• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 58: Magic Duel Pt.1

Celestia sat in her bedroom in silence with a slack jawed expression. She was currently sitting on her bed with a letter in her hands that she had just recently received from Spike. She continued to scan through the letter with wide eyes before she slumped her shoulders with a reluctant smile. She stood up from her bed and started to leave her chambers. The Avatar looked at her letter in reluctance and then sighed.

"Well, I was technically planning on letting him free anyway for his reformation. I suppose this may be a good time as any," said Celestia as she made her way down to Luna's quarters. She knocked on the door and waited as Luna answered. The door opened and revealed Luna to exit in a silk blue night gown as she rubbed her eye.

"Tia, can't this wait a few hours? I am tired," said Luna as she yawned.

"Actually, this is important," said Celestia as she held up the letter that she received while bearing a nervous smile. Luna looked at her in annoyance and then took the letter. The younger sister scanned through the letter and then her eyes widened. She went back to re-reading the sentence that caught her attention. Just by reading those few words, she no longer felt tired. Luna looked at Celestia with an appalled expression.

"Has he lost his mind?!" exclaimed Luna. Celestia tittered in embarrassment.

"Um...he's not the only one who thought of letting him go free. But I have other reasons in mind," said Celestia.

"Never mind, have both of you lost your minds?! How are we supposed to make sure that he doesn't turn on us?!" demanded Luna.

"Don't worry, my sister. I will make sure that he can't take the Elements of Harmony again," said Celestia. She then smiled to herself as she took the letter and looked it over.

"And I have someone in mind who'd be perfect for his reform," said Celestia. Luna looked on with a worried expression.

"Well, when do we begin?" asked Luna.

"Well, Junior has told me that Twilight was currently ill. Let's give it a couple of days since she will need her strength," said Celestia.


Copper sat on his rear inside of his family chambers inside of the great Diamond Dog colony. His mate sat beside him with a look of worry.

"Copper, this is insane! How could you challenge our pack leader at a time like this?!" demanded Crystal. Copper sighed as he lowered his head.

"I'm sorry, but this is something that I have to do. He plans on attacking another human settlement again that has Transmutants living in it!" said Copper. "Think about it! Our numbers will decline even further this time just to pillage useless gems! We have to stop the madness now before anyone else gets hurt!"

"But what good is it if you lose and your exiled?! Think about our pups!" cried Crystal. She lied down on the ground as she buried her face into her paws as she wept. Copper folded his ears as he lowered his head. He sighed as he made his way closer to his mate and nuzzled her ear.

"I am thinking about them. Every day I spend time thinking about their future here and how it will turn out. I don't like it and there's finally a chance to change it," said Copper in a soft tone. Crystal sniffled as she nuzzled Copper's neck while he stared off into the wall with a frown.

'Now, it's time to put the strength that I gained into use. Thank you, Manda, Goro and Baragon,' thought Copper. He stood up with his mate and the pair made their way over towards one of the chambers of their pups. Inside, they found them lying together, resting peacefully. Copper and Crystal nuzzled each other once more as they leaned against each other, watching their pups sleep.

Gnaw stood tall among a few other Diamond Dogs with a hard expression. The rest of the pack members had gathered into a great and circular chamber. Copper walked past several other Diamond Dogs that were in his path. The pack watched with great anticipation and anxiety for this coming duel. Copper made his way to the center of the ring, where the pack leader was waiting. Copper was a foot shorter compared to more burly dog. But, this was not enough to intimidate the Rottweiler and push him away from his mission. He mentally sighed.

'I honestly wish that I had more time. I don't even think I can beat him as I am,' thought Copper. The pack leader snarled as he pressed his paws firmly on the ground. The pack members all gave loud barks as they moved in place, anxious to see the duel begin. An elder Diamond Dog stepped in between the duelers.

"This duel will be over the title of pack leader. The winner shall earn this title and lead our pack for as long as he lives or until a new challenger defeats him for his role. The loser shall be shamed and forever banished from our pack. This duel will only be fought with your body, not weapons, just as the way of our ancestors when dueling," said the elder. The Diamond Dogs all howled in response as they waited for the battle.

"I will teach the lesson for disrespecting the traditions of our ancestors," growled Gnaw. Copper hardened his eyes as he tensed himself.

"The survival of the pack is what's important to me," said Copper. The Elder stepped back away from the ring as he bore a neutral expression. The Diamond Dogs all went silent with anticipation. The Elder gave a long howl that echoed throughout the Diamond Dog colony, heard by the Dogs that were not present to see the duel. Copper and Gnaw circled each other as they bared their teeth. The pack leader snarled as he slobbered onto the ground. Copper's fur on his neck was erect and small amounts of saliva dripped from his mouth. The two barked as they charged towards each other. Gnaw rammed into Copper and bit down on his foreleg, making Copper yip in pain. He retaliated by slamming his paw against Gnaw’s nose, causing him to release. Copper snarled as he ran towards his opponent and tackled him to the ground. He proceeded to bang his fists against Gnaw’s body. The Diamond Dogs all barked as they watched the fight. Copper was then punched kicked in his stomach by Gnaw and was put into a head lock.

Gnaw snarled as he bit down on Copper's neck. Copper howled in agony as he was pinned down to the ground with the teeth causing him great pain. The two dogs barked as they rolled all around biting and scratching each other. Copper was forced onto his back and was bitten on his ear. The pack leader managed to tear the tip of Cobber's ear, leaving it to bleed. Copper yipped as he kicked Gnaw away with his ear bleeding. Copper panted as he stood up and charged back towards his opponent. The two locked their paws together as they attempted to force each other back. Gnaw’s strength and build was enough to overpower the younger Diamond Dog. Copper yelled as he kicked Gnaw's leg, causing him to fall over. Copper then placed him in a head lock as he bit down on his neck. The pack leader yipped in pain as he attempted to shake off his challenger. Copper merely slammed his fist against his head and continued to bite harder while growling. Gnaw groaned as he grabbed Copper by his head and clawed at it. However, Copper only bit down harder as he shook his head furiously with his opponent in his jaws.

'I won't lose! I can't!' thought Copper as he bit harder.

"Wretched pup!" shouted Gnaw as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a dagger. Copper's eyes widened as he immediately released his opponent. He stepped back as the pack leader swung the dagger wildly at him. Copper yipped as his fore legs were cut by the blade. The Diamond Dogs all stared in shock at the scene.

"This is cheating! Whatever happened to your values of tradition?!" demanded Copper.

"Silence, you insolent rebel! I will not tolerate disobedience in the pack!" shouted Gnaw as he lunged towards Copper. The Rottweiler caught the pack leader as he struggled to keep the dagger away.

"You are a hypocrite! You say we ought to follow the ways of our ancestors yet you feared your loss of power and broke tradition to hold onto it!" said Copper. Gnaw snarled as he thrust the dagger closer.

"Our pack is strong with me! You will tear down our strength with your foolishness!" said Gnaw. Cobber grunted.

"Foolishness?! You would send us to our deaths yet again to collect more gems that serve no purpose! A pack leader puts the pack above everything else!" shouted Copper as he kicked Gnaw away. He immediately stood up to his paws and snarled. The Diamond Dogs watched in awe at this Rottweiler as he stood his ground against their pack leader.

"I have seen how the people above us live on the surface! They are much happier than any of us down here! Their happiness does not come from clinging to materialistic things! It comes from their bonds with each other! They are much more prosperous than any of us could ever hope to become!" said Copper as he pawed at the ground. Gnaw snarled.

"You've been tainted by the alien culture of the humans! You dare to corrupt our kind with their ways?!" demanded Gnaw. The elder that had set the rules stepped forward with a glare.

"You will stop this immediately! You have broken the rules that were set by our ancestors to guarantee an honorable and fair battle!" said the elder.

"For not obeying this rule, you have no right to continue to be our leader! That honor goes to Copper, who understands what it means to be leader of the pack!" said the elder. Gnaw looked to the elder with an appalled expression. He then snarled as he raised his dagger.

"You will be silent, you wretched-" Gnaw was interrupted as Copper slammed into him and knocked the dagger out of his paw. Copper proceeded to slam his paws against him as he held a glare. He grunted with every punch that he sent. His memories recollected the times where he was taught combat skills by the Transmutants. All of the pain and exhaustion that he went through had led up to this moment to defeat Gnaw and take his place. Now, he was going to make sure that the old fool was not going to endanger the pack anymore.

"Copper!" cried a Diamond Dog as he grabbed the Rottweiler's fore leg. Copper panted as he turned to face one of his friends.

"He's had enough! You don't need to kill him!" said the Diamond Dog. Copper's eyes widened as he turned to face Gnaw. He found his face to be bruised and bloody. A few of his teeth were missing as he lied on the ground panting. Copper panted as he backed away and sat on his rear. He held his face into his paws as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't-" Copper was interrupted as the Elder placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Death would have been merciful for him. Now, he's going to be shamed for the rest of his life and forced out of the pack," said the elder as he glared at the fallen pack leader. He then held up Copper's paw into the air as he turned to face the wide eyed Diamond Dogs.

"Pack, a new leader is here! Let us hear it for Copper!" cried the elder. The Diamond Dogs all howled in respect towards Copper. They all knelt down and bowed their heads before Copper, who stood with wounds and shock. He lightly smiled as he lowered his head. He gave a howl as well, which echoed throughout the colony, heard by all of the members of the pack. From within Copper's own residence, Crystal allowed tears of joy to flow down her muzzle.

Copper stood tall among the pack members that approached him.

"Pack Leader Copper, what will we do? We will still continue with our former leader's plan?" asked the elder. Copper shook his head.

"No. My friends...I must be honest. I was not expecting to gain this title, but I knew that with the loss of our members in Mustangia, something needed to change. I have respect for our ancestors, but times have changed," said Copper. He gestured to the cave around them.

"The mining for gems must have been done for some reason, but it's been over a thousand of years since our ancestors started this never ending cycle. It may not even matter anymore, but I wish to use what I had learned from my time observing the surface to improve our lives," said Copper. He shook his head.

"No more pillaging innocents for gems, no more endless mining for gems for them to only collect dust in our chambers. We will make up for what we've done to the surface dwellers in any way we can. All I ask is for your contribution," said Copper. The Diamond Dogs wagged their tails as they howled in response. Copper smiled in response as he sighed happily. He grunted as he held his chest. A few members of the pack rushed to his side.

"Clean his wounds! He needs medical attention!" ordered the elder. The pack members nodded as they helped Copper out of the ring. The elder turned to face the former pack leader with a look of disapproval.

"That is what makes a true pack leader," said the elder. Gnaw spat out teeth and blood as he shot the elder a glare.

Manda lied down with Baragon on a large mattress. She bore a smile as she slept peacefully in the early morning with a blanket wrapped over them. The female Transmutant cuddled with the shorter Transmutant like a child with a teddy bear. Baragon snored, but crinkled his brows as Manda squeezed him tighter. His eyes shot open as the pressure around his body increased.

"Manda, let go," whispered Baragon. Manda shifted in place as she moaned.

"Mm. Five more minutes," muttered Manda as she nuzzled Baragon's neck. Baragon grunted as Manda constricted him tighter. He shifted in place as he tried to wiggle out of her hold. Manda pulled him closer as she began to kiss and lick his neck, making him blush.

"Mm. Chocolate," moaned Manda. Baragon raised a brow.

"What the- ack!" Baragon grunted as Manda bit his neck. He turned in place and gently pushed her face away as he faced her. Manda's cheek scrunched up as a small amount of drool trailed down her neck.

"No, let me eat the..." Manda muttered in her sleep as she tried to fight Baragon's hand. The male Transmutant shimmied himself down in order to escape Manda's death grip but he found himself locked against Manda's chest. The female Transmutant nibbled on his hair as Baragon waved his arms frantically for air. He placed his hands against Manda's shoulders and slightly pushed her away and took a deep breath.

"Gotta escape!" whispered Baragon as he continued to shimmy himself down. His head was then forced into Manda's belly. She sighed as she wrapped her legs around Baragon's back and beneath his shoulder blades.

"That's a good doggy," muttered Manda as she nuzzled Baragon's hair. The male Transmutant hardened his eyes in annoyance. He used his arms to raise Manda's shirt up to her chest and dove his lips for her exposed belly. Manda's eyes suddenly shot open as she felt a raspberry being blown onto her belly. She held Baragon tighter as she laughed hysterically. Baragon took the opportunity and rolled with the female Transmutant, forcing her onto her back and for him to rest his head against her belly. Manda managed to calm down as she wiped a tear away. She then looked down at Baragon in confusion as he moaned against her belly. She blushed as she bit her thumb.

"Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting this," said Manda with an embarrassed smile as she wrapped her bare legs around Baragon's back and brought him closer up to meet her face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," muttered Baragon in a dazed state. Manda smiled as she kissed Baragon's forehead. She brought the blanket back over themselves.

"Hmm, well I'm awake now," said Manda seductively as she nuzzled Baragon's neck. She leaned close to his ear as she bore a coy smile.

"Do you feel like fooling around?" asked Manda as she stuck her tongue out, revealing it to be long like a snake's but still retaining the round tip like a human's. The tongue slithered and rubbed against Baragon's cheek, who blushed furiously.

'Most people would find this freaky, but I personally find this hot,' thought Baragon with a grin. He pressed himself against her and passionately kissed Manda. He pulled away with a pant.

"As much as I'd love to, we can't. Goro's in the other chamber," said Baragon. Manda frowned in disappointment. She then smiled to herself.

"Hmm. Well, then I guess we should make some breakfast!" said Manda as she rolled Baragon onto her side and stood up from the mattress. She hummed to herself and walked out of their sleeping area, swinging her hips.

"Can I get some fries with that shake?" asked Baragon in a suave tone.

"Ooh! You're so dirty!" laughed Manda with a grin. Baragon chuckled as he lied back down in bed. He sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Baragon!" cried Manda in a frantic manner. The male Transmuant's eyes shot wide open and immediately got onto his feet. He rushed out of the chamber and out towards the main cave.

"What's wrong?!" asked Baragon. He stopped as he found Manda staring towards the exit with wide eyes as she cupped her hands over her mouth. At the entrance of their cave was Copper, covered in scratches, ragged fur, and with part of his ear missing. Manda rushed over towards the Diamond Dog and pulled him close to herself.

"Oh my god! Copper, what happened to you?! Are you alright?!" asked Manda as she looked at the Rottweiler over. She gasped as she noticed that the tip of his right ear was bitten off. She felt herself growing emotional at the state that the Diamond Dog was in.

"Who did this to you?! Tell me!" said Manda as she shook Copper.

"Manda, it's alright! Something happened with our pack leader," said Copper as he lowered his head. Baragon looked on in worry.

"Did he do this to you?" asked Baragon.

"He did. I challenged him last night for his position," said Copper with a nod.

"So...you lost? Copper, why would you fight him if you weren't ready?!" demanded Manda in a distraught tone.

"I didn't lose, I won," said Copper with a smile. Manda and Baragon looked on in surprise.

"You...you actually won?" asked Baragon.

"I almost didn't, but your training and my desire to prevent another attack on a human settlement helped me," said Copper. He then bowed his head.

"Thanks to you three, I have saved my pack from self-destruction and an endless cycle of materialistic value in our lives. I was even able to prevent the innocents of Ponyville from suffering an attack like Mustangia," said Copper. Manda wrapped Copper into a tight hug as she gently caressed his head.

"You're such a good dog," said Manda with a sad smile. Copper lightly smiled as he nuzzled Manda's shoulder and wrapped a foreleg around her. The two released each other and found Baragon making his way over towards them.

"Congrats, Cop. You did it," said Baragon as he held his hand out. The two shook as they nodded to each other in approval. The sound of yawning reached their ears, prompting everyone to turn and find Goro to be standing in his pajamas with a drowsy expression.

"What's going on?" asked Goro as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Copper and the Transmutant couple smiled in amusement.

"Well, as the new pack leader, we are going to give away a large number of gems that we have mined and pillaged before to the people of Mustangia. It might not be enough to make up for the trouble that we've caused, but I hope it's a start," said Copper. Manda wrapped an arm around him as she gave him a reassuring smile.

"I think we'll be able to work some stuff out," said Manda. Copper nodded and led the Transmutants outside. He gestured out towards the area.

"Behold, we have brought the gems already," said Copper. The Transmutants stared off to find a few dozen Diamond Dogs standing tall with sacks over them, filled to the brim with gems. Manda smiled as she rushed back into the cave.

"If we're going into town now, I'm getting dressed!" said Manda with a tone of excitement. Baragon and Goro nodded to each other as they followed Manda's lead.

The next day...

Junior sat down on a couch with a newspaper in his hands. He read over through the article with a look of interest. He suddenly felt a weight over his shoulders, prompting him to turn and to find Erika looking over him curiously with her hands on his shoulders.

"Whatcha looking at?" asked Erika.

"Hmm? Oh, just this article in today's paper. Looks like Goro and the others made peace with the Diamond Dogs that Mustangia was dealing with," said Junior. Erika looked at him in confusion.

"Who?" asked Erika.

"Oh, they're these three other Transmutants that's been living here in Equestria. They're on our side," said Junior as he went back to reading the paper. Erika made her way over to Junior's side and took a seat beside him. Junior glanced at her.

"Are those clothes Fluttershy lent you doing you any good?" asked Junior.

"Yes, thank you," said Erika with a smile. She was wearing a teal shirt with a pair of blue skinny jeans. She then brushed the side of her hair as she cleared her throat.

"So...do you have any plans on how to find Sunset?" asked Erika. Junior nodded to her in response.

"I do. But it's going to take a couple of days since Celestia is making preparations for someone who I think can help," said Junior.

"A...a couple of days?" asked Erika with a worried expression.

"I know, the time isn't all that great. But it's the best I can give you, Shiragami," said Junior. Erika frowned.

"But...what if..."

"Hey, thinking up the worse scenario isn't going to help us find her. We're just going to have to hope for the best," said Junior as he held a firm expression.

"You're right. Thank you, Takeshi," sighed Erika as she looked away.

"Sorry that I've been taking up the space in your bed. I ought to find somewhere else to stay," said Erika.

"No, it's fine. Besides, the couch is kinda comfy," said Junior with a small smile as he patted the arm rest of the sofa. Erika lightly smiled, but shot up as she heard the sound of humming from behind. Erika and Junior turned to find Rodan in the kitchen, using the stove. The sound of sizzling reached their ears as well the smell of food.

"Man, I love the smell of fish on the stove in the noon!" said Rodan as he moved the sliced and diced fish meat around the pan that they sat in while having a pot of ramen boiling. He then turned to face the other two Transmutants.

"Hey, you guys don't mind a bit of spiciness in today's lunch, do you?" asked Rodan.

"Sure," answered Junior and Erika in unison. Rodan nodded.

"Alright!" said Rodan as he reached into the pantry and pulled out a glass bottle filled with orange liquid. He poured the contents into the pot and continued to stir it.

"So, how's Twilight?" asked Rodan.

"I think she's doing better right now. I checked on her this morning and she stopped throwing up," said Junior. He sighed as he went back to reading the newspaper.

"I think she's still a little sick. She might be fine tomorrow," said Junior.

"That's cool. You didn't make out with her, did you?" asked Rodan. Junior cleared his throat, ignoring the question. Erika cringed.

"Ew! When she was sick?!" asked Erika. Junior shrugged.

"She brushed her teeth from the last time that she threw up before we kissed. It's not like I can get sick anyway," said Junior with a shrug. Rodan shot him a look of disgust.

"Uh uh! You're staying your ass home today, buddy! I ain't letting you get everyone else sick if you're carrying traces of the flu!" said Rodan. Junior smirked.

"If I got Rainbow sick, wouldn't it give you a good excuse to stay at her place?" asked Junior. Rodan was about to retort but then stopped and looked down in thought before smiling.

"My man, you are a genius! Never mind, you can get her sick! Get Flutters sick for Aang to nurse back to health while you're at it!" said Rodan as he gave Junior a thumbs up.

"W-Wait, wait! I was just kidding!" said Junior as he frantically waved his hands.

"I'm not," shrugged Rodan. Junior face palmed in response while Erika rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Well, I should actually stay home today anyway. I might end up infecting them on accident if there are traces of the flu on me," said Junior. He then stood up to his feet as he removed his sweater.

"As a matter of fact, I need to wash and disinfect my clothes just in case," said Junior as he placed the newspaper down. He made his way into the laundry room of the house where he proceeded to put his sweater in the washer along with the clothes that he was wearing from the previous day. Mosura entered the living room with a smile. She rushed over to Junior and wrapped her arms around him into a tight hug.

"Good afternoon, Goji! How's my favorite guy friend?" asked Mosura with a grin. Junior looked at her with a raised brow as he returned her hug.

"Um...fine?" answered Junior in an unsure tone. Mosura giggled as she made her way over to Erika as she placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Shiragami! How are you feeling? Don't feel down, cause we'll find Sunset Shimmer!" said Mosura.

"Oh...um thanks!" said Erika with a smile. Mosura made her way over to Rodan and pinched his cheek.

"Rodan! My little bro and growing cook! Lunch smells good!" said Mosura.

"Thanks. Hey, are you feeling alright? You seem more cheerful than usual. Did something bad happen that you're masking your anxiety, anger or despair with a facade of happiness?" asked Rodan.

"Ha! No, don't be silly! I'm just in a very good mood today!" said Mosura. She hummed to herself as she made her way over towards a jar with a lock. She pulled out a small key and used it to unlock the jar. Rodan's ears perked, prompting him to turn and for his eyes to widen in surprise. Mosura opened the jar and reached inside and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

"Right where I left it!" said Mosura.

"Hey...what are you doing?" asked Rodan in surprise. Mosura giggled as she turned to face the male Transmutant.

"Well, there's going to be an event in Ponyville for cookies to give away before the holiday! I thought I'd join in," said Mosura. Junior looked at her curiously.

"So, what is it?" asked Junior.

"A recipe for homemade cookies, of course!" said Mosura with a grin.

"It's something that I memorized back when I was living in Neighpon. My mom taught me how to make it before she..." Mosura bore a sad smile as she looked down at the paper in her hands. Junior's eyes softened as he bore a light frown.

"But...you have never used that recipe," said Rodan. Mosura merely smiled.

"Well, I just thought it might be a good time to start. Times change," said Mosura as she began to walk away. Junior looked at her curiously.

"Hey, where are you going?" asked Junior.

"I'm going to get some ingredients for the cookies. I'll be back in a couple of hours," said Mosura. Junior shot out of the laundry room.

"Hey, why don't I go with you?" asked Junior. Mosura looked at him in surprise.

"But, I thought you wanted to stay away from town for a while?" asked Mosura.

"Well, it doesn't really matter since a number of people found out that I was in Twilight's place," said Junior as he rubbed the small bruise on his head.

"Oh. Well, sure!" said Mosura. Her stomach growled, making her blush in embarrassment.

"Let's have lunch first, OK?" asked Mosura. Junior nodded as he turned to the cave hall.

"Aang! Lunch is almost ready!" called Junior as his voice echoed.

"OK!" called Angirasu as his voice echoed back to Junior.

The Frozen North...

The chilling air caused Battra's spine to tingle. He shivered as he stood in place inside of the Temple of Shadows. He stood beside Destoroyah, while Sombra sat on a stone throne with Thanatos at his side. The Transmutants stood before these dark Elves in silence. Sombra leaned closer as his sigh echoed.

"Now, the time for Resurrection of the Kaiju is upon us. We must be prepared," said Sombra as he placed his metal gloved hands together and smiled darkly. He pointed towards Battra.

"You shall go forth and bring me one of the relics that we need to open the gates. One of my servants shall fetch the other while you search for one," said Sombra. Battra nodded in understanding.

"What is this relic and where can I find it?" asked Battra. Sombra's hand was engulfed in a dark aura that displayed an apparition that appeared like flames. The image was that of a grey chained amulet with an upside down triangle and with a red gem embedded in it. The triangle also bore dark wings with red feathered edges.

"Behold, the Avatar Amulet. A mystical object capable of granting the wearer great magical power," said Sombra. Battra took several seconds staring at the apparition, burning the image into his memory.

"Its whereabouts have been lost for centuries, but there is a way to find it," said Sombra as he levitated a compass over towards Battra. The Transmutant took the compass into his hands and looked at it curiously.

"This compass is drawn to the power of the amulet. Just follow where the arrow points and you shall find it. Bring the Avatar Amulet to me," said Sombra as he clenched his hand into a fist.

"Understood, your majesty," said Battra with a nod. He then turned and proceeded to walk away with Destoroyah.

"One other thing, Battra," said Sombra. Battra stopped and turned to face the dark king.

"Do not betray our trust, my dear boy. There will be dire consequences," said Sombra with a hard stare. Battra simply nodded in response, but he did have a feeling of nervousness taking hold. He turned back towards the hall and continued on towards his mission.

Battra continued on through the temple as he gave Destoroyah a nod of understanding for his mission. The two separated from each other and headed to different directions. Battra eventually came across Megaguirus, who was leaning against a pillar. She greeted the male Transmutant with a wave as she made her way over to him.

"So, what did the count want?" asked Megaguirus. Battra raised a brow.

"Count?" asked Battra.

"Yeah, it's a joke. He looks like a vampire, with his fangs, dark personality and ye old speech," said Megaguirus with a chuckle.

"Oh, now I get it," said Battra as he shook his head with a half amused smile. He continued on pass Megaguirus.

"Well, I have to leave right now. I need to fetch an ancient artifact called, 'The Avatar Amulet'," said Battra.

"Ooh! Sounds neat! So, you're the king's errand boy?" asked Megaguirus. Battra sighed in annoyance.

"Please, just don't," said Battra.

"Gee, what's got you in such a bad mood?" asked Megaguirus with a raised brow.

"It's just that I'm very reluctant to trust this king. Also, calling me an errand boy feels demeaning," said Battra with a light frown.

"Sorry," said Megaguirus with a shrug. She then made her way beside the male Transmutant with a smile. "If you need any help, I can come along!"

"No, that won't be necessary," said Battra. Megaguirus scowled in response. She hummed to herself as she walked closer to Battra.

"Come on. You might need my help! What if you run into a situation that may need a girl's touch?" asked Megaguirus. Battra looked away in reluctance. He then turned back to find Megaguirus, who bore an eager smile on her face.

"Alright, you can come. I doubt you'd take no for an answer anyway," sighed Battra. Megaguirus nodded in approval.

"Nope! So, where is this artifact? Is it at some kind of ancient temple or lost civilization with traps still operational?" asked Megaguirus with a grin. Battra shrugged.

"It's possible. We just need to let this enchanted compass guide us to its definition," said Battra as he held up the compass that Sombra had given him. Megaguirus pulled out her teleportation stone with a grin.

"Let's go already!" said Megaguirus.

"Wait, we shouldn't teleport aimlessly to find the amulet. We should choose one point to go to and make our way around," said Battra. Megaguirus sighed.

"Alright, where to?" asked Megaguirus. Battra pulled out a map and unfolded it.

"We should check the south east since that's where the arrow is currently pointing. We can start with Baltimare, but we'll have to make the rest of the journey on foot so we don't miss the location," said Battra. Megaguirus nodded as she looked over the map. She held the stone up, which projected a vortex before them. She glanced at Battra.

"Do you have money on you for train tickets and stuff?" asked Megaguirus. Battra nodded.

"Yeah, we have plenty," said Battra. Megaguirus smiled as she took his hand.

"Let's go then!" said Megaguirus as she dragged Battra towards the vortex.

"H-Hey, wait!" cried Battra. The two had then vanished into thin air.

On the other side of the portal, Megaguirus and Battra emerged. The two found themselves inside of an alley. Megaguirus looked at Battra with a smile as he looked at the compass in his hand.

"So, where to next?" asked Megaguirus.

"Well, the needle is pointing north-west now. We should walk the rest of the way so we don't miss the amulet," said Battra. Megaguirus nodded as she took Battra's arm.

"Then we better get moving!" said Megaguirus. Battra raised a brow as he was led out to the open area of the town, where humans casually walked along the sidewalks.

'Hmm. She seems to be in a good mood,' thought Battra.


Junior roamed through Ponyville beside Mosura. He held his hood far over his head as he walked beside his friend. The female Transmutant bore a smile.

"Alright, first we're gonna need some cookie dough. Then we'll need chocolate, next will be sugar, and the tools to carve the cookies." said Mosura.

"We can find that stuff at the market," said Junior as he pointed towards a certain direction. Mosura nodded in approval.

"That'll do!" said Mosura. The two continued on down the road, where Junior had caught glances of a few familiar humans from a previous day. As he noticed Comet Tail, Junior shot him a glare and mouthed the words, 'don't piss me off'. Comet Tail gulped as he turned away and continued to walk. Junior shook his head, catching Mosura's attention.

"Something wrong?" asked Mosura.

"Nope!" said Junior with a smug smile.

Later, the two Transmutants found themselves inside of the heated store. Mosura unzipped her sweater and loosened the scarf that she was wearing.

"Mm. It's nice and warm," said Mosura.

"I'm feeling hot, actually," said Junior as he unzipped his sweater a bit.

"Well, you insist on hiding your face," deadpanned Mosura. Junior shrugged.

"Fair point," said Junior. The two continued on down the aisles with grocery baskets. The two spent the next few minutes gathering ingredients and tools for the cookies. Mosura picked up several chocolate bars as she bore a smile. Junior hummed to himself as he looked over a metal bowl.

"This could be good for melting the chocolate in," said Junior. Mosura nodded in agreement. As the two waited in line to pay for the items they had gathered, Mosura glanced at Junior.

"Goji, did your mother ever make any Hearth's Warming treats or something?" asked Mosura.

"Not really. I think my mom wasn't very good at making sweets," said Junior. He then looked at her curiously as they paid for their items.

"So, what's with Rodan when he said that you never used the recipe that your mom taught you?" asked Junior.

"For as long as I could remember, it's been a tradition for my family to have these sweet cookies that my mom would make for special occasions and Hearth's Warming. One day, she decided to teach me how to make them," said Mosura as she and Junior took their items in the bags that they were placed in. The two found themselves outside, walking together in the cold.

"Mom always said, 'don't tell anyone the recipe, Mosura. It's a family secret'," said Mosura with a chuckle. She sighed.

"They're so good! The chocolate’s sweetness just dances in your mouth! Oh, and it's great with milk!" said Mosura with nostalgia on her face. Junior lightly smiled.

"Wow. They sound pretty good. I'm looking forward to trying them," said Junior. Mosura sighed.

"Yeah, I just wish..." Mosura looked down at the ground.

"Mosu?" called Junior.

"You know, the reason I never actually made these cookies again after my parents passed away was because of my brother," said Mosura.

"What about Battra?" asked Junior.

"Well...it just wouldn't feel right to have these cookies without him around, you know?" said Mosura with a frown.

"I mean, we'll never be able to have those moments again. Our parents are gone. Battra is far away with the Revolutionaries and he hates..." Mosura slowed down to a stop, prompting Junior to turn around to find her. His eyes widened in surprise as he found Mosura's eyes welling up with tears as her lips quivered.

"He...hates me. My own brother hates me!" cried Mosura. She dropped to her knees as she sobbed to herself. Junior deeply frowned as he made his way over to her and knelt down in front of her. He set the bags down and wrapped Mosura into a comforting hug.

"No, he doesn't," said Junior as he caressed her head.

"Yes, he does! He even said it to my face!" cried Mosura as she sobbed against Junior's shoulder.

"I-I just want things to be the way they were again! I know I can't ever bring our parents back, but I just want my brother to be happy again!" cried Mosura. Junior sighed as he continued to hold her.

"I know," said Junior.

"You've been holding this in for too long, Mosu. It's OK to talk about how you're feeling when it comes to your brother," said Junior. Mosura sniffled as she wiped a tear from her cheek. He stood up with her as he gave her a soft smile.

"Come on, let's head home," said Junior as he picked up the bags that he had placed down. As he turned away, Mosura grabbed him by his sleeve.

"Goji, can you promise me something?" asked Mosura with a sniffle.

"Name it," said Junior. Mosura looked away with an unsure expression.

"The next time we see Battra, could you let me reason with him?" asked Mosura. Junior looked at her in reluctance.

"I... Mosu, it didn't go very well the last time that you tried that," said Junior.

"I know. But, I think I can convince him this time. All I ask is that you give me a chance," said Mosura as she looked at Junior with pleading eyes. The male Transmutant thought it would be unwise to be lenient towards the ruthless twin brother of the Yasu twins, especially since he nearly tore Twilight's arms off during their first fight. However, Mosura's pleading eyes were too much for him to shoot down her request.

"OK. I'll do it for you," said Junior with a nod. Mosura smiled brightly as she wrapped her arms around the Transmutant.

"Thank you! Thank you! Oh, I love ya so much!" cried Mosura. Junior chuckled as he patted Mosura's back.

"Alright, settle down. Careful, someone might get the wrong idea," said Junior. Mosura chuckled in response.

"Sorry. Let's get going! We're going to be making a lot of cookies tonight!" said Mosura a she released Junior. The two walked down through town again, headed for their home in the Everfree forest.

Later that evening...

"Shit!" spat Battra as he glared at the compass. Megaguirus looked at him in confusion as they continued to walk through an open field.

"What's the matter?" asked Megaguirus.

"The damn thing is either acting up, or the amulet is moving!" said Battra.

"How can you be sure it's moving?" asked Megaguirus in confusion. Battra showed her the compass, which had a needle that was pointing southwest. He then followed the direction and was annoyed to find the compass not turning around to another direction.

"It pointed west a second ago, so we couldn't have passed it! It has to be moving!" said Battra. He growled in frustration. "Someone must have beaten us to it!"

"Hey, relax! It's going to be fine," said Megaguirus as she placed her hands on Battra's shoulders. He sighed in response.

"Good. Now, all we need to do is follow the needle’s point and we should find it soon," said Megaguirus. She then brushed her hand over Battra's hair.

"But, let's call it a night! We both could use some sleep," said Megaguirus.

"Sleep?! But we can't-" Battra was interrupted as Megaguirus rubbed his shoulders, causing him to sigh.

"Damn, you've got a lot of tension. Look, we're near Hollow Shades. Let's find a place to crash for cheap for the night," said Megaguirus. Battra nodded reluctantly.

"Fine," said Battra. Megaguirus nodded as she held up the teleportation stone. It opened a portal before them, prompting the two Transmutants to travel through it.

'Who could have gotten their hands on such a mystical artifact?' thought Battra in worry. If he couldn't find the amulet, his head would likely be on a pike. He hardened his eyes, determined to find the amulet, even if he had to kill its wearer.

The two Transmutants appeared on the other side of the portal. They found themselves in a dark section of a small town surrounded by great trees, shrouding the town in darkness. Fog filled the air as rain water fell upon them.

"Oh shit!" cried Megaguirus as she pulled her hood overhead. The two Transmutants rushed through the town towards the nearest dry spot.

"Looks like we're gonna have to find someone who knows a place where tourists can stay," said Battra with a scowl.

The next day...

The street was filled with dozens of citizens that resided in Ponyville. They gathered around near booths and tables, where several different people served up cookies. The air was of course filled with idle conversations that went around. Children sat as they ate the cookies of every sort. Chocolate chip, sugar, oatmeal, almond, animal shaped, etc. There were also different sorts of sweets that were being sold to the people. One particular stand was made up of tables with Rarity, Erika, and Sonata standing behind. The three wore aprons while the tables in front of themselves bore trays filled with cookies with hardened chocolate on the tops. The cookies themselves appeared to be like squares, compared to the other sweets in other stands. Rarity held out three plastic bags filled with homemade cookies out towards a woman with a warm smile.

"Here you go! Enjoy!" said Rarity. The woman nodded to her with a smile as she made her way over towards a nearby table that was set up. Her friends greeted her with waves, prompting the woman to rush over to them. Erika took the bits that she had received and placed them inside of a growing bag. Her eyes then widened in surprise as she noticed a growing line at the booth.

"Wow. Looks like Yasu's mom's recipe is drawing a lot of attention," said Erika. Rarity nodded in agreement. She then turned to Sonata.

"Sonata, darling, could you run on down to Sugarcube Corner and see if Mosura and the others are nearly done with that next batch?" asked Rarity. Sonata gave a salute and then broke off into a sprint.

"Other way, darling!" cried out an alarmed Rarity. Sonata made a 'U' turn and continued to run with an embarrassed smile.

"I-I knew that!" said Sonata as she continued to run. Rarity shook her head in amusement and went to the other customers.

Meanwhile, in Sugarcube Corner, Mosura held her tongue out as she measured the amount of sugar in a cup. She nodded in approval and poured the contents into a bowl. She then turned to find Fluttershy cutting and dividing the cookie dough into small squares while Angirasu flattened the dough that had not been cut. Fluttershy sneaked a glance at the Transmutant that was at her side, who rolled the dough flat.

"Angirasu?" called Fluttershy.

"Yeah?" answered Angirasu as he turned to face Fluttershy. The Valkyrie merely smiled as she reached towards him and brushed her fingers over his nose. The Transmutant recoiled as the powder from her fingers got on his nose. Fluttershy giggled in amusement, prompting Angirasu to lightly chuckle. He then suddenly gently placed his hands on both of her cheeks, prompting Fluttershy to blush furiously as her lips were puckered out. The Transmutant removed his hands as he continued to chuckle. Fluttershy turned to a silver pot and found her cheeks covered in powder. The two shared a small laugh, prompting Mosura to glance with a grin on her face. She cleared her throat, causing the two to go silent.

"Hey, now. We gotta get these cookies done soon. Work now and fun later," said Mosura. The two nodded in response as they carried looks of embarrassment. Pinkie Pie walked inside of the kitchen and found Junior washing dishes near a sink. She rushed over to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"So, I heard Twilight was doing better!" said Pinkie with a grin.

"Yeah, she's doing better. She's supposed to be present during the event," said Junior with a nod.

"Oh! Pinkie, thank you for asking the Cakes for letting us borrow their kitchen for this! Word about these cookies passed like wild fire!" said Mosura. Pinkie nodded.

"Not a problem, Mosu! Just be sure to save them some, cause they're missing out!" said Pinkie.

"You got it," said Mosura with a nod. From outside of the kitchen, Sonata came rushing inside.

"Hey, is there a batch ready?" asked Sonata. Mosura turned towards the oven and found Applejack wearing a pair of oven mitts as she carried out a cookie sheet filled with cookies.

"Right here, sugarcube. Nice and fresh," said Applejack as she placed the cookies inside of plastic bags and wrapped them up.

"Rodan! Get ready, cause you're up!" said Mosura. The Transmutant that she had called walked into the kitchen with a box in his hands.

"Let's load them up," said Rodan with a nod as he made his way over to the farm girl. Applejack gently placed the hot cookies, which were wrapped in bags, into the box.

"Alright, I'm off!" said Rodan as he rushed out of the kitchen. The male Transmutant continued on out of SugarCube Corner, where he caught a glance of Adagio and Aria sitting at a booth. He gave them a quick wave as he continued to run outside. He passed several people and jumped onto the roofs of small buildings. People turned their heads as they caught sight of the Transmutant running along the roofs of buildings as he hopped to the next roof. He eventually came across where the event was occurring and dropped down to the ground. Rodan peaked inside of the box, finding that the cookies were still intact. He casually walked over to the stand, where Rarity and Erika stood.

"Package is delivered, ladies," said Rodan as he took on a prideful smile.

"Thank you, darling. You're just in time," said Rarity as she took out the bags of cookies and placed them on the table. Rodan sighed as he sat down on a metal chair.

"Oh, was Sonata's shift done?" asked Rarity.

"Yep. I'm filling in for her," said Rodan with a bored expression. The Transmutant turned his head as he found Rainbow Dash making her way over to him.

"There you are! Come on, let's go buy some sweets!" said Rainbow.

"I can't. Mosura will kill me if I abandon my shift now," said Rodan with a look of disappointment.

"Aw man, you're working right now? Lame," said Rainbow with a sigh.

"Tell me about it," said Rodan as he traded a bag of cookies for bits with a man.

"Hmm. Well, I'm gonna go buy something. I'll bring you some," said Rainbow as she waved and began to walk away.

"Thanks, babe!" called Rodan with a smile.

"So, what's Yasu gonna do with this money when the event is over? It is her mom's recipe," said Erika.

"Something about paying the cakes back for using their ingredients. She said we might use some of it on our place if we have anything left over," said Rodan with a shrug.

"Well, that's nice of her. I wasn't expecting her to go all out," said Rarity.

"Tell me about it. Years of not using the recipe and now she's supervising the others as if she owns a business. It's crazy," said Rodan with a chuckle.

"I must say, these cookies are absolutely delicious! I've never had anything this wonderful!" said Rarity.

"They're pretty sweet, too," said Erika. Rodan chuckled.

"Yeah, well I have a saying for sweet things. If you can't taste the diabetes, you didn't make it right," said Rodan. Rarity and Erika looked at him with a raised brow.

"I don't..." Rarity looked at him in confusion.

"It's meant to be funny. Because sometimes, something that's meant to be sweet ends up tasting like shit if there's not enough sugar," said Rodan with a shrug.

"I uh...I'm not entirely sure if I find it as funny," said Rarity with a reluctant smile.

"Oh. Does someone in your family have a history with diabetes? Damn, I'm sorry," said Rodan with worry.

"No! No, it's just that I personally don't find the joke funny," said Rarity. Rodan whistled as he looked away.

"Alright, I'll be sure to come up with something else for you," said Rodan. The sound of distant cries filled their ears. The three perked up and turned to find a crowd far out that appeared to be in a circle of something. There seemed to have been something in the center for the focus of attention. The customers found themselves being drawn to the area by their natural curiosity.

"Hey, don't you want a damn cookie?!" called Rodan. He sighed in annoyance as the people continued on towards the area. He then noticed a woman rushing out of the crowd, crying out as insects swarm in her hair. Rarity recoiled in disgust.

"What in the world is going on over there?" asked Rarity. The three made their way to the crowd, where red flashes of light erupted. A man with unnaturally sized fists dragged his hands along the ground as he attempted to flee. Rarity and Erika recoiled in shock.

"What the heck?!" exclaimed Erika.

"Wow. Talk about a knuckle dragger," chuckled Rodan. He then noticed the figure that the people were staring at. It appeared to be feminine in build and wore a dark grey cloak covering her body. The figure raised her hands and shot them towards Rodan, striking him in his head with a red light. Rarity and Erika gasped as they watched the Transmutant's body began to morph and the world around Rodan grew.

"Wha-what did she do to me?!" exclaimed Rodan. Rarity and Erika stared with wide eyes as they looked down upon the Transmutant.

"Rodan...you...you're a..." Rarity hesitated to finish her sentence. Rodan gasped.

"Oh no! I'm hideous, aren't I?!" exclaimed Rodan.

"You're a chicken!" cried Erika. Rodan looked at her in confusion and then looked down at himself. He gasped as he found himself covered in brick red feathers and his legs as dark grey with three toes with sharp talons. He looked at his arms and found them to be wings instead, albeit with claws hidden in the feathers. He turned his head, feeling it connected to a long neck. He found long, brown tail feathers on his rear. He turned to face a fallen pot and backed away as he found himself as a rooster that had traits of his Transmutant form. His beak was long and toothed and his face was covered in scales. His green eyes were the same, but his head bore the crimson comb over his skull and the wattles that hung from his neck.

"What the hell?!" exclaimed Rodan as his feathers erected from his startle. He suddenly gave a shrill crow, which prompted everyone in the area to cup their ears from the rooster crow.

"Wait, what sort of rooster is he? He looks nothing like the ones one would see on a farm!" said Rarity as she analyzed the bizarre traits on Rodan.

"Who cares about that?!" said Rodan with a glare. He turned and ran towards the figure in the cloak, prompting everyone to back away from the bizarre chicken Transmutant. He shot her a glare as he looked up at the figure.

"Change me back, right now!" demanded Rodan. He then pecked at the cyan heel of the figure. The figure grunted in annoyance as her hood lit up a hellish red and levitated Rodan into the air.

"Yeah, you better change me baaaaaa-" Rodan cried out as he flung across the air, much to the horror of everyone in the area.

"Rodan!" cried Rarity. Rodan spun in the air as he gave panicked breaths.

"I hate magic!!" shouted Rodan as he spread his wings out. He then grunted as he flapped his wings.

"Haha! Thought you could best a flier like..." Rodan's voice trailed off as he found himself descending from the ground. He flapped his wings harder and started panting.

"Oh, come on! Chickens are lame! Why couldn't you have changed me into a condor? Or an eagle? Hell, I'll accept being a freaking hummingbird! Anything that can actually fly!" said Rodan in annoyance. He soon descended down to the ground near Erika and Rarity.

"Are you alright?" asked Erika in worry.

"No, look at me! I'm freaking a bird!" said Rodan as he flared open his clawed wings.

"But...you technically changed into one before, didn't you?" asked Rarity with a shrug.

"No! Before, I was cool! Now I'm just a chicken with my Transmutant traits!" said Rodan in despair. He then noticed Rainbow Dash running over to their position.

"Hey, what's with all the weirdness with people and the crowd?" asked Rainbow in confusion. She then noticed Rodan with a raised brow.

"And what's with the freaky looking chicken?" asked Rainbow.

"It's me, Dashie," said Rodan as he lowered his head. Rainbow's eyes widened in shock.

"Rodan?! What the hay happened to you?!" exclaimed Rainbow. Rodan turned his head in a dramatic way as he held his green eyes wide open as he turned to face the figure in the cloak.

"She happened to me!" said Rodan with a cluck. The cloaked figure continued to use her magic on the people in the crowds, casting spells on them to demonstrate her power.

"That's not good," said Rainbow. She immediately took off into the opposite direction.

"I'm gonna find Twilight to deal with this!" said Rainbow.

"Wait! Don't leave me like this! I'm too vulnerable!" cried Rodan as he chased after Rainbow Dash. Erika made her way towards Rodan and scooped him into her arms.

"I got ya! Let's get you somewhere where you'll won't be stepped on," said Erika as she ran with Rodan in her arms.

"Or eaten," deadpanned Rodan.

"We don't eat meat, darling!" said Rarity. She then gasped as she noticed the cloaked figure gazing at her. Rarity gulped nervously as the figure's hands glowed brightly.

"Oh my," muttered Rarity.

"Alright, I think we've made enough for the event," said Mosura as she wiped sweat away from her brow. Before her, Junior, Angirasu, Fluttershy, Applejack, the Sirens, and Pinkie Pie, were a couple dozen bags filled with cookies.

"Yeah, I think so," said Junior as he crossed his arms. Mosura nodded as she turned to a counter, where several other bags lied.

"Well, over there are the ones for us. And Goji, I made sure to leave some for the princesses," said Mosura with a smile. Junior smiled back.

"Thanks, Mosu. I'm sure they'll love them," said Junior. He then glanced at Angirasu and Fluttershy, finding them covered in powder.

"Wait, are those hand prints on your cheeks, Shy?" asked Junior with a raised brow. Fluttershy looked away in embarrassment.

"M-Maybe," answered Fluttershy.

"Anyway, let's get this stuff over to the stand. They'll want them," said Mosura as she used her telekinesis to levitate the bags of cookies to a couple of boxes. As she placed them inside, Erika came bursting into the kitchen. Sonata cringed as she noticed Rodan in her arms.

"Ew! What's wrong with that chicken?!" asked Sonata. Rodan merely scowled in response.

"It's me," said Rodan. Everyone in the room looked on in shock, save for Rainbow Dash and Erika.

"Rodan?!" exclaimed the other three Transmutants in unison.

"No, I'm just a random magical talking chicken with a bird-dragon's claws and face," said Rodan with a deadpanned stare.

"That's weird, because you sound a lot like our friend Rodan!" said Sonata with an amused smile. Aria groaned in annoyance as she hit Sonata in the back of the head.

"That is Rodan, you dunce! He was being sarcastic," said Aria.

“Rodan, what happened to you?" asked Fluttershy.

"Some weird chick in a cloak did this to me!" said Rodan.

"What weird chick?" asked Junior as he hardened his eyes.

"We'll take you to her, come on!" said Erika as she rushed out of the kitchen with Rodan. The rest of the Transmutants, the humans and Sirens all chased after them.


"You beast!" cried Rarity. She stared at her clothes in horror, which comprised of a one piece dress with a pattern of orange, neon green, pink frills, and brown. She tugged at the gown with a look of disgust.

"This shade of brown should only be used for accents! Oh!" Rarity held her hand over her forehead as she dramatically fell back. Before she could hit the ground, she was held up by an invisible force. Everyone turned and found Mosura holding her hand out as she levitated the Elf towards her and Applejack. The Earthbound carried the Elf away from the area as Pinkie followed her.

"Quick! We need to get her into a nice, soothing pink!" cried Pinkie. Mosura turned to glare at the cloaked figure that stood in the center of the crowd. At her side emerged her fellow Transmutants. The Sirens and Fluttershy merely stood by and watched the figure. Rodan clucked as he sat in Erika's arms.

"There she is!" said Rodan. Junior turned and noticed Twilight passing through the crowd with Spike at her side and Rainbow Dash above them. She made her way to the center with a look of confusion.

"What's going on here?" asked Twilight. The cloaked figure laughed.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Twilight Sparkle," said the figure as she removed her hood. She revealed herself to be a girl with Elf ears and hair that was a pale, cornflower blue with very pale cerulean stripes. Her eyes were a very dark violet color which suddenly flashed red like the red gem amulet on her neck. She stood to be five foot eight in height. She gave a dark smile as she focused her eyes on Twilight. Everyone, excluding the Sirens and Transmutants, gasped in shock.

"Trixie!" said Twilight as she glared at the Elf that stood in front her. Spike hardened his eyes.

"What's she doing here?" asked Spike.

"Psst. Goji, do you know who that girl is?" asked Angirasu in a whisper. Junior leaned to his side.

"Not really. I think I heard of her before," whispered Junior. Fluttershy tugged at his sweater's sleeve, prompting Junior to lean down closer to her.

"Remember? She's the Elf that was showing off her magic over a year ago. She was the one who made up the story of vanquishing an Ursa Major," whispered Fluttershy.

"That's her?" asked Junior in surprise. Fluttershy nodded in response. The two gasped as they found Trixie fire a sparking beam of vivid red magic towards Rainbow Dash, who was engulfed in a red cloud. When the cloud cleared up, Rainbow was revealed to have her right wing to had become much larger than the other.

"Whoa!" cried Rainbow as she struggled to keep herself in control while in the air. People scattered as the Valkyrie nearly crashed into them.

"Stop picking on my friends, Trixie!" shouted Twilight as she stepped forward.

"You and I have unfinished business. My magic's gotten better since I was here last," said Trixie with a confident smile as she strolled over to Twilight. "And I'm going to prove it! Me and you, magic duel. Winner stays, loser leaves Ponyville forever!"

"Forget it! I'd never make a deal like that!" said Twilight as she crossed her arms and turned to face the opposite direction of her challenger.

"Hmph. Your choice," said Trixie with a shrug. Her hands were engulfed in a red aura, which also engulfed Spike in as well. The young drake cried out as he was levitated into the air by Trixie's magic. Twilight's eyes widened as she witnessed Spike's limbs being forced together and his body compressed into a sphere like a ball. He was suddenly being bounced onto the ground before Twilight. The Elf narrowed her eyes as she gritted her teeth. Junior hardened his eyes as a beastly growl rumbled in his throat.

"Easy, Goji," whispered Mosura as Fluttershy sent him a wary glance.

"Trixie, put him down!" demanded Twilight. She gasped as she watched Spike flung over towards a basket, where he fell and continued to bounce.

"Why are you doing this?" questioned Twilight.

"Why? Because you humiliated me, that's why!" answered Trixie. Her magic suddenly projected a screen that depicted Twilight levitating a massive, bear-like creature with glowing blue fur with stars on it.

"After you showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughingstock! Everywhere I went, I was laughed at and ostracized!" said Trixie. Images of her being laughed at by other humans were shown. Another image depicted her hammering away at a rock in half, where a middle aged man pointed towards a large pile of stones.

"I even had to work on a rock farm just to earn a living. A rock farm!" said Trixie with an angry expression.

"Hey, you're lucky that a rock farm would take the likes of you!" Pinkie stood out from the crowd as she sent the Elf a glare. Trixie narrowed her eyes as she projected a red arrow, which stuck to Pinkie's lips. The arrow pulled on her lips and removed them from her face, leaving only a pale, blank surface behind. The arrow then dropped the lips into a small glowing trash can, which sealed shut and vanished into smoke. Pinkie's eyes turned to dejection as she gave muffled moans.

"Now, I want revenge. And I'll just keep casting spells until you agree," said Trixie as she levitated the Golden Oaks Library into the air and flipped it upside down. She began to shake the tree, causing the books to fall out.

"This is going too far," said Junior as he leaned closer to Mosura.

"Alright, Trixie. Let's duel!" said Twilight. Junior's eyes widened.

"No, Twilight you don't need to-" Junior was about to interject but was interrupted.

"Excellent!" said Trixie as she returned the library to its natural state and restored Twilight's friends to their natural state, excluding Rodan and Pinkie. She muffled as she pointed to her mouth less face with a glare while Rodan clucked in annoyance.

"Still white meat here!" said Rodan.

"If I lose, I won't set foot in Ponyville again. But if you lose, you are the one banished!" said Trixie with a dark smile. Everyone gasped in shock while Junior clenched his fist.

"Twilight, don't do it," said Junior. The Elf ignored him as she hardened her eyes.

"Too late," said Twilight. The air was filled with a tense atmosphere as the two Elves glared at each other. They waited for the call to act for what felt like a minute.

"Draw!" said Trixie as she shot a beam of magic at a carriage, which flipped an apple cart into the air, headed for several people. They fled away from danger but one woman fell and tripped. She cried out as she braced for the coming object, but it never came. Twilight grunted as she levitated the cart away and sat it neatly on the ground. She sighed in relief, but gasped as several pies were flung her way. An idea popped in Twilight's head, prompting her to spawn a round, large eyed insect known as the parasprite. The creature swallowed the pies whole and burped, duplicating into a second parasprite. Twilight gasped and focused her magic on the creatures, banishing them from Ponyville. She shot her head up as a shadow came over her, finding a large amount of snow descending down on her. Twilight shot her hand out of the snow that buried her and used a spell to melt the snow away. She dried herself off with a heating spell, drying her clothes as well. Twilight then shot her hand forward and fired a small beam at Trixie's upper lip. The other Elf looked at her in confusion, but then gasped as a long, grey mustache grew on her face. Everyone that was watching all laughed in amusement at the feat. Trixie growled as she spawned a pair of scissors and cut the mustache off.

"Snips, Snails, step forward!" ordered Trixie. Two Elf kids sheepishly approached Trixie.

"Wh-What is it, oh great and poweful Trixie?" whimpered Snips as he and Snails got on the ground and bowed down to Trixie. Trixie fired off a beam of magic towards the two boys, which caused Snips to change into an infant that cried his eyes out, while Snails was aged into a frail old man with a long white beard. Everyone looked on in shock.

"An age spell? But...how can you do an age spell?! That's only for the highest level Elves!" said Twilight. Trixie smirked.

"Well, Twilight. Do you give up?" asked Trixie. Twilight sighed as she looked away with an unsure expression. She then hardened her eyes as she charged her magic. She grunted as she levitated Snips and Snails into the air, struggling to reverse the spell.

"Come on, Twilight. You can do it," said Spike as he watched anxiously. Twilight panted as her magic sparked. The effort from attempting to reverse the spell, made her, along with Snips and Snails, collapse onto the ground as her magic died down.

"Trixie is the highest level Elf!" said Trixie as she laughed maniacally. "And now, it's time for you to leave Ponyville forever!"

"That's enough Trixie!" shouted Applejack as she, Spike, and the rest of the Element Bearers pushed through the crowd and stepped in front of Twilight.

"You proved your point, but you can't possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville!" said Rarity.

"You fools! She's already gone!" said Trixie as she levitated Twilight into the air. Before she could cast Twilight out, she felt a strong grip on her arm, causing her to grunt in pain. She turned and found Junior glaring at her from behind his hood.

"I don't think so," said Junior in a low tone.

"You go, Goji!" said Rainbow with a fist pump.

"Kick her ass for me, man!" cried Rodan as he clucked. Trixie narrowed her eyes at the Transmutant. She shot her other hand towards him and used her magic to push him away. Junior was forced into a cart, prompting those around to yelp and scatter. Junior gave an animalistic growl as he stood up to his feet and shot her a growl.

"Guardians, take her down!" shouted Junior as he pointed towards Trixie. The Elf turned and found Angirasu and Mosura rushing out from the crowd. Trixie smirked as she fired a beam of magic towards Angirasu, who was engulfed in dark smoke. He grunted as he was forced to the ground with heavy magical chains wrapped around his body. Mosura grunted as she forced her hand forward and pushed Trixie to the ground with telekinesis.

"What in the-" Trixie's eyes widened as she found Mosura rushing towards her.

"Oh, no, you don't!" said Trixie as she wrapped Mosura in a red aura. The Transmutant grunted as she struggled in the magic hold. She was then dropped to the ground as the same kind of heavy shackles bounded her body together. Trixie grunted in pain as she felt her leg pecked at. She turned and found Rodan pecking through her cloak. She shot her hand towards him and locked him up in a small cage.

"You bitch!" shouted Rodan as he bit down on the bars. Trixie turned and found Erika rushing towards her with vines for arms, prompting her to look on in shock. She found herself bounded by the vines and grunted. Everyone else looked on in shock at what had transpired and at this new Transmutant. Trixie smirked as she vanished into thin air and reappeared before Erika. She spawned a great square cage over Erika. The Transmutant reared a fist back and punched the metal fence but was electrocuted, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Ah, ah! It'll hurt to touch," said Trixie.

"Not as much as I am going to hurt you if you don't let them go!" said Junior as he grew his dark claws and sharp teeth. He rushed over towards Trixie as he swiped his claws at her, missing her by her cloak. She sent the Transmutant a glare, which became a surprised stare as she noticed his unnatural traits. He gave a beastly snarl as he charged towards her. Trixie fired a beam of magic against Junior's head, forcing him back.

"Gojira!" cried Twilight as she ran passed the Element Bearers. She fired a non- lethal bolt of magic towards Trixie, who projected a magic shield in front of herself and blocked the projectile. She then levitated Twilight into the air and flung her towards the Transmutant, who fell back with her in his arms.

"You can join her, you nuisance!" said Trixie as she levitated the couple and flung them across the town, much to the horror of their friends. Junior pulled Twilight close to his chest as they neared the edge of town and were hurling to the ground. The two slammed into the earth and rolled along the ground. As they rolled to a stop, Twilight groaned as she shakily stood up from Junior. She gasped as an enormous glass dome appeared out of thin air and descended to the ground. She and Junior rushed back to the town, but the dome had merged with the earth. Spike and the rest of the Element Bearers had reached the end of the dome from their side and looked on in despair. Twilight placed her hand over the glass were Spike had placed his own hand.

"It's OK, guys. I'll figure something out. Just...take care of each other. Keep an eye Trixie because there's something strange about her," said Twilight. She then turned to Junior with a light frown.

"Come on, Gojira," said Twilight as she ran off to the fields. Junior turned towards the rest of his friends and gave them a nod.

"We'll be back," said Junior as he turned and ran after Twilight. Their friends watched with uncertainty in their hearts for the future of their town. Spike gritted his teeth as he watched his sister figure and friend leave.

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