shocked expressions, as if he had just spoken of heresy.

"Whoa! Whoa! You just hold on a second, bub!" glared Scootaloo. Junior smirked in response. Angirasu sighed.

"Don't mind, Goji. If it makes you girls feel better, he doesn't have a Cutie mark either." said Angirasu. The girls all looked at him with surprised expressions, and then looked to Junior with sympathy.

"Nope! I don’t care about not having a mark." said Junior as he rolled up his shirt's right sleeve, exposing a bare shoulder.

"But, how can you not have one?! You're so old!" asked an appalled Scootaloo. She was then nudged by Sweetie Belle, who sent her a disapproving glare. Junior's brow twitched in offense. Rodan was laughing at Junior's flustered state.

"That's a rude thing to say." scolded Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, don't make it sound like I'm 60 years old!" said Junior. Rodan was still laughing. Junior shot him a glare, shutting the crimson haired boy up.

"Gojira, how come ya still don't have a Cutie mark?" asked Applebloom. Junior sighed as he took a seat in the grass.

"Well, the thing is that it has nothing to do with me not finding my special talent." said Junior. The girls sat closer, eager to hear his explanation. "The fact of the matter is that I will never have a Cutie Mark."

"What?!" exclaimed the girls. Junior nodded.

"Yep. It’s beyond my control girls." Junior said nonchalantly.

"How come?" asked Applebloom.

"Well, the root of what you girls would consider a great dilemma is traced far back into my ancestry." said Junior. Scootaloo sighed in response.

"Oh great, another person's long story." said Scootaloo. Junior raised a brow curiously at what the young Valkyrie meant.

"Don't listen to her. Please continue with your story, Mr. Takeshi." said Sweetie Belle. Junior smiled at the girl's courtesy.

"Thank you. Just call me Gojira though." said Junior. He then cleared his throat. "Anyway, my bloodline is linked to a tribe of ancient Earthbounds that lacked the ability that most Earthbounds commonly have. Like, being able to have magic to help plants grow, better interaction with animals, and lacking the same amount of strength that the average Earthbound has, etc."

"But, you seem to interact just fine with Winona and our pony back at the farm." said Applebloom.

"You're also really strong! Rarity once said that you fought Nightmare Moon and a Manticore!" interjected Sweetie Belle.

"Don't forget those Praying Mantis monster things!" grinned Scootaloo.

"Well, the thing about those things is that I had to try harder to get Winona and your pony to warm up to me. Winona didn't like me at the first few days, but I think I grew on her." answered Junior. He was gonna have to lie again for the other things. "Also, I actually had to work harder than most Earthbounds to get as strong as I am now. Manticores are just animals and are vulnerable. Nightmare Moon, I guess I just got lucky."

"Angirasu actually had to help Goji to fight those mantises." interjected Rodan.

"Wow, really?!" exclaimed Scootaloo. Angirasu went stiff.

"Um...Yeah! I mean, those guys were actually not very strong. They seemed to be more dangerous in a group." answered Angirasu. The girls made 'oh' sounds in awe.

"So, you can't ever have a Cutie mark because your ancestry doesn't have Earthbound magic?" asked Sweetie. Junior nodded in approval.

"That's right."

"That's so lame!" said Scootaloo in an exasperated tone.

"Oh, come on. It's not so bad." said Junior. An idea then formed in his head. "You know, Rodan and Angirasu here don't have Cutie marks either."

"They don't?!" exclaimed the girls.

"Nope." the two other Transmutants answered in unison, rolling up their sleeves and exposing their bare shoulders. Angirasu had a scar over it from when he was bitten by one of the mantises.

"Funny how you never noticed. People usually have some of their clothes marked with a depiction of their Cutie marks. Some people don't care to show them off of their skin since they are located on your shoulder. We never had clothes that depicted a Cutie mark." said Junior. He then gestures toward the Transmutants. "We aren't ashamed to lack a Cutie mark. We don't let that deter us from enjoying our days. We may never have a Cutie mark for as long as we live, but you girls are fortunate to be able to. Just have patience."

"Wise words. Are you sure you aren't 60 years old?" asked Rodan. The girls giggled.

"Shut up! You don't have to be that old to have some wisdom." said Junior. He then looks at the girls who sat contemplating his words.

"Can we at least keep our club together and still search for our Cutie marks?" asked Scootaloo. Junior face palmed in response.

"Did you not hear what I just said?!" asked Junior, incredulously.

"Yeah, but it’s exciting that we can search for ways to earn them!" replied Sweetie Belle.

"That's what nearly got you girls eaten in the first place." deadpanned Rodan.

"Speaking of which, I still need to let your sisters know what you two were up to. I'll have to tell your parents though Scootaloo, since I don't know if you have any older siblings." said Junior. The girls all had slack jawed expressions.

"Aw, come on!" complained Scootaloo.

"Don't tell them, Goji!" begged Applebloom.

"Yeah! My sister will flip if she found out that I was in the Everfree forest!" said Sweetie Belle. Junior stood to his feet with his eyes shut.

"Sorry girls. You have to take responsibility for your actions." said Junior. He then felt a hand placed on his shoulder. He turned and found Angirasu looking to him with a smile.

"Come on, cut them a break." said Angirasu.

"Yeah, G! Don't be a snitch. You got into trouble when you were younger too!" said Rodan. Junior sent him a glare.

"I got into fights. I didn't try to go into dangerous places for a silly reason such as trying to get a Cutie mark. Don't compare what I went through to what they did." said Junior,

"I'm sure that they learned their lesson. It wouldn't hurt just to let them off the hook this one time." reasoned Angirasu. Junior groaned in frustration. He then notices the girls were all staring up at him with big puppy dog eyes. His eye twitched as he saw them plead to him. He sighs in defeat.

"Fine. But just this once!" said Junior. The girls cheered in response. Angirasu patted him on the back in approval.

"You're too soft on children." deadpanned Junior. Angirasu chuckled.

"Hey, they're just kids." retorted Angirasu.

"I can smell it. This Transmutant's energy just smells appetizing." sighed Megaguirus. Mukade was busy sitting down and tying a couple of dead, skinned squirrels to a stick. A fire pit that he had made was burning with fire.

"Down girl." said Mukade. Megaguirus glares at him.

"I am not a dog!"

"Just keep yourself under control. By the way, we're having squirrels for lunch." said Mukade as he finished tying the rodents to the stick. Megaguirus sighed as she sat down.

"I hate this." pouted Megaguirus.

"At least we have food to eat." replied Mukade, growing annoyed.

"Yeah, but we have to live and sleep out here in the cold! At least we had old houses to live in back at the camp!" yelled Megaguirus.

"It’s not that bad. You're being dramatic." replied Mukade. He placed the stick of squirrels over the pit. Megaguirus huffed in response. She stood as she continued to smell the scent of the Transmutant. The scent was just too desirable to resist. She hadn't been able to consume energy in months and unlike other Transmutants, her body burns energy much quicker than others.

"I'm going to take a walk." said Megaguirus as she began to walk away. Mukade turns to find her leaving.

"Remember to keep your scent masked. Those Transmutants could be lurking." reminded Mukade.

"I know. I know."


Junior sat in the Golden Oaks library with Twilight. Both were looking over a pile of books that sat on the ground. They all ranged from novels to science books and horror stories. Twilight looked to him curiously.

"Soooo are these for you?" asked Twilight.

"No, Rodan wanted me pick him up another novel on Daring Do and a few horror stories. He said that he wanted to see if he could make up his own scary stories." answered Junior. He then picks up a science textbook on medicines. "Mosura wanted to look up some stuff on medical science."

"What about Angirasu?" asked Twilight.

"He said that he didn't really care for a book. But, he did say that he would think about it." said Junior. He then finds a cover that catches his eye. He picks up the book with a raised brow. The cover depicted two pale hands holding a red apple. "What is this about?"

"Don't read that. It’s an awful book." said Twilight. She shivered as she recalled the awful thing that the writer called literature.

"I'll take your word on it." said Junior as he puts the book down.

"Well, if Mosura wants to look up a few things on medicine, then I have a few books that she may like! I'll be right back." Twilight stood to her feet and left the main room of the library. Junior watched as Twilight walked away, lightly smiling.

'She's short, smart, and cute. I just want to take that little nerd in my arms and squeeze her.' thought Junior. He then mentally slaps himself.

"Whoa, where did that come from?" muttered Junior with a light blush. It's been a few days since Junior was released from the hospital. He fought off his fever and was able to return home. He later bathed in the hot springs for hours to regain his lost energy, which he enthusiastically enjoyed. Junior also started to noticed something that eluded his mind before. He was spending a little more time with Twilight lately. At first, they spent time hanging out to eat or to talk. Junior had even taken up the time to help her with organizing her library. She had such a complex way of organizing books that it was difficult to assist her, though he didn't mind as he liked spending time with her. During their conversations, he saw how she enjoyed showing off her knowledge. He knew that she was smart, but he never realized just how vast her intelligence was. The best part about it was how she wasn't condescending when it came to her intelligence, something that earned his admiration. She has treated him with respect and was shown to be understanding towards him, especially for his mistakes. Lately, he's felt his heart race as he was around her. It was a feeling that he thought was long since extinguished. The feeling frightened him as he came to a realization.

'No. No. It's probably just heart burn or something. There's no way...' thought Junior, trying to rationalize whey he was feeling the way he was. Deep down, he knew what he was feeling.

Junior sighed to himself. He suddenly heard the bell ring as the door to the entrance opened. He turned and found a young Haysian woman in a hooded sweater walk in. She looked around the library with a confused look on her face. She then looks and finds Junior sitting, a small smile on her face.

"Hey there!" said the woman. Junior stood up to his feet, giving a casual wave.

"Hello." greeted Junior. The woman walks in, searching her surroundings.

"...a tree as a library?" asked the woman. She then lightly laughs. "Doesn't seem very safe."

"The owner has her ways of making this place safe." said Junior. He then began to notice a scent emitting from the woman. It wasn't gross or anything. It was actually kinda nice.

"So, what's your name, handsome?" asked the woman as she fluttered her eyelashes. Junior went stiff, a light blush forming on his cheeks.

"Um...Gojira." answered Junior. The girl steps closer to him, looking him over. "And you are..."

"Megaguirus. Pleasure to meet you." said the woman. The close proximity increased the intake of her scent. Junior felt his head feeling a little light.

"Likewise." answered Junior. His heart beats were slowing down. 'Whoa. What the heck is happening?'

"You know, you look like a very strong guy. Do you work out?" asked Megaguirus as she began to run her hand on his shoulders. Junior felt that he should be stopping her, but he didn't. His motor skills were feeling a little slow.

"Sometimes." answered Junior. Megaguirus grinned as she saw the state that Junior was in.

"What are you being so shy for?" asked Megaguirus as she got closer to Junior.

"Shy? I-I'm not being shy!" retorted Junior.

"Oh? Well, than I guess you wouldn't mind giving me a tour around town. I'm kinda new and I would appreciate it if you -a big, strong man- can be my escort." said Megaguirus. She grabs Junior's arm and wraps her left arm around Junior's back. She brings him close to her face with her hand firmly pressed on his back. Junior was blushing furiously due to being he was too close to the woman and taking in her alluring scent.

"E-escort??" stuttered Junior.

"Mmhmm." winked Megaguirus. They two stood like this for several seconds. Junior shook his head as he tried to awaken himself from his dazed state.

"Sorry. I'm actually busy." said Junior. Megaguirus pouted.

"Oh come on! I promise I'll make it worth your while~" Megaguirus sang seductively. Junior's eyes widened.

"Worth my while?" asked Junior as he tried to pull away.

"Yes. You ever been with a woman?" asked Megagurius. Junior's eyes nearly bulged out as he heard her whisper into his ear. He had to draw the line. He tried to move away from this woman.

"Excuse me, I may look it, but I'm not that kind of guy." said Junior, shooting her a disapproving look. ’Geez, never thought I'd say that.'

"Are you sure?" asked Megaguirus. Suddenly, the two heard a feminine 'ahem'. Junior went stiff; he turned his head and found Twilight standing with a few books in her grip. Beads of sweat formed on his head as he saw the disapproving glare that she was giving them.

"Tw-Twilight, this isn't what you think!" said Junior as he pried Megaguirus off of him. Twilight sighed as she walked over to the pile books and set them on the floor next to the pile.

"May I help you?" asked Twilight. Megaguirus smiled in response.

"Oh, no! I just came by to take a look at the library. Now that I've seen it, I'll be on my way!" said Megaguirus. She made her way to the door, opening it. She then turns and winks at Junior, giving him a flirty smile.

"See ya around, Gojira~" Junior sent her a disapproving glare. She then steps out and closes the door, leaving Junior alone with Twilight. He slowly turns to find Twilight looking at him with disapproving eyes.

"What?" shrugged Junior. Twilight huffed in response.

"So, you're into those kind of girls?" asked Twilight.

"No! Absolutely not!" exclaimed Junior. Twilight crossed her arms as she looked away from him. This was no good.

"You seem to be since you let her throw herself all over you!" spat Twilight. Junior groaned in frustration.

"Twi, come on! She caught me off guard! It's not like I knew she was going to come onto me." retorted Junior. "Besides, other girls normally would be too afraid to approach me let alone want to flirt with me. I didn't know how to react!"

'I wasn't afraid to approach you...' thought Twilight, glumly. It annoyed her that he seemed to have forgotten their first meeting and how she treated him as a normal person. Twilight's face slightly softened. However, she refused to make eye contact with him.

"Twilight, why are so upset about this?" asked Junior. Twilight turns her head back to him and glares at him.

"Why? Because I-!" Twilight immediately stops herself. A bright blush appeared on her face.

"Because what?" asked Junior with a raised brow, completely oblivious to her state.

'Ugh! You clueless jerk!' thought Twilight. She then sighs in response. She didn't want him to know of her affection like this. "Because I think that you should be a little more resistant to girls that throw themselves over you like that."

"Oh. Yeah, I see what you mean. I'm sorry." apologized Junior. Twilight's face softened, she lost her glare.

"I...I guess I may have been a little too hard on you about it." said Twilight.

"So, are we cool?" asked Junior. Twilight smiles as she levitated the books that she brought out back into her grip.

"Yes." answered Twilight. She hands Junior the books, who took them with care. She sighed as she saw the mess of books.

"I'll help you reorganize." offered Junior.

"Thank you, I appreciate it!' grinned Twilight. Junior loved seeing that cute grin that she wore.

"Anything for a friend." said Junior as he placed the books back down and began to pick up the other books. Twilight lost her grin, replaced by a dejected look.

'Yeah...just friends. Our current status.' thought Twilight, sadly. She then thought back to what Rarity had said to her before.

'-if you want your relationship with him to go to the next level, I suggest that you make an effort at it.' Rarity's voice echoed in her mind. Twilight sighed as she thought back to those words.

'This isn't good enough! I have to make sure that he gets the hint! But how?'

MONARCH Delta base. Mech Testing Facility (MTF)


The Mech Testing Facility or MTF was a large building. Inside was a large metal walled room with concrete ground that was filled with stone pillars, obstacles, and metal walls with monstrous, black silhouettes painted on them with white targets on them. A window was on one of the walls, leading into a room filled with a small number of people and computers.

"What is the status on Kiryu?" asked a man in uniform.

"Kiryu is nearly ready, sir. We're in the middle of testing its motor skills and targeting system." answered an Elf man in a lab coat.

"Good. Hopefully we won't need it before its ready." answered the man. He stared through the window and witnessed MONARCH's latest mech in motion.

It stood at a height of thirteen foot tall on two large legs. It was covered in silver armor that gave it a large yet sleek look. Its optics were hidden behind glass that gave the mech glowing yellow eyes. Its mouth was boxed and a red light ran along down its snout. Rectangular teeth sat in its mouth and a pointed crest sat on its head. The arms of the mech were armored and had exposed parts in its armor where black wiring held it together. Its chest appeared like pectorals but had tiny gaps along it, allowing the chest to open up. The thighs of the mech are covered in thick plating and a plate for its knees. Wide feet supported the mech's stance, much like the Transmutant that it was based on. The back of the mech had three rows metal maple leaf shaped dorsal plates that ran all the way down its back and to its tail. The mech stood erect, with its long tail extending down on the ground. The tail was covered in plating with gaps that exposed the wiring that allowed fluid movement.

Kiryu walked over toward a stone pillar that stood in the room. It stared at it, its eyes flashing for a brief second.

"Target has been locked on. Preparing to fire." said an Earthbound as he sat at a computer. The mech stood in the room, motionless.

"Target destroyed." said the Earthbound. The man in uniform raised a brow.

"What? No guns?"

"I said that we were testing motion and targeting. We hadn't installed the weapons yet. That was just a simulation." said the Elf. He then looks to the Earthbound. "OK, let’s have it lock onto multiple targets while in motion."

"Got it. Setting targets now." said the Earthbound. In the simulation room, four poles extended out of the ground with metal circular plates attached. The poles circled around Kiryu on rails. The mech turned its head, scanning the poles and plates.

"Targets have been successfully painted. Preparing to fire." said the Earthbound. After a few seconds later, the poles stopped and shrunk down. "Targets eliminated."

"Now comes the fun part." said the Elf. He then looks toward an Earthbound woman who sat at a control console. "Manuel control on. Have Kiryu attack the stone pillars in the room."

The mech began to stomp over toward the closest pillar. It then reared its fist and punched the pillar, sending chunks of it to the ground. It then swung its other fist and began to punch the pillar repeatedly, causing it to collapse. Kiryu then charged toward the other pillar, slamming against it and causing it to collapse in to pieces. The mech ran over toward a third pillar and swung its tail at the lower half of it. Kiryu continued to slam its tail against the pillar, causing it to crumble. After the pillar had fallen, Kiryu stopped.

"Damn." said the man in uniform in awe.

"And we're just getting started." grinned the Elf.

MONARCH base. several miles outside of Ponyville, Equestria...

The base was large. It was built into the ground and was made of steal. Outside was a fence with two crow’s nest towers in the front and two in the back. The halls of the base were illuminated by small lights on the ceiling. Inside of a large room, was the female living quarters of MONARCH's soldiers. Gender segregation of the living quarters was required for every base. The room was filled with several rows of beds. A young Elf woman sat on one of the beds. Her hair was long and was colored crimson with yellow stripes. She had moderate cyan eyes that stared at her bare pale hands. She wore a black t-shirt that depicted a shimmering sun in the center and baggy, grey sweat pants that hugged her legs. She clenched her hands as she sat.

"Private Shimmer." called a male voice. The Elf jumps at the sound of the voice. She turns and finds a man with a scar over his eye in black uniform. "Your presence is needed in the debriefing room."

"Understood, sir." replied the Elf.

Shimmer made her way down the halls of the military base. Her footsteps echoed in the narrow halls as she walked. She turned and found a metal door that led to her destination. She turns the knob on the door and slowly opens it. Inside she sees ten other people sitting in metal folding chairs. A man in the front of the room looks toward her. Shimmer walks in and closes the door behind her as she made her way over to an empty seat.

"Now that we're all here, we may begin." said the man. "You all have been selected to move among the locals in this settlement. You will be watching out for any Transmutant activity and will tell us ahead of time. You will regroup to capture any Transmutant that you discover. MONARCH has chosen you all specifically for this mission because you're the best of the best. If a Transmutant continues to resist, you are allowed to terminate it."

"Sir!" the soldiers said in unison.

"Remember, if an incident such as an invasion were to occur, you are permitted to radio the base for reinforcements. You will be provided with civilian clothing to blend in the locals along with a few weapons to engage any Transmutant. Dismissed."

"Where have you been?" asked Mukade. He was eating a cooked squirrel. Megaguirus was walking over to their campsite.

"At the library." replied Megaguirus. She sits down as Mukade hands her the stick with the last cooked squirrel. She takes the stick and begins to remove the squirrel from it.

"Really? You seem to have an unusual scent on you." said Mukade, suspiciously. Megaguirus gives him a deadpan stare.

"Of course I do. I used my pheromones to mask my Transmutant scent." said Megaguirus.

"That's not what I'm talking about." said Mukade.

"Then what are you talking about?"

"You have a foreign scent on you. You went off to find one of the Transmutants didn't you?" asked Mukade. Megaguirus glared at him.

"So what if I have?!"

"Do you know how dumb and risky that is?! You can't just try and go around taking energy from other Transmutants! You'll be found out and our presence will be known!" scolded Mukade.

"You're being ridiculous! I was gonna kill him after I was through! He didn't suspect a thing. Besides, I didn't get the chance to even drain an ounce. Stupid librarian caught me before I could lead him outside. She might have been his girlfriend or something." said Megaguirus.

"Geez. You always have to seduce them to get what you want." sighed Mukade. Megaguirus huffs in response.

"Well, it works! He was just too uptight to even let his urges drive him."

"As if that's a bad thing." muttered Mukade. "Look, I still have some gems that contain nuclear radiation. You can use most of our rations if you’re that worried."

"I...really?" asked Megaguirus in disbelief.

"Yes. Just please shut up and stop trying to steal energy from the Transmutants around here." sighed Mukade. Megaguirus stares at him as he continued to eat. She gives him a warm smile.

"Thank you." said Megaguirus. Mukade looks to her and looks away.

"No problem, Meg."

Later that night...

Shimmer stood alone in front of the mirror. She had relocated to an apartment that was reserved for her, courtesy of MONARCH. She was ordered to stay here until her mission was done. Her house was small, just somewhere in the town. Her home was filled with a sofa, a kitchen nearby, a couple of bedrooms and bathroom just down the hall. She stood in her bedroom, on her bed laid hand guns and a sheathed enchanted sword. A radio box sat on her dresser, inactive. She wore a light crimson shirt that depicted her Cutie mark, the shimmering sun. A black leather jacket was over her shirt. She wore an orange skirt with light amber and a bright purple stripe and black boots that reached her calves. She looked herself in front of the mirror.

"Hmm. I guess this outfit is alright." said Shimmer. She then proceeded to undress herself, and replaced her clothes with a long sleeved purple pajama shirt and pants. She put her guns and sword away and then neatly folded her clothes and placed them in their respected drawers. She walked over to her closet and hung her leather jacket. As she was about to leave her closet, she noticed the MONARCH apparel that she wore for combat. She sighed as she stared at it.

"How did it all come down to this?" asked Shimmer. She closed her closet door and made her way over to the light switch, turning off the lights. She made her way over to her bed and slipped under the covers, laying her head against the soft pillow and waited to drift off to sleep.

Shimmer found herself in darkness. She searched frantically for light. She stood in a small circle of light that allowed her to see. Nothing was in sight of this abyss.

"He-hello?" called Shimmer, her voice echoing in the darkness.

"Sunset~" called a feminine voice. This voice sounded dark, demonic. It echoed in the darkness. Shimmer shuddered as she heard the voice. She felt something touch her shoulder. She yelps as she turns around. No one was behind her.

"Who's there?!" demanded Shimmer. The mysterious voice lets out a maniacal laugh, echoing in the darkness.

"Sunset, do you want to play? I know I do." said the voice. Moderate cyan eyes with black sclera appeared in the darkness. The eyes got closer, a figure stepping into the light. It was female creature with brilliant crimson skin. Her teeth were sharp as she grinned at Sunset Shimmer. She stood at her height, with hair that resembled fire. On her back were bat-like crimson wings. The demon wore a ragged dress and stood on bare feet. Her hands had sharp claws. The demon stepped closer to the Elf, who backed in fear.

"No! Stay away from me!" cried Sunset. The demon grinned and grabs Sunset's hair.

"Ah!!" cried Sunset as her hair was pulled by the demon.

"Don't be like that, Sunny. I just want to hang out with you." pouted the demon. Sunset's eyes began to run with tears.

"No! Please, just leave me alone!" begged Sunset.

"Why not? Aren't you lonely?" asked the demon.

"No!" cried Sunset.

"LIAR!!" screamed the demon. The demon began to pull on Sunset's hair, causing the girl to cry out in pain. She then grabs her shoulder, causing Sunset's skin to smoke.

"Stop! Stop, it burns!" begged Sunset. The demon began to laugh maniacally. She then grabs Sunset's neck and lifts her into the air. A large flame appeared behind Sunset, bringing more light in the darkness. Sunset began to scream in terror as she felt the heat on her back.

"See ya!" said the demon. She then throws Sunset into the flame. She wailed in agony as the fire engulfed her entire body.

Sunset shot out of bed panting. Her head was drenched in sweat and her eyes were wide with fear. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She searches her surroundings, finding that she was back in her apartment. Outside of her window, the sky was dark. She sighed in relief, realizing that she only experienced a nightmare. She wipes the sweat from her forehead, laying her head back down on her pillow.

"It’s not fair. I only meant the best intentions." muttered Sunset.

Canterlot Equestria. 7 years ago...

In a large room were rows of chairs that elevated upward from the front row, to the back. Large windows allowed the bright sun to shine light into the room. Three Elves sat in the 2nd row of seats with clipboards and feather pens in their hands.

"Now Sunset Shimmer...for your final test you shall need to awe us. Give us the best you've got." said an Elf man. "We're looking forward if you can top your 'synchronized dancing cats' piece from last semester. That was a dazzler!" said an Elf woman with glasses.

"As Princess Celestia's own pupil, we expect big things today!" exclaimed another Elf woman. In the front of the room, stood Sunset Shimmer wearing a confident smile.

"Well, you'll certainly see that." said Sunset. She walks over toward a flower pot that sat on a table, her finger was engulfed in her magical aura as well as the soil. She began to whistle a tune as she stepped away from the pot. The Elves in the seats looked on in interest.

"Oh! Looks like she will be going to do a growth spell...Classic! But is it enough?" whispered the Elf man to his colleagues.

"Let's hope it turns out better than Juniper Berry's attempt." said the Elf woman with glasses.

"Gah! Get off of me!" cried a young Elf male in the room. He held a small tree that had a monstrous mouth. It was attempting to snap at him. Sunset stopped in tracks and shuts her eyes. She inhales deepy and exhales. She suddenly turns and shoots her finger forward, pointing toward the flower pot. A beam fired from her finger, engulfing the flower pit. A large plant began to sprout from the flower pot, steadily growing by the seconds. It then grew to be too large for the flower pot that it caused it shatter. It continued to grow, bursting through the roof. It grew to so large that it hung outside of the building and an appendage wrapped around a tower nearby. The Elves that witnessed her feat stared at the giant plant in awe, with the room that they were in was destroyed and had carried them outside.

"Bravo! Wonderful!" cheered the Elf that held the snapping tree. The Elves that were observing Sunset for her exam were cheering and praised her. Sunset smiled as she was praised.

"Thank you, thank you! It was nothing!"

The next day...

In Canterlot, it was the afternoon. Teenagers roamed the school grounds, leaving their last class for the day. Everyone was excited to get started on their weekend. Sunset Shimmer sat on the school grounds of Celestia's School for Gifted Elves. She wore a white button up, long sleeved shirt and a light, brilliant amber colored sleeveless sweater that depicted her Cutie mark over her left breast. Her lower body wore an orange skirt with black thigh highs and brown shoes. She sat on the grass, reading a book on new spells that she was assigned to study. She heard a few giggles out of the corner of her ear, which caused her to stop reading, turning to find a group of Elf girls sitting together at a bench giggling and conversing. Sunset was going to return to read, but hesitated. She places a book mark in her book and closes it. She stands up and makes her way over to the girls.

'Don't be nervous. Just act natural!' thought Sunset. A determined smile formed on her face. She steps over toward the girls, who stopped talking and giggling and look her way. Sunset went stiff.

"Um...Hi! I uh...I was wondering if I could join you girls." said Sunset. The girls gave her looks of disapproval and disgust.

"Yeah right! As if we'd want to hang out with you!" spat one of the girls.

“You’re just trying to hang out with us to make yourself look better in front of everyone, aren’t you? You think you’re better than us just because you’re the Princess’ pupil?” asked another girl.

"Get lost, teacher's pet!" shouted another one of the girls.

"Yeah, you skank!" said a third girl. Sunset's eyes began to water as she quickly turned and walked away. She continued on, picking her pace up into a sprint. Tears trailed down the girl's cheeks as she ran, sobs escaping her throat. She made her through the campus, passing through other students and a few staff members. Sunset ran all the way outside of the school and dashed all the way to the castle grounds. She passed several guards who looked to her in surprise. She ran through the halls of Canterlot and made her way to a door. She opens it and enters the room and slams it behind her.


Sunset lied on a bed inside of the room that she entered. She was living in one of Canterlot Castle's living chambers. Her room was filled with a desk and a red lamp. Her room had a book shelf that was filled with all sorts of textbooks on magic, math, Equish, and science. She lied in bed, tears were streaming down her face and dejected look on her face. A knock came from her door.

"Sunset Shimmer? Deary, please open up." called a motherly voice from behind the door. Sunset sniffled as she wiped away her tears. She raises her hand as it was engulfed in a light, brilliant opal aura. The door handle was engulfed in the same colored aura, and then came a clicking sound. The door was opened.

"Sunset? Are you alright?" asked the voice. From behind the door peaked the head of Celestia. Sunset merely sniffled in response. Celestia frowned as she stepped into the room.

"My faithful student, what's wrong?" asked Celestia.

"I just can't seem to make any friends. I tried again and the girls said..." Sunset's lips quivered. She slams her face into her pillow. "Why can't I do it?! Why don't they like me?!"

"Sunset..." frowned Celestia. She places a comforting hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"No matter what I do or say, I can't seem to get them to like me." said Sunset." said Sunset, dejectedly. Celestia sighs, and then notices a mirror out of the corner of her eye.

"Sunset, step over here with me dear." said Celestia. She stands with Sunset and walks over toward a large mirror that sat on a dresser. "Look into this mirror and tell me what see?"

"A beautiful girl that has nothing but power and potential, including a lack of friends." sighed Sunset. Celestia places a hand over her shoulder.

“Well, I see a compassionate and sincere young lady.” said Celestia. She then turns Sunset to face her.

"Sunset, you are an intelligent and gifted young girl. Do not worry about what other people think about you. You just have to let them see your good qualities. Just keep being who you are and give it time, and I promise you that you will make friends." reassured Celestia. Sunset gives her a small smile. Celestia pulls her into a hug. "I am here for you."

"Thank you." said Sunset.

Later that night...

Sunset sat on her bed with a look of anger on her face. She couldn’t understand her inability to make friends. She never did anything wrong to upset the other students and, although she started on good terms with some of the students at first, could only watch as they started to distance themselves from her. She was a prodigy in the subjects in school and especially magic. She never actually attended school to learn magic. The school was actually meant to teach both Magic and things like math, science, Equish, and history. Celestia was the one who taught her personally when it came to using magic. Attending the school was meant for her to learn the school subjects and to practice her magic. In fact, her use of magic for the entrance exam was what intrigued Celestia to take her under her wing as her student. She was glad that her hard work was worth notice as Sunset adored Celestia. They grew to have a greater bond than just teacher and student, almost like family.

However, the other students seemed to ostracize her after that. She didn't notice it at first, but some of the other students would avoid her. As she performed magic feats flawlessly, the students would be intimidated by her. Her skills and talent would make them jealous of her. When Celestia took her as her personal student, the ostracism intensified.

She wished she could be loved, not hated. She wished that she was more like her mentor. Celestia had so much power and everybody in Equestria loved her! They didn't hate her because she had powerful magic. She was a princess and was beloved by all.

"That's it!" exclaimed Sunset in joy. A determined smile formed on her face. "If they won't like me as a student, then maybe they will like me as a princess! No, they will love me!"

Sunset Shimmer peaked out of her room. She looked both sides of the hall and noticed that no one was in sight. She slowly creeps out of her room and gently shuts her door. She sneaks all the way through the halls of the castle in the dark, then pass the guards and the castle staff, and finally to a stony section of the castle. There were multiple doors that led to different rooms of the castle. She makes her way into a door that was labeled, 'Equestrian Archives. Permission for entry required.'

Sunset peaks her head in, finding an Earthbound woman asleep behind a desk. She smirked as she quietly entered the room. She slowly walked through the old room, finding many book shelves that were dusty and covered in spider webs.

"You'd think this place would be better guarded." Sunset whispers to herself. She scans the spines of the books, finding very interesting titles. She begins to magically levitate the books out of the shelves and piling them onto the ground in a corner. She proceeded to look through the book shelves and scanned the names for better leads. Her eyes came across one shelf.

"Dark magic." said Sunset. She was about to reach for one of the books but hesitated, slightly pulling her hand back. Then her eyes scowled. "Now is not the time to hesitate."

Sunset spent the next hour reading through the books that she had selected. She scanned through them for the information that she desired. She sighs in frustration as she closes the book and places it with a pile filled with several books that she had gone over.

"No luck so far, but a few of these spells and the information might come in handy..." Sunset Shimmer notices a spine title that intrigued her interest.

"Transformation spells. This should be good." smiled Sunset. She opens it and begins to scan through it. She read about spells that had the ability to change humans into different creatures and creatures into different creatures or humans! She moved through the book, finding a few spells where humans were able to change their race from Earthbounds, to Elves or any other race or vice versa.

"Come on, I know you have something about Avatars." said Sunset.

"What exactly are you trying to find about Avatars?" asked a feminine voice, sternly. Sunset went stiff as she heard the voice. She whips her head around and finds Celestia standing with two Valkyrie guards in golden armor. She was looking at her with disapproving eyes.

"P-princess! I-I can explain!" stuttered Sunset.

"What are you doing in here Sunset Shimmer?" asked Celestia. She began to step closer with the guards flanking her. "You did not get permission to access the archives."

"I know your highness. I just-" Sunset was beginning to sweat. Celestia stops as she noticed the titles of the books that lied around her. Books titled, 'The First Humans', 'Mysterious Relics of the East', 'Equestria's Princesses', 'Enhancement Spells', 'Lost Civilizations', 'Legendary Beings', and one that made her blood run cold. The book that Sunset had in her hands that was titled, 'Transformation Spells'.

"What...What are you doing reading these? Some of these books are from the Dark Magic section. You know that you are off-limits to Dark magic! It is dangerous!" scolded Celestia. Sunset immediately stands to her feet with a distraught face.

"I only chose for a couple. I didn't choose any that would hurt anybody! I just wanted to find a way to make myself an Avatar!" cried Sunset. Celestia sends her a disapproving glare.

"I thought that you wanted friends. We talked about how you were trying to be compassionate to others even if they didn't like you. And here I find you venturing into the archives for power." said Celestia. Sunset shakes her head furiously.

"No! I only did it for the best intentions!" cried Sunset.

"The worst things in the world were always made with the best intentions." said Celestia. She then levitates the book that Sunset held toward herself. "You can't comprehend the forces that you and many others have toyed with. Becoming an Avatar is something that is earned. You can't force it."

"I only did it because I thought that I would be loved by others like you are if I were princess. You have no idea what it's like to be rejected by others because of your talents!" said Sunset. She drops to her knees and gives her pleading eyes. "Please, make me an Avatar. A princess!"

"I cannot, Sunset Shimmer. It's like I said, being an Avatar is something that you earn. You have not earned the right. I have tried to teach you everything that you need to know, but you've turned from it when you tried to use power as a way to be loved." said Celestia. She then closes her eyes and turns away. "For disobeying me, for betraying my trust, I am removing you from the position of my pupil; your studies end here. You are welcome to stay in Canterlot, but you are no longer welcome in the castle."

"No! No, please don't!" begged Sunset in a distraught voice.

"My guards will escort you out." said Celestia. The guards walked over to Sunset and stood her up to her feet. They walked her out of the archives, with Celestia flanking them.

"This is the biggest mistake you'll make in your entire life." spat Sunset. Celestia stood behind and sighed. She looked toward a tapestry that hung on the wall of the room. It depicted an image of a pink haired Avatar near a sun firing magic at another Avatar with sapphire blue hair. The Avatar with sapphire blue hair was being forced toward the moon in the image.

"One of many." said Celestia, solemnly.


It was noon. Sunset Shimmer walked the streets in Ponyville in the outfit that she tried on the previous night. She felt the eyes of some of the resident men gawking at her. She restrained herself from making a scene when it came to them staring at her. She rounded the corner of a building and, while searching her surroundings, dug into her jacket's pocket. She pulled out clear plastic bag and began to unseal it. Then, she gently reached in and her finger was engulfed in her moderate cyan aura. A tiny object glowed as it was levitated out of the bag. The object is levitated to the upper corner of the building, the Elf placing it on the wall. She then pulls out a small pad and pressed on the screen. The screen displayed the top of her head and the road. She smiled in satisfaction as she placed the pad back in her pocket and the bag in her other pocket.

"Five down. Just five more to go." said Sunset. She began to walk away from the area and made her way down the road. She suddenly bumped into a larger figure. She staggered back with a look of annoyance. She was about to make an outburst until she remembered to calm herself. She looks up and finds a charcoal haired and yellow eyed Earthbound male. He wore a sweater that matched his hair.

"Please, excuse me." said Sunset in a polite tone.

"It's fine. I uh..." the Earthbound stared at her with wide eyes. She raises a brow at him as he stood in shock.

"OK...I'll just be going now." Sunset then walks passed the petrified Earthbound, continuing far ahead. 'That was odd. Hmm. Why do I feel like I've seen that guy before?'

The Earthbound turns to find the Elf disappearing from his sight. A slack jawed expression was on his face.

"No way." said Junior.

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