• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 68: A Bite at the Big Apple Part 1

It was early morning. Junior's eyes furrowed as he swam through the ocean in his beast form while Adagio was right on his tail as he moved through the cold water. They had already been swimming for miles, only for them to take a short rest late in the night. Adagio panted as she swam after the Transmutant. Her top was all that she had brought on this journey, considering how her bottoms would be useless with a fish tail.

"Hey. Slow down. I'm exhausted," said Adagio as she began to slow down. Junior turned his head back and found the siren lagging behind. He sighed as he swam back to her and dove under her, allowing Adagio to grab onto his dorsal plates.

"I told you to stay at Fluttershy's cottage," said Junior as he returned on course with Adagio on his back.

"Because you still haven't told me what's going on," said Adagio. Junior sighed.

"OK. Adagio, you know I'm far from normal compared to other creatures in this world, right?" asked Junior.

"Well, I mean... Nothing is wrong with being different," said Adagio with a shrug.

"Except that I'm much more different than I realized. I've learned that I'm actually a human reincarnated from the spirit of an ancient creature known by Neighpon as a Kaiju," said Junior. Adagio looked at him in confusion.

"Wait. Huh?" Adagio tilted her head in response.

"In a previous life, I was a giant monster. So were Mosu and the others," said Junior. Adagio stuttered as she tried to think of a response.

"I uh... I... Alright, I'll take your word for it. I mean, you’re friends with talking bugs. Anything is possible, I guess," said Adagio in reluctance. She hopped that Junior didn't have a few screws loose in his head with this story.

"So, what are we doing out here?" asked Adagio.

"Amber said an attack is going to happen. The Revolutionaries have members that are a similar case as me. With them having the same power, you can bet that things will get ugly. I've seen these titans," said Junior. Adagio gulped nervously as she wondered what sort of things that the Transmutant claimed that he had witnessed.

"Right now, I'm looking for a geothermal vent on the ocean floor that's close enough to Manehattan to absorb the energy," said Junior.

"Wha-What happens after you do?" asked Adagio in reluctance. Junior merely furrowed his brows.

"We're about to find out for sure," said Junior as he picked up his speed.

"I can feel a hydro thermal vent's energy radiating some miles down here. We're almost there," said Junior.

Sunset was sluggishly walking through the vast wilderness that the Badlands had to offer. Her whole appearance was ragged as she traversed through the land. Her entire body suffered from exhaustion, due to her rarely stopping to rest lest she be captured again. Sunset mentally berated herself for doing something so stupid. She should have thought everything through before trying to confront Thanatos, but her stress and desire for answers had clouded her judgment, resulting in her current predicament. Or rather, she should have swallowed her guilt and simply asked for help. It wouldn't have hurt to ask Junior or even Celestia, but she just couldn't forgive herself for what she had done.

As Sunset walked, she stumbled and tripped over a stone, causing Sunset to drop to the ground. She panted in exhaustion as she lied on her belly, unable to get back onto her feet. She was completely vulnerable, hearing the howl of some creature. Sunset struggled to get back onto her feet, refusing to lie down and die. However, her body demanded that she rest. Sunset plopped back down onto the ground, feeling her eyes grow heavy.

"No. Stay... Stay awake," muttered Sunset as her vision darkened. The last thing that she saw was a silhouette of a winged figure headed down towards her. Then, Sunset blacked out.

Sunset's eyes suddenly shot wide open. She quickly shot up as she began to pant, grunting as she clutched her aching shoulder. Sunset looked around and found herself in a bedroom. She winced as she sluggishly got out of bed, finding herself covered in her pajamas. As her feet touched the wooden floor, Sunset had fully been able to recognize where she was. She was present inside of Twilight's home, the Golden Oaks Library. She heard muffled conversations just beyond the room, prompting Sunset to make her way to the doorway. She opened the door, with the voices growing more coherent.

"W-wait, what?!" Twilight exclaimed with a sound of disbelief. Sunset peeked through the door and found that Twilight and the rest of the element bearers, two of the sirens, and three of Junior’s Transmutants were in the library with Amber and a couple of other fairies.

"Gojira has left for Manehattan yesterday to prevent a coming attack. The Kaiju will rise again, bringing about a war that will determine the fate of the very world itself," said Amber. Rainbow rubbed her head as she groaned.

"Yeah, you already said that. But that's nuts. You're saying that there used to be giant monsters that lived a long time ago, and that our friends are their reincarnations?" asked Rainbow Dash in disbelief. Rarity nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I must admit. It's a lot to take in," said Rarity.

"I thought Kaiju were just a myth. At least, that's what I came to understand based on Gojira's familiarity with the legends," said Twilight. She shook her head.

"Not to mention that you're saying that the spirits of these creatures have come down to our world. Ghosts and spirits are fictitious, you can't expect us to believe that's what that light was last night," said Twilight. Sunset opened the door further, causing it to creak. This drew the attention of everyone else in the room.

"Sunset!" cried Erika as she made her way over to her friend's side. Sunset held her shoulder as she looked down at the ground.

"What she's saying is true, Twilight," said Sunset in a low tone. Twilight looked at her in confusion while Sunset came closer to the group.

"The Kaiju. Their spirits. They're all real. I've seen them. I even witnessed Tartarus's gates destroyed," said Sunset as she held a hand over her head. Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"W-Wait, Tartarus's gates were destroyed?" asked Twilight. Sunset nodded.

"They were. I saw two giant spirits emerge from the darkness. A three-headed dragon and some kind of demon with a single horn," said Sunset. The Transmutants gave each other knowing looks.

"Ghidorah and Destoroyah," said Angirasu.

"Wait a minute, Sugarcube, you were there?!" exclaimed Applejack. Sunset nodded as she gritted her teeth.

"I was. In fact, it's my fault that this is all happening now. I tried confronting the elves that kidnapped me about the visions I kept seeing. The Avatar Amulet and something called the Arum Dragon. I was careless and so desperate for answers that I asked Discord to help me find them. They took the power from that... that monster that was inside of me! They used everything they had to open Tartarus's gates and brought those spirits here. It's all my fault," said Sunset as she trembled as her eyes watered. She thought she was protecting everybody by taking the task on alone, but instead she doomed the world.

"I'm so sorry! I should've talked to you about this! I was an idiot for doing this!" sobbed Sunset. Erika made her way over to Sunset and wrapped her into a comforting hug. The rest looked at her with frowns.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. It's Discord's fault too since he was the one that thought it was a good idea to send you there," said Rainbow with a look of annoyance as she thought back to the Draconequus. Fluttershy looked down in disappointment at the thought of Discord's careless action. She would have to have a talk with him later.

"It was bound to happen eventually. Besides, Discord should know better than to do something so irresponsible. I've always hated that about him," said Amber. The rest looked at her in surprise.

"Wait, you have a history with Discord like the princesses do?" asked Pinkie in confusion.

"You can say that. We knew him longer than Celestia. It's a long story. Maybe we'll tell you about it some time," said Amber as she began to flutter to the side.

"As of now, the rest of the Guardians are unable to assist Gojira in this fight, for they are not yet ready to control their power," said Amber. Twilight shook her head as she raised herself up.

"If what you're saying is true, we can't stand around and let things go on. We should step in! We have the Elements of Harmony, the princesses, and Discord on our side. We can stop what's coming!" said Twilight as she rushed towards a glass box that displayed the Elements of Harmony. She lifted the glass covering and levitated the Elements of Harmony towards her friends, who began to clip them on.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" exclaimed Amber in alarm as the Main Six began to leave the library.

"We're going to do our part in saving the day! Duh!" said Rainbow Dash.

"You can't! It's futile!" cried Amber as she and the fairies fluttered after the girls, while the Transmutants, Sirens, Erika and Sunset ran after them. The girls merely ignored the fairy. Equestria was in grave danger and they couldn't remain idle as a disaster was on the horizon. They were going to do whatever it takes to save their home.

Manehattan. Miles away from land...

A cargo ship sailed through Equestrian waters, letting off smog from the ship. The crew members shivered in the freezing weather, where some remnants of snow remained on the city's streets and partially froze the water in the harbor. The crew hoped that Winter Wrap- Up would come soon so that they may be able to do their job without freezing their butts off.

The pilot of the ship looked up to the sky with a grimace as he found dark clouds being moved over the city by the Valkyrie weather team. It looked like that Manehattan was scheduled for some rain for the day. He sighed in annoyance, knowing that the temperature was cold enough that some of those rain drops just may freeze over into ice. He pulled out a speaker to the radio and held it close.

"We're nearing the docks. Have everything ready for delivery," said the captain as his radio crackled. Then, thunder roared above, causing him to look up through the window and to find rain beginning to pour down onto the earth and ocean. He sighed heavily as water drenched his windows. He suddenly felt the ship rock violently, causing him to yelp as he stumbled in the bridge. The crew gave panicked cries as the ship rocked with the water, while the sound of their ship being hit filled their ears. Some of the cargo that was on deck began to tumble off from the top, falling. Some fell overboard, while a few ended up falling on those unfortunate to be below the cargo.

The captain panted as he regained his footing as the rocking lessened, but his eyes widened as he saw what looked to be a great wave rising passed the ship. Breaching from the hump-like wave came what appeared to be massive sharp stones rising out as well. As he found himself staring at the wave, he heard a shrill screech above. He gasped as he looked around, searching for the source.

Meanwhile in the clouds, the weather team jumped at the shrill sounds. They looked around, frantic to find the mysterious source.

"What the heck was that?!" exclaimed a female Valkyrie as she looked around.

"I don't know," said another Valkyrie as she looked around. The distant shrill screech echoed in the air above the city, along with the sound of gusts of wind being made. It sounded like heavy flapping, which rattled the bones of the humans in the air. As they looked around, the clouds were breached by a yellowish-green tip that tore through the clouds as thunder roared. The humans turned to find the structure to be miles away above in the clouds, tearing through the sky. As a flash of lightning struck, a silhouette of a massive winged figure appeared briefly in the sky. The Valkyries felt fear struck into their hearts at the sight of this massive figure, appearing as a serpent-like beast with four wings. As the silhouette disappeared, one Valkyrie began to breathe in panic.

"W-We gotta get out of here!" cried a Valkyrie as she quickly flied away.

"Wait! We gotta tell-" the second Valkyrie was interrupted as a loud groan pierced their ears. Just above the clouds, a massive figure swooped down, descending towards where the fleeing Valkyrie was present. The Valkyries stared in horror as the monster slammed into their coworker and disappeared from their sight. That was when they could get a better look at the creature.

The creature had a long neck, with a crest on the head and beak with sharp teeth. Its snake-like eyes bore a yellow tinge, and its scales were a sickly yellowish-green color. It had four limbs, where membranes were attached, making up four wings for the creature. It bore four zygodactly feet with sharp dark claws. The creature was dragon-like, but bore a short tail and seemed incapable of standing upright based on its physical build, opting to remain on all fours on its belly like a common lizard. The creature gave a shrieking roar as it flew down towards the city, catching rain on its scales.

The sounds of the Kaiju reached the hearing of the citizens down below, finding the monster above the tallest buildings. They gave screams of terror as the giant monster slammed into the top of a tall building, knocking off the roof and a few floors down to the street. The creature shrieked as it flapped its wings and remained perched onto the roof, while the humans below in the streets screamed as they began to run. The city was filled with screams, now that this colossal beast had made itself comfortable on the roof of a building.

As the citizens ran for their lives, the docks were experiencing another disaster. Workers that were near the warehouses just at the docks gave panicked cries as a massive wave rose towards them. From waves emerged a reptilian beast, which gave a monstrous bellow as it reached the edge of the docks. The water that it picked up splashed onto the docks, washing away the humans that were present. The water flooded the docks and at least twenty blocks worth of the city. People were washed away in the great flooding, drowning from their inability to swim or being crushed by debris. Some had found refuge inside of nearby buildings, though water threatened to flood inside as well. From the rooftops and windows of taller nearby buildings, people watched in horror as the flood washed away everything that was nearby. Carriages with horses still attached to them sunk to the bottom while street lights sparked and floated like sticks in a river.

The reptilian beast that had caused this flooding fully emerged out of the water and climbed onto the flooded dock. It was grey in color with rough scales, much like a crocodile. The creature itself appeared as a crocodile itself, but it bore six legs, spikes all over its back, and six nail-like spikes that stuck out of the end of its crocodile-like tail. The creature's head was not crocodile-like. Rather, its snout was short and its head was wide, bearing an armored frill that ran back and flat against its head, protecting the nape of its neck. The creature's sharp teeth were exposed out of its mouth. On the creature's snout were three horns that were aligned, running from the tip of the snout to the midsection of it.

The creature roared as it stomped through the streets, splashing through the water along the way as its spiked tail slammed into warehouses, causing them to crumble from the force of the creature's sheer size. The crocodile-like Kaiju, Rokmutul, charged through the flooded streets, kicking up more water further away. At his size of over a hundred feet, he slammed into a nearby tall building, causing a massive hole to be made in the side. Humans that were present on the floors that had felt this destruction had either been killed on impact, or fell to their deaths down below. Rokmutul roared as he swung his tail repeatedly against the building, causing more damage to it. Citizens watched from a distance as Rokmutul slammed his tail at the base of the building one last time, causing it to tumble down to the ground, slamming against a taller building. The standing building had prevented the other from completely falling over, but those that were still inside felt the tremor.

The second Kaiju, Tyrantdactly, leaped off the building that he was perched on, flying all around. He was slightly smaller than Rokmutul, allowing him to navigate between buildings while in the air and on the ground. His wings grazed the buildings that he flew between, causing debris to rain down on those below. He landed on the ground with a heavy thump, knocking people off their feet from his landing. Tyrantdactly screeched as he pecked down at clustered carriages below, devouring them along with their horses and those that were still trapped in the traffic. He continued to peck at the ground and graze at the asphalt with his mighty beak and teeth. Sirens blared across Manehattan, alerting those far from the edge of the city near the docks. Fires sent smoke into the air as the sound of screams echoed out into the noon. The rain came down upon the city as the sky darkened from the storm clouds and the smoke. The horrors that the people of Manehattan were experiencing had just begun.

Junior was swimming as fast as he could through the ocean. The temperatures were growing colder as he went further. It didn't bother him though, so he was able to press on while Adagio held onto his dorsal plates since she had been exhausted from the journey. However, he held a bad feeling in his gut that something awful was about to happen, even when he grew closer to his target

"Here!" cried Junior as he stopped. Adagio released him and her eyes widened as she found a stone-like pillar ahead in between hills of the sea floor. Dark clouds emerged out of the pillar, and she vaguely could feel the heat coming from the hydro thermal vent.

"Adagio, I need you to stay here. No matter what happens, you stay here," said Junior as he looked to the siren with a firm expression, who nodded reluctantly. Junior sighed as he swam towards the hydro thermal vent. Soon, as he swam towards the pillar below the hills, he could feel the heat, radiating from the magma that was below the crust. As he met the dark clouds and the general area of the thermal vent, he felt his body fill up with the natural energy from the earth. He closed his eyes as he flared his nostrils, absorbing the energy into his body. He opened his eyes, which began to flicker as neon blue orbs.

Celestia walked through the castle halls with her brows furrowed; her guards, along with the MONARCH rebels, flanked her. The princess had received word that a city in her kingdom was currently under attack by what was reported to be colossal monsters. By what Mosura had told her before, she was able to easily link up the monsters to the Kaiju, with Caesar and the fairies providing a more in-depth explanation. Celestia soon found Luna rearing down a second hall and joined her.

"We have more of the rebels ready to mobilize for an attack on the monsters. Soon their airship will reach the city," said Luna.

"We'll need more help in defending our people from this threat. Where is Discord?" asked Celestia. From the ceiling, the Draconequus appeared, startling the princesses and the guards and rebels that were with them.

"You called?" asked Discord. Celestia relaxed.

"Discord, we need your help. Manehattan is suffering from an attack of Kaiju. You should be familiar with them," said Celestia with a look of expectancy. She wouldn't dream that the spirit of chaos would have forgotten about them since Mosura had told them both. Not to mention they seemed up his alley of interest.

"Oh yes! They are fascinating! Do you need me to save the day?" asked Discord with interest. Celestia nodded to him as she bore a firm expression.

"Yes. Can Equestria... No, can I count on you?" asked Celestia. Discord raised a brow in surprise.

"Oh. You're asking me personally? I'm flattered, your highness," said Discord with a bow. Luna rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Are you in or not?" deadpanned Luna. Discord chuckled as he spun like a vortex. The princesses felt their hair blown through the wind as they held their dresses down as the air threatened to raise them up. Discord stopped spinning, with his appearance different. Instead of his brown suit jacket, Discord wore a purple mask over his eyes, along with a red spandex and purple gloves. A red cape with a purple underside hung on his back. At the center of his chest were two G's as an insignia, and on his waist, was a belt.

"Never fear! Captain Good Guy is here to save the day!" declared Discord in a heroic tone. Everyone looked at him in confusion. Luna stifled a snicker.

"What in Equestria is this?" asked Luna.

"My super persona! Now, let's be off!" said Discord as he took off into the air with his arm out, flying like a comic book super hero.

"He always was a strange one," snickered Luna. Celestia smiled warmly, with half amusement.

"We should encourage him. Goes to show that he's working to change as a reformed individual," said Celestia. She remembered that they had bad blood with the Draconequus, especially with his tyrannical reign a thousand years ago, but his current self was rather endearing and charming. She was happy that Fluttershy had managed to help him change.

"Move out!" ordered Celestia as she and her sister took the lead down the hall, following Discord out of the castle. Though as she looked around, she wondered where Caesar was during all of this. Surely, he should be present to assist in stopping this attack, since he was a Kaiju himself.

Meanwhile, Caesar himself remained seated on a rock just beneath the mountain that held Canterlot. He stared off into the sky, where the dark clouds were moved for a storm. He could hear the thunder roar and see the lightning strike from a distance. As he remained seated, he closed his eyes. He gave a small hum as he took small breaths. He opened his eyes.

"So, you've been awakened as well, my old friend," said Caesar. He got up to his paws and began to walk down the field. His eyes were soft with a look of nostalgia as he galloped through the fields, making his way east.

Twilight stared off into the window with a firm expression. The train that she and her friends had occupied was moving across the tracks, passing great fields and nearing their destination. She sighed as she looked out the window, hoping that wherever Junior was, he was safe. She felt a nudge on her shoulder, prompting her to look to her side and found Applejack taking a seat by her.

"So, what's the game plan?" asked Applejack. Twilight found that the rest of the girls had given her their full attention. Twilight cleared her throat. “We do what we always do. We try to get as close as possible and we use the Elements of Harmony to take care of them. After that's done, we help with whatever we can for those that suffered from the attack," said Twilight. Rainbow hummed.

"Sounds simple," said Rainbow in a nonchalant tone.

"Somehow, I don't think it will be," said Sunset as she crossed her arms.

"She's right. If an attack is going to happen because of Kaiju, then it will be dangerous. Legends say that they are colossal beasts," interjected Erika.

"Pfft! Hey, have you met us? We're known for taking on Nightmare Moon and Discord and winning!" said Rainbow as she held her arms at the back of her head and leaned back in her seat.

"That's right. No matter the challenge, we stand together. Our friendship is the strongest thing we have, and it's never failed us," said Twilight. The rest of Element Bearers all gave verbal agreements. Meanwhile, Sunset looked down in reluctance. She had heard of the power that the Elements of Harmony had over the dark forces mentioned. However, she felt as though it wouldn't be so easy. But she shrugged it off as her still being shaken up by her experience. Meanwhile, she looked back and found Mosura, Rodan and Angirasu, Aria and Sonata. They could have remained back in Ponyville, but they insisted on coming. Sonata bore a look of mild concern as she sat beside Aria, who bore a small hint of worry as she gazed out the window. Sunset could tell just by a glance that they were worried for Adagio, who had suddenly left with Junior hours before.

"I'm telling you! This is all futile! The Kaiju are much too powerful for you all to stop!" cried Amber as she fluttered over to the Main Six. She had been spending the whole time trying to convince the girls that their quest was a lost cause. However, they continued to ignore her warning.

"But we can't possibly stand by and do nothing! This is what we do!" argued Rarity.

"Except that this sounds more extreme then what we're used to. But yeah, what she said!" said Pinkie. Amber sighed in annoyance.

"But you don't understand! The Elements of Har-" Amber was interrupted as the train suddenly stopped violently. Passengers on board gave cries as they felt themselves forced forward from the momentum. The train skidded across the rails, causing an ear-piercing screech and sparks to fly. The train soon stopped, allowing passengers on board to recompose themselves.

"Anybody hurt?" asked Mosura as she sluggishly raised herself up.

"I think my stomach almost flew out of my body," moaned Sonata as she clutched her belly. Fluttershy sluggishly raised herself up back in her seat and peaked outside of the window. Her eyes widened in shock.

"The bridge to the city!" cried Fluttershy. Everyone rushed towards a window and found a bridge destroyed. Their train was just several feet from the edge of the destroyed structure.

"Any later and we would've gone over," said Applejack with a gulp. Twilight got up and rushed towards the door in their car. She forced it open and stepped outside, bringing her gaze to the city; her eyes widened in horror at what she saw. In the distance, the city gave off smoke as fires raged off buildings. The rest of the group had left the train and watched with her as the city faced chaos. As lightning struck, a distant bellow reached their ears, causing everyone to recoil from the loud sound.

"Oh my god," said Mosura in horror. Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"Alright girls, there's no time to lose! Let's go!" said Twilight as she wrapped herself and the rest of the Element Bearers in a magic bubble, where they then vanished into the air.

"No!" cried Amber.

"Ah! They left us! Why would they do that?!" exclaimed Rodan in panic. Angirasu bore a look of great worry as he looked around to see if there was another way to get to the city's island. He looked back at the destroyed bridge as more passengers began to exit out of the train. He sighed warily.

"The only way over is the bridge. But that's gone," said Angirasu. Sunset stepped forward as she bore a firm expression.

"I can get us across. We'll try to find Twilight and the others. Aria and Sonata, you two stay here. We need you to let Gojira and Adagio know where we're at if they get here before we can get back," said Sunset. Sonata nodded in response.

"I have no problem with that," said Sonata as she looked at the city warily. The Transmutants, Erika, and Sunset gathered together while Amber perched herself on Mosura's shoulder. Sunset closed her eyes as her hands sparked with her magic aura, creating a bright flash, resulting in their disappearance. Sonata bit her lip.

"Be careful guys," said Sonata.

The Main Six appeared just on the edge of the city in a magic bubble. The bubble disappeared, allowing them to move about freely. They looked around the area, finding debris to be in the street and buildings to be carved into. The distant sounds of screams filled their ears along with the sound of monstrous calls. Fluttershy shook in place as she looked around.

"Come on!" said Twilight as she ran through the street. The rest of the Element bearers ran after her, entering the city. As they ran, dust flowed in the air and rain came down upon them. They nearly slipped on the ground from the wet ice that was present.

"Careful! Still icy around these parts!" said Applejack as she caught Fluttershy before she could fall. Rainbow took off into the air, searching the street that they were on.

"It's hard to believe that the last time I was here, the city was so lively," said Rarity as she looked around the shops that were destroyed. As the group came across a street corner, they stopped as they found water flooding the streets, currently receding back from whence it came.

"Where did all the water come from?" asked Pinkie in confusion. Rainbow gasped as she found a woman floating down the street as she lazily held onto a board. Rainbow zipped down towards the woman and carried her off the board. She brought her back with the group and gently lied her down on the ground.

"Is she alive?" asked Twilight in worry. Fluttershy placed her head on the woman's chest, hearing a heartbeat. She sighed in relief.

"Yes, she's alive," said Fluttershy. The woman moaned as she opened her eyes, finding the Main Six standing over her.

"Miss, can you tell what happened?" asked Fluttershy. The woman's eyes shot wide open as she frantically tried to stand up. Applejack held her by the shoulders and kept her down.

"Whoa! Whoa! Easy does it! You were just floating down the road in a flood," said Applejack in a reassuring tone. The woman bore a look of dread as she violently shook.

"W-We have to get out of here! Those things! They did this!" cried the woman with a stutter. The ground rumbled beneath the feet of the humans as a massive thump filled the air, echoing out into the late noon. The woman gave panicked breaths as she forced herself up, causing the rest to stumble back.

"Get out of my way! If you stay here, you'll die!" cried the woman as she ran down the street, leaving the Main Six behind. The girls looked at each other with unease.

"Man, it's gotta be bad if it's got her spooked," said Rainbow as she looked around the area.

“As if the destruction wasn’t a hint?” deadpanned Applejack. Fluttershy whimpered as thunder roared above.

"C-Can we get this over with?" asked Fluttershy. Twilight nodded.

"Alright girls, let's move out. The faster we find them, the sooner we can put an end to this disaster," said Twilight as she and the rest began to run down the street. They navigated passed the street that was flooded and headed for a drier area, where carriages were over turned. The tremors grew heavier and the earth shook more, causing the girls to nearly lose their footing. The sound of loud crashing filled their ears, prompting them to turn their attention down a street, where a building collapsed under its own weight.

"Ah!" cried Fluttershy in fright as the building came down, while plumes of dust and debris flowed into the air. The girls shielded their eyes as the debris came their way. Twilight took a small peek while shielding her face at the destruction, managing to catch sight of a massive figure moving through the clouds of smoke, slamming into another building. The smoke dissipated, and the figure was partially revealed. The girls gasped in shock and fright as they spotted the beast that was steadily revealed. They found its thick scales covered in debris as steel beams and concrete fell off its body and down to the ground. The creature gave a bellow, prompting the girls to cover their ears from the loud sound.

"Everyone! Take your positions!" cried Twilight over the roar and crashing. The girls gathered together with their Elements of Harmony. The magical items flashed and gave a hum. Twilight's element shined upon her head as it began to glow brightly. The girls started to levitate into the air as their elements glowed brightly. Twilight closed her eyes and re-opened them, revealing them as white orbs. As their elements glowed brighter and the hum of their power escalated, the kaiju in the dust clouds turned his attention to the light. As the girls rose and waited for the Elements of Harmony to unleash their power, their light suddenly died down. The girls suddenly fell to the ground with pained grunts. Pinkie shook off her disorientation.

"D-Did we do it?" asked Pinkie in confusion. Twilight gasped in shock as she quickly took off her element and looked at it.

"No, no, no, no! No, this can't be happening!" muttered Twilight with a frantic expression.

"You gotta be kidding. They didn't work?!" exclaimed Rainbow in disbelief. Rarity stared at her element with dread as she slowly looked to Twilight as she processed the terrible revelation.

"We can't stop it," said Rarity. Fluttershy whimpered as she spotted the kaiju in the dust clouds, being revealed much further. As she saw it, she thought it was merely a giant crocodile, but a better look at it revealed that the creature was something unnatural, with its multiple reptilian legs and its massive size. Rokmutul snarled as the light from the elements disappeared, prompting him to go back to his rampage. He lowered himself to the ground and swung his spiked tail against a tall building that was nearby. The tail grazed through the side and scrapped off debris, resulting in it to fall towards the Main Six.

"Take cover!" cried Applejack as the debris came down on them. The girls gave screams as the concrete, metal and glass from the building came down on them. Twilight yelped as she was nearly crushed by a large chunk of concrete while Applejack stopped before a sign could fall on her. Rarity took cover beneath a carriage as glass rained down. Twilight gasped as she found Fluttershy standing frozen in place.

"Fluttershy, get out of there!" cried Twilight. However, the Valkyrie remained still as her joints locked in place. Before a steal beam could crush her, Pinkie grabbed her and leaped for cover beneath a fallen beam. As the debris stopped raining down, Twilight emerged from cover as she found a large hill of the debris piled up in the street.

"Rainbow Dash! Rarity! Pinkie! AJ!" cried called Twilight, her breathing short with anxiety. Rainbow Dash grunted as she emerged from a pile of rubble. She was covered in bruises and a couple of cuts.

"Right here," said Rainbow with a cough. Twilight rushed to her side and wrapped her into a tight hug.

"Thank goodness," said Twilight in relief. Rainbow flinched.

"Ah! Ah! Careful! Ugh. I think... My wing's hurting bad," said Rainbow.

"Is it broken?" asked Twilight in worry as she inspected the wing.

"No, I... I don't think so," said Rainbow as she held her shoulder.

"It might be sprained," said Twilight. She turned as she heard more coughing, finding Applejack to be walking away from a fallen billboard sign.

"Applejack!" cried Twilight and Rainbow Dash in relief. Applejack panted.

"Howdy. Where... Where is everybody else?" asked Applejack.

"Twilight!" Pinkies voice cried out in the air. Twilight turned and found the hill of debris, where the voice had come from.

"Pinkie! Are you alright?! Is Rarity and Fluttershy with you?!" asked Twilight in urgency.

"We're fine darling! Just bruised. Oh, my poor lovely skin. And my clothes!" cried Rarity in disappointment. Applejack sighed in annoyance.

"We have bigger problems then dirt on our clothes!" said Applejack. Rainbow gulped as she stared off to the side.

"Yeah, like literally," said Rainbow as she pointed towards Rokmutul, who began to prowl through the road as he bellowed. Fluttershy screamed in fright as the beast approached, with his tail grazing against nearby buildings as he walked through the street.

"Run! Stay as far away from this thing and try to get back to the main land!" cried Twilight as she looked towards the hill.

"We're separating?!" asked Rarity.

"There's no time to meet up now! Just run!" shouted Twilight as she, Applejack and Rainbow began to run the opposite direction, running passed fallen debris. Rarity gasped as she found Rokmutul's head emerging from the street corner, slobbering on the ground as he opened his wide jaws.

"Come on!" said Rarity in a frantic tone. She, Pinkie and Fluttershy began to run away from the street, while Rokmutul turned down the street that Twilight's group had fled to. The Kaiju roared as he stomped about, causing the girls to stumble.

"He's on our tail!" shouted Applejack as she looked back.

"Don't look back! Just run!" cried Twilight. The three began to pick up their speed as Rokmutul began to stomp after them, though his black eyes were not focused on them. As the girls rounded near a street corner, Applejack grabbed Twilight's arm and pulled her to the corner before Rokmutul could stomp on her. The two fell as the tremor from his steps knocked them off balance. Rokmutul roared as he turned left on the street corner, going the opposite direction of the girls. His tail swayed over them, prompting the two to duck as they shielded their heads beneath their chests. The tail managed to graze a bit of the building nearby, causing some debris to fall around them. Twilight panted as she shakily raised her head, finding Rokmutul to be grazing his body against nearby buildings, knocking some of them over like blocks, where they created plumes of dust.

"I... I can't believe it. The Elements are useless against it," said Twilight in disbelief. She held her element in her hands as she stared at the gem that was shaped as her Cutie Mark.

"We... We can't do anything against it," said Twilight as she slightly trembled. Applejack and Rainbow both looked at their elements with deep frowns. A screech filled their hearing, startling them out of their wits. They looked up in time to see a winged serpent soaring over the buildings.

"Two of them?! And it flies?!" exclaimed Rainbow in shock. Applejack gulped as she watched as Tyrantdactly soared over the city, landing on top of a tall buildings and knocking off the top halves of the structures. Twilight looked back at her Element of Harmony, shaking as she gritted her teeth. Just hours ago, she was filled to the brim with confidence. She thought that no matter the challenge, she and her friends would be able to stop these monsters with the magic of their friendship, much like previous threats. But the elements did not do anything to these monsters. Now, she felt helpless and small. Twilight's eyes wailed up with tears, feeling the weight of her failure to defend Equestria crushing her.

Destruction was all that was in sight. Sunset, Erika, Mosura, Rodan and Angirasu all ran down the street as newspaper and debris flew past them, as fires raged from buildings that were damaged, but still standing. As they ran, they found citizens fleeing the streets, covered in dust, bruises, or were unharmed. Amber remained perched on Mosura's shoulder as the group continued to move down the street.

"Where are they?" asked Rodan anxiously as he looked around.

"I told them to not face them! They can't be beaten by mere humans and magic! Even if they were the Elements of Harmony!" said Amber. Angirasu looked at her in confusion.

"Why not? The Elements of Harmony were strong enough to stop Discord. Why not with Kaiju?" asked Angirasu.

"It’s because the Elements of Harmony have the purpose of restoring harmony, which means dealing with that anything related to an imbalance of magic or an anarchy that threatens peace. They enforce the balance of peace and order. However, they can’t be used against Kaiju, because they have no place in their affairs!" said Amber.

"Wait, why can't they do anything here?" asked Sunset.

"The Kaiju are forces that were born to restore the balance of nature itself and the very world by any means necessary. Today is the beginning of the war of the reincarnated Kaiju, which will determine the future of the world and the humans, who have committed perversions against nature through Transmutants and dark magic," said Amber. Rodan looked around with a grimace as they ran.

"But isn't this a bit overkill?" asked Rodan.

"Rodan, everything that has happened in the past thousands of years hold great significance, requiring the Kaiju's presence for the survival of life on Earth. I fear that if the Revolutionaries succeed, life will cease to exist on this world," said Amber. As they continued their run, they found Tyrantdactly soaring above, knocking debris into the streets. The group stopped before they could end up in the path of destruction. The sound of cries of help reached their ears. Mosura turned and found a collapsed building with fire burning.

"Oh no!" cried Mosura as she rushed to the building. Angirasu ran after her. Before Rodan, Erika and Sunset could join them, Amber flew in their path.

"I'll help them! You three continue to find the others! You need to be quick!" said Amber. The three looked at each other in reluctance. They nodded in response and began to run down the street.

As Mosura ran towards the collapsed building, she began to lift the rubble with her enhanced strength, with Angirasu at her side helping her tossing debris aside. Amber flew towards the fires and sent sparkles to the flames, snuffing them out. Mosura grunted as she lifted a heavy beam, beginning to shake as she struggled to hold it. She gave a shout as she lifted with all her might and her body changed. Her body flashed gold, where tribal-like tattoos appeared on her arms, and a cross in the center of a tribal sun appeared on her forehead. Angirasu stared in shock as Mosura lifted the heavy beam with ease, high above her shoulders. Mosura gasped in surprise as she looked up.

"Oh boy! I'm pretty sure that this was heavier a second ago!" said Mosura as she threw the beam to the side, allowing it to crash into the street.

"You're tapping into your inner power given to you from your past life!" said Amber with joy. Mosura looked at her hands and arms, finding the golden tribal marks on her skin, which glowed brightly. Mosura clenched her fists as she glared at the debris that had the people trapped beneath. She firmly planted her feet onto the ground and closed her eyes. She shot her hands forward and fully concentrated, causing the debris to slowly levitate above ground. Angirasu stared in amazement as the debris floated to the street, and then crashed down.

Mosura panted as the glowing marks died down. Using that power had taken a lot out of her. She looked to the side and quickly made her way down to where the humans were trapped with Angirasu. They helped the people walk away from the remaining debris. As Mosura helped a woman down onto the ground, she noticed an airship high above the sky. The blue balloon deflected any lightning bolts that strayed too close to it, likely due to magic protecting it. She then saw that from the airship came massive magic bolts racing down to the ground, which resulted in the sound of enraged howls.

"The rebels," said Mosura.

"No, those fools!" cried Amber with dread.

"Look!" shouted Angirasu as he pointed to the sky, where Tyrantdactly soared. He gave a shrieking roar as he flew towards the airship, which he dwarfed by his sheer size. Magic bolts flew towards him, striking him. However, he remained undeterred. The kaiju slammed into the airship, tearing through the balloon with the claws of his feet, allowing the ship to free fall to the ground. Mosura cupped her mouth in horror as they watched the airship fall into the city, where a small explosion could be heard.

"My God," whispered Mosura.

"These things can't be stopped!" wailed a woman that was rescued in misery. Mosura watched as the kaiju soared, but then noticed three small figures in the distance, flying. She squinted her eyes to get a better visual. Her face brightened up.

"It's the princesses! And Discord!" cried Mosura. Angirasu focused to where Mosura was looking, but then his face turned to confusion.

"What the hell is he wearing?" asked Angirasu in confusion.

The chaos that was below was heart wrenching. Celestia soared in the air with her sister above Manehattan, witnessing the destruction down below. She could see the colossal beast that was shrouded in dust clouds and smoke as it prowled through the city, slamming its weight against the concrete jungle that it was in. Rokmutul roared as he rammed himself against a smaller building that was just several feet above his head, causing it to tumble down to the ground and into the street. Celestia gritted her teeth as she narrowed her eyes.

"Ready?" asked Celestia as she looked towards her sister. Luna nodded with a determined smile.

"Ready, my sister," responded Luna. The two dove down towards the kaiju, bursting through the clouds of smoke. Their hands glowed brightly with their magic auras as they flew towards the beast. Both Avatars shot their hands forward at the beast, firing bolts of magic down towards the creature's back. As they swooped back up into the air, the kaiju thrashed about as he gave an enraged roar, feeling the irritating bolts on his back. As the Avatars ascended, they were able to get a better look at the beast as he caused the clouds to disperse from his movement.

"I've never seen anything like it!" called Luna in shock as the beast raised his head to gaze at the small humans.

"Indeed. Keep at it, Luna!" called Celestia as she aimed her hands at the creature, producing a bright aura. Luna did the same as she glared at the Kaiju that stomped and gave a hostile roar. The Avatars both fired beams of magic down onto the beast, striking him in the head. Rokmutul grunted as the light shined in his eyes, feeling the beams graze against his skull. He roared in fury as he hunched down and jumped. The royals' eyes widened in alarm as the kaiju jumped into the air, with his jaws opening wide. The two quickly evaded the creature's massive jaws as they snapped at the air. Rokmutul dropped back down to the ground, causing the earth to shake from his weight suddenly hitting the ground from the air.

"It's unfazed!" cried Luna in shock.

"Keep at it! Where's Discord?!" shouted Celestia as she looked around in annoyance. She suddenly jumped in surprise as she found the Draconequus diving down towards the Kaiju in his super hero outfit.

"Never fear! Captain Good Guy is here!" cried Discord as he flew passed Luna. Discord zipped under Rokmutul, who grunted in confusion as he looked under himself to find the Spirit of Chaos flying beneath him. Discord chuckled as he flew passed the kaiju's tail and ascended above, dodging the creature's tail. He then flew towards Rokmutul's head.

"Now, let me show you what the Spirit of Chaos's magic can do when used for good!" said Discord as his hands glowed brightly from his aura. The aura was violet, with green flares flowing out of it, and within was what appeared as a chaotic void with red lines streaking through the magic, showing off as pure chaos. Discord shot his hands forward at the Kaiju, with a beam of his chaos magic streaming down towards the beast. Rokmutul braced himself as the massive beam came at him, which struck his head. The beam began to cover most of his head from its size, and then began to run throughout his body, with parts of it getting the street. It began to burn and crumble the street that was around the kaiju. Smoke began to fill the air around Rokmutul, shrouding him. Discord kept at his attack for several seconds, until finally cutting off his attack. Discord smirked as he looked down at his work. Celestia and Luna joined him in the air, where they found smoke covering the street, which was red hot from the chaotic magic. Soon, the smoke cleared up, revealing Rokmutul on the ground with his head down, still as stone. Celestia sighed in relief.

"Good work, Discord. I'm proud of you," said Celestia with a smile.

"Yes, only minor collateral damage as well. I was expecting worse," said Luna as she crossed her arms with a smirk. Discord stuck his tongue out her in response. Suddenly, Rokmutul gave a puff of air as his sides expanded from a deep inhale. The Avatars and Discord turned their attention to the Kaiju as he raised his head and raised himself off the ground, shaking off what debris and little disorientation that he had. He blinked his eyes multiple times, since he was blinded by the light from the magic beam. He then glared at his foes with a snarl.

"He's still moving," said Celestia in shock. Discord whistled as he looked at the Kaiju with an impressed look.

"My, he's a tough one, isn't he? I was holding back too," said Discord.

"Holding back?! He was covered in that beam! And this isn't the time to hold back or to be impressed by the creature's durability!" said Luna. Discord smirked as he rolled up his sleeves and popped his joints in his paws.

"Very well. If I channel in more of my power, he should be but a great pile of ash. You two may want to get back," said Discord as he flew down to the street, while Luna and Celestia flew back as told. Celestia looked at Luna worriedly.

"I don't like this. I was able to feel that Discord was using a lot of power. Yet that creature shrugged it off as if it were nothing," said Celestia. Luna grimaced.

"Surely it has limits," said Luna. Meanwhile, Discord hovered above the street as he stared down the creature that stomped towards him. He raised his paws and fired a larger beam of chaos magic, this time it struck Rokmutul as he had his mouth wide open. His roars were cut off as the beam engulfed his entire body. The street was glassed from the beam and a couple of buildings suffered from being too close to the beam with parts of them crumbling and burning. As the bright beam cut off, more smoke filled the air, with Discord chuckling as he pulled out a recliner and lied sat down on it, with a glass of lemonade in his hand.

"You did good, Discord. Some damage may have come out of this, but you saved-" Discord was interrupted as debris flew his way. He ducked his head, but his lemonade was knocked out his hand. Discord's eyes widened in shock as Rokmutul emerged from the smoke, growling as he appeared unscathed. Discord's stomach turned as he watched the beast shake itself as it groaned.

"No. No, this can't be," said Discord in disbelief. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna stared from above with looks of horror as this monster stomped towards Discord.

"This can't be possible," said Luna. Celestia gasped as Discord remained in the air above the street with a look of shock on his face, while Rokmutul approached him.

"Discord, get out of there!" cried Celestia. However, Discord did not listen. He instead watched as the monster stomped towards him. Even after using the most that his power had to offer, the creature was still standing, without a sign of slowing down. It instead looked aggravated. That was when it all hit Discord like a bag of bricks on what he helped brought about. He was the strongest in Equestria. However, these creatures were the strongest on the planet itself. They were like gods in the flesh.

"Oh no," said Discord in a whisper as his eyes widened with another realization. He was then swiped by Rokmutul's tail, causing him to fly through multiple buildings, while the Avatars watched in horror and shock. As Discord tumbled through buildings, he found himself processing what else was to come out of this. No doubt that the Elements of Harmony would be an option to stop these kaiju. That's what made his stomach feel tight in his body, as if it were to burst with anxiety. Funny, how he never felt anxiety before in all his existence. Despite that, he knew the cause of it. He had just endangered someone dear to him, because of his games with Sunset Shimmer, and his desire to see the Kaiju. As Discord burst through another building, he began to free fall to the ground. As he fell, he found a figure in the corner of his eye, hovering in the air with a cloak that was pure white. The figure watched him as he fell, producing a faint light from his humanoid form. Discord closed his eyes with a bitter chuckle as he fell.

"Of course," said Discord. He then crashed down into the street, creating a crater in the spot he had fallen. As he lied down in the crater, he felt pain around his body. Despite having the title as the "Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony", his body was physical. However, he was still very durable. Discord suddenly found the cloaked figure standing above him, looking down at him from the crater. Tyrantdactly soared above, screeching as he passed the area. Discord gave a forced smirk.

"I guess it was better when I thought I was the strongest one in the world. I hate it when reality kicks in," said Discord. The figure merely remained silent, looking down at him while his hood hid the light that he produced. Discord blinked, only to find the figure to have disappeared. He sighed heavily with a scowl.

"Good talk," said Discord in a sarcastic manner. He grunted as he raised himself out of the dirt, causing his Captain Good Guy suit to disappear, with his jacket returning to cover his human chest. He sighed as he popped his neck as he slowly climbed out of the crater.

"Discord!" cried a familiar voice. Discord's ears perked, prompting him to turn and find Fluttershy rushing towards his crater along with Rarity, Rodan and Pinkie. Discord stood up as he dusted himself off while the humans stopped before him. Fluttershy looked at him worriedly.

"Are you alright? We saw you crash into the crater," said Fluttershy as she took Discord's lion paw. Discord softly smiled in response at her concern, but ultimately frowned as he turned away. Fluttershy looked at him in wonder as he turned away, and then concern.

"Discord?" called Fluttershy. The Spirit of Chaos sighed.

"I thought that I could beat them. I thought that I could conquer them as easily as I did with Equestria a thousand years ago," said Discord with a solemn expression. Rarity bore a look of discomfort as the Draconequus mentioned his past deed.

"Ahem. Not sure we should dwell on that last thing," said Rarity with a nervous laugh.

"But it's true. I'm not strong enough," said Discord as he sat down on the ground with a heavy sigh.

"Not to mention that I was the one that let Sunset go off to find the Avatar Amulet and get her answers on her own. I was just so curious to see these creatures that I thought I could just get a quick look at them and then eliminate them. But I didn't think they'd come so soon. What's worse is that not only the city and the people are suffering, but my friends are in danger as well," said Discord as he looked at Fluttershy with a deep frown. He turned away and held his head up with his paws. Fluttershy frowned in response. She took a seat beside him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, you shouldn't have let Sunset go off alone and you did let your curiosity get the better of you. You made a mistake, and that happens," said Fluttershy.

"Yeah and it's a big one," said Pinkie with bluntness. Rarity nodded in agreement.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that you can't help clean up your mess," said Fluttershy with a warm smile.

"She's right," Amber's voice called out. Discord turned his head and found the fairy approaching and perching herself on rubble next to him. With her were Erika, Sunset and Rodan. Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy smiled brightly at their arrival, while Rodan sighed in relief.

'Oh good, they're alright. Oh wait, we're still missing some of them,' thought Rodan as his expression returned to worry.

"And you were right as well, this was all bound to happen eventually. I wanted more time for the others to be ready before we had to deal with our enemies. But that doesn't matter now. What matters is what you plan to do to make up for it?" asked Amber. Discord was about to crack a witty retort, but felt unable to do so. He was just so disappointed in his carelessness that he was serious.

"I can't really fight them. They're resistant to magic, even chaos magic," said Discord as he held up his glowing hands.

"Doing good isn't restricted to fighting villains and monsters, Discord. Come on, haven't your time with these humans taught you anything?" asked Amber. Discord looked up in thought as he tapped his chin. Rodan bore a deadpanned stare.

"Dude, I'm sure that it isn't that hard to figure out at a time like this," said Rodan.

"Lending a helping hand?" asked Discord.

"That's right!" said Pinkie and Fluttershy in unison.

"Discord, the Kaiju are wreaking havoc onto the city. Innocents are suffering. We need your help to save those who can still be saved," said Amber as she looked to the city around them.

"Mosura and Angirasu are some blocks north from here. They're tending to some survivors. We need your help getting the survivors to safety and helping everyone that we can," said Erika. Discord nodded as he stood up.

"Then let's be off!" Discord snapped his fingers, causing the group to vanish from the area and reappear just near a building that was destroyed, where Angirasu and Mosura were with survivors.

"You're alive!" cried Mosura. Angirasu rushed to Fluttershy and wrapped her into a tight hug, which she returned.

"Yes. But trust me, it was no easy task. Especially with that beast in the sky knocking debris down into the streets," said Rarity as she pointed to Tyrantdactly as he soared further away.

“Anyone need medical attention?" asked Discord as he adorned a doctor's uniform.

"I-I have a broken leg," said a man as he raised his arm. Discord tapped the man's leg with a claw, which he flinched in pain in response. Suddenly, the pain subsided. He gasped as he moved his leg and stood up.

"Haha! I want you to be my doctor for now on!" said the man.

"I'm flattered but I'm not interested in a medical career. But I'm happy to lend my skills for the day," said Discord.

"Now, off to the mainland you go!" said Discord as he snapped his fingers, causing the civilians to disappear in a flash. Rodan whistled.

"Wow. This may go smoothly," said Rodan. The sound of a screeching roar filled the air, prompting the group to find Tyrantdactly to swoop down over to street, creating a violent wind. Everyone was nearly blown away, with the Transmutants being forced back. However, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie were blown off their feet and into the air. Sunset nearly suffered the same fate but Erika caught her with a tendril wrapping around her wrist. Meanwhile, the remaining Element Bearers screamed as they flew away, but Discord caught Fluttershy's hand before she could fly off. Rarity grabbed Fluttershy's ankle to prevent herself from flying away,while Pinkie held onto her legs. The girls screamed in fright as the wind threatened to sweep them away. Discord pulled them down to the ground and produced a barrier that blocked the wind, preventing everyone from being caught into the wind. Sunset panted as she dropped back onto the ground next to Erika.

"Thanks!" panted Sunset with a relieved laugh.

"What are friends for?" asked Erika as she patted Sunset on the shoulder. Angirasu shot Rodan a glare.

"Smoothly huh?" said Angirasu with sarcasm in his voice as Fluttershy huddled against him.

"OK, smoothly was a term that I used loosely," said Rodan with a shrug and forced smile. As the wind stopped blowing, Discord lowered the shield.

"We need to find Twilight and the others. Or else these things will get them killed," said Angirasu as he watched as Tyrantdactly flew away.

"Erika and I can go look! My magic can shield us from debris and move us to safety in seconds if we were to run into Kaiju. Erika can provide muscle," said Sunset as she raised her hand. Erika nodded in agreement.

"I'm in," said Erika.

"Alright, but be careful. Try to get to the mainland, since that's where we plan on going once we've found as many people as possible," said Mosura. The two nodded in confirmation. The two former soldiers broke off from the group and ran down the street. Meanwhile just many miles outside of the city, the sea was calm, compared to the more chaotic atmosphere over the city. However, the water began to be breached open as a dark structure began to emerge. From the sea came a low, trumpeting bellow that echoed out into the night.

Author's Note:

Look at my bad Photshop skills!

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