• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 55: Regretful Actions

Junior roared as he sent powerful punches and claw swipes against Destoroyah's armor, making him stagger. Ghidorah chattered as he stomped towards the two but was swiped at by Destoroyah's tail.

"Back off! He's mine!!" shouted Destoroyah as he pulled Junior into a head lock. Ghidorah snarled at the demon in response.

"This is no time for your petty vendetta! We need to kill him now!" shouted Ghidorah as he stomped towards the two. He was then struck by the magic of the Avatars, Luna and Cadence. The two royals took off into the air and circled around Ghidorah as they fired their magic at him.

Meanwhile, Junior continued to fight Destoroyah with all of his might. Painful memories flooded into his mind as he glared at the demon with blood lust. Junior roared and bit down on Destoroyah's arm, who shrieked in response.

The demon glared at Junior. The boy's face brought up old memories that infuriated. His face reminded him too much of Gojira Takeshi the First. It was infuriating to know that the last of the Takeshi clan was challenging him, threatening to prevent him from restoring his clan’s honor.

"I hate you, Gojira Takeshi the second! Just looking at you makes me sick to my stomach!" shouted Destoroyah as he clawed at Junior's neck. The younger Transmutant responded by head-butting the demon, sending him back staggering.

"I hate you, too! I'm going to make you suffer for what you did to me!" roared Junior as he slammed into Destoroyah and tackled him to the ground. Junior punched the demon into the pavement with all of his might. Destoroyah's head left an imprint as Junior’s assault continued. Destoroyah's ear-like flaps began to spark as mist sprayed out from the sides of his head. He opened his mouth and spewed forth a violet beam from his mouth, which grazed Junior's arm and made him cry out in agony as his scales were eaten away at, exposing softer, pink flesh underneath. Junior reared his fist back and punched Destoroyah’s head to knock him away. Junior gave a loud roar as his eyes turned red.

Inside of the Canterlot castle, Thanatos continued to clash blades with Koizumi and Yoshi. The two heavily armored men kept attacking as they traded positions in attempt to break through Thanatos's defense. The cult leader leapt over Koizumi as he swung at him with his two swords. Yoshi pulled out a pistol and fired at the older man but his bolts were deflected by a small magic shield that Thanatos had projected with his hand. Thanatos then forced his magic shield against Yoshi, which shattered against his armor and sent the rebel several feet down the hall.

"You piece of-" Koizumi clashed blades with Thanatos multiple times. The sparks flew around them from their blades. Koizumi stepped to the side as he dodged Thanatos's first sword and then raised one of his swords to catch Thanatos's second blade. Koizumi forced Thanatos away and then spun as he swung both of his swords against Thanatos. The older man blocked the blades, resulting in more sparks and a loud clang. He then kicked Koizumi in his gut and sent one of his hands forward as he raised two sparkling fingers, firing a small beam of magic at Koizumi’s chest. Koizumi cried out as his armor was scorched and his body was sent flying towards a wall, which left him panting as he dropped to his knees. Thanatos then turned to find Yoshi charging towards him with his sword. The older man merely smirked as he dropped one of his swords and fired a beam of magic with his free hand. Yoshi cried out in pain as he was blasted towards the far end of the hall before rolling to a stop and panting.

"I must commend you both for lasting this long. But, you both are no match against me," said Thanatos. He turned to find a panting Koizumi struggling onto his feet and glaring at Thanatos from behind his helmet's visor. Koizumi gave a war cry as he ran down the hall while dragging his blades along the carpet, tearing it up. Thanatos shook his head as he dropped his remaining sword and his hands were engulfed in a dark magical aura. As Koizumi came closer, Thanatos shot his magic towards Koizumi's legs, causing him to trip and fall. Koizumi growled as he struggled to stand but his eyes widened as he felt a piercing sensation below his knees. He cried out in agony as he rolled on the floor. Thanatos watched as he gave a sinister laugh as Koizumi's armor audibly cracked.

"Careful, my magic has broken your legs. It'd be best if you'd try not to walk," said Thanatos as he walked over to Koizumi. He used his magic to levitate the swords away and then knelt beside Koizumi. The mercenary growled as he glared at Thanatos.

"Hmm. So, you are Kira Koizumi. I must say, you do live up to your reputation, but not against me," said Thanatos with a chuckle. He raised himself up and gestured to all around himself. "My, this is a lovely castle is it not? But, not as lovely as the one back at home."

Thanatos kicked Koizumi as he tried to crawl. Thanatos grabbed Koizumi by the back of his neck and tightened his grip.

"Kira Koizumi. A cold blooded mercenary that did any job, no questions asked. I've learned much about you. I must say, you are one despicable human being," said Thanatos. Koizumi growled.

"You were once paid to assassinate a man in the Hooviet Empire to crush an insurrectionist movement. They couldn't have them tearing down the way their government was run and for them to take over themselves, so they hired you," said Thanatos. Koizumi panted as he fought through his pain.

"It was just a job," said Koizumi as he wheezed. He glanced ahead and found Yoshi clutching his chest as he lied on the ground.

"Yes, much like that time where you stole and traded information between two warring nations. That information proved to work in one nation's favor. Unfortunate for the losing nation who now lives under their neighbor's rule," said Thanatos.

"They should have paid their debts instead of spending money on trying to decorate their capital city with gold!" said Koizumi as he slammed his fist onto the ground.

"Ah yes, but because of you, an entire nation lost its sovereignty and another lost its chance at reforming their government. Just think of the lives you ruined, just for your own personal gain. Let's not forget to mention the lives you took," said Thanatos. Koizumi growled as he glared at Thanatos.

"You expect me to pity them?! I don't even know them! Besides, it was their own damn fault for not standing up for themselves! Instead, their governments babysat them like the children that they are!" said Koizumi. Thanatos laughed.

"Ah. Koizumi, your heart is cold as stone. I admire that," said Thanatos as he began to walk away. Koizumi grunted as he turned his head to face Thanatos.

"Unlike the other rebels, you lack morality. You're cold and ruthless… a true warrior. It gives you an evolutionary advantage over most people," said Thanatos. He then turned to face Koizumi. "As history taught us, it's survival of the fittest,"

"Heh. Well...I never was one who let morals keep me from doing my job. But I'll still kill you, because with MONARCH in the way, I can't survive," said Koizumi. Thanatos smirked under his helmet.

"Yes, but let's see if your years as a murderer has made you strong enough to stand against us," said Thanatos. Koizumi furrowed his brows.

"As I said before, they were just jobs," said Koizumi. Thanatos laughed darkly.

"So you say, but I think there's something going on in your mind right now. I'm curious to know if it'll cost you or help you," said Thanatos as he walked away. Thanatos suddenly disappeared in a mist of purple and green smoke with black sparks. Koizumi panted as he lowered his head.

"A true warrior, huh?" asked Koizumi. He shook his head as he gritted his teeth. The pain in his legs made him feel lightheaded. He slumped over and started to hyperventilate. Yoshi panted as he held his chest and glanced to find a few guards rushing over towards them.

"Medic!" called one of the guards.

Celestia dodged several punches that were directed towards her. Gaira roared as he continued to swing his arms wildly in an attempt to strike the Avatar. Celestia stepped back and shot her arm forward, firing a bright beam of magic. Gaira cried out as he shot out towards the street of Canterlot and away from the castle. She leapt into the air and rained down several bolts of Gaira and Titano, making them stagger as they were then met with gunfire from the rebels. Titano roared as he charged towards the new enemy.

"No you don't!" said Celestia as she dove down towards the Transmutant and slammed him to the ground. Titano craned his neck to the side and opened his long jaws. Celestia tilted back as she dodged his snapping jaws. The Avatar then punched the Transmutant across the jaw. She gasped as her eyes caught sight of Gaira charging towards her. Celestia leapt off of Titano as the sea dragon-like creature snapped its jaws at her again. Gaira had attempted to punch the Avatar, but missed her and ended up punching Titano across the jaw.

"Son of bitch!" shouted Titano as he groaned in pain. Gaira turned around with a glare but slumped his shoulders as Celestia came hurling towards him with her fist reared back. Celestia sent a powerful punch against Gaira's cheek, knocking a couple of teeth out of his mouth. The Transmutant groaned as he was forced to the ground from the Avatar's mighty punch. Celestia flapped her wings and landed alongside the rebels.

"Damn, that was badass!" said rebel in exhilaration. Titano and Gaira staggered up to their feet and glared at the rebels and Avatar. Celestia hardened her eyes her hands were engulfed in her magic aura. Titano growled as he and Gaira took a few steps back.

"Come on, I think this is long enough," said Titano as he sneaked a glance at Gaira.

"Hmph. Fine," said Gaira in annoyance. Titano grabbed a block of concrete and threw it towards Celestia. The Avatar merely raised her hand and fired a beam of magic, destroying it. Titano and Gaira took the opportunity to turn and run away. Celestia sighed in frustration as she unfurled her wings.

"After them!" ordered Celestia. The Avatar took off into the air as the rebels began to chase the Transmutants on foot. As Celestia soared after them, her eyes caught sight of a dark armored figure. The Transmutants met with the figure and stopped as they pointed at her. Celestia hardened her eyes as she descended down to the ground.

"You! Who are you?!" demanded Celestia as she prepared a spell. Thanatos smirked under his helmet as his hands glowed. Celestia's eyes widened as she caught sight of the MONARCH symbol.

"Someone from the shadows," said Thanatos. Celestia hardened her stare as she raised her hands. Thanatos and the two Transmutants suddenly vanished into a plume of purple and green smoke as Celestia charged in. She stopped and searched all around for any trace. Celestia shivered as she felt a chill down her spine and her eyes went wide.

"That...That was dark magic," said Celestia. She shook her head as she looked down in confusion.

"But, dark magic is too rare to learn these days. Who could-" Celestia was interrupted as she heard multiple roars in the distance. She turned and found fires erupting in one section of Canterlot. Her eyes widened as she found Cadence and Luna fighting against a golden, three headed dragon. She turned to the rebels that had joined her.

"Go and watch over the citizens! I will handle any other Transmutant left!" ordered Celestia.

"Yes, ma'am!" responded the rebels. Celestia took off into the air as she looked upon the battle that was transpiring.

Junior roared as he continued to slam his own body against Destoroyah. His eyes had gone from its usual amber colored appearance to a hellish red. His attacks involved less punches and kicks, but rather it involved slamming his own weight and jaws against Destoroyah. The demon noticed the unusual appearance in Junior’s eyes as well and his feral behavior, as Junior’s yells were replaced by roars, but he shook off the thought and just decided to fight back.

Junior tackled Destoroyah to the ground and bit his neck. Destoroyah shrieked in agony as he felt the powerful jaws crush the armor on his neck as felt teeth pierce into him. Destoroyah kicked Junior's gut and forced him back.

"Skreeoonnk!!" Junior roared as he charged towards Destoroyah again like a rampaging elephant. He slammed into Destoroyah and slammed his fists against him, but Destoroyah bit down onto Junior's neck, causing him to wail in agony.

Cadence stopped her attack on Ghidorah as she heard his cries. She gasped as saw Destoroyah slam Junior into the wall of a building and maul at his neck. The Avatar broke off from her attack against Ghidorah, leaving Luna to fend him off on her own.

"Gojira, I'm coming!" cried Cadence. She shot her hands forward and fired beams of magic against Destoroyah. The Transmutant screeched as he released Junior and staggered back as the magic continued to rain on him. Cadence landed on the ground next to Junior as she continued her attack.

Junior growled as his eyes flashed red. He turned his attention towards Cadence as she continued to attack Destoroyah. He growled angrily as he clutched his head. His mind went blank as he found himself lost in a fire of anger. It was his desire to be the one to make Destoroyah suffer, and Cadence was getting in the way. He gave a screeching roar as he turned to face Cadence as he rose to his feet. The Avatar gasped and turned to face Junior with a startled expression. Her eyes widened as she found the Transmutant with his fist raised in the air as he stood over her. Amber gasped in shock at the sight. Cadence yelped as she jumped out of the way as Junior slammed his fist onto the ground. As she landed on her stomach, she turned to face Junior with wide eyes.

'What in the world?!' thought Amber.

"Gojira, what are you doing?!" exclaimed Cadence. Junior snarled at her causing the Avatar to recoil in response. Junior then turned his attention back to Destoroyah, who was already charging back towards him. Junior and Destoroyah collided against each other and continued to bite and scratch each other. Cadence got up to her feet and took off into the air to avoid getting crushed by the Transmutants. Junior kept his jaws locked onto Destoroyah's arm and shook his head furiously as he began to twist and turn his body. Cadence took the opportunity to fire magic bolts at the demon that was distracted. She then dropped to the ground and continued to fire a beam of magic as she came closer to Destoroyah while Junior held him down. Junior released Destoroyah as his red eyes glowed brightly. He turned to face Cadence again and roared in anger as he shoved Destoroyah away and charged towards her. Her eyes widened in horror as he raised his foot over her, forcing Cadence to project magic bubble over herself to block Junior's foot. She grunted as she felt the force of his attack work against her spell.

"Gojira, why are you attacking me?!" cried Cadence with a fearful expression. Her eyes widened as she felt something radiate from the Transmutant. She trembled as she sensed his anger and hate boil inside of his heart. As someone whose magic is based around love, she had grown sensitive to emotions of others. But what she was feeling coming from her cousin felt as if she were burning.

'I never felt so much hatred from anyone in my entire life,' thought Cadence. As she held her spell dome against Junior, she watched as he roared like a raging animal while slamming his fists onto the ground. Junior slashed at Cadence's shield again, causing sparks of it to fly off. He then turned back to find Destoroyah attempting to fly away, but Junior broke off into a sprint and chased after him. Junior leapt and grabbed Destoroyah's tail and pulled him back down the ground. Destoroyah roared as he slammed into the ground. Junior snarled as he charged his atomic breath, but was interrupted as Ghidorah came crashing down on him. The three headed dragon roared at him as two of his heads followed Luna as she flew around him. She continued to fire her magic at Ghidorah as Junior struggled to stand. He roared angrily as his red eyes glared at the middle head. Junior grunted as he swiped at Ghidorah's gut, causing him to bleed. The three headed dragon screeched as he stumbled back and was shoved out of the way by Destoroyah.

"Stop interfering!" shouted Destoroyah as his body started bleeding. Junior roared as he slammed into Destoroyah but was met with another micro-oxygen beam attack from Destoroyah. He roared as he was forced back.

"I will restore my clan's honor!" shouted Destoroyah. Junior growled as he held his wounded shoulder. Junior roared as he slammed into Destoroyah again and crashed into an empty restaurant. Outside, Ghidorah fired his electric beams at Luna, who teleported out of the way and reappeared on the ground. She fired her beam of magic against Ghidorah's leg. The dragon fell over in pain and turned his head to find Cadence to be flying over him. Ghidorah's right head lunged forward and wrapped itself around Cadence, who cried out in pain as she felt the serpent-like neck constrict itself against her. Ghidorah's middle head raised itself as it opened its jaws as it came closer to Cadence, who screamed in terror.

"Cadence!" cried Luna as she charged a projectile spell, but she was knocked away by one of Ghidorah's twin tails. The princess of the night slammed into a wall and left an imprint. She gasped as she watched her niece about to be mauled by the middle head of Ghidorah. Cadence squirmed as she attempted to free herself as she screamed. Before the middle head could come closer, it was struck by a light golden beam of magic. Ghidorah's middle head screeched as he began to convulse. Cadence gasped as she found Celestia diving down towards the head that restrained her. Celestia slammed her elbow down on the neck that held Cadence and caused it to groan as it released her.

Cadence dropped to the ground and panted as she watched Celestia fire a powerful beam of magic. Cadence hardened her eyes as she shot her hands up and attacked Ghidorah with her magic. Luna growled as she stood from the wall, covered in bruises. She shot her hand forward and fired her own beam of magic. As the Avatars combined their attacks, Ghidorah continued to wail as he was forced back. He narrowed his eyes as he glared at the humans before him. As Ghidorah spread his wings, they sparked with electricity. He flapped them as hard as he could and fired bolts of electricity towards the Avatars. Cadence caught a bolt with a shield that managed to display but Luna and Celestia were too slow to react. The night and day princesses were struck by electricity and were forced the ground as they cried out in pain.

"I've had enough of this! Destoroyah, come!" ordered Ghidorah as he turned to the building that Junior and Destoroyah were inside, fighting. Destoroyah turned his head to face the hole that he and Junior had made as he heard Ghidorah call him. He turned and growled at Junior, who was panting as he remained hunched. Destoroyah growled in frustration.

"This isn't over, Gojira!" said Destoroyah as he turned around and charged towards the hole. Junior growled as he shot up and pursued the demon. Junior tackled Destoroyah before he could take off into the air. Junior roared in Destoroyah's face as attempted to snap his jaws on him. Ghidorah growled in annoyance as he watched Destoroyah struggling to fight off the younger Transmutant. He rushed towards the two and used all three of his heads to bite Junior. From the three headed dragon's bite, Junior screeched as he felt electric-like energy beginning to course throughout his body.

"Get away from him!" shouted Celestia as she stood up to her feet and ran towards the Transmutants. She, Luna and Cadence all came closer to the trio and fired beams of magic at Ghidorah. The dragon released Junior and flapped his wings while Destoroyah kicked Junior away and ran in the Avatars' direction. Junior growled as he pursued Destoroyah, but then stopped as the Avatars attacked the demon. Junior roared as his red eyes flashed. Luna gasped as she found Junior charging towards her with his fist reared back. She jumped out of the way as the Transmutant slammed his fist down where she was originally standing. She gave Junior an appalled look.

"Gojira, what is the meaning of this?!" demanded Luna as she shot Junior a glare. She gasped as Junior lunged towards her and snapped his jaws near her head. Luna dropped to the ground on her rear as Junior slid forward on his belly as he continued to snap his jaws at her. Luna panted as he snarled at her.

"G-Gojira?" called Luna in a nervous tone as Junior bared his teeth at her. The Transmutant responded as he used his hands to crawl towards Luna as he continued to snap his jaws at her. Cadence gasped as she turned her attention from Destoroyah and found Junior to be attacking Luna.

"Gojira, stop!" cried Cadence as she ran towards the two. Junior turned his head to find Cadence and lunged at her.

"Ah!" cried Cadence as she pulled her leg away before it could be bitten. She flapped her wings and gave herself a boost of air away from Junior as he continued to snap his jaws.

As the Transmutant heard Destoroyah's painful cries, Junior turned to find Celestia to be attacking him. Junior roared in anger as he charged towards the two. As Celestia continued her attack, she failed to notice Junior with his eyes locked on her. The Avatar turned as she felt the ground around her rumble, finding Junior to be swiping at her.

"Ah!!" cried Celestia as she was knocked away. Luna and Cadence gasped and Destoroyah turned to face Junior in surprise. Celestia rolled away on the ground, while witnesses that hid in their homes or shops stared in horror. Celestia shook off her disorientation and turned to face Junior with wide eyes.

"Ju-Junior?" called Celestia. The Transmutant merely screeched at her and charged towards her. Celestia gasped as he brought his foot over her, but missed as she rolled away. Celestia panted as she stared at Junior as he continued to snarl at her.

"Junior, why are you attacking me?!" cried Celestia. Junior responded by swinging his tail at her, which she ducked under. Luna and Cadence rushed to Celestia's aid while Destoroyah watched with wide eyes.

'Why is he turning on them?' thought Destoroyah. He merely shook off the thought and flared open his wings. He took off into the air and followed Ghidorah across the sky.

Back on the ground, Junior lunged towards Celestia and pinned her to the ground. He opened his jaws and dove for her, but Celestia caught his upper and lower jaw with her bare hands. She panted as she struggled to hold Junior's mouth back.

"Junior, stop! Please!" cried Celestia as her eyes filled up with tears. Fear held her heart in chains at the fact that her own son was attempting to bite her head off. Junior growled angrily as his red eyes glared at her. Celestia's eyes widened as she noticed the color and how they did not match his original eye color. She strained as she pushed Junior's head back, but he continued to fight her. Celestia clenched her eyes shut as her hands glowed from her magic aura.

"I'm sorry!" cried Celestia. Her hands fired beams of magic that struck Junior in his jaws and forced him off of her. The Transmutant stumbled back and attempted to attack her again. Celestia gritted her teeth as Junior pushed through her attack, but gasped as Luna appeared in her line of sight and punched the Transmutant in the jaw. Junior staggered and roared angrily as he sent a punch towards Luna but was struck by a magic beam by Cadence. Junior snarled as he stepped back, covered in scratches, burns, and smoke. He panted as his red eyes glared at the Avatars. Celestia slowly stood up to her feet as she bore a hurtful expression.

"Junior, why are you doing this?" asked Celestia in a soft tone. Junior growled as he lowered himself and scrunched his snout. He appeared like a dog that was being provoked into attacking. Celestia took small steps, causing Junior to tense more as he gave throaty growls.

"Sister, don't! Something is wrong with him!" exclaimed Luna.

"She's right! Be careful, auntie!" cried Cadence. Celestia ignored their warnings and merely continued to slowly walk towards Junior, who kept snarling at her as his red eyes brightened under the moonlight. Junior's eyes widened, prompting him to turn around to find Destoroyah fleeing. He roared in fury as he ran down the road.

"Junior, wait!" cried Celestia. As Junior stomped along the road, Caesar's eyes shot open as he lied on the ground. He raised himself and found Junior chasing Destoroyah with the Avatars pursuing him. Caesar's eyes widened as he felt Junior's raging emotions and the abnormal change in his spirit.

"Oh, no," said Caesar. He stood up to his feet and winced as he felt his forelegs ache. He then stood up on his rear legs and let his forelegs to hang as he ran after Junior with a frantic expression. As Junior came across a street corner, he stopped to check his surroundings. As he prepared to run again, he felt a tug at his tail. He turned his head and glared at Celestia, who stared at him in despair as she held his tail.

"Junior, why won't you speak to me?!" asked Celestia. Junior growled as he swung his tail, causing Celestia to cry out as she was swung with it. She was flung to the ground, with Junior stomping towards her. Celestia turned to face him as he came closer. As Junior prepared to stomp on Celestia, Luna stepped in front of her sister and caught his foot before he could bring it down. She strained as she kept his foot back, but Junior tightened his muscles as he applied more force, causing Luna to drop to one knee as she held his foot up.

"Go, my sister!" said Luna. Celestia stared with wide eyes as she watched Junior as he attempted to fight her sister.

"Junior..." whimpered Celestia. Cadence came from behind Junior and leapt onto his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she tried to force him to stop.

"Cousin, stop what you're doing! This isn't you!" cried Cadence. Junior roared as he stepped back and flailed his body erratically, causing Cadence to yelp as she was nearly forced off of him. The Transmutant reached for his back and grabbed Cadence's leg and threw her towards Luna, knocking her to the ground. Junior growled as he stomped towards them. Celestia shot up to her feet and fired a beam of magic against Junior's chest, forcing him back. He glared at her and went back to pursuing her instead. Celestia gritted her teeth as she fired a beam again, but Junior pushed through it. He shot his arm forward and grabbed Celestia and held her up in the air. She cried out in pain as Junior continued to apply pressure to her body. She stared at Junior in despair as he continued to snarl at her. As Junior brought her closer as he growled, Celestia raised a shaking arm as her eyes watered.

"Please, stop this. I love you," said Celestia in a weak tone. Junior growled at her in response. But he groaned as his head was struck by a green beam. Junior staggered and then turned his head. Amber was fluttering in the air with her antennae glowing.

"Gojira, stop! Don't let your hate get the best of you!" cried Amber. Junior snarled in response and threw Celestia to the side. He made his way towards Amber and snapped his jaws. Amber yelped as she flew away and started to lead Junior across the road. The Transmutant continued to snap his jaws at her but always missed. Amber caught sight of Caesar running down the road with his paw glowing.

"Cae-!" Amber was interrupted as she was slapped by Junior's hand, causing her to yelp in pain as she hit the ground. She rolled along the floor as her wing began to twitch. Caesar's eyes widened and then hardened as he stared at Junior.

"Junior!" called Caesar as he rushed towards the Transmutant. Junior roared as he continued to charge forward. As they were just inches from each other, Caesar swung his broken arm and struck Junior's head with his glowing fist. The Transmutant staggered back as the Shisa howled in agony. Junior growled in response but started to feel light headed as he dropped to his knees and his eyes changed back to yellow. He panted as he lowered his head, feeling overwhelming pain and exhaustion. He turned to find Caesar panting as he stared at Junior.

"Caesar?" asked Junior. Caesar nodded. The Transmutant was silent for a second, but his eyes widened. Memories of what had happened were recollected. He turned around to find Celestia, Luna and Cadence kneeling down the road. They were covered in cuts and bruises.

"No. No! Caesar, did I..." Junior hyperventilated. He gasped as he turned towards the side walk. He found Amber lying on the ground with her legs curled in. He rushed over towards the fairy and knelt down. He shakily reached for her but his heart dropped in his chest as he found a small trail of yellow liquid seeping out from a mangled leg.

Amber whimpered as she twitched on the ground. Junior gritted his teeth.

"Oh my god. Wha-What have I done?" said Junior. As he was about to reach for Amber, several other fairies fluttered down and stood in front of her.

"Get away from her!" shouted one of the fairies. Junior recoiled back

"I...I just want-"

"You hurt her, you monster!" shouted another fairy. Junior's eyes widened.

"Yeah, leave her alone!" said a third fairy. The fairies shouted at Junior as they refused to allow the Transmutant from approaching the fairy. Junior backed away. Caesar took several steps near Junior with a frown.

"No, I didn't mean to-" Junior shook his head as he looked at Amber.

"Junior?" called Celestia. Junior slowly turned and found the Avatars to be slowly approaching him. The Transmutant turned away as he lowered his head in shame.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," said Junior. Celestia stepped closer to him and wrapped him into a hug, despite her arms being unable to fully embrace his larger body. Celestia wept as she held her head against his belly. Junior lowered himself down and wrapped his arms around her as well as he stared at the ground in sadness. Cadence and Luna stood by in relief.

"Thank goodness," said Cadence. As Junior and Celestia break from their hug, the princess of the sun gave him a sad smile. Junior still kept his head lowered in shame. He then felt a small object hit him in his back. He turned and found several people down the road with looks of anger.

"Get away from the princesses!" shouted a man from the crowd as he threw a can at Junior. The Transmutant closed his right eye as the can struck him over his right brow. The princesses stared with wide eyes as the people shouted angrily at the Transmutant.

"You stupid freak!" shouted another man from the crowd. The citizens continued to throw trash and rocks at the Transmutant. Junior frowned deeply as he lowered his head.

"I knew he couldn't be trusted!" shouted a woman from the crowd. As people continued to throw objects at the Transmutant, Junior clenched his fist. The voices grew louder in his mind as words of ridicule were thrown at him.

"Get out of here you freak!" shouted another man. Junior growled to himself. The Avatars immediately made their way in front of Junior as they looked at the crowd in disapproval.

"That is enough!" shouted Celestia.

"We demand that you have that monster leave!" shouted a woman from the crowd. People began to give shouts of agreement. Caesar made his way over to Junior, he stared solemnly at Amber.

"Auntie, we should get Gojira back to the castle," said Cadence as she turned to Celestia.

"Agreed. You and Luna take Junior and Caesar. I shall handle this," said Celestia. Luna and Cadence nodded and rushed towards the beasts. Caesar made his way over to Amber and gently picked her up. As the fairies gathered with the group, Luna raised her hands as they were engulfed in a magic aura. In a flash, the beasts, fairies and two Avatar princesses disappeared. Celestia kept a firm expression as she faced the outraged crowd.


Sunset Shimmer and Erika panted as they chased after Thanatos's underlings to the outside of castle grounds. They were currently near the hills just by the cliffs. Agana continued to lead the group outside. Soon, everyone stopped running. The former prisoners began to pant as they turned back to find Canterlot just a mile away.

"We're free! I can't believe it!" cried one of the male soldiers. Agana nodded to him.

"Yes, you are all free," said Agana. Erika searched the area in confusion.

"So, is there an airship or something around here? How are we getting out of here?" asked Erika.

"Yeah, and what about Thanatos?" asked a male soldier. Agana sighed.

"Even though we broke all of you out of prison, we simply need one of you," said Agana. The soldiers all looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Sunset in a nervous tone. Agana smirked.

"Boys, sick 'em," said Agana. From the shadows of the hills, multiple Transmutants shot out as they roared. The soldiers stared in horror as they approached them. Sunset and Erika got into a fighting position as they prepared to fight. Erika ran towards Gaira and Titano and delivered powerful punches towards the beasts. However, the two managed to overpower her as they grabbed her by her arms and pulled until she cried out. Sunset Shimmer shot her hands forward and fired a beam of magic at Titano, causing him to lose his grip. Erika morphed her hand into sharp claws and sliced at Gaira's chest. Gaira roared in agony as he dropped Erika. From the air, multiple roars pierced through. The soldiers all shot their heads up and found Destoroyah and Ghidorah descending down towards them. Ghidorah landed and crushed two soldiers while Destoroyah grabbed a soldier upon landing and bit down on her head. Ghidorah opened his jaws and fired his electric beams from his mouths and burned the soldiers, scorching them alive. Erika and Sunset faced the Transmutants with wide eyes as they stared fearfully at them.

"This isn't good," said Sunset. Erika nodded in agreement as the Transmutants stepped closer. Her eyes widened as she found Battra emerging from the shadows. She hardened her eyes.

"You!" spat Erika. Battra nodded to her.

"It's me. I still remember you as well," said Battra. He charged towards the pair, prompting Erika to charge as well. The two engaged in a series of punches and kicks. Erika dodged his attacks but was met with a great force to her chest. Battra had forced his hand against her while using his telekinesis. Erika screamed as she was sent flying across the area and over the cliff. Sunset turned as her eyes widened in horror as she watched her friend disappear out of her sight.

"Erika!!" screamed Sunset as her eyes welled up with tears. She ran over to the edge of the cliff but felt herself lifted by an invisible force. She was levitated away from the cliff as she struggled to free herself. Sunset yelped as she was quickly levitated before Battra's presence. She gave him a hateful glare. Battra merely kept a cold gaze on the Elf.

"You bastard!" growled Sunset. Her eyes widened as she felt her throat being squeezed. She reached for her throat as if to pry away whatever force was strangling her. Battra narrowed his eyes as he stepped closer to Sunset.

"I should kill you right now. I'd make sure you'd die slowly and painfully," said Battra. He then kneed Sunset in her gut and released his hold on her. The Elf fell back onto the ground and coughed furiously as she clutched her stomach. Battra raised his head and found Thanatos appearing from the shadows.

"But it appears that we have a use for you right now," said Battra. Thanatos nodded in approval. He raised his hand and revealed one of the portal stones that his cult had made. He pressed the gem on it, opening a swirling vortex. Sunset stared with wide eyes. Battra grabbed her by the neck and dragged her towards the portal. Soon, the cultists and Transmutants had all entered the portal, resulting in its disappearance.

From below the edge of the cliff, Erika held onto a branch as tightly as she could. She gritted her teeth as she began to dig her claws into the rocky walls.

The next day...

It was early morning and Junior was sitting alone in his own bedroom as he stared at the ground with a blank stare. He gritted his teeth as he heard faint chants from outside of his opened window.

"Go home! Go home! Go home!" the voices chanted. Junior looked to his side and found a newspaper on the ground. It was an article on the previous night. The article read, 'Adopted Transmutant turns on Royal family'. Junior glared at a photo of himself snapping his jaws at Celestia while he was in his Transmutant form. Junior turned away and buried his head into his knees. The chants seemed to have grown louder from the protesters that were outside.

Junior thought back to his actions of the previous night. He couldn't explain why he would have suddenly attacked the princesses. The worst part was that Amber was severely hurt by him. Tears ran down his cheeks as he kept his head buried in his knees. A soft knock came at his door. Junior did not respond to the knocks.

"Gojira?" called Blaire's voice. Junior didn't answer. He instead remained silent.

"Goji, I'm coming in," said Blaire. The door creaked as it opened and allowed Blaire to step in, dressed in her armor. Junior hid his face as he kept his head buried in his knees. Blaire frowned deeply as she closed the door behind herself. She made her way over to the young Transmutant but stopped as she heard the chants.

"Go home! Go home!" the protesters shouted. Blaire hardened her eyes as she turned towards the open window. She made her way over to it and found people outside of castle grounds, holding up signs. The signs read, 'Monsters belong in the Everfree', 'Lock away the Transmutant', 'No freaks in our midst', and 'Protect the royals'. Blaire closed the window and scoffed as the chants had grown muffled to the two. Blaire made her way back to Junior and her eyes widened as she found the newspaper article. She took it and tore it up with a growl. The Valkyrie then took a seat next to Junior, who kept his head lowered. Blaire sighed as she leaned her head against him.

"I didn't mean for this to happen," said Junior. He clenched his hands into fists as he gritted his teeth. "I didn't mean to attack any of them. I would never do that to them,"

"I know, Goji. Look, things are going to be OK. This will all blow-" Blaire was interrupted as Junior sighed in frustration as he stood up to his feet.

"No, it won’t! Blaire, I attacked three princesses! Attacking one innocent person, that's bad. Attacking a princess, that's worse. But attacking three? The people are going to demand my imprisonment or even my execution!" shouted Junior as he grabbed his hair. Blaire stood up to her feet and made her way over to her distressed brother.

"Goji, that's crazy! The princesses won't let that happen!" said Blaire.

"It doesn't matter! The people will do whatever it takes to make sure that I can't hurt anyone! What if they go after my friends because of my mistake?!" demanded Junior.

"Then we'll make sure that your friends are safe! I'll make a request for Princess Celestia to assign personal bodyguards or some kind of protection over your friends! Just have faith!" said Blaire.

"Faith in what?! I've possibly ruined everything that you all worked so hard for!" said Junior. He stomped over to a book shelf that sat in his room as he seethed.

"We had a home again! My human friends accepted me! You and the princesses accepted me! Now I've ruined it!" shouted Junior as he forced his hands over on the walls. He was breathing heavily as he gritted his teeth.

'Calm breaths, Goji...' Fluttershy's quiet tone filled his mind. The Transmutant panted as he recalled everything that he had learned from his anger management session with Fluttershy. He took calm breaths as he lowered his hands to the ground.

"I... I hurt her. I hurt Amber,” said Junior as he gritted his teeth. He held his head with his hands, feeling angry at himself.

“She was just trying to stop me, and I hurt her. What kind of friend does that?” muttered Junior. Blaire held Junior’s shoulder.

"Gojira...I know that things are bad right now. Amber is badly hurt, people are angry. But I promise you, things will get better," said Blaire. Junior gave a bitter chuckle.

"I've been told that so many times. I'm beginning to have doubts in my case," said Junior as he pulled away from Blaire. Junior sniffled as he wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"I...I want to be alone right now. I need to rest," said Junior. Blaire sighed. The Valkyrie made her way over towards Junior and wrapped him into a tight hug.

"Just know that I still accept you, little brother," said Blaire. Junior lowered his head as his frown deepened. The Valkyrie planted a kiss on his cheek and walked out to the door.

"I love you, Goji," said Blaire as she stepped out the door, but he did not answer. He merely remained silent as he stared solemnly at the ground. Blaire sighed as she walked out the room and closed the door. Junior stood alone in his room as the faint sounds of the chanting from the protesters reached his ears and grew louder. Junior sat down and buried his face into his knees as he gave a solemn sigh.


Koizumi lied down in bed inside of the infirmary wing of the castle. He bore a scowl on his face as his legs were held up by a crane and covered in casts. His face was bruised and his cuts were sewed up. At his side, Yoshi lied down in a separate bed next to his with his chest bandaged up. At their side, Celestia and Luna stood by with worried expressions.

"How did this happen?" asked Celestia.

"The prisoners were broken out by MONARCH's stealth forces. Some asshole named Thanatos took us on and moped the floor with us," said Koizumi.

"How could you have been beaten by one man?" asked Luna in confusion.

"This was no ordinary man, Princess Luna. He knew dark magic and fought like a master swordsman," said Yoshi as he shifted in his bed. Celestia's eyes widened.

"Dark magic? What did he look like?" asked Celestia in urgency. Koizumi sighed as he scratched his head.

"We never saw his face. But, he was wearing some black armor that looked like a skeleton. He was even wearing this hood over his helmet," said Koizumi. Celestia's eyes widened. She looked down in thought.

"Yes, I've seen this man. I sensed that he was strong in the arts of dark magic," said Celestia.

"Isn’t that stuff taboo? We've ran into a guy that could use dark magic as well several months back. Who has the knowledge of dark magic in this age?" asked Koizumi.

"Almost no one should. Most nations have either sealed them away or burned any information about them. Dark magic is dangerous. It can corrupt the heart of the user if it’s used for too long. Few have been strong enough to not fall into darkness while using it," said Celestia. She crossed her arms as she bore a firm expression.

"Dark magic was actually very foreign to us thousands of years ago. It was actually introduced to us by demons," said Celestia.

"Demons?" asked Yoshi and Koizumi in unison. Celestia nodded in response.

"Yes, demons are evil spirits that use their powers to torment and destroy. Legend has it that the demons were the ones who were responsible for dark magic. They passed down their knowledge to mortals so that they may lose their hearts to darkness and destroy each other," said Celestia in a grim tone. She looked down with dread.

"Sunset Shimmer is a unique Transmutant compared to Junior and Shiragami. She has actually transcended into a demon, something that should be impossible. A spirit has no blood to use to mutate her," said Celestia as she rubbed her chin.

"Hmm. I thought something was evil about her form," said Koizumi as he crossed his arms. Celestia looked at him in disapproval.

"I hope that you are not insinuating that my former student is evil because of this," said Celestia.

" I'm just stating that I thought her form looked like something that men would not want to mess with," said Koizumi. Celestia sighed.

"Anyway, you say that the prisoners were freed by MONARCH. One of them was using dark magic and Sunset is a demon-based Transmutant. Given all of this, something seems terribly wrong," said Celestia with dread.

"How so?" asked Yoshi.

"How and why would MONARCH transcend demons? Who is running the organization and why are there people today who have a wide range of knowledge of dark magic?" asked Celestia. An uneasy silence filled the room. Yoshi sighed.

"Let's hope we can find out soon and put a stop to it," said Yoshi. Celestia and Luna nodded in agreement.

"Agreed. Well, we shall be going. Get well soon, boys," said Celestia as she and Luna walked out of the infirmary. Koizumi sighed heavily as he placed his hands over his face and rubbed his skin.

"This is bullshit. I hope I can't still kick some ass after this," said Koizumi.

"You're still young. You'll be fine," said Yoshi with a chuckle.

"Not as young as you. I'm going to be in my thirties in a few years. My prime is ending, man!" said Koizumi. Yoshi gave him a deadpanned stare.

"You're only one year older than me," said Yoshi.

"Sure, but still," said Koizumi. Yoshi sighed in annoyance. He then lightly smiled.

"Hey, remember back when we were kids? We were both studying under this teacher at this kenjutsu school?" asked Yoshi. Koizumi smirked.

"I do. I kept getting in trouble with Sensei," said Koizumi.

"To be fair, it was your own damn fault," said Yoshi with a chuckle. Koizumi rolled his eyes in response.

"Yeah, sure. You know, it's a shame that the old man died. He knew his stuff too," said Koizumi.

"Yeah. But at least his training lives on through us," said Yoshi with a small smile. Koizumi snorted.

"That's not all that's living through you," said Koizumi with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Yoshi.

"Don't worry about it," said Koizumi as he lied back in his bed and closed his eyes. Yoshi scowled in response. He lied down and stared up at the ceiling.

"We really could have prevented this if we had the other rebels with us," said Yoshi with a frown.

"Yeah, that Changeling attack in Hallow Shades was just too much of a bullshit coincidence. Something ain't right," said Koizumi. He then reached for the side of his desk and looked at the article. He sighed heavily.

"People are really pissed off at that Takeshi kid," said Koizumi.

"The princesses claim that it wasn't his fault. But I have to wonder what would cause him to act that way," said Yoshi. Koizumi placed the paper to the side.

"All I know is that the kid better fix whatever is wrong with him. Otherwise, he'll become a liability. Hell, he'll even find himself ostracized if not dead," said Koizumi. Yoshi lied back as he looked towards him COM in thought.

"Maybe I should tell Yasu-san about this. No doubt that they may be worried if they've read today's paper," said Yoshi as he reached for his COM device.

"Yeah, go ahead and talk to your girlfriend," said Koizumi in a teasing tone. Yoshi scowled as his cheeks bore a pink tinge.

"She is not my girlfriend," said Yoshi with a glare.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Sergeant," said Koizumi as he rolled his eyes. Yoshi scoffed as he reached for the COM device. He placed it in his ear and pressed against it.

"Yasu-san, are you there? This is Yoshi," said Yoshi as he spoke. After several seconds, he heard the other end of the line muffle.

"Yoshi! What the hell am I reading?! What's going on over there?!" demanded Mosura's voice over the COM device. Yoshi sighed.

"There was an attack. Takeshi...lost control of himself. But the princesses are defending him, claiming it wasn't his fault," said Yoshi.

"Was it his fault?" asked Mosura in a worried tone. Yoshi sighed.

"I don't know," said Yoshi.

"I'll be over there as soon as possible!" said Mosura.

"No! There are a lot of angry people in the streets right now. You or any of the Transmutants being here may make things worse," said Yoshi. Mosura sighed heavily.

"OK. But...keep an eye on Goji, OK?" asked Mosura.

"I'm actually injured and I'm recovering in the infirmary. But Sergeant Blaire said that she'd check on him," said Yoshi.

"Good. Thank you, Yoshi-san," said Mosura.

Later that night...

Celestia wandered through the halls of her castle in silence. She bore a deep frown as she twiddled her fingers together and kept her eyes on the ground. At her side were Cadence and Luna. The three Avatars continued to walk through the hall with Caesar, Amber, Blaire, and Shining Armor.

Amber perched herself on Caesar's back with her middle leg on her left side missing. The end of her hind wing bore a small tear. Caesar glanced at the fairy on his back.

"Are you certain that you're well enough?" asked Caesar.

"I am. I want to see him," said Amber in a small tone. Shining Armor bore a hard stare as he walked beside Cadence. As they arrived at Junior's door, they all stopped and stood in silence.

"I can't ask him to accept this," said Celestia in a solemn tone. Luna placed a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Sister, something is wrong with him. We have to do this so that he may not hurt anyone if yesterday's incident should repeat itself. At least until we can figure out what's wrong," said Luna. Shining Armor sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I think we should consider keeping it up longer, perhaps for the rest of his life. Just to be safe," said Shining Armor. Cadence and Blaire looked at him with appalled expressions.

"We can't just keep the spell on him for life! How can you suggest something like that?!" demanded Cadence.

"Look, I know that this isn't something that no one wants to hear, but we have to consider the possibility of his problem being permanent. What if last night was the straw that broke the camel's back? What if he's suffering mentally?" asked Shining Armor. Caesar shook his head.

"No, something else is wrong with him. It's not a mental problem, it's a spiritual problem," said Caesar. The group all looked at Caesar curiously.

"Spiritual?" asked Blaire. Caesar nodded to her. He then looked to Cadence.

"You are sensitive to both positive and negative emotions, my dear. No doubt you felt his," said Caesar. Cadence nodded as she bore a frown.

"His heart was filled with so much hate and anger. All he did was lash out anyone around him like fire. It was frightening," said Cadence. Caesar nodded and then turned to face Celestia.

"I believe you may know the root of his hate and anger, Princess Celestia," said Caesar.

"I..." Celestia looked down in thought as she tried to think of an answer. Her eyes widened as she recalled Junior speaking about a Transmutant named, 'Destoroyah'. The Avatar recalled how Junior spoke with disdain about the Transmutant and how he wanted revenge. She brought her eyes back up and met with Caesar's.

"I believe I do," said Celestia. Caesar nodded.

"If we can solve that, we may be able to prevent him from going berserk once again," said Caesar. He then turned to face Shining Armor with a hard stare.

"Do try to put your personal feelings aside for this matter. If you were to restrain him for as long as you suggested, no doubt he will learn to loath every single one of you for only treating the symptom, rather than the cause," said Caesar. Shining Armor returned his stare.

"I am only trying to look out for my wife and the citizens," said Shining Armor.

"And that is commendable. But not confronting the actual problem will not help," said Caesar with a grunt. Celestia sighed as she turned to face the door.

"Very well. We shall ask him if he is willing to accept the restraint spell. It will limit his physical abilities like it has done for Shiragami so long as he wears them, but he'll be free to move around. It may even put some people at ease," said Celestia. Blaire frowned deeply.

"But he'll feel like an animal in chains," said Blaire. Celestia gritted her teeth at the reminder.

"I know," said Celestia in a soft tone. She then knocked on Junior's door. The group waited in silence for several seconds without a sign of the door being approached from inside. Celestia knocked on the door again.

"Junior? I want to talk to you," called Celestia. Silence filled the air for the next few seconds. Celestia began to grow worried with the lack of response.

"Junior?" called Celestia. Filled with worry, she opened the door. Her eyes widened as she found Junior not present in his room.

"Junior!" called Celestia as she searched the bedroom. She then ran towards the bathroom and found nothing in sight.

“Celestia!” called Luna. Celestia quickly made her way out of the door and found Luna pointing towards the window. Celestia found it wide open, causing the Avatar feel dread in her heart. She rushed over towards the window and found Junior walking down a path with his hood on. Celestia took off into the air and out the window, pursuing the Transmutant. Meanwhile, the rest watched as she pursued the Transmutant. Celestia landed in front of Junior, causing him to recoil.

“Junior, where are you going?” asked Celestia. Junior lowered his eyes, filled with shame as he avoided eye contact with her.

“I… I’m sorry. I’ve done a terrible thing to the people that I cared about. I didn’t want to face you after what happened,” said Junior in a solemn tone. Celestia deeply frowned as she approached Junior. She wrapped him into a tight hug, causing the Transmutant to flinch.

“It’s not your fault,” said Celestia. Junior pulled away.

“Isn’t it? I lost control of myself. I don’t even know why I did. But I ended up hurting you, Amber, Luna and Cadence,” said Junior. Celestia held Junior by his cheeks as she firmly stared into his eyes.

“Gojira, you can’t run away. What is causing you so much pain and anger is going to poison your very soul. Not just that, it will also poison the relationships around you. I don’t want that,” said Celestia in a soft tone. Junior looked away briefly and then spotted Amber fluttering outside of a door while being followed by Cadence, Luna, Shining Armor and Caesar. Junior deeply frowned as he looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with the rest. Amber fluttered closer to Junior and perched herself on his shoulder.

“Gojira,” called Amber. Junior couldn’t face her. Especially not her since she suffered the most. Amber nuzzled his neck, causing a small tingle on Junior’s neck.

“I forgive you. Please, don’t be angry at yourself,” said Amber. Junior gave her a sad smile as he gently scratched her head.

“I’m sorry, Amber,” said Junior. He then turned to face the other avatars, Blaire and Shining Armor. The Transmutant bowed his head.

“I’m sorry for what I did. I regret everything,” said Junior. Cadence made her way over to Junior and wrapped him into a hug. She rubbed his back in comfort. Luna gave him a soft smile, while Shining Armor looked away with hard eyes.

“It’s OK, cousin. I’m here if you need me,” said Cadence as she pulled away from Junior. The Transmutant turned to face Shining Armor, filled with anxiety. Just when he thought that he made a better impression on him, something went wrong. But, then Shining Armor turned to face him with a firm expression.

“Gojira, I want to believe that you’re a good guy. My sister likes you, and my mother likes you. Look me into the eye and tell me, are you going to keep yourself in check?” asked Shining Armor. Junior inhaled and then softly exhaled through his nose.

“Yes, sir,” answered Junior in a firm tone. Shining Armor nodded to him in approval as he held his hand out to him. Junior took it and shook it. The two released each other’s hands and Junior faced Celestia.

“Um… With your permission, I’d like to go home. I think maybe… I should lay low for a while,” said Junior. Celestia sighed as she nodded in understanding.

“Very well. Stay safe. I love you,” said Celestia. Junior nodded to her.

“Love you too,” said Junior as he walked down the path, leaving the royals behind. Amber fluttered back over to Caesar and landed on his back with a sigh.

“I won’t be able to see him for a while. My sisters won’t have any of it,” said Amber in disappointment. Caesar glanced back at her.

“Give them time. They were just worried sick about you,” said Caesar. Amber lowered her head as her antennae dipped. Suddenly, a strange presence was felt by Caesar. The Shisa looked around in confusion. His eyes slightly widened.

'I sense someone. Someone from Junior's past,' thought Caesar.


Junior walked down the road of Canterlot in silence. He was wearing his sweater that Rarity had made for him and a cap over his head. The Transmutant normally did not wear hats and preferred not to, but he needed as much obscurity of his face that he can get. A backpack was strapped over his shoulders, carrying his family photos with Celestia. Junior turned to the side as he heard a small crowd shouting as they gathered around a man that stood on a soap box.

"Right now, the princesses hold that vile monster with them! They are ignoring the danger that he possess against us and themselves! Unlike the other Transmutants, this one is the one that we should fear the most!" shouted the man. The people that had gathered gave shouts of agreement. Junior merely frowned as he pulled his hood further down over his face as he continued to walk down the road. He sighed heavily as he stared up at the stars. His nose suddenly caught a familiar scent, which caused him to immediately turn to his side. He found Erika Shiragami standing near an alley with a firm expression. Junior made no move to react defensively. He merely stared in surprise.

"Shiragami? I...I thought you and the other soldiers escaped," said Junior as he turned to face Erika. She deeply frowned.

"We...we did escape from the dungeon. But we were betrayed by MONARCH's stealth force," said Erika as she walked over to Junior.

"They teamed up with the Revolutionaries. I don't know why but they killed the soldiers!" cried Erika in a distraught tone. She walked closer to the Transmutant as her eyes watered. Junior stared in surprise at the news but he hardened his eyes as she mentioned MONARCH's affiliation with the Revolutionaries.

"Takeshi, they kidnapped Sunset Shimmer," said Erika. Junior's eyes slightly widened but they then softened. He sighed as he turned away.

"That's...too bad," said Junior. Erika's eyes widened in response.

"Wha- 'Too bad'? Is that all you can say?" asked Erika in disbelief.

"Shiragami, it's not my problem. They killed the soldiers and kidnapped Sunset Shimmer without any hint as to where they are. There's nothing that I can do," said Junior. Erika rushed over to Junior and grabbed him by the shoulders with pleading eyes.

"Takeshi, you have to help me! Something is going on and I don't know what to do!" said Erika. Junior sent her a glare and forced her into the alley. She gasped as he forced her against the wall.

"No, you listen to me!" said Junior in a harsh whisper. Erika flinched in response as she stared into his eyes that burned with anger.

"I do not have to help you! All I've done up until now was do things for others! I've bled, killed, and hurt for those I cared about! But what have I gotten in return?!" demanded Junior. Erika flinched as she trembled under his glare.

"I've been scorned and ridiculed by everyone who's afraid of Transmutants! I'm sick of fighting for those people! But I do it for my adoptive mother! Why should I do the same for Shimmer, who has hunted me without end?!" demanded Junior. Erika glared back at him.

"Because she isn't like that!" said Erika as she forced Junior off of herself. She then pinned him against the other wall.

"Sunset regrets what she's done to you! She wants to make things right!" cried Erika.

"If she did, then Sunset wouldn't have taken the opportunity to escape!" said Junior as he glared at Erika. "She wasn't going to be hurt. Celestia offered her a chance to be free! You all saw the truth about MONARCH and yet you denied what was in front of you! I gave her a second chance when I said that we could talk to each other every day when she was out of that cell! You both betrayed my trust when you chose to leave!"

"Takeshi, don't do this!" whimpered Erika. She held his shoulders firmly as she stared at him with pleading eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry! We just didn't want to be prisoners! We just wanted to go home!" cried Erika. She lowered he head as she held Junior's sleeves.

"Don't make me abandon Sunset. She's the only friend that I have left," said Erika. Junior became less tense and his eyes softened. Erika buried her face into his chest as she sobbed.

"I'm begging you. Please, help me!" cried Erika. Junior lowered his head and sighed. He brought his hand over her head and patted it. Erika gasped as she felt his hand and looked up to him.

"Fine. You win," said Junior as he pried Erika's hands off his sweater. "I'll help you find Sunset. But after that, you two are on your own,"

"Thank you," said Erika as she wiped her eyes. Junior turned to corner of the alley and took a peek. He turned back to Erika as he removed his hat. He placed it on her head, which she responded with a look of confusion.

"Wear that. You'll need to hide your face since you’re actually supposed to be a prisoner," said Junior as he began to walk away. Erika nodded as she trailed after him. The Transmutants walked down the roads, avoiding crowds and guards. As a guard glanced at the two, Junior reached for Erika's hand and held it firmly. Erika blushed in embarrassment as Junior pulled her close.

"Just act natural," whispered Junior. Erika gulped.

"I...I don't know how to act for this kind of natural," muttered Erika. Junior sighed as he held her close.

"Well, you're embarrassed and blushing. I think they'll buy it," said Junior. The two continued on through Canterlot until they made it to the train’s station. Junior purchased two tickets and led Erika to the train. The two walked to the furthest train cars, which were empty. The two sat near the right side of the car with Erika taking a seat by the window. Junior sighed as he placed his back pack down and leaned against his seat.

"Made it," said Junior in relief. Erika turned to face him curiously.

"So, where are we going? Won't Princess Celestia be worried that you're not in Canterlot?" asked Erika.

"Maybe, but she knows that I’m leaving. Anyway, we're headed for Ponyville, but we're not crashing anywhere in town," said Junior.

"Then where?" asked Erika. Junior pulled his hood further down as he bore a firm expression.

"My sanctuary," answered Junior.


Junior leaned against his seat in the train in silence. He stared solemnly at the window across from himself as he thought back to the princesses and Amber. He shook his head at the thought of pissing Shining Armor off, right after just getting on his good side, by attacking his wife. He hoped that the two would be able to actually move passed what happened. He turned to his side and found Erika leaning against the window with her hands held like a pillow. She was breathing softly as she slept through the train ride. Junior sighed as he leaned back again, wishing to sleep as well. He then felt a weight against his shoulder. Junior turned and found Erika leaning against him as she breathed softly. Junior blushed in embarrassment as she nuzzled him.

"Ugh. Shiragami, you can't do this. I have a girlfriend. Well, at least I hope that I still do," said Junior in a worried tone. He sighed as he looked off to the side.

"What are the others going to say?" asked Junior. Erika mumbled in her sleep.

"Don't be upse..." Erika's voice trailed off as she mumbled in her sleep. Junior smiled in amusement. The young woman shivered as she tried to snuggle closer to the Transmutant. Junior sighed as he moved her to the side and removed his sweater. He then placed it over her shoulders and allowed Erika to lean against his shoulder again. Erika lightly opened one eye as she glanced at Junior's face. She lightly smiled to herself.

"Thank you," whispered Erika. Junior looked away in embarrassment.

"Yeah, sure," said Junior. The two suddenly felt the train slow to a stop. Erika moaned as she raised herself up as she bore a drowsy expression. Junior picked up his back pack and stood up as the train stopped.

"Come on, let's get moving," said Junior. Erika nodded as she removed the sweater and handed it to Junior. He merely gave a gentle push against her hand.

"Keep it. It's cold tonight," said Junior. Erika nodded as she placed the sweater and zipped it up. She lightly giggled as she observed the sleeves that hung off of her arms.

"I feel cozier already," said Erika. Junior rolled his eyes as the two left the train. The Transmutants spent the next couple of minutes staying out of sight as they kept their distance from the town. Junior led Erika further out until they reached the edge of the Everfree forest. Erika gulped.

"I-In there?" asked Erika. Junior nodded.

"It's the safest place for people like us," said Junior as he took Erika's hand and began to walk with her. "Stay close. You'll be fine,"


The evening had grown later. It was passing midnight and the Transmutants were getting closer to the lair. Junior was currently carrying Erika on his back as she had her arms wrapped around tightly and leaned her head against his shoulder. Strapped to her shoulders was Junior's backpack. She had grown to be too exhausted to be walking, given her lack of consuming radioactive energy. Junior smiled as he spotted the house up ahead, making him walk faster and prompting Erika to awaken.

"Huh? What's wrong?" asked Erika in a drowsy tone.

"Nothing. We're here," said Junior as he picked up the pace. As they made it to the porch, he set Erika down and searched for his house key. He unlocked the door and opened it, leading Erika inside. The female Transmutant stared with a small smile as she spotted the house appliances inside of the dark room.

"Come on, you can sleep in my chamber tonight," said Junior as he walked to the edge of the room. Erika's face broke into a blush.

"Whoa! Hold up, buddy! I-I uh..." Erika waved her hands frantically as she stuttered. Junior sighed.

"That came out wrong. I meant that you can sleep in my chamber tonight while I sleep on the couch. I want to ease the others that are here before telling them that I brought you here," said Junior. Erika tittered in response.

"Right," said Erika. Junior led Erika out of the main house and deeper into the cave. Erika stared in awe of the rocky walls and the water that flowed down below. The two came across a great chamber.

"Wow," said Erika in awe. Junior walked along the curved, rocky ledge.

"Come on, my chamber is down here," said Junior. Erika walked after him and was led into a smaller room that was hidden by a curtain. She looked around and found it to be small but there was a bed with a set of drawers in the corner. Junior gestured to the bed.

"Uh...feel free to get comfortable. I'll see you in the morning," said Junior as he walked out.

"Um...thank you!" said Erika with a smile. Junior nodded to her as he left. He turned to the chamber that was next to his and made his way over to it. Junior peaked inside and found Mosura wrapped in a blanket as she slept peacefully. He slowly made his way inside and knelt beside her. Junior pulled up the blanket that was down at her back and brought it over her shoulders. Mosura stirred in bed as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Goji?" asked Mosura in a drowsy tone. Junior nodded to her.

"Hey, Mosu. I'm back home," said Junior. Mosura sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes.

"What happened in Canterlot? We've been worried sick about you," said Mosura with a frown. Junior sighed.

"I don't know. I just lost control of myself. I'll explain tomorrow," said Junior. Mosura wrapped Junior into a tight hug.

"Ok, goodnight," said Mosura. Junior hugged her back.

"Yeah, sweet dreams, Mosu," said Junior as he released the Transmutant. Mosura lied back down in bed and began to snuggle for warmth. Junior stood and left her chamber and continued back up to the main house.

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