• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 16: The Date

It was early noon in Ponyville. The soldiers that were stationed at the MONARCH base were busy running their training ops and drills. Soldiers practiced hand to hand combat with each other, some fired at monster shaped targets, and some even practiced their magic. Erika inhaled sharply as she stood in the training field. She exhaled as she locked eyes with a group of Elves. The Elves got into a fighting stance as they focused on Erika. They were silent as they stared at her, the wind blowing into the grass being the only sound in the area.

Erika dashed toward the group of Elves at high speed, nearly reaching them. The elves all suddenly vanished out of her sight. Erika stops, hearing the sound of them reappearing in random places. She immediately turns and kicks an Elf that threw a punch at her. He grunts as he falls to the ground. Erika catches the glow of magic in her peripheral vision; she shoots her right arm forward, causing it to morph into tendrils that shot toward a female Elf. She yelped as her arms were suddenly wrapped in the tendrils and was yanked off of her feet. Erika swung her over towards another Elf, knocking him down with the woman that she grabbed. Erika's tendrils released the female Elf and morphed them back into her human arm.

"Damn it!" cursed one of the Elves. He ran toward Erika, sending a barrage of punches and kicks. Erika blocked the attacks, waiting for her opponent to tire. Before the Elf could tire, Erika felt her back burn. She cried out in pain as her shoulder was struck by a magic bolt. She turns and finds the rest of the elves with their hands engulfed in colorful auras. She tensed as she saw the magic bolts fly from their hands. Erika raises her arms in front of her face, morphing into large and thick bushes. The magic bolts bombarded the bushes, burning the leaves and branches bit by bit. Erika grunted as her back began to sprout four rose headed vines while she held her bushy shield against the Elves. The vines screeched as they emerged from her back side, piercing through the back of her shirt. They shot toward the Elves, who were too busy chipping away at Erika's defenses. The Elves yelped as the vines wrapped themselves around them. The rose heads hissed at them as they bonded the elves together.

"N-nice roses!" said one of the elves nervously. One of the other elves glared at Erika as she used her arm to wrap a tendril around the last Elf that was attempting to hit her.

"Hey, these things better not eat us!" shouted the Elf as one of the roses got closer to her face. She reeled her head back in fear as the rose hissed. Erika turns around with a nervous smile.

"No, not at all! They're just trying to display dominance." said Erika. One of the roses snapped at another one of the Elves.

"Hey! No biting!" scolded a larger Elf. The rose hissed at him in response. The Elf looks to Erika in annoyance. "Can you let us go now? This one doesn't like me."

"Sorry!" said Erika. The rose headed vines unwrapped themselves off of the Elves, slowly retracting themselves back into Erika's back. She then releases the Elf that she had wrapped in tendrils and morphed them back into a human arm.

"Gross." said one of the Elves. The female Elf gasped and immediately punched him in the shoulder. Erika did her best to not take the comment to heart. She gave a light laugh in response.

"Yeah I'll have to admit, it is actually disturbing." said Erika.

"Does it hurt?" asked one of the Elves. Erika shook her head.

"No. Actually, it kind of tingles when they morph." admitted Erika. Suddenly, a beeping sound came from her watch. Erika looks to her watch and her eyes widened in surprise. "I got to go. The C.O. just called me in."

"Alright, thanks again for the practice." said the female Elf. Erika gave her a smile and took off. The female Elf immediately turns back to the Elf that she previously hit with a glare. "Try to be a little more sensitive, asshole!"

"What? We were all thinking it!" retorted the Elf. The woman huffed in response.

"Sure, it wasn't pleasant to see, but it’s not like she can help it!"

"I don't see why we need one of those freaks in our ranks." scoffed the male Elf. the larger elf sighed in response.

"MONARCH must not have confidence in its own military if they are relying on a Transmutant to be in the fight."

Twilight sat alone in the library with a newspaper in her hand. She had been reading through it for the latest news. She had spent the previous day worrying about not having a friendship report ready for Celestia, which led to an entire day of her acting chaotic by enchanting her old doll, which in turn made a lot of people to obsess over it, in an attempt to find someone to help so that she may be able to learn something about friendship. Celestia wasn't too happy about that when she found out, but her friends had vouched for her to have the princess reconsider punishing her.

"What's this?" questioned Twilight. She came across an article about MONARCH. This was interesting, as articles about MONARCH are rarely written unless there was an attack. She read through the article, reading about a new weapon that MONARCH planned to reveal to the known world.

"A new mech? Fascinating!" said Twilight. She had always liked MONARCH for its breakthroughs in technology. They didn't show everything to the known world, but people have seen what they had. They had armor that made Equestria's obsolete. Although she didn't agree with violence, weapons were an advancement that they had made when the Transmutants attacked. However, MONARCH kept its technology to itself, which was something that most nations didn't agree with since they feel that the technology should be shared with the rest of the world. Twilight didn't mind that, however, since the technology that they were after were weapons. She hoped that MONARCH wouldn't abuse this technology.

Twilight recalled the images of MONARCH's first mechs when she was in her early teens. They were clunky and ran on steam at first; they rarely did any damage against Transmutants. As time went on, MONARCH began improving on these mechs when working with Neighpon's top magic researchers and engineers. Now, the mechs were much sleeker and had a more fluid movement. They were actually capable of standing up against Transmutants. Nonetheless, Twilight felt disturbed about how much of the scientific progress was focused on military weapons and was worried on how it would affect Equestria.

"Enough about that." said Twilight as she folded the newspaper. She made her way over to the outside of her door. She felt the bright sun assault her skin, bathing her in its warmth. She smiled happily as she stepped outside.

Junior lied alone on his sofa, his eyes closed. He had returned from working at Applejack's early. She had offered that he had lunch, but he politely declined her offer and returned to his home. Junior's breathing was calm, as his chest rose up and down as he slept. Although it was noon, he enjoyed taking naps. Junior's brow twitched as he slept, with a light smile on his face.

"I'm glad that you managed to calm down after that fiasco. I thought that you were going to have a heart attack." said Junior. He sat with Twilight in the Golden Oaks library alone. Twilight had a light blush on her face.

"Thank you." said Twilight.

"You know, I'm glad that we met. You're a great friend." said Junior. Twilight smiles at him.

"Me too." said Twilight. She then looks to him with a flirting smile. "You know, we can be more."

"Wh-what do you mean?" asked Junior, his smile wiped from his face. Twilight suddenly scooted toward him and placed her hands on his face. She stared into his eyes with her beautiful violet eyes. Junior felt himself blushing as he found himself lost into them.

"Oh, I think you know what I mean." said Twilight. She pushes him to the ground and then gets on top of him with her hands on his shoulders and her knees holding her up above him. She then begins to lean into him.

"Gojira!" shouted Twilight. Junior raised a brow as he saw her shout, but Mosura's voice came out of her mouth.

Junior shot up from his couch, swiveling his head from side to side. He heard knocking on his door. He sighed as he realized that he was just dreaming. As memories of the dream came rushing back, he broke into a bright blush. He suddenly heard frantic knocking on his door.

"Gojira! I know that you're in there! Get up!" called Mosura. Junior sighed in response as he got off of his sofa. He makes his way over toward the door and opens it, finding a worried Mosura.

"We need to talk." said Mosura.

"Um...sure, come right in." said Junior. Mosura steps in, making her way to the sofa as Junior closed the door. Mosura sits down as Junior takes a seat in a chair.

"What's up, Mosu?" asked Junior.

"A lot. MONARCH has a base several miles outside of Ponyville." said Mosura. Junior's eyes widened but he kept himself calm.

"We-well, that's to be expected. There were Mantises here a few weeks back." said Junior.

"There is also the scent of another Transmutant." said Mosura.

"OK. That's definitely not good."

"Yes. But, something about this scent is odd. It smells like a plant, mixed with a scent that's almost similar to yours." said Mosura. Junior's eyes widened.

"That's impossible. There's no other Transmutant with the DNA of the creature that I'm crossed with. Only my dad and I shared the same DNA and he's dead!"

"I know. It doesn't make sense. I smelled this Transmutant coming from the base. I believe it’s new and MONARCH had finally gotten their first super soldier." said Mosura. Junior growled.

"They never stop." said Junior.

"I don't think this Transmutant is very experienced in its enhanced senses. Otherwise it would likely be looking for us and MONARCH would be all over us by now. We just need to avoid it as much as possible." said Mosura. Junior sighed in relief.

"Was there anything else that you wanted to drop on me?"

"Yes. It's about Rodan." said Mosura. Junior raised a brow.

"Rodan? What about him?"

"I...I think something happened with him. He's fine physically, but it’s something else. I was afraid that this would happen with him." said Mosura as she bit her thumb. Junior looks to her with his full attention.

"What's wrong?"

"I...I think he's...I think he's in love with one of the girls." said Mosura. She then looks to Junior with a fearful expression. "I think he's in love with Rainbow Dash!"

"Oh. Is that all?" asked Junior. Mosura looks to him incredulously.

"What?! ‘Is that all’?! Is that all you have to say?!" asked Mosura in a shocked tone. Junior shrugged at her nervously. "Gojira, you know why I am acting this way!"

"Yes! Yes, I get it! It's just that I think that you might be overreacting about him having a crush on Rainbow."

"No! Gojira, he can't fall in love with these girls! Especially her out of all of them! She would never accept him!" said Mosura with dread. Her breathing became shallow. "Sh-she would hate him. She would reject him if she ever knew the truth!"

"Mosura, calm down!" said Junior as he saw Mosura beginning to hyperventilate.

"Oh god. She'll break his heart!" said Mosura. She was then pulled into an embrace by Junior. He held her tightly has ran his hand into her hair.

"Don't...don't think like that." said Junior. He held Mosura tightly as her breathing began to calm down. She wrapped her arms around him as she leaned her head into his shoulder.

"I'm afraid for him, Gojira. I just...I just want to protect him. I don't want to fail him."

"Shhh. It's OK. Everything is fine. She won't know the truth. None of them will." said Junior as he stared off into the wall with uncertainty filling his eyes. He suddenly feels Mosura push herself away from him.

"You! You're doing the same as he is!" said Mosura.


"Gojira, I've seen how you've looked at her!" said Mosura in a distraught voice.

"Who?!" asked Junior in exasperation.

"I'm talking about Twilight Sparkle!"

"What does she have to do with me?" demanded Junior.

"Everything! Gojira, you have feelings for her!" accused Mosura. Junior recoiled with a bewildered expression.

"What?! No! No, I like her and all but-"

"Don't you dare lie to me! You can lie to them about things all you want but I can to tell that you're lying!" yelled Mosura.

"No! No, it’s not true!" shouted Junior. Mosura's eyes widened as she stared at him.

"Oh my god." said Mosura. Junior calmed himself.


"You...you're lying to yourself. I can feel that deep down, you hold feelings for her." said Mosura, her eyes wide.

"No." said Junior.

"You're telling yourself that you don't have feelings for her to help you get through the days around her. You know that you can't possibly be with her but you pretend that you don't like her that way."

"Stop it." said Junior as he closed his eyes.

"You're afraid of her rejecting you as well. You're worried that she won't see you as nothing but a monster. So, you pretend that those feelings don't exist so it hurts less if she were to find out about you."

"Shut up, Mosura." said Junior.

"It's not her that you are most afraid of. You're afraid of-"

"Shut the hell up!" shouted Junior. Mosura flinched at his tone. Junior sent her a harsh glare. "Why? Why do you feel the need to tell me something that I already know?"

"I'm sorry! I just got so-"

"You're right, though. I do have feelings for her." confessed Junior. He stands to his feet and turns away from her. He looks to the back of his hand. His hand grew charcoal grey scales and black claws. "I want to tell her. I want to tell her that I'm not like her. I want to tell her that I'm a Transmutant. I also want to tell her how I how feel about her. But I can't. Despite her nature, deep down I'm afraid that she wouldn't understand."


"We're just freaks. We're an accident." said Junior as he stared at his reptilian hand. He then clenches it into a fist. "There are different kinds of us. The ones like us who hide and wait to take our secret to our graves. Others like Destoroyah and Battra that wage war against those that changed us and the innocent who had nothing to do with it. There is even the one that MONARCH recently made. We're a bomb that's waiting to go off that will ruin the lives of others."

"That is why we keep ourselves hidden! We aren't supposed to form relationships with humans if we care that much for their safety! I am only doing it now because we know better than to let people know our secret!" said Mosura. Junior nodded in response.

"I know. It's just killing me inside to keep it a secret. I can't be honest about anything anymore." said Junior.

"Mosura, let Rodan know how you're feeling about this. Tell him to be careful and that you're worried that he'll do something he'll regret." said Junior as his hand changed back to its original state. Mosura looks to him with sympathy.

"What about you?" asked Mosura in a soft tone. Junior deeply sighs.

"You two and Angirasu have been together from the beginning. I've learned to get over my petty feelings along with a few other things without so much trouble. I'll manage on my own." said Junior.

"Gojira, you don't have to do this on your own." said Mosura.

"Why not? Isn't it better if I took on this burden alone? I can't ask you to help carry mine when yours is likely heavier. You should worry about yourself for once." retorted Junior.

"That's not who I am! I worry about others because I care for them other than myself. Don't you care for other people?" asked Mosura.

"Some people. That's why I always try to do things on my own! It's why I always keep to myself! I care too much about the people that I love that I can't stand to bother them with my own issues." said Junior as he turned back to Mosura.

"That's not fair! You shut people out whenever things get hard and you try to play it off as if it’s just a minor issue! People care about you and you don't want to let them show you that because your pride is getting in the way!" scolded Mosura.

"What are you, my mother? You don't know the pressure that I'm under!"

"We're all under a lot of pressure! That's why we stick together in order to relieve each other of the pressure that's forcing us down!" retorted Mosura. Junior sighs as he looks up out the window of his home, finding the sight of birds flying across the sky.

"One day, MONARCH will find me. I'm as good as dead." said Junior.

"No! If that ever happens, we'll leave together!" said Mosura. Junior turns around with an angry look on his face.

"I am test subject: Lucky Dragon! They made you all to kill me remember?!" said Junior. Mosura's eyes widened as she recalled what she had told him. "Do you think that they'll let me live? They won't! Because they may think that I turned into a deranged psychopath as I got older! They might even think that you'll try to fight with me and kill you all too! I can't stick with you guys if they find us!"

"Gojira, please. Let us help you if that ever happens."

"No, Mosura. We can't change how they think. I guess I'm just destined to die." said Junior. Mosura grits her teeth in anger. She steps up to Junior and slaps him across his face.

"Don't talk like that!" berated Mosura. Junior hissed as he felt the stinging hand print that she had left on his cheek. "Gojira, don't give up hope on yourself. That's what happened to my brother. He gave up hope and became the man that he is today!"

"I say that he had the right idea about hope. Maybe we're just fooling ourselves, Mosura. Maybe there is no hope for us." said Junior in a monotone voice. Mosura gasped as she heard him say those words. She then gives him a glare and walks past him towards the door.

"Hope is all that we have left, Gojira. I suggest you reflect on it and yourself." Mosura opens the door and steps out of the house, closing the door. Junior stood alone in his home. He sat on his sofa and placed his head into his hands.


Erika stood in front of her commanding officer as he sorted documents on his desk. He gives her a light smile as she waited patiently.

"Thank you for coming in, Private." said the C.O. Erika stood at attention.

"Of course, sir." said Erika.

"Now, I have called you in here for a special reason. My orders come from the higher ups." said the C.O. Erika relaxed her stance. "MONARCH wants you to be part of the undercover units for the remainder of this mission."

"They do? What for?" asked Erika. She was surprised to hear that MONARCH wanted her to be part of the undercover units in Ponyville.

"They felt that you would be more useful in the town instead of being far from it in case unwanted visitors drop by." said the C.O. Erika gives a nod of understanding.

"I see." answered Erika. "When do I leave?"

"Right now. You'll be provided with civilian clothing and weapons, you will be living with one of MONARCH's greatest sorcerer units." said the C.O. He gives a smile. "Good luck out there, soldier."

"Thank you, sir."


Erika stood outside of an apartment building in Ponyville with a large bag hanging over her shoulder. She looks to the map and the address that she was looking for. She smiles in satisfaction as she realized that she had reached her destination. She walks up to the door, taking in a deep breath and exhaling. She nervously reaches for the door and knocks on the door.

"One second!" called a voice. Erika waited patiently as she heard footsteps approach from behind the door. She heard the sound of a lock clicking and the removal of a chain. The door slowly opens to reveal the face of a young Elf woman with red hair and yellow stripes. Erika gives her a nervous smile.

"Um...hi! I uh...the day is certainly sunny today!" said Erika. The young woman gives her a cold stare. Erika felt herself growing uncomfortable. The young woman suddenly smiles.

"Yes! It's a great season for roses!" said the Elf. Erika sighs in relief. Sunset gives her an amused smile. "Come on in roomy."

Erika slowly made her way into the apartment as Sunset stepped aside. She noticed the how small the apartment was, yet it was roomy. She saw a sofa that lied in the living room and a small kitchen. Sunset closes the door behind her.

"I tell you, those code words are ridiculous. I am Private Sunset Shimmer. It’s a pleasure to meet MONARCH's first super soldier." said Sunset, extending her hand out. Erika smiles shyly, for it had been awhile since she met such a friendly person, especially among MONARCH's ranks.

"Private Erika Shiragami. It’s nice to meet you." said Erika. She searches the living room in curiosity. "Where can I put my stuff?"

"There's a second bedroom down the hall on the right. That one is yours." answered Sunset. "Take some time to settle in. Later, we can take a tour around town while on patrol."

"Thank you." smiled Erika. She makes her way over toward the bedroom and sets down her bag on the bed. She unzips it and pulls out her combat suit and gloves. She then pulls out a few sets of civilian clothes and sets them on the bed. She smiles in satisfaction as she looked at the clothes that she was provided with. She picks up a spring dress and wore a smile as she looked it over.

Sunset Shimmer and Erika walked the streets of Ponyville. Erika wore a green spring dress, with the straps over her shoulders. Her heels plopped on the ground with every step that she took. Her hair was down, flowing with the wind, and had a red rose head was attached to the side. A couple of men passed them, whistling at them. Sunset scoffed in disgust while Erika blushed in embarrassment.

"I hate walking around if guys are just going to gawk at us." said Sunset.

"It's not so bad. I mean, I find it kind of flattering." said Erika. Sunset sighed in response.

"I just rather guys tell me straight off that he finds me attractive. Don't whistle at me." said Sunset. She then looks to her watch as they walked. It was 3:30 PM. "Well, our patrol is almost over and we still haven't found one of the Transmutants. It's too bad that you can't figure out their scent to smell them."

"Smell them?" asked Erika quizzically.

"Yeah, Transmutants have enhanced senses of smell and can even differentiate the scents between humans and Transmutants." said Sunset.

"How did you know that?"

"I actually helped study them when I first joined MONARCH. We never knew that they could do that until we had some locked in the Vault. There are still some things that we don't know about them." said Sunset. Erika had a look of awe.

"What else can you tell me about Transmutants? It might come in handy for us."

"I can't tell you much, since some stuff was classified to even me." said Sunset as they continued walking. Erika then began to wonder.

"Why did you move from doing research to becoming a soldier?" asked Erika. Sunset then looks to the sky as birds passed by in the air.

"I thought that I would be more useful with my magic in the field than in a lab. I already helped with a few scientific breakthroughs, so I thought I would be more helpful as a trained soldier." said Sunset. She also sighed as she placed her hand over her eyes. "I was also a little too traumatized to work in a lab after an accident."

"Accident? What happened?" asked Erika in concern.

"I'm sorry. I may be a soldier with the same rank as you, but I have to keep that classified." apologized Sunset. Erika gives her a knowing nod.

"I understand, Shimmer." said Erika. The two undercover soldiers made their way over to a bench and took a seat. They stared off at the town as people went about their day without a care in the world.

"You know what I miss about being human?" asked Erika.

"What's that?" asked Sunset.

"I miss being able to feel comfortable about being among other humans. Now, my own comrades see me as a freak." sighed Erika. Sunset looks to her with a frown.

"You know, maybe if you were to continue saving people from an attack, they might change their opinion about you." said Sunset. Erika places her chin on her hand as she slumped down.

"Yeah, maybe." said Erika. The two sat as they watched the town go about its business as if nothing was wrong.

Neighpon. 3:30 Am.

Destoroyah sat on the rubble in his lair as a small group of Transmutants gathered. Among them were, Battra, Ebirah, a man with cobalt hair that stood at five foot nine, and two mantises. They all stood, waiting to hear Destoroyah speak.

"Gentlemen, today is the day that we move out. We are going to invade a small settlement in Equestria." said Destoroyah. He stands from the rubble and stepped up to the Transmutants. "You have been chosen to join me on this mission based on your skills."

"Battra, you were chosen because you know the town well and you know where Gojira is hiding. You are also my 2nd in command and your skills and psychic abilities are valuable for this mission." said Destoroyah. Battra nodded to him. Destoroyah looks to the cobalt-haired man. "Shinomura, you were chosen because your abilities are similar to mine and we will need your resilience."

"I am honored to fight alongside you, my lord." said Shinomura. Destoroyah looks to Ebirah.

"You along with others have been by my side from the beginning. Your strength is needed." said Destoroyah. Ebirah gave him a smile. Destoroyah then turns to find the two mantises. "You two are coming since you are familiar with two Transmutants from your former group that may still be alive. We will rescue them and bring them home after the attack."

"Thank you." said one of the mantises. Destoroyah begins to walk out of the room, down the hall. The rest of the Transmutants trailed behind him. As they were leaving, several more Transmutants stepped out and saw them departing. As Destoroyah and his team stepped outside, they were met with the rest of their group. They all stood and watched the warriors preparing to depart. Gaira stepped from out of the crowd.

"All hail, Lord Destoroyah!" shouted Gaira.

"All hail. Lord Destoroyah!" the other Transmutants said in unison. Destoroyah smiled.

"Brothers and sisters, we are off to invade a settlement in Equestria. Some of us may not return, but we fight to rescue two lost allies and hopefully recruit a new one." said Destoroyah. As the crowd began to murmur, he raised a hand. "Fear not, for we will return. Titano, you are in charge as we are away."

"Understood. Good luck old friend." said Titano.

Destoroyah stepped in front, and then began to strain. Suddenly, his back sprouted two large, demonic, crimson bat-like wings. Ebirah hopped on the back of one of the Mantises as his wings began to beat. Battra hopped on the back of the other Mantis. Shinomura strained as his back sprouted his own pair of wings. They were large, wide and black, unlike Destoroyah's wings. They all took off into the dark sky, flying over the land of Neighpon.

The next day...

Junior sat alone with a frown outside of his home. He sighed as he watched sun beginning to set. It was late in the afternoon. Nightfall would be approaching in a few hours. Junior began to think back to what Mosura had said. He wondered about what would he do if MONARCH were to find him and how would Twilight react if she were to find out the truth. Junior was afraid to know how the scholar would see him if she knew the truth. Junior noticed Fluttershy making her way over to him.

"Gojira? Is there something wrong?" asked Fluttershy.

"Kind of. I had an argument with Mosura, that's all." said Junior. Fluttershy gasped.

"Oh my goodness! I hope it wasn't serious!"

"Nah. We just had a bit of a disagreement." sighed Junior. Fluttershy steps over to him and takes a seat next to him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Fluttershy.

"No, thank you. I just need to reflect on myself and how I think." said Junior.

"OK." said Fluttershy. The two sat in silence. Junior felt the need to ask his friend a question.

"Fluttershy, do you see Rodan hang out with Rainbow?" asked Junior. Fluttershy nodded.

"Oh, yes! Those two get along so well!" said Fluttershy.

"Uh huh. Do you ever think that maybe Rodan might like her...a lot?" asked Junior. Fluttershy taps her chin in a thinking manner.

"I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if he did. I think Rainbow seems to like him. I sometimes catch her blushing when they are near each other." giggled Fluttershy. Junior lightly frowned. He wished that he could share her reaction, but he knew that it was nothing to find joy out of.

"That's nice. I guess she really likes him, huh?" asked Junior. Fluttershy notices his frown.


"Sorry. I just kind of envy him." said Junior. Fluttershy places a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you have a crush on anybody?" asked Fluttershy. Junior looks away in hesitation. He then looks at her with a light blush.

"I do." said Junior. Fluttershy smiled in delight.

"Really? Who? Who is it? Tell me, please?" asked Fluttershy, a wide smile was plastered on her face as she desired to learn the name of the one Gojira had a crush on. Junior gulped.

"I-it's...it's Twilight." confessed Junior. Fluttershy gasped as she placed her hands on her cheeks with a bright smile.

"You have a crush on Twilight?" asked Fluttershy. Junior looked away in embarrassment.

"It's...no big deal. It's just a crush, right?" asked Junior.

"Goji, you shouldn't just write this off as nothing! This is good that you like someone! You even like a girl who likes you for who you are!" said Fluttershy with joy.

"Yeah, but I'm nothing special. I doubt I stand a chance with her." said Junior as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I don't think Twilight is that kind of person." said Fluttershy.

"Right. But what should I do?" asked Junior.

"Why not spend time together? A date!" suggested Fluttershy. Junior recoiled.

"A d-da-date?! But I-I uh- I never been on a date before!" stuttered Junior with a blush. Fluttershy smiled at his embarrassment.

"That's so adorable! I don't think I've ever seen you get so embarrassed before!" said Fluttershy. She then takes Junior's hand and stands with him. "Come on, we're going to Applejack! If you want to that is."

"I-I uh..." Junior contemplated his next action. Junior was unsure about confessing to Twilight out of fear for rejection, but he also yearned to spend time with her as his special somebody. An opportunity has presented itself to him and there was chance that he could find love, so he decided to take it. He then gave her a smile. "Sure. Why not?"

Junior found himself standing next to Fluttershy at the Apple farm. Applejack was sitting on a fence, contemplating.

"So, you like Twilight?" asked Applejack. Junior nodded in response in embarrassment. Applejack gave him a grin.

"Well, I never thought ya would be smitten with our little Twilight." said Applejack.

'Yeah, me either.' thought Junior. He places his hands in his pocket in embarrassment. Applejack hops off of the fence and walks up to the Transmutant.

"So, what do ya plan to do partner?" asked Applejack. Junior sighed in response.

"That's the thing, I don't know. I'm incredibly new to stuff like this and...I don't know if it’s good." said Junior.

"Goji, you have feelings for her! It's nothing bad. It's a beautiful thing!" said Fluttershy.

"I guess. I'm just worried." replied Junior, downcast.

"Oh, don't worry Sugarcube. If you want, I can give you advice about it." offered Applejack. Junior looks to her with a light smile.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Junior. Applejack puts an arm around him and wore a grin.

"Why not do something together? Ya know, take her on a date." suggested Applejack. Junior blushes in embarrassment as he heard the farm girl mention taking Twilight on a date. Just the thought of taking her on a date makes him feel anxious. What would they do together?

"Like what? What do people usually do on a date?" asked Junior. Fluttershy shrugs in response. Applejack sighed as she shook her head in amusement.

"You're hopeless. Why not take her out to see a movie or something? Just the two of ya’ll. Spend some time in the park together or something." said Applejack. Junior rubbed his chin as he thought of the suggestions. He found them to be promising.

"Yeah, that does sound right. I wonder..." Junior hesitated, his face turned to worry. "...what if she says no?"

"You'll never know until ya ask, Sugarcube." said Applejack.

Junior stood outside of the Golden Oaks Library alone. His heart was racing and his palms were sweaty. He deeply inhales and exhales sharply as he stared at the door. He places his hand and door knob and opens the door. He peaks his head through and found Spike dusting the book shelves. Junior walks in, with the bell ringing. Spike turns and grins as he found Junior walking in.

"Hey Gojira!" greeted Spike. Junior waved.

"Hi Spike. Say, is Twilight in right now?" asked Junior.

"Yeah, she just came home. I'll go get her." said Spike. Junior nodded. As Spike ran up the stairs, Junior found himself thinking to himself.

'Is this right? Should I be doing this? I know why I shouldn't, but I can't help it.' thought Junior. He felt himself very conflicted about asking Twilight out, for he feared that he would regret it. It wasn't fear of being turned down; it was fear of opening a door to a future relationship with her but still be lying to her. He knew that one day he would have to reveal the truth about his mutation. He hoped that perhaps, she would understand him and his mutation. Junior heard the footsteps of Twilight and Spike descending down the stairs. He turns and found Twilight ahead of Spike.

"Hi, Gojira! What brings you here?" asked Twilight. Junior gulps as he struggled to speak.

"Hi. Will you go out with me?" asked Junior. He mentally slaps himself as he realized that he had just blurted out the question instead of building up to it. Twilight's eyes widened in surprise and Spike's jaw dropped.

"Uh..." Twilight's words were caught in her throat. She stared at him with eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have asked. I'll just go now!" apologized Junior, immediately regretting his decision. He turns away and makes his way over toward the door.

"No, no wait!" cried Twilight. Junior immediately stops himself and turns to find Twilight with a blush on her cheeks. She gave a warm smile as she played with her hair. "I-I...I would love to."

"You would?" asked Junior in disbelief. Twilight nodded to him.

"Holy Guacamole!" exclaimed Spike. Junior rubbed the back of his head shyly.

"H-how does a movie sound?" asked Junior.

"Sounds nice!" said Twilight, grinning from ear to ear.

"So...when are you available?" asked Junior. Twilight puts a finger to her lip as she thought, humming in thought.

"How about at 6:30?"

"Alright! I uh...I'll see you then." said Junior, backing away toward the door. He bumps into it, chuckling in embarrassment as he remembered that the door was shut. Twilight lightly giggled.

"See you." said Twilight with a wave. Junior made his way outside of the library, shutting the door behind himself. He pumps his fist in the air in triumph.

"Yes!" whispered Junior.

Later that night...

Junior sighed as he stood in front of the mirror. He wore a grey t-shirt with blue jeans. He wondered how he should dress for his date and wondered if he was dressed properly. He hoped that Twilight would have been fine with the way that he was dressed. He made his way over toward his bag of bits and placed them in his pocket. He spent the next thirty minutes making his way down to the Golden Oaks Library, his heart racing as he got closer.

"OK, just keep calm. You can do this." said Junior. His heart was racing as the library came into view. As he made his way to Twilight's porch, he gulped and knocked on the door. He heard footsteps approaching the door. It opens, revealing a radiant Twilight Sparkle. She wore short sleeved pink shirt with a thin lavender sweater, a black skirt and black pantyhose with wedged shoes. Her hair was combed and straight, not a loose end in sight. Twilight locked her hands together with her arms in front of herself as she shyly looked away.

"So...what do you think?" asked Twilight. Junior smiled at her shyness.

"You look great, Twilight." complimented Junior. Twilight blushes in response; she looks to him with a smile.

"Shall we get going?" asked Twilight. Junior extends his hand out to her with a smile.

"I rather not keep a girl waiting." said Junior.

Junior and Twilight walked side by side down the road in Ponyville. The starry night sky twinkled above their heads, the cold breeze brushed against them. The streets were lit by lamps that hung on poles and the lights of the small wooden buildings. They passed by the citizens of Ponyville, both receiving quick quizzical stares. Junior paid them no mind, he was just happy to be able to spend time with Twilight. The petite girl walked closer to him with a light smile on her face. As they walked, Junior noticed something about her.

"Say, did you get a little taller by any chance?" asked Junior. Twilight looks to him in surprise as he brought up the question.

"Yeah! I'm actually five foot three now! With my shoes off of course." smiled Twilight.

"That's nice. Don't grow too fast now, I'll miss you being shorter than me." joked Junior. Twilight rolled her eyes and lightly slapped Junior's arm. He lightly chuckled in response. She then smiled lightly to herself with a blush.

The pair made their way through the town, nearing their destination. The two stopped at a large building with a man sitting behind a glass window inside of a booth. The pair looked toward the movie posters, searching for the film that interested them. Junior looked over the posters, pondering what films Twilight would be interested in. He hoped that the both of them could agree on one. There were a few horror movies out, but he didn't want to put Twilight through with it.

"Let's see...what kinds of films are you interested in seeing?" asked Twilight. Junior shrugged.

"Not sure. I heard some of these were good. What kind of films are you comfortable with seeing?" asked Junior. Twilight looks toward the posters, finding images that depicted an exaggeratedly large shark rising toward the surface toward a human woman in the ocean. She cringed as she thought of the film, knowing full well that it wouldn't be pretty. She turns and finds a poster with silhouettes of humans standing side by side, appearing ragged clothing and missing limbs. As she saw them depicted in an unbalanced stance and their bloody appearance, she gulped uncomfortably as she he recognized what they were supposed to be.

"Well...there are certainly a lot of horror movies out." said Twilight. Junior frowned.

"If you want...we could do something else." offered Junior. Twilight quickly turns to him waving her hand dismissively.

"No! No, its fine! One of these might be actually good!" said Twilight. Junior looks to her with an unsure expression.

"Twilight, I don't want to force you to watch these movies if you’re afraid." said Junior.

"No, let's just choose one! I've been kind of curious to watch them anyway." said Twilight with a smile. She then gasps as she saw another poster. She went pale at the sight of it. Junior looked to her in worry.

"J-just as long as w-we don't watch tha-that one!" stuttered Twilight as she pointed toward the poster. Junior turns to find her pointing at a poster that depicted an image of a snake wrapping itself around a skeleton, with its fangs bared. Junior turns back to Twilight, finding her biting her thumb.

"I...I guess you must be really afraid of snakes." said Junior. Twilight nodded in response. Junior gave her a warm smile.

"Well, what horror movie do you think will give you less nightmares?" asked Junior. Twilight looked at the movie posters, pondering her decision.

"Well, I'm terrified of zombie movies so that's out. The one with the shark might be less scary. But, I feel like I'll be scarred for life and will never want to go to the beach ever again due to gaining a phobia of sharks." said Twilight. She then notices another poster, her interest intrigued.

"What about that one?" asked Twilight as she pointed toward another movie poster.

"Humanoids from the Deep?" asked Junior. Twilight nodded in response.

"Yeah! I heard the creatures and costumes were well designed! It also looks kind of interesting." said Twilight. Junior shrugs in response.

"Well, since you seem more comfortable with it, I'm all for it." replied Junior. He then walks over toward the box office and fishes for his bag of bits. He requested two tickets for the film, trading his bits for them. As he walked back over to Twilight, he noticed that she wore a frown.

"Hey, you didn't have to pay for me." said Twilight. Junior shook his head.

"It's no trouble. Besides, I don't think it's fair to make you pay. Especially since I was the one that asked you out." said Junior with a wink. Twilight lightly giggled.

"OK. Thank you."

A couple of hours later…

"Well...that certainly was...something?" asked Twilight.

"That movie was awful. What the hell were they thinking?!" said Junior. He and Twilight were walking outside of the movie theater side by side. Some people had traumatized expressions, while a few others were disappointed.

"Yeah...I think it was a little too much as well." said Twilight, cringing as she recalled the film.

"That's an understatement. I mean, fish people molesting women? What kind of effed up crap is that?!" said Junior. He then groaned in frustration.

"I even hated that damn ending!" growled Junior. "There's so much wrong with that film that I...it just makes me physically angry! Also, making me pretty damn depressed." said Junior, frowning as they continued to walk away from the theater. Twilight looks to him in concern.

"How come? I mean, it obviously was ludicrous as a film, but what is it exactly that bothers you personally?" asked Twilight. Junior sighs in response.

"Well, it's just that..." Junior mentally groaned as he realized that he had to not answer the question directly. "It's just the idea of creatures being experimented on and being reduced to genetic mutant freaks upsets me. Even though those creatures were savage, I felt kinda sorry for them. They didn't have a choice in the matter, mankind turned them into monsters. They were also hardwired to be able to continue their species but the only way they could was by raping women. If anyone is to blame for all of this, it's the human scientists that manipulated their genes." spat Junior, his eyes scowling at the ground. He then stops and sits on a nearby bench with Twilight sitting next to him.

"That movie reminded you of the Transmutants didn't it?" asked Twilight. Junior nodded in response.

"I felt like the movie was just...trying to paint Transmutants in a worse light. That movie was just an allegory for humans seeing Transmutants as savage and mindless genetic freaks that deserve to be killed. It's just not fair." said Junior. Twilight scooted closer to Junior, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Remember those two Transmutants that we saw from before? That giant moth and that dragon-like bird? They didn't seem like those amphibious rapist creatures from that film." said Twilight. Junior turns to her to find her smiling. "I'll admit that they were frightening to see, but I don't think they were like the rest of the Transmutants that we were hearing about."

"You..." Junior couldn't bring himself to finish. He had once recalled Twilight and the others calling Transmutants monsters. He wondered if...

"Didn't you once say that the Transmutants that attacked Manehattan were monsters?" asked Junior. Twilight nodded in response.

"Yes, I did. But, a monster is someone that kills or terrorizes others for their own malicious intent, not because they are different from everyone else." said Twilight. Junior began to feel his spirits lift. Twilight had come to her own conclusion after she had seen Transmutants for herself. She had come to a conclusion that Trnasmutants that acted like Destoroyah and Battra were monsters. She had witnessed Rodan and Mosura in their forms and, despite her fear for their appearances, she didn't judge them the way that the others had. Junior gave her a warm smile.

"You sure know how to cheer a guy up." said Junior. Twilight grinned in response.

Junior then looks to his wrist at his watch. The night was still young, and the movie wasn't very long. He wondered if Twilight was up for spending more time with him. "Well, it’s still early. Want to do something else?"

"Sure! Why don't we head back to the library?"

"OK. But why?" asked Junior. Twilight then points up the night sky, the stars twinkling far above in the darkness.

"Tonight's a beautiful night. I thought it'd be nice if you and I could star gaze. We can lie down outside, with some hot coffee and watch the night sky." said Twilight, hesitantly. "I mean...if that's too boring...I understand."

"No! No, of course not! I don't mind at all!" said Junior, frantically. He relaxes himself after he noticed that Twilight had recoiled from his scene.

"Twilight...I...I don't know what people are supposed to do on a date. I have never even been on one before." confessed Junior. He sighs as they stood up and began to walk. "I feel like I blew it when we saw that movie. I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. I actually had fun seeing that movie with you. Even if I did closed my eyes during most of the showing. You didn't force me to see it, I was the one that said that I was okay with it." said Twilight, giving him a comforting smile. Junior smiled back.

"I haven't been on a date before either. I'm actually unsure about what people do on a date myself." admitted Twilight. Junior looks to her in surprise.

"Guys never asked you out?" asked Junior. Twilight shook her head in response.

"No. I guess boys aren't interested in nerds." sighed Twilight. She had a slight dejected look on her face.

"Twilight..." called Junior. Twilight turns her head to meet with Junior's eyes. "To hell with them."

"Wha-" Twilight recoiled in surprise.

"To hell with all of them. They missed an opportunity to hang out with an amazing girl." said Junior. Twilight felt her cheeks flushed hot in the cold night.

"You...think I'm amazing?"

"I do. You're smart, you're funny, you have a heart of a true friend, and...well you're the only person other than Blaire and Celestia that ever treated me like a normal person in years." said Junior. Twilight lightly gasped.

"So you do remember!" said Twilight in excitement, her face beamed with joy.

"I do. You actually surprised me when you approached me and introduced yourself as if I was an everyday person." said Junior.

"That's because you are." said Twilight with a light smile. Junior smiled, but as he played that sentence in his head, his heart ached.

'No, I'm not. I wish that I was.' Junior thought. He then shakes off the thought.

"So...stargazing right? I like the sound of that." said Junior. Twilight squeed in delight. She takes Junior's hand and rushes back to the library with him.

Junior and Twilight walked outside in a field. Twilight carried two containers filled with coffee. Junior carried two blankets as he trailed behind Twilight. She stops and gestures to the spot. Junior set's the blankets down and unfolds the largest one. He sets it on the cold grass, with himself and Twilight taking a seat next to each other. She hands him one of the containers, which he took gratefully. The two sat alone in the dark of the night under the stars. The chirping of crickets met their ears and the cold air chilled them. Junior takes the other blanket and unfolds it, placing it on Twilight's back.

"But...what about you? Aren't you cold?" asked Twilight, worried for Junior.

"Not really." answered Junior nonchalantly.

"'Not really'?! You're not even wearing your sweater!"

"I'm fine, Twilight. Besides, I got coffee." reassured Junior before taking a sip. Twilight sighed in response.

"First you take on an Avatar, you get buried in stone, and then you fight Transmutants. I wonder what that body of yours is made of." laughed Twilight. Junior shared her laugh.

"Yeah, ever since I came to this town, weird stuff has been happening." said Junior. The two sat in silence. Twilight wore a worried expression.

"Hey, are you still getting into fights?" asked Twilight. Junior looked to her in surprise.

"Actually, I don't think that I have in quite a while. I never noticed it at first until you brought it up."

"Oh, well that's good." smiled Twilight.

The pair continued to stare up at the night sky together for a couple of hours. They had finished drinking their coffee and watched the beauty of the night sky. Twilight noticed that the air was getting colder. She scoots closer to Junior and wraps the blanket on both of them. Junior looks to her in surprise as he noticed that she was so close that she was making physical contact with him. She blushes as she sat next to him.

"You'll catch a cold if you don't stay warm." said Twilight. Junior felt his heart race.

"Thank you."

Several more minutes went by of silence, both basking in each other's warmth from the cold. Twilight sighed as she leaned her head against Junior, feeling the warm heat radiate from his body. Junior caught the smell of her head as she leaned against him. She had the smell of a certain shampoo along with her own unique human scent. He liked the smell, for he thought it was pleasant. His heightened sense of smell allowed him to recognize certain smells; this scent was one that he didn't want to forget. It was the scent of the girl that he had fallen for.

"You know, I always preferred the night to the day." said Junior. Twilight's ears perked.

"Really? How come?"

"Well, when I look at the stars...I can't explain it...but I feel calm when I gaze at the night sky. The stars and the moon casting their light down on me while feeling the cool air against my skin. I also love the way that the constellations depict images that tell the stories of the past. It's beautiful." said Junior. Twilight lightly giggled.

"I think Princess Luna would like to hear that." said Twilight. Junior smiled in response.

"I bet. Did I ever tell you about the origin of my name? " asked Junior curiously. Twilight shook her head.

"Well, obviously I was named after my father. He was named by his father after one of Neighpon's oldest legends." said Junior. Twilight looked to him with curiosity.

"I don't know much about Neighpon. Could you tell me about this legend?" asked Twilight, her interest peaking.

"My father was actually named after a legendary creature. Legend says that there were once giant creatures that ruled the sea, land and air." said Junior.

"Like an Ursa Major?" asked Twilight.

"Not really. These creatures weren't like constellation giants. They were compared to being the very forces of nature itself. One of them was the most fearsome and strongest of all. Its name was Gojira, the king of the monsters. Or Daikaiju, as giant monsters were called in the legends." said Junior.

"What sort of monster was he?" asked Twilight. Junior thought back to the stories that his father had told him.

"My father said that my family -the Takeshi clan- had passed the story down for generations, describing Gojira as a giant sea dragon." answered Junior. Twilight tried to paint an image of the creature in her head, failing miserably.

"Did they give any other details?"

"Well, the legend says that it stood on two feet like a human on land with dark scales." said Junior, failing to formulate a full description.

"Kind of vague." said Twilight.

"Yeah, but legends on make believe creatures never really mattered to me." said Junior. Twilight looked to him in surprise.

"You don't believe it’s true?" asked Twilight.

"Not really. I mean, if these kinds of creatures existed than where are they now? How can god-like beasts just suddenly disappear?" asked Junior. Twilight nodded in response.

"That's a good point." replied Twilight. She then stretches her arms out. Junior looks to her curiously.

"I never asked you, what was your childhood like in Canterlot? I already know that you were taken under Celestia's wing as her pupil, but what else is there?" asked Junior.

"Well, after I passed my entrance exam and was accepted into Celestia's school, I ended up having to move away from my home with my parents." said Twilight.

"How old were you?" asked Junior.

"I was seven years old." answered Twilight. Junior frowned.

"That must have been hard for you." said Junior.

"It was. I didn't see my parents often as the years went by but I did manage to receive letters from them. I also saw my brother quite a bit before he became the captain of the royal guards." said Twilight. Junior's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, your brother is Captain Shining Armor?!" asked Junior with a slack-jawed expression.

"Yep." answered Twilight.

"You and you're family must be proud." said Junior with a smile. She nodded.

"We are! Both of us did everything together when we were younger. He was actually the only person that I ever accepted as a friend before I came to Ponyville to learn the importance of friendship." said Twilight, recalling her childhood fondly. She then wore a dejected expression on her face. "I just wish we could see each other more. Ever since I moved, I had been seeing him less and less."

"I'm sure he misses you too. I know the feeling." said Junior.

"So...what was your life like in Canterlot? Tell me something positive about it."

"Positive?" asked Junior. He then looked up in thought. "Well, when I first started living with Celestia, she always tried her best to raise me. I can tell that she was upset that my dad died, but she was more upset about me being an orphan. I sometimes had nightmares at night, forcing me to stay up late. One time, Celestia was checking on me and caught me crying my eyes out just in time after I woke up."

"What were the nightmares about?" asked Twilight. Junior thought back to his past, his nightmare flashing to glowing yellow eyes in his mind.

"It's a blur, but it was something that frightened me." said Junior, not wanting to go into detail. Twilight nodded in understanding.

"So what happened next?" asked Twilight.

"Well, she did the only thing that she thought she could do. She lied in bed with me, doing her best to comfort me." said Junior, his face filled with happiness as he thought back to those few nights.

"She would hum to me as she put me back to sleep. It was like...I had gained a new mother." said Junior. He then thought back to his days growing up.

"I remember a girl that was older than me living in the castle before I met Blaire. She was Celestia's adoptive niece I think. I remember how she would always try to get close to me. As if to get me to open up." said Junior. Twilight looked to him curiously.

"So what happened?"

"I always tried to avoid her. I wasn't in the mood to have people around me. I was still upset that my dad died." said Junior. He then sighs, his face filled with regret. "I think I may have hurt her feelings."

"Did you ever try to make it up with her?" asked Twilight. Junior shook his head.

"No. I kept to myself most of the time and I hadn't seen her around in the last four years. Maybe once in a while but I would pass her without saying a word. Hell, we never exchanged words with each other when we all ate in the dining room." answered Junior. His face contorts into annoyance. "I never liked Blueblood. That uppity prick!"

"So, do you plan to see her any time soon?" asked Twilight.

"I don't know. I think she might dislike me after I turned out the way I did during my teen years." said Junior. He sighs. "Nobody did."

"Surely Celestia and Blaire still did?" asked Twilight. Junior nodded in response.

"Thankfully. Celestia grew to be a little overprotective of me. Blaire would give me encouragement and would show me that sisterly affection. We hung out whenever she was off duty." said Junior. He then sighs as he placed his chin on his hand. “Family. That was something that I thought I would never have again. My dad never told me why or how, but we were the last of our clan. My mother passed away, then my father. Now, I’m all that’s left of the Takeshi clan.” Twilight frowned as she kept hearing about Junior's dad. She lightly sniffled, causing Junior to flinch at the unexpected sound. He turned to find her wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just so sad. I was separated from my parents at a young age because I wanted to pursue my studies in magic. In your case, you didn't have a say in the matter. You lost your mother, then when he was all that you had left, you lost your father in a predicament that was beyond your control!" cried Twilight. She lightly sobbed as she recalled the tragic story that Junior had told her before. Junior pulled her closer to himself as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “Yo-you’re all alone! You have no other relatives left!”

"At least we both had someone close to us to give us comfort and support while growing up. That’s something that we have in common." said Junior, his heart aching. He yearned to his parents again. He would do anything to see their faces and to hear their voices. He wanted to tell them that he loved and missed them. He wanted them give him guidance that he desperately needed. His soul was being torn asunder by the monster within.

'I'm sorry dad. If I hadn't left you alone...' Junior gritted his teeth, unable to finish his thought.

“Twilight, it does hurt me to know that I have no living family members left. But, I’m not alone anymore. I have you, Celestia, Blaire and the others.” said Junior with a small smile. Twilight lightly sniffed in response. She then looks up to him with curious eyes.

"Gojira, what were your parents like?" asked Twilight. Junior tensed at the question. "You don't have to talk about it. I was just curious."

"My parents...well I only remember a few things about them. They never lived long enough for me to learn more about them." answered Junior. Twilight frowned as she heard that.

"I'm sorry."

"I do remember that Mom and Dad were opposites. Dad said that he was one of the last few samurai; he often got angry, never apologized to his enemies, never backed down, was rough by nature, and didn't have friends. He liked to keep to himself. I think I inherited some of those traits." chuckled Junior. He then thought back to his mother. "Mom...she was definitely his opposite. She was a common villager and more gentle; she was calm, kind, loving, and Dad even said that she had a lot of friends. I often wondered how she fell in love with someone that was much different from her."

"Maybe she saw something in him that she liked." suggested Twilight.

"I just wish I knew what it was." sighed Junior. Twilight reaches for Junior's hand under the blanket and holds it firmly.

"I think you'll figure it out one day." said Twilight, reassuringly. Junior reaches into his pocket and pulls out a photo of himself and his family. It was actually a copied version from the original. He wanted to make sure he had a spare.

"These are my parents." said Junior. Twilight leans over him and looks to the photo with a smile.

"She's beautiful." said Twilight as she saw the black haired woman smiling in the photograph. She then notices Junior's father.

"Wow, you look a lot like him!" said Twilight with an amused smile. Junior chuckled.

"Yeah, I've been told that before."

"You're handsome like him too." said Twilight, going stiff as she realized the words slipped out of her mouth.

"You...you really think so?" Junior asked in a surprised tone. Twilight nodded in embarrassment. Junior smiled with a blush.

"Thanks." said Junior. Twilight lets out a yawn as she leaned against Junior. Her eyes were growing heavy.

"It's getting late, Twilight. Come on, I'll walk you home." said Junior, standing to his feet.

Junior walked through the town in the dark night. He carried a drowsy Twilight on his back as she wore the blankets on her back. The small container that once held coffee was tucked into her sweater's pocket. Twilight leaned her head against Junior's shoulder with her arms wrapped around his neck. The coffee had made her drowsy after she had consumed it, rendering her unable to walk on her own. Junior kindly offered to carry her, which she gratefully accepted. She had enjoyed the date that she went on with Junior. Granted, she wasn't that much of a fan of horror, especially zombie horror films, but she was happy that she was able to spend time with Junior. She was even happy that they were beginning to become closer and hoped that they would take it further.

"We're here." announced Junior. Twilight opened her eyes, feeling her eye lids being forced back to a close. She mumbled in response.

"Ah. I'll...I'll just take you to your room." said Junior.

Twilight had felt herself carried up the stairs of the library, hearing the sound of her bedroom door creaking open. Junior flipped a light switch on, brightening up the room. He walks up the steps that led up to Twilight's bed; he then gently lowers her down. Twilight drowsily releases his neck and stands on the floor. She then turns while lazily removing her sweater. She suddenly drops face first onto her bed, letting out a relaxed sigh. Junior turned and found the girl passed out on her bed. He smiled, finding the scene cute. He walks over to the foot of the bed where Twilight lied. As he stared at her sleeping form, he felt his heart racing. He shakes his head as he tried to recompose himself. He then sits at the foot of the bed, taking her leg and gently pulled it over to himself on to his lap. His heart accelerated and his face flushed as he felt her nylon encased leg on his hands. He reaches for her shoe and carefully removes it from her foot, setting it gently on the ground. Twilight slightly shifts on the bed, her foot grazing along his thigh. Junior gulped nervously before he took her other leg and removed the shoe from her foot as well. He then removes her legs from his lap, his heart settling down.

'Control yourself, Gojira.' thought Junior, taking in a deep breath and slowly exhaling. He then walks over to the side of Twilight's bed and gently lifts her up and pulls back the covers on the bed. When he was satisfied with how far back he pulled the covers, he sets Twilight back down, underneath the covers and pulls them back up to her shoulders. Twilight opened her eyes with a smile on her face as she stared into Junior's eyes.

"I had fun." said Twilight, her eyes twinkled as they reflected the moon's light. Junior blushed as he stared into her violet eyes. He then clears his throat as he looked away.

"Yeah...I did too." said Junior. He suddenly felt Twilight plant a kiss on his cheek. She laid her head back on her pillow with her cheeks hot from her blush. Junior looked to her in surprise.

"We should do it again sometime. I mean...if you want to." said Twilight.

"I like the sound of that." smiled Junior. He then gently rubs the top of Twilight's head affectionately, his fingers running through the locks of her hair. Twilight smiled happily as she felt his gentle touch. He then stands up and makes his way toward the steps.

"Goodnight Twilight." called Junior, making his way toward the door.

"Goodnight Gojira." said Twilight, letting out a yawn. Junior opens her bedroom door, switching off the lights and quietly shuts the door closed. Junior sighed happily to himself as his heart raced. He couldn't hide his feelings anymore. He was in love with Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

Happy early Valentines day guys! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!

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