• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 8,994 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 72: Farewell

Onyx found himself standing in a dark, empty room. He was surrounded by several different men, who were obscured in the shadows. While obscured, Onyx could make out certain ethnic traits they bore, along with traits that fit their class of human. Earthbound, Valkyrie, and Elf.

"Our specimens were kept safe during this attack from the subject: Club Tail," said Onyx, as camera footage was projected on the wall. It depicted Angirasu, destroying the base. The footage paused, where the young mutant stood among the rubble and flames.

"Director, this has cost us much from the damage. Not to mention you've lost Kiryu during the incident. That was one of MONARCH's best assets," said one of the men sternly.

"Kiryu was already suffering from severe malfunctions that proved to be more of a liability. I was intending to have it terminated to begin with," said Onyx.

"This may actually work for us," said one of the men. "We've been looking to expand our influence in Neighpon. This attack may be the necessary ingredient."

"But Neighpon's current leadership has been difficult. The emperor will not allow us to set up anymore bases, let alone expand the scope of MONARCH's patrols," said another man.

"I wouldn't be so sure," said a man, carrying a thick Neighponese accent.

"If we were to inform the public of the attack, they'd surely want action. Especially if a base so near the capital city was compromised," said the Neighponese man.

"And what of the emperor?" asked one of the other men of this committee.

"There's always a chance for an accident," said another committee member.

"I was thinking something more subtle. We just have to remove him from his position in office. I already have a replacement in mind for him. His brother," said the Neighponese man.

"How do you suggest we do that?" asked another committee member.

"He's already seen as weak by some. Unwilling to do 'what's necessary'. If he refuses MONARCH's help, after being shown the threat, then we'll have a vote of no confidence in the current sitting Emperor. His brother will run against him, letting the people hear what they want. When he's in, we'll have more wiggle room with the Neighponese government," said the Neighponese man.

"How can you guarantee that the brother will go along with it?" asked Onyx.

"We have him in debt. He was quite the spender. The family even cut him off. He owes it to us. But, we'll have to make it seem like he's the one gaining something. He wanted to inherit the throne for himself. He gets the illusion of power, we have our puppet," said the Neighponese man. Onyx chuckled in amusement.

"Money truly does make the world go round," said Onyx.

"Onyx, money only has value so long as people believe it does. We thrive on something more," said the Neighponese committee member.

It was a sunny day in Ponyville. The sky was clear, and the sun's rays kissed the earth below. While there was snow that covered the ground, winter would soon be due for its wrap up. On the surface, it all seemed rather peaceful as it usually was. But as of recently, a heavy tension had taken hold.

The denizens of Ponyville appeared skittish as they went about their daily lives. They warily scanned their surroundings for the threat that they dreaded. This fear was to the point that a single loud sound would cause the people nearby to panic. As did the moment that a carpenter accidentally dropped his tool kit, which was heavy and loud enough to cause those nearby to scream in fright.

This caused a chain reaction of those away from the sound to scream in fright as well, believing that something horrible had trespassed into their town. They all began to run into their houses or took cover under anything that they could find.

"Sorry, folks, that was my fault. I dropped my tools," said the carpenter apologetically. Everyone in the area gave sighs of relief. They began to rise from hiding.

"This is ridiculous! I feel like I can be crushed any day now!" cried an Earthbound.

"I can't even sleep at night without thinking that something horrible will happen while I'm asleep!" said an Elf.

"This is because of those freaks! Especially that Gojira Takeshi!" said a Valkyrie. There were citizens that gave verbal agreements. Ever since the tragedy that happened in Manehattan, the people from all over Equestria had grown more fearful of the Transmutant menace. Even those that claimed to be their allies couldn't be trusted. Not when one of them turned into a horrible titanic monster.

"We can't allow this to stand! We have to take action! He has to answer for what happened!!" said an Earthbound. Everyone gave verbal shouts of agreement.

Mosura took a deep breath and excelled as she stood in silence, watching the boys hone their power. Rodan lunged for Junior, shooting at him like a rocket through the air. Junior blocked a strike, which resulted in a loud pop in the air. He kicked Rodan back, who quickly recovered and skid across the earth on his two feet.

"This is way more fun than how we used to spar," said Angirasu, bolting towards Junior, sending several punches. Junior stumbled back, blocking the strikes. The dark haired mutant stomped into the earth, causing it to break and rumble, causing Angirasu to fall over. Mosura gasped as she felt her balance thrown off.

"And dangerous!" exclaimed Mosura.

"Mosu, why don't you join us? We all should be honing ourselves," said Junior. Mosura smiled.

"Sure. Don't go easy on me~." Mosura darted towards Junior swiftly. She sent a few jabs against him and then quickly leapt back as he swiped at her. She sent her hands forward, focusing her telekinesis. Junior yelped as he found himself blown off of his feet. Mosura laughed in amusement.

After an hour, the mutant 4 sat alongside each other in the grass. Their bodies were a bit sore, their skin drenched in sweat, but their spirits higher than ever before. These past events seemed to have brought them closer. At least, that's how Mosura felt. She felt more confident to move forward in life, knowing that she had three brothers by her side.

Mosura recalled the past struggles and traumas that she and the other three had been through. From being unfairly stripped away from their old lives, forced to endure a dramatic change that made life harder and then hide from the world in order to protect themselves.

It seemed that if it weren't for Junior, they would never have been able to grow as they have. They wouldn't have met new friends, learned about the truth of themselves, or find purpose in a world that didn't accept them. Now, they were motivated to grow stronger for the sake of their friends. But even still, Mosura felt a hole in her heart that had yet to be filled. Her true brother was still not here with her. She knew that in his heart, there was still the protective elder brother that she knew and loved. Mosura prayed that the next time she saw him, he'll come back with her.

"Well, I'm going to get cleaned up and head off," said Junior as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" asked Mosura.

"I've got a date with Twilight. I might end up spending a couple nights over," said Junior.

"Be sure to keep it clean," chuckled Rodan.

"Shut it," said Junior with a chuckle. He waved farewell to his friends as he walked off.

"You think it's OK for him to head into town right now?" asked Angirasu, concern on his face.

"I haven't been in town as of late. What's wrong?" asked Rodan.

"Are you kidding? The town has been on edge since 'Titan Day'. People freaked out when I passed through the other day," said Angirasu. Mosura grimaced.

"Yeah, you may be right," said Mosura. It seemed that some things never changed.

Celestia grimaced as she held up a scroll, her eyes scanning the letter. She began to bite her lip as she read on. The Avatar looked to her younger sister, who had a worried look.

"Sister?" called Luna.

"The situation in Manehattan has worsened," said Celestia.

"How so?" asked Luna.

"Several blocks of the city were irradiated during the conflict. That entire area is being quarantined," said Celestia.

"Irradiated?" asked Luna.

"From what we gathered from those researching the site, the Titans left radioactive properties behind. Their bodies seem to be chalk full of it. So what remains of the city will have to avoid contact with their corpses. Though I'm fearful that those who survived in the middle of that horror were infected," said Celestia. Luna's eyes widened in alarm.

"Infected?" asked Luna. Her time being imprisoned in the moon has made her quite behind the times. Never had she heard of these things such as radiation or being infected by such a thing.

"Oh no. I should contact Twilight and her friends! They were in the middle of it all!" Said Celestia, quickly levitating a fresh scroll, ink and quill over to herself. As she was writing, an armored Valkyrie stepped into the throne room. He made his way to the royal sisters, before bowing.

"I come bearing news from Ponyville, your majesties. It is considered urgent," said the Valkyrie, just as Celestia finished writing in the scroll. She used her magic and caused the letter to vanish in a flash.

"Alright, let me see it," said Celestia, levitating the new scroll over to herself. As she read it, her eyes widened.

"Oh, no. I was afraid of this," said Celestia, disheartened.

"What is it now?" asked Luna, hesitant.

"The mayor has requested that Junior is apprehended and put on trial. The citizens in Ponyville are demanding his head," said Celestia. Luna gasped.

"That is outrageous! On what grounds would they-" Luna fell silent, finding the deep frown on her elder sister's face.

"What will you do?" asked Luna, softly. Celestia looked her way. She was about to answer, but no words left her mouth. For the first time in many, many years, Celestia did not know what she was going to do.

"I know that... I have to serve my people. They're demanding justice. But... in my heart, I know the one they want is innocent. Someone who's been like a son to me. But I'm allowing my personal feelings to interfere with my role as Princess," said Celestia, staring at the ground. She sighed as she rubbed her brow.

"But... he's family..." Celestia spoke softly. Luna placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Celestia sighed.

"This letter changes nothing. We were already intending on bringing him on trial. I just hoped that he'd have more support in Ponyville," said Celestia, before rolling up the letter. She stared off at the stain glass windows.

"Sometimes I wonder if I should never have sent him there," said Celestia. Luna frowned.

"Celestia... I may not have been around him as long as you have. But, I believe that sending him to Ponyville was the best thing you could've down. After all, he's surrounded by those who treasure him as you do," said Luna. Celestia sighed.

"Yes, you're right. In the end, I believe he's much happier than he's been here," said Celestia. Her lip quivered as she tried to keep herself composed. She turned her attention to the guard.

"Have a team set course to Ponyville. You are to apprehend Gojira Takeshi Jr. He is to stand trial for Titan Day," said Celestia, keeping her tone composed and authoritative. The guard saluted before running off.

"How it pains me to do this," said Celestia, tearing up.

The Next Morning...

Junior slept peacefully. Twilight was snuggled against him, snoozing. She lied with him in a spooning position. The mutant's arm wrapped beneath her tummy, tucking her close to his chest. Twilight's eyes fluttered open as she heard the crow of a rooster. She began to stretch and yawn.

Twilight sighed as she slouched back. She found Junior behind herself, prompting her to blush and smile. The girl could simply lie in bed like this all day. A lazy day. But, she knew that she had stuff to do. Whether it was friendship lessons to learn, or run the library.

"Goji, wake up," said Twilight, sweetly. Junior's brows crinkled as he held the girl closer.

"Aw man. Don't do this. Otherwise I'll want to sleep in too," said Twilight with a frown. The petite elf rolled over to face Junior. She planted gentle kisses along his cheeks and lips.

"Wake up, big boy~," giggled Twilight. She gasped as Junior pulled her close. She groaned in annoyance.

"I said to wake- eep!" Twilight felt her rear groped. Her face turned beat red.

"Bring your fine ass over and give me..." Junior muttered in his sleep. Twilight whimpered as her face flushed red hot.

"Gojira... We should-" Twilight gasped as her face grew more red. Junior grunted as his face grew red as he slept, his brows crinkled. Twilight cupped a hand over her mouth, as her breaths became labored.

"Gojira... you're..." Twilight shuddered. She began to tremble and grow hot. Junior winced as he stretched and woke up. He found Twilight staring at him, wide eyed.

"Oh. Morning, babe." Junior chuckled, a bit drowsy.

"Morning." Twilight squeaked. Junior winced before looking down at himself.

"Oops! Sorry," said Junior, with a sheepish smile, as he scooted away from the girl.

"Gojira, I don't know if I'm ready for that sort of thing," said Twilight, shyly playing with her hair.

"Th-That was beyond my control! All guys get like that in the morning!" said Junior. Twilight frowned.

"So... you don't want to..."

"No, I just- Wait, what?" Junior cocked a brow. Twilight cleared her throat as she stepped out of bed.

"I should get ready for the day. I'll have Spike get breakfast ready," said Twilight. Junior nodded in response.

Later, the two were fully clothed. They were in the kitchen, seated with plates filled with pancakes and eggs.

"Nice work, Spike," said Junior as he took a bite of the syrup soaked pancake. Spike chuckled smugly.

"So, do you have plans?" asked Twilight.

"None that I can think of. I was thinking of trying to hone my powers again. You never know when that'd come in handy," said Junior. He looked to Twilight curiously as she sat across from him.

"What about you?" asked Junior.

"Eh. Just the usual. But, I was thinking that you and I could do something together again," said Twilight.

"Yeah? What'd you have in mind?" asked Junior.

"I was thinking we could head somewhere. Like a small vacation. Just you and me," said Twilight, a dreamy look on her face. Junior felt his heart skip a beat. He never saw that look before. He suddenly felt something graze over his shoe.

"If not, then I can... Think of something else~," said Twilight. Junior's heart jumped at the girl's sultry look. He felt her stocking clad foot beginning to slip under his pant leg, caressing his bare shin. Meanwhile, Spike was oblivious to the whole thing.

"Oh. You're going on vacation?" asked Spike, his mouth full.

"That's the idea," said Twilight, winking at Junior.

'Where did this come from?' thought Junior in shock.

There was a sudden knock at the door. Everyone turned their attention at the loud knock.

"Huh. Who could that be?" Twilight placed back on her shoe under the table, before leaving to the front door. Junior sighed, his cheeks red.

"G-Gojira..." Twilight suddenly called. Junior instinctively tensed. He didn't like the tone of the girl. Junior stood up and made his way to the front door. He froze as he noticed several guards to be standing outside. Twilight had a worried look.

"Yes?" asked Junior.

"Gojira Takeshi, by order of Princess Celestia, we hereby place you under arrest," said the guard. Twilight gasped, while Junior's eyes widened.

'Celestia?' thought Junior.

"Wait! Under what charges?!" demanded Twilight.

"He is to stand trial in Canterlot for his involvement in Manehattan's destruction," answered the guard. Junior felt a knot form in his gut. He figured that day would bite him in the ass sooner or later.

"W-Wait! He didn't do anything wrong! I mean... he saved the city! Let me speak to the princess! There has to be some mistake!" Twilight spoke frantically. Junior took notice of her state. He knew that she was on the verge of having a panic attack.

Junior brought his hands over the side of the girl's head and made her face him. He looked at her firmly.

"Twilight, calm down," said Junior in a firm tone. Twilight felt the panic that she felt subside, feeling the security of the boy's gaze and the feeling of his hands. She went from panic to distraught. She began to tear up.

"Gojira..." Twilight muttered. Junior wiped a tear from her cheek before holding her close, stroking her hair.

"It's OK," said Junior, calmly. He released Twilight and faced the guards.

"Alright, I'll come quietly," said Junior. He knew that resisting would reflect badly on not just himself, but his friends and the other Guardians. He couldn't bring more trouble to them. After all, he had a feeling that trouble was already coming after them all.

A guard began to approach Junior. He placed on a pair of iron cuffs on the mutant's wrist. That was pointless, considering that Junior could tear them off with ease, but he complied anyway. He was escorted away, while Twilight and Spike looked on helplessly.

"What's gonna-" Spike suddenly belched. A plume of flames escaped his mouth, forming into a scroll. Twilight gasped as she took the scroll and quickly began to look through it. Her face turned to a confused dread.

"See a doctor about radiation poisoning? Why would- But what about-" Twilight ran a hand through her hair in stress.

Junior found himself sitting in the corner of a cold and dark cell. There was a faint amount of sunlight to be piercing through the small barred window above. He gave a heavy sigh as he sat, bored out of his mind.

"How can I be bored when I'm getting blamed for what happened?" Junior asked aloud. There was the sound of a door opening. The mutant sat up as he heard footsteps approaching.

From outside of the cell, Junior found Celestia to be standing at the cell door. She was flanked by a couple of guards. Junior quickly stood up.

"Please tell me some good news," said Junior. Celestia sighed.

"The heads of every town and city in Equestria has demanded that you stand trial for the destruction of Manehattan. As Princess, I've had no choice but to bring you to Canterlot for your trial that will begin at the end of the week," said Celestia, her eyes downcast.

"They're blaming me," said Junior. Celestia said nothing. It wasn't a question. The boy knew as much as she did.

"Do I at least have someone to defend me? Or is this just a formality before I'm punished?" asked Junior. Celestia still didn't answer. She had a look of shame on her face as she remained silent.

"Celestia," called Junior. The Avatar raised her head.

"Guards, I'd like a moment alone," said Celestia. The royal guards looked to each other in reluctance, before leaving the dungeon. As they closed the door behind them, Celestia stepped to the cell.

"I can't do much, Junior. I can't make a judgement because my rule would be seen as biased," said Celestia, her tone in a whisper.

"Makes sense," said Junior.

"But perhaps I can spare you from their wrath. We just need to figure out a way that can allow your escape. We can even delay the trial!" said Celestia, her hands griping the bars. Junior's eyes slightly widened.

"Wait, what are you saying?" asked Junior incredulously.

"I know of locations where you can go into hiding! You just-" Celestia was interrupted as Junior placed his hand on her own.

"Celestia, do you even hear yourself? You're conspiring to let me escape," said Junior, wide eyed.

"Junior, I've lost you once. I won't lose you again," said Celestia, firmly looking into the boy's eyes. Junior sighed heavily, but softly smiled.

"There you go, treating me like a little kid again," said Junior. He began to gently pat her hand, which rested over his other hand.

"You may not be my actual mother, but you've always been close," said Junior. The Avatar's expression softened.

"You can't protect me forever. I have to answer for my actions. Even when I did not have malice in mind. Please, don't lose Equestria's trust over me," said Junior. Celestia sniffled as her lips quivered. She leaned close to the bars and brought Junior closer. Her arms barely wrapped around him, as she planted a kiss on his head.

"I'm so sorry." Celestia wept.

A few days had gone by. Twilight Sparkle found herself in a white room, along with the rest of the Main 6 and Sunset Shimmer. Rarity was fidgeting in her seat, appearing distressed. The rest of the girls seemed less calm as well.

"Dear Celestia, I can't believe this!" whimpered Rarity.

"Hey, it'll be fine, Rares," said Rainbow.

"Be fine?! Do you know the damage that radiation poisoning can have on the body?! We could be losing our hair right this minute!" cried Rarity.

"Not to mention death," said Applejack flatly.

"Sunset, you worked with MONARCH. Do you know much about radiation? We don't utilize that technology here. How could we have gotten infected?" asked Twilight.

"I don't know a lot, but apparently the Transmutants are full of it. It's how we were able to track and identify them. Since the creatures they were mutated with apparently thrived off it, I'd say those giant monsters and Gojira were emitting it like crazy," said Sunset.

"So we got it from them? But I feel fine," said Pinkie.

"Same," said Rainbow with a nod.

"I had a similar infection some time back. I got sick and started losing my hair," said Sunset, leaning back in her seat. Rarity whined in dread.

"I should've died with that dose. But I didn't. I guess that... thing inside me was what kept me alive," said Sunset, frowning. To think she owed it to that monster that she hadn't died that day.

"So why are you here?" asked Rainbow in confusion.

"Just to be sure that I'm not infected," said Sunset, nonchalant. The door suddenly opened. A man wearing a hazmat suit walked in, holding a clip board. The girls tensed.

"Everything seems to check out," said the man, before removing the mask he wore.

"You mean..." Twilight perked up.

"You all are in perfect health. Though Pinkie, you have a lot of caffeine in your system. Try to cut back on that," said the doctor.

"Eh. No promises." Pinkie sipped from a mug of coffee.

"So wait, we weren't infected?" asked Rainbow.

"Well, there was something unusual about your cells," said the doctor as he began to remove the suit from himself.

"They were carrying some radioactive properties. But, they didn't seem to have done any damage. In fact, they seemed to have stimulated your cells," said the doctor.

"That's impossible!" Said Sunset.

"Well, that's what we found. We'll look into it a bit more. Based on our tests, the remaining radioactive properties should pass through your system soon. So I wouldn't be too concerned. But if you have any problems, be sure to come in," said the doctor.

Later, the girls began to leave the hospital. All were full of relief. They found the sirens and the rest of the mutant 4 and Erika to be present. They rushed to meet the girls.

"Oh thank Heavens! When you told us that the princess warned about radiation poisoning, I started dreading to learn the truth," said Rarity.

"Quarantine sucked. But I'm glad to be back outside!" said Rainbow, stretching. Rodan made his way over and met her with a tight hug.

"I'm glad that you girls are OK," said Mosura.

"Yeah, but now we have to worry about Gojira," said Twilight, deeply frowning. The group was suddenly in a gloomy state.

"It's not right. He shouldn't be in trouble for what happened," said Fluttershy.

"Do you think they'll punish him?" asked Pinkie, her lip quivering. Twilight shook her head.

"I wish I knew," said Twilight.

"When's the trial?" asked Adagio.

"Tomorrow. I was afraid that we'd miss it because of..." Twilight pointed back at the hospital.

"Well, then let's go! He needs our support!" said Adagio. Twilight was taken aback. She seemed rather eager to go.

"I don't think we can all fit on the balloon," said Pinkie, scratching her chin.

"Then we'll have get there on our own," said Mosura. She then turned to Twilight.

"Since you're the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, you should take the fastest way there. You might be able to help get Gojira out of this mess," said Mosura. Twilight nodded in agreement. But, she had doubts. After all, she wasn't sure if she and her friends had the influence to have this trial rule in Junior's favor. Regardless, Twilight knew that she had to be there for him. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she stayed here, too afraid to find out his fate in person.

"Then let's get ready," said Twilight, firmly.


It was evening. Mai Yoshida and Battra were in the small kitchen of the young woman's apartment, cooking. Meanwhile, Abra and Hok were on the sofa, feeding their infants. All the while, the radio played a broadcast.

"With the attack of a Transmutant Revolutionary on a MONARCH base in the North of Trotkyo, concerns have raised among citizens. Emperor Kuro's refusal to work with MONARCH to handle the situation has sparked outrage and harsh criticism. With the attacks having grown frequent on Neighponese soil, a vote of no confidence was called in to remove the Emperor. A replacement was proposed by various Lords of the nation, Kuro's younger brother, Hiro," said a man over the news report. Battra perked up as he heard all of this.

"It seems like everything is going crazy. I wonder if they'll actually replace the sitting Emperor," said Mai.

"Hm." Battra thought back to these recent days. It didn't take long for the city to be on edge ever since Angirasu Riku had dropped by. From all around, he saw broadcasts of the still image of a lone figure standing among rubble and fire, from a military base. You couldn't make out Angirasu's face, considering that the image used was fuzzy and was taken from security footage of the base. However, Battra knew all too well that it had to be him, even when he never joined the younger mutant in that fight. MONARCH seemed to be using whatever happened that night as propaganda. They even claimed this 'mysterious' mutant as being a Revolutionary. Battra knew better. They were in hiding in the Frozen North of Equestria. Something about this vote of no confidence with the current emperor didn't sit well with Battra.

Junior found himself leaning against the dungeon wall. His eyes fell on the sliver of light that shined through from outside. Today was the day.

The royal guards entered the dungeon. They approached Junior's cell and opened it. The boy glanced at them, finding their stoic expressions. Junior got off the wall.

"Better not keep them waiting," said Junior as he held out his wrists. Again, he was bounded in iron cuffs. The squad of guards began to escort Junior out of the dungeon and through the halls. Along the way, Junior showed no expression. He showed no sadness, no anger, nor happiness. He was completely stoic.

Eventually, Junior found himself outside of the castle. He was escorted by the guards into a prison wagon. He stepped inside, while the guards locked the door behind him. The wagon was towed away, making its way through town. Junior found himself gazing outside through the small window, finding the brightly colored city. Citizens began to take notice of the wagon as it was paraded through the streets.

The wagon stopped at a large structure in the city. It was a court house. A statue of a woman blind folded holding scales stood at the front of the structure. A large team of guards stood at the front, waiting. Junior found that there were citizens gathered as well, watching from a short distance.

The door was opened. Junior was allowed to step out of the wagon, where the guards began to surround him. Again, he was escorted.

"Punish that beast!" A man shouted from the crowd. More and more shouts of condemnation followed after. Junior saw that hate and fear were in the eyes of the citizens who called for his head. He wondered if any of them felt safe, with over a dozen guards to be surrounding a man that could change into a colossal force of nature. If he wanted, Junior could easily escape, either through fleeing, or leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. But, that wasn't who he was. Junior was here in good faith.

As Junior was led closer to the court house, he heard his name called. He turned to find the Main 6, the rest of the Mutant 4, the Sirens, Erika and Sunset to be standing among the crowd. Junior met them with a small smile as he continued on into the court house.

Soon, Junior found himself sitting alone on a wooden chair. He was still bounded in cuffs, and his ankles were shackled as well. The court room was quite large, able to accommodate many people, who entered. Not every citizen was allowed entry, however.

The most who entered were people that were higher in society. Bureaucrats, aristocrats, entrepreneurs, and anyone with their pockets full of bits to spend like no one's business. It was here that Junior saw familiar faces. He of course saw his friends to be taking their seats at the front rows, where they could easily see him. He found Celestia and Luna to be sitting on thrones set up in the corner of the court room, where they were able to see everything.

Then, Junior noticed those he was familiar with but hardly ever spoke to. He saw Fancy Pants enter with Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Shining Armor, with Princess Cadence. Even Hayato Yoshi and Kira Koizumi entered. Soon, the court room was filled. At the front of the room, a man sat at the front, wearing dark robes.

"We are gathered here today for the case of Gojira Takeshi versus Equestria," said a guard, standing by the judge's podium.

"Court is now in session. I ask everyone to be seated," said the judge. And so, the people complied. The court was filled with a heavy tension, as all eyes focused on the defendant of today's case.

"Gojira Takeshi, you are charged with the destruction of one of Equestria's metropolis cities, Manehattan. We have the heads from every town and city to see your prosecution. Let's review the case," said the judge. A man cleared his throat as he placed on a pair of glasses and held up a scroll.

"The defendant is being charged for the events of January 6th, this year, also known by readers of the news, as 'Titan Day'. The city of Manehattan found itself under siege by three giant monsters, resulting in millions in damages and the cost of many lives. At least 30 blocks worth of the city is said to have been irradiated by the creatures. At the end of the chaos, Gojira Takeshi was witnessed to have been one of these creatures, having changed form by magical means," said the man that read off the scroll. Junior's eyes widened.

'Irradiated?' thought Junior. People began to murmur, looking at the Transmutant in contempt. Some shifted in their seats, as though trying to distance themselves to avoid catching some plague from the defendant. Junior's eyes were downcast, having not realized that he left a more lasting impact on the city compared to what he expected.

"Punish this abomination at once!" a woman shrilled from her seat. People gave shouts of verbal agreements. Celestia deeply frowned as she saw the looks of outrage and hate on the faces of her subjects. She watched as Junior sat slouched in his seat, his eyes staring at the ground. Her heart ached terribly by seeing him this way, faced with such contempt for something he never intended to happen.

"Order in the court!" the judge shouted as he banged his gavel. The court room went silent.

"Gojira Takeshi, How do you plead?" asked the judge. Junior lightly rose his head. With a sigh, he sat up straight in his seat.

"Guilty." Junior spoke. His friends gasped in shock and alarm. Some spectators and the jury began to murmur in surprise and confusion. The royals were wide eyed. The judge however was stoic.

"Look, let's not beat around the bush. I had my fair share of destruction that day. If what you said about Manehattan being irradiated is true, then I am guilty as all heck," said Junior.

"Just sentence the bastard already!" shouted a man again. The court became rowdy with enraged citizens.

"Order!" the judge shouted, banging his gavel. Suddenly, Fancy Pants set down a brief case as he sat at a table behind Junior.

"Your honor, we still have to go through the process before a proper sentencing. As my client's Counsel, I insist that we do not forsake justice," said Fancy Pants.

"Wait, I get a lawyer?" asked Junior in surprise.

"Very well. Will the prosecutor take the floor?" asked the judge. A man stood from a table at the side of the table.

"Mr. Takeshi, could you explain how you were able to pull off the feat that has brought us here today?" asked the prosecutor.

"It's... It's my power. It's..." Junior wondered how he could explain this. While yes, he lived in a world of magic and such, but there was a limit on what people believed, especially regarding the supernatural.

"I'm the reincarnation of a primordial life form. My people in Neighpon called them Kaiju," said Junior. A few people bore odd looks.

"Care to elaborate, Mr. Takeshi?" asked the prosecutor. Junior shrugged.

"Well, you've seen the papers. They're giant monsters. Apparently in a previous life, I was one. So, that allows me to become one," said Junior flatly.

"Would you being a Transmutant have any correlation to that?" asked the prosecutor. Junior grimaced. He glanced behind himself, finding the rest of the Mutant 4 to be sitting from the spectator seats.

"That's... complicated to explain. Transmutants aren't a natural race like an ogre, an Elf, Valkyrie, or Earth Bound. We're genetic experiments. To say that the two having any relation is not necessarily entirely wrong. After all...I'm not the only one to be a reincarnation," said Junior. People began to murmur, some beginning to panic.

"So you could change into that Titan any time you please?" asked the prosecutor.

"No, not anytime. I can only do it if I have enough energy from radiation to change. And it requires a lot," said Junior.

"So the only reason why you haven't tried to put up a resistance to this prosecution is because you currently don't have the power to?" asked the prosecutor, a smirk creeping on his face. Junior's brow twitched in annoyance. He hated that smug look.

"Oh, don't mistake what I said as me being weak. If I wanted to, I can break these shackles and come over there and snap your neck. And there wouldn't be a damn thing that any of you could do about it," said Junior, his irises turning reptilian. The prosecutor stumbled back with a gasp. People began to shift away more, panic growing.

"Dude!" exclaimed Rodan.

'Junior, what are you doing?!' thought Celestia, biting her lip.

"Order!" shouted the judge. He then turned his sight on Junior.

"Mr. Takeshi, you do realize that talking like that can get you held in contempt in this court?"

"I was just making a point, your honor. The fact of the matter is that if I wanted, I could easily escape. I may not be able to turn into a 300 foot tall monster at the moment, but I still have more strength in me than all of the guards in this room," said Junior, prompting a couple of guards to tense.

"But I didn't come here to hurt anyone. I didn't come to beg either. I came here to own up to what happened," said Junior, his brows furrowed.

"Does the prosecution have anything more to add?" asked the judge. The prosecutor cleared his throat as he stood some feet away.

"The prosecution rests, your honor," the man stuttered. Junior smirked to himself.

"Counsel, you're up," said the judge. Fancy Pants cleared his throat as he stood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I ask that you set aside your grievances for Mr. Takeshi and listen. While yes, the damage done to the city is great, and the loss of life is tragic, you can not hold Mr. Takeshi accountable for it all. From what we learned, the first two beasts to make land on Manehattan would have no doubt decimated the entire city, had Mr. Takeshi not intervened," said Fancy Pants, turning to everyone in the court.

"This attack was no random freak tragedy. It was in fact an invasion from dangerous foes. I call Sunset Shimmer to the podium," said Fancy Pants. From the spectator seats, Sunset Shimmer rose. She made her way to the witness podium. Fancy Pants approached the podium, cleaning his monocle.

"Ms. Shimmer, could you lay out the information that you came across?" asked Fancy Pants. Sunset nodded.

"It was just shortly before the attack. A group of Elves that practiced the dark arts had formed an alliance with the Revolutionaries, the Transmutant terrorist group," said Sunset.

"They called themselves, 'The Shadow's Hand'. They somehow managed to summon the souls of the 'Kaiju', with their dark magic and a couple of ancient relics. They intended to reintroduce the Transmutants there to the spirits of their past lives, which led to the two monsters that attacked. They weren't ordinary beasts. They were like Gojira," said Sunset. People began to gasp in shock and alarm.

"Objection! Where is the evidence to these dark magic users?" questioned the Prosecutor.

"There are multiple eye witnesses that include the Element Bearers and Princess Celestia herself," said Sunset Shimmer. People turned their attention to those pointed out, including their ruler. Celestia was stoic as she sat on her throne.

"Ms. Shimmer, would you agree that the attack would have been worse if not for Mr. Takeshi's intervention?" asked Fancy Pants.

"Absolutely. I was there myself. You don't know what those Revolutionaries are truly capable of until you see what had happened," said Sunset firmly.

Later, Sunset had stepped out of the podium and returned to her spectator seat. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle found herself in the podium.

"I can confirm that they exist. They have in fact appeared in Ponyville before, inflicting damage on some friends of mine," said Twilight.

"Hey! Twilight called us her friends!" grinned Sonata. Aria sighed with a roll of her eyes.

"Be quiet," said Aria.

"Ms. Sparkle, what can you tell us about Mr. Takeshi?" asked Fancy Pants.

"Well gee, where to begin?" Twilight softly chuckled.

"He was like me in a lot of ways. We were both introverts for most of our lives. While we came from different backgrounds, we can relate to each other. I always thought of him as a big grump, but he's actually a good man," said Twilight, softly smiling at Junior.

"Did you know about his past?" asked Fancy Pants.

"Not at all," said Twilight.

"And what did you think when you found out?" asked Fancy Pants. Twilight felt a knot in her stomach. She wanted to forget what she thought, let alone felt from back then. It just filled her with great shame.

"I... I guess I was confused... Scared... Angry... And sad," said Twilight, staring down at her hands.

"And why was that?" asked Fancy Pants. Twilight took a breath.

"Because I loved him," said Twilight. Shocked and horrified gasps came from some in the audience.

"It hurt me because he kept something like that a secret from me. I didn't have time to process and understand it. But my feelings for him never changed," said Twilight firmly.

"Ms. Sparkle, you are aware that you have feelings for a monster that caused millions in damages? Think of the people that were infected-" The prosecutor was interrupted as Twilight scoffed.

"Excuse me, but I believe that we have evidence to counter that argument," said Twilight.

"I call on Professor Atom to the stand!" said Fancy Pants.

Twilight left the podium, as an older Elf stepped to the floor, carrying a brief case.

"I've been researching the quarantine site for days now. And I've made interesting discoveries," said Atom.

"Please proceed," said the judge. Atom began to set up his notes and a board.

"We learned that these 'Kaiju' give off a form of radiation from their bodies. The carcasses of two of the beasts had spread this radiation. But the strangest thing happened. The radiation they gave off wasn't damaging to any organic life. The humans that were infected did not suffer. In fact, their cells were stimulated," said Atom as he showed off images of cells.

"People suffering from certain ailments that were exposed to this radiation found themselves recovering quickly and fully. People that were healthy prior felt a growth of energy and such throughout their days. Now, eventually, the radiation passes through the system, but there has yet to be signs of any permanent or temporary damage," said Atom as he grabbed more photographs.

"In fact, the destruction and this 'clean' radiation have allowed stimulated plant life in the area. As we speak, plants are beginning to rapidly grow in the Quarantine zone" said Atom, passing photographs of streets covered in bright green grass and flowers. Vines and bushes covered some of the ruble of buildings. Junior's eyes were wide as he gazed at what looked to be soon a new Eden. While there was rubble, life seemed to be growing from the ruins.

"From our research, we know that Transmutants rely on some radioactive or geothermal properties to survive and stabilize themselves. I have a theory that if they and those Kaiju are linked in some way, then it's possible that they function like trees," said Atom, as he began to draw on a white board, drawing a crude depiction of Junior as a Kaiju. He then drew a nuclear emblem and an arrow pointing to the Kaiju on the board.

"Like how a tree takes in C02 for nutrients and expels oxygen for life on Earth; What if the Kaiju take in radiation for nourishment, and expel a form of radiation that isn't harmful to organic life, but is in fact beneficial?" Atom drew out another below the first, pointing away from the Kaiju but pointing to a blue inverted nuclear symbol.

"While the destruction and loss of life is terrible, there won't be long lasting effects on those who were in the area and survived. You will need to hire one hell of a gardener though," said Atom with a chuckle. No one laughed. Atom cleared his throat.

"A-At any rate, keep that in mind when you decide on his fate," said Atom.

The case went on. Despite evidence being presented that the radiation given off by the Kaiju was harmless, people continued to call for Junior's head. Whether they were willfully ignorant or not, Junior couldn't say. But the focus was mainly on the destruction itself. It didn't matter if there wouldn't be long lasting damage. In the end, a city was destroyed. Many structures were toppled, many homes were lost, and lives were snuffed out. Junior found himself on the receiving end of the blame, as the prosecutor went on a soliloquy. A man sat in the witness box, a cast on his arm. Apparently he was there when the attack happened.

"Mr. Flint here has lost everything! His home, his business, and even lost his oldest son! And he was just one of many! So I ask you, Mr. Takeshi, what do you have to say to him and others like him?" asked the prosecutor. Junior met the eyes of the man in the witness stand. He was met with a cold look from the man. A frigid hatred that would threaten to freeze anyone. But Junior remained stoic at the man.

"My condolences," said Junior.

"I don't want pity from a monster," said the man, with venom in his tone. Junior lowered his eyes briefly, as the rest of his friends looked on, saddened.

"Shallow words, Mr. Takeshi," said the prosecutor with a scoff. Junior raised his head, glaring at him.

"What the hell do you want from me? An apology? Is it going to make a difference?" asked Junior. He looked to the man in the witness stand.

"Is it gonna bring back the people that died? Will it raise your homes from the rubble? What are you trying to get out of me?" asked Junior.

"That's enough," said the judge.

"Wait, just let me say this!" said Junior. He turned to everyone in the court.

"Look, I wish that day never happened. But it did, and I stepped in because I thought I could help. I never meant to cause any harm. But I'm not going to apologize," said Junior.

"Mr. Takeshi," called Fancy Pants.

"What would you have done if you had my power? To live with such a responsibility. Would you just stand by and watch as two monsters stomped Manehattan to dust? Or would you fight to defend the people? Not the city, the people. Structures can be replaced. People can't be," said Junior.

"You all can judge me. You can condemn. You can exile me or even kill me. But you will not make me ashamed for doing what I thought was right," said Junior, narrowing his eyes at the people.

"Let's just get to sentencing already," said Junior in annoyance as he sat back down on his seat. His friends bore looks of alarm.

"You can't end on that!" said Rodan.

"Very well. Will the heads deliberate on their decision?" asked the judge. From the side of the room, the heads of every town and city of Equestria all rose. They began to make their way over to a back room. Twilight quickly leaned over to Junior.

"Are you out of your mind?! You need a better case for yourself!" said Twilight.

"Look around you, Twilight. This was a set up from the start. No way are they going to let me get off scot free. This was all stacked against me to begin with," said Junior.

"Gojira, you don't know that! You could've-" Twilight grunted in frustration as she sat back in her seat. Junior sighed as he turned back ahead, as Fancy Pants sat silently beside him. A light frown was on the man's face.

"Listen...I appreciate the help," said Junior.

"Well, I guess it couldn't be called 'help' if the whole thing was stacked against you from the beginning," sighed Fancy Pants.

Soon, the jury had returned. The air was tense as they silently returned to their seats. Junior merely sat upright in his seat, while his friends were at the edge of their seats. Celestia was biting her lip, and the citizens who held disdain for the one who brought them here were waiting in anticipation for justice to be made. All eyes fall upon one woman, who stood with a parchment in her hand.

"We find the defendant guilty for the destruction of Manehattan."

The court room was filled with shouts and applauds. Junior kept a stoic look, showing no signs of disappointment, rage or sadness. Rather, he had a look of acceptance. Now, his fate was in their hands.

"No, wait!" Twilight cried in alarm, as the judge banged his gavel.


"We still have more," the woman suddenly spoke up. Everyone returned their eyes on her, as she cleared her throat.

"As members who hold office in local governments of Equestria, we ask that the judge takes a moment to examine the current situation we face. The events that happened have no doubt signaled that Equestria may be faced with trying times. In light of the circumstances, we believe it best to place Gojira Takeshi into indebted servitude. He must act on the will of Equestria and against any looming threat of the Shadow's Hand," said the woman.

"You wanna enslave me?" asked Junior incredulously.

"Indebted servitude." The woman reiterated. She then looked back to her parchment.

"We also think it is best that the rest of the so called 'Guardians' fall under this regulation. Or they must cease all activities of vigilantism," said the woman. The crowd erupted in shouts.

"Just banish them!" a man shouted.

"You can't do this to them!" cried Twilight. The judge began to bang on the gavel, silencing the crowd. He then focused his sights on Junior.

"I normally don't do this. But, I'm going to let you decide. I can either sentence you to banishment to Tartarus, where you will never see the light of day again, or I can sentence you to indebted servitude to give back to this nation," said the judge. Junior sat up with a stoic look.

"Considering that this is the best deal I'll get out of this, then I'll pay my debts," said Junior.

"Then I sentence you to indebted servitude. The Guardians are to fall under this regulation as well, or they must cease all activities of vigilantism. Court dismissed," said the judge, before banging the gavel. The court erupted in enraged shouts. Few were that of believing the ruling unfair. Others felt that the ruling wasn't harsh enough. Celestia deeply frowned, her head bowing in disappointment.

After the trial, Junior found himself standing with a pair of shackles around his wrists. They gave off a soft glow, as Celestia and Luna held their hands over the metal, imbuing them with the raw power of their magic. Junior felt a tremor from this, as the shackles' light died down. He raised his hands and moved them about. The shackles were tight and restricted movement in his wrists. But, no chains were connected to the cuffs.

"This spell is a precaution, as ordered by the judge. It will act as a sort of failsafe against you, should the court believe that your actions do not align with Equestria's will," said Celestia, her tone quiet.

"If you were to try and use your power against us, it will prove to be your undoing," said Luna.

"Guess I better behave then," said Junior as he slipped his sleeves over the cuffs. He found the deep frowns of the two sisters.

"I'm sorry that it's come to this," said Celestia, her voice trembling with regret. The boy merely met her with a reassuring smile.

"Hey, it could have gone a lot worse," said Junior. Celestia took a breath, before standing straight and tall. Now she couldn't afford to break down. She's managed to keep it together so far.

"As part of your sentence, a team of guards will be tasked to watching you 24/7. Guards will rotate at different times to take their place," said Celestia.

"Great," said Junior, in dismay. He should've expected that privacy wouldn't be an option.

"When you return to Ponyville, please deliberate with the others on your decision. Otherwise they must cease their vigilante activities. You are expected to return to Canterlot after you pack your things. You'll be housed here," said Celestia. Junior's brows raised.

"You mean... I have to leave Ponyville?" asked Junior. Celestia regrettably nodded to him. The boy frowned.

"You'll have until morning before leaving," said Celestia.

It was evening. The lights to the lair of the Guardians shone brightly through the darkness of the Everfree forest. The 3 of the Mutant 4 found themselves before Sunset, Erika and the rest of the Guardians. They all bore looks of shock and disbelief.

"Wait, you're saying that we have to be regulated or stop helping people?" asked Manda.

"That's what they ruled. That day has really stirred a lot of trouble for us," said Angirasu with a solemn nod.

"Does he really have the right to make such a ruling?" asked Goro incredulously.

"Well, considering the circumstances and that all of Equestria now wants our heads, it would appear so," said Mosura, with a heavy sigh.

"And what about Gojira?" asked Baragan.

"He doesn't have a choice. In fact, he's supposed to be leaving for Canterlot in the morning. They want to keep a close eye on him," said Mosura, sadly. Manda sighed, a sympathetic expression on her face.

"Poor Twilight. I'm sure she's devastated," said Manda.

"Well... What do we do?" asked Rodan. There was silence.

"I don't want to stop helping people. If it wasn't for us, then..." Manda closed her eyes, suppressing the dark thoughts that crept. She dared not imagined what would have happened if the Diamond Dogs had not ceased their plundering.

"The Revolutionaries would've destroyed Ponyville..." said Rodan.

"The Changelings would've conquered Equestria..." said Angirasu.

"We seemed to have helped prevent a lot of disasters," said Baragon with a small chuckle. Goro nodded in agreement. Mosura raised her head, a look of determination on her face.

"We can't stop. Even if it means falling under the command of someone else," said Mosura. She stood up, her fists clenched.

"We've been hiding from the world for too long. I think it's time that we stopped and did our part. Are you guys with me?" asked Mosura. Rodan smirked as he stood up.

"Hell yeah. I'm not letting you guys have all the glory," said Rodan jokingly. Angirasu nodded as he stood, a smile on his face.

"Family sticks together," said Angirasu. Mosura turned to the rest of their fellow Guardians.

"You guys don't have to do this. We won't think any less of you," said Mosura. Goro stood, a firm look in his eyes.

"I'll fight on alongside you. I want them to trust us," said Goro.

"Me too," said Manda, smiling brightly.

"I'll come too. If it means that Gojira will get his freedom back," said Sunset, standing. Erika nodded as she stood up as well. All eyes fell on Baragon. The mutant sighed with a shrug.

"Ah what the hell? Bad things seem to keep happening, so I might as well help bail them out," said Baragon before standing. Mosura smiled as she found all of the Guardians, her friends, standing around her. In solidarity for their friend, and to continue to play the role that they were born for. To be the Guardians of the Earth.

"Yeah. Happy, guys? We're all standing like a bunch of freakin' jackasses," said Baragon, flatly. Everyone just shared amused looks.

It was morning. A team of guards stood at attention, as a team of chariots pulled by pegasi waited just around the Golden Oaks library. Some citizens had gathered to watch the scene. Some curious, others aware of the reason for their presence.

"Looks like they're finally getting rid of that menace," said an Earthbound man.

"Good riddance. Maybe now I can finally get some sleep," said another man.

Meanwhile, there were some who were not too pleased to see the presence of the guards and the situation that brought them here. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Guardians, The Sirens, the Main 6, Sunset and Erika being among them. The young girls stood by Rarity and Applejack, deeply frowning.

"It ain't fair. He's not a bad guy," said Applebloom sadly. Applejack wrapped a comforting arm around her younger sibling.

"I know, sis," said Applejack, softly.

The door to the Golden Oaks Library suddenly opened. Junior stepped outside, carrying a suitcase. He stepped out, with Spike and Twilight trailing after him.

"Twi looks to be holding it together pretty well," said Rainbow in surprise.

"Good. Cause if she cries, then I'll start crying," said Pinkie with a quivering lip.

Junior continued his walk towards the team of guards and the chariots that were meant to escort him. He kept his eyes forward, not looking to the citizens who watched him. He could feel all of their eyes burning into him. He could tell that a good number of them held scorn for him. But, by sneaking a glance or two, he was surprised to see the disappointed and sad looks that some citizens gave him. He never knew any of these people. Yet here they were, sad to see him go. Perhaps not everyone in Equestria hated him after all.

Junior's suitcase was taken by one of the guards and was brought over to the back of the chariot he was to ride. It was much boxier, with iron making up the frame and as bars for the windows. He sighed heavily. He turned to find his friends to be standing behind him, with sadness evident.

"I... I guess this is goodbye," said Junior, softly. A weak smile was one his face.

"Not for all of us, bro. We'll be meeting you there. We decided to comply with the ruling," said Rodan. Junior's eyes slightly widened.

"But... Guys, there's no reason to..." Junior looked to the Guardians in shock.

"We're standing with you, Goji. Whether you like it or not," said Mosura. Junior softly smiled to her.

"Goji, you can visit us, right? Or we'll visit you?" asked Pinkie, keeping a hopeful smile.

"I uh... I don't think so. You might have to ask Princess Celestia about that," said Junior. Pinkie frowned deeply.

"Hey, chin up. It's up to you to keep everyone's spirits up while we're away," said Junior. Pinkie nodded, before sniffling, placing on a bright smile.

"You can bet I will!" said Pinkie. Junior softly chuckled. He grunted as Twilight suddenly threw herself on him, holding on tightly. Her face was buried against his hoodie.

"I promise Gojira. We'll all be together again. I promise," muttered Twilight, her eyes tearing up. Junior bent down and wrapped her into a warm embrace. He affectionately stroked her hair.

"I know we will," said Junior. He released the girl, allowing her to step back. She sniffled as she wiped her eyes. Pinkie suddenly broke down into a tearful sob.

"I told you!!" Pinkie wailed, as her tears freely fell to the ground with no stopping. Fluttershy wrapped her into a comforting hug, tearing up as well.

"Takeshi." A guard called.

"Well, I gotta go," said Junior with a sad smile. He began to follow the guards over to the chariot. He took his seat inside. The seat was rather uncomfortable and hard. It figured that they'd place him in a chariot as this. They weren't transporting a royal or a decent citizen. They were delivering the most despised man in the land.

"At least they aren't making me walk," said Junior, dryly. He sat back as the chariots began to take off. The pegasi had a running start, as they carried the guards and Junior across the frosted field. Soon, they began to lift off the ground. The wind carried these magical equine through the air, along with the chariots that they towed. Junior looked through the window, finding his friends giving chase after his chariot. They called out to him, as they waved farewell to him. Twilight ran the furthest ahead of the group. Junior knew that she wasn't much of an athlete, and may have been the slowest runner among the others, but she seemed to be pushing herself the hardest, judging by the tears that she had stopped holding back. A lump formed in Junior's neck as he waved to his friends.

Eventually, the chariot began to ascend higher into the air and gain distance. His friends had stopped running, but continued to cry out and wave to him. Their cries slowly fell on deaf ears the further Junior was.

"Sayonara," said Junior, softly. A tear trailed down his cheek

Comments ( 11 )

Is Kong gonna be in future Follow of Man chapters cause he is also in the Monsterverse.

So far I don't have any plans for him, but he is in Shy and Aggressive Book 2, which is a spin off set in an alternate universe.


Ok I thought that he might be among the mutants that broke off from Destroyah.

well who knows. I'm in the process of doing a sort of Overhaul of the story's earlier chapters for more coherency and other improvements, so anything could happen.

Is this the full story and cool pic and name :)

Nah, this story is far from done. It has one last arc to go. The next chapter is coming along slowly but surely.

Despite the trial's vote on finding Godzilla guilty, I know the Big Guy will find a way to clear his name and earn Equestria's respect

Have you really stopped doing the Arrogance of Man series because it is on a serious cliff hanger?

The original, yes. But, I actually had the next chapter partially written out and even have a general outline on how I wanted to finish off the final arc. An Overhaul is something I've been wanting to for a long time now that I've gotten better. The way the story was going was being held back by the many errors I made in the past. I wouldn't worry about the cliffhanger too much, as that's something that I don't plan on doing away with. It'll just take a while to get back there again.

Interesting, this is the longest "canceled" story on this site, even though it's not truly canceled and being rewritten

Seriously? huh, that's interesting.

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