• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 71: Repressed

It has been a couple of days since Angirasu's disappearance. His closest friends have begun to worry for him. Fluttershy could hardly sleep at night and Rodan had searched from Fillydelphia to Mock’s Deep but couldn’t make out any scent. Junior thought about asking Celestia for assistance, but decided against it seeing that she had her hands full already from a certain recent event.

Meanwhile at the lair, Mosura was meditating in her usual spot and Sunset was sleeping on a couch, located deep in the lair. The events of Titan Day have left her worn out. So, she decided to spend these past couple of days, resting to settle down her nerves. As she slept, she felt something wrap around the armrest of the couch, then she noticed a rosy smell slowly engulfing the room. She opened her eyes to see Erika using her vines to plant roses in and around the lair.

“Erika, what are you doing?” Sunset asked in a fatigue tone.

“Oh, you’re awake. I was just refurbishing the lair” Erika said in a somewhat cheerful mood. “I just thought that this place could look a bit nicer than a dark torch lit cave.”

Sunset nodded dully, she slowly got up and followed Erika into Angirasu’s room.

"Guess I'll help. Might as well make myself useful."

The room was like all the others. It was basically just a small chamber of cold stone, decorated with rugs, and a bed to make it tolerable to sleep in. However, there was a large hole on the wall which was blocked by a rather large rock. Erika inspected the hole with interest.

“That might be a good place to put a small rose bush,” Erika said with optimism.

"You and your roses," Sunset rolled her eyes in amusement.

"It's the only flower I seem to be able to grow," said Erika with a shrug.

Several vines began to grow out of her wrists and wrapped themselves around the rock, gently pulling it out. At first the vines had a tough time pulling the darn thing.

“Boy, it’s stuck in there good,” said Erika, struggling to pull the rock out.

After a couple of tugs, Erika managed to remove the rock from the wall, but a large chest fell out of the hole with a loud thud, startling Erika and Sunset. The girls began to eye the chest. It was dark brown in color, with a bronze frame, and appeared big enough to store several large items. Out of curiosity, Erika inspected the chest and realized that it wasn't locked. She opened it and peeked inside, finding a couple of clay sculpted items that had been hardened and that bore a glossy and almost glass-like texture that prevented the solidified clay from leaving dust. Sunset picked up one of the sculptures, inspecting it up close. She couldn’t help but admire the clean sculpting. They were sculpts of animals, such as a dog, a serpentine Neighsian dragon, and a bird.

“Wow. I wonder if these might be some art projects that Aang may have been doing when he was in school.” said Sunset. This did remind her of such a thing. She knew for a fact that she held onto old projects that she had worked on in her childhood for sentimental reasons.

“They look beautiful,” Erika stated. “Hey, we should take a couple of these and put them up the shelves. It will liven the place up."

Erika and Sunset began to take a few more sculptures out of the chest. During this, Sunset found a black book sitting at the bottom of the chest. Sunset took out the book, finding it to be nearly falling apart due to age. There was Neighponese lettering stenciled on the cover that translated as ‘Journal’. Sunset slowly opened the journal, what she saw gave her an uneasy feeling. She quickly closed the book.

“I think we should put this stuff back.” Sunset said solemnly.

“What makes you say that?” said Erika, worrying about her friend's current shift in mood.

“I-I think that the past should remain buried,” said Sunset. “And I don’t want to add any more drama to our current situation.”

“What do you mean add more drama?” The two tensed as they slowly turned their heads, finding Mosura to be standing outside the room with a questioning look.

“What are you two talking about?” Mosura asked. Sunset looked to Erika, who gave her an anxious look.

“Mosura…” Sunset hesitated to speak, but something inside urged the redhead to confess. “You may want to see this.”

Sunset handed Mosura the journal, who opened to the first page. On the first page were two photographs. The first photograph showed a nine year old Angirasu sitting with a man that bore a somewhat greyish-brown colored hair and a woman with short spikey hair resembling that of Aang. The second photo however made her nearly drop the journal. The photo depicted the same spikey haired woman wearing a dark military uniform and a cap that bore the MONARCH insignia.

Echo 54 Base, Neighpon

The MONARCH base was deathly silent. The late winter air had chilled the surfaces of the concrete and metallic fortress. During this evening, soldiers were already moving through the halls, dressed in shirts and sweat pants. They were turning in for the night. Angirasu was hiding behind a corner in the hall, where the frame of the hall obscured him from the line of sight of the soldiers as they passed.

Angirasu made his way out of cover as the men passed. He stood close to the wall, advancing further. He entered a room, where weapons and armor lied organized in their respected places. The Transmutant began to look over the equipment, a smirk appearing on his face.

Moments later, Angirasu stepped out of the armory. He sported dark infantry armor, with a cloth mask covering his mouth to limit visibility of his face. The armor was a tight fit, considering that most of the men were at least five foot six or so in Neighpon, while he was much larger. Angirasu looked over the corner and whistled. From the corner down the hall, Caesar was crouched close to the ground, making his way over to Angirasu's position.

"Looks uncomfortable," said Caesar.

"You have no idea," said Angirasu. He began to peek over from the armory, checking for anyone that may be passing by.

"Where to?" asked Angirasu.

"I sense that he's further down in this facility. But he's certainly closer," said Caesar. Angirasu looked around in the facility, looking for anything that may be useful, only to stop in his tracks as he spotted a map on the wall.

The map depicted the entire facility, along with some structures that stood outside. Looking at this map was already causing a headache. It was like a maze. Many different rooms made up the interior of the main structure. Fortunately, Angirasu managed to find their current location. An armory that was close to a side entrance.

"If his bones were really made into a mech, then we can narrow our search to wherever they keep those machines. Let's see..."

Angirasu spent the next minute analyzing the routes of labeled rooms that were depicted. Eventually, Angirasu's sight fell upon a room labeled 'Docking Bay'.

"I wonder..." said Angirasu as he analyzed the room's location. It seemed to be facing the back of facility. Beyond the base was a checkpoint that seemed to run to a different path. It was curious since he figured that it'd be troublesome having two entrances, both in opposite directions of each other as well. The docking bay in question was quite large compared to the other rooms, especially the mess hall.

"Alright, the Docking Bay might be our best chance. But, it's a lot deeper into the facility," said Angirasu. He turned to Caesar.

"So here's what I'm thinking. I'll go on ahead to confirm whether or not that's where they're keeping him. You wait here until I come back," said Angirasu. Caesar shook his head.

"It is too risky. I fear that you may find yourself lost if not discovered," said Caesar. Angirasu hummed to himself.

"Well you can't come along. Imagine how'd they react seeing a Shisa tagging along with me on a little evening stroll," said Angirasu. He was honestly surprised that they managed to get this far. It was all the more reason not to press their luck.

"You would still need me to find him. That room could be for anything else," said Caesar. Angirasu sighed.

"Tell you what. If I'm not back in say... 15 minutes, go on ahead and look for him yourself. It might mean I got lost or captured," said Angirasu.

"If that were the case, then I'd just be searching for you," said Caesar.

"We came here to find the remains of Gojira's father. If I get myself in a sticky situation, I'll get myself out," said Angirasu, narrowing his eyes. Caesar sighed.

"Very well. 15 minutes," said Caesar in reluctance.

"Need a watch?" asked Angirasu.

"I'll manage," deadpanned Caesar.

Angirasu found himself wandering this vast labyrinth, known to the denizens here as a military base. The air was chilling, the sound of his boots echoed against the concrete floor. The armor that the Transmutant had adorned was still a tight fit. In fact, the groin area of his pants proved to be way less comfortable than what he would have liked, but he had to keep pressing forward. The faster he found his destination, the faster he could get out of these clothes and head home.

Home. Angirasu thought it was funny that he never really thought much about his place in Ponyville, let alone Equestria. To him, Neighpon was his home, with his mother and his father. But, he no longer had a place here. That was long since stripped away from him.

Angirasu shook off the creeping thought. Now wasn't the time to lament the past. As the young man continued on his search, he at times found himself passing some patrolling guards. Angirasu kept his eyes forward and his movement loose to avoid drawing suspicious eyes from the guards. After a while, Angirasu picked his pace up. He was feeling anxious just by passing several soldiers throughout his journey. It was like his body was moving on its own, responding to a reflex or habit ingrained into him since he was a kid.

"Hey, slow your role," said a passing soldier. Angirasu's heart jumped in his chest. He had almost responded to this man but refrained from doing so, out of fear of exposing himself. This was harder than he had thought. The anxiety made him want to transform and just raise hell in this facility. It certainty beat feeling vulnerable and hiding in plain sight.

Angirasu looked down at a scrap of paper. On it was a rough drawing of the map that he was going along with. He sighed as he looked up and looked at his surroundings.

"OK," Angirasu muttered to himself.

He came across two scientists pushing a cart that had a severed head of a reptilian creature with a skull-like face, with eyes placed further behind the socket-like dip in its head, much like orca's spots. The head was about twice the size of a man. There were tubes embedded in several parts of its head, which were collecting blood. Aang looked on with a feeling of disgust and dread. He never saw a creature like that in his life.

‘Looks like they’re preparing for 3rd generation Transmutants’ thought Angirasu to himself as he picked up the pace.

The Transmutant proceeded to make his way further into this facility. Every step just led him deeper into the belly of the beast that he spent his life fleeing from. With each step, his heart raced. Memories of being trapped and isolated into a place just like this flooded his mind.

All Angirasu could remember was isolation, being forced to live in a small metallic cell, writhing in pain from the mutagenic properties that were injected into his body. The fear and despair that he felt in those days in that cell as the mutagen coursed through his veins, putting him in great agony as his senses heightened. Angirasu felt anxiety grow in him as he traveled further into this place. The mutant stumbled and stopped next to a wall. He panted as he felt the room spinning. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to get these images out of his head. He wanted to scream and just run far away from this place, never to return.

"Hey soldier!" said a feminine voice. Angirasu shot up with a start. He turned and found a middle aged woman to be standing in the hall, dressed in uniform. The MONARCH insignia sat on her left breast.

"Is there a problem?" questioned the woman in a rather stern tone. Angirasu's heart rate went up. He stood upright, his hand twitching as he found himself face to face to what he assumed was a high ranking officer. She was a Neighsian Elf woman, who bore a cold atmosphere about herself. Her name was depicted on her right breast, and her rank was depicted as a patch on her shoulder. Her surname was Seiko.

"N-No, ma'am. Just a little dizzy," said Angirasu, clearing his throat. Seiko merely furrowed her brows.

"Shape up, soldier. We don't tolerate weaklings here," said Seiko, Angirasu slightly nodded as he began to walk on ahead. He slightly trembled as he walked on, feeling the eyes of the woman still on him. Just being here in this place filled him with dread.

'Come on, Angirasu. You've been in far worse situations in this. Suck it up,' thought Angirasu. As he made it down the hallway he found a door that was larger than the others.

‘This looks promising’ Angirasu thought to himself.

Angirasu opened the door, finding himself in a large dimly lit room. The place looked like it wasn’t used in years, which was evident seeing that there were two basketball hoops that were catching dust. Angirasu continued to inspect the room with his footsteps being the only noise that echoed through the vacant room. He couldn’t help but feel that there was something awfully familiar about this room, noticing a strange object hung over the bleachers. Aang walked over to the object to get a better look at it. He noticed that the object was insectoid in shape. It made him realize that it was a molted mantis carapace. It looked to have decayed quite a bit, but he recognized the insect traits. Nothing else could have left something like this behind. With this information, Angirasu had figured out what kind of room he was in.

‘This is where they held the adult Transmutants for their 'recreational pass time'!’ Angirasu thought to himself, as he power walked to the door. He remembered a room like this at the facility he was locked up in. They had a basket ball court in a large isolated room to allow the 'subjects' to stretch their legs. He never went in there personally, since the children were in a separate facility, but he heard the stories from the older mutants.

Suddenly the door clammed shut. Angirasu gasped in a panic as he ran to the door. He began to bang his fist on the door.

“LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! SOLDIER LOCKED IN! LET ME OUT!” Angirasu screamed as he pounded at the door. His anxiety began to grow. The memories came flooding back. His breathing was labored as he started to sweat. The room echoed from his banging, but going unheard, much like his days in that cell.

Angirasu stopped for a second, hearing another pounding sound echo through the room. From the shadows of the room came a basketball that bounced in his direction. As the basketball reached his feet, everything became deathly quiet. Angirasu went pale as his mind registered the fact that he wasn’t the only one in this room.

Suddenly a large winged humanoid creature aggressively perched itself on one of the basketball hoops, and roared at the ceiling. Angirasu cupped his ears as its horrible cry echoed. The creature strongly resembled some demonic traits that Sunset bore when she transformed. However, this thing was masculine and much more muscular. It bore a bald head, with a glowing DNA helix tattooed on its forehead. The creature took notice of Angirasu and glared at him. Aang bolted across the room, as the demonic creature darted after him. The demon sideswiped him, causing the mutant to trip and fall. The demon then grabbed Aang by the shoulders, and lifted him off the ground. It then roared into Angirasu’s face before dropping him onto the hard floor. The beast had broken Angirasu’s helmet, revealing his face. The demon then landed next to him and let out another blood curdling screech.

Angirasu got up and stared into the demon’s black and red eyes. The demonic creature pounced onto Angirasu, tackling him to the ground. It began to claw at his face. Angirasu tried to shove the monster off of him, but the creature gripped his arms and forced them down. Angirasu struggled to find something to strike him with, anything to get this beast off. Just as the demon was going to attack again, it froze. Aang cocked an eyebrow in confusion. The demon suddenly collapsed to the ground next to him. As Angirasu slowly got to his feet, he noticed a small metallic dart embedded into the demon’s back. Aang turned around to see two MONARCH soldiers, one of them holding a rifle. The two had calm but unnerving smiles that brought a chill to Angirasu’s spine. These men weren't Neighponese, they were foreigners to this land.

“Well, well well, What do we have here? Eh, Mr. Johnson?” the soldier said in a calm tone. “Why if it isn’t ‘Club-Tail’ dropping by for a visit”

“And he had a brawl with ‘Devil Impact’, Mr. Haber” said the second soldier, glancing at the unconscious creature.

“How appalling, Mr. Johnson.” Mr. Haber said in his usual tone. “I think we should apprehend him,”

“Indeed, Mr. Haber” Mr. Johnson said as he and Haber slowly walked towards the intruding mutant.

Angirasu was about to run away, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck. He cried out, but then stiffened as he felt volts of electricity course through his body. He cried out in agony and collapsed to the ground. He panted as he looked up, finding Seiko to be looking down at him with a cold look on her face. She then smiled maliciously at him.

"I thought I recognized you," said Seiko. Angirasu grunted as he attempted to move but cried out in agony as more electricity was sent through his system. A device was embedded into his neck, blinking rapidly as it sent volts of electricity into him. Seiko held in her hand a device, her thumb pressing on a button.

"You couldn't have come here at a better time, kid," said Seiko. She then kicked Angirasu in the face knocking him unconscious.


Inside the Guardians' Lair, everyone was either silent or in shock. Junior was skimming through the journal, pacing back and forth through the room as he read.

“I can’t believe this!” Junior shouted, clearly upset about this. “Our friend, no our own brother is the son of a MONARCH soldier! And he didn’t tell us!”

“He was usually quiet,” said Sunset, clearly uncomfortable. She was beginning to regret showing Mosura the journal she discovered.

“Come to think of it, I don't think he ever brought up his parents” Rodan added. “Even when we were separated from Mosura, he never mentioned them once.”

“Why wouldn't he tell us? Why would he keep that a secret? What if... Oh shit,” Junior ran a hand through his hair. Mosura's eyes widened.

"Gojira Takeshi! You can't honestly think that he's somehow involved with them!"

“Maybe not directly, but think about it, Mosura! Aang’s mother is a MONARCH soldier! He’s hidden this journal from the rest of us!” Junior retorted. “How do we know that bitch didn't implant Aang with some transmitter?! That would explain how MON-“

Junior was interrupted when Mosura slapped him across the face, the force of the impact sent Junior staggering. He was about to shout back in anger, but he was paralyzed by the enraged yet tearful look on Mosura’s face.

“Mosu-“ Junior attempted to speak.

“SHUT UP!” Mosura yelled. She took a deep breath as her expression softened. “Gojira, listen to yourself. Doesn’t this sound familiar?”

Junior tilted his head, trying to understand what Mosura was referencing.

“Doesn’t this sound like how people have treated you? How they treated us? Besides, you aren't in a position to cast stones. I seem to recall you having held secrets too,” Mosura continued. Junior’s face slowly softened, thinking back to how everyone reacted to his transmutantism, never giving him the chance to show them who he was. He even recalled how him keeping his secrets bottled up for years had caused pain to the people he cared for. He was no different from the humans that loathed him.

"Your hatred towards MONARCH is blinding you. Remember, we all came from the place that spawned your father’s murderer.” said Mosura, her expression solemn. Her words struck a chord with Junior as he sat down on the couch. Staring at the floor, he held a hand over his face, gritting his teeth. He remembered what that mysterious person said to him, regarding his rage. It seemed wrath was a much greater hurdle than any villain he's faced.

Echo 54, MONARCH Base. Neighpon

Angirasu groaned as his vision was blurred. He found himself lying on a cold floor, stripped off of his stolen armor. All that he had were the pants and shirt of the uniform on him. He winced as a bright light shone over him. He heard the sound of footsteps echoing out into the room. He raised his head and found Onyx to be walking into the light.

"Welcome to Echo 54, Club Tail" said Onyx. “Nice for you to visit.”

Angirasu growled as he glared at this man. He grunted as he raised himself up but winced in pain as his muscles contracted, cramping. He dropped to his knees as he panted.

"Save your strength, young Riku. You will need it," said Onyx as he walked past the Transmutant.

"You're damn right I will! You'll be begging for mercy when I get my hands on you! You'll pay for what you've done!" said Angirasu, wincing as he held his arm. His body ached terribly. It was likely from the electricity that made him unconscious.

"Pay? For making you a God among men?" asked Onyx. Angirasu scoffed.

"A God?! You turned us into monsters! You took us from our homes and families! You killed my parents!" said Angirasu, hatred burning in his eyes. Onyx sighed as he turned.

"Yes, I run this organization. I ordered your abduction as well as the abduction of the other subjects that we turned into Transmutants," said Onyx in a firm tone. Angirasu growled angrily.

"But... I did not kill your family," said Onyx. Angirasu scoffed, feeling his anger rise.

"No, of course not. You ordered for them to be killed! It doesn't make a difference to me!" said Angirasu. Onyx shook his head.

"No, not even that. My orders were that you were to be taken. Why would I order the termination of one of my best soldiers?" asked Onyx, as an image of a familiar woman appeared. Angirasu's eyes widened as he turned to find his mother standing, giving a salute. Angirasu stepped closer to the apparition as he felt his eyes watered.

"Lieutenant Riku Aiko. She was one of the best in Neighpon. A woman with drive, authoritative, and a strong sense of duty," said Onyx as he stared at the apparition, almost nostalgic.

"She had promise. But I was willing to part with her if she desired a different path. When she had a family, I thought she'd be better off hanging up her uniform. But Aiko was stubborn. She wanted one last tour of service before returning to civilian life. I guess she liked the thrill of it. I see that some of those traits carried on in you," said Onyx as Angirasu reached for the apparition. His hand merely phased through her. The image disappeared, prompting Angirasu to fall to his knees, gritting his teeth as he shed his tears.

"Why did you take them away?" asked Angirasu.

"I only wanted you, my boy. Your family was to never know where you had gone. No, the blame falls on your captor and a select couple of others," said Onyx as he grabbed Angirasu by the back of the head. Angirasu gasped as his eyes glowed white.

Angirasu found himself standing in a city. He found a four Neighsian individuals standing in a back alley, covered in dark suits and armed with hand guns.

"Maybe this is a bad idea," said a young man as he looked at his mask with a grimace.

"You can't back out now! The Director himself is giving us the opportunity to move up the ranks! We just snatch the kid and we're home free!" said another man.

"But what does he even want with a kid?" asked the first man.

"Who cares? Do you know the prestige we'll get just by moving up the ranks at our age?" asked the second man. Angirasu found Seiko, as a younger woman, placing on a dark mask.

"Which is why we're here. The world doesn't award fairness," said Seiko. Angirasu clenched his fist as he watched the soldiers speak.

"You can chicken out all you want. I only joined MONARCH to get away for a while. I'm not going to be stuck with my overbearing family to be set up in a marriage I didn't consent to," said Seiko, her tone growing harsh.

"Think of the pay grade! You know you can use that money more out of all us," said the second man. The first sighed he nodded.

Angirasu found himself suddenly standing in a restaurant, surrounded by people eating their food and conversing with each other. He saw a younger version of himself sitting with his mother and father. Hearing their voices made Angirasu’s eyes water, but it was short lived when the masked soldiers burst through the doors, and began shooting at the chandeliers. The entire restaurant burst into a panic, people ran in opposite directions to the nearest exit, screaming in terror. Angirasu’s breathing quickened as he heard the cries of horror. In the midst of the chaos, a soldier grabbed the younger Angirasu as he was escaping with his family. He attempted to disappear into the crowd with the child, but his cries alerted his father. Aang’s father attempted to save his child, but was immediately shot down by Seiko.

“ODA!” Aiko let out a horrified scream, pushing through the fleeing civilians.

“Holy Shit!” The first soldier cried in terror, turning towards Seiko. “What. Have you done?”

Everything suddenly went silent, Aiko’s eyes burned with rage. She grabbed a steak knife and threw it into the third soldier’s eye. As the soldier screamed in agony, the younger Angirasu ran back to his mother.

“GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!” screamed the soldier, as he tried to remove the knife from his eye socket, but quickly retracted his hands with a whimper. "FUCK!"

Aiko knocked over a table, creating a barrier for her son. She then bolted towards the third soldier, and punched him in the gut, knocking him to the ground. The second soldier charged at her , but she dodged, grabbed another steak knife from a table. and slashed his shoulder. Aiko then kicked the second soldier, making him crash into a nearby fish tank, causing it to shatter. Aiko eyed the first soldier, who was retreating to the corner of the room. Aiko then turned to see the masked Seiko staring at her.

‘There is no way in Hell, I’m letting this bitch ruin my promotion’ Seiko thought to herself.

Angirasu cringed as he heard Seiko’s inner monologue.

Both Aiko and Seiko lunged at each other, tackling each other when they made contact. Seiko tried to shoot her, but Aiko kicked her gun out of her hand. The mother then started punching Seiko in the gut, causing her to vomit a bit under her mask. She then grabbed Seiko by the throat and pinned her against the neon sign in the establishment. Seiko screamed as she felt her back burned from the heat of the sign. Aiko removed Seiko’s mask,gasping slightly before glaring at her again.

“YOU! Why did you kill my husband?!” Aiko shouted in unbridled tearful rage. “Why are you terrorizing my son!?”

"Just... looking to take your little shit out for a trip," said Seiko, attempting to speak.

Aiko's eyes narrowed as she gritted her teeth and trembled in anger. She tightened her grip against Seiko’s throat. She wanted to suffocate her and end it here, but she needed more information. Instead, she used her free hand to press on a button on her watch. The watch began to flash.

“See that Seiko?” Aiko explained. “That is a MONARCH distress signal. When they come barging through those doors, they will have your head. And I'll make sure that I'm the one who formally executes you.”

Seiko began to chuckle as she reached for her pocket. Angirasu felt his heart raced, he wanted to cry out to his mother so that he may warn her of the danger. But he knew it was futile, for these things already happened.

“You idiot, they ordered us to do this” said Seiko as she pulled out a second, smaller
gun from her pocket.

Seiko shot Aiko in the chest, the bolt went through her back, leading her to collapse to the ground. Seiko began to walk towards the frightened child, but Aiko crawled in her path, reaching for her son. Aiko coughed as blood oozed from her throat. She growled as she glared at her attacker, holding Angirasu's head down. She looked more like a mother wolf protecting her young. Seiko simply narrowed her eyes.

“You stubborn cunt,” Seiko said hatefully as she raised her gun towards Aiko’s head.

Angirasu closed his eyes, not wanting to watch as Seiko pressed her finger on the trigger.


Angirasu reluctantly opened his eyes, finding his dear mother lying lifeless on the ground. He watched as his younger self screamed in terror. Seiko sneered at the woman.

"I never liked you. Always looking down on us," said Seiko.

"Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" said the first soldier in horror. The second soldier was panting as he held his wounded shoulder, while Seiko looked down at Aiko's body, who lied next to her husband, Oda and the young sobbing Angirasu.

"We need to go! Get the kid!" said Seiko. She then noticed the third soldier, standing still as the knife was embedded in his socket. "And for gods' sake, help that moron to his feet!"

"Are you insane?! We just killed them! This wasn't supposed to happen!" yelled the first man. Seiko growled as she grabbed the boy and stormed off, passing the bodies of Angirasu's parents. Angirasu stood and trembled as he stared at the bodies of his parents. Hearing their final cries once again haunted him, filling him with rage. Memories that he had long since repressed were now coming back to him. Angirasu heard his younger-self crying out. He turned and found Seiko pulling his younger self out the door and into the alley way. He screamed for his parents as Seiko pinned him to the ground.

"Give me the fucking sedative!" yelled Seiko, struggling to hold the child down and keep him silent.

The first man passed on a syringe to the woman, who began to inject the substance into the boy. Angirasu trembled as he watched this woman simply put this child to sleep after killing his parents in cold blood. These things happened to him. No matter how much he tried, he could never truly forget this dark and fateful night.

The memory faded. Angirasu panted as he found himself back in the room with Onyx.

"I never intended for this, Angirasu. But I do not blame you for your hatred of me and MONARCH," said Onyx. He appeared by Angirasu's side. He closed his eyes as Angirasu trembled. He could feel the burning hate and anger that the young man was manifesting. Years of buried emotions festering, building to a critical point.

"So in honor of your family, I will tell you something. Those soldiers are here tonight in this facility. You have just met Seiko, after all," said Onyx. Angirasu gritted his teeth as his eyes grew reptilian. The world around Angirasu darkened. Onyx stepped away as his eyes glowed with dark magic. Angirasu's rage boiled, unable to be contained any longer.

"Vengeance is yours," said Onyx, disappearing into the shadows. The cell room suddenly buzzed. The heavy door opened up. Angirasu grunted as he stormed out. He found a couple of soldiers turning in alarm.

"What the- He's out! Sound the alarm!" cried a soldier as he ran off. The other raised his rifle and began to fire. Angirasu gave an enraged cry as he sprinted towards the soldier. He caught a couple of bolts but ultimately rammed into the soldier, slamming him into a wall. Angirasu grunted as he pulled off the helmet of the unconscious soldier. He wasn't one of the soldiers from his past.

"I'll find them! Even if I have to tear this place apart!!" cried Angirasu, his eyes flashing red and green.

Angirasu charged through the halls. His body experienced a sudden growth of energy, something unnatural to what he was used to. As soldiers encountered and shot at him, his body felt little to no pain. The magic bolts did no damage to his body. His being glowed as the spiritual essence in his body manifested into his strength.

Angirasu yelled as he slammed into the soldiers that crossed his path. His blows sent them flying. Some strikes were even so devastating that the soldiers struck died almost instantly as their bones were shattered beneath their flesh from the raw strength of Angirasu.

"All units! Mobilize to Sector 3B!" said a voice over the intercoms throughout the base.

Angirasu roared as he slammed his fists to the ground. The force of this caused the area to rumble. The metal creaked and the ground split. Soldiers were either blown back or fell into the fault created in the ground.

Meanwhile, Caesar was peeking from the armory that he was left in. He watched as soldiers rushed through the halls. No doubt they were converging on Angirasu's position. He wondered how this happened or what happened. It was as Caesar feared. Even now, he could feel the Kaiju spirit essence in the air from Angirasu. He must have been on a rampage.

"I must find Takeshi and Angirasu!" said Caesar. He jumped out of the armory. Soldiers skidded to a halt.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed a soldier. Caesar gave a great roar as the humans shot at him. He began to run on all fours, away from the area. Caesar navigated his way through the facility, slamming into soldiers in his path. He followed what he sensed to be Gojira Senior's presence. Things would have been much quicker if he and Angirasu went looking together. No matter. Now wasn't the time to lament.

Caesar grunted as he stopped and swung his tail at a couple of soldiers, knocking them to the ground. Then he began to run on ahead to his destination.

Meanwhile, Angirasu had left a trail of destruction in his wake. Soldiers fled from him as they realized that they were no match for him, as the ones who challenged him had long since perished. Angirasu grunted as he pulled off another helmet from a soldier, finding him to be another unfamiliar face. Angirasu growled angrily as he crushed the helmet in his hand. He suddenly felt an explosion knocking him down. Angirasu grunted as his back gave off smoke as a burn mark was left. He turned and found more soldiers to be down another hall. He took notice that the C.O. that hung behind them had a familiar face. The eye patch helped confirmed this.

"Blast him to hell!" ordered the C.O. A soldier carrying a grenade launcher aimed and launched the projectile. Angirasu lunged and caught it. With a swing of his arm, he threw it back at the feet of the soldiers. The men cried out as they were blasted away. Angirasu grunted as he stomped towards the now downed soldiers, passing over them. He made his way over to the C.O. that was attempting to crawl away. Angirasu merely stomped on his back, causing him to cry out in agony. The mutant snarled as he stomped again, silencing the cries. He grunted as he turned and found more soldiers approaching. He sprinted towards them, slamming them around the halls of the facility, their cries bounding off these solid metal walls.

Caesar panted as he continued to run through the base. This labyrinth of metal walls was tiresome. Already, he could feel the tremors of destruction being left behind by Angirasu, who could be anywhere at this point. The Shisa stopped as he came across a large heavy door. There were Neighponese text marked on the doors.

"Docking Bay," said Caesar to himself. Gojira was close. He could feel his presence. Caesar grunted as he tore through the steel door. He broke through and found himself in the docking bay. The air reeked with oil and bore a dark gloomy atmosphere. He found several mechs that stood in place, waiting to be activated. The Shisa looked around through this cold, dark room. He gasped as he caught sight of Kiryu at the furthest end of the room.

Caesar made his way past the lifeless humanoid mechs to the metallic dragon. He sniffed as he looked the mech over. Its paint had begun to peel off and its metal shell bore some scratches. But, there were some new panels that replaced prior damage. He placed his paw on the mech.

"Gojira Takeshi, awaken," said Caesar. Kiryu's optics suddenly shot to life. An electronic hum filled the air as the optics lit up the metallic dragon's face. The mech twitched and convulsed as it stood in place.

"K-K-Kiryu R-R-Re-Respon- Systems malfunctioning." The A.I. system spoke in a digital voice, its dialogue skipping and replaying. The optics flashed red as the mech twitched.

"I will set you free," said Caesar as he tore at the steel beams and cords that held the mech in place. Kiryu began to topple over as it twitched.

"Danger. Danger. Equilibrium has been compromised," said the A.I. Caesar grunted in annoyance.

"Gojira, you must take full control!" said Caesar. The area suddenly lit up. Caesar looked around found the lights to be on in the docking bay. The mechs' optics all began to light up. They turned their attention to Caesar as their harnesses released them.

"This is unfortunate," said Caesar, hardening his eyes.

"Target acquired. Engaging in combat," said one of the mechs as it raised its arm cannon. Caesar grunted as he took cover as the mech fired off its gun. Caesar winced as the bolts nearly struck him from his cover behind heavy metallic crates. The mechs began to advance on the Shisa as they warmed up their weapon systems.

Before they could advance any further, one of the mechs were shot down by orange bolts of energy. The mechs turned their attention to Kiryu, whose arm was raised. It aimed its gun gauntlet, as its eyes glowed bright red.

"Friendly Fire. Does not compute," said one of the mechs.

"Compute this," said a digital voice in a rasp. Kiryu raised both of its arms and fired at the mechs. The mechs stumbled back as they were shot down. Kiryu stood and charged towards the two remaining mechs. The metallic dragon slammed into one of the mechs, knocking it down. A blade shot from Kiryu's arm and burned with plasma energy. The metal dragon slashed as the head of the second mech, decapitating it. The mech fell over, sparking. Kiryu then stomped on the mech on the ground, caving its chest in. The mech whirred as it died down. The mech turned to find Caesar emerging.

"A Shisa..." Kiryu spoke in a surprised tone. Caesar bowed.

"It is good to see you again after all this time, my King," said Caesar.

"King?" asked Kiryu.

"Surely you remember your past life. Have you not been in contact with the spirit of your past self?" asked Caesar. Kiryu sparked as its optics flickered.

"I... I see," said Kiryu.

"Come, we must leave this place," said Caesar as he slammed into the wall.

"Yes, Freedom," said Kiryu, making his way towards the wall and rammed into the wall as well. The combined strength of the two allowed them to breach through the heavy concrete wall. They began to rush outside of the facility, finding the sky to be thundering above.

"Oh no," said Caesar, his ears folding against his head. The sky was beginning to be covered by dark storm clouds.

"Why does this storm feel familiar?" asked Kiryu. Its optics began to scan the clouds. Text that read, 'High Voltage' popped in his sight. Yellow flashes lit up the dark clouds.

"We mustn't remain! He's coming!" said Caesar as he ran off. Kiryu turned and went after him. From within the mech, the pitiful soul had trouble navigating this heavy and clumsy body. It did have a lot of movement much like an organic creature, but it was impossible to get a sense of balance with the lack of being able to feel. If not for the A.I. system, the soul within would likely have much more trouble moving this metallic husk.

"Now to find Angirasu," said Caesar as he ran. He noticed that there was smoke rising from the facility, around the front. The sound of gun fire filled the air as did the sound of roars and agonized cries. The two stopped as they found a wall to be flying towards a group of soldiers, crushing them underneath. They found Angirasu Riku giving an enraged roar as he stepped onto the wall. A blast of energy emerged from his body, sending shock waves around the area.

"His inner power has been unleashed! But he's lost in a blind rage!" said Caesar in alarm. The two were about to rush out to the field but stopped a discs scattered around them. The two looked around in confusion but recoiled as an energy field trapped them inside. Caesar slashed at the field, but cried out in agony as an intense shock coursed through him. He collapsed to the ground, wincing as his body sparked. Kiryu scanned the Shisa, finding his vital signs to have lowered.

"What's happening?" asked Kiryu. The mech turned as it noticed a familiar man to be emerging from the shadows. Kiryu's optics flickered red as the Onyx stood before him.

"You..." said Kiryu in a low tone. The mech reached for the man but only contacted the field. The mech gave a shrill cry as it convulsed violently onto the ground. Its optics flickered on and off.

"Hmph. If I've known that our enemies would be coming for you, I would have had you melted down for scrap. You've already lived out your usefulness in this life," said Onyx as he walked away. Kiryu continued to convulse and twitch. He remembered this man. The one who kept him locked away and kept him suppressed in darkness. He was the one that must have been responsible for the restless spirit's prison. He was the one that used him as a weapon against his own son.

Onyx stood as he found Angirasu, grabbing one of the few remaining soldiers in the area. He snarled as he held him up. The man whimpered as he was dangled above.

"P-Please, it was a mistake! We- Agh!!" The man cried out as he was thrown at great speed towards the base. Angirasu didn't look back as there was a smack against the metal wall. He breathed heavily as he searched the area. He turned as he found a lone damaged truck. He furrowed his brows, picking up the scent of fear. The Transmutant began to stalk towards the truck, his footsteps impressing into the earth from the raw power that swelled within his being. Onyx bore a dark smile as he watched as Angirasu picked up the truck with one hand, flipping it over. He found a familiar middle aged woman to be lying on the ground, cowering.

"You..." Angirasu grabbed Seiko by the neck, holding her up. She gagged for air as she frantically hit his arm to free herself. She shook her head as she attempted to breathe.

"Please! H-Have- Agh!" Seiko gagged as she felt Angirasu's grip tighten around her throat.

"Have what? Mercy?! After what you did?!" roared Angirasu throwing the woman to the ground. She whimpered as she attempted to crawl away, but Angirasu grabbed her by her ankle and dragged her back. The woman cried out in panic as she clawed at the dirt to escape. Angirasu turned her onto her back and wrapped both hands around her neck. His red and green eyes burned with searing hate and rage. He was lost with blood lust as he had the last one responsible for his pain in his grasp. Her life was now in his hands, much like how his family's lives were in hers.

"I'm gonna make you suffer, like I did!" said Angirasu, his voice distorted. He began to smack his hand against Seiko's face, who cried out in pain. Her cries of mercy fell on deaf ears as she was beaten by the enraged Transmutant. Angirasu felt himself indulging in her suffering. Now she knew what pain he kept buried underneath. No, all of MONARCH was going to feel his rage.

Angirasu panted as he stopped hitting Seiko. The woman's face was swollen as she sobbed. She bled from her mouth as she trembled. This still wasn't enough to satisfy Angirasu.

"Please.... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," whimpered the woman. Angirasu's eyes briefly flickered from the unnatural color it was. But his rage still remained. He grabbed the woman by her collar and pulled her up to face him.

"Sorry?! Sorry isn't going to bring back my parents, you bitch!" roared Angirasu. Seiko shook her head, still sobbing between her pain.

"I know, it was a mistake! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Seiko repeated as she trembled. Angirasu panted as his blood continued to boil.

"You will be," said Angirasu. A cracking noise began to emit from his cheeks, Angirasu opened his mouth revealing his long sharp saber teeth. His mouth opened wider and wider, practically unhinging like a snake’s. He put Seiko’s head inside his mouth and began to slowly close his jaws. Seiko sobbed uncontrollable, practically feeling Aang’s sharp teeth poking her skin, drawing blood. Angirasu then heard chuckles from behind.

"Good. Finish her, Angirasu. Complete your training," said Onyx. Angirasu removed Seiko from his mouth and turned with a glare.

"Training? What are you talking about?" demanded Angirasu. The clouds above rumbled as they grew darker. Onyx circled around him as he held his hands behind his back.

"Look at her collar," said Onyx. Angirasu raised a brow. He pulled on the collar of Seiko, looking beneath it. His eyes widened as he found Neighponese characters sewed into the collar. It was ’Riku Aiko’. His face hardened.

"Not only did you kill my parents, but you robbed her of her uniform?!" demanded Angirasu.

"No! He gave it to me! I swear!" cried Seiko.

"LIAR!!" yelled Angirasu. Onyx smirked as he turned to face the two.

"She's telling the truth. I gave it to her," said Onyx with a smirk. Angirasu slowly looked to him, shaking with rage, but also a confused look.

"Wha... I thought..." Angirasu stuttered.

"Everything I said was true. Your parents were not meant to be harmed during your capture. You see, I did promise a boost in their rank as well as other privileges. But they usually came at a cost. For Seiko, I gave her the uniform of the woman she murdered," said Onyx. Angirasu looked down at the woman, who was still sobbing.

"I swear to you, it was an accident! I never meant to kill them! I was angry and we only meant to scare them! I didn't-" Seiko was choked again by Angirasu.

"Shut up!" shouted Angirasu.

"Please... I..." Seiko gagged.

"The Shadow's Hand always has its prices, Seiko. The higher the pyramid you go, the steeper the price becomes. And you are forever marked by that. In your greed and selfishness, you were willing to kidnap an innocent child for prestige. You killed his parents, and you have to wear that uniform as a reminder," said Onyx. Seiko sniffled.

"Why. Why?!" demanded Angirasu, glaring at Onyx.

"I must be mistaken. I thought you were focused on her," said Onyx in mock surprise.

"None of this would've happened if you haven't- Damn you! You're both to blame!" said Angirasu. "Why did you take us away from our families?!"

"Because it's your destiny," said Onyx. Angirasu furrowed his brows in response as the storm grew closer.

"Angirasu, everything that's happened to you is meant to test your endurance and your will. You are to be broken at your youth, and reform into the soldiers that we see fit," said Onyx.

"So this was all about free soldiers that you can grow? You're sick! Didn't you expect that some people involved in your scheme would turn and expose you?!" demanded Angirasu.

"Of course. Why do you think we keep secrets? You don't let in everyone on the big scheme, Angirasu. Take Seiko for example. She was desperate for prestige along with other young low ranking soldiers that went out to kidnap the subjects for our arsenal. Children, teenagers, even adults. But the children, they were much more important. Their minds are easier to shape. Once broken down, you can leave the door open and won't have to worry about them leaving," said Onyx. Angirasu snarled as his brows furrowed. He recalled the isolation of the cells that he and others were forced to live in, along with the mistreatment brought on by certain guards in the facility that held them.

"We knew that some soldiers would be a liability once guilt finally started to set in. Humanity tends to have a natural tenancy to get cold feet with what people would argue to be 'immoral'. So we kept them close. We intended to shape you and others like you to be killing machines. Anyone involved in your kidnapping would suffer an 'accident' during a training exercise. Just our way to tie loose ends," said Onyx.

"So you're using them as much as us," said Angirasu in a low tone.

"Angirasu, this is nothing to be disgusted by. It's simply survival of the fittest. The chicken that doesn't lay eggs are butchered and eaten. The weak must be weeded out. You were to replace them," said Onyx as he paced about. The more that Angirasu listened, the more fury began to build. He couldn't fathom what would drive a man to speak and think this way. It was inhuman.

"But why us? Why me and my friends? Why were we chosen to be your guinea pigs?" asked Angirasu.

"We needed subjects strong enough to take on Gojira. You see, The Shadow's Hand has been aware of the Kaiju for a millennia. In the West, they were known as Titans, the lost primordial gods of the natural world. Throughout legend, a divine moth, a demon of the wind, and a dragon of the earth were capable of standing with and against the Lord of the Titans," said Onyx, depicting a magic aura, which showed a stylized image of a draconic beast with jagged dorsal plates on its back. It stood against a reptile on all fours, covered in spikes along its back.

"We've known what you and your friends were for a long time. The Transmutants today are all the human reincarnations of the ancient gods. And you were the reincarnation of this one. Angilas, one of several Primordial Gods of the Earth. The one Titan that could stand against the ancient Gojira," said Onyx. Angirasu watched as the two monsters clashed, their cries echoing as the magical image of them flickered. Angirasu stared, shuddering.

"No... Y-You don't mean..." Angirasu slumped his shoulders.

"Angirasu, you and the Takeshi boy are ancient rivals! You are destined to clash!" said Onyx.

"No, that's not true!" said Angirasu, shaking his head.

"To fight tooth and nail for dominance! You're 'friendship' delays the inevitable!" said Onyx, stepping closer as he showed Angirasu the image of the bipedal Kaiju burning 'Angilas' with its atomic breath.

"Shut up!" yelled Angirasu, his voice cracking.

"Open your eyes, Angirasu! The life you're living is a lie! Your destiny is with us! You are a child of MONARCH, as all Transmutants are! When you learn discipline and respect, than you have the privileged to go out into the world, with us as your parental figure!" said Onyx. Angirasu gritted his teeth as he lowered his head. Onyx stepped closer to him with a cold look.

"It doesn't matter how many times you resist or run away, Angirasu. Eventually, all of you return to the nest. Embrace MONARCH. Embrace the Shadow's Hand. We are your only family," said Onyx as his eyes flashed red and green. “My son”

Angirasu's eyes did the same, but he growled as he shook his head.

"No, you're wrong," said Angirasu, his eyes returning to normal. Onyx stepped back, his brows raised.

"You have it twisted, Director. When I fled this country with Mosura and Rodan, I learned that family is shown through love and compassion, not through fear and violence. I don't care what ancient legends said. Gojira Takeshi is my friend. No, he's my brother. And we'll never turn on each other. Because family stick together," said Angirasu as he stood up, releasing Seiko, who held her neck in pain. Onyx furrowed his brows.

"Then you won't take your vengeance? You've already ended the other three. You may as well finish what you started," said Onyx as he pointed to Seiko, who trembled in response. She turned to Angirasu, who looked down at her with a stoic look. Seiko lowered herself to his feet, gritting her teeth.

"Please, do what you want. I've committed a heinous sin against you," said Seiko with a shudder. “Y-you can kill my parents if you want? That will make us even”

Angirasu stood as the woman groveled at his feet, willing to sacrifice her own parents to him. He no longer felt the rage he did earlier. He only felt disgust.

"You did. But... I won't kill you. I've already given into rage that I've already killed those who weren't deserving. If I continue, I might not ever come back from it. There is nothing inside you, you’re pathetic and sad, and empty," said Angirasu. “If I killed you, I would gain nothing.”

Angirasu glared at Onyx.

"I'm not playing your game anymore, Onyx! We're going to bring you and your cult down!" said Angirasu. Onyx growled, his face growing red with anger.

"You insubordinate dog!!" yelled Onyx, his hands sparking with magic sparks. He sent the sparks towards Seiko, who cried out in agony as her body was shocked. She then collapsed, her body reduced to charred bones. Angirasu gasped in shock and horror. He then turned to find Onyx shooting his sparks at him. Angirasu cried out in agony as the sparks covered his body. Onyx snarled as he stepped closer.

"If you won't play by the rules, then I'll have to punish you!" said Onyx as Angirasu was shocked. Angirasu continued to cry out in agony as he dropped to his knees.

Meanwhile, Caesar grunted as he shot his eyes wide open. He heard Angirasu's agonized cries. The Shisa found the young man as he was overwhelmed by Onyx's power. He turned and found Kiryu still sparking, but optics still flickering red. Caesar turned and found the storm growing closer. He grunted as his eyes began to glow. He drove his paws to the field and took on the energy that made up the field. He roared in pain as the power coursed through him, while his eyes glowed brighter. His eyes then sparked and shot beams towards the field. The redirected energy caused the discs that projected the field to short out. The field dropped as the discs sparked. Caesar grunted as he sprinted on all fours towards Onyx. He roared as he swiped his paw against him, sending the elf spiraling several feet away.

"Angirasu! Are you alright?" asked Caesar as he nuzzled the young man. Angirasu winced as he lied on his side, clutching his his body as sparks coursed over him.

"I should've just brought you along," said Angirasu, forcing out a chuckle. Caesar smiled in response. But, the two turned and found Onyx to be grunting as he stood up, a look of rage on his face.

"You can't escape your fate! A war is coming that will tip the balance of power!" said Onyx. Angirasu shakily stood up with a glare.

"Angirasu, we must go," said Caesar urgently.

"We can take him, together!" said Angirasu.

"No, someone else is coming!" said Caesar. He gasped as lightning flashed above. The dark clouds had covered the sky above them, blotting out the moon light. Yellow lightning streaked through the clouds as thunder roared.

"Too late..." said Caesar ominously. A bolt of lightning suddenly struck the earth before them. From the lighting was a human figure that stood. Angirasu and Caesar backed away, finding Ghidorah to be standing over scorched earth, surrounded by smoke and yellow sparks. He bore a stoic look as his armor hugged his body. Ghidorah's red eyes glared at the two. He began to step forward, his footsteps scorching the ground with every step.

"I wasn't expecting to run into you. It has been a long time, Shisa," said Ghidorah, a devilish smirk on his face. Caesar hardened his eyes.

"Shit," said Angirasu anxiously.

"My offer still stands, Caesar. Kneel before me, and I will spare you," said Ghidorah. Caesar snarled.

"I will not bow to an outsider such as you! I bow to only the true heir to the throne of Kaiju! And you are not he!" said Caesar.

"Your king is long since dead! I'm the new king! All who challenge me will face my wrath!" said Ghidorah, his sparks growing in intensity.

"King? You mean the Kaiju, Gojira?" asked Angirasu.

"The king lives on! He will restore order to our world! That is a fact, Chaos Bringer!" said Caesar. Ghidorah chuckled as he shook his head.

"You talk about order, but will not acknowledge the true perpetrators who disrupt it on your world. I know. And I'm the one who's willing to solve it," said Ghidorah. Caesar hardened his expression as he stood in front of Angirasu.

"Angirasu, return to Equestria. I'll deal with this serpent," said Caesar.

"Wha- But you can't face him alone! What about Gojira's father?!" asked Angirasu. Caesar glanced, finding Kiryu to be still on the ground from where he collapsed.

"I fear our efforts were in vain. Go now. I'll join you shortly," said Caesar. He roared as he sprinted towards Ghidorah.

"Caesar!" cried Angirasu.

Caesar made his way towards Ghidorah, snarling as he sprinted across the field. He covered their distance in seconds. Ghidorah raised his hands and shot forth beams of golden electric-like energy. The beams struck Caesar in the side and pushed him along the ground as it scorched his side. Ghidorah lunged several feet into the air, landing in front of him.

"You forget. I too have regained my past self's power. My power and true self are slowly regaining its prime," said Ghidorah. He clasped his hands together as his body sparked. Two forms of lightning emerged from him, forming into shapeless forms. These forms soon began to take on humanoid appearances. The sparks cleared, revealing two other men with a striking resemblance to Ghidorah. One of them bore a sadistic grin while the other kept a stoic look. The middle Ghidorah smirked as Caesar stared.

"Now, we are complete," said the middle Ghidorah. He lunged for Caesar, who rolled away. He began to step back as the left and right Ghidorah charged after him. The Left sent a sparking swipe, while the right sent a burst of sparks. Caesar dodged both attacks. Angirasu watched in shock as Caesar found himself out numbered. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Ghidorah had replicated himself. They even seemed like complex imitations, using their own wits to try and take down the Shisa. It was as though they were actually separate people.

Angirasu grunted as he ran back to the fight, but felt himself struck in the side by a bolt of magic. He fell to the ground in pain, turning to find that Onyx was approaching as his hands glowed brightly. The Transmutant quickly rolled away as the elf began to send lethal bolts of magic towards him. Angirasu stood to his feet, snarling as his eyes became reptilian. He charged towards the elf, but found himself tackled to the ground by one of the Ghidorah duplicates. The duplicate delivered powerful blows, combined with sparking energy against him. Angirasu raised his arms to block the blows, but still suffered from the sparks that came with them. Angirasu caught his fists and locked them tightly. The duplicate snarled as his pupils constricted, much like a serpent's.

Caesar grunted as he slammed into by the original Ghidorah. He staggered back as his body sparked. From his side, the second duplicate came and kicked him in the head, causing him to stagger. This Transmutant was already strong, but he seemed to have grown much stronger from the last time they've encountered each other. He turned to find Angirasu struggling against the other Ghidorah duplicate, while Onyx began to advance on them. Caesar snarled as he slashed at the Ghidorah that came at him, tearing at and scratching his armor. Caesar than rammed his shoulder against the original, who kept his feet planted. The two pushed against each other, both not giving an each.

"You only delay the inevitable, Shisa! Our war will be fought again!" declared Ghidorah.

"A war that you'll lose again, serpent!" said Caesar. Ghidorah gave an inhuman shriek as he began to push against the Shisa. Caesar felt himself being forced back, as Ghidorah mustered up more strength from his rage.

"We have an army of new Kaiju waiting! Your king can not take us all on!" said Ghidorah. He was suddenly struck in the back by a blast of energy. He stumbled forward and was grabbed by Caesar. He was thrown to the side by the Shisa, skidding along the grass. He grunted as he got back onto his knees. He found Kiryu rising, still twitching, as its gun on its gauntlet smoked. Ghidorah grunted as he leapt at lightning fast speed. The air around him sparked, sending blinding flashes to the mech. Kiryu's systems were barely able to process this, only to find the Transmutant in front of him. Ghidorah sent his fist against the chasis of Kiryu, causing it to spark more. However, the mech kept a tight hold on the Transmutant's arm,

"I see. So it truly is you, the weak king!" said Ghidorah with a wicked laugh.

"I don't know what you're-" Kiryu's eyes flashed as memories began to flood. Memories of a massive golden dragon, with three heads, shrouding the sky in darkness with its great wings. The spirit dwelling within shouldn't have any memory of this, yet here they were, triggered by this man.

"I don't expect you to remember me. You're already dead. It's your offspring that may prove to be more troublesome," said Ghidorah.

"Junior..." Kiryu spoke. The mech gave a distorted, ghostly wail as its jaws opened, revealing the cannons inside. The cannons sparked and fired off its maser beam. Ghidorah was blown back by the beam. Kiryu then dragged the beam towards the duplicate, knocking him away from Caesar. The Shisa panted in pain as he sluggishly got up. He found Angirasu struggling against the last duplicate and Onyx. Kiryu fired off his cannons from his gauntlet, aiming for Onyx. The elf gasped in alarm. He quickly teleported away. The duplicate was kicked several feet back by Angirasu.

"Caesar!" called Angirasu. The Shisa grunted as he got up to his paws and began to run to Angirasu. Meanwhile, Ghidorah, his duplicates and Onyx were recuperating

"We must go!" said Caesar.

"You will not escape!" said Onyx. As the villains prepared to for their next assault, a stream of bolts got in their way. They turned to find Kiryu to be standing with its cannons raised, and its rocket launchers on its pack venting. The mech began to ascend into the air as its thrusters carried it through the air.

"I'll stall them!" said Kiryu.

"Wha-" Angirasu was interrupted as Shisa nudged against him.

"Go!" said Caesar. As the two fled, Kiryu remained behind.

The mech fired off all of its weapons at the villains. The bolts caused Onyx to teleport away. Meanwhile, the rockets launched from the pack, from the forward cannons on the shoulders, and from the back of the pack itself. The rockets exploded in midair as Ghidorah and his duplicates sent electric beams from their hands, destroying the rockets before they reached them. However, a few managed to get through, blasting them off of their feet. Kiryu landed to the ground, glancing to the side to find that Angirasu and Caesar were long gone. The plan may have been about getting the spirit trapped inside away from here, but it had stood behind to hold off these dangerous foes. No matter, as long as the spirit had full control of its vessel.

Kiryu fired off its gauntlet cannons again, causing Onyx to retreat and wounding the duplicates. The original Ghidorah however merely dashed passed them. He stroke at the mech, causing its circuits to fry from the electric attacks that he wielded. Kiryu grunted as it spun and struck the Transmutant with its mechanical tail, sending him flying. Kiryu stumbled back as its vision was distorted. More memories flooded back. Memories of creatures. Memories of monsters. But also, memories of a familiar woman and a child. Those last memories snapped the mech into a new goal.

Kiryu fired off its shoulder cannons. One by one, they flew off towards the duplicates. They caught the cannons, but were pushed back as the jets propelled them forward. Kiryu's remaining thrusters ignited, allowing the mech to take off flying away from the base. As it fled, the cannons exploded against the duplicates.

"Bastard," said the original Ghidorah as he stood up. He raised his arm and fired off a beam of electricity at the mech. Kiryu was hit by the beam. It began to convulse in the air as its circuits were shorted out. Its thrusters died out as its optics flickered. The mech fell down, smoking. As it fell into the forest, there was an explosion. Ghidorah smirked as the smoke rose from the forest. Onyx stood next to him with a hard expression.

"Go and make sure it’s destroyed," said Onyx. Ghidorah looked at him with a glare.

"Do it. I'm not taking any more risks with that thing," said Onyx with a harsh tone. Ghidorah growled as he walked off. As he walked, the duplicates began to emerge from the smoking craters, covered in burns. They made their way over to the original Ghidorah, sparking until they disappeared into sparks and fused with the original. Ghidorah's eyes flashed yellow as he walked into the forest.

From the forest, a fire burned in a crater. There was nothing but large chunks of scorched metal lying around. The Transmutant looked around, his eyes focused on the area around him. He merely picked up a scorched gauntlet, inspecting it.

Angirasu and Caesar were walking in silence in the woods. Angirasu bore a solemn expression, recalling the blood rage that he had succumbed to prior. He began to regret his decision of ever setting foot here. All this journey did was show the lowness of their enemy and how far they were willing to go for their power acquisition. He even learned the disturbing truth about not just himself, but all Transmutants that were created by MONARCH. He didn't know to what end their lives were sacrificed for. And that wasn't the only thing that bothered him.

"I can't believe we came all this way to recover his father's remains. Only for them to be lost to them," said Angirasu solemnly. He recalled the explosion earlier from when they were escaping. The mech seemed to have had a will of its own, as though Gojira Senior's spirit still remained. And it used its will to allow them to escape.

"Fret not, Angirasu. For you've begun to unlock your inner power," said Caesar in reassurance.

"I've done nothing but destroy and kill. I was... Is this what's waiting for us, Caesar? Are we just destined to be forces of destruction?" asked Angirasu solemnly. The killing he did was regretful. There was no taking that back. That was something that he was going to have to live with for the rest of his life. He feared that there was more of that on the road ahead.

"You will need discipline to learn to harness your power like the others. But there is no pre-determination with our actions, Angirasu. We choose the paths we walk," said Caesar, turning to the young man.

"I wish to rear you all to be forces of good for not just the planet, but for all of life itself. Humanity included. It is your decision to make of what you will do with your power," said Caesar. Angirasu nodded, his eyes downcast. It still felt unreal that there was this burden on his shoulders. But he remembered that he wasn't alone. There were others that were sharing his burden.

"Let this be a learning experience. Accept what you've done and move on. Move on so that you may make up for your mistake," said Caesar. He then turned to the forest ahead.

"Besides, I wouldn't worry about Gojira Senior. I still sense his presence," said Caesar.

There were heavy footsteps. The sound of metal scrapping filled the air. The night air was briefly lit up by sparks. Red glowing optics pierced through the darkness as mechanical whirs filled the air.

Kiryu staggered through the woods. It held its scorched side as its head twitched. The mech was covered in scratches, dents, and scorch marks from its battle and fall. While falling, the mech ejected its pack from its back and relied on its remaining thrusters on its body to slow its descent. It worked, for the most part. With the destruction left by its pack and gauntlets, Kiryu was able to cover its tracks as it fled.

By now, the mech has traveled through the woods alone. Its vision was distorted as it tried to get as far away from the destroyed base possible. It couldn't reunite with those that released it, since it didn't even know where to look. All the mech knew was that it had to get to safety. The spirit was restless inside, while its mechanical vessel had begun to give in from its damage and depletion of energy.

Kiryu stumbled over to a clearing in the woods. A river ran through the area, reaching at shallow depth. The mech stepped onto the water but began to tremble. Kiryu dropped to its knees, sparking as its vision grew more garbled. The mech then fell forward onto its belly, its head splashing into the water. The freezing water ran against its body, splashing along its head. Kiryu's optics scanned the area, as the text 'Energy Low' appeared in its sight. At the other side of the river, the mech caught sight of a hooded feminine figure, clad in white. The mech's sights focused on the figure, who flickered in and out of its sight. Kiryu's servos began to whir as its red eyes fell dim. The mech slumped in the water as it began to power down. The last thing it saw was the woman suddenly appearing over it.

A few days had passed. Angirasu was walking alongside Caesar down an open dirt road. They had recently returned to Equestria and were now on a walk towards Ponyville. The two haven't spoken since they left. Angirasu could only reflect on his actions and the revelation he had during their trip.

Angirasu's family members knew that he was still alive. They knew he was living out here in Equestria. But, they didn't know that he was a Transmutant. He felt that he should've told them but couldn't. He couldn't bear the thought of his flesh and blood rejecting him because of his mutation, even if it was something that was done to him without his consent. He never wanted this. He never wanted this for anyone. Hell, he'd never wish what happened to him to happen to his enemies.

Angirasu still had regrets for what he did. He never knew the weight of responsibility his power had until he himself experienced the surge of it. If he was careless, bystanders could suffer gravely. And there was the killing spree that he went on. He decimated that entire base. And for what? For vengeance against a few who were responsible for his parents' death. He began to realize that he wasn't going to finish Seiko as fast as he did with the others. Angirasu had wanted to make her suffer. He felt joy as she pleaded to him. That was what frightened Angirasu the most. He never thought of himself capable of being a sadist. But that night brought up demons in him that he didn't know were there. If he had went through with it, he doubt he'd ever come back from that. He wasn't even sure if he could come back from this.

Angirasu soon came across a familiar dirt path. He turned and waved to Caesar, who nodded to him. The Shisa slowly walked off, leaving the Transmutant alone. Angirasu sighed as he sluggishly walked. He stopped as he found a familiar cottage. Fluttershy was standing outside, waiting at the porch. The two stared at each other in silence. Angirasu lowered his head, his eyes cast to the ground. Then, he felt a warm embrace.

"Don't ever disappear like that again," muttered Fluttershy. Angirasu felt his lip trembled as the girl held him tightly.

"I'm sorry..." said Angirasu softly. The girl nuzzled him with a sniffle, a warm smile on her face.

Angirasu soon made his way towards the familiar small house built into the entrance of a cave. He made his way through the all too familiar cave hallway. Angirasu found Mosura, Rodan, Junior, Erika, Sunset, and the sirens in the living room muttering to each other. As Angirasu enters the room, everyone turned towards him. There was a deafening silence, everyone had either an unreadable or unsure expression on their face. Aang was growing increasingly uncomfortable from the silent atmosphere, and the eyes peering at him.

“Wh-what's wrong?” Angirasu asked, breaking the silence.

Everyone turned towards Junior, then back at Aang. Back at Junior, then back at Aang. Junior let out a dull yet irritated sign, as he stood up. He pulled out Aang’s journal and a picture of Aiko. Angirasu’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" asked Junior. Angirasu bit his lip as he stood nervously.

"I uh..." stumbled Angirasu.

“Why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you tell us that your mother was a MONARCH soldier?” Junior demanded. “Why were you keeping this from us!?”

“Because you'd never understand!” Angirasu blurted out, startling everyone in the room. “You would just say she’s just as bad as the rest of them. I knew you'd judge her because of what she was!”

Everyone remained silent, while Angirasu let out whatever was left of his anger.

"You may not approve, but I don't care. You know why? Because keeping this journal, and the memories of my mother reminds me that I was once a human being, like everybody else!” said Angirasu. Junior's eyes widened.

Angirasu’s anger began to diminish, his breath slowed down. He turned away with his arms crossed, and his head downcast.

“I-I know you’re all angry with me, and you have every right to be” Angirasu continued, his voice taking a more somber tone. “I wish I could have told you everything, but it wouldn’t change anything”

Mosura slowly got out of her chair, and made her way towards Angirasu.

“You all have been scarred by MONARCH one way or the other, you’re prejudice is justified” Angirasu’s voice sounded like it was going to crack, Mosura was nearly close to him. “I-I wished we would come to understanding, b-but apparently, I'm not the upstanding brother you wanted”

Mosura turned Angirasu towards her and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"That's not true. We were never angry with you," said Mosura, tears streaming down her face.

Angirasu didn’t expect this, but he wrapped his arms around Mosura as well. Rodan got out of his seat and joined the hug. Junior looked at the three, he smiled softly seeing that nothing would shatter the bonds that they have forged. Angirasu lifted his free hand beckoning Junior to join them, Junior was a little surprised at first, but he smiled and joined the group hug. Angirasu soon felt an extra weight around him, he turned his head around to see Sunset, Erika, and the sirens joining the group hug with tears running down their faces.

All of his years, Angirasu yearned to return to Neighpon. To go home. He could have easily done that and been with his family if not for his mutantism. But he didn't want to risk losing them with what he is. Neighpon, was no longer his home. It only took him this long to realize. His home was where his friends were, where Mosura, Rodan and Junior were. Where Fluttershy was. This was home. And he had a responsibility to protect it.

"It's good to be home," said Angirasu, tearing up as he held his adoptive family.

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