• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 39: Wedding Clashers

Canterlot, Equestria. Four months before the attack on Ponyville

Snow fell down from the clouds that were set by the weather Valkyries for the season. The Sun Princess of Equestria sat down on her throne, disappointed that her adopted son would not be with her to celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve. Celestia sighed as she rose from her throne and descended down the steps. She made her way out of the throne room and began to wander down the halls. Ahead of her was a pale female Avatar that stood about six foot one in height and with pink wings on her back. Her long hair was a mix of violet, rose, and pale gold streaks. She wore a dress that was the same color of her wings and reached down below her knees, where one would spy her golden heels. The young Avatar wore a golden necklace around her neck and a golden crown with a purple gem imbedded into it. She looked out towards the window with her light purple eyes and a small smile on her face.

"Cadance." greeted Celestia with a smile. The younger Avatar was snapped out of her thoughts and turned to find Celestia approaching, smiling in return.

"Oh, good morning Aunt Celestia." greeted Cadance. Celestia stopped at her side.

"I've heard that Captain Armor proposed to you." said Celestia with a sly smile. Cadance lightly blushed.

"He did." answered Cadance.

"Well?" asked Celestia with a raised brow. Cadance hid her face as she looked down. Celestia frowned.

"Oh. Did he take it hard?" asked Celestia, disappointed. Cadance raised her head up with a smile.

"Oh, I think he took it pretty well." said Cadance as she raised her hand. Celestia's eyes widened as she found an engagement ring on her finger.

"My dear, that's wonderful!" cried Celestia with joy as she wrapped Cadance into a hug. The two laughed joyfully as they held each other.

"Auntie, you have no idea how long that I've waited for this!" said Cadance.

"Oh, I think I can. You always did have an eye for him after all." said Celestia with a coy smile. Cadance giggled in response.

"Can you blame me? He was just so darn adorkable!" said Cadance. Celestia smiled.

"Well, when is the wedding supposed to be? We ought to make plans."

"We plan to marry before the end of summer." said Cadance.

"My, you two must refuse to waste any time!" said Celestia with a grin. Cadance nodded in response.

"Oh, Aunty. I can't wait to share this moment with you and everyone else!" said Cadance, giddy as a schoolgirl. Celestia placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Neither can I." said Celestia. She released the younger Avatar and began to make her way down the hall. Cadance turned and looked to her with a slight frown, clearing her throat before speaking.

"Aunty?" called Cadance. Celestia turned with a curious expression plastered on her face. Cadance looked away.

"Do you think....maybe..." Cadance hesitated to ask her question. She turned to look back at Celestia.

"Do you think that cousin Gojira will come?" asked Cadance.

"I'm sure that he would. Is that a problem?" asked Celestia. Cadance's eyes widened.

"No! No of course not!" said Cadance in a frantic manner. Celestia raised a brow at her. Cadance sighed. "Well, it's just that... I sometimes feel that he doesn't like me."

"Cadance, why in the world would you think that?" asked Celestia. She was appalled at the thought of Junior disliking someone as kind as her niece. She knew that the young man tended to dislike certain individuals based on a more personal level. One example would be when someone would try to pick a fight with him.

"He doesn't seem to want to talk with me. I mean, I understand that he doesn't like to be around Blueblood, but I wonder if I've done something to make him want to dislike me." said Cadance with a frown.

"Dearie, Junior has mostly been an antisocial boy. He only spoke to those who approach him first. I'm hoping his time in Ponyville may change that." said Celestia.

"I want to approach him. But...I'm afraid to. I know it's silly, but I feel like that it'd go wrong." said Cadance with a sigh. She looked out towards the kingdom that was covered in white snow. "I'd like to have a genuine relationship with him. What kind of family has members that never interact with each other?"

"Family is one of the many blessings a person could have." said Celestia.

"Did I ever tell you that I was jealous of the Sergeant?" asked Cadance. Celestia looked to her in surprise.

"No, you never have." answered Celestia. Cadance lightly laughed to herself.

"Well, I guess it has to do with the fact that she ended up being the one that got Gojira to open up." said Cadance. She shook her head. "All of those weeks I tried to bring those poor, hopeless eyes back to life. He never responded with me. In the end, it was the new guard who brought him back."

"Yes, I was surprised at how well he responded with her." said Celestia with a smile as she thought back to the past. She recalled how the two walked down the halls. The Valkyrie held the little boy's small hand as they approached her. Celestia’s mind returned to back to the present day to find a dejected expression on Cadance’s face.

"Funny. I thought I would have been able to take the role of being the big sister. In the end, it was the guard." said Cadance with a sigh.

"I never understood why he never responded with me. I mean, I've been real great with children! I've looked after children when I was babysitting many times before, but with him..." Cadance looked down in worry. Celestia placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You must understand, Cadance. Junior had just lost his father then." said Celestia. Cadance frowned.

"Maybe I was a bit pushy with him. I never thought of a way to comfort a child who had just lost a parent." said Cadance with a solemn sigh.

"Well, he is older now. But, it's not too late to start over." said Celestia with a reassuring smile. Cadance smiled back.

"You're right. Thanks Auntie." said Cadance.

Present day...

Sunlight shone over the land. Summer was near its end and Fall was approaching. From within the castle, Princess Celestia sat on her throne with her hand placed against her cheek. It had been awhile since Luna had told her of Junior's situation. It seemed that lately, he was absent from the dream realm. There was one particular time that Luna had found him, but she was unable to learn anything. He was uncooperative with speaking, as Luna described him. Celestia rose to her feet and made her way down the steps. She made her way down towards the door way and down to the hall, where she found an Elf woman. She wore a white blouse and a brown skirt and her hair was dark brownish gray and tied into a bun. She wore glasses over moderate orange colored eyes. She turned to greet with the Avatar.

"Good morning your majesty." greeted the Elf as she began to walk at Celestia's side.

"Good morning, Raven." greeted Celestia.

"I take it take it that your plan has gone well?" asked Raven with a smile.

"Indeed. Goro and the other Transmutants have been freely walking among the citizens in Mustangia during this past week. So far, things have been going well." said Celestia. She then sighed in annoyance. "But, there was bound to be opposition."

"Whatever do you mean?" asked Raven.

"It seems that a few political leaders within our nation have grown...weary of the Transmutants. Branding them a threat to public safety." said Celestia.

"I see. Well, surely there ought to be a discussion over the matter before things get out of hand." said Raven.

"Absolutely. In fact, there is meant to be a meeting between myself, and several politicians very soon. Hopefully, I may be able to persuade some to side with us." said Celestia. She then looked out towards the window to find a large number of guards preparing to gather around the castle grounds. From among the guards, she spotted an Elf in his 20s outside shouting orders to the guards. He wore armor that was a shade of purple with few parts of gold. His helmet was held at his side, revealing his sapphire blue hair that had moderate cerulean and dark blue streaks. His cerulean eyes looked over the guards that stood at attention. His Cutie Mark, a sapphire blue shield with three stars over it and a pink starburst in the center, was found on his breast plate.

"Perhaps I can introduce them to Goro and the others during the wedding." said Celestia.

"Oh, have you invited them?" asked Raven. Celestia laughed to herself.

"I am about to." said Celestia.

Cadance wandered the halls of Canterlot, humming happily to herself. Soon the day that she had been waiting for would arrive. It was a huge leap forward in her life that she would forever cherish. Cadance continued on down through the halls and made her way over towards a door, opening it and making her way into her chambers. Inside was a bed that sat at the far end of the room. A couple of heart shaped pillows lied on the bed along with two common rectangular pillows. Near the bed was a stuffed bear that had a stuffed heart sowed into its hands. The words, 'I love you' were sewed in white on the heart. She made her way over to the stuffed animal and picked it up into the air, holding it against her chest as she let out a squeal of excitement escape from her mouth.

"It won't be long now! Just a week left before my special day!" said Cadance as she hugged the teddy bear, placing it back down on the dresser and humming to herself. A picture frame sat on her dresser, depicting herself and a young Elf man standing together inside of a gymnasium. The two were dressed for the Fall Formal at their former high school, Canterlot Academy. She ran a hand over the young man with a grin.

"It won't be long, Shiny." said Cadance. She went over to a chair and mirror that sat in the corner of the room. She continued to hum to herself as she sat down and began to comb her hair. As she combed her hair, the sound of knocking reached her ears.

"Who is it~?" sang Cadance.

"It's the royal maids, you're highness." said a gruff, male voice. Cadance's face turned to a look of curiosity. She looked around her chambers, finding it to be neat. She shrugged and stood to her feet as she placed her brush down. Cadance made her way over towards the door and opened it. Beyond the doorway was a tan skinned Elf guard with three women in maid outfits behind him. The maids bowed before the Avatar.

"We are at your service, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." said one of the maids. Cadance merely smiled.

"Of course. Come right in, ladies." said Cadance as she gestured for the women to step in. She closed the door as they entered, the guard left the doorway.

The women made their way over to their supplies that they held by bags. One gathered spray bottles and rags while the other reached for a feather duster. Cadance rubbed the back of her head with an embarrassed smile.

"I'm sorry if you don't have much to do. I actually tend to spend time cleaning up myself." said Cadance. One of the women smirked in response as she made her way to Cadance's side.

"Oh, your majesty. You've only made our job easier." said the woman. Her eyes suddenly flashed a brilliant green, unbeknownst to Cadance. The woman immediately shot her hand forward at Cadance's back. Her hand was engulfed by a brilliant green aura that shot forth a beam of magic. Cadance cried out in pain as the attack knocked her against the wall. Her dress was slightly singed and torn while her hair was ruffled and slightly messy, as well were the feathers on her wings. She turned to find the woman who attacked her cackling to herself while the other women smiled darkly as they stared down at Cadance. The woman that had attacked was suddenly engulfed in green flames. Cadance gasped and looked on in horror as the flames dissipated. Before her was the Changeling Queen herself. Her pink tongue licked her lips as she stared down at Cadance with a grin, exposing her sharp teeth.

"My, you certainly are a pretty one." laughed Chrysalis. She towered over the Avatar as her claws reached for her.

"I hope you won't mind if I take you're place for this week's special occasion, darling." said Chrysalis as she stood Cadance up to her feet and held her by her shoulder. Cadance whimpered as she stared at the Changeling's large, cat-like eyes. Chrysalis ran a claw along the Avatar's cheek as she puffed out her lip.

"Aww. Don't be afraid." said Chrysalis as her body was encased in the green flames. Her insect carapace transformed into pale, mammalian flesh. Her hair changed into Cadance's likeness as her horn disappeared. Chrysalis slightly shrunk down from her height of seven foot two to six foot one. Cadance's eyes widened as she stared at the Changeling, who now bore her likeness.

"The worst has yet to come." spoke Chrysalis, her voice changed to sounding like Cadance. The disguised Changeling Queen released the Avatar and then raised her other hand as it was engulfed in green flames that shot forward and surrounded Cadance.

"No!!" cried Cadance as she was suddenly dragged down into the ground with the flames, disappearing out of sight. Chrysalis smiled to herself.

"Soon, my children, Equestria will be ours for the taking." said Chrysalis. The maids smiled in response.

Mustangia. Five days later...

The sun was setting over the land. From outside of the town was the residence of the Transmutant Vigilantes. The cave was dimly lit from the inside. From within the cave, the sound of grunting could be heard.

"Come on!" shouted Baragon from within the cave. Inside, Copper was panting as he sat next to two heavy dumbbells. The Rottweiler grabbed the dumbbells and began to raise them one by one, while slowly lowering them down. He repeated the process.

"That's it, Copp! You can do it!" said Baragon as he stood a few feet away from the Diamond Dog. Copper was panting as he lowered his arm.

"One more! Come on don't bitch out now!" said Baragon. Copper struggled to raise the dumbbells as his muscles strained. He groaned loudly as he raised his arms and then dropped them back down, panting as he dropped to his belly.

"Nice work. You broke your record of the amount of sets you can do with those heavy dumbbells. Four sets! Ten lifts per set!" said Baragon with a thumbs up. The Diamond Dog had developed a bit more mass and tightened his muscles with the months he had spent training with the Transmutants. Copper panted as his tongue hung out. Manda made her way over to him and handed him a bowl of water.

"Thank you." said Copper as he began to use his tongue to take in water. Manda smiled.

"Pretty soon you'll be strong enough to take on the pack leader!" said Manda.

"Hopefully. I have you all to thank." said Copper.

"Ah don't mention it. We gotta put you through hell physically if you're going to stand a chance." said Baragon as he took a swig of cider. Copper had finished drinking his water and set the bowl down. He sighed as he stretched his limbs.

"Well, I must be going. Thank you for another day of training." said Copper. He popped a few joints and sighed in relief. "I haven't felt this great in years." said Copper.

"Would you care to stay for dinner tonight, Copper?" asked Manda.

"No, thank you. I should get home to my family." said Copper as he began to make his way out of the cave.

"Alright, take care!" waved Manda.

"See you later." said Copper as he rushed out of the cave and sprinted towards his burrow. Manda and Baragon were left inside of the cave alone. Baragon sighed as he sat down on the sofa that someone had given them for a gift. Manda made her way over to Baragon and leaned against him with a sigh. The man chuckled in response as he wrapped his arm around Manda.

"You know, things really feel like they're turning around for us." said Baragon with a smile. Manda giggled in response.

"See? Told ya." said Manda as she stuck her tongue out at Baragon. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Yeah, I'll say it. You and Goro were right." said Baragon. Manda grew a sly smile as she ran her finger against Baragon's chest.

"You know, Goro isn't here right now." said Manda. Baragon raised a brow and looked to her with a raised brow.

"And...?" said Baragon. Manda scowled in response. She then made her way over to Baragon's ear and nibbled on it, causing the man to blush furiously. Manda chuckled in response as she leaned into Baragon's ear.

"You know, I don't mind short guys." whispered Manda. Baragon chuckled in embarrassment.

"Lucky me." said Baragon as he looked towards Manda. The woman immediately stood to her feet with her arms crossed.

“Kidding! Unfortunately for you, this girl wants to go out and take the town rather than stay cooped up in here all day." said Manda. Baragon groaned in disappointment.

"That's not cool, Manda." said Baragon. Manda giggled as she ran a hand over Baragon's cheek.

"Aw don't feel so bad. Maybe if tonight is romantic enough, you might get a kiss." said Manda with a wink. Baragon lightly smiled.

"Well, then I suppose we're going out tonight." said Baragon as he stood to his feet. Manda clasped her hands together in joy. Baragon shook his head.

"You know if you want to go out, there's no need to beat around the bush." said Baragon.

"Where's the fun in that?" asked Manda. Baragon sighed.

"I guess." said Baragon in amusement. It seemed that shortly after the festival, he and Manda hit it off. It was unexpected since he never thought he would have grown as close to Manda as he had, But he wasn’t one to complain. Her personality was refreshing from all of the constant worries that he had.

Outside of the town, the forest grass rustled. Junior, Rodan and Angirasu roamed through the forest, wearing ragged clothing that was torn, drenched, and covered in dirt. Junior's muscle mass had slightly increase due to the excessive consumption from the Saddle Arabian power plant. He also grew to be six foot six in height. As they continued to walk, Rodan sighed.

"Are you sure that we're back in Equestria? We ended up in Mexicolt like a week ago!" said Rodan. He rubbed his bumpy neck with a scowl on his face. "We're lucky we can't catch malaria."

"I'm positive. We just needed to keep heading west from there." answered Junior.

"Mexicolt wasn't so bad. Did you see those ancient sights? Very nice." said Angirasu with a smile. Rodan sighed in response.

"More like boooring! We should have chilled at the beach instead!" said Rodan. Junior and Angirasu shook their head with a collective sigh.

"You know, that woman over there really seemed to like you." said Angirasu with a laugh. Rodan smirked in response.

"Of course she did! Chicks dig muscled men!" said Rodan as he flexed his muscles. Junior scoffed.

"Your muscles aren't even that built! Besides, the woman didn't even know Equish!" said Junior.

"Gee, I didn't think you were such a xenophobe." said Rodan, jokingly.

"Pfft! Am not!" said Junior with a laugh.

"That lady was nice despite the language barrier." said Angirasu.

"I don't think her brother liked Goji though." said Rodan with a chuckle.

"I didn't like him either. He was a lazy, good for nothing. He'll be lucky if his family never kick his ass to the curb." said Junior.

"Man, their food was awesome!" said Rodan. Junior and Angirasu nodded in agreement.

"It would have been better if we didn't have to worry about MONARCH." said Angirasu with a sigh. Junior scowled in response.

"Yep." said Junior. He began to twist his shirt, allowing water to drain from the material. The three found the clearing of the forest.

"I hated that piece of shit boat. Why couldn't we just sneak aboard a cruise ship that was nearing Equestria?" asked Rodan.

"One, we didn't have any currency and it's expensive. Two, someone would have ratted us out." answered Angirasu. He sighed.

"I'm just glad we were close to shore before the stupid thing sprung a leak." said Angirasu.

"Yeah, it was the only sail boat I could find on such short notice." said Junior. He shook his head furiously.

"Let's stop dwelling on the past. I think we're getting closer to home!" said Junior as he pointed beyond the clearing. Ahead was a small town where a few buildings stood. The Transmutants smiled as they continued on towards the town.

"So, what's first?" asked Angirasu.

"Well, first we need to confirm if we're actually home. Then, we're going to have to catch a ride to Los Pegasus and then a ride to Ponyville. But, we're gonna ditch at the last minute and head back to the Everfree." said Junior as he led the Transmutants further into town. The two other Transmutants slightly frowned at the mention of Ponyville. Junior noticed their downcast expressions and sighed.

"I guess I'm still not the only one who's bummed out about that, huh?" asked Junior.

"Nope." answered Rodan and Angirasu in unison. Junior shrugged.

"Well, as they say. Life goes on....I guess." said Junior.

"You don't sound convinced." said Angirasu with a frown.

"Not always, but I guess tonight is an exception." said Junior as the three made their way into town. They began to walk on the sidewalk, where a few of the locals gave them quizzical stares. The Transmutants continued to step through the town as more people began to look at them in confusion.

"They're staring..." said Rodan in annoyance as he spoke through his teeth.

"Just ignore them." said Junior as he continued walking. A few people moved away from the Transmutants that wore ragged clothes. The trio made their way over towards a diner that sat around the town and made their way inside. Junior cleared his throat as he went towards a counter where a woman stared at him.

"Uh...any idea how to get from here to Los Pegasus without walking?" asked Junior.

"Yeah... there's actually a station where some carriages drop people off over there." said the woman with an odd stare. Junior nodded.

"Could you tell me the directions to this station? We're trying to get home." said Junior.

"Hold on, I'll write it down for ya sir." said the woman as made her way down the counter and reached for her note pad and for a pen.

Meanwhile, Rodan and Angirasu stood by and eyed the food with longing. Their stomachs growled as the smell of food reached their sinuses. Junior was experiencing the same sensation in his stomach, groaning in annoyance. The woman had stopped writing and glanced at Junior.

"You boys want something to eat?" asked the woman.

"We do...but unfortunately we aren't carrying any bits on us." said Junior. Angirasu and Rodan gave a collective sigh. The woman frowned in response.

"Now, what are you boys doing without any money in your pockets and with clothing like that?" asked the woman.

"Let's just say that we've been traveling a lot. We lost pretty much everything during our journey." answered Junior.

"That won't do! Why don't we fix you boys up something to eat. On the house." said the woman with smile.

"Oh, well that's not-" Junior was about to decline but Rodan and Angirasu grabbed his wrists and twisted them behind his back. He grunted in pain as he felt his joints ache.

"Take the offer, Goji." said Angirasu. Junior chuckled nervously.

"Guys..." said Junior. Rodan leaned in close to Junior with a glare.

"This is not an option, fool! If you don't accept that free dinner, then we have a problem." whispered Rodan. Junior gulped nervously with a forced smile. The woman looked on nervously as she watched the intense atmosphere that formed around the three. Junior cleared his throat and looked back to the woman.

"On second thought, we'll take you up on your offer." said Junior.

"R-right. This way, please." said the woman as she left from behind the counter and went to the table. Junior forced himself away from Rodan and Angirasu and placed them both in a headlock.

"If you guys ever pull that shit again, I'm kicking both of your asses." whispered Junior with an angry expression. Angirasu and Rodan nodded frantically. Junior released them and allowed them to follow the woman. He sighed in annoyance.

"Honestly guys. Really uncalled for." said Junior as he followed them to the table.

Manda and Baragon walked side by side each other as they walked through town. As they continued on, people greeted them with friendly waves and smiles.

"Hi, Baragon!" greeted a woman.

"Hello." greeted Baragon as he waved.

"Hey, Manda!" greeted a man. Manda smiled and waved.

"Hey!" greeted Manda. The two continued on down the road.

"Go back home, freaks!" shouted a man. Baragon kept his smile as he waved to the man.

"Eff you too, Ingot!" said Baragon. Manda laughed nervously at the way Baragon responded.

"Monsters!" shouted a woman.

"You mean your hairstyle? Yeah, it's tragic!" Baragon shouted back. A couple of by standers chuckled at Baragon's remark.

"There's no need to antagonize them." whispered Manda.

"Screw them. I'm not afraid those assholes." chuckled Baragon.

"Well, it’s just that it could look bad if you respond to people like that." said Manda.

"I don't think so." said a man that was standing by with a shrug. Baragon smiled at him as they passed the man.

"Thank you!" said Baragon. The man nodded to him in response. Baragon looked to Manda with a grin.

"See? Even some of our supporters agree with giving remarks to assholes." said Baragon. Manda sighed with a shake of her head.

"Just be careful, 'Kay?" asked Manda.

"Fine." said Baragon. The two continued on down towards the diner and made their way inside. The customers slowly noticed the two Transmutants and greeted them with smiles and verbally. Baragon grinned along with Manda.

"Well, looks like we'll be able to eat in here without receiving dirty looks." said Baragon. A woman made their way over towards the Transmutants.

"May I show you to your table?" offered the woman.

"Sure, lead the way!" said Manda. The Transmutants followed the woman over to another table that was behind a table where three young males sat. One of them was speaking a bit louder and excitedly over on the other side. Manda sat across from Baragon with a smile. They placed their orders and the waitress left their table after she had wrote them down.

"Well, you think the princess would want to see us again anytime soon?" asked Manda. Baragon shrugged.

"No clue. I don't expect her to." said Baragon. From behind him, one of the males began to laugh.

"So, you told him that you were a gangster?" asked Rodan.

"Hell no! That was just a rumor some asshole had spread in school because he thought I was hitting on his girlfriend." replied Junior.

"Were you?" asked Angirasu.

"Was I? I couldn't even get her to tutor me in History!" said Junior in annoyance. Manda leaned over curiously.

"Hmm. That sounds like an interesting conversation over there." said Manda.

"Eh. Just some kids dicking around." said Baragon.

"Dude, your track record for getting chicks has been shit!" said Rodan with a laugh.

"Language. There could be children present." deadpanned Angirasu.

"Thank you!" said a woman in exasperation.

"Sorry!" said Rodan. Manda snorted in amusement.

"So, what happened next?" asked Rodan as he turned to face Junior.

"I had to kick his aaa- butt." answered Junior as he warily glanced at the woman that stared at him with her piercing glare.

"Is that normally how you solved conflicts as a kid?" asked Angirasu.

"Hey to be fair, the guy hit me first. I don't know. He had an inflated ego or something." said Junior. Baragon snorted in amusement.

"This guy. Sounding so tough." whispered Baragon. Junior's ears picked up the whisper but chose to ignore it.

"Was his girl mad?" asked Rodan.

"Oh, she was furious. She called me a...I can't remember. It started with an R. It's like what you call a violent person." said Junior as he placed a hand under his chin.

"You mean, 'Ruffian'?" asked Manda as she leaned to side of her booth. Junior leaned over to his side as well.

"Yeah, that's the word!" said Junior. He then sat himself up and went back to eating his food. Manda gasped as her eyes widened in shock. Baragon looked at her in confusion.

"What's wrong?" asked Baragon. Manda stared over from where she leaned with wide eyes.

"No way." said Manda as she slowly stood to her feet and made her way over to Junior, much to Baragon’s confusion. Manda slowly made her way over to Junior's side as she stared at him with wide eyes. Junior felt her staring and slowly glanced at her.

"Uh...may I help you?" asked Junior. The woman knelt down and leaned in close to his face. Junior slightly backed away with a nervous expression. Manda grabbed him by his cheeks and looked him over.

"Uh...lady?" called Rodan in confusion. Secretly, he was jealous of Junior due to the fact of this woman holding his face at such a close distance.

"Manda, the hell are you doin'?" asked Baragon as he stared at Manda in confusion. He stood up from his seat and made his way over to their side. Manda released Junior's face and backed away as she pointed at him.

"You! What's your name?!" asked Manda. Junior flinched at her sudden high tone.

"Gojira Takeshi." answered Junior with a raised brow. Manda gasped loudly as she pulled Baragon to her side.

"It's him! We found him!" said Manda. Baragon gave her a look of annoyance but then that look was wiped away as he looked towards Junior. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, shit. It's actually him." said Baragon. The Transmutant three looked to each other in confusion and then back to Manda and Baragon.

"Language!!" shouted a woman from across the room as she cupped her child's ears.


Nightfall had fully arrived, stars twinkled in the night sky. The cave of the Transmutant vigilantes glowed from within from the lanterns that hung on the cave walls. Junior, Rodan and Angirasu were sitting on the sofa within the cave. In front of them were Manda, Baragon and Goro. The woman bore a look of excitement on her face.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" said Manda. Baragon gave her a wary glance.

"Settle down, girl." said Baragon. Junior, Angirasu and Rodan looked on in confusion.

"Excuse me, but who are you guys?" asked Angirasu.

"Yeah, I didn't think that there were any Transmutants left in Equestria." said Rodan. Goro sat himself down on a chair.

"Well, we've been here for several months now. We've been hiding out in this cave." said Goro. Junior gave him a hard stare.

"You wouldn't happen to be affiliated with the so called, 'Transmutant Revolutionaries' would you?" asked Junior suspiciously.

"Absolutely not." answered Goro. Junior nodded to him.

"Well, then I don't have a problem with you guys." replied Junior. Baragon rolled his eyes.

"Sheesh. You sure sound like someone who's got a grudge." said Baragon. Junior sent him a glare.

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that the son of a bitch that is leading the group killed my father." retorted Junior. Baragon cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh. My bad." said Baragon.

"Whatever." sighed Junior. Manda frowned as she saw his downcast expression. Goro cleared his throat.

"Anyway, what would your names be?" asked Goro as he turned his attention to Angirasu and Rodan.

"My name is Angirasu Riku." answered Angirasu.

"Rodan Shou." said Rodan with a smile.

"A pleasure to meet you, Riku and Shou." said Goro.

"You know, referring to us by our surnames is unnecessary." said Rodan.

"Oh. Well, I hope that you don't mind that I do." said Goro as he rubbed the back of his head.

"We understand." said Angirasu with a nod. Junior looked to Manda.

"Uh...miss..." Junior was fishing for a name for the female Transmutant.

"Call me, Manda." said Manda with a smile.

"Manda. You seemed to have recognized me back at the diner. But I'm pretty sure that I don't know you." said Junior.

"Well, we never actually met. Obviously. But I've seen a picture of you." said Manda. Junior tilted his head in confusion.

"Your adoptive mother, Princess Celestia, recently became a friend of ours. She asked us to keep an eye out for you." said Goro.

"She did?" asked Junior in surprise. The surprise mostly came from Celestia befriending Transmutants that he had never heard of.

"Yep! In fact, she's the reason why we can freely walk among the humans!" said Manda.

"Gotta say kid, you lucked out by being adopted by that woman. And I'm not just saying that cause she's the ruler of this country." said Baragon.

"Yeah, I sometimes forget how fortunate that I was." said Junior with a small smile. Manda gasped loudly.

"Oh! We have to tell the princess that we've found you!" said Manda, excitedly. Goro nodded in agreement.

"That's right. She'll be thrilled to have you back home." said Goro. The sound of wings flapping could be heard from outside of the cave. The Transmutants all turned their heads and found a woman covered in golden armor. Rodan and Angirasu immediately stood up, tensed. Junior looked on in surprise as he recognized the kind of armor that the Valkyrie wore.

"Oh, am I interrupting?" asked Sapphire.

"Not at all, Sapphire. In fact, you've come here at a good time." said Goro with a smile. He then gestured to Junior. The guard recoiled in shock.

"Is that...?" Sapphire pointed at Junior with wide eyes.

"It's him." replied Baragon with a nod. Sapphire removed her helmet as she stared at Junior. The Transmutant held a neutral expression.

"I...I don't know how to process this! Wh-what should I do?!" exclaimed Sapphire. Junior recoiled in surprise as he found her panicked expression. "I should tell your sister! No, I should tell the princess!"

"Blaire? Is she here?" asked Junior with a hopeful expression.

"No. She's back in Canterlot." answered Sapphire. Junior sighed in disappointment. It seemed that he would have to hold out just a little longer to see his sister again.

"What brings you here?" asked Baragon.

"What? I'm not allowed to hang out with Manda?" demanded Sapphire. Baragon raised his hands defensively.

"I didn't mean it like that. Normally a guard doesn't come here unless they have a question or something to tell us." said Baragon.

"Well, you're right in this case. I actually have a letter for you guys." said Sapphire with smile as she handed it to Goro. The older Transmutant unrolled the parchment and began to read the letter aloud.

"Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor." said Goro. He then silently read to himself.

"Wait, wait! Did you just say Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza?!" asked Junior. Goro looked over to him curiously.

"Yes. Why?" asked Goro.

"Yeah, what's the deal?" asked Rodan.

"Oh. It's just that Cadance is my adoptive cousin. Captain Armor is Twilight's older brother. I had to be sure." said Junior as he sat down.

"Is she hot?" asked Rodan. Angirasu slugged the crimson haired man in the shoulder with a look of disapproval.

"Don't make it weird." said Junior in annoyance.

"I don't see what the big deal is. You aren't related." said Rodan.

"She's getting married!" said Junior.

"I'm not asking you to hook me up with her! All I asked is if she were pretty!" said Rodan in frustration. Junior sighed.

"Yes, she's pretty." said Junior with a scowl. Manda looked to the two in amusement at their bickering. Sapphire cleared her throat.

"Well, what do you guys think? Are you going?" asked Sapphire.

"Well, it would be nice to see the princesses again." said Goro.

"A royal wedding? Count me in!" said Manda with excitement in her tone. Baragon shrugged.

"I guess." said Baragon. Sapphire then looked over to Junior and the other two Transmutants.

"Takeshi?" called Sapphire. Junior kept his eyes down on the ground with a slight frown. Rodan and Angirasu looked over to him worriedly.

"Bro?" called Rodan. Junior sighed.

"I...I guess so. You guys wanna go?" asked Junior.

"To meet the bride? Hell yeah!" said Rodan. Angirasu shot him a quick glare.

"It wouldn't hurt. After all, it should be safer for us to walk among other people now since MONARCH is gone." said Angirasu. Junior nodded.

"Alright then." said Junior. Sapphire smiled brightly.

"I'll request a chariot to drop you guys off at Canterlot." said Sapphire.

"Uh...could you perhaps actually drop us off somewhere else?" asked Junior. Sapphire looked to him with a tilt of her head.

"Where?" asked Sapphire.

"The Everfree." answered Junior. Sapphire's eyes widened.

"Why in Tartarus would you want to go there?!" asked Sapphire.

"Well, it's where my friends here have been living before MONARCH arrived." said Junior as he pointed to Angirasu and Rodan. "I want to help them settle back in before the wedding. We'll buy a ticket to Canterlot and catch a train before the wedding begins."

"Oh...alright then." said Sapphire, hesitant at granting Junior's request.

"Also, let's keep me returning to Canterlot a secret. I want to surprise Celestia and Blaire." said Junior with a wink.

2 hours later...

The Transmutants treaded through the Everfree forest at a slow pace. They had disembarked from a chariot pulled by Pegasi earlier. The three had been walking for a while, losing track on how much time they spent in the forest. Rodan sighed as the three came across a familiar rocky cave with an old, abandoned house built into it.

"Home, sweet home." said Rodan. Angirasu nodded in response.

"I thought we'd never see this old place again." said Angirasu. The three made their way inside of the house. The house was filled with tons of dust and with a few spider webs hanging in the corners of the house. The three continued on inside of the house where a wooden door lied down the hall. Junior opened the door and found the rest of the dark cave. It led to the metal bridge that led further into the cave. The sound of water rushing to the other side could be heard. The Transmutant three traveled across the bridge and into the great cave chamber. The two found the metal barge above the pool of water in the center. The chamber was cool with faint sounds of water dripping.

"I'm gonna go check the armory." said Junior. Rodan snorted in amusement.

"I don't see why we call it that. It's not like we ever use the stuff that's in there." said Rodan. Angirasu gave him a deadpanned expression.

"You wanted to call it that when we were sixteen. You were the one who thought it'd be cool." said Angirasu.

"Oh, right." chuckled Rodan. Junior made his way inside of the armory chamber. His eyes searched through the darkness. He reached for the wall and flipped a switch. A buzzing sound came from the large light bulb that hung from the rocky ceiling. The area brightened up, revealing several racks that held weapons. One rack held katanas. Another held boxes that held metal shuriken stars. Wooden spears stood up against a rack with wooden tips. Small knives lied on a rack along with spear heads with rope wrapped around them. Junior heard the sound of Angirasu approaching.

"Hey, I never asked but, where did you guys get these things? I remember giving you guys some of the weapons that Mosu and I brought back from Neighpon a year back, but where did the other stuff come from?" asked Junior.

"They were gifts given by Mosu's martial arts teacher here in Equestria." said Angirasu.

"Damn, he was packing this much weaponry?" asked Junior.

"Some of them were passed down to him. The rest he collected. I guess he grew attached to Mosu as he taught her that he wanted to give her these." answered Angirasu.

"Didn't he have family that he could have given these to?" asked Junior. Angirasu shrugged.

"No idea. We never met the old man. Mosu only taught us what she learned before he passed away." said Angirasu. Junior sighed.

"Well, he must have been really fond of her if he chose to give these up to her." said Junior. He lightly smiled. "But who wouldn't be?"

"Yeah." said Angirasu with a nod. He then noticed the samurai armor that sat on a rack over at the far end of the chamber. In front of it was a katana that sat on a small rack.

"Well, it's good to see that nothing was stolen. Even your dad's armor is still here." said Angirasu. Junior nodded.

"Hey, you guys mind if I leave it here? I feel like it's safer down here." said Junior.

"Absolutely, my friend. Besides, it's not like you're a soldier for the Neighponese Empire." said Angirasu with a chuckle. Junior shared a short laugh.

"Yeah." said Junior. He sighed solemnly as he looked down to the ground.

"Everything OK?" asked Angirasu. Junior turned to face his friend.

"Aang, about the wedding..." said Junior.

"What's up?" asked Angirasu.

"If Twilight's brother is going to get married, than that would mean that she would be there as well." said Junior worriedly. Angirasu nodded in understanding.

"I get it." said Angirasu.

"I'm not sure if I can face any of them again. Celestia and Blaire? Sure. But the girls? Twilight? I can't." said Junior as he lowered his head.

"I totally get you." said Rodan from the other side of the cave. Junior and Angirasu turned and found Rodan approaching.

"To be honest, I was afraid of coming back. Dash is awesome! But I've been a real poser since we've met. And by poser, I mean posing as a human." said Rodan.

"I can relate to you guys. But no matter what, we may have to face them some day." said Angirasu. Junior and Rodan nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Man, it's probably gonna be really awkward." chuckled Rodan.

"Worst case scenario, they will never want to see us again." said Junior. "But that's fine. Who could blame anyone for that?"

"Guys, I was on board for this talk, but now it's starting to bum me out." said Rodan as he left the chamber. Rodan turned to face Junior and Angirasu with a grin.

"How about we have some cocoa and call it a night?" suggested Rodan.

"I'd like some." said Angirasu. Junior nodded in agreement. The three made their way out of the chamber, but Junior stopped and turned to gaze upon his father's armor. He lightly smiled, happy to see the memento of his family and the clan. He turned back and followed Rodan and Angirasu out of the armory.

The sun had risen above over the Everfree. Two days had passed since Junior and company returned to their lair in the Everfree forest. The trio remained silent as they stared at the suits that were ironed and cleaned. The suits hung on the wall inside of the house that led into the chambers. Junior raised his hand and stared at a small card that he held. On it, was Sapphire's hand writing. It read, 'Thanks for the measurements, boys! Enjoy the wedding'. Junior lightly chuckled to himself as he lowered the card.

"It was awful nice of the guard to hook us up with these suits on such short notice." said Angirasu.

"All it took was a lie that her 'cousins' were attending." said Junior with a smirk. Rodan sighed.

"I hate wearing fancy clothes." complained Rodan.

"Agreed." said Junior and Angirasu in unison. The two continued to stare at the suits in silence.

"Um...guys we should probably put these on or we'll be late." said Angirasu.

"Yeah." said Junior, unable to move forward. He was growing anxious to return to Canterlot and was worried about running into Twilight and the girls.

"Come on, Goji. We're in this together." said Angirasu, reassuringly. Junior shook his head furiously as he placed on a determined expression.

"That's right. This isn't the worst thing that we could face!" said Junior. He reached for the suit, but suddenly, the world around him began to spin. He groaned as he clutched his head and dropped on one knee. Angirasu and Rodan rushed to his side.

"Gojira! What's wrong?!" asked Rodan. Junior was panting as his eyes were wide. His senses felt overwhelmed by something. It felt like a disturbance. His body was tense as his heart pumped hard against his chest.

"I...I feel...." Junior couldn't put what he was feeling into words. He felt anxious and concern. He felt threatened. There was nothing about the Canterlot Royal Wedding that could have caused this feeling.

"I feel like there's something wrong." said Junior as he slowly stood up to his feet. Rodan and Angirasu looked to him in confusion.

"You...feel that something is wrong?" asked Angirasu.

"I can't explain it. I just have a bad feeling all of the sudden." said Junior as he rushed towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?!" asked Rodan as he and Angirasu chased him outside. Junior stopped several feet outside of the house, looking around. He turned to find the house standing proudly under a cave. Junior dashed towards the house and leapt over it and onto the small rocky mountain. His claws extended from his fingers as he caught the rocks, digging into them as he slowly climbed the mountain. He heard the sound of loud buzzing overhead, which made his anxiety grow as the buzzing grew louder. Junior searched the area for the source, but gasped at what he saw.

Above the Everfree forest, there was a great dark cloud that flew miles over his head. But as he looked closer, he learned that it was no cloud, but a swarm of thousands of Changelings. They flew over the forest and headed farther out to the other side. Junior's enhanced vision spotted a faint, raspberry colored sphere out in the distance.

"Oh shit." Junior whispered. His blood ran cold as his eyes widened with dread.

"Gojira!!" called Rodan. Junior looked down to find Rodan and Angirasu looking up to him in worry.

"Where are they going?!" asked Rodan as he cupped his hands over his mouth, amplifying his voice. Junior slid down the rocks and leapt down to his friends.

"Guys, Canterlot is in deep trouble." said Junior.

"Oh no." said Angirasu in realization.

"They're going to Canterlot?!" exclaimed Rodan.

"That's right. I spotted a shield that's encircling the city from up there, but that's a lot of Changelings. Who knows how long that shield would last." said Junior.

"We gotta tell somebody!" said Rodan.

"Who are we going to tell?! MONARCH? Not a chance! Besides, it'd be too late!" said Angirasu. Junior sighed heavily.

"Guys, this is going to sound crazy. I think we should be the ones to act." said Junior. Angirasu and Rodan looked to him in shock.

"Wait, take on the Changeling army?" asked Angirasu. Junior nodded.

"Guys, we're home now. I didn’t spend two months inside of a goddamn sphere without food and water and I did not travel thousands of miles across the goddamn world to come home and let it be conquered!" said Junior. He looked to both of them with a stern expression. "Goro and the others will be already there. We can't let them take these guys on by themselves! Are you guys with me on this?"

"A rag tag team of freaks taking on an entire Changeling army? You can count me in!" said Rodan with a grin. Angirasu sighed.

"You know, I'm beginning to see a pattern in our current lives. Shit hits the fan, we go out and save the day, but it bites us in the ass in the end." said Angirasu.

"That may have been the case. But what mattered out of all of those times was that people survived. We survived." said Junior. Rodan looked down solemnly.

"Not all of us." said Rodan.

"Perhaps not. But... if Mosura were here, I think she would want this." said Angirasu. Junior nodded in agreement.

"She would. If not for Canterlot, then for Mosura. We do this in honor of her memory." said Junior as he turned to make his way back into the house. Angirasu looked to Rodan, who gave him a smile.

"Well, I can't leave my brothers to fight on their own. I'm game." said Angirasu with a grin. The two followed Junior into the house, where they all continued down into the cave chamber. The three of them made their way into the armory and flipped the light switch on. Rodan and Angirasu rushed to the weapon racks and began to arm themselves. Angirasu picked up a kanabo and held it tightly. He twirled the steel and spiked club in his grip as if it were as light as a sword. He made his way over towards where armor pads lied and smiled to himself. Rodan made his way over to a pair of gauntlets that held retractable blades. He picked them up and held them firmly with a serious expression. Junior had placed on his old dark grey, training kimono that Mosura had given him. He made his way over to his father's armor and the katana that sat on the single weapon rack. Junior began to remove the individual armor pieces and placed them on. He slipped on the gauntlets and strapped on the leg and arm guards. He then placed on the shoulder plates and the chest piece. Junior put on his steel boots and slowly stood to his feet. His metal thigh guards hung as they rested against his thighs.

Rodan had placed on a slightly baggy pair of sweat pants with a hoodie on. His face was obscured by the mask that he was wearing. He stood in his brick red clothes wearing bladed gauntlets and a belt holding shuriken stars, several links of chains wrapped up, and small knives. His elbows were covered in guards as well as his knees. Angirasu held his kanabo over his shoulders as he wore his training kimono with shoulder armor from the spare pieces that Mosura's former trainer had gotten his hands on. His elbows and knees were covered in armored pads as well down to his shins. Junior grabbed a white rag and wrapped it over the top of his head, allowing it to keep his hair down. Junior stared at the helmet that remained seated on the rack. The silver face plate with the dragon snout bared its teeth at him, as if challenging him to take up his predecessor's mantle of being a warrior. Junior inhaled deeply and slowly reached for the helmet, lifting it from the rack. Junior stared at it for a few seconds and turned it around, slowly sliding it on his head. It fit perfectly, allowing the metal nape guard to reach down to his neck. Junior reached for the sheathed katana and brought it to his waist, holding it still with a black, long piece of cloth that he used to wrap it around his waist. He tied the cloth tightly, securing the sheathed sword tightly to his left side.

"Dude, you look metal as hell!" said Rodan with a grin as he stared at the silver armor.

"How does it fit? You look like you fill it quite nicely." said Angirasu.

"Slightly uncomfortable, but it's fine. I guess armor is just uncomfortable at first." said Junior from behind his face place. He then walked out of the armory with a hard stare.

"Let's move." said Junior.

Ponyville was showered in the sunlight. The sound of a train whistle blowing could be heard. The people of Ponyville that were near the train station were about to board, but the sound of murmuring drew their attention away. Citizens looked on as Junior, Rodan and Angirasu strolled down the road and to the station. The locals looked on in confusion, concern, and fear as they continued on to the train station.

"Cosplayers?" asked someone from within the crowd.

"Are those real weapons?!" whispered a woman.

"Samurai!" said a man from the crowd. Junior passed by several people with a stern gaze towards the train. A man was standing in the doorway as he stared nervously at the three Transmutants. Junior leaned in to the man as he held his stern gaze.

"Move." ordered Junior. The man nodded frantically as he stepped back inside of the train and allowed the Transmutants to walk inside. They continued on as the passengers stared nervously at the armed men. The Transmutants made their way up to the engine room. Junior made his way up to the door that led to the engine and knocked on it. A man opened the door from the other side and recoiled at the sight of the Transmutants.

"H-hey, you three shouldn't be up here! Who let you onboard with those weapons? Is this a robbery?!" asked the engineer worriedly. The Transmutants looked to each other in confusion.

"Uh...no. We just wanted to tell you to get this train moving right now." said Junior.

"B-but sir, I can't until all the passengers are on board." said the engineer. Rodan sighed in annoyance.

"Dude, you don't understand. There is some shit that's about to go down in Canterlot and we need to get there now!" said Rodan.

"I can't! My job is-" the engineer was interrupted as Junior drew his katana and held it to the man's throat. He gulped nervously as the blade reflected sunlight onto the walls.

"Goji..." called Angirasu, anxiously.

"No. We don't have time for arguing. We need to get to Canterlot as soon as possible." said Junior as he continued to point the tip of the blade at the engineer.

"Now, you can risk your job and take us to Canterlot now, or I can just cut you." said Junior with a glare. The man looked over to Rodan.

"Hey, he'll do it man. He's got a short temper. I once saw him tear a Manticore's tail off while it was attacking." said Rodan with a shrug. The engineer looked back to Junior with a nervous smile.

"So, how soon do you need to get to Canterlot again?" asked the engineer. Junior smiled from behind his face plate.

The sound of the engine whistling echoed in the air. The train chugged as its gears grinded together to roll the engine across the tracks along with the cars attached to it. The Transmutants stared out the window as the train raced across the land. The train entered into a cave that was inside of the mountain that held the capital city of Equestria. The magic shield glowed and flashed as the Changeling army divided itself into waves. The first wave flew closer to the top of the sphere while the rest of the waves remained behind. Junior gritted his teeth in anger as he stared at the insect humanoids. The train drove through the cave and began to move around the inside of the mountain as the tracks began to elevate and make 'U' turn. The train left the cave and rose up the mountain, entering through another cave and driving down tracks that were held up high by a long and curvy bridge. The train passed several mountains that were nearby. Eventually, Canterlot grew closer with each second. Suddenly, the magic sphere that encased the city cracked and then shattered like glass. The engineer gasped in shock.

"Sweet Celestia!" exclaimed the engineer. The Transmutants hardened their eyes as they watched the humanoid insects beginning to dive bomb towards the city. Junior made his way to the door and slid it open. The engineer turned and found the Transmutants leaving.

"Where are you going?" asked the engineer. Junior turned to face him.

"To fight. Get this train out of here by the time we get off." ordered Junior. The engineer frantically nodded as he focused on the rails ahead. The Transmutants climbed up the train and crouched on top of the train car as the train got closer to the city and slowed down as it approached the station. Rodan made his way over to the train engine car and began to tap on the heart shaped window.

"Get out of here! We'll take it from here!" said Rodan. The Transmutants steeled their muscles.

"Let's move!!" shouted Junior as he leapt off of the train, causing a crack on the station walkway as he landed. Angirasu and Rodan followed him through the city as the train rolled away. The Transmutants heard the sound of insect wings flapping erratically in the air along with the sound of screams and crashing. From the air, came a group of Changelings wearing grey armor that crashed into the ground in front of the Transmutants in a green aura splash. The insect humanoids hissed as they bared their teeth and rose to their feet from the small craters that they had formed. One Changeling pulled out an ebony knife shaped sword while the others pulled out maces, or axes.

"Oh, it appears that the humans want to put up a fight." chuckled the Changeling with the sword. Junior hardened his glare.

"We are not humans. We are Transmutants." said Junior as he unsheathed his sword and held it in front of himself. Angirasu growled as he pulled out his Kanabo from behind his back while Rodan flicked his wrists, allowing the blades that were attached to his gauntlets to extend. The Transmutants and Changelings stared each other down as the screams continued and the rest of the Changelings dived over the city. The inhuman beings gave war cries as they charged towards each other. Rodan broke off into a sprint and swung his gauntlet blades against a Changeling's throat and then swung his other gauntlet at the Changeling that was behind the first and slashed his neck. Rodan then leapt into the air as his body spun and brought his leg against the head of another Changeling. Angirasu yelled as he ran towards the closest Changelings and swung his kanabo with powerful swings. One by one, he struck each Changeling with a powerful swing that caused yellow liquid to fly from their smashed heads, dropping dead like flies as Angirasu continued his swings. One Changeling came at him with an axe but Angirasu dodged the strike and swept his leg with a low kick. Angirasu then brought his kanabo down on the Changeling's back, splattering his bodily fluids across the street.

Junior charged through the Changelings and swung his katana. The creatures were cut down in their chests and dropped to the ground in agony. Junior ducked under a mace that was swung at his skull and then sliced off the legs of his opponent, causing the creature to fall to the ground. Junior then stomped on the creature's back, making it wail in agony. Two Changelings dropped in front of him while two more dropped behind him. Junior's mind reacted quickly as he side stepped away from the attack of one Changeling in his front and then swung his sword against the creature's arm, dismembering it. Junior then immediately turned and caught one Changeling's mace as he attempted to strike him from behind. Junior held it tightly as he looked back and found the unharmed second Changeling, that was in front, about to strike him with an axe. Junior yanked the mace from the Changeling that was holding onto it and then threw it at the axe wielding Changeling. The creature's face was crushed by the steel ball and dropped to the ground. Junior then stabbed the Changeling that he had stolen the mace from and shoved him away, rushing over to the next Changeling and snapping its neck. The Changeling that was stabbed heaved and groaned in agony as he attempted to pull the sword out of his exposed chest. Junior yanked the blade out of him, shoved him to the ground, and then decapitated the Changeling.

They continued to fight any Changeling that came their way. The Transmutants killed many Changelings and maimed others. Rodan leapt into the air and threw three shuriken stars at a flying Changeling. The creature shrieked in agony as his carapace was punctured. He crashed down to the ground out of flight and landed a few feet away. Rodan kept sprinting and then quickly gathered the shuriken stars that he had thrown. Junior continued to run through the crowd but he heard a little girl scream in terror. Two Changelings stalked her and backed her up into a corner.

"Oh, don't worry little girl. We aren't going to hurt you." said one of the Changelings as his horn began to illuminate. Junior growled as he charged at the Changelings. The girl whimpered before them as she covered her eyes. Junior gave a roar as he charged towards the Changelings. The creatures turned and recoiled as they found the armored Transmutant preparing to swing his katana. With one quick swing, he ran through the Changelings that had cornered the child. The creatures' heads suddenly fell from their thoraxes and rolled on the floor. Junior turned and found the girl still covering her eyes as she whimpered. Junior rushed over to the child and knelt down next to her.

"It's alright, kid. Where are your parents?" asked Junior. The girl slowly removed her hands from her eyes and gasped as she saw Junior's face plate. The snarling dragon mouth design frightened her.

"It's OK. I'm not gonna hurt you." said Junior, reassuringly. He looked around and found that Angirasu and Rodan were still occupied with some of the Changelings that dive bombed towards them. He then looked back to the kid as he detached his face plate from his helmet. The girl grew less frightened when she found the rest of Junior's face.

"Little girl, it's too dangerous out here! Where are your parents?" asked Junior. The child searched frantically but then spotted a woman rushing over towards them.

"Momma!" cried the girl. Junior turned and found an Elf woman approaching. Junior stood to his feet as he reattached his face plate to his helmet. The woman sobbed as she wrapped her child into an embrace. Suddenly, Junior heard the sound of something dropping behind him. He turned and found a large Changeling that was roughly about his size, but it bore a larger body build. The Changeling screeched as he backhanded Junior away, knocking him towards a nearby table. The woman cried out in terror as the behemoth approached her and her child. Junior growled in anger as he slammed his hand on the table as he brought himself up.

"Hey, ugly! I dare you to try that again!" challenged Junior as he reached for his katana. He was unable to reach for the handle due to the fact that it was missing. His eyes widened as he noticed the katana blade just several feet to the left of the Changeling.

"Damn." said Junior under his breath. He then stood up straight and popped his knuckles.

"Never mind, looks like we're going to do this old school." said Junior with a grin. The Changeling grinned as well as he stalked over towards Junior. The woman stared in horror as the creature approached him. Junior moved away from the table and approached the Changeling as well. The creature sent a punch towards Junior, which he caught with his hand. Junior smiled darkly as he applied pressure to the creature's hand. The Changeling gasped in pain, which escalated to groans of agony. He dropped to his knees as his insect eyes widened. Junior glared at the creature as he continued to crush his hand. The Changeling sent his other fist towards Junior but that was caught as well. Junior chuckled darkly as he lowered himself and forced the Changeling back.

"What? Did you think I was some cocky human?" asked Junior in amusement. The woman stared in fear at the frightening glare in Junior's eyes. The Changeling's two shorter insect arms that were attached to its sides tried to claw at Junior's armored chest.

"Lady, this guy has just scratched my late father's armor. Please take your child and leave because things are about to get ugly." said Junior with a growl. The Changeling gulped as it stared at Junior fearfully. The woman immediately picked up her child and ran away.

"It's times like this where I really do feel like the monster. Wouldn't you agree?" asked Junior. He then applied all of his strength into the Changeling's hands, crushing them completely. The creature wailed in agony as his hands were destroyed. They were mangled and leaked the yellow bodily fluid that filled him. Junior then released his opponent and let him writhed in agony.

"But, there are monsters far worse than me." said Junior as he made his way over to his katana and picked it up. He joined his brothers in combat as they continued to advance to Canterlot Castle.

The sound of angry yells could be heard throughout the castle grounds. Goro charged through a large group of Changelings, knocking them out of the way. His black tuxedo suit was slightly torn and covered in the bodily yellow fluid of the creatures. He sent a round house kick and knocked a Changeling away. Manda growled angrily as she glared at the three Changelings that charged towards her. She wore a knee length, shoulder-less aqua dress. Her heels were covered in the yellow bodily fluid of the creatures as well as her dress. Her dress had tears and her hair was a mess. Baragon, who’s brown tuxedo had tears as well, looked on in fear as she seethed. Never had he seen such a cheerful person as her suddenly explode with rage.

"You...YOU RUINED MY DRESS!!" screamed Manda in rage. She yelled angrily as she charged towards the Changelings and beat them to a pulp. Baragon gulped nervously. He then turned and found people attempting to flee the swarm of Changelings. He growled in annoyance as he picked up a sewer manhole. He grunted as he used his strength to throw the heavy, metal disk with all of his might. The manhole cover spun through the air like a Frisbee, slamming against a few of the Changelings. They turned their attention towards the Transmutants and a few split up and dive bombed towards the Transmutants. The Transmutants regrouped in a circle, watching their surroundings as the Changelings boxed them in. The Transmutants broke their circle and fought the Changelings, who were knocked to the ground, disarmed, crushed, and thrown around by the Transmutants. Baragon tossed a Changeling towards Goro, who slammed his fist against him and sent him down to the ground. Manda latched onto a Changeling and constricted her muscles against the creature, crushing his body. Manda released the Changeling and then tossed him towards another Changeling. She then backed away from more of the approaching Changelings and sided with Goro and Baragon.

"This is almost harder than the Diamond Dog attack." said Baragon with a grunt. Goro nodded in agreement.

"We have to remain strong so that the people can get to safety." said Goro.

"Where the heck are all the guards?!" shouted Manda. The sound of cries of agony reached their ears. The Transmutants turned and found the Changelings dropping to the ground, writhing in pain. From the crowd of Changelings came Junior swinging his katana along with Angirasu and Rodan. The three pushed through the Changelings with ease. The three Transmutants joined the rest in the circle as the number of Changelings that surrounded them had drastically decreased. Manda's eyes widened as she recognized Angirasu. She then looked to the other two and began to register who the rest were.

"Gojira?!" exclaimed Manda. Junior turned his head and nodded to her.

"Wow. Badasses in the house." said Baragon in an impressed tone. Junior glanced at Goro.

"Where is Celestia?" asked Junior.

"She's still inside of the castle with the Changeling Queen. She wanted us to give the citizens a chance to escape." said Goro. Junior growled from behind his face plate.

"Then keep up with what you're doing. I'm going to find the Queen and put an end to this." said Junior as he readied his blade.

"Gojira, the Queen isn't like the rest. She's managed to overpower the princess!" warned Manda with a worried expression. Rodan and Angirasu looked at Junior in worry.

"You two, stay out here and fight." said Junior as he broke off into a sprint.

"Gojira!" called Rodan and Angirasu in unison. Junior dashed through the Changelings and began to cut down anybody that got in his way. He slashed through their exoskeletons and shoved a few out of the way.

"Gojira, you crazy bastard." sighed Rodan as he steeled his muscles. The remaining Changelings charged at the remaining Transmutants, but they were beaten in seconds. The Transmutants searched their surroundings at the Changelings that lied scattered around them. Rodan retracted his gauntlet blades as he searched around.

"So far, so good. We just might win this thing!" said Rodan in confidence. The sound of magic beams being fired was heard. The Transmutants turned and found a tower near the castle, it was surrounded by Changelings that descended down onto the bridge that connected the tower to the castle. Magic bolts flew towards the Changelings, knocking them down to the ground. The sound of confetti being fired was heard as well. The Changelings landed near the tower and began to charge at whoever dared to resist them.

"Hey, someone could use our help up there!" said Rodan as he pointed towards the tower.

"OK. You two can go ahead. We'll remain down here and push back the Changelings." said Goro as he led Manda and Baragon down the street. Rodan and Angirasu nodded to each other as they sprinted across the road and leaped onto roof tops.

Goro and his team fought any Changeling that dared to cross their path. The creatures were flung all around the streets. As the Transmutants continued on, they spotted several guards fighting against the Changelings. One guard clashed blades with one of the Changelings, causing sparks to fly all around them. Another guard had thrust her spear against another Changeling and then kicked him off of the tip. An Elf guard fired his magic bolts from his hands at any Changeling that came close. Some of them were forced away from the attack, but others were beginning to crowd him. The guards were overrun by the constant approach of the flying insect humanoids. Goro and his team ran over to the guards to assist them in their battle. Baragon tackled a four eyed Changeling and pressed his thumbs against the two smaller eyes that were above its larger eyes. The creature shrieked in agony as Baragon applied pressure to its eyes and twisted his thumb against them. Goro grabbed a female Changeling by her leg and then swung her against two other Changelings that had tackled the guard with the spear. Manda ran over to the Elf guard and leapt over him. She drop kicked a Changeling that was airborne and forced him to the ground. As she landed, she dodged a green magic bolt that was fired from a Changeling, she then charged towards said Changeling and kneed him in the chin. She then grabbed the Changeling and threw him towards another Changeling that had dived towards her. The two collided in the air and fell to the ground in pain. Goro rushed over towards the guard with the spear and helped her to her feet.

"Hey, thanks a lot for the assist." said the guard as she panted.

"Where are the other guards?" asked Goro.

"We don't know. We were all divided across Canterlot in hopes of stopping the Changelings from spreading. If I were to guess, these damn things pretty much got us beat." said the guard.

"They plan to win with numbers." Goro said to himself. He then noticed additional Changelings approaching. He tensed as he glared at the swarm.

"Sir, you three should get to safety! We'll handle this!" said one of the guards.

"Hey, do you know who we are? We're the Transmutant of Mustangia!" said Baragon with a wicked grin. The guards looked to them in shock. The female guard with the spear looked over to Goro and found him removing the coat of his tuxedo.

"Like the Royal Guard, we are sworn to protect." said Goro as he popped his knuckles.

"Well, show us what you got." said another guard as he held his sword up. The guards and Transmutants prepared for battle, but there was a sudden bang. The sound of gunfire filled the air. The Transmutants and guards all jumped, startled by the sudden loud noise. Magic bolts flew behind them, over their heads. The bolts pierced through the Changelings, causing them to fall to the ground. The group turned and found something that they were not prepared to see.

"Secure a perimeter!" Ordered a man in a familiar, grey armor. The Transmutants' eyes widened as they spotted several MONARCH soldiers running along the streets with weapons in their grip. They steeled themselves, ready to fight. But, the soldiers merely ran passed them and fired upon more approaching Changelings. The bolts whizzed through the air and barraged the creatures, shooting them down. Goro and the other Transmutants looked on in shock at how they were not the ones they were being shot at.

"They must not suspect us." said Goro. The guards looked at the soldiers in confusion and noticed that one of them had the MONARCH insignia faded from what appeared to be scarred by a knife.

"Wait, MONARCH is not supposed to be here!" exclaimed a guard. From among the approaching soldiers stood Hayato Yoshi. He held a rifle firmly at his side as he stood next to a female hooded individual. Yoshi turned to the shorter woman that remained still.

"Are you certain that they are here?" asked Yoshi. The figure nodded to him as her blue eyes searched the area.

"I can sense them." replied the woman. Caesar approached the two from their side on all fours.

"We must focus on the task at hand. These Changelings will cause our safe haven's fall." said Caesar. The hooded woman nodded in agreement. She reached for her side from under her cloak and pulled out a metal rod. She pressed a button on the side and allowed it to extend from both sides as a staff. She twirled it in her grip as she ran into battle against the Changelings. She slid under a Changeling that swung a mace at her and then forced her staff against the back of his head. The woman stood up and swung her staff under his feet, knocking him to the ground and then swung down on his chest. As a Changeling approached her with a sword, the woman immediately turned and forced the sword away; she then leapt and kicked the Changeling away. She spun her metal staff, causing the sound of it hitting the wind to reach the ears of those close by. Yoshi smiled from under his helmet as he joined her in the fight. Caesar roared as he leapt onto a small building's roof and mauled any Changeling that he approached. From around Canterlot, dozens of more soldiers were appearing and firing their weapons at the Changelings. The building walls burst with green smoke as Changelings dive bombed across the streets. Another wave of them approached and was armed with swords, axes, maces and spears. Some even relied on their magic against these soldiers. The three Transmutants and the guards stared as the soldiers fought against the Changelings. Both sides received casualties.

"What the hell is going on here?!" exclaimed Baragon.


Twilight Sparkle panted as her hands were engulfed in her magic aura. She glared at the incoming Changelings, grunting as she shot her hands forward and fired beams of magic that knocked the Changelings out with a blast. She gasped as one of the Changelings dived towards her.

"Heads up!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she soared towards the Changeling. She reared her fist back and gave a right hook to the Changeling before he could attack Twilight. He screeched in pain as he was sent away and rolled along the ground. The Valkyrie grinned proudly and then flew towards another Changeling and tackled her from the air. She began to brawl with the creature as she hissed and glared at her with her four green colored insect eyes.

"Oh, you're an ugly one." said Rainbow in disgust as she stared at the four blinking eyes. The Changeling fired a bolt of magic from her hand as her horn illuminated.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Rainbow as she ducked under the bolt of magic. The Changeling gave an angry cry as she charged towards the Valkyrie. Suddenly, Applejack sent a roundhouse kick towards the insect and knocked her to the ground. Applejack gave Rainbow a look of disapproval.

"Don't get cocky!" scolded Applejack. Rainbow scowled in annoyance. She noticed Rarity approaching her with her fist reared back. Rainbow Dash sidestepped from the Elf's punch and then kneed her in the stomach. Applejack's widened in horror.

"What the hay are you doin'?!" exclaimed Applejack. Rainbow shrugged as Rarity dropped to her knees and groaned in pain.

"What? This is a Changeling!" said Rainbow as Rarity began to spark with green energy. The Elf suddenly transformed into a Changeling that groaned in pain. Rainbow pressed her hand against him as he fell to his side.

"Oh. My mistake." Applejack chuckled in embarrassment. She then looked around and found the real Rarity yelling as she sent quick jabs and kicks towards the Changeling that had took on her appearance.

"Gee, this is harder than it looks." said Applejack as she looked around to find multiple copies of her friends. Pinkie was firing her party cannon at a group of fake Twilights while Twilight fired her magic at Rainbow and Fluttershy imposters. Meanwhile, the real Fluttershy was screaming in terror as she ran away from a group of Pinkie Pies.

"Hang on, Flutters! We're coming!" shouted Rainbow as she broke off into a sprint. Rainbow leapt towards the imposters and sent quick punches as she dodged their attacks. Rainbow ducked under an imposter's kick and elbowed the Fluttershy imposter in the gut, she then flapped her wings and used them to thrust herself away from an undisguised Changeling. The creature snarled as he charged towards her and bared his fangs. Rainbow was about to attack, but the Changeling was struck down by Twilight's magic. Rainbow turned and found the Elf firing multiple magic bolts. The bolts flew around and struck several Changelings, knocking them out. Rarity helped a whimpering Fluttershy stand up to her feet. Rarity steeled her muscles as she got into a fighting stance.

"I will not stand for this! You ruffians will not harm dear Fluttershy!" said Rarity with a glare. The Changelings charged towards the pair as they screeched. Rarity gritted her teeth as she prepared to move, but two figures suddenly ran past her and Fluttershy. The larger figure charged towards three Changelings and punched the one in the front. The shorter figure sprinted towards the others and sent punches that were faster than the eye could follow. He then grabbed a Changeling's arm and slammed his elbow against it, causing the Changeling to drop on his knees in agony. The figure jabbed the Changeling in the throat and then threw him towards three other Changelings. Fluttershy gasped as she spotted the face of the larger man. Her heart pounded against her chest and her eyes widened. The man turned to find Rarity and Fluttershy standing a few feet behind him with wide eyes. Fluttershy's face broke into a large smile. She ran passed Rarity and made her way over to the Transmutant.

"Angirasu!" cried Fluttershy. Angirasu looked at her in surprise as she ran over to him with a look of joy on her face. She wrapped Angirasu into a tight hug, while the Transmutant stared down at her in disbelief. He lightly smiled and slowly returned the hug. Rarity stared in shock at the Transmutant that she never expected to see again. She turned and found a Changeling charging towards the Valkyrie and Transmutant.

"Look out!" cried Rarity. Angirasu released Fluttershy and turned to find the Changeling approaching. Suddenly, Rodan charged towards the Changeling and kicked him away. He scowled at Angirasu in annoyance.

"Save the hugs and kisses for later, you dork!" scolded Rodan. Angirasu and Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment.

'K-kiss?' thought Fluttershy as her cheeks brightened. Angirasu shook his head as he placed on a serious expression. He then looked to Rarity and Fluttershy.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Angirasu as a Changeling charged towards him. He then sent a powerful punch towards the creature and knocked him unconscious. Rarity rubbed her head after she flinched from witnessing the attack. She swore that she felt the Changeling's pain.

"We're trying to get to Canterlot Tower. We must get to the Elements of Harmony!" answered Rarity as she pointed ahead. Angirasu turned and found the tower just further away.

"Alright. Rodan and I will help you girls get there." said Angirasu as he unsheathed his kanabo. He turned and glared at the declining number of Changelings that were being fought off by Rodan and the other Element Bearers. He charged towards the Changelings that surrounded Pinkie Pie and then struck one in the back. The Changeling was knocked down as Angirasu continued on and sent a punch against another Changeling. The Transmutant then ducked under a magic bolt from another Changeling and thrusted the club against that creature's chest. Pinkie Pie grinned as she saw Angirasu.

"Angy!" cried Pinkie. Angirasu smiled in response with a nod. He then moved up ahead and assisted Rodan in fighting off the last of the Changelings. Rodan reached for a spear head that he had on his belt and then hooked a chain link to the loop that was on the handle. He swung the spear head as he allowed the chain to unfurl. Rodan then grabbed the handle the spear head and glared at a Changeling that had his hands locked onto Rainbow. She struggled to get the larger creature off of herself. Rodan then shot his hand forward, throwing the spearhead to fly towards the Changeling's back. The Changeling shrieked in agony as its exoskeleton was pierced by the spear. Rainbow jumped at the sudden agonized cry. The Changeling hunched over as he released Rainbow.

"Get your ass over here!" shouted Rodan as he yanked on the chain that was hooked to the spear handle. The Changeling cried out as he was forced off of his feet and was pulled towards Rodan. The Transmutant then sent his foot against the Changeling's back as he came within range. The Changeling was forced to the ground with Rodan standing over him. He then yanked the spear out of the creature's back and waved it around from the chains. Rainbow stared in awe at the hooded figure. Her eyes suddenly widened as her mind registered the voice.

"Rodan?!" exclaimed Rainbow. The Transmutant placed the spear back onto his belt and pulled back his hood. He then pulled the cloth that hid the lower half of his face, showing off a grin.

"The one and only!" said Rodan. Rainbow grinned in response as she rushed over to the Transmutant. She was about to wrap him into a hug but she immediately stopped. Rainbow instead punched him in the shoulder with a grin.

"Ow!" exclaimed Rodan as he rubbed his shoulder. Rainbow laughed.

"Where you been?" asked Rainbow.

"Eh. I was in Saddle Arabia, Neighpon, I went to prison, and I visited Mexicolt." said Rodan nonchalantly.

"You went to those places? Cool! Wait, did you just say you went to prison?!" exclaimed Rainbow with wide eyes. Rodan chuckled in embarrassment.

"It's not what you think." said Rodan. He then noticed that the Changelings that were around had stopped fighting. Rather, they were all unconscious, or severely injured. Angirasu sighed as he popped his shoulders. Twilight and Applejack rushed over to him.

"Wha- When did- How? I-" Twilight struggled to put her words into comprehensive sentences. She couldn't believe that the Transmutants that had been missing for months had finally returned. Suddenly, the sound of buzzing reached their ears. The group turned and found a swarm of Changelings approaching.

"No time to explain! Just get to what you've came here for! We'll cover you!" said Angirasu as he pointed towards the tower. Twilight nodded to him.

"Come on girls!" said Twilight as she and Applejack broke off into a sprint towards Canterlot Tower. The rest of the Element Bearers followed them as Rodan and Angirasu stayed behind. Twilight wanted to ask about Junior, but she was unable to get her thoughts together over the shock at seeing two of the Transmutants at a time like this. The two Transmutants faced the swarm that approached. Rodan extended the blades on his gauntlets as Angirasu tightened his grip on his kanabo. Rodan squinted his eyes.

"Hey, what the hell is that?" asked Rodan. Angirasu squinted his eyes as well in attempt to make out the clump of mass that was flying among the Changelings.

"It looks like a- Oh my god." said Angirasu with wide eyes. From among the Changelings was one that was much larger than the rest. Its large wings were beating in the wind. The creature had four eyes and its horn was small. Its mouth had large fangs and mandibles. The creature landed on the bridge, causing the ground around it to crack. The Changelings began to land behind it as they chuckled darkly. The larger Changeling was monstrous, standing around twelve feet tall with a large build. The exoskeleton was more armored compared to most Changelings. Its smaller two extra arms had a build that was greater than most Changelings, but they were still smaller compare to its larger arms. The creature stomped over to the Transmutants with a grin.

"I'm gonna knock your block off." said the Changeling in a deep voice as he popped his joints.

"We can take ya!" said Rodan as he raised his arms, showing off his bladed gauntlets as Angirasu steeled his muscles. From the edges of the bridge, three more Behemoth Changelings crawled onto the top. Two had two blue eyes while the third had four green eyes. The Changelings chuckled as they stared at the Transmutants.

"In our colony, we call members like these guys 'Bruisers'!" called a smaller Changeling from the back.

"Oh... shit." said Rodan as his shoulders slumped.

"You can say that again." said Angirasu as he chuckled nervously. The large Changelings roared as they charged towards Rodan and Angirasu. The two charged back, while Rodan moaned to himself in misery. Angirasu swung his kanabo against the head of one of the Bruisers, causing it to snarl in anger and backhand him away. Angirasu rolled along the bridge and fell off of the edge. He immediately grabbed the ledge to prevent himself from plummeting to his death. He sighed in relief but gulped as he looked down to find the long drop.

"Angirasu!!" cried Fluttershy. The Transmutant turned his head and gasped as he found Fluttershy and the other Element Bearers being surrounded by the smaller Changeling drones. Fluttershy wore a terrified expression, fearing for Angirasu's life. The Transmutant struggled to pull himself up but found one of the Bruisers approaching. The creature grabbed Angirasu by his head and raised him up. The creature laughed as he applied pressure to Angirasu's skull. The Transmutant groaned in pain as he felt his skull being crushed. Fluttershy cried out to him. Rodan ran towards the Bruiser and thrust his blades into the creature's back. The Bruiser shrieked in agony as he released Angirasu. The Transmutant dropped back onto the bridge and clutched his head.

"Watch out!" shouted Rodan as he kicked the Changeling off of his blades. Angirasu's eyes widened as the Changeling fell towards him. The Transmutant rolled out of the way as the creature fell over the edge. Angirasu stood up to his feet and found the rest of the Bruisers approaching him and Rodan. The creatures picked the Transmutants up and then flew away with them. The Transmutants struggled as they attempted to free themselves, but they were already far from Canterlot tower. Angirasu could hear Fluttershy calling his name from the distance. The Bruisers then crashed down to the street with the Transmutants, causing the ground around them to crack. The creatures chuckled as they raised themselves off of the ground.

"I don't see what the problem was. These guys were weaklings!" said a Bruiser. They suddenly heard the sound of groans. They looked down and found Angirasu and Rodan glaring at them.

"No way! They're still alive?!" exclaimed one of the Bruisers. The Transmutants rolled away from the Bruisers as they growled like beasts.

"Oh, this just got interesting!" said one of the Bruisers. Angirasu's teeth sharpened and his eyes became reptilian. His skin was beginning to darken and change into scales. He roared as he and Rodan grew in size.

From the corner of the street, Caesar was being ridden by the hooded figure as she held her staff. Caesar skidded to a halt as he spotted Angirasu and Rodan transforming. His eyes widened in shock as he saw their beastly forms. They brought back many memories to his past from thousands of years before.

"Could it be?" asked Caesar. The hooded figure slowly lowered her staff and stared at the Transmutants with wide eyes. Her heart leapt in her chest as she lightly smiled.

"Let's go!" said the figure. Caesar roared as he charged towards the Bruisers that had begun to fight the transformed Transmutants.

Back on the bridge, Fluttershy stared off into the distance in horror. Her knees felt weak and her body trembled from witnessing Angirasu and Rodan plummet to the street by the Changelings. Rainbow clenched her fist in anger and glared at the Changelings that emerged from Canterlot Tower, from whence they were hiding in. She yelled as she charged towards one of them and punched him. The Changelings that were close all suddenly tackled her and held her down.

"Let go of me! I'm gonna make you regret what you've done!" yelled Rainbow. One of the Changelings growled in annoyance.

"Can't we just make an example of this one? Let's break her wings and toss her off of the bridge." suggested the Changeling. The Element Bearers gasped in horror at the thought.

"Wow. You are one sick bastard." said one of the Changelings. The other Changeling shrugged in response.

"Just spit ballin'." replied the Changeling.

"We aren't killing any of them. The Queen wants them alive." said a Changeling wearing dark blue armor. He then knelt down and grabbed Rainbow Dash by her shoulder and stood her up.

"But if she doesn't behave, I will have to punish her." said the Changeling with a glare. Rainbow spat on his face, causing the Changeling to growl in anger. He then shoved her towards two Changelings.

"Take them away! Get that girl out of my sight!" ordered the Changeling.

"Yes, sir." said the Changelings. The two that held Rainbow began to fly with her with their hands holding her tightly. Rainbow attempted to struggle out of their hold but they merely tightened their grip. The rest of the Changelings began to usher the rest of the Element Bearers away from the tower. Twilight looked back to the tower in despair at her failure to gather Equestria's last means of defense. The sound of gunfire was heard. She and her friends along with the Changelings stopped and looked out to the city. Shouts, cries of anguish and agony could be heard throughout the city.

"We better keep moving." said a Changeling. The others nodded in agreement as they went back to leading the Element Bearers back to the castle.

Junior walked through the castle grounds as he held his katana at his side. He bore an angry expression as his armor was stained in the yellow liquid that filled the Changelings. His sword dripped the same liquid into the grass as he stepped through. Behind him was a trail of dead or wounded Changelings in his wake. He stopped as he found an empty area that led into a specific part of the castle where special ceremonies such as weddings were held. He thought it'd be his best bet since the door was wide open and there were a few royal guards that were sitting down and were bounded by a green slime. Junior rushed over towards the guards and knelt down near them.

"Who are you?" asked one of the guards.

"Not important right now. Where is Princess Celestia?" asked Junior.

"She's still inside with the Queen. We tried to fight them off but we didn't stand a chance!" said a guard. Junior looked to where he was headed and seethed. He then turned back and brought his katana down in between the guards on the slime, but was unable to cut through it. He growled in frustration as he yanked his sword from the slime.

"I can't free you guys. I have a method that might burn through this, but then I'd risk you guys being cooked alive." said Junior as he stood back up.

"So, what now?" asked a guard.

"I'm going in to save Celestia." said Junior as he headed for the steps. The guards disregarded Junior's informal way of referring to the princess but instead focused on what he planned.

"You can't go in there! The Queen is too powerful!" said a guard.

"Don't be a hero!" said another guard. Junior stopped and turned to face the guards.

"Hero? The Elements of Harmony are heroes. Me? I'm a monster." said Junior as he turned back and continued to walk up the steps. The guards watched him leave, wondering what he meant by calling himself a monster. Junior continued on up the steps and made his way through the door. He found himself inside of a large hall where several Changelings found him. The creatures snarled at him as they flared his wings, but Junior gave an animalistic growl back to the Changelings, causing them to recoil back.

"Don't try to intimidate me, you weak drones." said Junior as he slowly walked down the long hallway.

"I've come here for your Queen." said Junior as he twirled his katana in his grip. He then dragged the blade against the ground, causing the sound of steel grazing the marble floor to echo in the hall.

"Back down, and I'll spare you." said Junior in a threatening tone. The Changelings gave war cries as they charged towards Junior with their weapons in hand. Junior picked up his speed and charged towards them as well.

Chrysalis stood at the first step that led to the altar. The sound of struggling filled the room. From the windows, one could see the Changeling invasion in progress. She looked out the window and found armored soldiers fighting her army. She growled angrily. She then turned to find a drone standing behind her with a neutral expression.

"You! Tell the remaining forces that I want them down here to stop those soldiers!" ordered Chrysalis. The Changeling nodded as he bowed.

"It shall be done, my Queen." said the Changeling as he took off through the window. Chrysalis continued to hear the sound of struggling. She sighed in annoyance and turned to face the altar. Cadance stood on the altar several feet away from Shining Armor and Spike standing nervously at her side with a tuxedo and a top hat on his head. Her feet were covered in the green slime webbing that immobilized her. She was bound to the same spot, unable to move and reach her fiancé. Cadance's hair was a mess and her dress was ragged. Shining Armor stood in a red, officer's suit with a gold collar and cuffs and grey khakis. The starburst that was found on his Cutie mark was sewed onto a belt that wrapped around his shoulder and ran across his chest. The Elf's eyes were unfocused and stared off into space as they slightly glowed green. He slightly moaned like mindless zombie as he remained still.

"Shiny! Snap out of it!" cried Cadance as she tried to free herself.

"My dear, give it up. It's hopeless to escape!" said Queen Chrysalis. She then turned towards the ceiling and found a green chrysalis hanging. Inside was a green liquid that surrounded Celestia. The Avatar's hands were dark, as if they were burned. Her eyes were closed as she lied hung inside of the Chrysalis, unconscious. Her drones hovered next to the chrysalis with smiles.

"I was expecting this to be so easy. Of course, those soldiers outside have proven me wrong." said Chrysalis as she walked along the room. From the other side of the room were Blaire and a couple of other guards. They struggled as they attempted to free themselves. Blaire glared at the Changeling Queen.

"Damn you!" spat Blaire. Chrysalis merely ignored the guard and continued walk around. She grunted as she felt the side of her head. Her senses were clouded as she sensed cries of agony from her subjects nearby, warning her of an unstoppable enemy. The cries suddenly reached her hearing, causing her to gasp and to face the door. Everyone went silent as they heard the cries coming from behind the door along with an angry yell. The sound of something slamming against the walls was heard. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a wounded Changeling that clutched his bleeding arm.

"Mother, a demon is attacking! He's unstoppable! Unstoppa- Ah!" cried the Changeling as an armored hand grabbed him and pulled him back inside. The Changeling continued to cry out but was suddenly silenced. Everyone in the room waited nervously at what could have caused such fear. The Changelings that were in the room landed and got into a fighting position as they drew their weapons. Four larger and taller Changelings that were clad in armor and armed with metal staffs that sparked with magic at the ends got in front of Chrysalis as they prepared for the unknown enemy. The doors swung open, revealing Junior standing alone in his father's samurai armor. His blade dripped with the yellow liquid and his armor held the stains. Several Changelings lied dead or severely wounded in his wake. Chrysalis glared at the lone Transmutant while Junior glared back as the dragon face plate snarled at her. He then noticed Celestia trapped inside of chrysalis, causing him to growl angrily.

"Who is that?" asked Spike with wide eyes. He was in awe of this warrior that stood up to these Changelings. It was like a corny movie that involved samurai saving the day in a Western nation.

"Who dares to challenge my army?" demanded Chrysalis. Junior didn’t answer as he remained silent while he approached the Changeling drones. The Royal guards stared at him as he approached the Changelings. He twirled his blade in his grip as the sun light reflected off of the blade from the window and onto the walls. One of the Changelings gave a war cry as he charged towards Junior with his mace. He swung his weapon down on the Transmutant, but Junior side stepped from the attack and flipped his katana around to thrust his weapon behind himself. The Changeling groaned as his back was pierced by the cold, steel blade. Cadance gasped as she saw the violent act while Spike covered his eyes, shielding himself from witnessing the violent act. Junior pulled out the katana and kicked the Changeling to the ground. Chrysalis looked at him in surprise as Junior merely swung his sword, splattering the yellow liquid on the ground. He then waved his hand to himself, signaling the creatures to come at him. The Changelings growled in anger and screeched, charging towards him. Junior slowly walked towards them and caught the sword of one of the Changelings with his own blade. He forced him away and kicked a Changeling that came at his right. Junior then slashed a Changeling's chest, causing him to fall the ground in his own bodily fluid. Junior was suddenly struck by a Changeling's magic bolt and staggered back. The Transmutant ran towards the attacking Changeling and dismembered his arm. Cadance gasped in horror as she cupped her mouth. The guards watched as Junior grabbed the screaming Changeling and forced him towards the others. He then dodged the swing of a mace and punched a Changeling's leg, making him drop down to the ground and to be knocked unconscious by the butt of Junior's katana. The Changelings were defeated in mere seconds, leaving only Chrysalis and four of the armored Changelings. They snarled at him as they steeled themselves.

"They are intimidated by you." spoke the dragon's voice. Junior could see the creature's face in the reflection of his sword.

'They should be.' thought Junior as he charged towards the Changelings. Chrysalis stepped back.

"Take him, my royal guards!" ordered Chrysalis. The guards snarled as they charged towards Junior. They all performed acrobatic feats as they evaded Junior's attacks. The Transmutant grunted in frustration as one of them performed a front flip over his head. He landed and twirled his staff in his hands. The sound of the magic energy that sparked from both ends gave a whirring sound. The Changeling thrusted the staff towards Junior's head, but the Transmutant side stepped from the attack. He then grabbed the staff and yanked it away from the Changeling and drove it into his chest. The guard yelled in agony as his chest was burned by the energy. Junior turned and found another guard charging towards him. The Transmutant kicked his leg back and forced the Changeling several feet away. He crashed into the wall and dropped his weapon. Junior then pulled back the staff that he had held against the Changeling and swung it against his head. Junior was suddenly kicked against his helmet, causing him to stagger. He then caught the tip of another guard's staff, causing his blade to spark against the metal pole. Junior stepped away from the guard but he was attacked from behind. He yelled in pain as he felt the magic energy reach an exposed area of his armor, making him stagger away. He then found the guard who attacked him running towards him. Junior swung his katana at him but the guard leapt over him and landed behind him. Junior turned to swing his sword again but the Changeling had already kicked him in his chin. Junior was forced a few feet into the air by the strong kick but was struck back down as another guard leapt into the air over him and brought his staff down on his back. Junior landed on the ground and yelled in agony as the magic energy began to burn his skin through an exposed area near his lower spine.

"Keep him down!" shouted a Changeling guard as he rushed to assist. He then thrust his staff on Junior's leg. Junior continued to yell as his training kimono pants were breached and his skin was burned. Chrysalis laughed to herself as the other two guards thrust their spears against Junior's body. He yelled angrily as grabbed his katana again and swung at the leg of one of the guards, dismembering it. The guard yelled in agony as he dropped to the ground, allowing Junior to roll along the ground to cause the staffs to hit the ground instead. Junior stood up and rammed against the closest guard, bringing his sword down on the guard’s exposed forehead. Junior then released his blade and tackled another guard that attempted to swing his staff at him and sent powerful punches. The Transmutant yelled in pain as he felt the other guard strike him with the tip of the staff. He then immediately grabbed the guard that attacked him and began to strangle him. He drove him down towards the ground multiple times as he glared angrily at the Transmutant. He then threw the guard at the remaining guard that attempted to stand and knocked them both to the ground. Junior panted as he turned to face Chrysalis and picked up his katana. Junior then pointed it towards her and then brought the sword near his neck and made a slitting motion. The Queen held an angry expression.

"How dare you! You interfere with my takeover of Equestria, you kill my subjects, and now you threaten my life?!" demanded Chrysalis. Junior merely twirled his katana as he prepared to fight. From within the chrysalis, Celestia slowly began to open her eyes. The sounds were muffled to her from behind inside, but they were loud enough to cause her to awaken. Her eyes widened as she realized that she was trapped. She heard Chrysalis screaming in fury. The Avatar found an armored man standing before her as he prepared to attack. She found the armored figure and looked on in wonder.

'Who...who is that?' thought Celestia.

"You can't face her!" cried Cadance. Junior turned his head and looked to Cadance. She gulped nervously, intimidated by the samurai that had taken on highly skilled royal guards and Changeling soldiers with relative ease.

"She's...she's too powerful!" said Cadance. Spike nodded in agreement. Junior looked back to Chrysalis with a glare.

"She wouldn't be the first." said Junior. Blaire and Spike gasped as they recognized his voice. Blaire struggled to free herself.

"Goji! Goji, is that you?!" exclaimed Blaire with frightened eyes. Cadance's eyes widened as she recognized the nickname. Junior cursed under his breath as he lowered his head. He chose not to respond. He instead glared back at the Queen and began to twirl his blade. He then charged towards Chrysalis.

"Goji!!" cried Blaire. Celestia remained silent, unable to make out the identity of the samurai and what one of her guards was saying. Her eyes widened as she found that the samurai was approaching Chrysalis for an attack.

'Don't be a fool!' thought Celestia.

Junior swung his sword towards Chrysalis but she merely kicked Junior in his chest, sending him several feet away. Junior slid across the ground and began to groan. He slowly stood up and glared at Chrysalis. The Queen's horn glowed as well as her hands. Swords that were dropped by the dead and unconscious Changelings were levitated into her grip. She glared at Junior as she held them firmly in her hands.

"If you want my head, you'll have to come get it from my lifeless body." said Chrysalis. Junior suddenly burst into a sprint and charged towards Chrysalis.

"Fine by me!" said Junior. The two charged towards each other and clashed blades. Sparks flew around them. Chrysalis bared her fangs at Junior as her dual swords pressed against his katana.

Outside of the castle, Yoshi and Koizumi stood back to back as a swarm of Changelings surrounded them. Yoshi fired his rifle, mowing down every Changeling that was in his line of fire. Koizumi fired his dual submachine guns and shot down any Changeling that attempted to close in. The two switched sides as certain Changelings attempted to tackle them. Yoshi slammed his rifle against a Changeling as Koizumi threw his machine guns to the ground and pulled out his katanas. He began to cut down any Changeling that got in his way. Their bodies were sliced and diced from the steel blades.

"Bitch!" shouted Koizumi as he performed a roundhouse kick against a Changeling. Yoshi pulled out a shotgun that was magnetized to the plate on his armored back and fired at the Changelings. Inoue appeared at his side and fired her rifle at the Changelings with Yoshi. Koizumi ignited his thruster pack as he leapt into the air and was propelled towards several Changelings. He spun around as he held out his katanas. The blades cut through the creatures and caused them to fall to the ground. Koizumi landed and then bowed.

"Thank you! Thank you!" said Koizumi as he bowed at the approaching Changelings. He then grinned wickedly and then burst into a sprint.

"I guess you folks aren't into flashy performances!" said Koizumi as he decapitated a Changeling and sliced through the rest. The soldier stopped as he spotted monstrous creatures running down the streets. He spotted Baragon, Manda and Goro running down the street, chasing after Changelings. Manda dove towards the Changelings and wrapped her body around them. She roared as she constricted her muscles. Goro swung his tail at any Changeling that attempted to spear him. Baragon charged towards a Bruiser Changeling and tackled him to the ground. He roared as he mauled his neck.

"Oh, shit." said Koizumi. Yoshi turned and his eyes widened.

"Looks like we might win this after all." said Yoshi with a smile.

"Wait, you never had faith in us winning?!" exclaimed Inoue with an appalled expression. Yoshi went stiff.

"I-I didn't say that!" said Yoshi, frantically.

"Were you thinking it?!" demanded Inoue.

"Of course not!" said Yoshi. Suddenly, several more Changelings dropped near them. He sighed in annoyance.

"Let's talk about this later." said Yoshi.

"If we survive!" spat Inoue. Yoshi sighed.

"I should've kept my mouth shut." muttered Yoshi. More gunfire filled the air. Down the streets, the rebels were leading people to safety. But little by little, their numbers in able bodied units declined. Changelings were firing their slimed webbing from their hands, created by their magic abilities. The rebels were struggling to escape but it was futile. The rest of the Changeling army was retaliating with full force against all resistance.

The Element Bearers were led through the castle grounds. They all remained silent as the Changelings kept spears pointed at them and ushered them up the stairs to where their Queen was. Twilight kept a frown as she walked up the steps with her friends. Rainbow wore a scowl as the Changelings held her by her arms in the air. The Changelings in front opened the doors but stopped at what they saw. The Element Bearers all looked on in shock at what they saw. Dead Changelings littered the hall along with some that were barely alive. Their wings twitched as they lied on the ground. One of the Changelings leading the group rushed towards one that sat on his rear, clutching his dismembered arm.

"What happened?!" asked the Changeling. The wounded drone weakly looked up to him. He grabbed him by his shoulder as he shuddered.

"I'm...I'm sorry brother. He...he was too strong! He slaughtered us!" said the Changeling. He then began to cough furiously. The main six found themselves growing sympathetic towards watching the two. The healthy Changeling held his brother's hand and held it tightly.

"Where is mother? Is she alright?" asked the Changeling, urgently.

"I don't know. The demon went inside and hasn't come out." said the wounded Changeling.

"Demon?" asked Twilight in confusion. The Changeling looked towards a few of his brothers.

"You three! Tend to the wounded!" ordered the Changeling. Three of the Changelings nodded in response and ran towards any that were still alive. Five remaining Changelings remained with the Main six and kept their spears pointed at them. The commanding officer made his way down the hall and led everyone towards the door. The faint sound of yelling and blades clashing could be heard. The Changeling opened the double door and revealed Chrysalis leaping away from a samurai in grey armor. The samurai yelled angrily as he swung his sword at Chrysalis, which she leapt over him and brought her swords down on his back. The samurai brought his sword behind his back and caught the swords, and then spun around and then cut Chrysalis's arm.

"Gah!" yelled Chrysalis in pain as her arm bled. The samurai was about to stab the Queen, but he was kicked by her and sent flying towards the wall. Chrysalis laughed manically as Junior slumped against the wall. His face plate was falling down and his helmet was crooked. The Element Bearers stared in shock at what they had witnessed. Chrysalis turned around and found the Element Bearers standing in the door way with her subjects.

"Enjoyed the show?" asked Chrysalis.

"My Queen, is he the one who slaughtered our brothers?!" asked one of the Changelings. Chrysalis solemnly nodded.

"Yes, my son." answered Chrysalis. The drones glared at Junior as he slowly rose to his feet.

"May we gut this bastard and hang him from his entrails?" asked one of the Changelings.

"No!" cried Blaire as she and the royal guards struggled to free themselves.

"That will not be necessary. I am already punishing this insolent fool." said Chrysalis as she walked over to Junior. The Transmutant growled as his irises widened and became reptilian. He yelled as he charged towards Chrysalis and clashed blades with her. The Queen blocked each attack, tossing one of her swords into the air and catching it with her clawed foot. She then quickly stood on one of her hands and swung her leg at Junior. The Transmutant blocked the sword that was held by her foot and was forced to dodge her when she dropped back down to her feet and swung the sword that was in her hand. The girls were moved to the side of the room, near the guards as they watched the Transmutant and Changeling fight. Chrysalis slammed her blades against Junior's, both were locked together as the sharp edges grazed each other.

"Did you really think that you could beat me? Did you think that you could win?" asked Chrysalis as she forced Junior away and began to spin with her swords as a tornado. Junior stumbled back as he attempted to block each attack. He was suddenly grazed on his arm, causing him to grunt.

"Did you think that you would have received the glory of slaying the Queen of the Changelings?!" demanded Chrysalis as she hopped over Junior's sword and landed on her hands. She then sent a powerful kick towards his face, causing his face plate to loosen. He spun around and fell to the ground. The girls flinched as they watched Chrysalis began to stomp on him. Blaire's eyes were running with tears as she attempted to free herself. Spike bit his claws as he watched Junior ruthlessly attacked. Celestia was struggling to escape her prison, causing the chrysalis to wiggle from the ceiling. Junior panted as he glared at Chrysalis. She then stomped on his helmet, making him drop his head against the marble floor. Fluttershy cupped her hands over her mouth as she watched the warrior suffer. Junior groaned as the floor around him cracked.

"Stop! Stop, you're going to kill him!!" cried Blaire. Twilight glanced at the guard and was surprised to find her crying her eyes out. She wondered what possible relationship she had with this man that has caused her so much grief. Junior growled as his body went through slight physical changes. His muscles slightly grew and he felt his dorsal plates threatening to burst from his spine. His teeth grew sharp from behind his helmet and the skin around his face was slightly covered in light grey scales. Junior pushed himself off of the ground and forced Chrysalis back. The Changeling yelled as she forced her aura engulfed hand against his chest, firing a beam of magic towards his chest. Junior cried out in agony as the magic sent him crashing towards the wall. Chrysalis kept her attack going while Blaire pleaded to the Queen to stop. Junior continued yelling in agony as his body was forced against the wall. Chrysalis stopped her attack and allowed Junior to fall onto his hands and knees. He panted heavily as his chest smoked while Chrysalis stalked towards him as he slowly stood to his feet.

"You are fool! Just stay down!" said Chrysalis in annoyance. Junior reached for his armored chest plate and forced it off of his chest, tearing the strap that held it together with his back armor piece. He tossed it to the ground, revealing his kimono underneath. Junior then reached for the gauntlet and forced it off and then for the other gauntlet. He revealed his muscle toned arms that were covered in cuts from the battle. He breathed heavily as he used his sword to hold himself up. He began to wheeze as he hunched over.

"How is this guy still going?" asked Rainbow in a shocked tone. Junior glared at Chrysalis as he held his sword up.

"Stop fighting, you idiot! You'll get yourself killed!" cried Blaire. Junior didn't listen. He instead charged towards Chrysalis. Twilight's heart raced as she watched the samurai recklessly throw his life away. She then noticed the abnormal traits on his body. His arms appeared as if they were slightly covered in scales. His body mass seemed unlikely to wear the samurai armor to the point where it would be possible to move agilely the way she had seen him.

"I said..." Chrysalis sent her foot forward and caught Junior's helmet with her clawed toes and forced him down to the ground on his back. She then leaned over him with a glare.

"...Stay. Down." said Chrysalis. Junior grabbed her foot and dug his black claws, causing her to yell in pain. Chrysalis tightened her claws that were attached to her foot and raised her leg, forcing Junior to his feet and fired a beam of magic against his chest. She released him, allowing Junior to fly several feet back. His scarred chest was revealed as the bolt had burned through his training kimono and his skin. Junior tried to stand but fell onto his back. Chrysalis dropped her swords and walked over to Junior and grabbed him by his neck, dragging him along. She looked to the main six with a glare.

"The reception has been canceled." said Chrysalis. She then turned to the Changelings.

"Go and feed my children! Equestria is ours for the taking!" said Chrysalis in triumph. The Changelings left the Element Bearers alone and flew out the door. Chrysalis shut the double doors with her magic and locked them. She chuckled darkly as she walked over to Twilight.

"It's funny really. Twilight here was suspicious about my behavior all along." said Chrysalis as she brought her hand under Twilight's chin and raised her head to face hers. Twilight glared at her and pushed her hand away. She then noticed the samurai lightly groaning in a raspy voice as his head slumped down. She frowned at the sight.

"Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize her suspicions were correct!" Chrysalis laughed sinisterly as she flew with Junior in her grip. She then threw him to the other side of the room and allowed him to crash into the wall. He slumped down as he weakly looked over to Chrysalis with a weak glare. Fluttershy rushed over to the samurai in attempt to help him. She reached for his helmet but he gently pushed her hand away and shook his head. He lied down and attempted to catch his breaths. Fluttershy gasped as she noticed the scar that ran over his chest and the small amount of scales that decorated his mammalian flesh. The scales began to disappear and fuse back into his body as mammalian flesh. She stared at the man with wide eyes.

'Could he be a...Transmutant?' thought Fluttershy. There was no other being that she could think of could have these sorts of changes to the body like a Transmutant.

"Sorry Twi. We should've listened to you." apologized Applejack as she looked down to the ground solemnly.

"It's not your fault. She fooled everybody." said Twilight.

"I did, didn't I?" said Chrysalis with a smirk. Junior's mind slipped out of consciousness. He found himself in darkness, sitting alone in a circle of flames. The Transmutant slowly looked up to find the dark dragon staring down at him.

"Disappointing." said the dragon. Junior sighed.

"Tell me about it." said Junior.

"Tell me, why do you not want the one you call, Fluttershy, to see your face?" asked the dragon.

"I can't. How can I face them again after all of this time?" asked Junior.

"You're a fool! Who cares what they will think of you? Humans are all the same! You know this!" said the dragon.

"No, they are not." said Junior. He sighed. "But I can't be sure if they will accept me with open arms."

"You'll never know until you fight and kill every last one of these Changelings." said the dragon.

"I'll only appear more as a monster." said Junior as he looked down. The dragon sighed.

"If that is your reason for not acting, then your former human friends will likely perish or be enslaved." said the dragon. Junior clenched his fists in anger.

"Tell me, what do you care? All you want me to do is kill everyone who wronged me. Why do you care about them?" asked Junior.

"I don't. But you do." said the dragon. Junior looked to the dragon in surprise. Suddenly, the creature disappeared into dust. Junior hardened his eyes.

Junior's eyes shot open and he found himself staring at Chrysalis as she grabbed Twilight by her throat. The Elf tried to pry the Changeling's hands off but it was hopeless. Her legs dangled in the air as Chrysalis held her high.

"You dare to defy me?!" demanded Chrysalis. Twilight choked as she struggled to breath.

"Twilight!" cried the other Elements of Harmony in unison. Junior's irises grew and his muscle mass grew in size. He slammed his fist against the ground and stood up. Fluttershy backed away from Junior as he stood to his feet. He charged towards Chrysalis and slammed against her. She released Twilight, causing the Elf to fall to the ground. She coughed furiously as she clutched her throat. Rarity rushed to her side with a worried look.

"Help...me get to Cadance!" said Twilight. Rarity began to walk Twilight towards the altar and to the Avatar. Twilight shot her hands at the slime that encased Cadance's feet and disintegrated it with a beam of magic.

"Quick, go to him while you still can!" said Twilight. Cadance nodded and rushed over to Shining Armor as he remained in his mindless state. Junior slammed Chrysalis against the wall of the room and slammed her against it repeatedly. The Changeling stomped on his foot, causing the Transmutant to groan in pain and flinch. Chrysalis took advantage of this and punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Chrysalis grabbed him by the shoulder and repeatedly punch Junior in his stomach. Her strength rocked his insides and bones. Junior dropped to his knees as he wheezed for air. Chrysalis then reared her leg back and kicked Junior against his face plate. The Transmutant flew a few feet away as his face plate disconnected from his helmet. Junior rolled along the ground as his helmet fell off of his head. Junior rolled onto his stomach as he coughed furiously. His blood dripped to the ground, originating from the Changeling's strength that had injured his internal organs. The main six stared at him as they waited to see the Transmutant's face. Celestia watched from her prison as well. The Queen chuckled as she stalked over towards Junior. She suddenly heard a groan coming from the altar. She turned and found Cadance and Shining Armor, who seemed to have been released from his hypnotized state. He rubbed his head as he groaned.

"Is...is the wedding over?" asked Shining Armor in a weak tone. Cadance wrapped him into a tight embrace as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks. Chrysalis laughed as she turned away from the Transmutant.

"It's all over!" said Chrysalis.

"Your spell! Perform your spell!" said Twilight in urgency. Chrysalis laughed maniacally.

"What good would that do? My Changelings already roam free!" said Chrysalis as she gestured out to the window. The Changeling army swarmed the city, causing panic in the streets. Some dive bombed into the streets like green comets, causing smoke to rise from their craters.

"No!" said Shining Armor with dread. His hands dimly glowed from his magic aura as he strained to soak up every ounce of his strength to perform his spell. He hunched over as he broke into a sweat.

"My power is useless now. I don't have the strength to repel them!" said Shining Armor in exhaustion. Junior slowly raised his head up as his eyes took on their reptilian appearance as his claws began to grow. He spat his human teeth out, which were replaced by his predatory teeth.

"My love will give you strength." said Cadance as she hugged Shining Armor. Chrysalis laughed as she walked away.

"What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment." mocked Chrysalis. Junior chuckled as he reached for his helmet. The humans and drake in the room looked towards him as he slowly rose to his feet. Junior then tossed his helmet at Chrysalis's back, causing her to turn around with a look of annoyance on her face. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Junior's face. Twilight gasped as she saw Junior's face. Blaire gritted her teeth as she saw the smirk in his face. Celestia's eyes widened as she found Junior standing before the Changeling. He reached for the rag that was wrapped over his head and removed it, allowing his hair to be exposed. It was slightly pressed down against his skull due to it being covered by the rag with the helmet.

"You! You're just a child!" said Chrysalis in anger. She was infuriated that her soldiers and guards were unable to handle a young man that likely should not have as much as experience in combat.

"Surprise~" said Junior mockingly.

"I will crush your skull beneath my heel, boy!" shouted Chrysalis as she charged towards Junior. The Transmutant charged as well, ignoring Blaire's pleading for him to stop. Chrysalis grabbed Junior by his head and slammed him to the ground. She was about to stomp on his skull but he rolled out of the way. Junior instead lunged at her as he snarled like a beast, revealing his sharp teeth. Chrysalis fell onto her back and caught him by the shoulders. Junior snapped his jaws at her as he attempted to maul her neck. Chrysalis shoved him away and pressed her hand against his face as it was engulfed in a magic aura. Junior yelled as he tried to lunge back at her but the Queen fired a beam of magic against his face. Junior yelled in agony as his face was burned. The main six and Blaire screamed in terror as they saw the beam collide with his face. Junior fell onto his back as his eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Thanks to his durability and Chrysalis's least amount of power placed into her attack, his face suffered only with minor burns. The surface of his face was now pink with the visible burn scarring that ran along his cheeks. Fluttershy cupped her hands over her mouth as she trembled. Pinkie's hair had lost its messy puff and merely hung at her shoulders as she stared at Junior in despair. Blaire cried out to Junior as he lied motionless on his back. Rarity stared at his reptilian eyes as they slowly began to return to being more human-like and was overcome with worry and fear for his life. Twilight attempted to run out to him but Applejack and Rainbow held her back as Chrysalis approached Junior. The Changeling held a hateful glare towards him as Junior's eyes lazily looked over to Chrysalis.

Celestia attempted to free herself from the chrysalis with little strength that she had. She cried out to Junior from her prison in despair. Chrysalis stalked closer to Junior as she levitated a sword to herself. She stomped on his chest, causing him to groan. Chrysalis raised her sword over his head as he stared weakly at her.

"This...was not supposed to end like this." said Junior weakly. Twilight hyperventilated as she watched Chrysalis brought her sword higher.

"I couldn't allow this day to end otherwise." said Chrysalis. Junior's eyes widened as he watched her tighten her grip on the sword. She then brought it down onto his skull.

"No!!" cried Twilight as she clenched her eyes shut. Silence filled the room. Blaire gasped as her eyes widened. The Elements of Harmony watched with shocked expressions at what they saw. Twilight opened her eyes and gasped. Junior's eyes were closed and his expression was calm. The sword's tip was only inches away from his face. He had caught it before it could strike him.

"What?!" exclaimed Chrysalis in anger. Junior opened his eyes, revealing neon blue orbs of light. The girls recoiled as they saw the pupil less eyes that glared at the Queen. Junior growled as he forced Chrysalis off of his chest and kept a tight hold of the blade. The Changeling struggled to pull away as she stared into Junior’s glowing eyes.

"What was it you said? You couldn't allow this to end otherwise?" asked Junior with a smirk. He then noticed Cadance of Shining Armor being engulfed in a magical aura. He chuckled to himself as he bent the sword and caused the edge of the blade to snap. Chrysalis gasped as she stumbled back. Junior kicked the Queen away, causing her to slide across the ground and near the window. She then noticed the light that was coming from the soon-to-be married couple. Suddenly, a burst of a raspberry sphere of magic expanded from all sides of the room, passing the humans, drake and Transmutant.

"No!!!!" screamed Chrysalis as she was repelled away out of the window along with the dead and unconscious bodies of the Changelings. Outside of the building, the Changeling army gasped and turned to find the sphere approaching. Soon, they were all repelled from Canterlot and were scattered throughout the land. Their cries echoed as they were forced away. The rebels and guards that were trapped in the slime webbing were freed as the substance disintegrated. They slowly stood up and found that none of their enemies were in sight. Yoshi smiled under his helmet as he looked at his comrades.

Back inside where the wedding was meant to be held, the pink winged Avatar and captain of the royal guard descended down back onto the altar. The two wrapped each other into an embrace. Junior panted as his glowing eyes died down. He turned to find Celestia panting as she lied down on the ground with her head lowered. He dropped the tip of the sword that he had broken and ran over to her. The Transmutant knelt down next to her and took her hand. The Avatar looked up to find Junior's worried expression. She stared at his scarred face and into his yellow eyes. Her lips quivered as her eyes glistened with tears. She gently placed a hand on his face, causing Junior to scrunch his face a bit from the tenderness of his scar. Celestia immediately pulled her hand away, opting instead to get on her knees and wrapped Junior into a tight embrace. The Sun Princess sobbed with joy as she held Junior tightly. The Transmutant allowed his tears to trail down his scarred face as he hugged his adoptive mother.

"I missed you so much!" cried Celestia.

"I missed you too." said Junior with a small smile. The main six watched the scene with warm smiles as did the drake, the royal couple, and the guards. Blaire slowly made her way over to the pair as she removed her helmet. Junior heard her approaching and turned to find her giving him a glare. She wrapped him into a tight hug.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" yelled Blaire as she sobbed against Junior's shoulder. Junior frowned as he held his sister figure.

"I'm sorry, sis." apologized Junior. Twilight made her way over to Celestia and helped her to stand to her feet. Junior and Blaire released each other, both wearing a smile. Junior caught Twilight in the corner of his eye and slowly glanced at her. The Elf looked up to him with a frown.

"Uh..." Twilight was about to speak but she was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. Junior immediately turned to face the window, hearing the sound of roars and gunfire.

"Oh, no." said Junior. He broke off into a sprint towards the door.

"Hey, wait!" called Twilight. Junior had already burst through the door and made his way outside. He made his way out to the streets, hearing the roars and shouts growing louder. Junior turned around the corner and found Rodan's and Angirasu's backs with three other Transmutant creatures. They appeared to be growling at something. Junior rushed over to his fellow Transmutants and walked in between Goro and Angirasu. His eyes widened as he spotted a few dozen MONARCH soldiers standing ahead with their guns pointed at the Transmutants. Junior growled angrily as he glared at the first soldier that he saw. His body began to grow his charcoal grey scales as his eyes changed.

"Any bright ideas, Yoshi?" asked Koizumi as he glared at Yoshi. The soldier kept his gun pointed at Junior as the Transmutant glared and bared his teeth at him.

'Wait, what are we doing?' thought Yoshi. He then lowered his weapon and placed it on the ground. He kicked the weapon to Junior's feet, who looked at it in confusion.

"The hell are you doing?!" whispered Inoue as she kept her weapon aimed at Angirasu. The armadillo-like dragon merely flared his nostrils and snarled at her, causing her to flinch.

"Drop your weapons." ordered Yoshi. The nearest soldiers looked at him disbelief. Koizumi chuckled to himself.

"Very funny!" said Koizumi.

"I'm not joking. Everyone, put the weapons down!" shouted Yoshi.

"Not until these assholes back off!" said a rebel. A few gave shouts in agreement. The Transmutants merely growled.

"Not a chance." said Junior as he stomped on Yoshi's rifle, causing it to break in half as it sparked with magic.

"That is an order! Put the damn weapons down!" shouted Yoshi. The rebels all reluctantly placed their rifles on the ground. Koizumi groaned in annoyance as he dropped his rifle on the ground as well. Yoshi raised his hands up as he slowly approached. Junior glared at Yoshi as he slowly stepped towards him.

"Easy, I just want to talk." said Yoshi.

"Yeah well, the last soldier that tried that, it didn't work out in the end." spat Junior. A few citizens peaked their heads out of hiding and began to watch the standoff anxiously.

"What is your name?" asked Yoshi.

"Gojira Takeshi the 2nd." answered Junior as he held his glare. He stopped a few feet away from the armored man. Yoshi kept his hands where Junior could see them, hoping to appear less hostile, but the rebels were anxious to drop back down, pick up their guns, and shoot these mutations. The Transmutants themselves felt the need to act, disliking the fact that Junior was close to one of them.

"Takeshi-san, my name is Hayato Yoshi. I'm a-"

"Yeah, I know what you are. And I should kill you right where you stand." said Junior in a threatening tone. The soldiers were about to intervene but then noticed a hooded figure walking past them. The main six, the guards, Celestia, Cadance, and Shining Armor all arrived at the corner of the street and began to witness the confrontation. Celestia's eyes widened as she spotted the soldiers. She looked on angrily at how MONARCH had set foot in her country when she had legally forbid them to enter.

"MONARCH has no place on Equestrian soil." said Celestia as she and a few guards approached the standoff. She wore a glare as she stared at Yoshi.

"I demand that you and your soldiers leave immediately!" shouted Celestia as she flared her white wings.

"We are no longer fighting for MONARCH. We are rebelling against them because we have learned how the leadership is corrupt." said Yoshi. Junior scoffed in response. Celestia looked to him in confusion but then shot him another glare. Yoshi turned back to face Junior. "Takeshi, we are not your enemies."

"Bullshit." said the Transmutants in unison.

"We never knew that our organization was solely responsible for the creation of Transmutants! Which is why we've come here, to warn Equestria of what MONARCH is planning." said Koizumi. Junior shook his head.

"Well, your twelve years too late, Yoshi. I don't think you understand how much pain and suffering that we've been through. Look at them!" said Junior as he gestured to the Transmutants. "Look at what your organization has brought on them!"

"These people have been forced to hide and to live in fear for all of their life because of MONARCH!" shouted Junior in anger.

"You're right, we'll never truly know what they've been through! But we want to make up for what happened! Only if you'll let us!" said Yoshi.

"Tell me why I should place my trust in someone, who served in an organization that was dedicated to break us, dehumanize us, and destroy us?!" demanded Junior as he got into Yoshi's face. The Transmutants growled as they prepared to act at the first sign of an attack. Some of the soldiers glanced at their guns while some watched anxiously. The citizens hid in their homes or in the corners of the street as they listened to the confrontation. Twilight gulped nervously, hoping that Junior would not make any rash actions. Yoshi was about to answer but sighed. He then noticed the hooded woman walking up to his side. Junior glared at the woman who approached.

"Because I already placed my trust in him." said the hooded woman. Junior's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the soft tone in her voice. Rodan and Angirasu looked to woman with wide eyes, drawing small breaths. The woman slowly removed her hood and revealed her snow white, short hair.

"Mosura?" asked Junior in disbelief. The Transmutant smiled warmly.

"Hi Goji." said Mosura. Junior felt his eyes watered as he slowly made his way over to her. He reached out to her to see if she was a living being. He felt her soft hair as Mosura gently reached for hands and held them tightly.

"That's impossible. Yo-you died." said Junior. Mosura smiled as she wrapped Junior into a tight hug.

"I'll explain later." said Mosura as she pulled away. She then gestured to the rebels.

"Gojira, these people are not our enemies. They're my allies. Some are even my friends." said Mosura as she smiled to Yoshi.

"With their help, we can finally stop the madness that's been plaguing us for so long. But we need to do it together." said Mosura. Junior looked to the rebels reluctantly and then looked back to Mosura.

"You actually trust them?" asked Junior. Mosura nodded to him.

"With my life." answered Mosura. Junior looked towards the Transmutants that were behind him and found their anxiety. He sighed.

"Fine." said Junior. He turned and began to make his way towards the Transmutants.

"Let's back off." said Junior. Baragon gave him a hard stare.

"I don't like this." said Baragon.

"Neither do I. But I've fought enough for one day. If Mosura says that they won't try to kill us while we aren't looking, then that's good enough for me. Besides..." Junior looked to Yoshi with a neutral expression. "...It'd be the biggest mistake any of them could make for the rest of their lives."

"We'll keep that in mind." said Yoshi. Junior smirked in response.

"Well, at least you seem smart enough to not push my buttons." said Junior. Yoshi nodded. Celestia sighed as she wore a look of disapproval.

"Since you will be remaining here, I expect you and your group to give me answers." said Celestia. Yoshi suddenly felt himself grow nervous under this Avatar's stern gaze.

"O-of course, your majesty." said Yoshi as he bowed. Junior looked to Celestia with a smile.

"I believe you guys still have a wedding to start. The interrogation can wait since these guys don't seem to be going anywhere." said Junior. Celestia smiled warmly at him.

"Twilight Sparkle!" called Celestia. The Elf went stiff as she was snapped out of her thoughts. The princess smiled to her.

"Could you find it in your heart to forgive me of my mistake and assist in preparing the wedding for the real Princess Cadance?" asked Celestia with a slight frown.

"Absolutely, your majesty." said Twilight.

Later that night...

Junior stood as he looked himself over in the mirror inside of a restroom. Beside him were Goro, Baragon, Angirasu and Rodan. Junior was looking at his face and began to feel around his skin. His burn scars slowly faded away up to his where his eyes were. Small traces remained of his burn scars near the eyes. He thought of himself lucky that he clenched his eyes shut, or else he possibly would have gone blind. The men were all dressed in tuxedos, preparing for the reception for the newlyweds.

"What happened to your scars? Your face was as pink as raw hamburger meat earlier." said Baragon. The other Transmutants chuckled in amusement.

"Shut up!" said Junior in embarrassment. He sighed as he wiped a wet towel over his face. "One thing that sets me apart from most Transmutants is that I can regenerate my wounds at a faster rate than others."

"Bitchin'." said Baragon. Goro adjusted his tie. Rodan nudged Angirasu in the arm.

"Hey, hey. I saw how friendly you were getting in Fluttershy during the invasion." teased Rodan. Angirasu blushed in response.

"At least she seemed happy to see me." said Angirasu with a scowl.

"Hey, Rainbow was happy to see me!" said Rodan. Angirasu smirked.

"Love tap?" asked Angirasu.

"Likely." replied Rodan as he crossed his arms. Goro looked to Baragon with a sly smile.

"You can dance, right?" asked Goro.

"Yeah, why?" asked Baragon.

"Just want to make sure. Manda may want to hit the dance floor." said Goro. Baragon chuckled to himself. Junior scowled in annoyance at how the other men went on about the women in their lives while he didn’t have anybody like that. He sighed as he adjusted his collar.

"You alright man?" asked Rodan.

"I'm good." said Junior. He then made his way outside of the bathroom and found himself inside of a hall. The windows that ran along the hall revealed that people were dancing outside. He spotted Cadance and Shining Armor dancing together as Twilight sang.

"Love is in Bloom~ A beautiful bride, a handsome groom~" Twilight sang as she held a microphone and as Pinkie Pie hung with the DJ over the speakers. He lightly smiled as he listened to her voice. Although he had a problem where people would tend to break into song, it was times like this where he didn't mind that people sang. He also had to admit that he enjoyed hearing Twilight's singing voice. She was wearing a hot pink dress with her hair curled at her bangs and a band of pearls that wrapped around the crown of her head. On the pearls were aqua colored flowers on them. Celestia and Luna were dancing with the crowd of people.

"Wait, where the hell was Luna during all of this?" asked Junior in confusion. He then noticed the Transmutant males approaching him from behind. Rodan slapped him in the back.

"Come on! The night's still young." said Rodan. Junior sighed as he followed the Transmutants down the hall and towards the double doors that led outside. Junior separated from the group and parked himself near a bench. He sighed as he sat down with an exhausted expression. He heard footsteps approaching and found Mosura approaching.

"Hey there." said Mosura with a smile. Junior smiled back.

"Hey." said Junior. Mosura was wearing an orange dress with a white flower head pinned over her chest. The Transmutant sat next to Junior.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" asked Mosura.

"No reason. I'm just exhausted." said Junior. Mosura chuckled.

"So, your cousin got married." said Mosura. Junior nodded.

"Yep. Lucky her." said Junior.

"Heh. You jealous?" asked Mosura. Junior shook his head in amusement.

"I hope by jealous, you mean envious of her being able to spend the rest of her life with someone special in her life." said Junior.

"I'll take that as a yes." said Mosura. Junior leaned back on the bench.

“We're finally home." said Junior. Mosura smiled.

"Yep. Home sweet home. Which is why you should lighten up and enjoy yourself!" said Mosura as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I've just...gotten incredibly violent this last month. Mosura, you have no idea how angry I was when I thought that you had died." said Junior as he looked to her sadly. Mosura looked to his eyes and felt his pain.

"This past month, I think I've changed. I don't know how, but I don't feel the same." said Junior. Mosura frowned.

"It's guilt." said Mosura.

"Guilt?" asked Junior. Mosura nodded.

"You feel guilty for what you've done. You're afraid to tell anyone else because you fear that they will look at you differently. Like a monster." said Mosura. Junior sighed.

"Goji, although I don't approve of what you've done, I understand. I at least know that you acted on self-defense." said Mosura. She then smiled. "I'm just glad to know that you were at least willing to put your personal feelings aside to trust Yoshi and the other rebels."

"Not so fast." said Junior. Mosura looked to him in confusion. "I trust you. Yoshi and his band of rebels, they need to earn my trust. It's not easy to trust people whose job was to hunt you down and kill you."

"Goji, they're not like that. Yoshi is a really nice guy!" said Mosura. Junior cast a glance at her at her with a raised brow.

"Wait, do you...?" Junior tilted his head in confusion. Mosura raised a brow.

"Huh? Do I what?" asked Mosura. She then noticed Cadance approaching the pair, alone. Mosura stood to her feet and looked to Junior with a smile.

"Just give them a chance." said Mosura. Junior sighed as Mosura left. He then noticed Cadance slowly approaching.

"Hi." greeted Cadance with a nervous smile. Junior cleared his throat, uncomfortably.

"Hey." greeted Junior. The pair remained in an awkward silence.

"Mind if I sit with you?" asked Cadance. Junior scooted over, allowing Cadance to take a seat next to him. The two watched the guests mingle together. Cadance glanced at Junior and found him staring off to space.

"Soooo...how are you?" asked Cadance.

"Well, better than I have been in months." replied Junior with a shrug. He then looked to her. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. I-I mean, I've been OK! You know, I was imprisoned under the castle by Chrysalis as she tried to steal my husband and take over Equestria." said Cadance in a nervous tone.

"If you had better days than me, you don't have to downgrade it so I won't feel so bad." said Junior.

"Sorry." apologized Cadance.

"Nah don't be. I'm just a downer today." said Junior. Cadance cleared her throat.

"So uh...what are you doing here by yourself?" asked Cadance.

"I usually remain alone so I won't be bothered." said Junior. Cadance frowned as she looked down.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't think I was a bother." said Cadance as she stood. Junior looked to her with wide eyes as he just registered the words that left his own mouth.

"No! I didn't mean you!" said Junior. Cadance looked to him in surprise. Junior blushed in embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You're not bothering me. I just meant assholes like Blueblood." said Junior. Cadance lightly laughed to herself as she sat back down.

"Oh yeah?" asked Cadance.

"Yep. I'm not a fan of characters like him with their pompous attitudes and such. You never struck me as such, so you're alright where you are." said Junior.

"That's nice to hear, cousin." said Cadance. Junior lightly smiled back. Cadance looked back at the crowd.

"Gojira, I don't want to sound rude or judgmental, but how...how do you have the nerve to kill?" asked Cadance in a nervous tone. Junior sighed.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked!" said Cadance, immediately regretting her question. She mentally scolded herself for ruining her chance to start over with him by asking such a question.

"Nerve? I don't know if that's what it's called." said Junior. Cadance glanced at him as he looked down at his hands.

"I never killed before until some time ago. Then, it was only to protect. But during the Changeling attack, I guess I could see how that it may not seem like that." said Junior.

"I didn't mean to-" Cadance was growing worried that she may have upset him over the topic.

"Be honest, were you afraid?" asked Junior. Cadance couldn't bring herself to answer the question. She looked away. Junior merely smiled.

"I don't blame you. One man taking on hundreds of Changelings without breaking a sweat is terrifying. I scare myself sometimes." confessed Junior.

"Well, despite what I felt, I was glad to know you returned. You did fight to protect us, even if you were forced to fight as you did." said Cadance with a smile. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You and the other Transmutants are heroes." said Cadance.

"Thanks." said Junior with a light smile. He was never called a hero before. Throughout his life he's been called a thug, a jerk, a freak, and a monster. He felt himself lighten up a bit after receiving a title that was more complimentary rather than derogatory. But, he felt that hero was not the right thing to call him. He never heard of heroes that killed. He noticed Twilight Sparkle approaching. Cadance looked to her in surprise as she looked to Junior with a nervous expression.

'I gotta face her someday.' thought Junior as he stood. He looked down to Twilight. He found it humorous that when she had ground a couple of inches since they had first met, he had later gained a few more inches over her.

"Hi, Twilight." greeted Junior. Twilight was about to speak but she instead looked away with a frown. She clenched her fist. Her mind thought back to how she worried about his well being and how she thought that he hated her for her reaction to his Transmutant side. The Elf looked to Junior with a harsh glare. The Transmutant raised a brow in response. Twilight reared her fist back and punched Junior's right cheek.

"Ouch!" said Junior as he rubbed his cheek. Cadance recoiled in shock at the act. Twilight breathed heavily as she kept her glare on Junior.

"That's for running away and worrying me to death!" shouted Twilight as she poked Junior in his chest. Junior sighed as he looked away with a frown. Twilight lightly smiled as her hand was engulfed in her magic aura. The Transmutant felt himself brought down closer to her level. She then took his face into her hands and leaned in to him. Twilight planted a kiss against his cheek. She then pulled away from him with a sad smile.

"That's for coming back home." said Twilight. Junior stared at her in surprise with a light blush appearing on his cheeks. Cadance giggled at the sight as she placed a hand over her mouth. Junior wrapped Twilight into an embrace. Twilight allowed a few tears of joy to run down her cheeks as she nuzzled against his shoulder.

"It's great to be home." said Junior.


Sunset Shimmer and Erika Shiragami were led through the halls of the base. The soldiers held neutral expressions as they were led into an office. A woman raised herself from her desk and made her way to the soldiers.

"Good to see you, Private Erika Shiragami and Private Sunset Shimmer." said the woman. The soldiers stood at attention.

"Ma'am." the pair said in unison.

"The Director has been waiting to hear your report on the Rebels' location." said the woman with a smile.

Author's Note:

New allies and a reunion with friends and family. And Mosura is alive?
Yep. I cheated you guys. I cheated all of you and I demand to know how many of you thought that she was gone for good!

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