• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 66: Golden King

The early noon was upon the land. Ghidorah wore a cloak over himself as he stood with a couple of members of the Shadow's Hand. His red eyes stared down the alley as the three continued towards a great house in Canterlot City. The three had soon found themselves just inside of this large house, where Vanity was pouring a few glasses of wine.

"So, where is Thanatos?" asked Vanity as he levitated the glasses to his guests.

"He is busy. Which is why he sent for us," said Ghidorah as he took the glass. He raised it before taking a drink.

"Cheers," said Ghidorah.

"Thanatos said that you're in possession of an artifact. The Arum Dragon," said a woman. Vanity nodded as he as he grabbed a box and made his way over to the three.

"It's been in my family for many years. Behold," said Vanity as he opened the box. Inside, the golden dragon statue was revealed. Ghidorah stared at it, bearing a smirk. The gold on this object was nothing compared to the golden scales that decorated him in his past life as a Kaiju. Ghidorah held up a compass, which rapidly blinked as it pointed towards the box.

"Excellent," said Ghidorah as he reached for the box. However, Vanity immediately closed it and held it away.

"Ah, ah, ah! First, I will need Thanatos here himself," said Vanity as he turned and made his way over to the desk. Ghidorah narrowed his eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You see, he and I made a deal. In exchange for the relic responsible for my wealth, I want power beyond my wildest dreams from his 'king'. I find it rather rude that he is not here himself but sent his lapdogs," said Vanity. The Shadow's Hand narrowed their eyes in annoyance at this man.

"How can I trust you three with this relic to be delivered to him? I may not receive what I desire if it is lost. Come back with Thanatos and then you may have the Arum Dragon,” said Vanity. Ghidorah growled as he approached the man from behind. He grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him to the side. The Shadow's Hand jumped in surprise at the action. Vanity groaned as he lied on the ground. Ghidorah grabbed him by the neck and raised him up.

"You arrogant, pompous little worm! You dare to waste my time?" growled Ghidorah as he narrowed his eyes.

"You have something that I want, and I am not leaving without it. I don't care about whatever deal that you made with Thanatos!" shouted Ghidorah as he threw Vanity on the ground.

"I don't understand how anyone can lack manners for his guests. You're nothing but a spoiled brat that only desires more materials to satisfy a ravaging hunger," growled Ghidorah as he stomped on Vanity's back. He groaned in agony as his spine was damaged. Ghidorah growled as he raised his hand over the human's skull. He was a nuisance that needed to be eliminated. Just like all life forms that was remotely similar to a human being.

Eons Ago...

Mountains filled the land, tall and mighty as natural pillars. The land bore a yellow surface, where gas rose from the surface and into the atmosphere, creating a yellowish sky. The yellow sun above shined down on this alien world, where the climate is hot, and the sulfuric acid made up the lakes and oceans. Strange creatures of different shapes and sizes, yet bearing familiar traits to those on Earth, roamed through this world, where plants thrived as well, producing the gases that supported these creatures.

An alien beast bearing a reptilian appearance, standing on four legs and with an iguana-like stance, and a long-frilled neck and quills, began to scurry over towards the sulfuric acid lake. The creature dipped its small jaws inside and used its forked tongue to take in the liquid, consuming it. The creature's four yellow eyes blinked as it took in its life sustaining liquid. The creature gave small chirps as it submerged itself into the lake, while large reptilian-like beasts stomped about, on four legs. These creatures bore scales that ranged from grey, to being yellow patterns, matching the landscape around them.

From the area, the sound of heavy footsteps filled the air. The creatures in these rocky plains were startled out of their wits as they heard these distant booming footsteps. The sound of shrill monstrous roars filled the air in the distance, along with a low bellow. From the air, the sight of a massive beast standing to be over 300 feet tall stomped through the land, bearing grey leathery skin with red patterns. The beast stood upright with two long massive arms, and spiked shoulders. This alien Kaiju bore two single small eyes that glared at its opponent, roaring with its jaws wide open.

From the air descended a great dragon with golden scales, three heads and twin tails. Its gold scales reflected the sun's light and its great wyvern-like wings created gusts of wind. The beast landed on its two raptor-like feet, causing the ground to shake. The Kaiju roared as it displayed its wings and extended its three necks forward as a show of dominance. The ancient Ghidorah was enraged by this lower creature's insolence, disturbing its rest in its territory. The opposing Kaiju pounded its chest as it bellowed, where sparks of energy began to radiate from its fists. Ghidorah opened his mighty jaws and delivered beams of electric-like energy towards the Kaiju, scorching the ground around it, reducing it to glass. As the beams connected with the Kaiju, severe burns were left on its flesh, causing it to howl in agony as it fell over on the ground.

Ghidorah gave a cackle-like roar as he stomped on the ground. From the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of two other winged figures soaring through the air. They began to circle around the downed Kaiju like vultures. Ghidorah stomped over to the land walker as it attempted to stand, taking flight and then latching his feet onto the beast's shoulders before proceeding to carry him off. His great wings and greater size allowed him to be able to fully take off into the air with the Kaiju in tow. As he reached a satisfying height, Ghidorah released the Kaiju, allowing it to free fall miles down to the earth. The Kaiju soon impacted the ground, creating a plume of gas and debris to shoot up into the air.

Ghidorah gave a chattering roar as he descended onto the beast and proceeded to stomp on its head. Just then, the flying figures that had earlier arrived began to descend as well, giving their own roars.

These two new Kaiju were the same species as Ghidorah. However, they differed from him, aesthetically. One of them was a dark grey, with red patterns on its scales. On its head were not antlers like Ghidorah, but rather large horns that ran back. Its red eyes locked with Ghidorah as it hissed, exposing its forked tongues. The second dragon was tan in color, bearing tears in the membrane of its wings. The creature's eyes were a bright blue. This was one of the few females that resided in the area that was home to Ghidorah. She snarled at him at him as her left head eyed the dead Kaiju that was on the ground. Ghidorah raised himself up and extended his necks higher while spreading his wings, making himself appear larger than the two other members of his kind.

As he did his display of dominance, he shrieked at the two, causing the intruders to recoil in response, slightly backing away before deciding to fly away in search for safer food. Ghidorah turned his heads back to the dead Kaiju and proceeded to bite down on its flesh, tearing away at the meat. He might as well eat this intruder, considering how it now worked up an appetite for him during their fight. As he ate, the sound of humming filled his hearing.

Ghidorah raised his heads and found a distant grey saucer that spun in the sky, while the head section remained stationary. Ghidorah grunted in annoyance as he went back to eating. For the last hundred years, he had seen similar objects like the one above fly around in his territory. He simply chose to not bother with them, considering how they tend to go after the smaller creatures that Ghidorah would sometimes step on. He always wondered what these creatures were that spun in the sky, and how they would devour the smaller animals that walked the earth with him. They seemed to suck the small animals into the air until they were under them, and opened their strange mouths to eat them whole. Then, they seemed to disappear towards the dome of light, where odd grey mountains stood just miles outside of Ghidorah's territory.

In these mountains resided other odd small creatures that would let out annoying sounds as he would fly over these mountains. He remembered that his territory once had mountains and creatures like the ones elsewhere, but the mountains were quite delicate and would crumble just as he touched them. There would even be light of fire that would strike his scales, causing such an irritating sensation. The mountains were flattened along with the irritating little creatures that rode inside the shiny creatures and thus, came about his territory. This was just over two thousand years ago. Now other shiny mountains like the one that he destroyed to make his home were now covered in bright domes that stung once touched. The Kaiju ignored these odd things that merely rose at least the past couple thousand years ago. He continued to eat, just as the saucer beast soared through the air, headed for the distant dome.

As Ghidorah continued to feast, louder humming filled the air. He turned and found massive saucer beasts soaring through the air, glowing beneath their bellies with red lights. Ghidorah craned his head back and found these shiny beasts continue over towards the distant dome. Ghidorah could see that these saucer creatures were much larger than he was, and his kind were the largest Kaiju in the world. As they continued to fly as a fleet, loud humming came from them, along with beams of light and fire came from beneath their bellies. The beams of fire slammed into the dome, causing it to spark. Ghidorah clenched his eyes shut from the sudden brightness from the explosion of fire, which began to extend out and scorch the land. Ghidorah groaned as he hid his heads behind his wings, shielding him from the bright light. He lowered his wings and found that the dome was still standing along with the mountains inside of it. The giant saucer beasts remained stationary, as their attack seemed to have done no damage. Ghidorah groaned as he dragged the Kaiju carcass with him. It was best to leave these saucers to their business with the tiny creatures that resided in the shiny mountains.

Ghidorah was resting in a crater, where hot gas rose all around him, filling him with warmth. His breathing was calm as he continued to sleep the weeks away, He loved his warm crater, and fought with his life to keep other Kaiju from invading it. He opened his eyes as he heard humming; looking up he found more of the saucer beasts soaring over his home, much to his anger. They seemed to be shooting fire at each other, knocking the other out of the sky. Ghidorah snarled as one of the saucer beasts crashed into his crater. He launched his head at it, just as it gave off smoke. He chomped on the saucer beast, which bore no flavor and was merely metallic rather than organic.

Ghidorah raised himself up as explosions filled the air. He raised his heads and found hundreds of other metallic creatures on both the ground and in the air, firing bolts of fire at each other. Alongside them were the same tiny creatures that resided in the shiny mountains. They appeared to be carrying sticks that shot fire as well. It appeared that this was some sort of conflict between opposing colonies, like how colonial Kaiju that multiplied in large numbers had with other colonies.

Ghidorah roared in anger at these tiny creatures for not only disturbing his sleep, but intruding upon his territory. Ghidorah took flight into the air and began to rain down his gravity beams upon the creatures, which glassed the land along with the creatures that fought their war. As he did this, they turned their attention on him, using their bolts of fire against him. His rage grew as these insolent beings thought they could destroy him, the apex predator. Ghidorah continued to fire his gravity beams wildly through the air and ground, covering the skies with his electric-like energy and fire. He continued this until there was nothing left. All that was left behind was a land covered in glass.

Ghidorah roared to the heavens, displaying his supremacy. His eyes then widened as he caught sight of more of the massive saucer beasts, hovering high above in the sky. Bright lights came from them, which ranged from the dozens. From the saucers, many bolts of fire rained down, crashing upon the surface of the land and filling it with explosions. Animals that were unfortunate to be in their line of fire were obliterated from the explosions. Kaiju that were out and about were struck by these bolts, wailing in pain. Even the neighboring members of Ghidorah's kind were caught in the blasts. They proceeded to scurry away, seeking their own craters for shelter from the hellfire that fell from the sky.

Ghidorah grunted as he was struck as well, and the earth gave in at his feet. He screeched as he fell back into his crater and was buried by tons of dirt. He wondered what these creatures were doing. Their colonial wars seemed to be never ending and merely continued to cause his territory to suffer. He would fly up to these saucer beasts and destroy every single one of them, but the fire from them was much too painful. Ghidorah then began to tunnel himself deeper into his crater. He had no choice but to wait until the warring creatures finished their fight. Hopefully, it wouldn't take any much longer.

As he was miles underground, Ghidorah curled himself up into a fetal position, breathing softly as his hearing picked up the muffled explosions from above. He closed his eyes, waiting for the chaos to end. He then heard loud rumbling. His eyes shot open as he saw a metal object with a drill moving passed him, digging itself deeper into the ground. Ghidorah turned his head and watched as it fell through his burrow and continued to dig down, leaving his sight with high speed. Surely it came from the tiny creatures above. It seemed that Ghidorah wouldn't be able to have a peaceful rest if this chaos led underground into his burrow.

Suddenly, he felt the earth around him rumble. Ghidorah's eyes widened as he felt the world violently rumble all around. A loud deafening boom filled his hearing, and he felt himself rocked in a great motion. Ghidorah curled himself even more to shield himself from the intense heat that he felt in his burrow. He felt as if his burrow was moving through the air, but that was impossible. He was underground. As Ghidorah's hearing return, he noticed that the muffling explosions from the surface had stopped. In an instant, the sounds were no more. Ghidorah growled as he curled his necks him and snuggled in his moving burrow, feeling the motion rock him to sleep. Little did he know, he was trapped inside of a massive chunk of earth that drifted through the cold darkness of space, away from other chunks of earth and magma core that had once made up his world. On the side, a much larger saucer that had the width of 348 kilometers remained stationary, emitting bright lights as it watched the fallen world.

As the chunk of earth that Ghidorah resided in drifted in space, it continued to build up speed. Only time would tell where this Kaiju would end up in the great vacuum of space.

Time was lost to Ghidorah as he didn't know how long that he remained in his burrow. The rocking never stopped, and all it did was put him back to sleep with its cradle-like movement. This may have been the most peaceful rest that the Kaiju had ever experience in all the years that he had been alive. He had no need to leave his burrow, since he wanted to savor his peaceful rest for as long as possible. Though, he will have to emerge eventually. As Ghidorah continued to rest, he felt himself rocking even faster, along with the heat that was slowly building up. Ghidorah groaned as the pain reached him, making his burrow much uncomfortable to be in. Before he could even emerge out of it, he suddenly felt himself rocked with such momentum that he slammed his heads against the walls of his burrow, where he felt himself knocked unconscious. Outside of his burrow, the large chunk of earth that he was unknowingly inside had just crashed down onto a green and blue world, causing dust and debris to rise high into the sky, blotting out the sun.

Ghidorah came back to consciousness. His eyes were heavy and his heads ached. He groaned as he sorely raised himself, only to hit the roof of his burrow. He growled in frustration as he recalled how he was still inside his rocky prison. He decided that it was time to leave and used the claws on his wings to scrape away the dirt above, where he proceeded to dig out of his burrow. As Ghidorah continued to dig himself out, he finally managed to find daylight.

Ghidorah burst out of his resting place and gave a low roar as he stretched out his aching wings after all the time that he was cramped inside of his burrow. He took in his surrounds, but immediately realized that something was horribly wrong. Everything around him was completely alien. Ghidorah found green hills, brown mountains, and blue skies all around. There was no smell of sulfur in the air and there were no yellow gasses rising from a yellow surface. Everything was completely different.

Ghidorah searched around and found himself inside of a great crater, where remnants of yellow earth that he was familiar with was scattered around. Ghidorah looked up at the sky again and found the moon to be faded in the sky. This was what sealed his shock. There was only one white moon in the sky rather than the seven moons of different colors such as brown, grey, tan, and orange. He suddenly realized that he wasn’t in his world.

Ghidorah stomped out of the crater and looked down at the lush green land that was outside. His home was elsewhere. Ghidorah gave chattering roars to call for any members of his kind. As he listened, there was no response. He roared again, hoping to hear a response. Again, only his echoes filled the air. This settled it, he truly was in a strange new world, and he was alone. No other member of his kind was here. Ghidorah displayed his wings out as he roared to the sky, which echoed for miles. His sorrowful cries went unheard by any members of his kind, but with the smaller creatures that inhabited this world.

This was all the fault of the tiny creatures from his world. Whatever they did, and how they did it caused him to be alone. He tended to be alone, but it was merely to survive. That didn't mean that he wanted other members of his species to be gone as well, let alone his entire world. His world could have been gone for all he knew. The tiny creatures destroyed mountains with their fire and obliterated life wherever they fought. They marooned him to this world. Ghidorah roared angrily as he opened his jaws and began to scorch the land with his gravity beams.

From among a valley, bipedal beings with blue skin and grey eyes stood. They bore tendril-like hair and bore four fingers and toes on their hands and feet. These beings were screaming in terror at the sight of a great giant, bearing several eyes, massive jaws and razor sharp teeth prowling through the land on its four short legs, swaying its crocodile-like tail. The Kaiju roared as it pushed itself off of the ground while throwing its head back, almost in a push up like fashion.

The creature glared at Ghidorah with its eyes, while the golden dragon landed on the earth. Ghidorah snarled as he flared his wings and extended out his neck down at the kaiju, which was shorter compared to him. This world was filled with giants like him, but they obviously did not take kindly to his intrusion. The two charged towards each other, with Ghidorah leaping into the air while using his wings to boost him up. He avoided the jaws of this beast and slammed his feet upon its back, digging his claws into it. The kaiju was too large to carry, so Ghidorah was forced to fight directly. He bounded from the kaiju and spewed his gravity beams, scorching the monster's hide. The kaiju wailed in agony as its weak hide was ravaged.

Ghidorah continued his attack on his opponent, scorching the shining mountains that filled this valley, where the cries of the tiny creatures continued to come from. This world was much like his old one, bearing strange tiny creatures that dwelled in the mountains. However, they lacked domes that would prevent him from stepping on them. Now everything was crumbling to his very size. As Ghidorah finished his attack, he roared to the sky.

He went on to feed on this beast, but was interrupted as he felt a piercing irritation on his neck. Ghidorah turned his heads and found several beasts with long necks and bulbous bodies moving towards him as their heads sparked with energy. They hummed as they moved across the ground. Ghidorah suddenly felt a beam strike his muzzle, grazing up to one of his eyes on his left head. The head screeched in agony while Ghidorah turned his heads away. He was all too familiar with these creatures attacking him this way.

The kaiju roared as he began to scorch the ground with his beams, leaving a path of destruction. He grunted as he shook his heads as if to shake off the annoying feeling the beams had. As more beams continued to strike him from the further corner of these mountains, Ghidorah felt agitated. He knew of one way to end this nonsense. Ghidorah charged the mountains, causing then to tumble and crumble into rubble and dust. Every step had led to these creatures being squished like the pest that they were. However, Ghidorah turned and found a burning object headed right in his direction. Ghidorah turned his heads and watched as the object crashed at his feet. Suddenly, he was blinded by a great flash. His hearing went deaf and he felt a tremendous force all around himself. He blacked out on the spot, unaware of the chaos that had unfolded.

After what seemed like just a second, Ghidorah's eyes shot open. He raised himself, finding darkness over the land. His heads ached and fatigue plagued the kaiju. As he recovered, he noticed his surroundings. All of the mountains that were in the area were gone. He was currently standing in a crater that was glassed, while the mountains further out were flatten or simply falling apart. Ghidorah looked around in confusion, wondering how this had happened. He noticed that it was still day time, but the sun was bloated out by ash, fire and smoke. Not a sound was heard from the tiny beings that were here. Ghidorah felt it was correct to assume that everything was dead. He then heard humming from above, causing Ghidorah to turn and find a massive creature with a wide and long body high above in the sky. Ghidorah found this all too familiar as the creature launched objects of fire. As they landed, Ghidorah experienced the same flash again. Only this time, the heat and force was tripled.

Thousands of Years Later...

The land shook beneath Ghidorah's feet. He roared angrily as he opened his jaws and spewed his gravity beams, scorching the land and the shiny creatures that flew all around him like a swarm of insects. His scales absorbed the impact of the fire that came from these creatures, as a grand creature that was above in the sky, with a round silver body floated in the sky. It bore no eyes and merely stood in the air without wings, letting out a low hum as the sides of it glowed with a bright red light.

From all around the great creature, three other creatures with a different shape but with a hooked face began to split off from the larger one. They soared all around the land that Ghidorah was in, headed for the nearby ocean. Two remained over the ocean while one remained over the land as it burned through the crust of the land. Ghidorah roared as he prepared to attack these invading creatures but was bombarded by fire from the swarm of small creatures from all around. Suddenly, larger masses of fire stroked him in his sides, causing Ghidorah to stumble. A creature standing on four pointed legs with tiny creatures inside was launching burning energy at Ghidorah just a couple of miles away. They continued to fire at him, causing him to back away in pain. Ghidorah screeched as he ignored the pain and prepared a gravity beam attack.

Suddenly, he felt the ground shake beneath him. The hooked face creature that burned through the crust of the land had suddenly began to suck through the hole that it had made, causing burning hot magma to rise out of the crust. The magma splashed on Ghidorah's side, causing him to wail in agony from the molten rock. He quickly backed away as the creature continued to suck in the magma into itself. Ghidorah turned and found the other similar creatures sucking in water from the ocean.

His eyes widened as he saw more sphere creatures descending down with more hooked face creatures detaching from them. Ghidorah began to back away from the area as more energy bombarded him from the air and hills. As he took off into the air to fly away, the hooked face creatures descended over the ocean as well, sucking in the water while the rest took part in burning through the land to suck in magma.

This process had been going on for the past week for Ghidorah. He was noticing that the land had many quakes ever since they started drilling into the world and taking up the magma. The water was even becoming scarce as these creatures continued to drink all the water. It was then that Ghidorah had come to the terrible realization that his world was doomed just like own world from eons before and the worlds that he had lived prior.

Every time there were some mysterious looking creatures that came from the sky, they attacked him and ravaged the worlds that he was on, leading to its destruction and him ending up on another. It was the tiny creatures inside of these larger ones. They were to blame for all of this by making the larger ones devour everything and to glass the land until the world imploded in on itself. Now, it was going to happen again, and he knew that it was coming. By following his routine, Ghidorah burrowed himself deep beneath the ground, waiting for the inevitable demise of this world. He felt violent earthquakes in his burrow, causing himself to huddle himself close to his chest.

Again, Ghidorah found himself being rocked inside of his burrow. Judging by experience, the world that he was on was destroyed. Now, he was drifting in a void until he either starved or landed on some other world. He wondered how many worlds he visited and how many giants he fought to establish his dominance, but his thoughts turned dark when he calculated how many of the worlds he visited were destroyed. There were so many destroyed worlds that he wondered if there was any chance of him living peacefully in a new world without it being destroyed.

The little creatures were responsible for his misfortune. Whatever they were, and wherever they came from, they were all to blame. Somehow, they could control other large creatures that either caused their own demise or the demise of worlds themselves. Ghidorah had suddenly found himself slamming against the wall of his burrow, and returned to unconsciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Ghidorah had once again awakened. He raised himself out of his comet, breaking out of the rock. He found himself in a world where the sky was darkened by the ash clouds above. The land around him was scorched, and the crater he was in was deep. Ghidorah felt a great amount of rage in his heart build as he looked around the destruction, recalling the worlds that he had seen destroyed. He gave an enraged cry as he took off into the air, spewing his gravity beams across the land, scorching what was left.

He suddenly came across a great creature with dark scales. It was reptilian, much like he was. It stood in a bipedal stance as it shakily raised itself from ash and fire, shaking off the debris. Its dorsal plates were jagged and its box shaped muzzle crinkled as it found Ghidorah staring at him. It let loose a screeching roar, challenging this beast that had mysteriously appeared. Ghidorah crinkled his muzzles as well, angered by the audacity that this alien had on challenging his own supremacy. He took off into the air and slammed his raptor-like feet against the monster's muzzle, forcing it onto its back as its dorsal plates illuminated a blue light. Ghidorah bit down on the creature's neck, sending volts of energy through its body with his bite. Things were going to change. This time, Ghidorah was going to remain on this planet until the day he died and he would destroy anything that threatened his reign. He would kill any tiny creature resembling the cursed invaders of all the worlds he had been to. Today, this world had a new king.

Present Day...

Ghidorah had panted as he stood over Vanity's body. He was beaten to a pulp, bleeding all over the ground. The Shadow's Hand members merely stood by in silence as they watched Ghidorah's fists drip with blood. Ghidorah took a deep breath before sighing in relief. He wiped his fists and snatched the Arum Dragon from Vanity's person.

"You should've just handed it over as you agreed you would," spat Ghidorah. He and the Shadow's Hand then fled the house, leaving Vanity for dead. They then escaped into an alley, where they passed through a vortex, reappearing in the temple of shadows. Sombra sat on his icy throne with a hard expression as the Avatar amulet remained around his neck. The power flowed through him, enhancing every fiber of his being by tenfold. Ghidorah tossed the Arum Dragon towards Sombra, who caught it with his telekinesis.

"Vanity posed an issue, so he had to be dealt with," said Ghidorah in a dry tone as he looked to Thanatos. Sombra bore a toothy grin as he looked upon the artifact, analyzing every curve of it. He especially eyed the beautiful emerald that was embedded into the dragon's chest.

"Excellent work. We now have almost everything we need. All that's left is the girl," said Sombra.

"Then I'll go out and bring her back," said Ghidorah as he began to walk away.

"No you fool! If they were able to easily find our lair with her before, they surely shall be able to again!" yelled Sombra in anger. Ghidorah narrowed his eyes in response.

"No. This time, we will wait until the time is right. We can't risk all that we have now. I will crush Celestia and all that she holds dear," said Sombra.

"Understood... Master," said Ghidorah with a sick stomach. Truly, sapient life forms such as humans were nothing but a cancer. Inevitably, they would destroy their own worlds or even set out to destroy other worlds along with their native species. He couldn't afford for them to go on, for they were a grand threat to nature. Soon, Ghidorah would regain his power from his previous life and an army of giants to stand against any sapient being on this planet or any invader from beyond the stars. This was his world, and he was its king. His alliance with the humans under Sombra was but temporary. He would not be damned to servitude to low sapiens, for he was a Kaiju, the gods of the natural world.


Junior was standing beside Azusa and Rarity in silence. Rarity was sporting a long sleeved turtle neck sweater with a scarlet scarf around her neck. She sported a pair of black leggings and boots. Azusa was sporting here previous clothes, which were washed and cleaned. The three stared at a wall with a painting hanging on it, while other people of high class observed other paintings.

"This one speaks to me," said Rarity in fascination. Junior and Azusa merely glanced at her.

"What's it saying?" asked Azusa.

"It says... peace among nations," said Rarity. Junior and Azusa glanced at each other in confusion and looked at the painting, which was merely just a dot in the center.

"Really? I kinda feel like it represents loneliness or something," said Azusa.

"I'm only kidding darling," chuckled Rarity. Junior looked around and found the diverse paintings that were present for this event. He even saw sculptures in place.

"Aside from this excuse of art, there's a lot of neat stuff here. Wish I brought a camera for everything we've seen," said Junior. Azusa smiled as she found a painting of a basket full of kittens. Her heart fluttered at the cuteness of the painting.

"Same," said Azusa. As the three began to look around, Fancy Pants had arrived.

"Ah. Ms. Rarity. So good to see you all again," greeted Fancy Pants as he wiped his monocle.

"Good afternoon!" greeted Rarity.

"Hey, Fancy Pants," greeted Junior. Fancy Pants smiled at Junior's informal greeting. It was refreshing for him to hear lower class folks to speak so causally.

"Enjoying the event so far?" asked Fancy Pants.

"Oh, it is just divine! There is so much talent here!" said Rarity. As the two shared a conversation, Junior couldn't help but notice a painting that caught his eye. He made his way over to where the painting was, able to get a full view of it. What he saw was an ocean view, covered in fog. In the background of the painting, a silhouette of a beast rising from the depths was visible, with jagged spikes on its back. Junior immediately recognized this creature's appearance.

"Fascinating, isn't it?" asked a woman with a thick Neighponese accent. Junior nearly jumped out of his skin and turned to look to his side. He found an elderly woman standing beside him as she looked at the painting that he was looking at.

"Uh... Y-Yeah. It's great. That wouldn't happen to be the legendary Gojira?" asked Junior as he cleared his throat. He wondered where in the world this woman had come from. The woman nodded in response.

"Yes, this painting is by me. I've always been fascinated by the legends of Kaiju. I've depicted them in my work to share with the world of these great beasts," said the woman as she gestured to a couple of other paintings. There were depictions of dragon-like creatures towering over mountains and villages; standing as titans of their own environment. Junior recognized a dragon with an armadillo-like shell and spikes, crouching by a set of mountains. He also recognized a three-headed dragon covered in fire as it stood over a scorched land. Junior hardened his eyes at the familiar beast in the painting. He felt a tap on his shoulder, prompting Junior to turn and find Azusa standing beside him.

"Hey, Rarity's going to spend some time with that Fancy Pants guy. Would it be alright if we headed back without her?' asked Azusa. Junior looked back at Rarity, who was sharing a conversation with the high class man. Junior shrugged.

"I suppose it'll be alright. We're supposed to meet at a cafe later anyway, so why don't we head on down there?" suggested Junior. Azusa nodded with a smile. The two had later left the convention center and headed down the sidewalk. They walked passed crowds of people in this bustling city. Azusa looked around the city with a small smile as she found large billboards that advertised products and an upcoming musical, along with the tall buildings that touched the sky.

"I take it you're not a city girl," said Junior as he glanced at Azusa.

"Nah. I was born in a town out in the country area. Not really any buildings around the size as the ones here," said Azusa as she held her hands behind her back.

"Country towns for the win, am I right? Not as crowded and their air isn't as tainted with this industrialism crap," chuckled Junior. Azusa smiled in amusement.

"So, what are you? Some kind of hermit?" asked Azusa.

"Not really. But now that you mention it, that sounds like a nice retirement plan," said Junior with a yawn. Azusa merely placed on a forced smile at the response, though bearing a look of discomfort. Junior noticed this and raised a brow at her.

"Azusa?" called Junior.

"Say, do you... Just not like people?" asked Azusa. Junior bore a look of confusion.

"Where's this coming from all of the sudden?" asked Junior.

"W-Well it's just that... I'm curious," replied Azusa as she looked away.

"I wouldn't say that I don't like people in general. I kinda suffer from anti-social tendencies, which you can guess is due to me being a Transmutant," said Junior. The two walked across the street together until they came around a small neighborhood.

"I'm trying my best though to get over that though. But I do enjoy being alone from time to time. It just feels a bit more natural for me," said Junior. Azusa twiddled her thumbs together as she walked by Junior as she pondered her answer.

"What about your girlfriend?" asked Azusa.

"Well... She's an exception. I wouldn't mind if she were around me more often. I mean, she is special to me," said Junior as he lightly flushed in embarrassment. He gave a small chuckle.

"Ah. That sounds kinda corny from a guy huh?" asked Junior as he rubbed the side of his head. Azusa shook her head.

"Not at all! I think it's great!" said Azusa. She blushed in embarrassment as she realized that she may have sounded a little too eager for Junior's answer.

"I-I mean, sure it may be nice to have some time alone. But there's nothing wrong with having your loved ones with you. They're an important part of our lives, allowing us to get a better understanding of others and ourselves. They're there for you when you're at your lowest point," said Azusa as she stopped and leaned against a building wall. Junior looked at her curiously as she watched the young teen look up to the cloudy sky, her face flushing from the blood flowing to her cheeks against the cold. Junior made his way beside her and leaned against the wall with her.

"Yeah, you're right," said Junior with a nod. He smiled at the girl.

"You seem to be wise for someone younger than me," said Junior. Azusa smiled in flattery as she rubbed her head.

"Ah. Well, I kinda picked some stuff up from mom," said Azusa. She sighed as she leaned against Junior's shoulder. She cleared her throat.

"Um... D- Gojira?" called Azusa. Junior raised a brow at her.

"Hmm?" answered Junior.

"Do you think that...I'll be able to bring my family back together?" asked Azusa. Junior looked down in thought. He wasn't exactly sure what the situation was between Azusa's parents. If she never mentioned a divorce, there may be some other reason why the two were separated. Her father may have had his reasons for being gone; hopefully some that wouldn’t make the Transmutant beat the snot out of him for.

"You know, you just might be able to. Anything is possible," said Junior. Azusa bore a pleased smile at his answer. She suddenly gasped in alarm. Junior bore a worried expression in response.

"A-Azusa?" called Junior. He found the girl to be holding her arm tightly as she lightly shook.

"H-Hey, you alright?" asked Junior with a look of worry. Azusa cleared her throat as she recomposed herself.

"I... I think I'm going to leave now," said Azusa. Junior looked at her in confusion.

"What? Why?" asked Junior. Azusa wrapped Junior into a tight hug, much to his surprise. She held him tightly as she slightly began to tremble.

"I... I'm going to talk to my mother as you said. I'm going to find out what I can about my father. Thank you. But promise me something," said Azusa. She pulled away from Junior as she held a firm expression.

"No matter how dark times may get, always keep those you love close," said Azusa. She then began to run away down the street.

"Wait, Azusa!" called Junior. He took off after the girl as she ran across the street. Before Junior could chase after her, a team of horses pulling a large bus chariot got in his way, forcing Junior to stop. As the bus passed, Azusa was suddenly gone. Junior ran across the street and frantically began to look around for the girl.

"Azusa! Azusa, where are you?!" cried Junior. He then quickly turned to any person that was nearby.

"Excuse me! Did you see a Neighsian girl pass by here?! She has dark hair with a violet highlight!" said Junior. The man that he was asking bore a look of discomfort as this stranger suddenly confronted him.

"No, I'm sorry," said the man. Junior groaned in frustration as he went around asking citizens if they had seen the girl only to be met by negative answers. After a minute, Junior was panting from exhaustion as he looked for the girl. He sighed heavily as he stood by a street and realized that Azusa was gone. It was though she had mysteriously vanished into thin air. He knew that she was going to leave anyway, but nearly forgot about it and he hoped that she was safe and that she would get home unharmed. Junior sighed as he walked through Manehattan, making his way over to a cafe. As he entered, he found Rarity waving to him from a table. Junior made his way over to the table and took a seat across from her.

"Where's Azusa?" asked Rarity in confusion. Junior sighed as he held a look of disappointment.

"Ah. She said that she was going home. She just left," said Junior.

"Oh. I see. Well, I hope things work out for her at home," said Rarity, noticing her friend's dejection. As Junior remained silent, Rarity softly smiled at him.

"You've grown fond of her, haven't you?" asked Rarity.

"Well... I don't know. I kinda found myself relating to the kid a bit. Plus, I wish she would have let us say goodbye to her before she left," said Junior. “She just suddenly took off. It’s got me worried.”

"Well, I wouldn’t be too worried. If she’s going home, then she should be fine," said Rarity with a reassuring smile. Junior nodded.

"Maybe,” said Junior with a worried look.


It was noon over the town. The Sirens walked alongside five of the Main Six and the three of the Transmutant Four. Erika, Spike and Sunset were present as well, walking beside Twilight. The group continued through town during this cold weather.

"So, where are we going again?" asked Aria with a raised brow.

"We're going to this new spot that has some great food! Rodan and I had gone last time, and it was awesome!" said Rainbow Dash as she held her hands behind her head. Sonata smiled brightly.

"Some food sounds good. Do you think they have tacos?" asked Sonata. Adagio sighed in annoyance.

"I hope they do, because I'm getting tired of you asking for some," said Adagio. Sonata shrugged.

"What? I've always wanted to try them again since we came here! They're really good! Along with the rest of the food that I've tried so far," said Sonata with her mouth salivating a bit.

"Oh yeah, I think they serve tacos there too. We're almost there," said Rodan as he and Rainbow led the group down town. Eventually, they came across a large establishment that was called, 'Surfin' Jack's'. Mosura hummed to herself as she read the name.

"Sounds exciting," said Mosura. As the gang entered, they spent the next several minutes waiting to get a seat. Everyone sat on chairs, waiting to be seated at a table in the restaurant. Sonata moaned as she leaned against Aria, who bore a look of annoyance.

"So... Hungry... Must eat," said Sonata with a moan. Aria sighed in exasperation as she pushed Sonata off herself.

"Shut up, Sonata. We're waiting," said Aria. Erika looked to Rodan with a raised brow.

"How long did it take you guys to get in?" asked Erika.

"About thirty minutes," answered Rodan. Sonata moaned in disappointment while Aria's brow twitched in annoyance.

"OK, screw this! I'm leaving!" said Aria. Adagio grabbed her by the arm and sat her back down.

"Now hold on! We're being treated. Don't be rude," hissed Adagio in a whisper. Aria growled in response as she sat back while crossing her arms with a scowl on her face.

"Isn't that a little too long though?" asked Twilight.

"A little, but it's worth it! Besides, there aren’t that many people here today like there were before. We should be getting a table any minute now," said Rainbow as she looked at her watch. Just then, a woman came by with a name tag over her right breast of her shirt.

"Thank you all for waiting. We have tables available for you all," said the woman. Rainbow smirked as she looked at Twilight.

"See?" The group soon found themselves at an area where a couple of tables were put together, along with over a dozen chairs. As they took their seats, the waitress left to allow them to decide what to order.

"Come on tacos. Where are you?" Sonata read through the menu with an intense stare. Applejack leaned over to her side and pointed to a section on the next page. Sonata grinned in response. As everyone looked through their menu, Twilight sighed.

"What's with that frowny face?" asked Pinkie as she looked to Twilight in curiosity.

"Ah. Nothing," said Twilight as she looked through her menu.

"She just misses Gojira. Like, to the point that she's looking to buy a train ticket to Manehattan," said Spike. Twilight immediately cupped her hand over Spike's mouth as she laughed in embarrassment.

"Hahaha! Very funny, Spike," said Twilight as she held a hand in her skirt's pocket. Here, she crushed a ticket that was present inside, while using her magic to make it disappear.

"They should be coming home tomorrow, Twi. They'll be back before you know it," said Applejack as she mentally marked down what she wanted to order. Erika merely stared at the menu, looking for something to order.

"I can't decide what to get. Hey Sunset, what are you..." Erika's voice trailed off as she found Sunset staring blankly at the wall, with a slight trembling lip. Erika shook her shoulder, causing Sunset to snap out of her dazed state.

"Huh? Wha?" Sunset looked at her with a slight startled expression.

"I was asking what you were going to order," said Erika with a raised brow. Sunset cleared her throat as she quickly looked through the menu.

"Oh uh... Let's see..." Sunset began to read through the menu, while Erika bore a small look of concern. Rodan's ears perked as he heard a tune playing in the restaurant. He turned and found a jukebox playing a catchy song about a bird, making him bob his head as a waitress came to their table.

"Can I start you all on something to drink?" asked the waitress.

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