• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 3: Outcast

Author's Note:

Nani: it means 'What' in Japanese. In this case Neighponese.
Writing Applejack's accent is a pain. So if you are familiar with the character, just imagine her dialogue in this story is like in the show.
Yasu: translates to peaceful.
Takeshi: translates to military/warrior.
Both are Japanese last names.

Chapter 3

It has been a of couple of weeks since junior had moved into Ponyville. He spent most of his time settling in his new home. Purchasing furniture, dishes and other house hold items with the bits that Celestia provided him with. Junior hated having to receive money from Celestia. But since it was gonna take a awhile to finish settling in before he could find work, he decided to suck it up. Junior sat in the kitchen of his home, a plate filled with scrambled eggs and salmon. Junior loved meat, especially sea food. It was a pain to eat meat back in Canterlot since the majority of humans ate fruits and vegetables. Apparently the People of Equestria had a more vegetarian life style, he had to find his own meat. Junior sat as he ate his lunch, tasting the rich flavors. Junior heard a loud thump at his door, he flinched at the sudden sound. Junior sighed as he wiped his mouth and left his seat. Junior made his way to the door and opened and saw a blonde Valkyrie with grey wings, wearing a brown shorts and a white button up shirt. She had a brown satchel hanging from her shoulder. She stood rubbing her head, opening her eyes. Her eyes were golden, that seemed to be crossed. The Valkyrie chuckled nervously as she saw Junior standing in the doorway.

"Oh, hey Derpy." Greeted Junior.

"Oh, h-hi! I uh, I just dropped by to deliver a letter to you." Derpy reached into her satchel and fished for the letter. Derpy pulled her hand out and handed Junior a white envelope. Junior took the envelope from Derpy looking to see who it was from.

"Tha-" Junior noticed that Derpy had disappeared from his patio. Junior sighed and went back into his house, sitting back at the table to finish his lunch. He noticed that the letter was sent from Canterlot, the stylized sun of Celestia's cutie mark was marked on it.

Junior opened the seal and began to read the letter. Junior ate as he read, reading through the content. What he read next nearly had him choke on his food, he re-read that last sentence.

"Oh no, she didn't," said Junior with dread. Junior kept reading on, his dread increasing each sentence. "Oh, god no."

Junior read on, his heart racing when he reached the last sentence.

"No..." Junior looked down to the foot of the letter. What he found was a golden ticket tapped to the paper.

"No!!" Junior's head slumped down to his chest, he grumbled in frustration. Junior lifted his head back up, sighing.

'Jeez, I really don't want to go to the Gala.' Junior placed the letter down and continued to eat.

After Junior finished his lunch, he placed his dishes in the sink to wash them. After he finished, he made his way out of the door. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, the summer heat assaulted Junior's skin, causing him to grunt in irritation from the sudden change in temperature. Junior locked his door, making his way down the road into town. Junior searched the town for help wanted signs, he felt today was as good as any to find work. Junior found a building with a help wanted sign, Junior looked up to find the name of the establishment.

"Quills and sofas," Junior read aloud. "Well, its nothing special but its something to consider."

Junior walked into the establishment, what he saw wasn't that much of a surprise. The store had nothing to sell but quills and sofas. Junior searched the room for the clerk, he noticed a man in uniform, speaking to a small dragon in a purple sweater.

'That must be him' Junior thought to himself. He made his way toward the man, passing a couple of other people in the shop along the way. Junior heard them whispering to each other when they saw him come in. The man noticed Junior making his way toward him and turned his attention to him.

"How may I help you?" Asked the clerk.

"I couldn't help but notice that you had a 'help wanted' sign outside. I wanted to see if I could get hired for some work." Replied Junior. After saying that, Junior swore he noticed a slight displeased look on the Clerk's face but quickly changed that.

"Oh, sorry I just hired someone that came in a few minutes ago." The clerk puts on a sad smile.

'Liar, I can tell just by looking into your eyes.' Junior thought to himself, "Oh? Well that's unfortunate. I'll just have to keep looking, thank you." Junior turned away from the clerk, making his way outside.

Junior spent the next hour searching the town for work. They either truthfully weren't hiring or came up with an excuse to not hire him. One of them was honest with him, telling him that he wasn't gonna hire a troublemaker that picks fights. To be fair, that guy hit Junior first the that day, it was self defense. But people thought that the scary looking new guy in town likes to fight. That already built a negative reputation for Junior and he hasn't even been here for a month. Junior was frustrated, he stood outside of Town Hall, holding up a list of places that he had left that he could visit to get a job. Junior was too busy looking for the closest establishment that he failed to notice someone approaching him.

"Hey, aren't you guy that got shot by Nightmare Moon's magic?" asked a young male voice. Junior flinched at hearing that, turning too see who spoke. He couldn't find anyone.

"I'm down here dude," said the young voice. Junior looked down and saw the same dragon that was talking to the clerk, holding quills and scrolls in his arms.

"Oh, sorry." Junior chuckled, "And to answer your question, yes that was me." Junior really wanted to avoid discussing that incident.

"Oh wow! I kept hearing about that from people and I heard from Twilight that you helped defeated Nightmare Moon!" The young dragon said excitedly.

"Oh, w-well I didn't really do that much." Junior scratched the back of his head. 'Wait, he knows Twilight?'

"Twilight said that you took Nightmare on in an epic fight! How can you say that you didn't do much?" asked the dragon.

"Oh...yeah, I don't like to brag," said Junior. the dragon chuckled in response.

"How did you survive that attack from Nightmare anyway?" asked the dragon.

'What was that excuse? What was it? Oh that's right!' Junior remembered his lie that he told Applejack. "I was wearing a chest guard under my sweater. I was practicing martial arts earlier that day."

"Wow! You used martial arts on Nightmare?! That is awesome!" the dragon's excitement caused Junior to crack a small smile, his mood lighting up a bit.

"Thanks kid, what is your name?" asked Junior.

"My name is Spike." The dragon extended his hand, but as he did this, he dropped the quills and scrolls that he was holding. Spike groaned as he kneels to gather them back in his grasp.

"Here, let me help you with those." Junior knelt down, gathering some of the scrolls.

"Thanks a lot!" said Spike.

"No problem, say why don't I help you take these to wherever your going?"

"I appreciate that! Along the way, can you tell me a little more about yourself? Like where you learned martial arts?" asked Spike.

Junior contemplated this, nobody has asked him to talk about himself before. However, there were some things that he didn't feel comfortable sharing. But since this little dragon showed genuine interest, he thought he could tell him a few things about himself. Anything to help him forget about his predicament.

"Sure, I can do that."

"Awesome! What was your name again?" asked Spike.


Junior and Spike were making their way through town. Both holding scrolls and quills. Spike was listening to Junior as he spoke.

"So you learned what you know from your dad?" asked Spike in awe.

"Yeah, he would always tell me that I had to learn to fight my own battles. I trained with him for weeks, learning his techniques, his strategies, and the most important key that he had at winning a fight." Explained Junior

"What was that?" Spike's eyes wide, giving his full attention to Junior.

"Use both intelligence and strength to defeat your opponent, be smart about your attacks and then overwhelm them with force," said Junior.

"Wow! I gotta remember that!," said Spike excitedly. Junior looked to Spike in concern.

"Spike, I hope you don't take what I'm saying as knowledge to try to pick fights." Junior didn't think Spike would be that kind of kid, but you couldn't be too careful.

"I use what I learned from my dad to defend myself. I fight only when someone attacks me first." Explained Junior.

"What about the other day? I heard you picked a fight with someone?"

"I didn't, he hit me first. I bumped into him in town, I apologized and tried to go about my business, but he got in my face trying to provoking me. He then threw a punch that I didn't even see coming. People just assumed that it was me that started it." Junior said in serious tone. "Later, his friends tried to gain up on me in fight. I think that's what made it worst."

"Oh, sorry." Spike looked away, ashamed to have believed something without actually being there to see it.

Junior sighed. "Look, don't worry about it. Besides, I'm use to this kind of stuff."

"What do yo- Oh hey, we're here!" Spike stopped looking toward a familiar tree.

"The library?" asked Junior. Spike made his way to the door.

"Yeah! I live here with Twilight. Come on in" Spike opened the door with his free claw, walking inside. Junior hesitated, he hadn't interacted with Twilight or the others since before he moved into Ponyville.

Junior hoped that she wouldn't mind too much him dropping by, due to him rudely denying help that night.

Junior followed Spike into the library. Junior observed his surroundings. Shelves were carved in the walls of the tree, filled with tons of books. In the center of the room was a head of an equine carved from wood. The library was a lot roomier compared to how it was when Pinkie threw a party. It was nice and quiet, just like how a library should be. He still wouldn't dare coming in here during a storm. Spike walked over to a podium where Twilight stood reading.

"Hey Twilight, I'm back. I also brought someone over along the way." announced Spike, placing the scrolls near the carved equine head.

"Oh, welcome back Spike!" Twilight turned away from her book, "Who did you...?"

"Hey." Greeted Junior, placing the scrolls and quills that he had with Spike's pile.

"Oh, hi Gojira! I haven't seen you around," said Twilight, a warm smile on her face.

"I've been busy settling in. Also, I don't socialize much."

"Oh. Well, what have you been up to today?" asked Twilight, closing her book and making her way to Spike and Junior.

"I've been looking for a job. No luck so far," Junior sighed, his frustration returning.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Twilight looked away, and then looked back to Junior. "um...if you want, I can help you."
"No. That isn't necessary." replied Junior.


"I said 'no' Twilight." Junior interrupted.

"Come on, you sound like you could really use it! I just want to help." said Twilight.

"I..." Junior was about to respond but considered his options.

He could either wander around aimlessly and likely get shot down every time he walks into an establishment to work, he could continue to mooch off of Celestia's money and never do anything for himself, or he could let Twilight help him. He didn't like the idea of leeching off of Celestia so that was definitely out. The first one did seem better than asking for help but he might not even get anywhere with his reputation. Junior really didn't want to bother Twilight, but he had no other choice. Junior sighed, his shoulders slumped.

"I...guess its fine. I mean, if you aren't too busy that is." Junior looked away, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Great! We better get started." Twilight passed by Junior, walking to the door. Junior sighed, trailing behind. Spike rose his brow in confusion about Junior's reluctance. He decided to tag along, he was curious to find out a bit more about Junior anyway.

The trio made their way through town. Twilight was looking through Junior's list, she was surprised at how much he went through.

"They all turned you down?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Yep." Junior scowled. Twilight turned to Junior as they continued walking.

"Did they tell you why? Were you rude to them or something?"

"No. They all either told me that they already hired someone, or that they forgot to take the sign down. I knew at least most of them were lying. One person at least told me directly why he didn't want to hire me." said Junior.

"What reason did he have?" asked Twilight.

"He assumed that I like to start fights due to how I got into a fight with someone a few days ago," replied Junior. Twilight looked to Junior, she remembered hearing about that.

"Gojira...are you...having trouble fitting in?" asked Twilight.

Junior didn't respond. He just kept walking, he wanted to avoid this topic.

"It's OK. You can tell me." Twilight looked up to Junior, seeing his eyes devoid of emotion.

"I'm not hurting anyone am I?" asked Junior.

"No, but-"

"Then what does it matter?" Junior kept looking forward, avoiding eye contact with Twilight.

"Gojira, don't you want people to like you? Not be afraid of you?" asked Twilight her voice filled with concern.

"Being liked is grossly overrated. As long as people don't bother me, then I'm fine." replied Gojira. Twilight looked to him in disbelief after hearing his words. What drives someone to be like this? To not care about how they stand in society among others. Twilight felt her heart sink, she pitied Junior. He may not have shown it, but she felt that he was hurting inside.

"Gojira..." Spike spoke up, his tone soft. "For whatever its worth...I like you."

"Nani?" asked Junior, he stopped walking and turned to face Spike. Twilight looked to Junior in confusion.

"Uh...huh?" asked Spike.

"Oh...I'm sorry." Junior cleared his throat. "What did you say?"

"I said that I liked you. You're a cool guy! You know martial arts, and you choose to use it only when you're in trouble. You went out of your way to help me get those supplies back to the library. And you stuck with Twilight to fight Nightmare Moon and helped save Equestria! You can't be all that bad as people say you are." Spike smiled.

Junior looked to spike. He let those words sink in. He was just praised him for restraining himself from using what he had learned from his father and to only use it when it was necessary. He was even grateful for his assistance.

"I bet your dad is proud!" said Spike. Junior went stiff after hearing that last sentence.

"Yeah....he is. Thanks Spike," Junior smiled to the little drake.

Twilight looked to Junior in concern as she saw his face after he turned back around. He looked bothered by something. Twilight felt it was best to not pry into it. The trio continued down into town. They spent the next hour attempting to find somewhere Junior to be hired. He was turned down every time. They found themselves sitting in the middle of town, glum expressions on their faces. Twilight sighed as she looked at the list. Nothing was left. Junior stood and began to walk away.

"Gojira, where are you going?" asked Twilight.

"Home." replied Junior.

"Dude we can't give up yet!" exclaimed Spike.

"Wait, I know where we can go!" Twilight stood. Junior turned, raising a brow. Twilight ran to Junior, grabbing his arm.

"Come on, We're going to go see Applejack!" Twilight tugged at Junior's arm, forcing him to walk with her.

"Applejack? But-"

"No buts mister!" Twilight was now walking faster, pulling Junior in tow. Spike stood and jogged over to them.

The trio had made their way into an orchard. The orchard was filled with many tall trees that bore luscious red and green apples that hung from the branches. They made their way down the path and arrived at a large red barn and a grey wooden house. Leaving the house was Applejack, carrying empty baskets. Twilight called out to her, causing Applejack to turn her attention down the path where Junior, Spike and Twilight were coming from.

"Howdy Twilight!" Applejack greeted, placing the baskets down. "What brings ya'll here?"

"Well, Goj-" Twilight was cut off when Junior placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked up to him in confusion.

"Applejack, I wanted to know if you would be willing to allow me to work for you on your farm." Gojira approached her.

"Uh..." Applejack was about to respond, then Junior stopped a few feet away from her. Junior bowed before her.

"I searched everywhere in town for a job. I was turned down at every establishment that was hiring." Junior continued on. Applejack looked to Twilight and Spike in confusion, who shrugged in response.

"I respectfully ask that you allow me to work for you. You don't even have to pay me until you feel like it." said Junior, rising back up to face Applejack.

"Please?" Junior said with a soft expression.

Applejack looked deep into Junior's yellow eyes. He sounded and looked sincere about asking for her help. She wanted to have a little fun with this. Applejack chuckled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"So, Mr. tough guy here needs this farm girl's help? He didn't seem to need it nor wanted it after Nightmare Moon put him in a hurt." Said Applejack. Junior looked away from Applejack, fearing that she might not help him after all.

"If I recall, you said, 'I don't need it'. So tell me partner, are you willing to work hard? Are you willing to accept help in this workplace when it is offered?" Applejack eyed Junior, now close to Junior's face. Junior struggled to answer, he didn't think he would be forced to accept help when working here. He thought he would just do chores on his own. He really needed a job if he wanted to support himself. Junior swallowed his pride and answered.

"Yes ma'm," said Junior.

Applejack smiled in response. "Then consider yourself hired partner! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres." She lightly tapped Junior in his shoulder.

"Thank you, I'll do my best," said Junior.

"Let's get started!" Applejack picked up one of the baskets and handed it to Junior, taking off to the orchard.

Junior turned to Twilight and Spike who had grins on their faces. Junior approached Twilight and Spike, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, I appreciate your help."

"No problem Gojira. You better get going, AJ is waiting." Twilight smiled.

"Right, later you two." Junior walked away, making his to Applejack.

"Bye!" Twilight and Spike called in unison.

Junior was watching Applejack make her way to one of the trees in the Orchard. She stretched arms and legs, grunting as her joints popped. Junior blushed as he saw her stretching her legs, and how her shorts exposed her luscious thighs. Junior looked away, fearing that the farm girl would catch him staring and fire him before he even started working. Applejack then took a stance, a determined look on her face. She then shot her leg forward at the tree. The tree shook from the force, causing the apples to fall into the baskets.

"All I need you to do is to kick these trees and to gather the apples into the baskets. Think you can handle that partner?" asked Applejack.

"Yes I can." Junior responded.

"Let's see it then." Applejack pointed to the tree behind Junior. Junior turned and observed the tree.

Junior placed a couple of baskets around the tree. He then positioned himself near the tree to prepare his kick.

'OK, I just need enough force to cause the apples to fall. Don't kick too hard.' Junior then kicked the tree, causing all of the apples to fall.

"You seem to have it down. I'll leave you to this part of the Orchard, call me if you need anything."

"Got it." Gojira proceeded to move on to other trees in the Orchard. He spent the next few hours kicking the trees, causing the apples to drop from them.

Junior spent a couple of hours kicking the trees. He gathered the baskets that were filled with apples and took them to the barn. Junior placed the apples down and made his back into the orchard. As he walking back, he heard a familiar voice.

"Takishi-kun." The voice called. Junior looked at his surroundings, trying to find the source.

"Where are you? Show yourself!" Junior called out.

"In time, but now you must know something." Replied the voice.

"In time? Don't give me that! Why do keep speaking to me? What do you want from me?!" Demanded Junior.

"I'm not your enemy. I am warning you of an incoming threat. There are others like you hiding here in Equestria. Some of us only wish to survive in this world, others seek nothing but to destroy." Explained the voice.

"Others? What do you mean? How do you know about me? Please, if you're going to keep invading my life, tell me your name!" Junior called, wanting to make sense of this entire thing.

"My name, is Yasu Mosura. And I am like you, a Transmutation." The voice replied, in a calm and soft voice.

Junior's heart skipped. His eyes widened in shock. He knew that mutations were appearing around the world, but he always thought that he was the only one in Equestria. He was wrong, boy was he wrong. Now, there were some that sought to destroy. Junior's breathing quickened, trying to process what this would mean for him.

"W-what?" asked Junior.

"We will meet in person soon Takeshi-kun, may peace be with you." The voice faded.

Junior stood still. He wondered what his future would be. Whatever it was, it was even bleaker then before. Junior heard Applejack running through the orchard. She called his name, causing him to turn to face her.

"You alright partner? I heard you shouting in some speak that I couldn't understand." panted Applejack.

"Oh. Y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I stubbed my toe on a rock, I was cursing in Neighponese." Lied Junior.

Applejack looked to Junior suspiciously. "If you say so..."

Junior sighed, "I'll just get back to work. Sorry about that." Junior proceeded to gather the rest of the baskets and walked back to the barn. Applejack watched Junior in worry, she followed him, carrying some baskets of her own.

"Thanks partner, come back on Tuesday at 8." said Applejack, handing Junior a bag a bits.

Junior stared at the bag. He held the bag back out to Applejack.

"I-I can't accept this, I just started." said Junior.

"Just take it, you earned it." Applejack waved her hand dismissively.

"you sure?"

"I'm positive." Applejack smiled.

Junior looked back at the bag and back to Applejack. He place it in his pocket.

"Thank you." said Junior.

"No problem. One more thing Sugarcube." said Applejack.

"Yes?" asked Junior, ignoring the 'Sugarcube'.

"If you're having problems, you should talk to somebody about it. There's no shame in asking for help, I learned that the hard way." Applejack chuckled, remembering her stubbornness during Applebuck season.

Junior looked up to the setting sun, seeing the beauty of the horizon. "I'll keep that in mind. See ya."

Junior walked off to the path, heading back home. Applejack watched Junior, seeing him slowly make his down the path. She sighed, heading back inside her home. Junior continued down the path, thinking back to his childhood.

Location: Classified. 12 years ago...

Junior was all by himself, strapped to a bed in a cold room that was lit by a bright light that shone above him. Junior was frightened, he didn't know where he was. Where was his dad? He wanted to go home and forget about this. Junior heard a door open, along with foot steps that were making his way toward him. Junior saw a man who's face was obscured by his shadow caused by the lighting.

"Why am I here? Where's my dad!" Shouted Junior.

"Your father is fine. His operation is finished, he's resting now." The man replied.

"Operation? What do you want with us?!" Junior demanded.

The man paced around the boy. "You are here in the name of science. You and your father have descended from a bloodline of non magical Earth bounds, this leaves you disadvantage in common work for Earth bounds such as taking care of crops. You have to work harder to become strong, you are weak."

Junior felt offended by the man's words. However, he was too curious to interrupt him.

"We are here to fix that. We will introduce a mutagen to your DNA that will allow you to grow stronger, faster, and allow you to resist all diseases." The man stopped pacing and looked toward the boy.

"We may even be able to make you into gods," the man pointed toward a screen that displayed a sketch of a skeleton of a fearsome wingless dragon. "With the help of his blood."

Junior was breathing heavily. These people were going to experiment on him! What if he doesn't survive? What if he died painfully? Well, if that was the case, he would hopefully see his dear mother again. Junior began to cry, he was afraid. He wished his dad was with him.

"Don't be afraid, it will all be over soon." The man placed a mask over Junior's face, who struggled to get it off. Junior's adrenaline decreased after inhaling the gas, his eyes were heavy. Junior stopped struggling, and drifted off to sleep.

Junior later woke up. He found himself sealed in a small room, filled with only a bed and a toilet. Junior rose out of bed, he felt sore all over his body. He looked at his arms, he gasped. His arms were covered in stitched scars that ran all the way up to the back of his hands. Junior looked at his chest, he quickly took off the white shirt that he was wearing. What he saw made him sick, he had more stitched scars on his chest. Junior yelled in fear, he ran toward the end of the room. He slammed his fist on the door repeatedly.

"Let me out!! I want to go home!" Junior dropped to his knees, he leaned his head against the door. He wept, scared that these people had cut him. He wanted his father with him, he didn't know what to do. Junior went back to his bed and buried his head into his pillow, crying. He prayed to whoever was listening to save him from this nightmare.

Ponyville, Equestria. Present day...

Junior sat alone on his bed as he looked at his arms. the scars were gone, almost as if they were never there. But he still remembered the horror that he felt when he had them. Those bastards, they cut him! He was just a little boy and they took him and his father away and used them for their little experiment. They are responsible for what happened. It was them who damned him to a fate worst than death! Because of them, he was a freak. Junior removed his clothes, dressing into his pajamas and lied down on his bed. He reached for his lamp, switching off the power. He recalled what Twilight said to him earlier, '...don't you want people to like you? Not be afraid of you?'

"What does it matter? They would be afraid of me anyway." After that last thought, Junior drifted off to sleep.

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