• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 20: Destiny

The day was fading. Nightfall approaches in the land of Equestria. The train that had left Appaloosa hours ago had come to a stop inside of a mountain. The mountain was covered in brick red stone that formed the top and base of the mountain. As the train hissed and settled, the people began to pile off of the train onto the station's platform. The area was bustling with people trying to reach their destinations. Junior, Mosura, Rodan and Angirasu hopped off of the train's roof. They crouched as they sneaked away from the train. Junior and Mosura wore their hoods as Angirasu concealed his face with his coat, while Rodan kept his cap on. The group made their way toward the platform, eyeing the area uneasily. The cave of the mountain was enormous, with stalactites hung far above, and was lit by gems that sat in lanterns, giving off an orange yellow glow around the cave. Junior and the others continued on, with Mosura looking over the map.

"OK, according to the map, we're in Morks Deep. We should keep moving-" Mosura's thoughts were interrupted as she felt someone bump into her. She gasped as she dropped the map.

"Shoot!" cried Mosura as she scrambled to catch the map that glided over the wind current. It was lost in the sea of people passing by. Junior, Rodan and Angirasu both rushed to help Mosura to catch the map, all failing miserably as they bumped into other people. Junior bumps into a young woman but immediately catches her before she could hit the ground. Junior pulled her back up, raising a brow as she stared at him with a bright blush and nervous smile.

"Sorry." apologized Junior as he released her and made his way back to help Mosura and the others.

"Wait! Come back, handsome!" cried the young woman. She then puffed her cheek out in disappointment and gave a huff. Junior lightly blushed as he heard the woman call out to him, but he shook the thought off. He found Mosura searching the ground around her, her eyes filled with anxiety.

"I can't believe I dropped the map!" cried Mosura as she searched frantically.

"We'll find it! We just-" Junior was about to finish until he saw a small crowd gathered away from the train. He noticed that a line of street performers were entertaining the group of people. But, Junior saw something that made his eyes widen in horror.

"Oh, hell no." said Junior. Mosura stood up and looked to where he was looking. She nearly had a heart attack as she saw what had caused Junior’s distress. It was the map, flying over one of the performers. A fire breather, to be precise. The fire breather held a torch in the air as he faced it with his cheeks puffed out.

"No!!" cried Junior and Mosura. Too late, the fire breather released flammable fluid from his mouth and spewed the flames from the torch into the air. The map was caught in the flames, turning into ash. Mosura's jaw dropped as she saw the map burn before her very eyes and turn into ash. Her shoulders slumped and she dropped to her knees with her head cast downwards. She moaned in disappointment while Junior sighed as he patted Mosura on her back.

"What have I done?" moped Mosura

"It wasn't your fault. Come on, we'll figure this out." reassured Junior. They suddenly heard Rodan and Angirasu rushing over to them.

"What happened?!" asked Rodan in worried tone.

"We lost the map." answered Junior. Rodan groaned in disappointment.


"Fire breather burned it." admitted Mosura, shamefully. Angirasu frowned.

"So, now what?" asked Angirasu. Junior held out his hand to Mosura, which she took and stood up as he gently pulled her up.

"We're gonna have to buy a new map." said Junior. He turns to Angirasu and Rodan. "You two, gather up some water bottles from any street vendors in this cave. Feel free to grab some snacks if you want any. Mosu and I will search for anyone selling maps."

"Got it." said Angirasu as he and Rodan took off into the crowd. Junior turns to Mosura, giving her nod. The two made their way through the crowd as they searched the area. The sound of people bustling filled their ears and them making their way over to an exit where the moon's light shined in. Junior caught the scent of horses, betting that they were used to transport people to nearby towns. As they continued looking, Junior nearly bumps into a middle-aged Elf woman.

"I'm sorry ma'm" apologized Junior. The woman stared at him with analyzing eyes. She wore a grey and white dress with purple eye-shadow and hooped earrings. Her left hand had a ring with a red gem on her index finger. She circled around Junior in curiosity. Mosura turns to check if Junior was nearby, but was shocked to discover him stuck with a woman. She cautiously made her way over to them.

"How peculiar. You have a torrent of emotions swirling inside of you." said the woman in an accent that Junior linked to be common among people from Trottingham. Junior stood uneasily, but he noticed that her bare right shoulder, which was the only area uncovered by her dress, had a Cutie Mark that depicted a crystal ball with an eye at the center.

"Riiiiight. What makes you so sure of that?" asked Junior. The woman smiled coyly.

"Surely you are aware of me? I am the greatest fortune teller throughout the land! For a price, I can tell you your future." said the woman. Junior gave her a deadpan stare.

"Lady, I have no interest in fortune tellers. As if I want to spend my money on someone who will con me by telling me what I want to hear instead of what will actually happen. Take that phony baloney crap out of here." said Junior as he walked away. She suddenly takes his hand, causing him to quickly pull away from her. His fist was raised in a defensive stance, causing a few heads to turn.

"Ah. Just as I thought. Someone who is forced to look over his shoulder for his own safety. He would even strike a woman." said the woman. Junior caught the stares of a few people and immediately puts his fists down. He stands back to relaxed stance with a nervous smile.

"No. Only when my life is threatened by a woman, that's when I think it's justified." said Junior. Some people nervously looked away as they continued their business. Junior sent a glare to the woman.

"Do not be upset. I have something to tell you that may interest you. Something in your future." said the woman. Junior gave her a scoff.

"My future? I already know my future. I'm living it!" retorted Junior. The woman lightly laughed in response.

"Oh no, my dear boy! Greater forces are telling me to read you your future." said the woman. Junior gave her a raised brow.

"Greater forces?" asked Junior. The woman nodded in response. Junior heard his name being called. He turns to find Mosura making her way over to him.

"Is everything alright?" asked Mosura. She then notices the woman. "Who is she?"

"A fortune teller. She's trying to con me out of my money for some bullshit." said Junior, annoyed at the woman's gaze.

"I assure you, this is something that you must hear." said the woman. Mosura looks to her curiously. "In fact, I will read you your fortune with no charge!"

"Wait, why the hell would you do that?" demanded Junior. Mosura's eyes widened in surprise.

"I have a feeling that whatever is in your fortune may be absolutely important. Especially if these forces are asking me to do so." replied the woman with a smile. Mosura looks to Junior with a smile.

"Why don't you go on ahead? She did offer to do it for free!" said Mosura. Junior looks to her with a deadpanned expression.

"Are you kidding?" asked Junior. Mosura giggled as she slapped Junior's arm.

"Nope! Go on ahead! It might be fun!" said Mosura. Junior was about to protest but Mosura held up a hand to him.

"Ah! I will handle the map hunt, Goji. Just see what she has to say."

"Fine." sighed Junior. He then turns to the woman. "So, what is it that you want to tell me?"

"Not here. Come, we will stop at my camp just on the side of this mountain." said the woman. Junior nodded in response. He then followed the woman.

"We'll meet back at the train station platform!" called Mosura.

"Got it!" Junior called back. He then sighed, wondering what the fortune teller had in store for him.

Junior had spent the next ten minutes walking with the woman. She hummed to herself as she led Junior to the outside around the base of the mountain. He was able to make out a small carriage out just a mile away. They continued to walk, making strides to reach their destination. She led Junior next to a fire pit that was built near the carriage. A horse lied down, resting in the night. She gestured him to take a seat, which he reluctantly did. He sat on the cool rock as the fortune teller made her way inside of her carriage. Junior began to toss pebbles that littered the ground, bored and tired. He then noticed the woman come out with a small jar in her hand as she stood in front of the fire pit. She makes her way over to Junior, reaching out for him.

"Let me see your hand." commanded the woman. Junior reluctantly gave her hand with a sigh. She takes his hand began to run her palm over it. She began to murmur to herself.

"Ah, yes. A boy born and partially raised in the East. Neighpon." said the woman. Junior gave her an offended look.

"You're not just saying that because I happen to be of Neighponese descent are you? Because there are some people of that Ethnic background that are actually born in Equestria or any other nation." said Junior. The woman gave him a blank stare.

"Am I wrong?" asked the woman. Junior was about to respond, but he stopped. He looked away with a scowl.

"No. You just had a lucky guess." said Junior, bitterly. The woman lightly laughed in response. She began to continue to run her hand along Junior's.

"Hmm. A boy that has lost both of his parents at a young age. You were filled with much devastation that you began to shut others out. Including the Princess of our fair nation that had adopted you." said the woman. Junior's eyes widened in surprise. He then immediately wipes the look away.

"That's pretty nuts coming from a fake psychic." said Junior.

"Oh, I assure Gojira Takeshi the 2nd. I am not a fake." said the woman. Junior's blood went cold.

"Wait...how in the hell do you know my name?!" demanded Junior as he pulled away from the woman.

"I learned who you are by making physical contact. I was given the gift to tell the future of all that I meet. Be they human, Diamond Dog, Dragon, Changeling and Transmutant. You are actually the first Transmutant that I have ever came across." said the woman. Junior backed away from her.

"What? You're gonna turn me in now? Use your fake fortune telling to try and scare me and to trick me into being captured? Is MONARCH offering a reward or something now?" demanded Junior. The woman shook her head.

"I already told you, my abilities are as real as the world around us. I have no interest in MONARCH's ways. They have caused chaos among the known world." said the woman. She then takes Junior's hand again as she closed her eyes.

"I see that you have always been ostracized from the other children as you were growing up. You began to reject yourself and those around you except for the princess. Oh, but her niece seemed to have taken a liking to you." said the woman. Junior's eyes widened. "Why did you avoid her, someone who was your cousin?"

"I...I wasn't in the mood to be around others. I had just lost my dad then! Besides, Cadence ended up hating me as I got older. We weren't even related! We were both adopted. She was just there way before I was." spat Junior. The woman opened her eyes and raised a brow.

"Did she? Or are you saying that because you think she did like the others and began to dislike you?" questioned the woman. Junior scoffed in response.

"Well, she definitely hates me now. Along with Celestia and Blaire." said Junior solemnly. The woman sympathized with the young Transmutant, able to sense his pain.

"Your sister-figure." said the woman.

"I'm beginning to have my doubts on my theory on you being a fake." said Junior with a deadpan stare.

"My dear boy, you have grown to be a troubled individual. You lack the confidence to be able to stand with others since you have always had trouble. But, you have finally found a group of individuals who showed you kindness and love. Something that was denied to you as a boy by others." said the woman. Junior gave her his full attention, not saying a word.

"One of them was very special to you. A girl that had touched your heart. Someone who made you feel human again. An Elf girl with great magic inside of her from the city of Canterlot." said the woman.

"How do you know all of this?" questioned Junior in awe. The woman smiled.

"As I said, I can tell, read and feel your thoughts and feelings. I can feel that you are in pain. Terrible, terrible pain. She rejected you when she found out." said the woman. Junior nodded solemnly. He then looks to her with curious eyes.

"What about my future? You said that there was something that might have been important."

"Of course." The fortune teller stood to her feet with the jar. She opens the lid and sticks her hand inside. She pulls out a small pile of something that appeared like dust. She tosses the contents into the fire pit, causing the flames to burst higher. Junior jumped in surprise.

"Jeez!" exclaimed Junior. He then began to notice something strange about the fire. As the flames danced, Junior swore that he could make out images. The flames suddenly shot into the air, forming into a great flaming serpent. Junior gasped as it circled around him, sticking its fiery pitch forked tongue at him. The creature had red eyes and horns on its head. On the top of its skull was a large antler. The creature had a bit of a box shaped head and sharp teeth. It roared and gave sounds of what sounded like a cackle and a high chittery sound.

"What is this?!" demanded Junior.

"Gojira, your future is filled with rough battles ahead. You will be facing threats from every corner from both human and Transmutant. They will threaten the balance of this world. This creature is an apparition of one of those threats. A foe that dates further back in time. It will rise again." said the woman. Junior turns to her in confusion.

"Balance of the world? Wait, what do you mean by 'further back in time'?" asked Junior.

"You'll learn one day in your future. You are not yet ready." said the woman. Junior noticed the flaming serpent head splitting into three heads, all roaring at him. As they lunged at him, Junior hid his face behind his arm, feeling the heat pass over him. He lowers his arm, finding the serpent heads to be gone, with only the fire pit back to normal. Junior breathed heavily, trying to calm himself. He turns to find the woman giving him a neutral expression.

"What do I do?" asked Junior. The woman responded by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Live." said the woman. Junior sighed in response.

"That doesn't give me much to work with."

"It is all that I can tell you." replied the fortune teller. She then makes her way back to her chariot, leaving Junior alone with the fire pit. "Take care."

"Yeah...sure." said Junior with a sigh. He made his way away from the camp, taking one last look. He turns back, unnerved by what he had witnessed. As he made his way back to the mountain entrance, thinking back to what he had saw.

Junior felt his mind assaulted by the images of the flaming apparitions, wondering if he should trust this fortune teller. He wondered if it was a hoax or if the fortune teller was just trying to get inside of his head for some dastardly purpose. Junior shook the thoughts off, continuing on back to the station. As he made his way back to mountain after several minutes of walking, he found the area less crowded. He made his way through the small crowds over to the train station platform, finding his friends standing and waiting. Mosura notices him coming and waves to him. Junior waves back, making his way over to her and the others.

"Hey there! So, how did it go?" asked Mosura. Junior went stiff at the question.

"Fine. Just fine." said Junior. Mosura raised a brow at him.

"If you say so." Mosura said in an unsure voice. Junior sighed in exhaustion.

"So, what's up?" asked Junior.

"Well, we bought a new map! But there's a problem." said Mosura.


"Well, just further south would be Saddle Arabia. It’s another desert…but it comes with with a nearby sea!" said Mosura. Junior raised a brow.

"So what's the problem?" asked Junior quizzically

"Well, there's a port that lets boats sail across the Great Inland Sea. However, they are checking people before they can get on a boat just further down the cave. They might recognize us from the posters that MONARCH has on us and may turn us in." said Mosura. Junior places a hand on his chin in thought. He then looks to Mosura curiously.

"Is there a way to get to Saddle Arabia by land?" asked Junior. Mosura nodded as she handed the map to Junior.

"If we travel outside of the mountain cave, we can go East and travel through the Badlands to Saddle Arabia." said Mosura.

"Wait, the Badlands? As in, Changeling territory?" asked Rodan.

"Is that a good idea?" asked Angirasu. Junior shrugged in response.

"Hey, we don't have much choice. We can't risk being seen. Besides, Changelings will know better if they try to mess with us." said Junior. Mosura nodded.

"OK, so we'll set up camp for tonight and make our way into the Badlands first thing in the morning." said Mosura.

"Yes Ma'm." said Rodan with a smile. Angirasu and Junior nodded in agreement. The group made their way through the cave, outside into the wilderness. As they found a spot further enough from any human contact, they set up their sleeping bags and prepared to sleep. Junior stared up to the night sky in worry. He worried about his own future and if he would be able to be happy again. With that last thought, he closed his eyes, waiting for the sleep to take over.

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