• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 57: Sick Day

The air was filled with silence inside of the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight Sparkle was sitting at the first step of her staircase leading to her bedroom. The petite girl bore a look of disappointment as she read through her Neighponese dictionary. Twilight sighed as she marked her page and lowered the book onto her lap.

"I wish Gojira could be here with me to study this," said Twilight. The Transmutant isolating himself in the Everfree forest has been a difficult adjustment for the past couple of days. Twilight felt as though the Transmutant was far away from her, despite only being a few miles away. There was also the fact how she yearned to study his native language with him. Twilight's face suddenly brightened up into a large smile.

"Wait, I can always visit him instead!" cried Twilight. She shot up to her feet and rushed towards her door with her book. There was suddenly a knock, prompting Twilight to stop in her tracks.

"That might have to wait," said Twilight in a disappointed tone. She made her way over to her door and opened it. Twilight gasped at who she saw.

"Hey, Twilight," greeted Junior with a small wave. Twilight grinned in response as she dropped her book on the ground. She wrapped her arms tightly around Junior and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I was just coming to see you! Wait, I thought you didn't want to step into town for a while because of what happened," said Twilight in confusion as she released Junior and took a few steps away from him. Junior lightly smiled as he stepped inside of the library and closed the door behind himself. He then stepped closer to Twilight.

"I know. But I couldn't stand being away from you," said Junior. Twilight lightly smiled as she began to blush.

"That's-" Twilight was interrupted as she felt Junior wrap his arm behind her back. Her eyes widened as Junior gently placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her closer.

"What are yo- Mmph!" Twilight's lips were locked with Junior's. Her heart pounded in her chest like tribal drum beats. She gave a small moan as Junior's tongue explored her mouth. Twilight gently pulled away and panted in response.

"Wha-What's gotten into you?" asked Twilight as she bore a bashful smile. Junior ran a hand over her cheek as he leaned closer.

"Nothing. I just missed the feeling of your lips against mine," answered Junior as he locked lips with Twilight. The Elf gave a small moan as she savored the kiss. Her hand wandered to Junior's sweater and grabbed the zipper. She pulled the zipper down and proceeded to reach under his exposed shirt. Her heart raced as she felt his chest. Twilight's eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait, I'm so sorry!" cried Twilight as she pulled away from Junior. The Transmutant bore a blush as he stared at Twilight in surprise.

"I'm so sorry! I may have been going a little far!" said Twilight as she hid her face in shame. She gasped as she felt Junior hugging her from behind her back. His arms were gently wrapped over her chest and his chin rested on her shoulder. He gave a soft chuckle.

"I never knew you were so forward, Twilight," said Junior in a teasing tone. Twilight blushed furiously as she lowered her head.

"I...I don't know what came over me. I just couldn't stand the thought of you being isolated from us in the Everfree," said Twilight. She then laughed in embarrassment. "I guess I got a little too excited to see you here,"

"Oh?" asked Junior. He then glanced at Twilight's pointed ear. A devious idea formed in his mind as he bore a smirk. The Transmutant leaned closer to Twilight's ear and opened his mouth.

"Ah!" yelped Twilight as she felt Junior bite her ear. She gasped as he gently nibbled her ear and her face flushed as she felt his teeth against the edges of her ear. Twilight gave small whimpers as she trembled with pleasure. Her knees felt weak and her breaths grew small.

"Do you like that?" whispered Junior. Twilight's spine tingled from the soft whisper that her ear picked up at such a close distance.

"A-A little," muttered Twilight as she bit her lip. She actually greatly enjoyed the feeling of the teasing on her ear.

"I thought so," said Junior as he licked Twilight's neck. Twilight giggled at the feeling.

"Don't! That tickles!" laughed Twilight. She then gasped as she felt Junior's hand under her skirt, caressing her thigh. She pulled away from him as her face was a bright red.

"Wait! W-We can't do that. What if Spike were to find us?" asked Twilight. She couldn't bear destroying the little dragon's innocence if he were to see his sister figure being felt up by her boyfriend.

"I saw Spike with Rarity a couple of minutes ago. You don't have to worry about him catching us," said Junior as he placed a hand on her cheek while she looked away.

"But...I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. It just feels so sudden," said Twilight. Junior brought her face back to face his and pressed his head against Twilight's and gave her a seductive smile.

"I promise to be gentle, my love," said Junior. Twilight gulped as her blush grew brighter and hot. She stared into Junior's eyes and found herself lost in them. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned closer. Her face bore a small smile.

"O-OK!" stuttered Twilight. She jumped and wrapped her legs around Junior's waist. She locked herself in another passionate kiss with him before pulling her lips away from him.

"Y-You'll be gentle like you promised, right?" asked Twilight in a timid manner. Junior smiled as he carried Twilight upstairs and into her bedroom. He brought her up to her bed and gently lowered her onto her back on her bed. Junior hovered over her with his shirt and sweater off.

"I give you my word, my little Elf," said Junior. He removed her sleeveless sweater and unbuttoned Twilight's shirt and then reached inside. Twilight gasped as she felt his hand run over her belly. Slowly, the hand traveled down to her thigh and caressed it. Twilight bit her thumb as she whimpered. She then felt her skirt being raised as the hand traveled up her thigh much higher.

"Gojira," moaned Twilight.

"Twilight!" called a distant voice.

Twilight's eyes shot open and she found herself alone in her bed. Beside her was Spike, looking at her in concern. Twilight gasped as she scooted away from the drake with a bright blush.

"S-Spike! I-I uh...this isn't-" Twilight babbled uncontrollably. She was on the verge of being in tears for her little brother witnessing her and Junior's shameless acts.

"Spike, I-" Twilight was about to speak but then started coughing. She noticed that her throat was aching and her body felt hot. She then noticed that she was under the covers of her bed with her pajamas on and that Junior was nowhere in sight.

"Twi, you OK?" asked Spike in a worried tone.

"I uh..." Twilight's mind recalled her dream. The Elf hid under her blanket as her cheeks burned from her blush.

"I'm fine! Just fine!" said Twilight, frantically. Spike looked at her in confusion as she hid in her bed.

"OOOOK. Well, you were tossing and turning in your bed. You were also moaning so loud that I thought you were in pain. I think you're sick," said Spike as he brought his scaled hand over Twilight's forehead. He nodded.

"Yep. You're definitely burning up," said Spike.

"No, don't be-" Twilight was interrupted as she started coughing. She moaned in disappointment as she slumped in bed.

"This can't be! Ugh, I hate getting sick!" said Twilight.

"Don't we all," said Spike as he rolled his eyes. He hopped away from Twilight's bed and walked to the exit of the bedroom.

"I'll go fetch you some soup and medicine. You just sit tight," said Spike as he walked out of the room. Twilight sniffled.

"Could you also bring me some tissues and possibly a bucket? My nose is running and I think I'm getting nauseous," moaned Twilight. Spike's face grew more worried.

"Oh no. You might have the flu. Sure, I'll be back," said Spike as he rushed out of the bedroom. Twilight sniffled.

"Thanks Spike!" called Twilight. She slumped her head against her pillow. Her mind wandered back to her dream and she hid her face in her blanket.

"What in Equestria is wrong with me?" asked Twilight.

The morning sun hung in the sky. The air had grown colder and the autumn colored leaves have continued to fall. Junior, Erika and the Sirens were walking with Fluttershy. The group had a group of different animals present with them. They ranged from squirrels, rabbits, ferrets, snakes and Barry the Bear. Junior held the serpents that had coiled around his arms and shoulders. They hissed as they clutched his body for warmth.

"Guys, loosen up on your grip. Seriously," said Junior in annoyance as he felt the snakes constrict around him. Fluttershy glanced at Junior with a smile as she watched the snakes.

"Thank you for coming out of the forest to help me with getting my animal friends ready for hibernation. I hope you don't mind that the snakes warm themselves up against you," said Fluttershy. Junior nodded.

"No problem. As long I'm away from town, it's fine. Besides, I know how these guys can't survive if it's too cold," said Junior. Erika giggled as she held a bunny in her arms.

"Aw! You're too precious!" cooed Erika as she scratched the bunny's furry head. Junior shook his head.

"At least she's having fun," said Junior. Aria scowled as Barry rubbed his head against her as he walked on all fours at her side. Adagio looked on in amusement as she carried a ferret.

"Barry seems to have taken quite a liking to you," said Adagio. Aria rolled her eyes.

"He's getting fur on my new clothes," said Aria as she gestured to herself. She was wearing a dark aqua colored short sleeved coat and a grey t-shirt underneath. Her hair was held up as pig tails by white, plastic star shaped clips. Aria's bottoms comprised of moderate mulberry skinny jeans with styled holes near her knee caps and a grey skull on her belt. Her feet were covered in dark violet boots. Her amulet hung around her neck just over her breasts, inactive from use.

"Better then grime and sweat," said Sonata as squirrels sat on her shoulders. She made her way over to Junior's side with a smile.

"Hey, Goji! You never said anything about our new clothes that Mosu and the others got for us!" said Sonata as she gestured to herself. The Transmutant glanced at her and found the Siren to be wearing a short sleeved, pink jacket. An emblem of a cyan, jagged sonata note over a large hot pink heart was located over her left breast pocket. She wore a light purple skirt for her bottoms and her feet were covered in a pair of dark pink knee high converse and light pink knee high socks.

"What do you think? Are they nice?" asked Sonata as she eagerly awaited Junior's answer.

"Yeah, they're nice," said Junior in a nonchalant tone as he turned forward. Sonata scowled in response.

"What?" asked Junior as he shrugged. He could just feel the disappointment radiating off of the girl.

"I was expecting to hear you say that you thought we looked pretty or something," said Sonata as she crossed her arms and looked away, causing her pony tail to whip Junior's shoulder.

"I wasn't looking to look pretty. I just thought this outfit suited me," deadpanned Aria. Adagio made her way at Junior's side and swung her curvy hips against Junior, who slightly stumbled.

"Come on, tell us what you really think," said Adagio with half opened eyes as she walked closer to the Transmutant. Junior blushed as the Siren invaded his space. She was wearing purple romper shirt that exposed her shoulders and a small bit of cleavage. The end of her hair had a spiked headband that held her wavy and curly hair. On her wrists were spiked bracelets. Adagio's legs were bare and her feet were covered in purple ankle boots. On her waist was a golden belt with an emblem of a gem in the center and sewed into her romper's thigh was a golden gem and lavender adagio note.

"Uh..." Junior looked away in embarrassment as Adagio ran a hand over through her beautiful luminous and vivid orange colored hair. Adagio smirked.

"I'm at least sexy, right?" asked Adagio as she ran a finger over Junior's cheek. The Transmutant recoiled in response, prompting Adagio to laugh in amusement.

"Adagio!" said Junior with a look of annoyance.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist," said Adagio. "But, seriously, what do you think? Maybe I may attract some guys with this look?"

"I don't doubt it," muttered Junior as he looked away with a blush. His eyes found themselves drawn to her legs. He mentally cursed.

"Your reaction convinces me," said Adagio in a teasing tone. Junior sighed.

"Lay off of him, Adagio. The man has a girlfriend," said Aria with a look of annoyance.

"Thank you, Aria," said Junior. Adagio sighed.

"Foo. You're not as fun anymore because of that," said Adagio with a shrug.

"Sorry to be boring," said Junior as he rolled his eyes. Erika and Fluttershy looked on in amusement. The group soon found themselves at a burrow. Junior knelt down and lowered the snakes to the grass.

"Alright guys, the ride is over. Now take your ass- uh...tails...to bed," said Junior with a small look of embarrassment. The snakes hissed as they slithered towards the burrow.

"That was kinda mean," said Erika with a look of disapproval.

"Shiragami, one of them bit me," deadpanned Junior.

"Well, you were holding him wrong," interjected Fluttershy.

"I don't blame him. They're so icky!" said Sonata as she warily stared at the snakes. Junior sighed.

"Fine, whatever. They're in their resting place now. Let's get the rest of the animals to their burrows," said Junior as he began to walk away. The rest of the group followed him and found themselves at a large tree with a hole. Sonata knelt down and lowered herself, allowing the squirrels to leap off of her shoulder and to scurry to the hole with acorns in their mouths. They carried what food they had and placed it with the pile that they had in the tree already. They waved to the humans.

"See you next spring!" said Fluttershy as she, Sonata and Erika waved. The group continued on to more burrows, where they had dropped off the ferrets and rabbits. Soon, they came across a large burrow that was hidden under a fallen tree. Barry grunted as he nuzzled Aria.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll miss you too, hairy," said Aria as she rolled her eyes.

"Barry," corrected Fluttershy.

"No, I didn't- Never mind," scoffed Aria with a scowl. Fluttershy looked at her in confusion. She shrugged and made her way over to Barry.

"Have a good hibernation period, Barry! I'll miss you and the others," said Fluttershy as she kissed the bear on the muzzle. Barry nuzzled her in response and then prowled towards his burrow. With a grunt, he squeezed himself inside and lied down to get comfortable. The group turned and began to walk away.

"So, certain land creatures do this hibernation during the winter?" asked Adagio. Fluttershy nodded.

"Yes! It's good for them and allows them to conserve their energy. Sometimes they do it to survive if food is scarce," said Fluttershy. Adagio hummed in thought.

"Interesting," said Adagio. As a breeze came by, Adagio shivered as she clutched her shoulders. "Man, it's getting cold!"

"Maybe you should have chosen something warmer to wear instead of trying to look sexy," deadpanned Junior. Adagio gave him a coy smile.

"So you do think I look sexy in this!" said Adagio. Junior grunted in annoyance as his cheeks flushed.

"That's not what I- Gah!" Junior scowled in frustration. He then noticed Adagio shiver again from the cold. He removed his sweater and handed it to her.

"Here. Next time, bring something warmer to wear during this season," said Junior.

"Thanks. Hmm. Good thing I decided to buy a pair of those lavender leggings to go with this outfit after all," said Adagio with an optimistic smile. She then looked at Junior.

"So you find my outfit sexy. Are you a leg man, Gojira?" asked Adagio with a curious tone. Junior's face flushed.

"Shut up!" said Junior as he picked up his pace and walked ahead. Adagio laughed in amusement while Fluttershy looked at Junior curiously.

"Oh. He's blushing and avoiding the question," said Erika with a look of amusement.

"I heard that!" said Junior as he shot the female Transmutant a glare.

"I'm kidding!" said Erika with a nervous smile. Junior grunted in annoyance as he continued to walk faster. Adagio continued to laugh at Junior's embarrassment.

"You must really like him if you relentlessly tease him," said Aria as she walked with her arms crossed. Adagio calmed her laughs down.

"Hmm. You can say that," said Adagio as she picked up her pace.

"Goji, wait up! I promise not embarrass you for the rest of the day!" said Adagio.

"Liar!" retorted Junior.

Later that day...

"So, what's the plan?" asked Angirasu. The other male Transmutant stood with Junior in the Apple Family's orchard. The two carried logs of wood in their arms. Junior glanced at him curiously.

"Plan for what?" asked Junior.

"You know, the plan for Shiragami. You promised her that we were going to help find that Sunset Shimmer girl," said Angirasu as he sat the logs down next to the barn. Junior proceeded to do the same.

"Right. Well, I do intend to keep that promise. The problem is that I'm not sure where to start to look for her," said Junior with a shrug. The two picked up two empty baskets and proceeded back towards the orchard. The Transmutants both struck the wooden logs in half with axes on top of a tree trunk. As Junior struck first with his own axe, he reached for the pile of logs that sat by his side while Angirasu did the same on his side.

"Well, we ought to do something. Shiragami seemed pretty down when you two came home," said Angirasu. Junior nodded.

"I know," said Junior. He proceeded to chop the wood as he pondered his move.

"There just has to be a way on how we can track her. Like detect her magic," said Junior. Angirasu looked at him in confusion.

"Detect her magic?" asked Angirasu. Junior sighed in annoyance.

"OK, maybe that's not possible. Sorry, I don't know anything about magic," said Junior.

"Well, we shouldn't dismiss the idea. It might be possible to track her somehow," said Angirasu with a shrug. Junior nodded.

"Let's hope so. Or else they may use Shimmer for something that may get us into trouble," said Junior. Angirasu looked at him curiously.

"Why do you insist on calling her by her last name? You've known her since you were a kid and you were friends, weren't you?" asked Angirasu.

"No, Aang. We weren't actually friends. We're still not," said Junior. Angirasu shook his head.

"It'd be nice if you could be. I think you can get some closure out of it, with what happened when we left Ponyville," said Angirasu. Junior sighed.

"We'll see," said Junior as he gave another chop against the wood. The Transmutants turned as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. They found Applejack sporting a pair of jeans and a jacket as she jogged over to the Transmutants.

"Good work today, boys. Thank ya kindly for your help. We really need to wrap up some chores for the winter," said Applejack. The two nodded to her.

"No problem, AJ," said Junior as he Angirasu gathered the wood that they had chopped. Applejack followed the two Transmutants back to the barn as they proceeded to stack the last of the fire wood. Applejack nudged Junior on the shoulder.

"Say, why don't we head into town and break for lunch? It'll be my treat!" offered Applejack.

"Uh...AJ," called Junior with a light frown. Applejack's expression became crest fallen.

"Oh. Right, sorry about that," said Applejack as she rubbed the back of her head and cleared her throat.

"Well, forget about that! How about we enjoy some nice home cooking?" suggested Applejack with a smile.

"Maybe some other time, OK? I have to figure out how to help Shiragami with her situation," said Junior as he walked away. He waved to the two. "See you around,"

"O-OK. See ya," said Applejack with a small wave. She watched Junior leave with a small frown plastered on her face. She sighed to herself as she crossed her arms.

"He's going to stress himself to death if he doesn't relax," said Applejack.

"Probably. It'd be a sad way to go out compared to all of the things that he survived," said Angirasu. Applejack lightly chuckled.

"Right. So, how about it? Care to stay over for lunch?" asked Applejack. Angirasu nodded to her with a smile.

"Sure! Sounds good," said Angirasu.

"Come on, Aang. I got a special meal in mind for hard workers," said Applejack as she led the Transmutant inside of her home.

Meanwhile, Junior was walking down the orchard in silence. As he continued to walk outside of the Apple family's property, he heard the sound of laughing. He turned his head and found Rodan, Rainbow and Pinkie kicked a ball towards each other.

"Here it comes!" said Rodan as he leaped and kicked the ball towards Rainbow. The ball whizzed past her and smacked Junior's head. He grunted from the force and stumbled back.

"Oop! Sorry about that, Goji!" called Rodan with a nervous smile. Junior sighed as he picked up the ball and tossed it towards Rainbow Dash.

"It's fine," said Junior.

"Hey Goji, wanna join in for a game?" asked Rainbow as she held the ball up. Junior waved his hand dismissively.

"No thanks. I need to figure out what to do about Shiragami's situation," said Junior.

"You better not be two timing Twilight," warned Rainbow. Junior scowled in response.

"Of course not," said Junior. Pinkie gasped as she rushed over towards Junior.

"Speaking of Twilight, did you hear?" asked Pinkie. Junior looked at her with a raised brow.

"Hear what?" asked Junior.

"Twilight has the flu!" said Pinkie.

"Oh. Man, that sucks," said Junior with a light frown. Pinkie looked at him in disapproval.

"Well, aren't you going to do something about it?" asked Pinkie.

"L-Like what?" asked Junior as he watched Pinkie narrow her eyes on him.

"You're her boyfriend! Go spend time with her!" said Pinkie.

"Well, she may not want to be bothered. I should let her rest," said Junior.

"Puh-lease! I bet she'd be happy to see her special somebody visit her!" said Pinkie as she wrapped an arm around Junior's shoulder and brought him close.

"I know if I had a special somebody and I got sick, I'd love it if he'd come visit me. We'd have warm coco together, maybe some cupcakes. Oh! And we'd snuggle together for warmth!" said Pinkie as her cheeks flushed from her fantasies.

"I...don't think cupcakes are appropriate for the flu," said Junior.

"Eh. My point still stands!" said Pinkie with a smile. Junior looked down at the ground with a worried expression.

"I don't know. People would see me enter her house. The town is still too hot with distrust in me to travel there," said Junior.

"But she's your girlfriend! Do you want to be remembered as the terrible boyfriend that wouldn't see his girlfriend because he was afraid of people?" asked Pinkie.

"I'm not afraid of people," deadpanned Junior. Rainbow made her way at Junior's side.

"She has a point, Goji. Why not head into town and visit her?" asked Rainbow. She then pulled on Junior's hood and forced it over his head. "You can always hide your face!"

"Hmm," grunted Junior in annoyance as he pulled his hood back. Rodan made his way over to Junior and ushered him away from the girls.

"Goji, if you go see Twilight, I bet ya she'd want to reward you," said Rodan with a grin. Junior looked at him with a grimace.

"I'm afraid to ask what sort of reward that you're thinking," said Junior.

"Well, shit. I meant that she'd probably make you something delicious to eat. Maybe like a secret meal that only she knows how to make," said Rodan with a look of disapproval. He shook his head. "I didn't think you'd think that way,"

"Piss off. You were the one who made it sound suggestive," said Junior with a glare.

"Fair enough. But still, this may earn you some awesome points if you were to care for your sick girlfriend. Besides, you need to relax on the whole thing with Shiragami. We'll figure out what to do soon," said Rodan. Junior looked away in reluctance. He sighed.

"OK. Yeah, I think I'll go visit her," said Junior. Rodan nodded as he patted Junior on the back.

"Go get her, tiger!" said Rodan as Junior walked away. The other Transmutant waved his waves as they waved back. Rainbow smirked.

"You gonna take care of me if I get sick?" asked Rainbow. Rodan chuckled.

"You got it, babe. Should I bring soup for when it happens?" asked Rodan. Rainbow leaned closer to Rodan.

"Sure. But bring a pillow and blanket. I might need help getting warm," whispered Rainbow with a wink. Rodan chuckled as he brought his forehead against Rainbow's. Pinkie looked away with a grin.

"Sounds like one heck of a sleep over," said Pinkie to herself.


Junior walked down the street of Ponyville in silence. Over his head was his hood, which he brought far down over his face to hide. People around him ignored his presence or simply glanced at his shady character. Some began to whisper among themselves, wondering who was walking in such silence. Junior kept a calm appearance as he proceeded to travel through the town, nearing the library. The Transmutant suddenly bumped into someone that was obscured from his sight by his hood.

"S-Sorry about that!" said a young Earthbound woman with an embarrassed smile. Junior's eyes widened as he recognized the girl to be one of the local flower shop workers, Rose Luck. Junior avoided eye contact as he brought his hood down lower. He felt lucky to have decided to wear a sweater that he normally wore at home during cold weather.

"No, it was my fault. Sorry," apologized Junior. Rose Luck looked at the Transmutant curiously.

"Hmm? Hey, you seem familiar. Have we met?" asked Rose. Junior went stiff.

"I don't think so," said Junior. Rose rubbed her chin as she raised a brow.

"Are you sure? I swear that I've seen you somewhere before. Your voice sounds familiar as well," said Rose as she brought herself closer to the Transmutant. She lowered herself as she attempted to get a better look at Junior's face.

'Shit!' thought Junior. He then turned to the side and gave fake coughs into his arm. Rose recoiled in response.

"Sorry, I caught this flu that's been going around. You may not want to get too close," said Junior as he backed away from Rose.

"Oh. Well, you should get home and rest," said Rose. Junior nodded.

"I was just on my way. Good bye," said Junior as he briskly walked past the Earthbound. Rose turned and waved at him.

"OK. I hope you get better soon!" said Rose with a smile. Junior nodded as he gave a small wave.

"Thanks," said Junior as he briefly turned his head. Rose's eyes widened as she caught sight of the Transmutant's face. Junior continued on towards the library, leaving behind the stunned Earthbound.

"It's him," whispered Rose. She turned and ran away from the area as Junior continued on towards the library.

The Transmutant found himself standing just outside of the door. He knocked on it and waited several seconds. From behind the door, he heard the sound of footsteps rapidly rushing towards the door. It opened, revealing Spike to be wearing a pink apron. Junior nearly snorted in amusement at the sight.

"Oh, hey Gojira!" greeted Spike with a smile.

"H-Hey Spike. I heard Twilight was sick," said Junior, attempting to keep himself from laughing.

"Yeah, she's got the flu. I tell ya, she's been throwing up a lot earlier. I had to toss out and wash out her bucket a couple of times," said Spike. Junior lightly frowned.

"Poor girl. Say, mind if I stay here and help?" asked Junior. Spike nodded.

"Sure! I'm sure she'll be happy to see you," said Spike as he stepped to the side. Junior walked inside while Spike rushed into the kitchen. Junior heard the sound of the refrigerator being opened and closed. Spike came rushing out with a glass of orange juice.

"Here. You'll need to get the jump on the flu," said Spike.

"I'm actually immune to influenza. But I'm actually kind of thirsty right now," said Junior as he took the glass and began to chug the contents down. He sighed in relief as he wiped his lips. Junior handed the glass back to Spike and removed his hood.

"So, you left the Everfree for Twilight? Man, that's awesome!" said Spike.

"It wasn't easy. But, Twi is worth it," said Junior as he unzipped his sweater.

"You think you can give me tips on getting a girlfriend?" asked Spike with an eager smile. Junior raised a brow and then smiled in amusement.

"Spike, why rush into a relationship? Enjoy being a kid. Besides, I wouldn't know what kind of tips to give you other than being yourself and treating the girl that you like right," said Junior. Spike held two claws up as he stared at them in concentration.

"Treat her right and be myself," muttered Spike. Junior shook his head with a small smile. The sound of coughing reached their ears, prompting the two to turn to find Twilight standing on the stair case just half way down. She coughed to herself as she stared at the two.

"Gojira? Wha-What are you doing here?" asked Twilight. Her tone sounded congested. Her nose was slightly running and her eyes stung. Her hair was messy as she stood in her long sleeved pajama shirt and pajama pants.

"Hey, Twi. I heard about your condition and decided to check on you," said Junior with a small smile. Twilight smiled.

"You came here...for me?" asked Twilight. Her heart fluttered in her chest at how the Transmutant swallowed his worries about entering town for her. Junior nodded.

"That's right. I'm actually going to be helping out Spike," said Junior.

"Oh, you don't have to do that!" said Twilight with a wave. She then mentally groaned at how she was brushing the Transmutant off.

"Twilight, go back to bed! You're sick!" said Spike in a scolding tone. He made his way upstairs and began to usher Twilight.

"B-But-" Twilight turned to look back at Junior.

"No buts. You'll never get better if you stay out here!" said Spike as he continued to usher Twilight back to her room. "Gojira will bring you some nice hot tea when it's done,"

"O-OK," said Twilight as she walked back to her bedroom. As she closed her door, Spike came back down stairs.

"Do you know how to make tea for Twilight's flu?" asked Spike.

"Yeah. All she needs is boiled water mixed with lemon juice and honey," said Junior as he wandered to the kitchen. Spike nodded.

"Yep. I'm going to get the heater. You take care of the tea," said Spike as he walked towards the other room. Junior made his way into the kitchen and proceeded to get the items he needed for the tea. After several minutes of boiling water, he turned off the stove and poured the tea into a cup. The Transmutant squeezed a lemon and its juices into the hot water and mixed it with honey. When he was satisfied with the results, Junior took the cup and made his way up to Twilight's room. Unbeknownst to him, three young women, including Rose Luck, were staring through the library window.

"What if he's poisoned her tea?!" whispered an Earthbound with blonde hair. She was known as Lily.

"The horror! The horror!" cried another Earthbound with pale, light grayish lime green hair. She was known as Daisy.

"Shh! They'll hear us!" whispered Rose as she sent her friends a glare. She went back to observing the Transmutant as he walked upstairs.

"Let's keep an eye on him to see if he tries anything funny," said Rose as she sneaked around the library.

Back inside of the library, Junior sent on a stool next to Twilight's bed. The Elf sat up in bed as she blew her tea before taking a sip. She sighed as she felt the warmth travel inside of her body. She turned to smile at Junior.

"Thanks for the tea, Goji," said Twilight.

"It was no trouble. I just want to make sure you get well," said Junior. Twilight continued to take sips of her tea while Junior sat down in silence. He looked around and found a box of tissues to be nearby. An empty and clean bucket sat at his side.

"I'm still surprised that you came out here," said Twilight.

"Well, I wasn't comfortable at first. But that doesn't matter right now. You're more important to me than my worries," said Junior.

"Does that mean you'll be coming back into town again?" asked Twilight with hopeful eyes. Junior shook his head.

"Not yet. It's only been a couple of days," said Junior. Twilight sighed in disappointment. Junior frowned as he watched Twilight's dejected expression. He hated himself for crushing her hope.

"Say, do you happen to know how we can track Sunset Shimmer?" asked Junior.

"Huh? Oh! Uh...I'm actually not too sure. We don't exactly have a lead on her other than she was kidnapped by some of MONARCH's soldiers and the Revolutionaries," said Twilight with a shrug. Junior sighed as he looked down.

"I thought so. Damn, this just bugs me so much," said Junior as he scratched his head. "We could probably break into one of MONARCH's bases, but that might be pretty bad."

"What gave you the idea that it'd be wise to do that?" deadpanned Twilight. Junior chuckled in embarrassment.

"Right. Dumb idea," said Junior as he lightly tapped his fist against his skull and stuck his tongue out. Twilight giggled in response at the action.

"Well, at least you're thinking of a plan," said Twilight.

"What? Are you saying that I don't make good plans," said Junior in offense.

"I didn't say that. You did," said Twilight with a cheeky smile.

"Alright, smart gal. Do you have a plan on how to find Shimmer?" asked Junior.

"I may be smart, but I'm not a miracle worker," said Twilight as she took a sip of her tea. Junior sighed as he propped his head up by his hands as he propped his elbows on his knee.

"Wow. Is this what it's like to see me stressed out?" asked Twilight. Junior snorted.

"Twilight, this is nothing compared to your stressed days. I worry that you'll have a heart attack from the stress that you sometimes display," said Junior with an amused smile. Twilight scowled as her face flushed in embarrassment.

"Sh-Shut up!" said Twilight as she looked away. Junior chuckled in response.

"I tell you this because I love you," said Junior. Twilight glanced at Junior as he yawned to himself. She turned to the small book shelf that sat at the foot of her bed. She raised her hand and levitated a book from it and over to Junior.

"Hey, can you read this book to me? I'd do it, but I'm feeling too weak," said Twilight. Junior nodded as he took the book from the air and began to look it over. He opened the book and began to read. Spike entered the bedroom and sat the heater in the corner as he plugged it in. He turned it on and proceeded to leave the bedroom.

"Let me know if you need anything," said Spike.

"OK, thank you," said Twilight. As Spike left the room, Twilight proceeded to finish her tea as she listened to Junior read.

"...So, the beast's curse was broken. The beast changed back into a handsome prince, thanks to love of the common village girl. As the two stared into each other's eyes, they met with a passionate kiss. They then lived..." Junior stopped as he noticed Twilight sleeping in her bed. He lightly smiled as he closed the book.

"...Happily ever after," said Junior. He placed the book back into the shelf and sat at Twilight's side. He watched the Elf as she took small breaths.

"Man, you got me too into the book that I couldn't put it down," said Junior. He sighed as he looked down at the wooden floor.

"I figured out what you were trying to do with that book. Thanks," said Junior with a soft smile. Twilight began to cough furiously, prompting her to awaken. Junior's eyes widened as he flinched at the sudden movement. Twilight's throat sounded rough as mucus came up. She gestured for the bucket, prompting Junior to grab it and hand it to her. The Elf spat the mucus in the bucket, moaning as she cleared her throat.

"Thanks," said Twilight in a drowsy tone. Junior sat the bucket aside and looked at her worriedly as she began to shiver.

"Are you still cold?" asked Junior.

"Yeah. The heater isn't enough," said Twilight as she huddled in her bed for warmth. Junior looked down in thought. He proceeded to remove his shoes.

"Scoot over a bit," said Junior. Twilight looked at him curiously and then noticed the Transmutant lifting the covers. Twilight scooted over, allowing Junior to lie down in bed beside her. The Transmutant wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to his chest. Twilight blushed as she felt herself being pulled so close. She felt the warmth of Junior's body heat reaching her side. Twilight turned around with her back facing Junior and scooted closer towards him.

"That feels nice," said Twilight as she brought Junior's arm over in front of herself at her belly. The two lied down in bed in the spoon position. Junior gently ran a hand over Twilight's head, caressing it. The Elf blushed to herself as she recalled her dream. She bit her lip as she felt Junior's gentle touch and his heart beat on her back. She gulped to herself as she shifted in place.

"Are you uncomfortable in this position?" asked Junior.

"No. No, it's fine. I'm just feeling cold," said Twilight. Junior brought Twilight closer as he held her by her belly. The Elf blushed furiously as she turned her head to face Junior. She brought her head closer to his and locked lips with the Transmutant. She pulled away with wide eyes.

"Oh no! I think I just infected you with the flu!" said Twilight with a frown.

"Twi, I'm immune," said Junior with an amused smile. Twilight laughed in embarrassment.

"Right," said Twilight. She then looked away.

"So...would you be alright if we kissed right now?" asked Twilight. Junior brought his lips against Twilight's. The Elf closed her eyes as she invited Junior's tongue in.

'I'll take that as a yes,' thought Twilight. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around Junior and rolled herself on top of the Transmutant. She sighed as she snuggled against him and brought her nose against Junior's.

"Hmm. I think I'm starting to feel a lot warmer already," said Twilight as she pressed her lips against Junior's. He chuckled in response as his cheeks flushed at Twilight's close contact. From the corner out of Junior's eye, he saw movement. Junior turned his head briefly and found nothing to be outside of the window. He raised a brow while Twilight ran a finger over Junior's chest from under the blanket.

"Sorry, am I being too forward?" asked Twilight with a worried tone.

"No. I thought I saw something outside the window," said Junior. Twilight hummed in confusion as she turned her head and found nothing outside.

"It's probably just a bird," said Twilight. She turned back to the Transmutant as she leaned closer.

"Uh...Gojira?" called Twilight as her cheeks flushed. The Transmutant turned his head back to face her.


"Do you...do you find my legs...sexy?" asked Twilight as her cheeks flushed brightly. The word 'sexy' was a word that she never used. The elf felt embarrassed and slightly dirty for the word for her question. Junior went stiff as he blushed and looked away with an embarrassment.

"Uh...where is this coming from?" asked Junior.

"Well...I just want to know what you find attractive about me," said Twilight as she leaned her head against Junior's chest.

"Well, I admire how intelligent you are. You're understanding, you-" Junior went on but stopped as he noticed Twilight looking at him with a deadpanned expression.

"I mean physically, since I know what you like about me already," said Twilight. Junior nervously shifted in place.

"I..." Junior couldn't get out his confession. Twilight leaned closer to him.

"You can tell me! We're together and I think it's healthy if we're honest with each other about physical attraction!" said Twilight.

"We-Well in that case..." Junior gulped. He cleared his throat.

"Well, I always found you being short cute," said Junior. Twilight scowled in response but held a light blush. Junior then looked away.

"There's also your scent, your eyes, and your singing voice. The highlights in your hair are cute. And... maybe I do find your legs...sexy," said Junior as he blushed furiously. Twilight looked away as she bit her thumb as she bore a small smile.

"She was right," muttered Twilight as she thought back to Mosura. Junior raised a brow.

"What was that?" asked Junior.

"Nothing!" said Twilight with a nervous smile. She then cleared her throat as she twirled the strands of hair that hung from her sideburns.

"Since you told me what you liked about my physical appearance, it's fair that I tell you what I like about yours," said Twilight. She ran a hand over his head.

"I like your hair and uh...I also like how balanced your physical build is. And I like how your face looks when you get embarrassed," said Twilight in a teasing tone. Junior grumbled to himself as he looked away. Twilight brought her lips against Junior’s cheek.

"But, I like how your sweet to your friends and that you’re softer compared to your surface," said Twilight. Junior smiled in amusement.

"Those last two aren't physical traits," said Junior.

"I know. I just thought I'd tell you, especially since you told me what you liked about me other than appearance," said Twilight with a smirk as she leaned closer to him. Junior began to kiss Twilight's exposed neck, causing her to gasp and shudder. The two gasped as they heard the sound of a thud from outside. They turned and found the leaves connected to the library's branches beginning to fall as the branch bounced. Junior's ears perked as he heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door along with a young male voice humming.

"What was that?" asked Twilight. The bedroom door opened, revealing Spike to be stepping inside. He was wearing his apron while he held a bowl filled with warm soup.

"Hey, I brought some..." Spike's voice trailed off as he caught sight of the couple. Twilight was currently on top of Junior's body with her arms wrapped around him. Twilight's eyes widened in horror at the position that Spike was witnessing them in.

"Uh...Spike! This isn't what it looks like!" said Twilight as she immediately climbed off of Junior and lied on her side of the bed. Spike tilted his head in confusion.

"Was Goji teaching you some wrestling moves or something?" asked Spike.

"What?" asked Twilight with a raised brow. Junior shot up from the bed.

"Uh...yeah! Yeah, that's it! It wasn't exactly wrestling but I was teaching her how to hold down your opponent!" said Junior with a forced smile. Twilight slightly nodded in agreement.

"Oh, well that's cool! But wait till she's all better next time. In the meantime, I brought soup!" said Spike as he walked up the steps. Twilight sat up in bed while Junior sat down on his stool.

"Thank you, Spike," said Twilight with a smile as she took the bowl. Junior looked back towards the window with a look of suspicion.

"I'll be back," said Junior as he stood up from the stool and left the bedroom. The sudden sound was odd and sounded heavy. The Transmutant continued on towards the door as he pulled down his hood. The Transmutant stuck his head outside and found the area to be cleared. He cautiously made his way outside and traveled around the house. Junior came across near Twilight's bedroom window and then hardened his eyes. He sniffed the air and turned to look down at the ground to the flowers and bush that were nearby to be trampled. He knelt closer as he picked up a foreign smell.

"A Lily," said Junior. He reached into the bush and pulled out what appeared to be a lily head with what appeared to be a pin on. He took another sniff and then scowled as he caught a human's scent.

"Someone was peaking," said Junior as he stood back up. He turned his head to look for any signs of being observed. As he found no one to be around, he made his way back inside of the library. Unbeknownst to him, Rose, Lily and Daisy were hiding and peaking from behind a building's corner. Rose and Daisy sent Lily a glare.

"Way to nearly get us caught!" said Daisy. Lily looked at her in offense.

"Me?! Rose was the one who messed with the ladder!" said Lily as she pointed to the ladder at her side.

"You were the one who was freaking out when peeking through the window! We couldn't risk him seeing you!" said Rose with a glare. Daisy sighed.

"Well, what did you see?" asked Daisy. Lily gulped as she held her head.

"I...I saw them...in bed together," said Lily with a look of dread. She held her arms together. "He...he looked like he was biting her neck!"

"He was sucking her blood!" cried Daisy with a look of horror.

"Or likely injecting some sort of venom into her!" said Rose with dread.

"What are we going to do?!" asked Lily.

"We uh..." Rose looked frantically around the area. She gasped as she spotted a few men walking down the road. Rose rushed over towards them with a frantic expression.

"Hey, we need your help! We think Twilight might be in danger with a Transmutant!" said Rose.

"Which one?!" asked one of the men.

"Gojira!" cried Rose. They gasped but then nodded with hard stares.

"I knew that Transmutant was going to be trouble. Come on guys!" said one of the men as he took off away from the library.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" asked Rose.

"We need more muscle and something hard to hit him with!" said one of the other men.

Meanwhile in Mustangia, Equestria...

The holiday season was approaching over west of Equestria. The citizens roamed the streets of their town in winter apparel as they greeted each other with smiles and waves. Hearth Warming decorations were already in stock to be sold for any customer willing to buy them. Outside of the town, Copper the Diamond Dog was running across the land with Manda and Baragon running by his side. The two Transmutants were wearing jogging suits, while Copper merely wore his short sleeved coat. His fur was able to keep him from freezing as well as the heat that was building inside of him.

"Come on, Copper! You're doing great!" said Manda with a grin as she picked up her pace. The Rottweiler had grown muscle from all of the time that the Transmutants had spent training him. He had excelled through the training with his determination.

"Better than me, I bet!" said Baragon as he panted. The Transmutant wheezed as his side began to hurt as he ran to keep up. Copper grunted as he ran faster. Manda's eyes widened in surprise as the Diamond Dog continued to sprint across the land and into town. Manda proceeded to pick up her pace.

"W-Wait for us!" cried Manda as she took paced breaths. Baragon groaned in exasperation as he continued to run after them. The trio soon found themselves in town. Copper sprinted down the side walk, startling several people that were in his path.

"Excuse us!" cried Manda as she ran passed the citizens. Bystanders looked on in confusion and then noticed Baragon lagging behind.

"Manda!" cried Baragon as he wheezed. He held his chest as his muscles ached.

"Help! I have to catch up to my girlfriend and her dog, but my legs are short, I'm terrible at long distance running, and I think I'm having a heart attack!" said Baragon as he stopped running and dropped to his knees. He then fell face first onto the ground and began to wheeze.

"And a couple of light strokes," said Baragon. He then moaned as he rolled over on his back and stared up at the sky. He sighed in exasperation as he lied on his back, not wanting to get back up to his feet. From across the street, Goro was standing by with a few other men in construction gear.

"Hey Goro, isn't that your friend?" asked one of the Earthbound workers. Goro looked away as he carried a large pipe away.

"Nope!" said Goro as he briskly walked away. The workers shrugged in response. Goro went back to work with a scowl.

"Lazy bastard," muttered Goro. He stopped as he noticed a newspaper that was sitting on the side walk, abandoned. It depicted the image of Junior attacking Princess Celestia that was from a previous newspaper. It read, 'Citizens still outraged at Transmutant'. Goro sighed as he shook his head.

"I wonder what happened," said Goro.

"Goro! Stay focused, buddy! Break time ain't here yet!" said a co-worker.

"Sorry!" said Goro as he returned to work.


Manda lied down on the sofa with her jogging suit unzipped, exposing her white tank top. She was drenched in sweat that dripped from her as she panted. Copper lied down on the floor as he panted with his tongue hanging out. Manda turned as she found Baragon wheezing as he walked inside of their cave of residence. He dropped to his knees and fell face first onto the ground.

"Must...never...run...again," huffed Baragon. Manda sighed as she removed her smelly jogging suit.

"Ugh. I'm taking a shower," said Manda as she ran to the far end of the cave.

"I'll join you," said Baragon with a grin.

"No! I need you to keep an eye out to make sure no one drops by unexpectedly. I want to shower in peace," said Manda. Baragon sighed in disappointment.

"Fine, whatever you say, babe," said Baragon as he unzipped his jogging suit and sat down on the sofa. Copper looked at him in confusion.

"You have a shower in this cave?" asked Copper.

"Oh yeah. We use to wash ourselves at a public pool's shower rooms. It was not easy sneaking in. But ever since Princess Celestia introduced us to the town, we've gotten some stuff to help make this place feel more like a house! We even got our own plumbing installed!" said Baragon.

"That was kind of them," said Copper with a smile.

"Yep," said Baragon as he lied back.

"Well, thank you for this day of training. I think I'm almost ready to face our pack leader. See you later, Baragon," said Copper as he left the cave.

"See ya!" called Baragon.

Copper traveled through the burrow of his tribe's colony in silence. The Diamond Dogs that were a part of his pack were digging or hacking away at the dirt and stone walls. An endless cycle of harvesting gems that would serve no purpose but to be piled up in chambers. Copper sighed to himself as he continued to walk towards a group of Diamond Dogs, where he began to dig through dirt.

"Hey, Copper. You look like you're gaining some muscle," said one of the Diamond Dogs.

"Yes! You're lookin' pretty strong!" said a smaller Diamond Dog. Copper waved a paw.

"Well, I have been using some free time to get into better shape," said Copper. The sound of howling filled the cave. The Diamond Dogs that were mining all had stopped and turned with their ears perked. Copper flattened his ears.

"It's pack leader, Gnaw," said Copper. The Diamond Dogs all began to make their way through the chamber and towards a much wider one. They all sat on their rears as they watched their pack leader walk across the chamber in silence. He turned to face the other Diamond Dogs.

"There is something that we must do in order to keep our way of life afloat, my brothers," said Gnaw as he stood among the other Diamond Dogs. He balled his paw into a fist.

"Mustangia is currently too much for us to attack for us to be able to safely gather gems. We must strike somewhere smaller," said Gnaw. He then hardened his stare. "That place would be Ponyville."

Copper's eyes widened in shock. After all the losses that the pack had suffered from during the invasion of Mustangia, it was a struggle to recover. Now, after months of recovering and resuming with mining, the pack leader planned to attack another human settlement. In a land where powerful beings like Transmutants are roaming freely.

"You can't be serious!" said Copper with a frantic expression. The pack leader sent him a hard stare.

"I am! Hold your tongue, Copper! You know that this is our way of life! The gems are what our kind lives for!" said Gnaw. He looked to all the other Diamond Dogs.

"Ponyville may be further away, but it is away from those Transmutants that reside here. The town is smaller and will be easier to pillage and flee from," said Gnaw. The Diamond Dogs all mumbled among themselves with unsure expressions.

"Pack leader, there are Transmutants near Ponyville as well! It doesn't make a difference!" said Copper.

"Copper, this is the way of our ancestors! Our way of life is worth the danger! No way could these other Transmutants reach us on time," said Gnaw.

"You're having us travel to another human town to risk our lives for gems that we're not going to do anything with. You even know that there are Transmutants defending that town as well! This isn't a way of life, this is suicide!" said Copper. The pack leader hardened his stare.

"Are you challenging my supremacy, Copper?" asked Gnaw with a growl. Copper slightly shrunk back as the pack leader bared his teeth. He looked down at the ground.

"N-No," answered Copper. The pack leader grunted as he walked away.

"Then it is settled. Soon, we will attack Ponyville," said Gnaw. Copper gritted his teeth. The idea of his pack members being killed while innocents got hurt due to pointless pillaging made his stomach turn. His pack leader was blinded by the old ways of their ancestors that he was leading the pack to its doom. If he wasn't stopped now, history would repeat itself. He stared down at his paws with a grimace before hardening his eyes.

"I change my mind!" barked Copper. The Diamond Dogs around him looked at him with wide eyes. Gnaw stopped and turned to face Copper with a stern gaze. Copper furrowed his brows as he tensed his muscles.

"I challenge your authority, pack leader. I challenge you to a battle for your title," said Copper. The Diamond Dogs around him gasped in shock.

"Copper, what in Tartarus are you doing?!" whispered one of Copper's friends. The pack leader growled as he stalked closer towards Copper, who stood firmly.

"Are you certain that you want to do this?" asked the Gnaw.

"I am. You’re going to lead us to our doom, and I must stop you. My priority is the pack, not the tradition of Diamond Dogs that are dust," said Copper with a firm expression. The pack leader narrowed his eyes.

"Very well, we shall have a duel this evening. But should you lose, and you will, you will be exiled from our pack," said the Gnaw. Copper hardened his eyes.

"If it is to prevent history from repeating itself, then that is a risk that I am willing to take," said Copper.

Ponyville, Equestria...

Junior sat beside Twilight's bedside with a neutral expression as the Elf finished her soup. She sighed with content as she leaned back against her bed with a smile. She handed the bowl to Junior, who took it from her hand.

"That was delicious," said Twilight.

"I'll go wash this up for you," said Junior as he made his way down the stairs.

"OK, but hurry back~" sang Twilight. Junior smiled to himself as he left the bedroom and made his way down towards the kitchen. He hummed to himself as Spike warmed himself a cup of tea. The Transmutant turned on the kitchen sink and proceeded to wash the bowl and spoon.

"So, are you gonna marry Twilight?" asked Spike. Junior gasped as he dropped the bowl in the sink, causing it to clatter with the spoon. He turned to face Spike with wide eyes.

"Wh-What?!" exclaimed Junior. Spike shrugged.

"What? It was just a question," said Spike. Junior sighed heavily.

"Spike, don't just drop such questions on people like that," said Junior. Spike chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, but I want to know," said Spike.

"Well...I don't know. I mean, we haven't been together for very long. Also, marriage is a huge commitment for anyone to make. I'm not ready to think about that," said Junior as he began to scrub the bowl. Spike shrugged.

"Well, I think it'd be awesome if you did. That'd mean I'd get to call you brother," said Spike. Junior lightly smiled as he glanced at Spike.

"We'll see, Spike. For now, let's stick with the present. Especially with all of the troubles that's been going around from raging Avatars, chaos bringers, and Transmutants. I just wonder how to find..." Junior's voice trailed off as an idea popped in his mind.

"Wait...I think I know who can help us find Sunset Shimmer!" said Junior with a bright smile. Spike looked at him with a raised brow.

"Wait, where is this coming from?" asked Spike. Junior rushed back into the library as he grabbed a parchment and pen.

"I had an idea on someone who may have a hunch! But I'm going to need some help convincing him!" said Junior as he wrote on the parchment. Spike left the kitchen with a look of curiosity.

"Who?" asked Spike. Junior chuckled nervously.

"That doesn't matter right now," said Junior as he rolled up the parchment. He then handed it to Spike.

"I need you to send this to Celestia. Can you do this favor for me, buddy?" asked Junior with a smile. Spike took the parchment and gave him a salute. The little drake inhaled and then spewed his green flames against the letter, causing it to evaporate and to magically flow out the window.

"Letter has been sent. But seriously, who are you hoping might help us? Do I know him?" asked Spike. Junior looked away.

"Uh...you can say that. He's someone we haven't seen in a while," said Junior as he wandered back to the stair case. Spike hummed to himself.

"Someone who we haven't-" Spike was interrupted as the library door burst open, revealing several men rushing in with bats. Junior turned around with wide eyes.

"What the hell?" asked Junior. An Elf man pointed his bat at Junior.

"There he is!" shouted the Elf. Junior's shoulders slumped.

"Uh oh," said Junior.

"Get him! We have to save Twilight!" shouted Rose from the back. The men shouted as they charged in after Junior.

"Fight or flight? Fight or flight? If I fight, it'll look bad. If I run, it'll probably look like I'm hiding something," said Junior with a nervous expression. He gasped as he ducked under a bat's swing. He rolled away as another man attempted to punch him. The Transmutant was suddenly struck in the head with a wooden bat, which broke in half and clattered against the ground. The humans all looked at the broken half of the bat that lied on the ground and then back to Junior, who bore a neutral expression. The Elf with the broken bat swung it again against Junior's head, which broke again. Junior remained unfazed. The Transmutant then closed his eyes and exhaled sharply. He then shot the humans that were inside a piercing glare, causing them all to gulp.

"You know, I wasn't going to fight back. But since you struck me, you fucked up," said Junior as he popped his knuckles. Everyone recoiled from the sound of the loud popping. Junior growled as he glared at the humans.

"Now, do you I need to start hurting you guys, or are you going to tell me why you attacked me?" questioned Junior with a harsh glare. As the side of Junior's head started swelling, Spike cringed.

"Y-You better not touch us! The Princess will have you locked up!" threatened a man with the broken bat handle.

"Comet Tail, shove that threat up your ass! You guys are invading her student's home and you physically assaulted her boyfriend and the Princess's adopted son! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's going to get into trouble for this," retorted Junior.

"Why would she help someone who assaulted her first?! Remember a certain incident in Canterlot the other day?" questioned another man.

"Yeah, yeah. May I face eternal damnation in the lowest depths of hell for a mistake that I regret," said Junior in a sarcastic manner. "We've technically patched things up with the incident. Now, what the hell are you doing assaulting me in Twilight's library?!"

"Don't play dumb! You were sucking Twilight's blood in her bedroom!" said Lily with an accusing finger.

"Or injecting her with venom!" interjected Rose. Junior looked at the two women in confusion.

"Sucking blood? Injecting venom? What the fu- What are you talking about?! What do you think I am? A vampire or a cobra?!" demanded Junior. His eyes then widened. "Hey, wait a goddamn minute!"

"Wha-" Lily yelped as Junior grabbed her hand and pulled her close. She whimpered as Junior sniffed her hair. Everyone in the room looked on with wide eyes. Rose gasped with a look of disgust.

"You sick pervert!" said Rose. Junior shot her a look of annoyance.

"Oh, shut up! That's not what I'm doing. And if any of you guys hit me again, I'm hitting you back! With the bat!" threatened Junior as he turned to look at two men that had their bats raised. Lily whimpered.

"Don't make a part of you monster harem," pleaded Lily with teary eyes. Junior scoffed.

"You shut up, too. Here," said Junior as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lily hair pin. Lily's eyes widened in surprise as she took the flower head out of his hand.

"Where did you find this?!" exclaimed Lily.

"Outside, near Twilight's window!" said Junior in a stern tone as he leaned closer to Lily's face, who gulped nervously.

"I recognized your scent from your hair on this thing. You were the one that caused the loud thud!" said Junior. Lily moaned as she fell back and fainted. Junior scowled as he looked down at the woman that lied unconscious. He then looked back to rose and Daisy with a deadpanned expression.

"I think the only perverts around here are you three, sneaking around and peeping inside of a girl's bedroom," said Junior.

"Ha! Don't you try to-" Rose was interrupted as the sound of a bell being ringed reached their ears. Everyone in the room all turned to find Twilight standing in her pajamas with a bell in her hand and tissue in her other. She blew her nose into it and shot everyone a hard stare.

"What is going on in here?!" demanded Twilight. Lily shot up with a gasp.

"The Transmutant was sucking the blood out of your neck or injected you with venom!" cried Lily. Junior growled in annoyance.

"I was not!" said Junior. Twilight looked at Lily in confusion and then gasped as she saw the swelling on Junior's head. She rushed over to his side and pulled Junior close.

"Ow! Stop, it's-" Junior grunted in pain as Twilight touched his bump.

"I just want to see how bad it is! Spike, go get me a bag of ice!" said Twilight in an urgent tone. Spike nodded as he rushed into the kitchen. Twilight then found Comet Tail standing with a broken bat and then noticed the other pieces on the ground. She sent him a glare, which he responded with a nervous chuckle as he hid the broken bat.

"Why has everybody burst into my home and assaulted my boyfriend?! What's this about him sucking blood or injecting venom?!" demanded Twilight.

"Lily said that he was on your neck in the bedroom!" said Daisy, which Rose and Lily nodded in agreement.

"Wha..." Twilight suddenly blushed furiously as her mind came to the realization as to what led to their wild accusation.

"He can't inject venom into me! He wasn't even sucking my blood! He's not a cannibal!" said Twilight in disapproval.

"Would it even be classified cannibalism for Transmutants?" asked a man from the mob.

"Gee, thanks for the need to dehumanize me even further, you ass," said Junior. The man shrugged.

"It was just a simple question," said the human.

"Yeah, you know what else is a simple question? Me asking if someone's herpes cleared up yet. But you don't hear me going around asking people about that shit," deadpanned Junior.

"Gross," said Daisy in disgust.

"Yeah, about as gross as peeping on someone else," said Junior as he sternly directed his stare on Lily, who shrunk back. Twilight hid her face as her blush increased.

"So wait, what were you doing if you weren't sucking her blood?" asked Comet Tail. Junior sighed in exasperation as he took the ice pack from Spike.

"It's not really a child friendly discussion," said Junior as he used his head to gesture towards Spike. The flower trio broke into bright blushes as their minds registered what the Transmutant was hinting at. The men all looked away.

"Wait, huh?" asked Spike in confusion. Junior shook his head as he bore a smile.

"Now that we've gotten that straighten out, GET OUT!" shouted Junior as he pointed towards the door. Twilight shook her head in disapproval at the men.

"Honestly, guys," said Twilight. The men all sluggishly walked out of the library. Junior picked up the broken half of the bat and called out to Comet tail. He tossed the broken half to the Elf and gave him a hard stare.

"Some advice for the future, don't ever hit a guy or girl that can literally turn you into paste in the street," said Junior. Comet Tail nodded nervously.

"I-I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!" said Comet Tail as he rushed out of the library.

"Yeah whatever, dickhead," muttered Junior with a scowl. He then noticed the flower trio sneaking towards the exit. He cleared his throat loudly, prompting the girls to go stiff and turn nervously to find Junior, Spike and Twilight looking at them in disapproval.

"You're not going anywhere yet. Get your flowered butts over here," said Junior. Rose laughed nervously.

"Uh...sorry, but we-"

"Now!" shouted Junior. The three women shot towards the couch that nearby and sat down with nervous smiles. Junior shook his head as he stood in front of them with Twilight at his side.

"You know, I rarely have to deal with shenanigans with girls. It was mostly guys that start something with me. But you three and two other women that I know managed to piss me off," said Junior. Daisy raised her hand.

"Wh-Who's the the other two?" asked Daisy.

"Chrysalis and some other girl you don't know," said Junior.

"The point is that what you've done and the panic that you could have started was dangerous! What if someone was hurt?" asked Twilight.

"Uh...hello?" Junior pointed to the lump that was under his ice pack.

"Look, we're sorry! We didn't mean to cause any trouble! We just thought you were in trouble! Especially when I saw that he was around!" said Rose as she shot Junior a glare. The Transmutant returned the glare.

"If you have something to say to me then say it," said Junior as he growled at the woman. He knew how easily frightened the women were and how dramatic that they could be. So, he thought that his intimidation would get her to shut up, but Rose merely stood up from her seat.

"I think you're more of a problem than a solution! The other Transmutants are fine, but you seem to be the more reckless and uncaring one!" said Rose. Junior was slightly surprised at how this Earthbound was standing up to him, especially while her friends looked on fearfully. This woman was braver than both of Lily and Daisy combined.

"What was it that you said when you were fighting Chimeras? 'Ungrateful bastards. Next time, fend for yourselves'?" asked Rose with a glare. Junior kept a hard stare while Twilight looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah, because I'm suddenly the bad guy for killing a Chimera that was going to eat innocent people. What were you expecting when everyone still called me a monster? A hug or a kiss?" scoffed Junior. Twilight stepped in with a look of disapproval.

"Look, Gojira may not be perfect. His response may seem harsh, but you have to understand where he's coming from," said Twilight as she took his hand.

"You three violated our privacy and you physically hurt him. That's not what friends do," said Twilight with a light frown. Lily rubbed her arm while Rose looked away with a scowl.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. I may have overreacted with what I saw. I've also may have listened to too many rumors about your boyfriend," said Lily. Junior looked at her in confusion.

"Wait, there are rumors about me having venom and sucking blood? Wait, is that why you begged me not to make you a part of my harem?!" exclaimed Junior. Twilight looked at him in confusion while Lily nodded.

"Yeah. Some people think you bewitched the others into your own harem," said Lily. Junior looked at her with an appalled expression.

"Holy crap. What the hell is wrong with the people in this town?" asked Junior.

"You technically live here too, don't you?" asked Spike with a raised brow.

"No, I live in the Everfree now. Totally separate neighborhood," said Junior. Twilight coughed furiously, prompting Junior to sigh as he wrapped his sweater around her.

"Wait, you're sick?" asked Rose. Twilight sniffled.

"Yes. Gojira decided to come into town to check on me and has been here helping Spike nurse me back to health," said Twilight. Junior placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Come on, Twi. We gotta get you back to bed," said Junior in a worried tone. Daisy's expression softened.

"Well, we're sorry for the trouble we caused you," said Daisy with a frown. Rose sighed in response.

"I...I guess I'm sorry too," said Rose as she crossed her arms. Junior mentally sighed.

'I guess that's as good as we're gonna get. Damn, when did I get so demanding for apologies?' thought Junior.

"Alright, it's all forgiven. Just go," said Junior as he pointed towards the door. The flower trio made their way back to the doorway and turned to find Junior walking Twilight upstairs. Spike made his way towards the door and closed it. He watched the couple head back to Twilight's room with a slight frown.

"Poor Goji," said Spike. He then went back into the kitchen to finish his chores. Junior and Twilight continued onto the stairs and towards the bedroom door. Twilight panted as her vision blurred. She moaned as she fell over but was caught by Junior. The Transmutant scooped her up into his arms and carried her into her bedroom and to her bed. There, he gently lied her down and placed the blankets over her. Twilight gave Junior a sad smile as she held his hand.

"I told you that I'd be here for you," said Twilight. Junior smiled back as he held her hand firmly. He nodded to her.

"Thank you. And I'll be here for you, in sickness and in health," said Junior. Twilight blushed as she looked away with a smile.

"Careful, you almost sound as if you're proposing to me," said Twilight. Junior looked away in embarrassment.

"R-Right. Sorry about that," said Junior with a small chuckle. Twilight sighed as she pulled Junior's arm.

"Lie down with me. I'm freezing," said Twilight. Junior nodded as he got back into bed with Twilight and pulled the Elf close. She snuggled against him as she laid her head against his shoulder. Junior gently ran his fingers over Twilight's head as she breathed softly.

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