• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 63: The Big City

It was the early noon in Ponyville. Junior and Angirasu were pushing a large boulder that had fallen onto the road. The two grunted as they worked to move the boulder to the side of a rocky hill. After they pushed the boulder, they turned to find Big Mac on a wagon that was being pulled by a red horse. In the back of the wagon were barrels filled with apples that were to be sold to the next town over.

"There you go, Big Mac. Road's clear," said Junior.

"Eeyup. Much obliged, boys," said Big Mac as his wagon moved down the road. Junior and Angirasu waved to the man as he left on his journey. The two Transmutants made their way over to the barn, where they found Granny Smith napping as she sat on the porch of the house in her rocker. The two passed the little old woman and entered into the house, where they found Applebloom sitting at the kitchen table, working on her homework. The two Transmutants sighed in unison as they sat the table with bottles of water in their hands.

"I'm beat," said Junior as he took a large gulp of his water.

"Hey, Goji. Is it true that a Transmutant can talk to animals?" asked Applebloom. Junior raised a brow at her in response.

"Um... I'm pretty sure that's not true. I mean, I've never heard an animal say a word to me for as long as I've been working here," said Junior as he took another sip of water.

"Me neither," said Angirasu.

"That's what I thought. Some people come up with some weird rumors," said Applebloom with a laugh. Junior sighed in annoyance.

"I swear, this town's got nothing better to do except come up with weird rumors and tall tales," said Junior. He yawned as he lied his head down on the table. From the living room, Applejack arrived as she conversed with Rarity.

"Well, I don't think he'd mind. It ain't like he's got something better to do anyway," said Applejack as she and Rarity stepped into the kitchen.

"Alright then," said Rarity as she turned her attention to Junior.

"Gojira, darling?" called Rarity. Junior raised his head up and turned to face Rarity.

"Hello," greeted Junior. Rarity cleared her throat as she twiddled her fingers.

"Um... I don't normally ask for favors from you. But... Would you mind doing me a favor?" asked Rarity. Junior shrugged.

"I don't see why not. I don't really have much to do after work anyway," said Junior. "What's this favor?"

"Well, there's this event that's scheduled to happen in a few days in Manehattan. I was invited by Fancy Pants for-"

"Who?" asked Junior with a tilt of his head, interrupting Rarity.

"Fancy Pants. You know, the most important person in Canterlot!" said Rarity. Junior was silent for several seconds as he thought back to some of the names of people he may have been familiar with back in the capital city. He then shook his head.

"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell," said Junior.

"Wha- But weren't you raised in Canterlot for most of your life?" asked Rarity in confusion. She was shocked at how someone like Junior hadn’t heard of Fancy Pants.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I pay attention to all of the popular folks that lived there," said Junior with a shrug.

"Oh. Well, I met this high class gentleman back in July when I was visiting Canterlot. This was back when you and the others were missing," said Rarity. Junior nodded in response. "Anyway, I met Fancy Pants during my stay, and I've become quite acquainted with him, being invited among the other high class people of Canterlot. He's even complimented our friends and the simple dress I had made for Twilight's birthday!"

"Sounds neat," said Junior, trying his best to not sound rude. He really was not a fan of the high class people that he had to live among back in his days in Canterlot. They were snooty to the point he wanted to knock their teeth out. Twilight and her family were the exception, since they weren't like those he had the displeasure of meeting.

"Indeed it was! Oh, how wonderful it was to be among those of high society. Especially with someone as charming and sweet as Fancy Pants," said Rarity with a smile on her face as she gave a happy sigh.

'You'd get sick and tired of high class folks as time goes on,' thought Junior with a smirk after turning to drink water.

"So, this Fancy Pants guy invited you to an event in Manehattan because you were his favorite commoner?" asked Junior.

"Yes, in short," said Rarity.

"So, what's this event?" asked Junior.

"Well, it's this annual art show that showcases all of the works from the world's famous artists as well as the not as well-known ones. It's quite expensive to get into," said Rarity. Junior hummed to himself.

"Art show, huh? In the big city?" asked Junior. Rarity lost her smile as a knot formed in her stomach.

"So, why ask me to come along?" asked Junior. Rarity cleared her throat.

"Um... Well, I uh... I..." Rarity looked away in embarrassment. Junior and Angirasu both looked at each other in confusion and then to Rarity with quizzical looks.

"What?" asked Junior.

"I sort of promised Fancy Pants that I'd sell him some apparel made by me. You're the only one that's around his size" said Rarity with a nervous laugh. Junior gave her a blank stare for several seconds.

"Uh... So basically I'm just your template for fitting those orders for him?" asked Junior. Rarity lamely nodded.

"Yes. I'd ask Angirasu, but his muscles are more round compared to yours," said Rarity. Applebloom laughed as she held Angirasu's arm up and squeezed his triceps.

"It's true!" said Applebloom. Junior looked away with an unsure expression. He had a responsibility to be around just in case something was to come up involving threats from Revolutionaries, Changelings, and the Shadow's Hand. But, Rarity seemed to really eager to be part of this event. He turned to Rarity, who bore pleading eyes. He sighed.

"What about Ponyville? It may need me around in case something happens," said Junior.

"Me and the others can take care of it while you're gone. You're not the only Transmutant here, you know," said Angirasu with a chuckle.

"Oh, alright," said Junior. Rarity squealed in delight as she wrapped Junior into a tight hug.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I promise, you'll have a good time!" said Rarity.

'We're going to a city. I hate cities,' thought Junior.

"When do we get going?" asked Junior.

"We leave this afternoon!" said Rarity.

"But it's already early noon," said Junior.

"Well then we mustn't doddle! Get home and start to pack some clothes that will last you about four days!" said Rarity as she took off out the door.

"Rarity. Rarity, wait!" called Junior as he got out of his seat, only to find Rarity rushing out of the house and down the road. He sighed as he slumped his shoulders. Applejack chuckled as she patted him on the back.

"Aw don't look so glum. Some time out of town would be good for you," said Applejack.

"Yeah. But I guess I'm still a little shaken up after losing it again," said Junior.

"I know. But time off would do ya some good, Sugarcube. Besides, I think seeing a bunch'a fancy paintings will help take your mind off of it," said Applejack.

"Well, some time off does sound nice," said Junior. He then nodded to her.

"Alright. Is it alright if I head out now?" asked Junior. Applejack nudged him in the shoulder.

"Obviously! You only got a while to pack up! Get going," said Applejack. Junior nodded.

"OK. See ya, Aang. Bye Applebloom," said Junior as he waved to the two in the kitchen.

"Bye, Goji!" waved Applebloom while Angirasu waved as well. Junior made his way outside of the house after waving to Applejack. As he stepped outside, he found Granny Smith snorting as she suddenly shot up awake.

"Huh? What's that?" asked Granny as she looked around with drowsy eyes.

"Bye Granny Smith," said Junior as he waved to the old woman.

"Oh. Bye, deary. Eh wait, you don't normally leave until later in the afternoon. Wait, what time is it again?" asked Granny Smith as she pulled out a pocket watch and rubbed her chin.

"I'm leaving early, Granny Smith. I have to leave town for a couple days with a friend," said Junior.

"Alright then. Have a safe trip, young-in!" waved Granny as she rocked herself in her seat. Junior nodded to her as he made his journey outside of Sweet Apple Acres.

Junior was sitting with Twilight at the kitchen table as he counted off the amount of sandwiches that he had packed for himself and Rarity. A case of clothes sat beside him as he packed a few other necessary items for hygiene.

"So, you're going to Manehattan? That sounds exciting," said Twilight.

"I guess. I'm not really someone who likes to be in large cities," said Junior.

"Oh, you and your pessimism," said Twilight as she lightly slapped Junior's shoulder.

"But then again, I guess it does give me a chance to be worry free. Well, somewhat," said Junior.

"OK, that's a little better," said Twilight with a smile. She then started to look Junior over as she hummed to herself.

"You have everything you need, right?" asked Twilight.

"I think so," said Junior.

"Toothbrush? Toothpaste? Deodorant?" asked Twilight.

"Yep. Yep. Yep," said Junior as he counted the items off in his head.

"Shirts? Pants? Socks?" asked Twilight.

"Yep, Yep, and yep," said Junior as he nodded to her.

"What about pairs of underwear to change into?" asked Twilight. Junior looked away in embarrassment.

"Yes," said Junior. Twilight smiled in amusement.

"OK, do you at least have money just in case?" asked Twilight as she prodded Junior on how prepared he was. It'd be terrible if he were to be missing something by the time he was already far from home.

"Plenty," said Junior as he tapped his pocket, causing the bits in his pocket jingle.

"Alright, you might be ready. Oh! No, there's one more thing," said Twilight as she ran out of the kitchen. Junior raised a brow as Twilight made her way up to her bedroom upstairs. After a minute, the sound of her footsteps rushing down filled his ears. He then found Twilight coming into the kitchen with small pants. She held something behind her back as she gave him an innocent smile.

"What did you do?" asked Junior.

"Just went to get something. Could you kneel down for me and close your eyes?" asked Twilight.

"Why? Can't you just-" Junior was interrupted as Twilight sent him a glare.

"Uh! No arguing, mister! Kneel and close those eyes!" said Twilight. Junior rolled his eyes in response. He knelt himself down to Twilight's eye level and closed his eyes. Twilight smiled as she took the object she held from behind her back and brought the chain over his neck. She then took a step back.

"OK, you can open them," said Twilight. Junior opened his head and felt the chain around his neck. He picked up what hung at the end of the chain necklace. He found a heart shaped locket that read, 'I love you' in cursive writing on the front. He looked back at Twilight, who bore a bright smile.

"I got this for you. Open it," said Twilight. As told, Junior opened the locket, finding a photograph of Twilight as she bore a warm smile.

"Just a little something for you to take whenever you’re somewhere far away," said Twilight.

"I..." Junior's face flushed as he looked away and removed the locket.

"I can't wear this," said Junior.

"Wha- Why the heck not?" asked Twilight in confusion.

"Weeell... It's not really my thing to wear something around my neck like this," said Junior in embarrassment.

"Oh come on! Please, it'd mean a lot to me if you did," said Twilight with a pout lip. She then smirked as she reached into Junior's sweater and through his shirt. She pulled out the medallion of his clan.

"How come it's any different to wearing this?" asked Twilight. Junior pulled it back into his sweater as he avoided eye contact.

"It's not shaped like a heart, that's why," said Junior. Twilight crossed her arms as she gave a huff.

"You're such a jerk. If you don't like it, then tell me," said Twilight with a frown. Junior winced in response as he realized the landmine that he had stepped on. He sighed.

"Twi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it seem that way," said Junior as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Twilight avoided eye contact with him. The Transmutant brought his eyes back on the locket. He then closed his eyes.

'Ah. It's not that big of a deal. Guys wear things like this proudly when their girlfriends give it to them, right?' thought Junior. He then brought the locket back over his neck.

"Twi~," called Junior. Twilight turned her attention and found Junior wearing the locket over the outside of his sweater, while his medallion was tucked away underneath. Twilight smiled in response, her mood lifting back up.

"I'm sorry. I guess you could say I suffer a bit from the macho thing," said Junior with a chuckle. "I promise I'll always wear this,"

Twilight wrapped Junior into a tight hug. The Transmutant stroked her head as he brought his head down to her shoulder.

"I'll have to get you something nice for Hearth's Warming," said Junior.

"I'm not picky. So, I'll like it as long as you put your heart into it," said Twilight with a giggle. She then lightly frowned.

"Hey, you'll be OK leaving right? I mean, after what happened..."

"I think I'll be fine. I just need some air and some rest. I doubt I'll get fresh air in Manehattan, but rest is a minor possibility," said Junior. Twilight shook her head at Junior's playful pessimism. The two shared a quick kiss before breaking the hug.

"Now get going! You'll be late for your trip!" said Twilight. Junior nodded in response as he took his suit case and began to make his way out of the library.


Junior grimaced as he stared at the luggage that lied stacked in a cart that bore dozens of others. He found his suitcase remaining cushioned by Rarity's, which comprised of a dozen other bags.

"How much stuff can one woman pack?" asked Junior. He left the cart and made his way back to the passenger cart. He found Rarity sitting down by the window seat as she looked herself over with the use of a pocket mirror. The Transmutant took his seat beside her and lied back in his seat.

"Thanks for helping me bring my bags aboard, deary," said Rarity.

"Sure. Say, why did you pack so much? It seems like a lot for just four days. I mean, pajamas, casual clothes, tooth brush, etc. You look like you’re preparing for a long cruise," said Junior.

"Oh, some of those carry my materials that I need for making the suits. The rest are my clothes and my formal attire," said Rarity.

"Uh oh. Formal attire? Shit, I don't think I brought any of that. Wait, did I bring my pajamas?" muttered Junior.

"Oh, nothing to worry about dear. Just make sure you're on your best behavior and you show good manners. You do have them, right?" asked Rarity in a worried tone.

"Of course. Have you forgotten that I was raised by the princess during my childhood?" asked Junior as he leaned back in his seat and held his arms behind his head. Rarity looked at him with an unsure expression.

"Sometimes I wonder," said Rarity.

"Hey, with all of the years I had to act 'proper' when among these high class punks, I yearned to be as informal as I am now," said Junior. Rarity rolled her eyes in response.

"Fine. Just try to behave," said Rarity.

"Yes, mom," said Junior. Rarity smirked in amusement. The two waited on the train for the next couple of hours. Junior sat in boredom while Rarity sat back and read a mystery novel. She was incredibly drawn into the book that she had forgotten that she was in the train. Junior felt his stomach growling, so he reached under his seat and pulled out a sandwich from a large paper bag.

"Rarity, are you hungry? I brought some food," said Junior.

"Huh? Oh yes," said Rarity as she kept her eyes glued on the book and reached for the side. She grabbed the sandwich that was in Junior's hand.

"Hey! That one's mine!" said Junior. Rarity was startled out of her book and looked at Junior in confusion.

"Aren't they all the same?" asked Rarity.

"No, half of them are filled with fish meat. Yours are packed with cucumbers and other vegetables," said Junior as he handed Rarity a different sandwich wrapped in plastic with an R written in ink. Rarity looked down at the sandwich she held and found the letter G written on the wrapper. She immediately handed Junior the sandwich back with a titter of embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was just getting to a very intense part of this book," said Rarity as she traded sandwiches with the Transmutant.

"I noticed. You've been quiet this whole trip so far," said Junior as he unwrapped his own sandwich and took a bite.

"Well, you want to start a conversation?" asked Rarity with a raised brow. Junior swallowed his food before speaking, lest he wanted to be scolded.

"Aren't we already having one?" asked Junior. Rarity smiled in amusement. She stuck her book mark on her page and sat her book down on her lap.

"Alright, let's change the topic then. What's the story about you and Sunset Shimmer?" asked Rarity.

"Oh, that? Well, like I said before, she was a former crush from when I was a kid. I was eight when I first saw her. I never actually talked with her before since I was very shy around her. It wasn't until I was nine that I started talking to her a bit more," said Junior.

"What did you like about her?" asked Rarity in curiosity.

"Well... she seemed nice. I guess I'm naturally attracted to nice girls. I also did like her hair. Red is my favorite color," said Junior with a chuckle. "Plus, I kinda have a thing for elf girl's pointy ears," said Junior. His eyes then widened as he realized who he was talking to. He turned and found Rarity flushing as she looked down at her lap in embarrassment as she held the tips of her pointed ears.

"Eh. N-Not in a sexual way! I just think they're cute, is all," said Junior with a nervous laugh.

"Right! Well, I have to say as an elf, I am flattered," said Rarity with a small laugh. Junior sighed in relief.

"Anyway, I had these fantasies as a kid that I'd marry her someday. I would do the thing that my dad had told me to do when I meet a special girl in my life," said Junior.

"Do tell," said Rarity with a look of interest.

"He said, 'Son, when you get older and get married, you treat your wife like a princess. Because she may have to put up with you when you mess up'," said Junior with a look of nostalgia. Rarity smiled in amusement at the last sentence.

"You're father sounds like quite a gentleman," said Rarity.

"Maybe to mom. I don't know how he was with other women," said Junior with a shrug. He then chuckled.

"I find it funny how Sunset turned out not to be the one. Life's weird like that sometimes. You never know what's good or bad until later," said Junior.

"Gojira, can I ask you a question? It might be a bit too personal," said Rarity.

"Uh... I guess," said Junior with an unsure expression. He was worried about how personal the question would be, considering that they had already delved into some personal stuff.

"Do you think Twilight's the one?" asked Rarity. Junior looked away with an unsure expression.

"I... I want to say that she is. I feel like she is. Twilight means a lot to me. But sometimes I worry that one day I'll be the one to screw up that'll ruin it," said Junior as he reached for the locket that hung around his neck and looked at it. He opened and found the picture of Twilight.

"I doubt either of us is ready for marriage. It's scary to think about, honestly. However, I'd like for her to be the one and I want to treat her as a princess. Because she's the only one who's shown the most understanding for me since the beginning, and she puts up with my mistakes to an extent," said Junior as he stared at the photo. He felt Rarity gently placing a hand on his shoulder as she gave him a warm smile.

"Well, I'll certainly be rooting for the both of you," said Rarity. Junior smiled back at her as he closed the locket.

"Thanks, Rare," said Junior. Rarity smiled brightly.

"Oh! That's the first time you referred to me by a nickname!" said Rarity. "It's nice. It's what a friend would do,"

"Phew. I was worried you wouldn't like it," said Junior in relief. Rarity shook her head in amusement as she sat back in her seat.

"You know, I look forward to when all of this craziness with MONARCH and the other villains finally comes to an end," said Rarity.

"Me too. On my first day being rid of them all, I'm taking a long nap," said Junior.

Canterlot, Equestria...

Koizumi sighed as he stood up to his feet, feeling the popping of his bones in his legs. He hopped a couple of times, feeling soreness in his legs, but his bones were holding up well. He lied himself down on the barrack's bed as he sighed in relief.

"It feels great to stand up again," said Koizumi. Yoshi made his way over to the bed beside him and lied down. His arm was healed, thanks to the help of the moth fairies. Their healing powers greatly accelerated the process for Koizumi and Yoshi.

"Pretty soon you might be able to get back into action again," said Yoshi.

"Uh. We. We'll be getting back into action again," said Koizumi.

"Of course," said Yoshi with a chuckle.

"Well, you wanna hit the tavern for some drinks? It's on me," said Koizumi.

"Sure, I can go for a drink," said Yoshi as he raised himself up from the bed. The two moved out of the barracks. Koizumi was wincing with every few steps that he took.

"You sure you're well enough to walk around?" asked Yoshi.

"Oh yeah. I'm just sore," said Koizumi with a dismissive wave. The two continued on through the castle grounds until they made their way outside and into one of the city's buildings. Soon, the two were sitting at the counter at the local tavern.

"Man, that Thanatos guy is an asshole. I tell ya, next time I'm going to mess his shit up," said Koizumi as he drank his cider.

"That man outclassed both of us. Next time, we'll probably be killed," said Yoshi.

"Don't pussy out on me, man. You always do this when there's someone tougher than you and you run away," said Koizumi in annoyance.

"It's a tactical retreat, old friend. You fallback for time to recover to make a counter attack," retorted Yoshi.

"So run away to fight?" asked Koizumi.

"Basically. Why do you have to charge in like your invincible? One of these days you're going to ram into something as stubborn as yourself," said Yoshi.

"Ugh. You sound like Sensei," said Koizumi in annoyance. He then hunched himself over as he dropped his face.

"You're too cocky, young Koizumi. You lack discipline. You're form is sloppy. Stop eating all of the rice balls when your classmates haven't had one yet," said Koizumi as he took on a mock elderly tone.

"Hey, we all had to share our food. Don't be mad because he scolded you for that," said Yoshi with a deadpanned stare.

"Scold? That old fart did more than that. He freaking struck me with a kendo sword every time!" said Koizumi.

"Only to teach you the consequences for being rebellious," said Yoshi as he drank his cider. Koizumi sighed in annoyance.

"Speaking of Takeshi, are we still gonna train his grandson?" asked Koizumi.

"Of course. It's the least we could do. Especially for a relative of Sensei," said Yoshi.

"Cool. Why don't we take a jeep and head on down there after we're through? I need to relieve some boredom," said Koizumi.

"We can't right now. Yasu called and told me that he was going to be in Manehattan for a few days," said Yoshi.

"She seems to be giving you a lot of calls," said Koizumi with a raised brow.

"No she isn't. Only when things concerning the others happen," said Yoshi as he took another swig of his cider.

"Whatever you say, bro," said Koizumi.

Neighpon. 15 years ago...

A small modern town just near one of Neighpon's more traditional villages was bustling with workers. Horses towed chariots along the asphalt road and children walked home from school. Meanwhile, a medium sized building just in between two taller buildings stood. Inside, over a dozen male and female students stood in a room, wearing training kimonos. They comprised of children and young teens, all recently coming from school. Around the room were training dummies, a closet filled with sleek wooden swords. The students all followed the movements of their teacher, Ishiro Takeshi. The class all made strokes and twirls with the sword, while re positioning their stance. Ishiro mentally nodded in approval at how well his students were following his lead and how they moved with grace. As he continued to search through his students, his brow twitched in annoyance. He noticed one of his students moving without grace, swinging his sword wildly.

"Stop!" shouted Ishiro. All of the students suddenly stopped their practice and stood as stiff as boards. Ishiro furrowed his brows as he made his way over to the student that was not correctly practicing.

"Koizumi, what on earth do you think you're doing?" asked Ishiro.

"Practicing, Sensei. With my own style, of course," said the young Koizumi with a smirk. Ishiro's brows twitched in annoyance.

"Baka!" shouted Koizumi as he slapped his wooden sword against Koizumi's side.

"Ow!" yelped Koizumi as he dropped to the ground and clutched his stinging side.

"Let that be a lesson, young one. Always follow the instructions of your master!" said Ishiro. The other kids started to laugh at the scene. Koizumi scowled in response as his eyes stung with small tear drops that formed in his eyes from the pain. He grunted as another boy helped him up to his feet.

"I told you that was a dumb thing to do," said the boy. Koizumi scoffed.

"Shut up, Hayato," said Koizumi in annoyance. The young Hayato Yoshi rolled his eyes in response.

"Now, again!" said Ishiro as he took the front of the room again. The children got back into position. Koizumi and Yoshi began to follow every movement of Ishiro.

After completing their warm ups, the children were paired up. All bore swords with bamboo blades and wore protective gear on their hands, shoulders, thighs and head. Koizumi and Yoshi both grunted as they rushed towards each other and clashed bamboo blades. The two pushed against each other as they locked eyes.

"I'm gonna beat you this time," said Koizumi with a smirk.

"Don't get cocky, Kira," said Yoshi. He then pointed to the others. "We're not even sparring today. We're practicing blocks and strikes,"

"Man," said Koizumi as he slumped his head in disappointment. The two proceeded to make quick strikes as they yelled with each strike. They then backed off and Koizumi attacked Yoshi, who backed off. The two then switched roles, making different motions of striking as they practiced. Truly, this was boring for Koizumi, who wished to spar. Unfortunately for him, Kenjutsu was more about learning the way of the sword from a battlefield's point of view, while it was Kendo that mostly involved sparring. As the children practiced their strikes and motions, they eventually found themselves seated before their teacher. Ishiro stood in front of the class as he bore a katana at his side. He drew the blade and gracefully swayed the weapon, allowing the dull blade to reflect the light.

"Remember students, the sword is not a toy. It is your life. The way you handle it determines how you will grow and how you will face challenges. The blade is an extension of yourself," said Ishiro as he made a stance with both of his hands firmly gripping bellow the guard and down to the hilt of the sword.

"Always keep a firm grip on your life. If not handled with respect and a firm grip, you'll find yourself losing it," said Ishiro. He then placed the sword back into its sheath.

"That's all for today, students," said Ishiro. The children all rose to their feet and bowed to their teacher. Ishiro did the same to his students.

The children had all began to pack their clothes and bags. They proceeded to leave the kenjutsu school, but Koizumi and Yoshi lagged behind.

"Come on, Hayato. I'm starving!" said Koizumi in annoyance. Yoshi grunted as he tied his shoes.

"Hold on, I'm almost ready," replied Yoshi. Koizumi sighed as he leaned against the wall.

"Koizumi, Yoshi," called Ishiro. The two boys went stiff and turned to find the old man placing the dull katana on a rack at the end of the room.

"I'd like to discuss something with you two," said Ishiro. Koizumi grimaced.

"Oh boy," the boy muttered as he and Yoshi made their way over to their teacher.

"Yes sensei?" responded Yoshi.

"Yoshi, you've proved yourself to be well focused in my teachings among your classmates. You work hard and excel in the basic ways of the sword. I have high hopes for you my student," said Ishiro. Yoshi smiled to himself.

"Thank you, Sensei. I have your teachings to thank," said Yoshi.

"Yes. Just don't let it go to your head," said Ishiro. Yoshi nodded in response. Ishiro sighed as he turned to Koizumi.

"Koizumi. You on the other hand have been rebellious in my teachings. When I tell you to block, you instead strike. When I instruct you to be humble, you gloat. And when I demonstrate a form, you move as though you have insects in your kimono," deadpanned Ishiro. Koizumi merely scowled in response.

"You don't seem to take my class seriously," said Ishiro.

"Sure I do, Sensei. It's just that it gets boring when just practicing all of these blocks and hits. We hardly spar," said Koizumi.

"Student, this class is meant to teach you the way of the sword. It's not a game. Everything that I teach you prepares you how to wield the katana. A warrior must know how to respect his weapon and the art of combat," said Ishiro. Koizumi sighed in response.

"But, you are not the worst student I've had. You have potential, but you're holding yourself back," said Ishiro. Koizumi looked down at the ground in thought.

"Now, run along children. We'll see each other again another day," said Ishiro. The two boys bowed and made their way out of the school. As they moved to the door, they found a beautiful woman making her way to the school's building. The two boys moved passed her as the woman entered the school. A baby was carried by this woman, held by straps that secured the child against his mother's chest.

"Ishiro~," called the woman. The old man turned and smiled at the woman.

"Oh. Hello, Miwa. What are you doing here?"

"I came here to let you know that Gojira is going to have us eat out here tonight," said Miwa.

"That sounds good. I've worked up an appetite," said Ishiro as he made his way over to his daughter in law. He then smiled at the baby that babbled as he waved his hands.

"How's my grandson today?" asked Ishiro.

"Oh he's been quite fussy today. But he was just a little cranky because he didn't want to take a nap," cooed Miwa as she removed her son from the carrier that held him and held him in the air. The baby laughed as he kicked his legs.

"Junior, say hi to grandpa!" said Miwa as she held the baby out to Ishiro. The baby laughed as he reached his arms out to his grandfather. Ishiro chuckled as he held Junior, who began to rub his hands on his white beard.

Present day...

Junior was resting in the train as he lied with his head back. Rarity was sleeping peacefully on the Transmutant's shoulder. She snuggled against him as she tried to grow more comfortable in her position. The sun was setting over the land and the train was currently over a bridge. It rode into the Manehattan islands, where tall buildings stood. As the train neared the station, the intercom static filled the train cars. Junior's eyes opened, just in time to hear the announcement.

"We are now heading for Manehattan station. Please be prepared for your stop," said a male voice. Junior yawned as he rubbed his eyes. He turned and found Rarity sound asleep. He began to gently shake her.

"Rarity, wake up. We're here," said Junior. The elf's brows crinkled and she began to stir. She raised herself off of the Transmutant and stretched as she yawned.

"Mmh. Ow, I hate sleeping on trains," moaned Rarity as she rubbed her stiff neck as the train rolled to a stop. Soon the two took their luggage and carried them away from the station. Junior was already assaulted with many industrial smells in the city along with the sounds. He smelled local food stands and asphalt along with horses that pulled chariots along the roads. Thousands of people roamed the city in clusters, much to Junior's dismay.

"Taxi~!" called Rarity as she waved down the road. A horse towing a yellow chariot with a white and checkered side came to the two's position. The man that owned the taxi gave the two a nod. Rarity and Junior placed their luggage in the back of the chariot and hopped inside. During the ride to their destination, Rarity peaked out the window with glee as she took in all of the sights that were offered in the city from the bright lights, the skyscrapers, and the large billboards that hung on the buildings. Soon, the two found themselves brought to a part of the city where tall buildings were clustered. A tall hotel building stood before the two. Rarity smiled as she looked at her pocket book.

"We'll be staying here for the next few days," said Rarity as she led Junior towards the building.

"Man, looks expensive," said Junior with a worried expression.

"Fret not, dear. Fancy Pants has been so kind to cover our expenses for our stay," said Rarity in reassurance. The two made their way inside of the hotel lobby where bright lights lit the inside and several people were either checking in or checking out while the employees sat from behind a desk. The two walked over towards the desk.

"Excuse me, we're checking into this fine establishment. I believe our registration is under, 'Rarity Belle'," said Rarity as she batted her eyelashes towards the man behind the desk.

"Oh yes. We've been expecting you," said the man as he reached behind the desk as he pulled out a key and handed it to Rarity.

"You two will be staying in Room 303 on the sixth floor," said the employee. He then hummed in thought as he eyed Junior.

"Oh this is no good," said the employee. Junior gulped nervously. His presence just may cost them their trip.

"What's wrong?" asked Junior.

"We weren't aware that there was going to be more than one person staying in this suite. The bed may not be large enough to support a couple such as yourselves," said the employee.

"Oh ho! No, no, no! We're not together. We're just friends," said Rarity as she waved her hand with flushed cheeks.

"My mistake, ma'am. Would you be alright if we send up a mattress for this gentleman in your room?" asked the employee.

"Does it cost more?" asked Junior. Rarity nudged him in his rib in response, silencing the Transmutant.

"All costs will be given to Mr. Pants. You two have nothing to worry about," said the employee.

"We'll take it," said Rarity with a nod.

"Alright. We'll have one of our employees deliver your luggage to your room. Feel free to move on ahead," said the employee as he gestured to another worker that pushed an empty cart.

After leaving their luggage to be delivered, Rarity and Junior moved on ahead into an elevator. From there, they waited as their elevator carried them up to the sixth floor of the building. The two soon found themselves walking towards their room, where they entered inside. The room was spaced, filled with grey carpet and two sofas that sat by a large window covered by curtains. A kitchen area with a sink and a table were nearby. The bathroom was wide with a shower and bore complimentary soaps and shampoos. The bedroom had two drawers located on the sides of the queen sized bed. A painting of the statue of Lady Liberty sat above the bed, while a painting of an overview look of the city was located in the living room.

"How quaint!" said Rarity with a bright smile as she placed her purse down on the table and looked around the suite. Junior sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness we don't have to pay for this," said Junior. He then looked at the sofas in the living and made his way over to one of them. He sat on the longest one.

"Oh. Comfy," said Junior as he bounced on the sofa. He then hummed to himself as he removed his shoes and lied himself down on the couch.

"Haha! This is wonderful! Gojira, how about we-" Rarity stopped as she found the Transmutant lying on the sofa, fast asleep. She slumped her shoulders as she took on a surprised expression. She made her way over to his side and shook Junior's shoulder.

"Darling, wake up! Why don't we go on out and go sightseeing?" asked Rarity as she grabbed Junior's arm and attempted to pull him up. Junior moaned as he pulled his arm back.

"Not tonight. I'm tired," muttered Junior as he yawned. Rarity looked on in disappointment.

"Foo," pouted Rarity as she sat down on the other sofa and crossed her arms. She then noticed a folded note sitting on the table. Curious, she reached for it and unfolded it.

"Dear Rarity, if you're reading this, I hope you'll find yourself comfortable in this hotel room. I look forward to seeing you again in this fair city. If not too much trouble, I'd like to meet you tomorrow for brunch at the-" Rarity was interrupted as she heard the sound of knocking at the door. She turned after setting the note down, waiting to finish it later. She made her way over towards the door and opened it, finding a young man with a cart with their luggage.

"Thank you darling. Just leave set the bags right here," said Rarity as she gestured to the kitchen. The young man nodded in response as he brought the cart in and began to unload it. After the unloading was complete, the employee left the room. Rarity sighed as she stretched her arms.

"I suppose I can go out for a quick cup of coffee since Gojira seems to be keen on lazing about," said Rarity. She levitated a pen and paper over to herself and began to scribble down a note. She levitated the note back to the small table that Junior was resting by on the sofa. Rarity buttoned up her coat and took the hotel room key. As she exited the room, Junior rolled on his side and smacked his lips.

Rarity continued on throughout the hotel until she found herself down at the lobby. She exited the building and proceeded to walk down the side walk on this evening. Unbeknownst to her, a girl with dark hair emerged from the alley by the hotel. She eyed Rarity as she left the area. The girl turned to the hotel building and craned her neck back to view the sixth floor. She furrowed her brows as she looked at the alley and found a fire escape. She rushed over towards it and leapt into the air. Her hands caught the ladder and brought it down. She sighed in annoyance as she proceeded to climb up the ladder while her hood covered her eyes.

The girl continued up the ladder until she found herself at the sixth floor. She climbed the walls of the building, pressing herself against it as she carefully walked along the edge. She passed several windows, where she was able to catch a glimpse at each room. One room in particular caused her to nearly lose her balance as she spotted a hunky man beginning to remove his bath towel. The girl grunted as she picked up her pace, her face beat red. Soon, she found herself where she needed to be. The girl peaked through this last window and found Junior lying on the sofa. She furrowed her brows as her sights locked on him. She noticed that someone had carelessly left the window unlocked. Taking advantage of this, she gently pulled on the window beneath the crack, allowing it to open. The breeze made its way into the room, causing Junior to shift in place. The girl sighed in relief as the Transmutant remained asleep. She carefully stepped inside of the hotel room, her steps light on the ground. She then quietly shut the window just a crack. The intruder furrowed her brows as she sneaked over to the Transmutant's side. He was vulnerable to an attack with no chance of retaliating if she made her move against him. The girl leaned close to Junior and looked him over. Then a small glimmer caught her eye. She looked down and found the heart shaped locket that hung around Junior's neck. She carefully reached for the locket and slowly opened it. A soft gasp escaped her mouth as she found a photo of Twilight Sparkle. The girl's amber eyes stared at the photo of this other girl. She turned back to look at Junior's sleeping face. She closed the locket and gently placed it back on Junior's chest.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," the girl whispered to herself as she backed away. A sudden knock came from the door, causing the girl to jump. She turned to the door with a look of dread and down at Junior, who began to stir. Junior stirred until he had awakened. He yawned as the knocks continued.

"Coming!" said Junior. He made his way to the door and opened it. He found a man with a mattress in a cart.

"Hello sir! I brought your mattress," said the man. Junior smiled in response. As he thanked the employee and took the mattress, he lied it down on the living room floor. He took a spare pillow and blanket from the closet and dropped them on the mattress. He then felt cold air reach his skin. He turned and found the window opened a crack.

"Hmm. I don't remember you being opened," said Junior with a raised brow. He shrugged off the thought and assumed Rarity was the one who opened it. He closed the window and then dropped down on the mattress with a sigh.

Meanwhile in the alley, the intruder appeared in a deep purple flash. She held her chest as her heart raced. She removed her hood and revealed her pointed elf ears and her dark spiked hair and single high light. She turned back to the hotel building with a sigh.

"Oh man," moaned the girl as she slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

The evening had grown later. Rarity was humming to herself as she strolled through the city alone. She had just had herself a meal and a nice cup of warm coffee in this cold city during the winter. She passed by several citizens as they went about their daily business. Rarity yawned, looking forward to get her beauty sleep. The hotel was just around the corner. As the elf continued on down to the hotel, she found herself nearing an alley. From her peripheral vision, she spotted a figure. Rarity stopped and turned her head to find a girl rushing her way. Rarity's eyes widened as the girl slammed into her and tackled her to the ground. Rarity cried out as the girl's amber eyes shot her a glare.

"I'm taking this!" said the girl as she snatched Rarity's purse and rose herself off of her.

"Thief!" cried Rarity as she shot herself up to her feet. She grabbed the girl's sweater and began to hold on tight.

"Let go!" said the girl in annoyance as she began to drag Rarity with her strength.

"Help! This thief is stealing my purse! She's incredibly strong as well!" cried Rarity as she stumbled while attempting to keep her feet planted on the ground. Her cries echoed around the area, alerting some people. Her cries reached up to the hotel room, where Junior slept on the mattress. His enhanced hearing caught her cries, prompting him to shoot his eyes wide open, alert. He shot himself up out of the bed and ran for the window. He quickly opened it and looked down to find Rarity being dragged by a hooded girl.

"No time to take the stairs," said Junior as he hardened his eyes. He climbed out the window and sprouted his black claws. He hung himself over the ledge and dropped down each floor of the building, using his claws to graze against the building to slow down his descent. Rarity's cries grew more frantic as she was dragged further along the sidewalk. As Junior dropped to the ledge on the third floor, he lost his footing and fell over.

"Oh shit!" cried Junior as he fell down three stories. He cried out as he crashed onto a cart that was being towed by a man, filled with vegetables.

"My cabbages!" cried the man in horror. Junior groaned as he shakily got back onto his feet, stumbling through the broken cart and crushed cabbages. He could have easily landed on his feet, but he did not have enough momentum to force himself to avoid landing on his back.

"Sorry! I'll pay for that later!" said Junior. He turned and found Rarity trying to stop the girl, but she then fell to the ground as she lost her grip.

"Come back here!" demanded Rarity. Junior sighed as he ran towards Rarity's position. He locked his sights on the purse snatcher and began his pursuit. The two shoved passed dozens of people out of their way as they ran. Junior grunted in annoyance as a man got in his path. The two spent a few seconds trying to move past each other, but wherever one stepped, the other stepped in the same place as well. Junior scoffed as he grabbed the man by the shoulders and moved him aside, so he could continue the chase.

The girl panted as she fled through the streets and made her way into another dark alley. She disappeared into the darkness and remained close to the walls. She then slowed down her speed and sneaked along the alley. Her breathing was soft as her eyes searched the area.

"Man, if mom knew about this, she'd flip," muttered the girl to herself. She then yelped as she felt herself pressed against the wall with one arm forced behind her back. Junior leaned over her shoulder with a glare.

"Don't worry, I'll break it to her gently," said Junior in a harsh tone. The girl hardened her eyes as she kept her eyes forward and then forced her foot against the wall. With all her might, she pushed herself off the wall and forced Junior back. The girl grunted as he freed her arm and then grabbed Junior by his wrist and twisted it. Junior groaned in pain as he felt his arm forced to back and felt his stomach struck by a strong kick. Junior growled in annoyance as he found the girl running away again with Rarity's purse. The Transmutant broke off into a sprint, quickly catching up to her. He tackled her to the ground, with himself pressing his weight on the girl.

"Stop running, damn brat!" said Junior in annoyance as he held the girl down.

"Let go!" demanded the girl as she struggled under him. "You're crushing me!"

"Good! Now you know the price of stealing!" said Junior as he forced the girl to face him. The girl's eyes widened as she found herself face to face with the Transmutant. She gulped nervously as she visibly shrunk before him.

"Not so tough now, huh?" asked Junior with a smirk. The girl lamely shook her head.

"N-No sir!" said the girl, as if she were being scolded by a parent. Junior stood up with the girl with his hand gripped on her arm tightly as he held a hard stare. He then caught a whiff of the girl's scent, finding it to be familiar. From the far side of the alley, Rarity arrived running with deep pants. She stopped behind Junior as she held her hands on her knees and worked to catch her breath.

"You... You two are fast," panted Rarity.

"You're a Transmutant," said Junior in surprise. Rarity raised herself up with a look of confusion and then to the girl that he had caught. She appeared to be a young teenager, standing to be five foot eight in height. She wore dark purple clothes and appeared to be of Neighponese descent.

"S-So?" asked the girl with hard eyes. Junior looked at the purse that she held in her other hand and snatched it away. He handed it back to Rarity.

"You know, I should take you to the police station and let them arrest your ass," said Junior with a glare. The girl winced at his glare and tone, causing her to further shrink. Rarity made her way to Junior's side and pressed her hand against his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry. I just... You see I-" the girl found it hard to keep her eyes locked with the Transmutant. Rarity noticed this and stepped in.

"Darling, take it easy. You're frightening her," said Rarity. She then turned to the girl with a sigh.

"Why were you robbing me?" asked Rarity in a calm tone. Judging by her reaction and apparent shame for committing the act, it seemed that this girl wasn't normally one to steal.

"I don't have any money. You see, I uh... I'm lost in this city. I've been here for a couple of days and I have nowhere to go," said the girl.

"Nowhere to go? Don't you have a home?" asked Rarity in worry. The girl looked down at the ground.

"I... I ran away," said the girl in a soft tone.

"Where do you live?" asked Junior.

"I uh..." the girl looked away as she rubbed her head. Junior furrowed his brows.

"Start talking kid," ordered Junior. "We're taking you home,"

"But I-" the girl was interrupted as Rarity began to pull Junior away.

"One second, dear," said Rarity with a smile. Junior looked at her confusion.

"What?" asked Junior. Rarity leaned close to him.

"Gojira, I don't think we should force her to go home," whispered Rarity. Junior looked at her in shock.

"Are you kidding?! She's too young to be out here all alone! Especially for a Transmutant!" Junior whispered back. He was bewildered that Rarity of all people would allow for a runaway to be on his or her own when they should be at home.

"Well, what if she had good reason to have run away? There could be some issues at home with her family," said Rarity. Junior's eyes softened. He was so worked up over the fact this girl was clearly way over her head trying to live off in the streets when she could be safe at home with her family, that he never really accounted the possibility of an environment at her home that may have been unsuitable for her. He turned to face the girl, who was looking down at her feet as she held her arms crossed. Junior turned back to Rarity.

"Then what do you want to do?" asked Junior. Rarity bit her lip as she pondered what their next move should be. Rarity smiled as she made her way over to the girl's side.

"Excuse me. Dear, you said that you have nowhere to stay correct?" asked Rarity. The girl nodded in response.

"Yes," said the girl.

"Well... I don't want my friend and myself to press you with some questions that might be too personal about your reasoning for leaving home. But I simply can't leave you on the streets. Soooo..." Rarity looked at Junior with a smile. The Transmutant cocked his head in confusion. His eyes then widened.

"Why don't you stay with my friend and I for a while?" asked Rarity.

"What?!" exclaimed Junior. Rarity glared at him and made a zipping motion over her mouth. The Transmutant scowled in response. The elf turned back to the girl with a smile.

"What do you say? There's no hard feelings about the incident, dear," said Rarity. The girl looked at Rarity with an unsure expression and then to Junior. The male Transmutant looked away as he crossed his arms.

"I..." the girl was interrupted as her stomach began to growl. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"If it's not too much trouble," said the girl.

"Wonderful!" said Rarity. Her nose then crinkled as she caught the pungent smell radiating off of the girl.

"Um... You're free to use the shower when we get to our hotel room," said Rarity as she began to walk out of the alley. The girl raised a brow in response.

"You do stink. Now I know why I had a hard time pinpointing your Transmutant scent," said Junior as he followed Rarity. The girl scowled in response. She then raised her arm and sniffed her pit. She gagged as she cupped her nose. An enhanced sense of smell definitely had its drawbacks. She then began to run after Rarity and Junior.

"Oh! May we know your name, darling?" asked Rarity.

"It's..." the girl trailed off as she was about to give her name. She cleared her throat after a couple of seconds.

"Azusa. My name is Azusa," said the girl.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance! My name is Rarity, and this is Gojira," said Rarity as she gestured to Junior.

"I know. I heard you call his name," said Azusa. Junior rolled his eyes in response.


Junior traveled down the hotel hall in silence. In his hands, he carried bags that contained food from a local fast food restaurant. He had taken the opportunity to take a walk and grab some food for himself and Azusa while she and Rarity had their showers. The Transmutant didn't feel right about keeping the girl with them. He was worried that he and Rarity might be charged with kidnapping if anyone were to find out. He sighed as he hoped that everything would get sorted out soon before Rarity would want to bring the girl home with them. He fished out the key to the hotel and unlocked the door to the room. He stepped inside and moved over to the kitchen table and placed the food down.

"I'm back!" called Junior.

"Just a minute~!" sang Rarity from the bedroom. Junior sat himself down on the kitchen table and began to fish for his meal. He pulled out a sandwich with a small tray of french fries. He began to eat as the sound of the door to the bedroom opened up, revealing Rarity to be wearing a pair of silk pajamas with a tinge of pink. She brought Azusa over to her side, who sported a blue pair of pajamas. Rarity smiled as she brushed her fingers against Azusa's spiked bangs, revealing more of her eyes.

"It's a good thing that these pajamas fit you. Now, we'll have to wash your old pair of clothes," said Rarity as she took the girl's clothes. As she began to move, a metallic object fell from the clothes.

"Oops," said Rarity as she found the object rolling along the ground. Azusa's eyes widened, while Junior looked down curiously as the round object rolled along the ground and to his foot. He reached for the object and picked it up, only for his eyes to widen. What he saw was a silver medallion that bore the Takeshi clan symbol on it.

"What the-" Junior felt the medallion suddenly snatched out of his hand. He shot his head up and found Azusa holding the medallion close to herself.

"You didn't steal that from me when I wasn't looking, did you?" demanded Junior.

"N-No! No, I swear!" said Azusa frantically. Junior furrowed his brows in response. He then reached into his sweater, but his eyes widened as he felt a metallic object. He pulled it out and found his medallion. He looked at Azusa in confusion. He raised himself up and stepped towards the girl.

"Can I see that?" asked Junior. In reluctance, Azusa handed Junior her medallion. He found the exact same design of the dragon claws holding a swirling sphere.

"Where did you get this?" asked Junior.

"My... My father gave it to me," said Azusa.

"Your father?" asked Junior.

"Yeah. He gave it to me when I was a little girl," said Azusa with a nod.

"Hmm. Funny. My father gave me mine too before he died," said Junior as he handed Azusa back her medallion. "Do you know what you have?"

"Um... family heirloom?" answered Azusa with a shrug.

"No. It's a medallion that belongs to the Takeshi clan from Neighpon. My family," said Junior as he held out his own medallion. Azusa focused her eyes on it, finding the striking resemblance of the two.

"But what I find odd is that you have one of these, but there's no other member of the Takeshi clan, except for myself," said Junior as he tucked his medallion back under his sweater.

"Well... my dad got his hands on one of them," said Azusa.

"Where?" asked Junior.

"Neighpon, obviously. From someone he knew," said Azusa. Junior looked at her suspiciously while the girl stood by with a nervous smile.

"OK," said Junior as he made his way over to the kitchen table and sat down.

"Goodness, Gojira. Must you interrogate her over every little thing?" asked Rarity as she looked at him in disapproval.

"Sorry. I just thought she might have been a relative. Or a Revolutionary," said Junior. Azusa rubbed her arm in response.

"Go on and eat, kid. Your food will get cold," said Junior as he gestured to the bag that sat on the other side of the table. Azusa cautiously sat down at the kitchen table and began to take the food out. She eyed the food with hunger in her eyes and her mouth began to salivate. She grabbed a handful of fries and stuffed them into her mouth. She gave happy moans as she devoured her food. Rarity cringed while Junior stared at her in surprise.

"So good," said Azusa as she continued to eat. She then noticed the stares that she was receiving. She flushed with embarrassment and gave a titter.

"Wow. I guess you're really hungry," said Junior with a chuckle as he handed Azusa a napkin. The girl looked away as she took the napkin and began to wipe her lips. Junior looked at her curiously as he looked at her pointed ears.

"You know, I've never seen another Transmutant with elf ears before. Aside from this one asshole that I know," said Junior.

"Um... yeah. My mother was an elf," said Azusa as she held one of her ears.

"Oh! I just realized that you'll need a place to sleep," said Rarity.

"Ah. She can use the mattress that they brought in," said Junior as he went back to eating.

"Are you sure?" asked Azusa. Junior nodded.

"Yeah. The sofa is comfy anyway," said Junior.

"T-Thank you," said Azusa with a smile. Junior nodded to her.

"Sure thing," said Junior.

After the two had finished eating, they had thrown away their trash. Rarity had made her way into the bedroom to sleep. Junior was dressed in his pajamas and began to lie himself down on the sofa as he turned off the lamp's light. He planted his head down on a soft pillow with a blanket over his body. Azusa lied down on the mattress and tucked herself in. She glanced at Junior and found him to be falling asleep. The girl sighed as she turned on her side.

The next morning...

Junior slept peacefully on the sofa. The cold weather was not a complete bother to him, but he still sometimes had days where the blood in his body had a slow flow, not circulating enough heat. He had to be awake and more active in order for his body to generate enough heat to warm himself up in cold weather. However, he felt more warmth this moment compared to other mornings. He felt a weight against him as well, forcing him on the furthest back of the sofa. He stirred awake and opened his eyes. He slightly stretched but felt himself restrained.

"Hmm?" Junior sniffled as lazily reached for his eye and began to rub the sleep out of them. He turned his head and found spiked dark hair in his sight. His eyes then shot wide open as he found Azusa's sleeping face. Her head was leaning against his shoulder as she had her arm wrapped over his chest.

'What the hell?!' thought Junior in alarm. He was about to shoot up, but that would have been a rude awakening. He had to handle this as calmly as possible. From the bedroom, the door opened, revealing Rarity stretching as she bore curlers in her hair.

"My, I slept well. Gojira, get up or-" Rarity stopped as she found Junior on the couch with Azusa cuddling next to him. Her eyes were wide in shock and Junior started sweating.

"Rarity, this isn't what it looks like," said Junior as he tried to keep his voice calm.

"Uh... Uh..." Rarity stood stiffly, speechless. Her mind was assaulted with a thousand different thoughts. Her train of thought was cut off as Azusa let out a yawn escape he mouth. She opened her drowsy eyes and blinked a few times. Her eyes then caught sight of Junior looking at her with wide eyes. The girl's eyes shot wide open as well.

"Ah!" yelped Azusa, falling off of the sofa and scurrying back to the mattress.

"Wh-What were you doing?" asked Junior.

"I-I was just cold! I thought you might have been cold too so I thought I'd help each other out!" said Azusa with a nervous laugh. Junior and Rarity both glanced at each other and then looked back at the girl.

"OK. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom," said Junior as he got off of the couch and briskly made his way towards the bathroom. He closed the door and leaned against it. He moaned as he slumped his head down.

"Why do weird things always happen to me?" asked Junior.

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