• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 8,994 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 50: Northside Stories

A strong blizzard blew over the land. There was nothing but snow and ice as far as the eye can see in the land. The temperatures were freezing and chilling to the bone. The skies were covered in dark clouds that rained snow down over the frozen wasteland. In the midst of the blizzard, a lonely temple was built into the base of the mountains. The stones that made up the temple were cracked, broken and covered in frost. Around the temple was an ancient formation of stone buildings that were built inside of the frozen canyon with stones in pieces. From the roof of one of the small ancient building ruins, a humanoid creature pawed at the snow on the roof. It was ape-like in appearance as it bore white fur. Its grey skin was leathery and its teeth were sharp. The frost troll was native to this frozen tundra, inhabiting the caves in mountains. The creature's eyes were mostly black pupils. Its three grubby fingers began to pick at the carcass of an artic wolf. The creature gave a low growl as it tore the flesh of the wolf's limbs.

From the temple that sat ominously in the canyon. Outside of its main entrance were torches that burned and lit up the shadows. Inside of the temple, pillars were knocked over on the ground. Crystals stuck out of the cracks of the walls as little light beamed down from the ceiling. The temple led deeper into the mountain, where a vast area could be found. Statues of an Elf with a spiked crown and fangs in his mouth stood tall and proud near the spikes of ice that stuck out of the ground. Stairways led over to different walls, that hung over a long drop with freezing cold water down below. Vases were shattered; skeletons littered every other platform, stairway, or were just simply impaled by ice stalagmites. Deeper inside of the cave, several figures in cloaks stood together as they wrapped their hands in dark auras. They muttered as they spoke and chanted in a foreign dialect. The people who adorned their cloaks were a mix of men, women, young and old. Deeper into this mysterious cave, Thanatos walked beside Destoroyah, Battra, and Ghidorah. The two Revolutionary Transmutants looked on in awe at the cave that was just behind the temple.

"Where are we?" asked Battra.

"We are currently in the grand temple of Shadows. This temple was constructed in honor of the Elf king who once ruled the crystal empire," answered Thanatos.

"Crystal Empire? Never heard of it," said Destoroyah.

"No, because it's been missing for a thousand years," said Ghidorah as ran a claw over the frosty wall. Battra looked at the Transmutant in confusion.

"How can an entire empire go missing?" asked Battra. Thanatos turned and glanced at the Transmutant.

"Our great master overthrew the wicked Crystal princess and established himself as the new ruler. He brought order, security, and justice to the Empire. But, his reign was short when the Avatar princesses turned him to shadow and banished him beneath the ice," said Thanatos. He then led the Transmutants down to a large room where an altar stood with a small hole in the ceiling above. "However, a curse was placed upon the Crystal Empire before his fall. The empire vanished into thin air, along with the inhabitants."

"Your master?" questioned Battra. Thanatos nodded to the Transmutant.

"Yes. When our lord had ascended into power, we were in awe of his abilities. We dedicated our lives to him during his reign, learning what he had learned. The king even had us do his bidding along the borders of the Crystal Empire. We enforced his laws against those who stood for the evil princess. When our King was turned to shadow and imprisoned, we became the Shadow's Hand, in honor of our King who could not fight to take back the kingdom," said Thanatos.

"You guys come off more as a cult rather than law enforces of an Emperor," said Battra.

"King. We call him king, or lord," said Thanatos. The Transmutant scowled.

"There is no way I am calling an emperor a king or lord. Why do you Equestrians always let princesses and princes rule kingdoms? Where are the kings and queens?! And now your emperors are called kings?!"

"You get used to it," said Ghidorah with a shrug. Battra sighed in exasperation. Destoroyah sent a glare towards Ghidorah.

"And just what does ancient history have to do with you joining MONARCH? Why have you brought us across the world and into the middle of the damn tundra?" demanded Destoroyah.

"Des, Des, you have been about this all wrong. I am not truly your enemy," said Ghidorah as he shook his head. He paced around the room as he made his way to the altar. "Remember the legend of Kaiju?"

"Yes. What do fables have to do with-"

"They're not fables. They are actual historical events," said Ghidorah in a low tone. Destoroyah and Battra looked at each other in confusion and then back to Ghidorah.

"Bullshit," Battra and Destoroyah said in unison. Ghidorah shook his head.

"So you say. But there are legends of these god-like beings from around the world,” said Ghidorah. He then looked to Thanatos. The elder man turned to face the Revolutionaries.

"We have the remains of a Kaiju with us,” said Thanatos. Destoroyah and Battra looked at the human with wide eyes. The elder Elf smirked under his hood. “Would you care to see it?”

“Very well,” said Destoroyah as he stomped towards the Elf. The group began to walk down towards another hall. The walls were dry compared to the frosty walls that were near the temple’s main entrance, but the air was still cold. The group later came across a large room where the temperatures had dropped lower and the walls were frosted. A transparent magic barrier stood at the far end of the room. Battra and Destoroyah squinted as they attempted to make out a distorted image of an odd looking formation. Their eyes widened as they spotted an enormous figure with multiple legs and insect eyes. The creature bore golden horns that were snapped and cracked. Its exoskeleton appeared to be severely damaged and the yellow liquid that came from its wounds was frozen solid. The wings appeared to be shattered into pieces that stuck the walls.

“Behold, the Kaiju that was called, the God of Hatred,” said Thanatos as he pointed towards the beast’s icy tomb. Battra’s breath was caught in his throat as he analyzed the great insect. He saw familiar traits of the creature. He looked down at his hand, which had turned black as the creature’s exoskeleton.

“Impossible,” Battra muttered to himself. Destoroyah gazed at the creature in awe.

“Destoroyah, MONARCH invaded our beloved temple and desecrated it with their presence. This temple housed this creature’s remains before the founders realized it was here. This creature’s DNA was drawn to create one of many Transmutants,” said Thanatos as he focused his attention on Battra. The Transmutant turned around in disbelief.

“But wait! There's more," said Ghidorah with a grin.

"More?" questioned Destoroyah.

"Yes. Evidently, our King had discovered a breathing and living Kaiju before he was banished by the cursed Avatar rulers," said Thanatos. Battra and Destoroyah looked on in shock.

"Wha- Where is it now?" asked Destoroyah. Ghidorah smirked.

"He's right here," answered Ghidorah as he pointed at himself. Destoroyah and Battra looked at the Transmutant in confusion.

"That's not possible! You're a Transmutant!" said Battra with a scowl.

"Besides, the king lived a thousand years ago. You don't look a decade over your forties," said Destoroyah with his arms crossed. Ghidorah chuckled.

"Right. Well, I am actually more compared to the rest of you all. I am a Kaiju reincarnated into the form of a man," said Ghidorah. Destoroyah's interest began to peak. However, he was reluctant to automatically believe this man. The idea was too ludicrous.

"How can you prove that?" asked Destoroyah. Ghidorah smiled darkly. He raised his hands that were engulfed in golden auras. The hands fired beams towards the heads of the Transmutants, causing them to gasp in shock. Visions of a golden dragon with three, serpent-like heads appeared in their minds. The great beast roared as it stood tall among a scorched land covered in ash and dust. The blue skies and sun darkened as a great cloud of ash covered the heavens. The vision flashed to the dragon soaring over the scorched land with its great wings, headed for a colossal dragon-like creature. The creature bore a likeness to Gojira Takeshi's transformation, only this one was brown in color. The three headed dragon roared as it dove down towards the second Kaiju and rained down beams of electric-like energy. The second Kaiju screeched in agony as it was attacked from the skies. The vision flashed again, revealing images of the three headed dragon attacking different forms of giant beasts, ranging from insects, arachnids, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

One final vision flashed, revealing the great golden dragon to be nothing but skeletal remains of itself. Part of the skeleton began to dissolve and liquefy. The contents seeped into the ground where the creature was lying, scorching a small area of the earth. The soil stirred and took a humanoid form. The liquefied bones and the dirt hardened as they sculpted themselves into a prone human male figure. A black clawed hand pressed against the forehead of the dirt sculpture, causing the solid clay to crumble. Ghidorah's face was revealed from the broken clay. The vision ended after the Transmutant's eyes opened. Battra and Destoroyah panted as they dropped to their knees. They slowly turned their heads and gazed up at the Elf Transmutant that stood before them. Ghidorah held a firm expression.

"Destoroyah, I am a Kaiju reincarnated as a man. I was brought back to bring order to this world where the humans have squandered their gifts. I was brought to King Sombra to assist him in his reign. In fact, I was even meant to be his successor," said Ghidorah.

"You were reincarnated a thousand years ago? How is it possible that you are still alive?" asked Destoroyah in disbelief.

"When he was overthrown, I was placed under a spell by his loyalists that would preserve me until he can return from his banishment. When he does, I shall help him retake his kingdom from the humans that dare dictate us," said Ghidorah as he crossed his arms. Destoroyah looked at him suspiciously.

"You were speaking to the Director of MONARCH when were first changed. He spoke of a lord to you. Is he an ally?" asked Destoroyah. Ghidorah sighed.

"Yes," answered Ghidorah. Destoroyah sent him a harsh glare.

"You expect me to ally my group with you when you are allies with the son of a bitch who runs that damn organization?!" demanded Destoroyah as he and Battra glared at the Elf.

"Destoroyah, I know where you're not thrilled with that. But what's happened recently in Neighpon was beyond his control. In fact, he was the reason why you and your group have been safe in that little facility that you were all holed up in," said Ghidorah. Battra and Destoroyah looked at him in surprise and confusion. Ghidorah lightly smiled as he made his way over to them. He pulled Battra to his side as he wrapped his arm around his neck, causing the younger Transmutant to grunt. Ghidorah did the same with Destoroyah, who growled in annoyance.

"Gentlemen, not everything is as they seem. Onyx, the Shadow's hand and I are all trying to make this world better for everyone. Except MONARCH is a big obstacle. There is a deal that we can all make here," said Ghidorah.

"What kind of deal?" asked Destoroyah. Ghidorah smirked.

"You, your little student here and several others that are in your midst are reincarnated Kaiju like me," said Ghidorah.

"What?!" exclaimed Battra.

"That's right. The insect that lies dead is your former self. You were all reborn to bring salvation upon the Transmutants. Isn't that what you have all been fighting for?" asked Ghidorah. Destoroyah was about to retort 'no', but he stopped himself. He would lose his student's loyalty if he were to reveal him his true ambition.

"Yes," nodded Destoroyah. Battra nodded as well.

"It is all that I want to do. I want to save them," said Battra with a solemn expression. Ghidorah nodded as he bore a small smile.

"Ah. Well, if you join me and Shadow's Hand, you and the Revolutionaries will be safe here in the Frozen North. You will be able to gain a power that will allow you to stand against any threat. In return, you help the Shadow's Hand guarantee the return of King Sombra," said Ghidorah.

"How do we know that this isn't a trick? What if you're planning to have us remain here comfortable while you alert MONARCH?" questioned Battra with a glare.

"It's not. Boy, MONARCH is a force that we should all fear. They want to rule over us so terribly that they had used us all to become weapons to control. But together, we can rise against MONARCH and all of the humans who want us gone," said Ghidorah as he shook his head. Thanatos stepped forward.

"Indeed. Our temple was desecrated by these people and they threatened our king's return. We wish to start again and we believe that with your help, we can make this a world that is better for all of us," said Thanatos. Battra looked away in reluctance. Ghidorah and Thanatos’ offer sounded promising. However, he wondered where that would lead him and the other Transmutants. Destoroyah crossed his arms.

"I despise the thought of working with humans," spat Destoroyah with a harsh glare. Ghidorah sighed in disappointment.

"Des, if you help us, you can set up your own land...no, your own country! A place where you and all Transmutants will be free to thrive in peace!" said Ghidorah with a persuasive tone. Destoroyah's interest began to peak. He rubbed a claw under his chin in thought.

"Tempting," said Destoroyah. Ghidorah smiled darkly.

"Battra, I remembered what happened to your little sister. It was tragic. Of course, I'm partly responsible since I arrived with a team but I can make it up to you," offered Ghidorah. Battra sent him a glare.

"How?" asked Battra in an uninterested manner. Remembering that Ghidorah was indirectly responsible of his sister's demise made him unwilling to accept his help.

"The girl who killed your sister, I know where she is," said Ghidorah with a sinister smile. Battra's eyes widened.

"Ah. Glad to see that I have your attention," chuckled Ghidorah. He then made his way over towards the altar. "She's closer than you think. I know that you wish to kill her to avenge your misguided sister. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to fight your own flesh and blood."

"Enough with your sympathy! Tell me where this girl is!" demanded Battra.

"Uh! I know you're eager to kill that MONARCH soldier, but she's important. We need her alive for now," said Ghidorah as he crossed his arms over his chest. Thanatos turned to the Transmutants with a nod.

"She is the key that will help us to return Ghidorah to his former self. When our King returns, he will use his power along with the girl's to open a gate to the spirit world to introduce Ghidorah to his past life's spirit," said Thanatos. Battra and Destoroyah looked at him in shock.

"What for?" asked Destoroyah. Thanatos smirked.

"If a reincarnated being is reintroduced to the spirit of its past life, the reincarnation can draw in the original's essence. In turn, the reincarnated form can return to its former form. Ghidorah's soul is a piece of a Kaiju's. If he gain's the Kaiju's essence, he shall have the power to become a Kaiju," explained Thanatos.

"You plan to use your power...to destroy MONARCH, return Sombra to his place as King of a lost empire, and you wish to help us create a new home for Transmutants?" asked Battra. Thanatos chuckled.

"Only if you help us. Do we have a deal, gentlemen?" asked Thanatos as he held out a hand. Destoroyah and Battra glanced at each other. Ghidorah stood by with a smile.

"Remember, you two are reincarnated Kaiju as well. Together, we can win this war against MONARCH and you can guarantee the survival of Transmutants," said Ghidorah. Destoroyah hummed in thought.

"Sensei, I think we should consult with the others before making a decision," suggested Battra. Destoroyah shook his head.

"No. I was a fool to have us remain in Neighpon all this time. I was careless. But now, fate has offered us a magic card to win this war and save our people. We have to accept the deal now," said Destoroyah. Battra looked away in hesitation. He desperately wanted to win as much as he wanted to help his group, but he pondered the consequences. Everything could be a lie and a way to let the Transmutants lower their guard down, but he also considered the possibility of it being true.

"You're right. The Revolutionaries won't survive if we keep going the way we have been. Very well, I'm with you," said Battra with a nod. Destoroyah nodded in approval.

"As much as I hate to do so, we accept your help. You have yourself a deal, Thanatos," said Destoroyah as he took the old man's hand and shook it. Thanatos smiled darkly.

"Excellent," said Thanatos. Ghidorah grinned to himself. Destoroyah released Thanatos's hand as he held a firm expression.

'If he's lying about us being reincarnated Kaiju, then I'll just kill Ghidorah and these humans. But if it's the truth, that means I can rule with an iron fist. Not to mention, settle things with Gojira Takeshi the 2nd,' thought Destoroyah as he smiled to himself.

"The servants shall show you and your group to where you will be housed for now on. Soon, you will have your own kingdom. May our alliance lead to a brighter future for us all," said Thanantos. Destoroyah nodded in agreement as he and Battra walked out of the room. Battra stopped and snuck one last glance at the frozen black insect. He lightly frowned.

'If I'm truly a Kaiju reincarnated as a man, then what caused my demise?' thought Battra. He shook his head as he followed Destoroyah out of the room. When they were sure that the Transmutants were out of hearing range, Ghidorah smirked as he looked at Thanatos.

"Deceptive, aren't I?" asked Ghidorah.

"You're not the only one," Thanatos laughed darkly. He sighed. "Soon, the time will come and the world will be brought before our knees, not MONARCH's. The hate and fear that has transpired throughout the years have proved to be enough to break the spell that holds Lord Sombra in his icy prison. All that is left is to take back Sunset Shimmer to harness her demonic power. We'll need the Revolutionaries to help with taking her back due to her being a prisoner of Celestia."

"Yes," said Ghidorah as he turned towards the tomb of the Kaiju. He then hummed in thought. "Was it difficult transporting MONARCH's third bio-weapon here? Won't the other higher ups get suspicious?"

"No. They trust Onyx enough and they think it's been transported to a base in the south. Here, Sombra will groom it to be the new heir. The Ultimate Life form is here," said Thanatos as the barrier to the tomb dissipated, revealing an ice cave with crystals sticking out. At the farthest end of the cave was a crystalline capsule with a male figure's silhouette to be within. Ghidorah sent the figure a glare.

"Right," said Ghidorah. "How can I forget about it?"

Later that night...

"So, we're staying here?" asked Megaguirus. She sat down on a bed inside of a stone room. She bore a look of worry on her face as she stared at Battra. The male Transmutant nodded.

"Yes. In return, they will house us indefinitely until their rightful king returns. They promised a way that we can stop MONARCH and win the war." said Battra as he made his way over to the female and sat beside her. Megaguirus frowned.

"What about Abra and Hok? Are we just going to leave them with Mai?" asked Megaguirus.

"Of course not. But we're going to have to give them a bit of time before bringing them here. Mai will get suspicious, otherwise," said Battra as he popped his shoulder. Megaguirus leaned against him.

"Battra, about Destoroyah's outburst back in Neighpon..." Megaguirus looked away in hesitation.

"He was just stressed out because of the attacks. I know he didn't mean to act that way," said Battra in reassurance. Megaguirus sighed.

"I guess. But...it really freaked me out," said Megaguirus. Battra nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry. Things will be better," said Battra. Megaguirus sighed as she stood up from the bed.

"Well, I guess I'll head back to Neighpon to help Abra and Hok," said Megaguirus. Battra nodded as he stood to his feet and handed Megaguirus wrapped up bills.

"Here. Ghidorah knows about the situation, so he was kind enough to give us some yen bills to help with the children and the couple. Guess it's useful to have an ally working for MONARCH," said Battra in a humored tone. Megaguirus took the bills with a sigh.

"It's going to be a long flight to Neighpon," said Megaguirus. Battra shook his head.

"Come on, I'll ask Thanatos if he can get you to Neighpon through that magic portal that he can create," said Battra. Megaguirus nodded. The two walked through the halls of the temple. The air was slightly cold, but it was much warmer than the main entrance. The Transmutants were being housed in rooms that the temple had to offer. For now, the temple would serve as their temporary home and lair. The two later came across the elder cloaked Elf, who stood at the statue of the Elf King.

"Thanatos, may I ask a favor?" asked Battra. The hooded man turned to face the Transmutants. Megaguirus grimaced as she spotted his elderly appearance. Looking at the frailness, she imagined the man to be over a hundred years old.

"What would it be?" asked Thanatos.

"My friend and I are meant to look after a Transmutant couple who are currently with newborn babies. We're having them stay in Neighpon until they are ready to move about. I ask if you can help us get there in a quicker pace every now and then," said Battra. Thanatos nodded in understanding.

"Of course. Will you both be going?" asked Thanatos. Megaguirus scowled as she glanced at Battra.

"No, because a certain someone has to remain here and babysit the others," answered Megaguirus. Battra sighed in annoyance.

"Meg, I promise that next time I'll come. We just need to make sure we're settled here," said Battra. Megaguirus sighed.

"Whatever," spat Megaguirus as she crossed her arms in disappointment. Battra lightly frowned. Thanatos reached into his cloak and pulled out a round stone with a purple gem imbedded into it.

"Here. Press the gem and it will open a small gateway to Neighpon. A little something we have created years ago," said Thanatos. He then handed it to Megaguirus, The Elf gave her a hard stare. "Do not lose this."

"Got it," said Megaguirus with a nod. As she pressed the gem, a violet swirling portal appeared several feet away. She whistled in awe.

"Neat!" said Megaguirus. Before she could step towards the portal, Battra immediately wrapped his arms over her as he hugged her from behind. Megaguirus gasped in surprise as she glanced at Battra.

"Be...be safe. I can't lose another person that I care about," whispered Battra. Megaguirus lightly blushed as her heart raced. She nodded to him.

"I'll be back," said Megaguirus with a smile. As Battra released her, the female Transmutant dashed towards the portal and vanished. The portal disappeared, leaving Thanatos and Battra alone. The Elf sighed as he walked away.

"Well, I shall be off. I need rest. You should rest too, boy. You will need your strength," said Thanatos. Battra nodded.

"Right," said Battra. He was soon left alone with the statue that stood in the room. He sighed as he wandered around the room. He parked himself at the base of the statue and sat down. He has been exhausted from the eventful two days that have passed. He yearned to sleep, but he felt restless. After several minutes of silence, he heard footsteps. Battra turned and found a dozen Transmutants sneaking down the hall. Battra looked on in suspicion and stood up to his feet to trail after them. Eventually, he found them to be carrying bags and wearing jackets. His eyes widened as he noticed them headed for the temple's entrance.

"Hey!" called Battra. The Transmutants stopped and gasped. They all slowly turned and found Battra staring at them in disbelief.

"Wha-What are you guys doing?" asked Battra. His eyes widened as he noticed the grey haired woman that first spoke out against Destoroyah's plan and his leadership. She was 5’9 with an athletic body and orange eyes and was known to the Revolutionaries as Jira. The other Transmutants looked at him nervously.

"Ba-Battra! We uh..." a man stuttered as he looked away nervously. Battra approached the group.

"What is all of this?" asked Battra.

"Battra...we can't stay with the group anymore," said Jira as she looked down to the ground.

"Why not? We're safe now! Things will get better and-"

"We just can't!" cried Jira. One of the men stepped forward.

"Destoroyah...he's...we're afraid of him," said the man. Battra looked at him in confusion.


"Haven't you seen his outbursts?!" asked a green haired Transmutant.

"Well, yes. But he didn't mean it! He's just stressed out from the attacks!" argued Battra.

"It's not just that. Battra, we can't live among these humans. How can we trust them?" asked a red hair woman.

"I know it's a difficult situation, but we have no choice!" said Battra. He placed his hands together with pleading eyes. "Don’t leave! You're safer with us than out there alone!"

"Battra, we appreciate all that you've done for us. But we just can't stay with the group anymore. It's more dangerous for us to be with a group fighting MONARCH than it is being on our own," said Jira.

"We can still win against them!" cried Battra, but another man with brown hair stepped forward.

"Battra, things haven't gone well for a while now. MONARCH's latest attack showed us that we can't win against them. We value our lives too much to keep fighting in a war we can't win," said the male Transmutant. Battra slumped his shoulders as he looked at them in disbelief. He sighed solemnly as he lowered his head. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He found Jira giving him a sad smile.

"We'll always appreciate you guys taking us in. But this is something that we have to do. We want to find our own way around," said Jira. Battra nodded in understanding.

"I get it," said Battra. "If that is your decision, then I won’t stop you,"

"Battra, can you do us one favor?" asked Jira. Battra nodded.

"Yes," answered Battra. The woman held his hand tightly as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Please, don't tell Destoroyah that you saw us leaving. Pretend that you never saw us," said the gray haired woman. Battra sadly nodded.

"As you wish, Jira," said Battra. The woman smiled brightly and planted a kiss on the Transmutant's cheek. Battra lightly blushed as Jira winked at him.

"Thanks a lot," said Jira. She made her way back towards the group and led them outside. Battra watched sadly as the Transmutants ran out of the temple and down the steps. Battra lowered his head.

'If this happened years ago, I would have hated them for leaving. I would have called them traitors and cowards. But I'm not the same person anymore. Now, I see how Mosura felt when she wanted to leave.' thought Battra. He sat down on the ground as he buried his face into his knees. From the corner in the shadows, a figure stood. He glared at Battra and then at the entrance of the temple.

"Damn cowards," whispered the figure. He then glared at Battra, who sat in silence. "Battra, I knew you've grown weak."

From outside of the temple, Jira and her group continued to run across the white snow. They stood close together as the blizzard blew against them.

"Let's keep moving guys!" shouted Jira over the winter breeze. The group continued on through the winter, in search of a clearing.


The sun was up over the land at noon, and the weather was growing much colder as the days that went on. A violet swirling portal appeared, revealing a rushing Megaguirus. She stopped as she searched her surroundings. The young woman had arrived in an alley where dumpsters and trash littered the area. Megaguirus cupped her nose as she caught the rancid smell that filled the air. It smelt worse due to her enhanced sense of smell.

"Great," muttered Megaguirus as she placed the stone that was given to her into her pocket. She strolled out of the alley and found herself near Mai's neighborhood. The Transmutant smiled to herself as she ran down the side walk. As she made her way over to the human's apartment, she stopped to think. From what she had witness in regards of Destoroyah's outburst from the previous day, she began to think back to what Battra had told her about how the stress made Destoroyah lash out. However, she was always wary of Destoroyah’s ruthlessness so she wasn’t sure if Battra was right. Battra was willing to assume the best out of him, but she wasn’t easily convinced.

"I just want this stupid war to end," sighed Megaguirus as she made her way into the apartment building. As she took the elevator, she placed a hand on her chest as she visualized Battra's action from earlier. She shook her head furiously as her cheeks burned hot from her blushing. As the elevator opened, the Transmutant made her way over towards Mai's apartment room. She knocked on the door and waited for a minute. The door opened, revealing Mai to be standing with a brush in her hand.

"Oh, hello Tonbo-san!" greeted Mai with a smile. Megaguirus gave her a forced smile.

"Hey, Yoshida. Just came by to help Abra for a few hours," greeted Megaguirus. She mentally sighed in annoyance as she kept her smile.

'Does Battra see anything in this girl? What the hell?' thought Megaguirus in frustration.

"So, where's Yasu-san?" asked Mai as she looked over Megaguirus's shoulder.

"Ah. He's working right now. But, he'll be coming down here next time," answered Megaguirus. Mai nodded in understanding but her face showed disappointment.

"Oh, that's a shame. But, come on in! Yasu's cousin is making lunch right now," said Mai as she led Megaguirus inside. The Transmutant stepped inside and removed her boots. She placed them in the corner and followed Mai. Megaguirus found Abra lying down on the ground with her three children lying on blankets. Their eyes were closed as they rested soundly. Megaguirus lightly smiled as she watched the babies sleep. She turned and found Hok in the kitchen, using the stove. He turned and greeted Megaguirus with a friendly wave, which she responded with as well. She made her way over towards the kitchen and peaked over the Transmutant's shoulder.

"Whatcha cooking?" asked Megaguirus. Hok turned off the stove, leaving the contents inside of the pan to sizzle.

"I'm cooking Koi meat mixed with some veggies," said Hok as he reached for a napkin and began to wipe his hand. He nodded in approval. "And now I'm finished,"

"Smells good," said Megaguirus. She felt a piercing glare from her side. Megaguirus nervously glanced to her side and caught Abra glaring at her. Megaguirus gulped as she turned her attention back to Hok.

"Oh! Uh...Battra gave me some money to pay for some supplies that you guys will need," said Megaguirus as she reached into one of her pockets and pulled out rolled up yen bills. As Hok turned his attention to it, his eyes widened. He immediately took the bills into his hands and mentally added up the numbers in his head.

"Th-There's 100000 yen here!" cried Hok in shock. He looked at Megaguirus in disbelief. "How the hell did Battra get this much money on him?! He never had a job!"

"Yeah...he kinda borrowed it from someone. Honestly, I think the guy who gave it to him was stingy, as he probably makes a lot more," said Megaguirus with a scowl. She assumed that a MONARCH soldier like Ghidorah was paid a lot of money for his line of work. She doubted that the man spent a lot of money, given he likely lived with the Shadow's Hand or on one of MONARCH's bases.

"Well, I'll have to thank him," said Hok with a smile. He placed the currency into his pocket and began to open a cabinet. "I'll go out later after lunch and purchase what we'll need. Why not take a seat and I'll serve you some lunch?"

"Sure!" said Megaguirus as she left the kitchen. The female Transmutant sat down at the small, round table that sat in the middle of the living room. She caught Abra sending her a menacing glare, causing the younger Transmutant to shrink back. Hok scooped up some of the contents that were in the pan and placed them inside of a rectangular bento box. Mai came rushing out from her bathroom as she adjusted her cafe uniform. She gasped as she stared at the lunch that sat in the box.

"Oh wow! That smells really good!" cried Mai. Hok gave her a smile as he closed the box and wrapped it up. He held it up to the Earthbound.

"Here you go. I hope you'll enjoy it," said Hok as he handed the young woman her lunch.

"I'm sure I will! Thank you!" said Mai as she rushed out of the kitchen and to her door. She immediately slipped on her shoes as she opened the door. "I'll be gone at work for a few hours. Hold down the fort for me, will ya?"

"You can count on us," said Hok as he gave the human a wave. She smiled brightly.

"See you!" said Mai as she walked out the door and closed it behind herself. The three Transmutants were left alone in the apartment. Hok cleared his throat as he brought plates filled with food, putting one in front of Megaguirus and the other near Abra's position.

"Thanks," said Megaguirus as she began to eat. Hok nodded to her as he went back into the kitchen to serve himself. Abra gently laid her children to the side and sat up at the table. She took one quick glance at the triplets, hoping that they were soundly sleeping. She sighed in relief as they continued to breathe softly. Abra went to eating her lunch as Hok returned to the table with his own plate of food with a line sheet of paper. He scanned through it as he ate.

"With the money that we have, we could purchase a good number of supplies. I'll still need a job," said Hok as he ate. He then looked at Megaguirus in curiosity.

"So, did you all find a safe place?" asked Hok.

"Yeah. But it's actually pretty far away," said Megaguirus.

"How far?" asked Abra. Megaguirus sighed.

"It's all the way back in Equestria in the Frozen North," answered Megaguirus.

"Wait, how did you and the others find the time to travel there and come back here in just two days?" demanded Abra. Megaguirus reached into her pocket and pulled out the stone disk that she was given.

"Some temple guy used this to create a portal to get there. Apparently an old Transmutant acquaintance is their ally and they offered to house us," said Megaguirus as she slid it over to Hok. The male Transmutant looked it over with interest.

"Well, this will come in handy. Now the only problem is a story to make up to tell Mai when we have to leave," said Hok as he handed the stone back to Megaguirus.

"I gotta say, those guys creep me out. But Battra and Destoroyah really seem to be set on staying with these humans," said Megaguirus as she took another bite of her meal. Abra sighed in exasperation.

"I can't believe we're still being forced to live with more humans. How can we even trust them?" asked Abra as she angrily continued to eat. Hok looked to her with a frown.


"Forget it! If something goes wrong over there, at least we won't be there to be caught in the middle," spat Abra in annoyance. Megaguirus sent her a glare.

"Hey, come on! Those are our friends that you're talking about!" said Megaguirus. Abra shot her own glare.

"You know as much as I do that our situation is hopeless! Don't you dare pretend everything is going to fine and dandy, you damn exhibitionist!" said Abra.

"Abra!" said Hok in disapproval. Megaguirus scoffed in response.

"Excuse me?! You have no right to-" Megaguirus shot up from her seat as she hardened her glare while Abra stood up to meet her. The mother Transmutant may have been taller than her, but Megaguirus was not going to let her size intimidate her. Before Megaguirus could finish her retort, the sound of the triplets crying reached their ears. Abra turned to face her children with a frown and then shot Megaguirus a glare.

"Happy?" asked Abra. Megaguirus scoffed.

"Are you serious?! You- Ugh!" Megaguirus sat down with a scowl on her face while Hok sighed as he stood up and picked up one of the babies. He lightly ran his hand over Hope's back as she cried.

"It's OK, just go back to sleep," whispered Hok as Abra comforted two of the other infants. Megaguirus kept her scowl on her face as she continued to eat. Abra bringing up her personality in an argument irked her, especially when Abra pinned all of the blame on her for causing the babies to awaken. Megaguirus finished off what was left of her meal and stood up to her feet, stomped over to the kitchen and washed her dishes. She began to gripe to herself as she scrubbed the dishes. Abra sent Megaguirus a glare as she rocked two of her babies back to sleep while Hok stared at his wife in exasperation.

"Was that really called for?" whispered Hok. Abra sent him a glare.

"Don't you dare try to defend her!" Abra snapped at him in a whisper. Hok shook his head in disapproval.

"Abra, you have to let it go. What she did is in the past," whispered Hok as Hope calmed down. Abra looked away with a scowl.

"Sure, it's easy for you," said Abra in a sarcastic manner. Hok sighed in response. Megaguirus placed her dishes away as she stomped out of the kitchen. She made her way out of the apartment and closed the door behind herself. She sat down against the wall with a scowl on her face.

"I swear, she can be such a bitch," Megaguirus muttered to herself. She sighed to herself as she leaned against the wall. "I'd honestly go home right now if she didn't have kids to take care of."

The Transmutant's ears perked as she caught the sound of the door opening. She turned to find Hok stepping at of the apartment with a coat on. He sighed as he sat down beside Megaguirus.

"Hey, uh...I'm sorry about Abra," said Hok. Megaguirus kept her arms crossed as she looked away.

"Yeah...whatever," replied Megaguirus with a frown. Hok placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Just give her a bit more time to come around. I promise that she'll let it go," said Hok in a reassuring tone. Megaguirus lamely nodded as she brought her knees up to her chest and held them tightly. The male Transmutant stood up to his feet and walked away.

"I'll be gone for a while shopping for what we need. Could you take care of Abra for me while I'm gone?"

"I guess," said Megaguirus in reluctance.

"Thank you," said Hok as he made his way over to the elevator. Megaguirus sighed in exasperation as she stood up and began to walk back to the apartment door. She shook her head as she entered and made her way back to the living room. She stopped as she found Abra lying down one of her babies and sighing in exhaustion as she comforted the weeping infant. Megaguirus made her way over towards the mother and sat down beside her. Abra sent her a glance and then proceeded to ignore her.

"I can...calm him down if you want," offered Megaguirus.

"I don't think so," said Abra as she continued to pat the baby's back.

"I insist. I mean, it was my fault that they woke up. Besides, you look pretty tired," said Megaguirus. Abra sighed in response.

"Fine. You better not make my little boy cry more," said Abra as she held the crying baby out to Megaguirus.

"Don't jinx me," deadpanned Megaguirus as she took the baby from Abra and cradled the infant Transmutant in her arms. The Transmutant spent a minute lightly rocking herself with the baby. Abra watched as Megaguirus gently shushed the child to be calm. The infant had stopped crying and started to fall back to sleep. Megaguirus lightly smiled.

"Want him back?" asked Megaguirus as she turned to face Abra.

"What? You don't like babies?" asked Abra.

"I'm just asking because you’re his mother. I have no problem with holding him," said Megaguirus as she leaned back against the sofa with the baby in her hold. Abra watched as her child gave a yawn and snored quietly. Abra lightly smiled while Megaguirus twiddled her toes as her feet were firmly planted on the carpet.

"Uh...I know that I never actually apologized about this," said Megaguirus as she looked away. Abra looked at her curiously. Megaguirus sighed heavily.

"I'm...I'm sorry that I flirted with your husband. I honestly didn't know that you two were together and I wouldn't have done so if I knew," said Megaguirus as she lowered her head in shame. Abra's eyes widened in surprise at the apology. It had been nearly a year since the incident of her catching the Transmutant flirting with her husband happened. She wasn't expecting Megaguirus to come out and apologize.

"Why are you apologizing now? Why couldn't you have just apologized to me sooner?" asked Abra.

"I thought you would have let it go on your own. I actually would have apologized sooner, but you scared the hell out of me. I was afraid that I'd end up on the back of a milk carton just for talking to you, if you know what I mean," said Megaguirus with a small chuckle. Abra shared a small laugh with her.

"You probably would have," Abra said jokingly. The two sat in silence for a minute before Abra looked down with a frown.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier about the others and you. I just don't know what'll happen to us from here on out," said Abra. She looked at her children with tears glistening in her eyes.

"We've lost our home, and I lost four of my children," muttered Abra as she wiped her right eye of its tears. Megaguirus frowned. She scooted closer to the mother and held the infant towards her.

"Things will get better. We just need to stay strong," said Megaguirus with a hard stare. Abra lightly smiled as she sniffled. She nodded to the Transmutant.

"You're right. Thank you, Megaguirus," said Abra.

The Frozen North of Equestria...

The evening was growing later in the West. The remaining Transmutant Revolutionaries were resting in the rooms provided to them by the Shadow's Hand. Battra wandered the halls aimlessly in silence. He pondered his action of letting the deserters go free, lowering the group´s numbers. The Transmutant's heart was heavy with their reasons for leaving. The fact that they no longer felt safe with the group reminded him just how hopeless their war against MONARCH was. He hoped that Jira and her followers would find refuge.

"If it's possible to obtain such power described by Thanatos, we're sure to win and make the world a better place for us," said Battra to himself. He heard the sound of footsteps approaching. The Transmutant stopped and turned to find someone who made him sick to his stomach. Shinomura stood in the hall with a glare. He was currently in his human form, but the arm that he had lost was just a stump wrapped in blood stain bandages. Battra's disgust was not directed at the Transmutant's dismemberment; rather it was his very presence.

"I see they patched you up," said Battra in a neutral tone.

"Yeah, it hurt like hell," deadpanned Shinomura.

"Right. So, were you following me?" asked Battra.

"You're goddamn right I was. I saw you let those cowards leave," spat Shinomura. Battra scowled at him in response.

"Yeah, so what?" asked Battra.

"Are you an idiot? We're already fewer in number since the attack! Now you allow more of our man power to leave when we need them here?!" demanded Shinomura. Battra sent him a glare.

"First of all, some of them weren't even warriors to begin with! Second of all, who I am to force them to remain with us if they don't want to!" argued Battra. Shinomura stepped closer to him as he held his glare.

"Who are you to let your pity for them to get in the way of what's best for all us?!"

"Not everyone wants to continue to be part of this group anymore! We're losing against MONARCH and they're afraid! I'm not going to play as the dictator and force them to do something that they don't want!" said Battra.

"What the hell happened to you, Battra?!" demanded Shinomura.

"Excuse me?" questioned Battra with irritation creeping into his tone.

"You use to not give a damn about giving strict orders! You've been Destoroyah's right hand man for four years! You were a ruthless battle-hardened man! Now look at you!" said Shinomura as he used his remaining arm to gesture towards the Transmutant. "Ever since you spared those kids, you've gone soft! You don't kill as many humans as you used to and you try to avoid fighting near populated areas!"

"I only do that to make sure they don't get in our way!" lied Battra. "There is a difference between being ruthless to our enemies and forcing other Transmutants into a group that they don't want to have a part in anymore! They'll just get in the way if we force them to remain with us!"

"Maybe if you were a stronger right hand man, we wouldn't be in this mess!" shouted Shinomura.

"What do you know?!" demanded Battra.

"I bet I know why MONARCH was able to find our lair! They found us because of you and Megaguirus! You two keep wandering into the city during these last few months! MONARCH's agents must have tailed you two back to us!" said Shinomura.

"Don't be an idiot, Shinomura! We were always careful! I made sure that no one followed us!" retorted Battra. Shinomura got in the Transmutant's face.

"Then how else could they have found us?!" demanded Shinomura. Battra scoffed in response.

"I don't know! Go pester Ghidorah if you want to know so much!" said Battra as he walked away.

"Hey! You come back here, you weak coward!" shouted Shinomura.

"I'm not a coward. I'm just sick of your complaining," said Battra.

"This is about your sister, isn't it? She's gone! Just let it go already!" said Shinomura. Battra's eyes widened as he stopped walking. He turned and sent Shinomura a harsh glare as he walk closer to the cobalt haired Transmutant.

"I don't care if you are missing an arm. If you ever talk about my little sister that way again, I will break your remaining arm!" growled Battra. Shinomura kept a neutral expression.

"You're better off without her, Battra. Family will only end up hurting you in the end. Just like mine did to me," said Shinomura in a neutral tone. Battra narrowed his eyes.

"Do not compare my family to your bat shit crazy family. My sister may have hurt me in the past, but I've learned to forgive her. I have other reasons to remain fighting. You're just fighting so you can take your anger out on the humans for what your family did to you," said Battra.

"Because they're no different from them. People are all the same," said Shinomura. Battra shook his head as he turned and began to walk away.

"We're done talking Shinomura," said Battra. Shinomura narrowed his eyes.

"Lord Destoroyah will want to know what happened to those former members," said Shinomura.

"He'll understand why they've left," said Battra as his tone carried annoyance. He was sick of hearing Shinomura's voice.

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