• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 26

Mustangia, Equestria...

It was the aftermath of the attack of the Diamond Dogs. The day was pleasant; the sun showered its light on all it reached. People were busy repairing the property damage that was done by the dogs. Some people wore casts, bandages, or used crutches. Despite a few injuries, no human was killed during this attack. On the other hand, the bodies of Diamond Dogs that were killed were moved and were buried outside of the town. The surviving Diamond Dogs were hospitalized and locked up for their crimes. People talked about the past night's events, describing it as terrifying and shocking due to the appearance of Transmutants that were willing to stop the Diamond Dog attack.

Blaire stood among the damaged town, looking on at how these people had managed to stand right back up after such a terrible event. She then looked down towards the Neighponese characters that were engraved in the ground. She then looked at a sheet of paper that depicted the image that these so called, 'vigilantes' have been leaving and found them to be a perfect match. The townspeople claimed that the vigilantes were Transmutants, thus confirming Celestia's theory. Her mission was to talk with the people and ask their opinion about the Transmutant and their impact they had on saving the village. Additionally, she needed to interrogate the Diamond Dogs about the attack. She then looked towards a crew of men and women that wore suits and held note pads or a camera.

"Well, get to documenting. The Princess wants as many facts as she can get about these vigilantes and the Transmutants." ordered Blaire. The men and women nodded to her and immediately began to work, ranging from going up to the locals and asking questions to taking photos of the town and the Neighponese characters engraved into the ground. Blaire looked out to the distance with a hopeful look.

"Just hang in there Goji. We'll make sure that enough people will welcome you home." Blaire said to herself.

"Where is the Diamond Dog colony?!" Baragon shouted as he slapped Copper across his face. The Diamond Dog yipped as the Transmutant's hand connected with his cheek.

"Slapping me isn't going to encourage me to tell you!" Copper shouted back. Baragon responded with another slap to the face, causing Copper to growl in anger. Baragon was suddenly grabbed by Manda, who pulled him away from the Diamond Dog.

"What are you doing?!" demanded Manda. Baragon pried himself away from the woman.

"What? I'm interrogating him!" answered Baragon with a shrug.

"He already said that he would cooperate! You don't need to hit him!" scolded Manda with a glare. Baragon sighed in annoyance as he turned away from Manda. The woman rolled her eyes.

"Look, go eat. I'll take care of him." said Manda. Baragon turned and made his way deeper into the cave.

"Ah, I never get to be the bad cop." scoffed Baragon. Manda shook her head, then turned back to Copper, who was rubbing his cheek. Manda took a seat next to the Diamond Dog with a kind smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about that. He tends to be a bit extreme." apologized Manda. Copper sighed in annoyance as he stopped rubbing his cheek.

"Is this how you treat all of your prisoners?" asked Copper.

"Well, you're actually the first. I didn't think Baragon would get like this." said Manda. She then heard the sound of growling coming from the Diamond Dog, but when she looked his way and found that he wasn't displaying any form of threat. He actually wore a neutral expression. Manda then wore a smile.

"If you're hungry, I can bring you some breakfast." offered Manda.

"Well, I certainly can't do it myself." replied Copper as he looked down to himself. His body was bound by rope that wrapped around him tightly. Manda frowned.

"Sorry. Goro wanted to make sure that you wouldn't escape as we slept. But, I'm sure that he'll let you go if you help us stop these Diamond Dog attacks." said Manda in reassurance. She then stood to her feet and made her way deeper into the cave. "I'll bring you some food!"

"OK." Copper said in a low tone. He looked down to the ground with a sigh, his ears folded back. The previous night was something that he was not proud of. Although it made him happy that no humans were killed, he was sadden by the loss of his pack members. Now here he was, at the mercy of these strange shape shifting humans. They took on an army with ease, taking down the Diamond Dogs quickly. Copper only hoped that he could return to his family, not wanting any part of this incident.

Manda returned with a plate of scrambled eggs in hand. She took a seat close to the Diamond Dog and stuck a fork into the food and held it out to the dog's snout. The dog sniffed the food on the fork and then reluctantly took a bite. His taste buds tingled from the taste of the meal, causing his mouth to salivate for more. He immediately swallowed and wagged his tail. Manda smiled as she saw the tail wag happily and proceeded to gather more of the food onto the fork. She spent the next minute feeding the Diamond Dog, wearing a giddy smile. After Copper had finished his meal, he noticed the odd smile that Manda was giving him.

"What?" Copper asked uneasily. Manda blushed in embarrassment as she realized that she was staring.

"Sorry! It's just that... I like dogs. As companions, I mean!" said Manda with a nervous smile, hoping that she didn’t offend Copper. The dog gave her a nod in understanding. Manda placed the empty plate by her side, putting on a serious expression.

"So tell me, why did the Diamond Dogs attacked the town last night?" questioned Manda. Copper sighed solemnly.

"Only for one reason. For the humans' gems." answered Copper.

"But you guys live underground! Couldn't you have just remained there to collect the ones imbedded in the earth instead of attacking innocent people?!" demanded Manda. Copper's ears folded back in shame.

"I wish we could have. But our pack leader, he's obsessed with this pointless cause to collect gems. After the human soldiers with the powerful weapons had left, he wanted us to pillage the humans." said Copper. Manda raised a brow.

"Pointless cause? What is your cause and why does it involve collecting gems?" asked Manda, curiously.

"Our ancestors once collected gems many centuries ago. The reason for that has been lost over the years. Since then, Diamond Dogs have been continuing what our ancestors have been doing. That may not even have as much relevance for us today as it was for them. We just leave the gems to pile up in the cave" explained Copper. Manda readjusted herself in her sitting position.

"So, your kind is just collecting gems with no reason?" asked Manda. Copper nodded to her.

"That's right. Few of us question our way of life. The majority of our pack does not even acknowledge it. Our pack leader dares not even question our ways, he is set on what he calls, 'tradition.'" Copper said bitterly. He then looked to Manda with sad eyes.

"I never wanted our pack to attack the humans. I even tried to reason with him! But he shunned my words!" cried Copper. Manda wore a frown as she saw the sadness and regret in the dog’s eyes

"Copper, maybe we can help each other." said Manda. The dog's ears perked up, fully attentive to the Transmutant.

"If we can somehow get the pack leader to change his thoughts, perhaps we can stop this." said Manda. Copper shook his head.

"He's incredibly stubborn. He won't listen to humans or pack members below him, especially if it has to do with this subject. The only way that we might be able to stop him is to either kill him or to have a duel to become pack leader." said Copper. Manda coughed into her balled up hand as she looked away uncomfortably.

"Yeah... I think the second option sounds better. I rather not kill anymore dogs." said Manda. She then looked to Copper with a look of regret. "I'm sorry about that."

"You are forgiven. Thank you for sparing me. I can return to my family because of you." said Copper. Manda waved her hand dismissively.

"Oh, no! You should mostly thank Goro since he pretty much calls all of the shots." said Manda with a smile. Copper smiled back.

"Perhaps I should, the next time that I see him."

Blaire strolled through the wrecked areas of Mustangia. Her golden armor shined in the sunlight. A man with a note pad walked at her side through the town, searching for any witnesses. They have found a couple so far. Both subjects gave negative thoughts about the 'horrific creatures' that arrived with the Diamond Dogs. Still, this was not enough to deter Blaire from her mission. She vowed to find any soul that saw these Transmutants differently than the rest. The pair noticed a young woman carrying an encased cello on her back. She was walking along with a few other men and women that carried instruments as well.

"Jackpot." said Blaire. She then rushed over to the group with the man following close behind. Blaire called out to the musicians, grabbing their attention.

"Excuse me! I'd like to have a word with you all." called Blaire. The musicians looked at her nervously, worried that they may have done something wrong. Blaire stopped just a few feet away from the group with a friendly smile.

"I'm here to assist in interviews going on that have been ordered by Princess Celestia. I'd like to ask you all a few questions, concerning last night's events." explained Blaire. The musicians were relieved to know that they were not in trouble, but were puzzled as to what exactly this guard wanted to know.

"First, I'd like to know what happened last night. Obviously Diamond Dogs attacked, but what was going on that drove them off?" asked Blaire. The man readied his pen with his notebook in hand. One of the male musicians cleared his throat.

"We were actually hired to play at a restaurant that's nearby. When we heard the howls of the Diamond Dogs, people began to panic. It had gotten worse when they broke into the restaurant and began to rob us." said the man. Blaire listened intently to this man's story. The man with a note pad scribbled down his words quickly, documenting carefully.

"After they were gathering whatever gems that they could find, the Diamond Dogs were talking about someone attacking their forces. Suddenly, this Earthbound man came and began to fight the Diamond Dogs by himself!" said the woman with the cello, speaking with an accent common among people from Trottingham. Blaire's brow rose.

"By himself?" asked Blaire.

"Yes! He fought bravely all on his own with strength and endurance that I have never seen! There was also..." the woman went pale as she recalled something that made her stomach turn.

"What?" asked Blaire. The woman with the cello didn't answer; her skin went paler from the memory.

"One of the dogs stabbed him with a spear. He removed it on his own and was still able to fight. But the most disturbing thing of all was that he grew razor sharp teeth!" said another woman in a shrill voice.

"No, that wasn't the most disturbing thing. The real one was that two other Earthbounds met with him. They then...changed." said one of the men.

"They were Transmutants." said the woman with the cello. She clutched her shoulders as she recalled the carnage that the Transmutants had caused toward the invaders. She was watching from behind one of the windows. She wished that she hadn't seen such brutal violence. She could still hear the cries of the dogs and the roars of the beasts.

"I see. So, what happened?" asked Blaire.

"They killed most of the Diamond Dogs. After none of them were standing, they left." answered the man. Blaire gave a thoughtful hum.

"So, they didn't attack any of the humans?" asked Blaire.

"No. Which I found strange, since these beasts are nothing but savages." spat the man. Blaire restrained herself from retorting. Just hearing hateful words towards Transmutants in general bothered her. She thought that Junior must have had something to do with it. She thought if he was one of the monsters that people hated, perhaps others like him still had humanity left in them. She couldn't stand hearing people lumping him in with those that are rightfully called monsters.

"Right. Well, people have been claiming that one of them has left a mark in the road before they left. People recognized it from being placed around near Mustangia whenever trouble was suddenly stopped. The incident where a carriage carrying gems was in the process of being robbed by Diamond Dogs would be an example." said Blaire as she held out a photo to them. The group analyzed the image, finding a carriage with Neighponese characters engraved into the wood.

"We never heard of this. We're only here temporarily for a job until the owners of the restaurant can find a permanent band." said the man. The woman with the cello eyed the photo curiously.

"What does it mean?" she asked. Blaire took the photo back.

"It means, 'Guardian'." answered Blaire. The woman stared curiously at the guard in curiosity.

"You said that someone has been leaving these characters everywhere that they have resolved conflict?" asked the woman. Blaire nodded.

"That's correct. People recognized the characters that have been left over in the past several weeks with the mark left by one of the Transmutants as a match. Therefore, the vigilantes that have been protecting the people were actually Transmutants." answered Blaire. The band looked at her in shock and surprise. Some of them were filled with a mix of confusion, suspicion, and awe.

"That can't be." said one of the men.

"Or maybe that it can be." said Blaire. She then turned away and began to walk away.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Princess Celestia will appreciate this." said Blaire. The band stared at the guard in silence. The man with the note pad began to follow the guard. The band members slowly turned and began to walk to their desired destination. Nonetheless, the woman looked back to the guard one last time, her mind drifting back to the previous night. She remembered how the man suffered just to protect them from the Diamond Dogs. She even recalled how she stepped in to help him as the larger Diamond Dog attacked him mercilessly. She had grown fearful of the man as she saw his teeth and how he mauled at the Diamond Dog. The fear increased when he had revealed himself to be a Transmutant, fighting again and leaving the humans be after the battle.

"A Transmutant protecting humans..." the woman whispered to herself.

"Octavia! Come along or we'll be late!" called another woman from the band. Octavia jumped as her thoughts were interrupted. She then turned and began to rush over to the rest of the band members.

'Curious.' thought Octavia as she caught up with the others. She wondered if what the guard had told them was true. If so, it would be pleasant to know that the people in Mustangia are under the protection of strong individuals.

Manda stood among Baragon and Goro inside of the cave. They all listened to her speak about what she had learned from Copper, specifically that the attack was caused by the command of a closed-minded pack leader.

"So... we kill the pack leader and hope that they elect a better one that will stop attacking the humans?" asked Baragon.

"No! Absolutely not!" said an appalled Manda.

"Well, then how are we going to stop this? What is the second option? Cause who in the hell is gonna stand up for what they believe in? That dog that we have tied up is a lost cause!" said Baragon.

"Perhaps we can fix that." said Goro thoughtfully. Baragon and Manda looked towards the larger Transmutant curiously. "From what I hear, he speaks from the heart to help his kind. He desires to improve their way of living and was willing to speak out against his clan leader."

"What are you suggesting?" asked Baragon. Goro looked to them with a serious expression.

"We help him become the new pack leader." said Goro. Baragon stared at Goro from several seconds before cracking a small smirk.

"Can he even fight? He gave up easily when I pinned him down." said Baragon.

"Well, anyone would if they were part of an army that was defeated easily by creatures and have one of them standing over them with its teeth bared." said Goro with a deadpanned stare. He then looked down the cave, finding Copper with his head lowered. The Transmutant made his way over to the Diamond Dog, catching his attention.

"Can you fight?" asked Goro. Copper raised a brow at him.

"Um...yes. But I'm not very strong." answered Copper.

"How strong is your pack leader?" asked Goro. Copper's ears folded back.

"Stronger than I am. Wait...why?" asked Copper in suspicion.

"Copper, I want you to challenge your pack leader for the title to lead your clan." answered Goro with a neutral expression, Copper's eyes widened.

"I can't! I will be exiled if I lose!" cried Copper.

"Copper, we want to help you and your clan. It not only benefits us to guarantee the safety of the humans, but it also helps your clan expand its way of life. Isn't that what you wanted?" asked Goro. Copper nodded.

"It is. But I am risking exile. I can't leave my family behind!" said Copper as he gritted his teeth. Goro's hands grew sharp claws. He used his claws to tear the rope that bonded the Diamond Dog. Copper looked to him in confusion.

"I know it's selfish of me to ask you to do this. I won't force you to do this, but remember that there will be more pain and violence between us unless someone stands up to stop it." said Goro. He then turned away and began to walk deeper into the cave.

"If you change your mind, please drop by. We will train you for the duel." said Goro. Copper stands to his paws, slowly making his way out of the cave. He takes one last look at the Transmutants. Goro and Baragon sat speaking to each other. Manda merely looked to Copper with a frown. The Diamond Dog reluctantly turned back and ran out of the cave, rushing away from the stones that built the rocky mountain in the middle of the deserted region. After an hour of traveling through the region, searching for his desired destination, he found an area where multiple holes lied. He leapt inside, dropping down to a tunnel. Copper spent the next several minutes traveling through the tunnels, reaching a chamber where many other Diamond Dogs were working.

Copper had returned to his colony. One of the pack members noticed Copper and called out to him, drawing the attention of many other members of their pack. His fellow pack members rushed to meet him. They greeted him with joy and relief to see another one of their pack members to return safely. Copper was happy to see them again, but he remembered that there were many lost or dead. The previous night was a tragic turn of events for the Diamond Dogs.

Among the small crowd, Copper found his beloved mate rushing over to him. The two embraced each other, nuzzling as tears of joy ran down their faces. Crystal was relieved that her husband was safe and well, for both her and their children. Copper noticed the pack leader standing far from the crowd, staring with a neutral expression. The pack leader merely turned away and made his way back into his chamber where his throne lied. Copper's ears folded back, recalling Goro's words.

'-there will be more pain and violence between us unless someone stands up to stop it.' the voice of the Transmutant echoed in Copper's mind, haunting him.

Copper was in his family chambers with his pups. He played with the youngsters as they scurried around with happy yips. He had spent the rest of the day with his family. Crystal watched happily as her husband played with their children, feeling that their family would continue to be complete. She was frightened to hear that three dragon-like creatures that attacked the Diamond Dogs during the town raid. It increased as she heard that a lot of their pack members were killed in battle. Thankfully, those fears were put to rest as he returned home. However, she noticed that the male Rottweiler was distress. Crystal couldn't tell exactly what it was, but he seemed to be worried or restless. She thought that a talk with him would be a way to help him relieve some of that tension that he felt.

The time for the pups to rest would be coming soon. Crystal and Copper ushered the pups to their room, setting them onto their bed. The pups protested but those protests were silenced as they yawned. The pups lied on their bed, still trying to fight the sleep, but failed. The pups eventually fell sound asleep. The parents smiled, leaving their children alone.

After the two Diamond Dogs cleaned their chamber, they sat together. Copper's mind was still plagued with his conversation with Goro. Despite their losses, the pack leader may want to retaliate with a vengeance or perhaps force them to try and collect their gems again. That was something that he couldn't risk, for he knew that the Transmutants would not hesitate to fight back. Killing the pack leader was out of the question, as it was a dishonorable act.

"Copper? What's wrong?" asked Crystal as she noticed Copper's solemn expression. The male dog merely shook his head.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." answered Copper. Crystal frowned.

"Dear, something is bothering you. You seemed stressed ever since you returned." said Crystal. Copper sighed.

"It's just that I'm worried if the pack leader will have us retaliate. We can't stand against those creatures!" cried Copper. Crystal hugged her husband in comfort.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that he is wise enough not to." reassured Crystal as she nuzzled Copper's ear. The male dog frowned.

'I fear that he isn't.' thought Copper. Copper felt that there was no other way. New leadership may be the only thing that might save his clan.

The next day...

As the sun rose to the sky, Blaire strolled through the town. Her mission has proved to be successful. A large number of people were familiar with the vigilantes that have been appearing near around Mustangia. Opinions on the Transmutant vigilantes have been split. While most people were startled by this revelation, some were outraged. Some thought that they could be planning an attack while others thought of the Transmutants as being heroes from saving their town. There were also those that disapproved of their violent actions, mainly from parents that had children catching glimpses of the battle. Others were pure pacifists that felt that the murder of the Diamond Dogs was a worse act than the pillaging done by the dogs themselves.

Blaire shook her head in disgust. She understood where the parents were coming from but she couldn't get over her annoyance from the others. Those Transmutants killed to protect them and they are scorned for what they felt was necessary to stop the attack.

"Honestly, they need a reality check." said Blaire as she continued to walk. She then came across another guard that was patrolling the town. Due to the incident and MONARCH's absence, Celestia has ordered royal guards to be stationed in the smaller settlements to watch over them. They were fortunate that the Transmutant terrorists were gone, but they still had to be careful. The Diamond Dog clan nearby was just an unfortunate turn.

"Hey, Sergeant!" called the younger male guard. Blaire smiled as she met up with the guard.

"Hey there Private Stone." greeted Blaire. She then looks around the area. "So, how's the patrol doing?"

"Well, things seem quiet on my end. Those mangy mutts have yet to show their slobbering mugs." chuckled Stone. Blaire nodded in approval.

"That's good to hear. Listen, I need you to take this to one of our messengers. It's a letter to the Princess about the interviews on the citizens." said Blaire as she pulled out a white envelope. Stone took the envelope and gave a quick salute.

"You got it, Sarge!" said Stone. The Earthbound turns and rushes down the road, leaving a smiling Blaire behind.

"Ah, I remembered when I had that much enthusiasm. Pretty soon he'll be wishing that he can rest more." chuckled Blaire. As Blaire walked through the town, she began recount the numbers of people with positive opinions about the Transmutants. Some were initially dumbfounded and weary, but began to wonder why they would risk their own lives for them. She even remembered that a teenage said to her that, 'we should have these guys protect us from those other Transmutants'. Blaire was amused by the youth's quick thought but also found it to be an interesting one. It would prove useful to have powerful allies to stand against powerful enemies. Still, she thought it would be best to spread the word of these heroes rather than try to draft them to be guards.

"Well, we'll never know if such a dream can come to pass if we don't work at it." Blaire said to herself. She then stopped as she noticed a young woman strolling town with a boy that looked to be in his grade school age. She watched as they walked together, laughing as the woman gave the boy a noogie.

"Come on squirt, we're almost home!" said the young woman. The boy laughed.

"Alright, sis!" said the boy. The two raced each other down the road, leaving Blaire to watch them leave. She felt her heart heavy as she watched the siblings disappear. She sighed as she turned back and continued on. She reached under her breast plate and pulled out a folded photo. After unfolding it, she found an image of herself from when she was in her early 20s. Her younger self was hugging a little Neighponese boy with charcoal grey hair and yellow eyes. She smiled at the photo, feeling nostalgic.

"Oh, Goji. Where are you?" Blaire asked with a sigh.

Meanwhile in Saddle Arabia...

"This is not going to work." said Junior as he stared into a medium sized tank filled with ocean water and eels. His ears picked up the sound of crackling coming from the eels, making him feel uneasy.

"No, it'll work!" said Rodan as he slipped on safety gloves and picked up a hooked rod with a rubber handle. Angirasu stood by watching with a deadpan expression.

"If by work you mean, 'sting like a bitch', then sure! This will definitely work!" said Angirasu with sarcasm in his voice. Rodan chuckled as he lowered the rod into the large tank.

"Where did you even get these things anyway?" asked Junior with a puzzled expression.

"Some guy wanted to get rid of them since his aquarium was going out of business. I told him that I'd take them off of his hands so he gave them to me," said Rodan as he raised the rod with an eel hanging from it. "Angirasu helped me carry it out."

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Why did I agree to do this? Why did I agree to get wrapped into one of your crazy schemes?" asked Junior as he face palmed. Rodan began to approach Junior cautiously.

"Because you're more tolerant to pain and you can regenerate. Now hold still and grab it when I tell you to." said Rodan as he held the rod closer to Junior. Junior gulped as the fish came closer.

"Alright, go for it! By the way, did you know that electric eels aren't real eels? They're actually Knifefish!" said Rodan. Junior's brow twitched in annoyance as he reached for the eel that was apparently not an eel at all.

"Is that really releva- AH!" Junior's hands locked with the fish as its volts of biological electricity traveled through his body. The electric shocks were painful, steadily increasing as he held onto the creature.

"Let it go!" shouted Angirasu.

"No, keep holding on! My theeeooorrry!!" shouted Rodan as Junior convulsed with the fish in his grip.

"T-t-t-t-t-to h-h-h-h-h-h-heeeellll wi-wi-with yo--yo-you're the-the-the-theory!!!" shouted Junior, his voice distorted as the electricity pulsed through him. He immediately releases the eel, leaving it in the burning hot sand. Rodan groaned in disappointment. He reached for the squirming eel and held it tightly with gloved hands. He then tossed it back into the tank. Junior was panting as his hands, covered in stings and blisters, gave off smoke. Junior shot Rodan a glare.

"Happy now? You jackass!" spat Junior.

"Whoa, those look bad." said Rodan with wide eyes.

"Oh really? I hadn't realized with the goddamn electrified animal squirming in my hands!" shouted Junior.

"I'd hate to bring this up when you’re in pain but did it work?" asked Angirasu. Junior sighed in irritation.

"I don't know. My hands hurt, I feel like killing Rodan by throwing these things at him, but I can't tell if I got any energy from them." said Junior as he held his hands up stiffly. He hissed in pain as a breeze reached his wounds.

"Hey, wha- Oh my God!" cried Mosura. The three male Transmutants went stiff as they heard the woman's distressed voice. They saw her rushing over to Junior, grabbing his forearms and bringing his hands close to her. She then noticed the tank filled with the electric eels.

"Were you idiots playing with these animals?!" demanded Mosura. Junior hissed in pain.

"Ack! Easy! Also, no!" answered Junior.

"Oh yeah? Then how did this happen?" asked Mosura with deadpan stare as she held up Junior's hands. Junior remained silent. Mosura kept her stare.

"Well?" asked Mosura.

"I don't know whether to lie to you or to tell you the truth." responded Junior with a neutral expression. Mosura sighed in exasperation as she gripped the bridge of her nose.

"Just tell me the truth." said Mosura.

"Fine. Rodan got these electric eels from some guy that owned an aquarium that went out of business. He offered to take them off of his hands and came up with a theory of us being able to harness electricity for energy. I was the guinea pig." said Junior.

"You dirty rat!!" shouted Rodan as he held the hooked rod in the air. Mosura turned and shot him a glare, silencing him. She turned back to Junior with a look of disapproval.

"Why would you do this?" asked Mosura.

"Honestly, my curiosity got the best out of me. It was actually mostly because Rodan would have done it himself if I hadn't stepped in." said Junior.

"Hey!" said Rodan with an offended look. Angirasu punches him in the shoulder.

"Shut up, dumbass." said Angirasu with a deadpan stare. Rodan growled in annoyance. Angirasu merely chuckled in amusement. Mosura deeply inhaled, and sharply exhaled, attempting to remain calm. She then noticed Junior's hands being wrapped in his charcoal grey reptilian skin. He flexed them and sighed as he felt relief from the pain. Mosura then put on a forced smile.

"Since you can now use your hands, I want you boys to take these animals and dump them into the ocean where they belong." said Mosura in a kind tone. Junior sighed in response.

"Fine. Come on guys." said Junior as he made his way over to the tank. "Rodan, put the lid on this thing for crap sakes."

"Got it." said Rodan as he picked up the rectangular shaped top and forced it on the top of the tank. The three Transmutants each took a side of the tank and hoisted it up, carefully walking away from their camp. Mosura watched as they walked further away. She shook her head in annoyance.

"Boys." said Mosura. She then turned back towards the kingdom that was below the plateau, wondering how much longer until they would be safe from their enemies. Mosura decided to avoid the topic for the moment. Now was the time for peace, along with the occasional shenanigans that her friends got into.

The three Transmutants found themselves at the shore of the Great Inland Sea. The crystal blue water brought such beauty to it as the waves splashed on the shore. They raised the tank over their heads; steadily breathing as they slightly bent their knees and slowly came back up.

"1" counted Junior.

"2" counted Angirasu.

"3!!' shouted all three Transmutants as they shot up and pushed their arms forward. The tank flew several feet away from them and into the water. The tank sunk with the lid floating up to the top.

"I'm sorry about what happened, Goji." apologized Rodan. Junior sighed in response.

"Just...don't do something crazy like this again. We're lucky that we're stronger than humans." said Junior. The pair turned away and began to walk away, unaware of a girl watching them from a distance. She dove under the water, making her way deeper into the sea. Her fish tail propelled her through the water. She made her way deeper into the sea, passing underwater rocks, kelp, sea creatures and coral. From there, she found many other Sirens swimming about. Some sang together in a quire as others listened to their melody, some swam together, laughing as they raced. One of the sirens sang with a small group of dolphins, the aquatic mammals squeaked in delight. The Siren that was spying on the Transmutants continued on through the area, attempting to reach her destination. She then came across an underwater cave and swam inside. The Siren found a middle aged Siren that sat on a stone in front of a glass mirror. Her hair was long and brunette with greying streaks, flowing majestically in the water. Her grey eyes looked herself over as she looked over her pale complexion. Her skin was slightly wrinkled from age. The woman noticed the younger Siren approaching from the reflection and turned around.

"Ah, Lynn! What brings you here, my dear?" asked the woman.

"Hello, Sarila. I've just returned from my foraging." said the young Siren as she held out a sack filled with plants that she had been collected outside of her home. Sarila wore a worried expression.

"You didn't swim into that dragon that has been interfering with our work again, have you, darling?" asked Sarila. Lynn shook her head.

"No, not today. Besides, I could take that big jerk!" said Lynn in confidence. Sarila shook her head in amusement.

"That's not what you said when you and your older sisters swam into him a few days back." mused Sarila. Lynn blushed in embarrassment. She then gave a huff as she crossed her arms and looked away.

"Oh, come now, dearie. It's fine to be afraid of such a creature." said Sarila as she ruffled Lynn's hair. She then looked outside of the cave and watched her fellow Sirens as they interacted with the world around them peacefully. "But, the creature is causing problems for us. Our clan will not be able to survive with him in the way."

"Cousin, what can we do? Those fishermen are the only choices that we have! But that dragon is threatening our lives!" cried Lynn. Sarila nodded in response.

"Yes, most unusual for a dragon to defend human beings." said Sarila. Her clan has been facing trouble that proved too much for them, even with their spells. The human sailors were needed for their survival, but they lost access to them

"We're going to have to do something that I had hoped we never would have to do." said Sarila. Lynn looked up to curiously at what she meant. Her eyes then widened in horror.

"You...you don't mean..." Lynn couldn't finish her thought.

"I do. Lynn, where are Adagio and her friends?" asked Sarila.

Junior, Angirasu and Rodan spent the next few minutes walking back to their camp. Junior had reverted his hands back to their mammalian flesh. He then felt a burning sensation in his belly. Junior stopped walking, clutching his stomach. Angirasu and Rodan turned back to face him when they noticed that he had stopped.

"Gojira?" called Angirasu. Junior panted as he lightly groaned.

"You alright, buddy? Do you need to have an appointment with the doctor’s office?" asked Rodan in a worried tone.

"I don't...huff....I don't think so. My stomach just burns like hell." answered Junior, still clutching his stomach. He then began to slowly walk. Angirasu rushed over to him.

"Need any help?" asked Angirasu. Junior shook his head.

"No. I- grr! I can do it on my own." answered Junior. The trio continued on through the sand, nearing their camp. Junior's stomach was beginning to take its toll. He was grunting and panting as he walked; the sharp and fiery pain assaulted him without mercy. The trio then arrived at their camp, Mosura was coming up to greet them. She noticed Junior's state, causing her to worry.

"What's wrong?" asked Mosura.

"Gojira is suffering from stomach pains." answered Angirasu.

"I need to lay down." said Junior. Mosura rushed over to one of their newly bought tents, unzipping it and holding the entrance open. Junior painfully crawls inside, lying his head down on the pillow and covering himself in his blanket. His body grew hot and cold, temperatures fluctuating at random heights. He began sweating as his breathing grew shallow. Mosura sat on her knees next to him in worry.

"Angirasu, go see if we have anything for stomach aches." said Mosura. She then looks to Rodan. "Bring me a thermometer."

"Got it." the two Transmutants said in unison. Mosura turned back to Junior, finding his condition worrisome. She gently ran her hand over his forehead, slightly calming him down. Junior clutched his stomach as he shut his eyes tightly.

"Oh! Oh, man that hurts!" said Junior under his breath. Angirasu arrived with a small box filled with tablets.

"Here, these might help." said Angirasu. Mosura takes the box and pours a couple into her hand. She then held them up to Junior, who took them and popped them into his mouth. He chewed the tablets and swallowed them. Rodan arrived with the thermometer, handing it to Mosura.

"I need to take your temperature." said Mosura. Junior opened his mouth, taking the thermometer into his mouth. After a minute, Mosura removed the thermometer from his mouth, her eyes widening in shock.

"Oh my gosh! Your temperature is high! This is beyond the limits of a human with a fever!" said an appalled Mosura.

"But, I don't feel sick. My stomach just...burns." said Junior as he continued to clutch his stomach. Mosura wore a worried expression.

"Oh dear, oh dear." Mosura muttered to herself. Junior reached for Mosura's hand and held it tightly. She turned to find him struggling to hold a smile.

"Don't worry. I...I think I'll be fine." reassured Junior. Mosura rubbed Junior's hand gently, hoping to comfort the hurting man.

"I want to be close, just in case. All right?"

"All right." said Junior.

The two remained in the tent for the next hour. Junior's stomach had slightly settled down, but it still ached a bit. The odd thing for Junior was that it felt like his stomach was being relocated, as if it was shifting in place. The burning sensation did occur within his abdomen, but not directly in his stomach. Junior had fallen asleep with Mosura still awake by his side. She watched as Junior's face crinkled while he tossed and turned in his sleep. Mosura's heart raced with anxiety as she watched Junior. She wondered as to what could be causing him such physical pain. Mosura knew that she and the others had no need to replenish their energy at the moment, yet it puzzled her as to how Junior got sick with his immune system running at near full capacity.

Mosura reached for a wet towel and placed it on Junior's forehead. His breathing grew calm and his face lost its crinkling as he felt a small patch of coolness on his burning body.


Just below the Inland Sea, there were three Sirens in their late teens, nearing their early twenties, swimming out in the open water. Among them was a Siren with curly and puffed hair that was a luminous, vivid orange with brilliant yellow streaks. Her hair flowed in the water as she turned her head and locked eyes with a pair of dolphins. Her eyes were brilliant raspberry and her skin was pale. Beneath her human body was a golden fish tail. Her scales sparkled in the sunlight, dazzling the dolphins that she sang to.

The second Siren was slightly shorter and a bit thinner than the first, but wore a more scowling expression as she swam down and sat on the rocks on the sea floor. Her scowling eyes were the color of moderate mulberry, her purple hair was made into two long pigtails, brilliant aquamarine streaks running along them and her bangs. Her fish tail was covered in purple scales. She crossed her arms as she watched her companion sing to the dolphins, boredom overcoming her.

The third Siren was the shortest out of all of them. She was swimming about, away from her companions and looking over the small sea creatures that she shared the sea with. Her moderate raspberry eyes watched a small family of seahorses swimming near the sea floor. Her hair was a light arctic blue in color with Persian blue stripes that ran from her v shaped bangs, down to her long ponytail. Her Caribbean blue colored tail swayed gently as she kept herself in place in the water. She wore a bright smile as she watched the small creatures swim in a line from largest to smallest.

As the golden tailed Siren sang to the dolphins, they swam around her in swift movements with twists and turns as if they were doing an aquatic dance. The Siren's voice died down, signaling the end of her singing. The dolphins squeaked in joy, doing quick somersaults. The Siren smiled as she ran her hand along the underside of the dolphins. She laughed as the dolphins nuzzled her with their bottled noses. The purple tailed Siren rolled her eyes as she slumped on her rock. The Caribbean blue tailed Siren heared the sound of her companion laughing, turning to find dolphins circling her.

"Hey, Adagio! Let me pet me one!" whined the Siren. The golden tailed Siren tried to settle down her laughs but her human half was tickled unmercifully.

"You- Hehehee! You don't need to ask- Haha! Me! Just call- Aaah!" Adagio's face turned red from laughing hard. The purple tailed Siren sighed.

"Sonata, just go over there and talk to one." said the Siren, her voice was low and slightly monotone. She spoke in bored disposition.

"Whatever you say, Ariee!" said Sonata, her voice was high and joyful. She then immediately swam over to the dolphins and Adagio.

"It's Aria," sighed the purple tailed Siren in annoyance.

"What? It's a nickname! Don't you like it?" asked Sonata as she rubbed the belly of one of the dolphins.

"I hate nicknames." retorted Aria. Adagio sighed as she patted one of the dolphins on its head.

"Well, IIIII love them!" said Sonata with a pout.

"Call me when I give a whale's blubber." said Aria as she raised herself off of the rock.

"Honestly, these two just give me a headache." said Adagio as she rubbed the dolphin beneath its lower jaw. Her voice carried a slightly deep feminine tone to it.

"I don't know why I hang out with them. I've been wondering that for the last few years." shrugged Adagio. She then released the dolphin. "We need to get back home. We'll see you around, OK?"

The dolphin replied to Adagio with happy squeaks and quick nods. It then turns around and takes off with the golden tailed Siren waving it farewell. The dolphin that was being petted by Sonata removed itself from her space and proceeded to follow the already departing dolphin.

"Aw!" Sonata pouted in disappointment.

"Can we go now? I'm freaking bored." Aria swam to her companions with a scowl. Adagio rolled her eyes.

"Yes. Let's go." responded Adagio. The trio continued on through the sea, reaching the stones that they recognized as the first signs of nearing their home. Sonata swam closer to Adagio.

"Hey Dagi, how long do you think until Sarila comes up with a plan to get rid of the mean ol' dragon?" asked Sonata.

"I don't know. But honestly, that thing is causing more problems for us than we already have." said Adagio with a sigh.

"I don't see what the big deal is. I heard that it wasn't that big. Maybe larger than a Great White, but small enough that it should be able to be taken down by magic." said Aria with a shrug.

"OK, first of all, that's big enough to be considered a threat! Second of all, dragons have some kind of immunity to magic. We never faced a situation with a sea dragon where we could see if Siren magic could affect it," said Adagio. She wore a slightly worried expression that went unnoticed by her companions. Their clan has faced problems such as the neighboring humans picking their territory of fish that they fed on. There was also the sea dragon that had showed up weeks before. That monster had hurt her fellow Sirens and was protecting the boats that carried the fishermen, something which filled Adagio with rage.

"Adagio!" called a younger feminine voice. The golden tailed Siren jumped as her thoughts were interrupted. She found a smaller Siren swimming towards her. She had slightly tanned skin along with long and grey hair that flowed with the ocean. Her eyes were baby blue and her fish tail was covered in sky blue scales. The younger Siren rushed over towards the trio, panting as her gills flapped taking in oxygen from the water.

"Lynn? What's wrong?" asked Adagio. Lynn looked to the older Siren in urgency.

"Come with me. My cousin wants to see you and your friends!" said Lynn. Adagio and her companions looked to each other in confusion. They then followed their younger clan member, picking up speed. As they reached Sarila's cave, they slowly swam inside.

"Cousin! I've returned with them!" called Lynn. From deep within the cave, emerged Sarila with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk." greeted the Siren. Adagio and Aria bowed in respect. Sonata merely waved with a goofy smile. Aria grabbed her by the shoulder and brought her down to a bow.

"Ow." said Sonata under her breath as she rubbed her shoulder while remaining in her position. The three Sirens raised themselves up.

"You wished to see us, Matriarch Sarila?" asked Adagio. Sarila waved her hand dismissively

"No need for formalities, my dear! I'm not like my husband, may he rest in peace." said Sarila as she swam closer to the trio. Her face turned serious and grave.

"I have called you all here for a matter of great importance. It involves our situation." said Sarila. The trio remained silent. Sonata was staring off into space with her head slightly tilted. Sarila raised a brow.

"Sonata? Dear, are you listening?" called Sarila. Sonata remained silent. Aria pinched her in her neck, causing the girl to yelp.

"Huh? Wha-? Oh! Sorry, I was day dreaming," apologized Sonata with a titter. Adagio face palmed while Aria smacked her lips in annoyance.

"Please, pay attention. Anyway, since we have lost access to the fishermen, we face danger. The dragon shows no intention of being reasoned with and has vowed to kill any Siren that comes near its territory." informed Sarila.

"Jerk." said Sonata as she crossed her arms.

"So, that leaves to only one option… one that I hoped that we didn't have to resort to. We will have to bring humans here from the surface." said Sarila. Adagio's eyes widened in shock at the plan; no Siren in the tribe has been on land for centuries. Sarila swam over to a large chest and stuck a golden key inside, the sound of a lock clicking. She then opened the chest, reaching inside for its contents inside and then swam back to the trio. In her hands were three red gems, each with a golden ring attached to it and a string inside of the ring. The trio's eyes widened as the gems glowed.

"These pendants will amplify your magic abilities to entice a large number of humans of both genders. I need you three to wear these and journey to the surface and bring at least a hundred humans here." explained Sarila. Adagio reached for one of the pendants, slowly taking it into her hands. The light shined with beauty. She looked to Sarila in confusion.

"Why us?" asked Adagio.

"Because you three are the greatest singers of our tribe. We need your talents amplified in order to entice as many humans as possible. Your people are counting on you, Adagio." said Sarila in a serious tone. Sonata reached for the pendent and held it up, looking it over in curiosity. Aria took the last pendant and looked at it with a raised brow.

"So, it's gotten that bad?" asked Aria. Sarila nodded gravely.

"It has." answered Sarila. Adagio held the string and slips it around her neck. The pendant glowed brightly, dying down to appearing as an ordinary gem. Adagio looked to their tribe leader with a determined expression.

"I accept this responsibility!" said Adagio. Sonata shrugged and slipped on the pendant.

"Well, if Dagi is going then so am I! Besides, this necklace is pretty!" said Sonata as she admired the pendant. Aria sighed in response.

"Sure, why not? At least it gives me something to do." said Aria with a slight smile. Sarila nodded in approval.

"Thank you, girls. You are doing your tribe a great service." said Sarila. Adagio led her companions out of the cave, making their way to their homes. Lynn hesitantly approached her elder cousin.

"Sarila, is this right? I mean, how do we know that it will leave us alone? All of those lives would have been wasted for nothing." said Lynn in worry. Sarila placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It will work. I know that this is wrong, but we have no other choice. I must protect our tribe or we all face death. Just have faith." said Sarila. Lynn wore a frown, feeling sick to her stomach. Her mind thought back to the dragon that was going to kill her.

'He called us evil. What if he's right? What if we are evil and we're just fooling ourselves?' thought Lynn, her heart heavy.


The day was nearly setting. The ocean was darkening from the lack of sunlight. Adagio, Sonata and Aria waited below the surface of the water near the beach. They looked up to the surface as the waves crashed onto the shore.

"So, we're really going to do this?" asked Aria with a deadpan stare.

"Yep. You're not getting cold fins are you?" asked Adagio in a teasing tone. Aria shot her a glare.

"As if!" retorted Aria.

"I wonder if human food is good." said Sonata, her face filled with excitement. A new world meant new flavors of food that she might enjoy.

"Sonata, we're not going to the surface to eat. The fate of our home and tribe is in our hands!" said Adagio with a look of disproval.

"Besides, their food is probably awful." said Aria.

"What do you know about good or bad human food?" asked Sonata as she got into Aria's face, poking her in the shoulder. Aria gave her a look of annoyance and pushed Sonata away.

"More than you." retorted Aria.

"Do not!" said Sonata as she flicked Aria's nose.

"Do too." retorted Aria as she pulled on Sonata's ear fin. She yelped in pain.

"Will you two shut up? Also, neither of you know the difference between good or bad human food. Hell, I'm not even interested in those filthy mammals!" said Adagio, her tone filled with spite. Sonata rubbed her arm uncomfortably.

"Well, you don't have to be a bit of a racist about it," said Sonata.

"Don't! Just don't! You know why I'm like this!" said Adagio in anger. Sonata waved her hands defensively.

"OK, OK! I'm sorry!" apologized Sonata. Aria sighed in annoyance.

"Are we gonna stay out here all night or are we going to move on?" asked Aria. Adagio turned back to the surface.

"Yes, let's move." said Adagio. Waves splashed against their heads as they swam to the shore. The sun was setting further as the moon began to rise. Nightfall was finally approaching; the hot air was steadily turning cool along with the dry sand. The Sirens had finally reached the shore, but were no longer able to swim. They ended up on their bellies as the waves ran under them, grunting as they continued on damp land.

"Our ancestors went onto land like this?! If you ask me, those guys were idiots!" said Aria as she struggled to crawl. Her tail flapped against the muddy sand as she continued on. Sonata was panting as she clawed at the mud.

"Well, nobody asked you! But, I will admit that it doesn't make sense that Sarila would want us to take this quest on land when we are incapable of walking," said Adagio as she crawled further, the mud getting caught in her wet hair.

"Eeeeeww!! This is gonna take forever to get out!" whined Sonata as she flapped her tail on the muddy shore in a tantrum. The trio had finally made it to the dry area of the sand, the waves barely missing them as they splashed onto shore. The Sirens panted as they lied on their bellies.

"Now what?" asked Aria. Adagio moaned in exhaustion. Suddenly, she felt a tingling sensation on her body. She looked back at her tail and noticed that it was engulfed in a golden aura. She yelped in surprise as the aura encased all over her body, startling Sonata and Aria.

"What the hell?!" exclaimed Aria. She then noticed that her body was being engulfed in an aura as well. She yelped along with Sonata as their bodies began to glow brightly. After a small flash, the light that encased their bodies began to die down. The girls all gasped, their eyes widened in horror.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The girls shrieked in terror, their voices echoing in the night.

Author's Note:

Here's a concept on how a Siren looks. This was meant to be Adagio but I effed it up a bit with her eye and her hair. I was drawing this without a reference to her hair.

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