• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 8,994 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 36: Betrayal

Zebrabwe Present day...

Erika sat in her dorm room in the MONARCH base that she was stationed in with her head lowered. She wore a solemn expression as she stared at her hands. It has been two days since the incident at Saddle Arabia's power plant. She had not heard of any news of any survivors that might have been trapped inside of the barrier. The likelihood of anyone being trapped inside likely would have died by now. Her heart was heavy with despair at the possibility of Sunset Shimmer dying. Erika lightly wept to herself as she leaned against the wall, but then heard the sound of her wrist watch beeping. She gasped as the abrupt sound snapped her out of her thoughts. She sniffed as she looked down at her wrist.

What the watch displayed was a calling for a meeting in the debriefing room. She sighed in frustration at how she was called for what she assumed was a mission. She stood up to her feet and stomped over to her door.

"This better be good." spat Erika. She then exited her dorm room and shut the door. The Transmutant made her way down the halls of the base with a look of irritation. She was also uncomfortable as it would be her first mission without Sunset. The thought of losing her friend tore her apart inside, especially when the two had just became friends.

Erika slowly made her way through the base until she came across a large door. She took a deep breath, swallowing her fear and forging a look of determination on her face, and opened the door. She pressed on into the room and made her way over to the back of the room and took a seat. Her eyes widened as she noticed dozens of soldiers were in the large room. A high ranking man made his way over to the front of the room.

"May I have your attention please?" called the commanding officer. The soldiers slowly began to quiet down and focused their attention on the commanding officer.

"You have all been called here today because of an incident that has occurred with a sister base over in Neighpon." informed the commanding officer. The screen displayed the facility in a video footage.

"This base was compromised. And no, the Transmutants were not responsible." said the commanding officer. The soldiers murmured amongst themselves in surprise. They wondered what enemy could have been able to compromise one of MONARCH's bases. Erika looked down in thought.

"No. The ones responsible for the compromise were none other than soldiers from among our ranks." said the commanding officer. Erika shot her head up and her eyes widened in shock. The soldiers murmured in shock.

"Wait, what do you mean it came from our ranks?!" demanded a soldier.

"Two days ago, we received a distress signal from the sister base informing of an attack made by a group of renegade soldiers." said the commanding officer. The room was filled with static and muffling.

"Hello?! This is Okinawan MONARCH Gamma base! We are under attack by our own men! We need assistance immediately!" said a man urgently over the recording that filled the room. The sound of banging could be heard.

"Oh shit!" whispered the man's recorded voice. The banging grew louder along with the sound of gunfire.

"Man down!" shouted a woman's voice in the background.

"Sergeant Hayato Yoshi has been sighted leading a band of renegades! Our defense systems have been compromised! We're being slaughtered down here!" shouted the man urgently. The sound of a door being broken down filled the transmission.

"Turn off that radio!" shouted a male voice. Gun fire erupted over the radio. The sound of cries of agony filled the recording, causing it to go into static. Soldiers remained silent and in shock. There was no denying that the distress signal was legit. The voices, the same kind of weapons used were all a result of a fire fight. Erika's eyes widened as she recalled at the mention of Hayato Yoshi.

"It turns out that one of our Elite soldiers have turned on our organization and have turned our men against us." said the commanding officer solemnly.

"Yoshi is a...traitor?" asked a man that sat in front of Erika.

"No way! He's..." a woman was trying to deny the possibility of such a heroic soldier could have been involved in this attack.

"Images of this tragedy had managed to reach our databanks before it was compromised." said the commanding officer. Images of soldiers fighting amongst themselves displayed a helmetless Hayato Yoshi beating a soldier with his rifle. Erika stared with wide eyes as the soldiers were depicted killing each other. Soldiers stared angrily at the traitors that were led by Yoshi and at the elite soldier himself. A lot of them looked up to the man for his bravery, his honor, and his skills. He was the face of MONARCH. Now, that man has destroyed the image that he had placed on himself and betrayed them all. Erika's mind raced as she tried to make sense of such a thing.

"Oh...Sunset." said Erika in pity. The knowledge of the Elf's role model being a traitor would crush her.

The room was cold. The lighting was dim and the air was filled with silence that was pierced by the sound of a heart monitor and a respirator. Sunset Shimmer lied in bed, pale as a ghost. Her hair was let down and was splayed at the back of her head. Her breaths were slow and calm. Her face was drenched with sweat as she tossed and turned. A man wearing a radiation suit observed the Elf as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Her blankets were what kept her warm from the cold air, but she was heating up. The man in the radiation made himself over to Sunset and ran his hand over her hair. He then gently began to pull on a few locks, causing Sunset to crinkle her face and to turn her head. The man released her locks and backed away.

"She doesn't seem to be losing her hair just yet from the exposure." said the man to himself. Sunset tossed and turned again in her sleep as she began to moan to herself. Her brows were furrowed. The man took her arm and began to look her over.

"No sores from the radiation poisoning." the man said to himself. He sighed to himself. The patient was exposed to high levels of radiation at a close distance to the source. She would be dead within the weeks, but something seemed off. Her condition had not worsened as quickly as it was supposed to. The man made his way over to the glass door and typed into the panel. The panel lit up and the door slid open, leading to a short hall where another door lied ahead. The glass door closed behind him, locking him in the hall. A burst of gas filled the hall and ran for several seconds. The gas stopped running and the door in front slid open. The man made his way over outside to where several other people were working. One woman was sitting at a computer console, typing away.

"This is bizarre." said the woman on the computer.

"What is?" asked the man in the radiation suit. He removed the mask from his head and held it at his side.

"Well, I've been looking over these blood tests that we have extracted from the patient the other day. Something isn't right." said the woman as she pointed at the screen. The man in the radiation suit peaked over her shoulder curiously.

"She has no signs of radiation poisoning." said the man in shock. The woman nodded.

"That's right. She's healthy. But her brain wave activity is spiked. The reason why she's tossing and turning is because she could be having nightmares." said the woman. The man looked over the window and found Sunset still tossing and turning in bed.

"But that's not the most bizarre part about her." said the woman. The man looked to her.

"There's more?" asked the man.

"Yes. After running a scan, we've found something. Her DNA, it's-" the woman was about to finish but the door that lead to the lab opened. The people in the room turned and found an Elf man in black uniform standing in the doorway.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" questioned the man, in the radiation suit in suspicion. The Elf walked further in.

"I'm here to check on the patient. How is she?" asked the Elf.

"She's...she might be fine. She isn't currently suffering from radiation poisoning despite being exposed to lethal levels of it from her mission. But we found an abnormality in her DNA." informed the woman. The Elf sighed as he began to walk closer.

"I see. Well, funny thing about that." said the Elf. He raised his hand, causing it to form a fiery aura that was a mix of black, green and purple colors. The scientists in the room stopped dead in their tracks and stared at the man blankly as the white of their eyes turned to a glowing shade of green and their irises turned red. "There is nothing unusual about Private Sunset Shimmer."

"There is nothing unusual about Private Sunset Shimmer." repeated the scientists in unison with monotone voices.

"You will not report this to anyone. Rather, you will send the data you have gathered to the high command. Sunset will make a full recovery. It is a miracle." said the Elf.

"It is a miracle." repeated the scientists. The Elf smiled.

"Excellent. When you have sent the data to the high command, you shall forget all that you have witnessed. You will forget our meeting." said the Elf. The humans nodded as they continued to stare blankly. The Elf turned to stare into the window where the patient could be seen.

Back inside of the room, Sunset breathed heavily as she slept. Her face crinkled and her body began to sweat. She whimpered in her sleep as she tossed and turned.

"No. No, go away." said Sunset in her sleep. Images of a demonic woman continued to haunt her dreams. The creature taunted her.

"You failed to kill that monster, Sunny. That's very disappointing." said an echoed demonic feminine voice. Sunset found herself in darkness where the creature's voice continued to torment her. She searched frantically for it.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?!" shouted Sunset as she cupped her ears. She felt something grab her from behind her shoulders and pulled her around. Sunset gasped as the demonic woman stared at her with her black eyes and moderate cyan irises.

"Why would I do that? You need me." said the she-demon as she gently ran her claw under Sunset's chin. The Elf stared fearfully as she trembled before this creature. The she-demon laughed darkly as her bat-like wings spread wide open. Sunset was tackled to the ground, feeling her body burn from the demon's physical contact. She cried in pain as the she-demon pinned her to the ground.

"No! Somebody, please help me!!" cried Sunset, her voice echoed in the dark void. She was trapped in a lonely place where she was continuously tormented by this creature. She yearned for her friend's presence to comfort her and to help her to rid this demon from her life that has haunted her dreams.


It was the evening in the far East. The stars twinkled far above in the sky. The air was cool and the weather was calm on this month of May. The raid on Saddle Arabia's nuclear power plant was successful. The lair of the Transmutant Revolutionaries was filled with activity. The Transmutants were moving crates filled with pounds of MONARCH's enchanted gems that were used as ammo for their weapons. Now, these gems were filled with radioactive energy and were being stored and saved for the Transmutants. Two crates were rolled down the halls of the base and were taken to Hok and Abra’s home. Hok emerged from the dark and dimly lit room and made his way over to the Transmutants.

"Just bring them on in here." said Hok as he gestured to the room. The Transmutants nodded as they continued to carry the crates into the room. Abra lied in bed as she watched the Transmutants move the crates into a corner of the room, away from the eggs. She sighed in relief at there being hope for her children. Battra stepped inside of the room and looked over to the crates. He then turned back to Hok.

"This should be good until we can draw from more radioactive sources." said Battra. Hok nodded.

"Thank you, my friend. I'm in your debt." said Hok with a smile.

"Don't worry about it. It was my pleasure." said Battra with a soft tone. Hok raised a brow at him as he felt an odd atmosphere. Battra seemed to not have been in good spirits this evening.

"Battra, is everything alright?" asked Hok, worriedly.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." said Battra with a forced smile.

"Alright then." said Hok with a hesitant nod.

"I must be going. I need to check on Megaguirus." said Battra. He made his way out of the room with a light frown as he looked down. He continued down the halls of the abandoned base and through large rooms where few Transmutants were still working. Some of them had already turned in for the night. Battra felt the desire to stop and rest, but he couldn't sleep as his mind was being plagued.

Battra continued on through the base and found a plain door. He looked to the side and found a sign that said, 'medical center'. Battra sighed as he placed his hand on the handle and pulled the door open. He made his way down a clear hallway and found a dozen rooms to be dark and empty. The hallway was dimly lit with a few flickering light bulbs. Wheelchairs were littered around the area and the faint smell of sterilization reached his nose. He spotted a dimly lit room where a figure lied down in a small bed. He made his way over to the room and found Megaguirus lying down with herself covered in blankets. Her boots sat in the corner of the room and her sweater sat on a chair that was near her bed. She lied down with her right arm over her covers and her hand covered in a cast. The Transmutant stared off towards the wall in silence with a neutral expression.

"Knock, knock." said Battra as he lightly knocked on the door. Megaguirus's eyes widened in surprise as she caught his voice. She turned and smiled when she found Battra standing in the doorway.

"Hey good looking. I wasn't expecting visitors." said Megaguirus. Battra smiled back. He made his way over to a chair and brought it to Megaguirus's left side of her bed and sat down.

"Well, thought I check on you. I wanted to see how you were doing." said Battra. Megaguirus sighed as she raised her cast covered hand.

"Well, doc says that I have some broken bones in my hand from punching concrete. Guess I'm not as strong as you when it comes to punches in my human form." said Megaguirus with a chuckle. She then hissed as she shifted herself. She removed her blanket and revealed bandages wrapped over her left thigh. Her shorts and leggings were replaced with a hospital gown. "My leg hurts too. They said I got shot in the thigh."

"Well, I'm glad that you were able to make it out of there alive. We nearly lost you when you were running away." said Battra.

"Can you blame me? Those guys brought in these mechs with huge ass guns!" said Megaguirus with a shudder.

"No, I suppose not. You panicked and you’re not a trained warrior. You did insist on joining the fight." said Battra with amusement in his tone.

"What? You don't think I could've held my own because I'm a girl?" demanded Megaguirus. Battra raised his hands defensively with a nervous smile.

"Hey, let's not turn this into a battle of the sexes. I wasn't around to see, but I heard from Mukade that you were doing good. But you got a little overconfident." said Battra. Megaguirus turned with a scowl.

"Mukade, you damn traitor." muttered Megaguirus. Battra shook his head. He then began to look around the empty medical center.

"We're lucky that a few of our members were doctors in their past lives. It's even more fortunate that we have some tools left here to patch some of our members up." said Battra.

"Yeah." said Megaguirus. She then noticed Battra's solemn expression that he held as he stared outside of the room. She raised a brow.

"Battra?" called Megaguirus. The Transmutant didn't answer and stared off into space with that same expression. The woman began to grow worry, so she reached for his arm and began to tug at his jacket's sleeve.

"Battra!" called Megaguirus. Battra's eyes widened as he was snapped out of his dazed state. He turned and found Megaguirus staring at him worriedly. "Hey, you OK?"

"I'm fine. Sorry about that." said Battra as he rubbed his hand against his head.

"You don't seem like it. Ever since we've gotten back, you've seemed off. Like your head isn't in the game." said Megaguirus.

"Don't be silly. I'm fine." said Battra. Megaguirus reached for his hand and held it tightly. The male Transmutant looked down to his hand that was locked with her hand and looked back to Megaguirus. She gave him a hard stare.

"I may not be able to read minds, but I'm pretty sure that I can tell when somebody is upset!" said Megaguirus harshly. Battra nearly flinched at her tone, but he kept himself composed.

"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you, but never lie to me." said Megaguirus with a glare. She then released his hand and turned away from him. "I hate it when people lie to me."

Battra looked down at his hands as he saw Megaguirus's glum expression. He sighed heavily to himself. Battra readjusted himself in his seat as looked back to Megaguirus.

"I don't know what it is." said Battra. Megaguiurs's eyes wondered over to Battra, but she still did not face him.

"I guess I am feeling restless and I'm just not feeling myself. It's just..." Battra wanted to finish his sentence but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Something was bothering him inside.

"Just what?" asked Megaguirus as she turned to face Battra.

"My sister." said Battra. Megaguirus's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh. You mean that girl with white hair!" said Megaguirus. Her eyes widened. "Wait, we were fighting those guys!"

"Yes. Years ago, my little twin sister fled from our group years ago before you and Mukade came along. She betrayed us by leaving us and challenging our group years later when we met you." said Battra as he stared at his hand.

"Battra, you came at her with a sword! That's your sister!" said an appalled Megaguirus. Battra sent her a glare.

"She was my sister! She destroyed my trust and left me when she promised that we were going to stay together!" spat Battra. Megaguirus recoiled from his tone. "You have no idea how much pain she had put me through when she left me behind and took Rodan and Angirasu with her!"

"Battra, why would she leave you behind? She doesn't seem like that kind of person. She even seemed hesitant to fight you." said Megaguirus.

"Because she knew that she would lose." said Battra. Megaguirus shook her head.

"No, I don't think that's it." said Megaguirus. Battra gave her a hard stare.

"How do you know?"

"Battra, have you ever tried to talk to your sister without threatening her or talking down to her?" asked Megaguirus. Battra shook his head.


"Well, I saw her face when you told her you weren't siblings. She looked pretty heart broken." said Megaguirus. Battra looked away.

"She broke my heart when she left." said Battra. Megaguirus frowned.

"Battra, why didn't you leave with her? She did tell you, right?" asked Megaguirus. Battra sighed.

"She did. But I couldn't leave. I owed Destoroyah for teaching me how to survive. I wanted to protect the rest of our group at the time." said Battra. Megaguirus sighed.

"Dude, she may have left you, but you had your chance." said Megaguirus. Battra looked to her to find a look of pity on her face. "You didn't have to stay with them. Family comes first."

"At the time, the Transmutants had grown to be my family. That's why I wanted her to stay with us." said Battra.

"Is this why you're upset?" asked Megaguirus.

"No. In Saddle Arabia, she knew of the things that I've done. The lives that I had taken and the ones that I ruined. Yet, she wanted me to run away with her and the others." said Battra with a solemn expression. He clenched his fist. "She kept begging me to go with her as we fought. All I was focused on was killing her."

"Battra...she's your sister." said Megaguirus with a sad expression.

"I know. She even saved me before the ceiling could crush me as it fell. She could have left me to die but she didn't." said Battra as he raised his head. "She said she loved me. And I returned her feelings with hate."

"Battra..." said Megaguirus in sympathy. The male Transmutant thought back to her face and how distraught she was. The pain in her eyes that he saw as they fought. He began to tremble in his seat.

"I turned away from her as she was injured, not wanting to bother fighting with her. I joined Destoroyah at fighting Takeshi and then later this soldier in gold armor." said Battra. His lip began to quiver. "Next thing I knew...she was lying dead in Takeshi's arms. An Elf shot her with a double barreled rocket launcher and killed her."

"I should have been happy that she had died. She betrayed me! But...I was angry when I saw her lifeless. I was angry, but I was also sad. I thought it was because I didn't get the opportunity to kill her, but it wasn't that." said Battra.

"What was it?" asked Megaguirus. Battra looked to her with tears trailing down his cheek. Megaguirus's eyes widened in surprise.

"I was angry and filled with despair because my sister was now dead and the last thing that I told her was that I hated her." said Battra. He lowered his head as he tried to hold in his sobs. But they escaped from his mouth as tears continued to trail down his cheeks. "She wanted to help me leave this life! She wanted me to come home! But I instead hurt my dear sister and left her to die by that human!"

"Oh." Megaguirus scooted over to Battra and ran her hand over his head. She fought off her own tears as she rested her forehead on his head that was face down on her bed.

"Oh god! What have I done?! In the end, I was the one who killed my sister!" sobbed Battra. Megaguirus continued to stroke his head. "I-I don't know what to do now! She was all that I had left of my family and now she's gone!"

"No, you still have a family Battra." said Megaguirus softly. Battra sniffed as he looked over to Megaguirus. "You said it yourself! You have us. I know that I'll be there for you if you ever need help. You've done the same for all of us."

"But...my sister." said Battra sadly.

"You're sister may be gone, but she'll live on in your heart. I think she now knows that you still love her." said Megaguirus with a reassuring smile. Battra wiped his eyes as he sat himself up. He stared solemnly down on the ground.

"I can only hope." said Battra. The two remained silent after a minute. Battra had dried his eyes and settled down. But, his heart still ached for his deceased sister. He wished that he could reset time and choose to flee with Mosura instead. She may have still been alive in that alternate timeline if he had.

"It's getting late. I'll leave you to rest." said Battra. As he stood to leave, he felt Megaguirus grab his hand. He turned to find the woman looking away in embarrassment.

"S-say...would you mind the spending the night in here with me?" asked Megaguirus. Battra's face brightened up into a blush.

"Uh..." Battra looked away as he scratched the side of his head.

"Please? It's kinda creepy in here at night." said Megaguirus with pleading eyes. Battra raised a brow.

"Are you being serious?" asked Battra. Megaguirus shot him a glare and held his hand tighter.

"I'm serious! There's no one in here but me and that makes me really uneasy! It's super dark in here too!" said Megaguirus. Battra sighed, but gave Megaguirus a smile.

"Fine. I suppose I can do that." said Battra. Megaguirus's face brightened up into a smile.

"Cool! You can sleep with me." said Megaguirus as she scooted over. Battra's face regained its blush.

"Huh?!" exclaimed Battra.

"Well, where else are you going to sleep? The floor? One of the beds in the other rooms?" asked Megaguirus with a deadpanned expression. Battra placed a hand under his chin.

"Well, the second option sounds-"

"Forget it! You're not going to sleep in the other room to leave me in here all alone! We're sharing this room and bed, dammit!" said Megaguirus with a glare as she squeezed Battra's hand.

"Ouch! Alright! Alright!" said Battra. Megaguirus released her grip, allowing Battra to sigh in relief. He began to remove his shoes and placed them in the corner. He then moved on to removing his jacket and sweater and folded them on the chair. He sighed as he lied himself next to Megaguirus in bed, allowing her to place the blanket over both of them.

"What? You're not going to take off your shirt?" asked Megaguirus in a teasing tone.

"Don't start! This is embarrassing enough already!" said Battra. Megaguirus chuckled to herself.

"OK. Sorry." apologized Megaguirus. She then lied her head down on the blanket and sighed. "Could you get the lights?"

"Sure." said Battra. He raised his hand towards the wall where the light switch was. His telekinesis slowly slid the switch down and toned the lights down until it was dark. The door was shut with only the flickering hall light remaining the last source of light. The narrow rectangular window allowed little light to shine through.

Battra lied his head down on the large pillow that he and Megaguirus shared. His heart pounded in his chest for lying in bed with the young woman. He sighed as he tried to settle his heart down, but then felt Megaguirus snuggling next to him. Battra gulped nervously as he felt her weight against him.

"Goodnight, Battra." whispered Megaguirus with a small smile. Battra raised his left hand and hesitantly stroked her hair. He then pulled away as Megaguirus allowed a giggle to escape.

"Sorry, goodnight!" said Battra as he kept his hand to his side. Megaguirus lied against him on her side but with her hand safe from being crushed. She felt a blush creeping on her face as she held her smile. She closed her eyes as she heard his calm breathing. Her heart raced in her chest as well. She felt more of a connection with him compared to any other man that she had met in her life, as he made her feel special. Megaguirus thought he didn't feel the same, but she thought it’d be nice if he held stronger feelings for her. Megaguirus thought that her forwardness alienated Battra from her, making her disappointed. She then gasped as she felt Battra drape his left arm over her side and wrap it over her belly. She slowly turned and found Battra staring at her with nervous eyes. She smiled at him and turned back around.

"You sure know how to make a girl feel safe in a scary hospital room." whispered Megaguirus.

"Sorry." said Battra as he pulled his arm back. But Megaguirus grabbed his hand and held onto it.

"I mean it. You don't have to move. Besides, this gown makes me cold." said Megaguirus as she scooted closer to Battra. He pulled her in closer and locked her into a warm embrace. She sighed happily.

"That's better." said Megaguirus. She felt the warmth from Battra's body travel over to her back and warm her own body up. She lightly ran her fingers on his hand.

'My heart feels like it's gonna explode.' thought Megaguirus with a smile as she closed her eyes.

Destoroyah sat upon his throne of rubble. He stared with an angry expression as he was in humanoid form. He had his hands clasped together as he remained hunched in his seat. His yellow eyes glared down at the ground. The battle at the Saddle Arabian nuclear power plant failed. He had failed to finally end the cursed Takeshi clan. After all of these years, he had been building up to the moment where he would finally destroy the last Takeshi with extreme prejudice. Unfortunately, an old rival returned from the past and took his chance from ending the Takeshi legacy.

"Ghidorah, you bastard!" cursed Destoroyah as he growled. He looked over towards the wall where a black flag that displayed a red emblem of a double helix with a spiked object encircling it like a reptilian embryo. This was the symbol of the Transmutant Revolutionaries. A symbol forged a few years ago and placed on a homemade flag. He sighed as he rose to his feet and began to walk over to the flag.

"You couldn't have just taken our side when I offered you a place in our ranks. You had to become a slave." said Destoroyah with a growl.

12 years ago...

It was dark in the MONARCH facility. Destoroyah lied down in his cell in the containment block for Transmutants. His eyes stared up at the ceiling as he stared up to the ceiling. His muscled body was covered in scars from the recent surgery that he had a month ago. thought back to the surgery with an angry expression. The humans of the organization had used him, an Earthbound that was locked away for his crimes so many years ago, to be a weapon to replace something they had originally created. How ironic that the man that he had been waiting to destroy had been the one to rescue him. Now that man was finally dead, but his son lived on.

"Damn you, MONARCH. I was close to finally making my clan superior to the Takeshi's." said Destoroyah as he felt his head. He recalled how after he had killed the Takeshi, MONARCH had used a powerful spell that restrained his nerves. He became a slave that was forced to obey their command. Their command was to come with them and to remain locked away in their prison. Destoroyah turned as he noticed an Elf man walking through the halls with golden hair. He was covered in scars as well and was chained up. The man was led further down the halls by four armed guards. Destoroyah rose out of his bed and looked over curiously to the man.

"It's that Elf." said Destoroyah as he scratched his chin. He made his way over to the door and to the small window. He peaked through and found the Elf man being led over to a cell that was further down the hall. He tapped his finger on his chin in thought as he stared through the window.

In a great metal room, two dozen other adult Transmutants were out and about for their daily yard time. Most Transmutants and even the staff found the term odd since they were still trapped inside of a large facility when they were released out of their cells for exercise. It was just left alone to avoid complicating something as trivial as using the improper term. Destoroyah remained seated near a man with messy green hair, a man with an orange Mohawk, and a bald man.

"I wonder why they did this to us." said Ebirah as he ran his hand over a scar on his arm. Gaira grunted in response. Destoroyah sighed.

"Who cares? They took us from our homes and turned us into freaks." said Destoroyah with a growl.

"True, but I want to know their purpose for doing this to us." said Ebirah solemnly. He then noticed an Elf man standing at the far end of the room with a scowl. His wrists were locked with special cuffs that glowed.

"I didn't know Elves were experimented on too." said Ebirah. Destoroyah followed Ebirah's line of sight and spotted the Elf.

"Oh, I heard that he's one of the few ones to be mutated other than non-magical Earthbounds." said Gaira as looked over to the Elf.

"Why was it exclusive for non-magical Earthbounds?" asked Destoroyah.

"I don't know." shrugged Gaira. The trio noticed the Elf sitting down as a couple of men walked his way.

"You're in my spot." said one of the men. The Elf merely looked up to the men.

"And?" questioned the Elf. The man's brow twitched in annoyance at the Elf's response.

"I want to sit there. Move your ass." ordered the man. The Elf smirked.

"I don't think so. Why don't you go sit somewhere else?" suggested the Elf. The man gave him an angry expression.

"Hey, you better asshole!" shouted the man. Ghidorah looked to him in annoyance and slowly stood to his feet. He stood to be six foot six, a few inches taller than the two men.

"Or what?" questioned the Elf. Destoroyah was about to stand to his feet to intervene, but the man had suddenly sent a punch towards the Elf. The Elf caught his fist and clenched his hand, the sound of bones cracking could be heard. The man dropped to one knee and cried out in agony. The Elf kept a neutral expression as he stared down at the man. He then sent a powerful kick against the man's neck, resulting in another loud crack. Ebirah's and Titano's eyes widened in shock as the man slumped over dead. Destoroyah stared in surprise and then smiled darkly.

"Damn." said Gaira in surprise.

"You shouldn't have done that." said the Elf as he popped his knuckles and looked down to the corpse. He then glared at the remaining man. "Would you like to join him?"

"No, I'm good!" said the remaining man frantically. He then turned and ran away from the Elf that stood near the corpse. Transmutants in the room stared at him with wide eyes. The Elf merely lowered himself and picked up the corpse and tossed it to the other side of the room. He then looked over to the guards that sat safely on the upper levels of the room.

"Clean this up before it rots and stinks up the entire place!" shouted the Elf.

"Screw you!" retorted one of the guards. The Elf growled. He then noticed another man approaching from behind. He turned and spotted Destoroyah standing a few feet away from him.

"What is your name?" asked Destoroyah.

"Ghidorah." answered the Elf. Destoroyah smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you. My name is Destoroyah." said the Transmutant.

"Yeah. Do you need something?" questioned Ghidorah. Destoroyah waved his hand dismissively.

"No. I was just curious to know if you would care to join us." said Destoroyah as he gestured to Gaira, Titano and Ebirah. Ghidorah peaked over the man's shoulder curiously. He shrugged in response.

"Why not?" said Ghidorah. He followed Destoroyah over to where the other Transmutants sat. He took a seat near by the Transmutants with a neutral expression.

"So, what brought out that mess?" asked Titano nervously.

"He pissed me off. I don't like it when low lives demand anything from me." answered Ghidorah.

"Well, you showed him." chuckled Gaira. Ebirah cleared his throat as he uncomfortably looked away. Destoroyah looked towards Ghidorah.

"Tell me, where are you from?" asked Destoroyah as he pulled out a box of cards. he began to hand cards to every Transmutant in the group.

"Osaka." answered Ghidorah. "I left to the West as I got older and lived up north of the country."

"Interesting. Why leave Neighpon and live out there?" asked Ebirah curiously.

"I left to work overseas. Perhaps to find a new life where I could benefit." answered Ghidorah as he took the cards.

"So they kidnapped your ass all the way from the west and dumped you here?" asked Titano in shock. Ghidorah nodded.

"Seems that way. They wanted to see how the mutation process would work on magical humans. Especially Elves." replied Ghidorah.

"But what reason does MONARCH have for tearing us away from our lives? What's their gain?" asked Ebirah.

"Apparently it's for military purposes." answered Ghidorah. He then began to shuffle his cards in hand. "MONARCH is trying to cut back on its mech technology and their numbers of soldiers. So, they're testing us out to be super soldiers. They're even talking about the most obedient ones will be free to serve in their military."

"Free? That sounds more like slavery." deadpanned Titano. Ghidorah chuckled in amusement.

"Yeah, pretty much." replied Ghidorah. "What are we playing?"

"Go Fish." answered Ebirah. Ghidorah smirked.

"Seriously? No Poker or something?" asked Ghidorah.

"I'm shit at that." answered Titano.

"Yeah, I was never really good at Poker." said Gaira in agreement. Ghidorah looked over to Destoroyah and Ebirah with a raised brow.

"We just roll with it since they don't know how to." said Ebirah nonchalantly. Ghidorah snorted.

"Whatever. I guess we're playing Go Fish." said Ghidorah. The two sat few a while playing their game. Destoroyah glanced at Ghidorah.

"Tell me, have you ever thought of escaping?" asked Destoroyah.

"Nope. No point if there's no possibility." answered Ghidorah as he placed two cards down.

"There's always a possibility. It just takes time to analyze." said Destoroyah. Ghidorah casted him a glance.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you seem strong. I think you'd be a valuable ally to help us when the time comes." said Destoroyah with a smile.

"Hmm. I'll think about it." replied Ghidorah. He then looked over to Titano. "Kings?"

"Mother fu-" Titano took out the card that was called and handed it to Ghidorah.

One year later...

Ghidorah lied down in his cell. He couldn't tell the time of day in his confined prison, but he knew that the evening was late. He continued to remain motionless. His body had grown to be over seven feet all from the mutation in his body. His magic was restrained along with his strength from the collar and shackles. He had spent more time among Destoroyah and the other Transmutants. They were a group that seemed to have gotten along. He rarely had problems with any of them himself, but Destoroyah seemed to be a bit overconfident in the possibility of escaping. Ghidorah heard footsteps approaching his cell. He turned and found an Elf man with few wrinkles and grey hair.

"Good evening, old friend." greeted the man. Ghidorah smirked as he rose to his feet.

"Onyx. What do I owe the pleasure for you to visit me on this night?" asked Ghidorah.

"Our Lord." answered Onyx.

"Your Lord. He's not my Lord." said Ghidorah as he crossed his arms. Onyx shook his head.

"Ghidorah, the least you could do is addressing him respectfully. After all, you are meant to be the one who takes his place if anything were to happen." reminded Onyx.

"Yes, but I won't let people call me their lord." said Ghidorah. Onyx raised his brow.

"Oh? Then what title would you rather we call you when the time comes?" asked Onyx. Ghidorah smiled to himself.

"I'll tell you about it some other time. What did you need?" asked Ghidorah.

"Right. As Director of this organization, I am in need of soldiers who are obedient and loyal. The Transmutants were meant to be 'soldiers', but not all of them seem enthusiastic about being experiments." said Onyx. "So, I am offering you a chance to become one of our first official soldiers. I believe you can help make others comfortable."

"I see. So, I'd be a dog on a leash?" asked Ghidorah with a glare.

"To the others, yes. But I know that you are actually superior. My purpose is to help you power grow. Remember, you are still his servant, but you’re also a powerful warrior that can rise to greater power if you prove yourself." said Onyx.

"Well, I rather work for your organization than stay trapped in this cell." said Ghidorah. Onyx nodded.

"Good. I shall make my approval official and recognized by the high command as soon as possible. Just behave yourself around the other soldiers." said Onyx with a smile. Ghidorah smirked.

"Of course." said Ghidorah. Onyx turned and made his way out of the hall. Ghidorah made his way over back to his bed and lied down. He chuckled darkly to himself. Meanwhile, several cells down was Destoroyah. He glared through the window of his door. He had heard the entire conversation.

The next day...

Ghidorah sat down as he continued to play another card game with Destoroyah and the others. He glanced over to Destoroyah, who had grown larger in size and his body had become less human. This was a result of MONARCH's latest experiments, which had cost several Transmutants their ability to remain in their human forms. There was an uneasy silence coming from Destoroyah. It was not a result of the experiment, for that was over two months ago, but due to something else.

"Ghidorah." called Destoroyah. The Elf looked towards him as his name was called. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" asked Ghidorah.

"You're planning on joining MONARCH's ranks as their lapdog?" asked Destoroyah. The three other Transmutants looked over to Ghidorah in shock.

"What?!" exclaimed the Transmutants in unison. Ghidorah sighed.

"Don't bother lying. I've seen the Director speak to you last night." said Destoroyah.

"Yes. It's true." said Ghidorah.

"Why? We have no business making deals with MONARCH! They're the ones that did this to us!" said Destoroyah.

"Maybe you don't have any business, but I do. I've been offered a chance to be free from my cell and to put my strength to good use." retorted Ghidorah. Destoroyah growled as he stood to his feet.

"You traitor!" spat Destoroyah. Ghidorah sent him a glare and stood to his feet as well.

"I am no traitor! I have not formed any allegiance with any of you! All we've been doing is talking and playing cards! I never even agreed to help you with what you're planning!" retorted Ghidorah.

"You rather be a slave to humans rather than be a free man?" demanded Destoroyah.

"Slave? You may see it that way, but not me. I know what I'm doing. You'd be wise to follow my lead." said Ghidorah. Destoroyah sent him a glare as he growled.

"Is that a threat?" demanded Destoroyah. Ghidorah smirked.

"Of course not. It's just advice. What I'm doing will lead me to something greater. I won't be a slave to mankind. I'll be a God to them." said Ghidorah. Titano smirked in amusement.

"You sure think highly of yourself." said Titano. Ghidorah chuckled.

"Maybe, but it's the truth. Are any of you familiar with the legends of the Kaiju?" questioned Ghidorah.

"Of course. Parents tell their children the legends before bed." answered Ebirah.

"Well, let's just say that what's happened to us was not an accident. This has been planned for a long time." said Ghidorah. He turned over to Destoroyah. "Sometimes, you have to stoop down to levels that you wouldn't stoop to in order to rise up to greatness."

"I believe you are just weak against these humans that you can't even resist them. Which is why you're becoming their slave." said Destoroyah with a glare. Ghidorah shook his head.

"You're a fool. But you'll see." said Ghidorah as he stood to his feet and began to walk away. Destoroyah kept his glare on the Elf Transmutant as he walked away.

Present day...

Destoroyah growled as he threw a piece of rubble over to the wall. He yelled angrily as he slammed his fist down on the ground.

"Damn you, Ghidorah! What is it that you know that I don't?!" shouted Destoroyah. He clawed at the wall as he continued to growl. He began to pant as he attempted to calm himself.

"No, I can't worry about that. I need to eliminate MONARCH and Junior. Both are a stain. Especially the Takeshi clan." growled Destoroyah. Gaira stood by with his arms crossed. His body was covered in scars from the attack on the Saddle Arabian nuclear power plant.

"What's your deal with that kid?" questioned Gaira.

"Oh, so much. His family, along with a few other clans, is responsible for the division of the old Neighpon Empire. My clan ruled with an iron fist among the lands. The samurai were unable to intervene since our influence had grown so great that it reached the emperor himself. But those damned Takeshis ruined it!" said Destoroyah. He began to stomp around the room. "When I came of age, I was meant to keep our influence over the land that we were living on, but the Takeshi clan interfered! A war between us broke out and destroyed my clan! I was ultimately found guilty when I was found and locked away for the crimes of my predecessors"

"So, this is all about a vendetta?" asked Gaira. Destoroyah chuckled darkly.

"Oh, it's going further than that, my friend. It was just a vendetta, but I have grown more ambitious as our numbers grew." said Destoroyah. "The death of Gojira Takeshi the 2nd isn’t just sweet revenge for destroying the ultimate clan of Neighpon. It's a bonus for my plan to retake Neighpon!"

"Hmm. I do like the sound of national domination." said Gaira. Destoroyah smiled.

"Yes, but we have to keep this to ourselves. Not many of our members will be keen on supporting us if they find out that this was originally a personal vendetta." said Destoroyah.

"Heh. Then we best help you with your goal without raising suspicion." said Gaira with a smile. Destoroyah nodded in approval.

Zebrabwe. Two days later...

Erika remained seated in her dorm room. The revelation of Hayato Yoshi leading a renegade group of MONARCH's soldiers was appalling. She doubted that traitors have ever formed within MONARCH's ranks. But of course, she has only been serving for a short time. There was a chance that MONARCH has had traitors before. Erika looked up to Sunset's poster solemnly.

"How could this be? Why?" asked Erika. She then heard frantic knocking on her door. She jumped and gasped from being startled out of her thoughts. She stood up from her bed and rushed over to her door. She opened it to find the female soldier that she had met before where Sunset was quarantined.

"Shiragami! You need to come with me!" said the woman.

"Wait, why?" asked Erika in confusion.

"It's Shimmer! She's..." the woman couldn't finish her sentence. Erika's mind raced and her heart pounded against her chest with anxiety. She grabbed the woman's soldiers shoulders and stared into her eyes with a fearful expression.

"She's what?! What's wrong with her?!" cried Erika, on the verge of tears. The woman looked to her with a smile.

"She's going to be OK. They're releasing her!" said the woman. Erika's breath was caught in her throat.

"Wha... But she's been exposed to high levels of radiation! How is that possible?!" exclaimed Erika.

"The docs don't know. It's a miracle!" said the woman. Erika's heart was racing. She questioned how it was possible for Sunset to recover after being exposed to lethal doses of radiation. She should have been dead within weeks. Regardles, she was not going to question this turn of events as her friend was going to live.

"I have to go!" said Erika as moved passed the woman. She ran down the halls of the face with a joyful expression. She passed several other people that roamed the halls, who exclaimed as she ran pass them until Erika eventually made it to her destination. She stared at the double door that stood between her and Sunset Shimmer. Erika nervously gulped as she stood at the door, hoping that what she was told was true. She opened the doors and walked through. Inside of the room, she found a couple of men and women inside. They wore lab coats as they conversed amongst themselves. One of the men noticed Erika standing in the room.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" questioned the man. The rest turned their attention to Erika. She cleared her throat as she stood by nervously.

"Um...I'm Private Erika Shiragami. I was paired up with Private Sunset Shimmer by orders of MONARCH's high command. I was told that she may have pulled through?" said Erika uncomfortably.

"Ah. Yes, we've just been running tests on her. She seems to be in perfect health." said the man as he gestured towards a window. Erika made her way over to their position and found Sunset sitting up in a bed. She was looking down at herself in disbelief. Erika's heart raced as she had seen that her friend was well after all.

"May I speak to her?" asked Erika.

"Of course." replied the man with a nod. He made his way over to the door and typed in the code to open it. The pad gave a beep as the door slid open. The man gestured towards the door, allowing Erika to step inside. The door slid closed behind her, allowing for the second door in front of her to slowly open. As the door slid open, Erika stepped through into the white room. Sunset had turned to face Erika, causing her eyes to widen.

"Erika!" exclaimed Sunset. Erika began to tremble as she locked eyes with Sunset. Her eyes began to run with tears. She smiled as she ran over to Sunset, locking her into a tight embrace.

"You're OK! You're going to OK!" sobbed Erika as she held Sunset tightly. The Elf smiled as she returned Erika's hug.

"Well, I do have a promise to keep. I'd hate to break it." said Sunset jokingly. Erika giggled in response as tears of joy trailed down her face.

1 hour later...

Sunset sat on her bed wearing her apparel from when she was ever off duty, which consisted of a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Erika sat across from her on her own bed in their dorm. The two held cups filled with hot tea. Sunset sighed as she finished taking a sip of her tea.

"Man, this is nice. You wouldn't believe how much crap my nights have been. This stuff is just what I needed." said Sunset before she took another sip. Erika smiled.

"I thought this would be nice. You must be hurting terribly from what happened." said Erika. Sunset placed her tea to the sky and began to rotate her shoulder. She hissed slightly as a muscle began to strain.

"Eh...a little bit. But nothing seems to be broken." replied Sunset. Erika looked on worriedly.

"Are you sure that you're OK? I mean, you were exposed to radiation and Lucky Dragon crushed you with his bare hand."

"I'm totally fine! I feel great actually!" said Sunset as she deeply inhaled air. She released it slowly as she closed her eyes, releasing the air she had taken in. "I'm pretty lucky to have survived both."

"Yeah." said Erika in agreement. She went back to drinking her tea while Sunset looked down at her hands in silence. Memories of the attack on the Saddle Arabian nuclear power plant flooded back to her. The sound of gunfire in the air along with roars and agonized cries. Fire, explosions, and the smell of death. There was even the time where she had felt genuine fear of the Transmutant that she had once originally vowed to kill for recognition. Sunset placed a hand over her face as she recalled the monstrous face of Lucky Dragon and his great strength that threatened to crush her to death. She looked down to her sides and found them to be bandaged up. A healing spell accelerated her physical recovery. She was lucky to have been safe from radiation poisoning for there were no known magical or medical methods to counter it.

"Erika, what happened while I was out?" asked Sunset curiously. Erika was about to take another sip of her tea but stopped as she heard the question. She looked towards Sunset, who wore a neutral expression. She then warily glanced up to the poster that sat behind Sunset Shimmer on the wall. Erika sighed as she placed her tea cup on a dresser.

"Sunset, things haven't been very good." said Erika. The Elf looked to her in concern.

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset.

"Recently, a band of renegades from within our ranks had attacked a base in Okinawa, Neighpon. They killed anyone that wasn't on their side and took over the base." said Erika. Sunset's eyes widened in shock.

"What?! B-but how can that be?!" exclaimed Sunset.

"I don't know! It's crazy and the others are pretty angry about this! But there's something else." said Erika. She then looked hesitantly to Sunset. "I hate to tell you this, but Hayato Yoshi was leading the renegades."

Sunset's eyes widened as she stared at Erika. Her mind replayed the information in attempt to make sense of what she was told. Her mind was rejecting the very notion that the man that she saw as her hero and a personal role model was a traitor.

"What? No. No, that can't be true!" said Sunset in a distraught tone. Erika looked down as she frowned. She reached over for a data pad that sat on her bed and began to slide her fingers through the screen. She went over to where the images were stored where she was able to access. She turned the data pad over and showed an image of Yoshi leading soldiers to kill other soldiers.

"I'm sorry." said Erika. Sunset stared with her eyes as wide as they could possibly be. She slowly reached for the data pad and took it into her hands. She stared at the digital image that was presented to her. There was no denying the similarities in the armor and the face of the man that beaten the other soldier. Sunset trembled as she gritted her teeth as she stared at the face of the man. The image of her hero was torn to pieces, replaced by a traitor that deserted his duty and used his skills against his own comrades.

"Damn it!!" screamed Sunset as she tossed the data pad. Erika jumped as the device flew across the room and shattered against the wall. Sunset turned and glared hatefully at the poster that depicted Yoshi. She immediately dug her nails into it and wrapped her fingers on the poster and tore it off of the wall. She balled up the poster and threw it on the ground. She yelled angrily as she drove her head onto her pillow and screamed into it. She felt betrayed after learning of this news. Yoshi was the face of a hero, the face of MONARCH. Now, that image was tainted with these heinous acts.

"I'm so, so sorry Sunset." said Erika as she placed a comforting hand on Sunset's shoulder. The Elf rose her head from the pillow as she held an angry expression.

"You have nothing to apologize for. You're not the one who turned your back on everything that you were trained for and decided to murder our comrades." spat Sunset as she clenched her hands on her pillow. Erika looked down as Sunset spoke negatively about her former role model.

"I'm not going to stand for this. He and his band of renegades need to be stopped." said Sunset as she glared at the crumbled up poster that was on the ground. "What they did is unforgivable."

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