• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 9,003 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 14

In the dark of the night, clouds covered the sky. Darkness engulfed the ground below. Rain water fell from the sky as thunder boomed in the air. Lightning lit up the darkness. The antennae-less mantis flew across the land, the rain drenching him. As he flew, he struggled to keep a steady flight. His body ached and his wings were tired. He wanted to stop and rest, but he couldn't. He had to tell Kamacuras of his group’s failure. The mantis continued his flight, searching the ground for the destroyed settlement. After an hour of searching, all hope seemed lost. Then, a bolt of lightning from the clouds struck the mantis, sending volts of electrons into his body. The mantis shrieked in agony, his exoskeleton was burned by the electricity. The mantis stopped beating his wings, dropping from the sky. The mantis fell, the wind beating against his body as he neared the ground. He was met with the leaf-less tree tops, landing on them with tremendous force. They broke his fall, and gave in as he landed. The branches fell under his weight and collision, breaking as he fell down to the earth. The mantis was on the ground, motionless. His wing suddenly twitched as he laid on the ground. He felt himself grabbed, then dragged away by an unknown figure. As the mantis pondered who could be pulling him away, he felt himself being turned over. His eyes met with a red mantis. His spirits were lifted when he realized that he returned home.

"What happened? Where is Kickback and the others?!" asked the red mantis urgently in a feminine voice. The antennae-less mantis coughed as he struggled to speak.

"De-dead. They were killed by four other Transmutants. I...I don't know what happened to Megaguirus and Mukade." answered the antennae-less mantis. His breathing was shallow, his vision was going blurry.

"We failed you all. I'm sorry." said the mantis solemnly. His grip loosened on the red mantis's shoulder, his arm fell back to his side. Then his head slumped in the dirt, his breathing stopped. The red mantis lowered her head, grieving for her fallen comrades. She stood up and made her way toward a dark village.

MONARCH Delta base. The next day...

In a bright room, there were dozens of chairs that sat in rows. Men and women of different races and nationalities of the known world filled these seats. At the front of the room was a podium that stood in front of the seats, and a large screen sat on the wall behind it.

Erika sat among several other soldiers, wearing black shirts and grey jeans. Erika felt herself eyed by some of the other soldiers that sat with her. She had been receiving stares since that day she was brought back as a Transmutant. She sighed softly to herself, her mood gloomy. She had hoped that her comrades wouldn't see her any different. She was wrong. A lot of them would whisper about her behind her back. Some would give her uneasy stares. Others would just leave when she entered the same room as them. Today, none of them had a choice to leave. They were due to debriefing for something important. She was once a member among these men and women. Now, she was an outcast.

A middle aged man in uniform made his way over toward a podium, with a clipboard in his hand.

"Attention!" shouted an officer in the back. The soldiers all stood at attention, with their hands behind their backs. The man in uniform stood behind the podium, placing the clipboard on it.

"At ease." said the man. The soldiers relaxed their stance and returned to their seats. The man cleared his throat. "Thank you for being present here today. Now, we can begin."

"We have recently been informed that four Transmutant mantises were discovered in Equestrian territory. They were said to be attacking a couple of residents in a small town." informed the man. The screen lit up, with an image depicting an old image of a brick red winged serpent. "Another Transmutant with descriptions that fit this image was said to have engaged these mantises. It is likely that their fight was a dispute over territory."

"Princess Celestia has granted MONARCH permission to set up a small base outside of the settlement. We will send you all to this base. Your mission will be to remain unknown to the rest of the settlement, and prepared to engage any sighted Transmutants that reveals itself." said the man. "Also, her royal highness still wants us to spare the lives of any Transmutant that surrenders." Most of the soldiers groaned in annoyance. They became silent as one of the officers shot them glare. The screen then displayed an image of two humanoid mechs. They both had blue visors and blades attached to their arms.

"We will be assigning these two combat mechs to assist you. Along with the first of a new generation of soldiers." the man then gestured toward Erika, who was sitting in the front row. Erika stiffened as eyes began to focus on her. "Please step up here, private."

"Y-Yes sir!" stuttered Erika. She rose from her seat, making her way next to the man. She began to sweat, her heart was racing.

"I know of the rumors that have been circling around about one of our units is a Transmutant. I am telling you that those rumors are true." said the man. The soldiers began to murmur among themselves. Erika felt herself becoming more alienated amongst her comrades. "Now, I understand how most of you feel about Transmutants. Private Shiragmi has been a soldier that has always followed her duties, just like you. In combat, her injuries were severe; she became the perfect candidate for our project. All I ask is that you put your feelings aside when it comes to working with this soldier. After all, she fights for the same cause that we do."

'I feel like I'm gonna die.' thought Erika.

Miles away from Equestria...

The sun was beaming down on the ocean. Birds flew in the air. White, puffy clouds drifted across the sky. It was a bright afternoon. In the sky was a great ship that sailed across the sky. The ship was carried by a large black balloon, a propeller attached to the back that spun at high speed. The ship was covered in metal plating; the deck was empty with the exception of one person.

Erika stood alone on the deck of the airship near the edge. She wore a sage suit that covered her up from her chest and down to her ankles. Light armor was attached to the suit and covered her breasts, stomach, forearms and thighs. An emblem of a red rose painted on her left breast. Boots covered her feet up to her calves, along with knee pads. A helmet sat on her head with a yellow visor covering her eyes. This was a suit meant only for her that was designed for free movement. It was decided that she wouldn't need heavy apparel to protect her. 'She is much more durable now. She can do well without it,' those scientists said. Erika sighed to herself as she sat. She began to hear footsteps approaching from behind her.

"Mind if I join you?" asks a middle-aged Earth bound man in a military suit covered by a chest plate and khakis for his lower body. Erika stiffens as she quickly turns. She recognizes the man as her commanding officer for this mission. She immediately stands at attention.

"Of course not, sir!" said Erika.

"At ease, private. I just felt like getting away from the others. A bit of a rowdy bunch." said the man, jokingly. Erika relaxed herself, watching as the C.O. made his way next to her. She turns back around at the edge of the deck and stares off into the wild of Equestria. They watched as they passed mountains and clouds.

"It's a beautiful day today." said the man. Erika nodded in response.

"Lovely, sir." she responds awkwardly. The two remained silent for several seconds.

"What brings you up here, private?" asked the man.

"No special reason. I'm just...not ready to be around other soldiers for the mission." answers Erika. She began to stare off at the sky, uneasy.

"I can tell that you're tense, soldier. Don't worry about what the others think about your...abilities." said the man. Erika looks to him. "You just keep being yourself."

"Permission to speak freely, captain?" asked Erika.


"What is it about me that you feel the need to check on me? I mean, I am one of them now." Erika saw how the man looked to her with a surprised expression.

"To be honest, I don't really care whether you're a Transmutant or not. What matters to me is that you're on our side. If the higher ups can trust you back on the field, that's good enough for me." answered the captain. Erika wasn't expecting that kind of answer. She wanted to know something else though.

"How do you feel about Transmutants in general?" asked Erika. The captain sighs in response.

"I think that they are a tragic race. They weren't born as Transmutants. They were made by someone. They became too strong, too different from others, so the people don't accept them. That is their greatest tragedy." answered the captain. "It's odd that someone that thinks that way about them would be a commanding officer for MONARCH, right?"

"Sort of, sir."

"Well, I'm hoping that there's a way to change what people think. I don't know how, but I hope that I can help. I am at least thankful that the Princess of this country is kind enough to want us to spare them if they surrendered." smiled the captain. Erika smiles back.

"Well, I'm off soldier. Good talk." said the captain. As he began to take off, he immediately stops himself.

"If you need anything, just ask me." said the captain.

"Yes, sir. Thank you." smiled Erika. The captain made his over toward the quarter deck, leaving Erika alone. She sighed in relief. She then turned back toward the edge of the deck, looking back at the blue sky.

"At least, I know that I have someone who trusts me." said Erika to herself. She began to feel a tingle in her palm. Erika looks to her hand; it began to sprout a tiny little stem with a leaf. She frowned as she stared at her hand. She began to feel less of a human just by looking at it. As she reached to pluck at the stem, it began to wiggle at the top. She immediately stopped herself, finding that the tip of the stem seemed to be splitting. She lightly gasped at what she saw. A beautiful red rose revealed itself to her, just before she was going to remove it before it grew. She stared at the rose in awe, mesmerized by its beauty. She suddenly felt the rose sealing itself shut again, and then shrinking back down into her palm. It tingled as it shrunk down to become one with her body again. This wasn't like those plant arms and weapons that she was capable of growing. Those were tools of death. To her, that rose was a symbol of life.

"Wow..." whispered Erika in awe.

The sun was high in the sky; the sky was filled with smoke and fire. Screams filled the air. In Ponyville, homes and buildings were collapsed on the ground and trees were engulfed in flames. Junior stood among the destruction, looking on in shock. Junior's vision caught sight of a figure flying overhead in the distance. He dashed toward the town, passed people that screamed in panic. They scattered the streets, tripping over each other and other objects. They shoved and pushed, trying to get away from something. Junior caught sight of a rose-haired Valkyrie hiding among the crowd. Junior pushed through the crowd; they dispersed as he made his way through him, disappearing from the area. Junior made his way over to Fluttershy as she sat on the ground with her face buried in her face.

"Shy?" called Junior, softly. The girl flinched at his voice. He began to slowly reach out to her, when she suddenly looked up to him with tears and a large a scar on her cheek. Junior recoiled in shock.

"Pl-please don't hurt me!" whimpered Fluttershy.

"Hurt you? Fluttershy it’s me! Why would-" Junior was about to finish when he was suddenly knocked away. He grunted as he turned around in a fighting stance. His muscles stiffened as he got a better look at his assailant. It was Rainbow Dash, her clothes were ragged and her hair a mess. She was giving him an intense glare.

"Rainbow, what are you doing?" asked Junior. Rainbow puts her fists up.

"Stay away from her, you freak!" shouted Rainbow. Junior's eyes widened.

‘She knows.’ Junior thought with dread.

Rainbow flaps her wings and takes off toward Junior. She tackles him and causes him to stagger back with her holding onto her. Junior grunts as he grabs her by her shoulders. Rainbow begins to struggle begins to knee him in his gut.

"Let go of me!" shouted Rainbow.

"Rainbow, stop! Why are you attacking me?!" demanded Junior. He then felt something wrap around his neck. He gagged as he was pulled away from Rainbow and dragged along the ground. He looks up to find Applejack glaring at him with rope in her grip.

"I knew that ya'll were hiding something. I never thought that it would be that you were a monster!"

"Appleajack, it’s not what you think!" shouted Junior. He felt the rope tighten around his neck, strangling him. He grabs the rope that was around his neck and stands to his feet. He felt the rope wrapping tighter. He pulls on both sides of the rope with all of his strength, tearing it from his neck. He inhaled deeply, coughing as he tried to catch his breath. Applejack drops to her hands, turns and kicks both of her legs back in Junior's gut. The strength in her legs caused him to fall on his back, wheezing. He slowly rises to his feet, and then is struck by a baseball bat. Junior grunts as he felt the bat connect with his back. He turns and is sprayed in the face by confetti and his face is hit by a rubber ball. He wipes his face, finding Rarity standing with a bat in her grip. Pinkie Pie stood next to her and was armed with a cannon. Both of them were covered in scratches and their clothes were ragged and torn.

"You too?!" asked Junior incredulously. Rarity shot him a glare and charged toward him with the bat. She gave a cry as she swung the bat at him. Junior dodged her swing, and then grabs the bat. Rarity elbows him, causing the Transmutant to release the bat. She then slides under him and swings the bat at the back of his head. He drops to his knees as the bat shattered against his skull. Pinkie fired her party cannon, another ball slamming against Junior's face at high velocity. Junior shakes the pain off and stands back up to his feet and breaks off into a sprint.

"Don't let him get away!" shouted Rainbow, her voice echoing in the air. Junior picked up his speed, rounding corners in the town and passing through establishments. He made his way over toward a water fountain that was devoid of people. He panted, his head running with sweat, his heart was racing and his pulse was rising. He searched frantically, praying that he was alone. He then felt his back burn, causing him to cry out in pain. He turned, finding an individual that made his heart nearly stop. Twilight was standing next to the fountain, glaring at him. Her arms were forward as they gave off a pink smoke. Her clothes were also ragged as the others were. Her cheek had a scratch and she was covered in dirt.

"Twilight, why are you doing this?!" asked Junior, his voice filled with despair. Twilight fired a bolt of magic from her hands, striking him in his chest. Junior dropped to his knees as he felt the magic burn his chest.

"You've brought this on yourself!" shouted Twilight. She began to slowly approach Junior with her hands raised and her hands lit by her raspberry colored aura.

"I don't understand! What happened?!" cried Junior. Twilight glared at him, gritting her teeth.

“What happened? You happened!" shouted Twilight. She then pointed to the destruction. "You were the one that did this!"

"No! No, I would never-" Junior was about to finish but heard something drop behind him. He went stiff, slowly turning his head. Celestia stood behind him, glaring at him. A sword was drawn, she held by her side.

"You monster. After all that I have done for you, this is how you repay me?! You attack my subjects?!" demanded Celestia. Junior's heart pounded relentlessly in his chest.

"No...No! No!" shouted Junior. Celestia raised her sword in the air, bringing down toward Junior in an impaling position. He caught the blade with his hands, his skin safe from the sharp edges. He struggled as he kept the sword from piercing his throat. Celestia grunted as she used her height against Junior, pushing down on her sword. Junior fell onto his back, straining to keep the blade away from him. He hissed as his hands were forced onto the edges of the blade, causing him to bleed. The two used all of their strength to push the sword. Junior's back and his resistance to Celestia's strength caused the ground beneath him to crack. Junior felt a burning sensation in his belly. He wanted to clutch his stomach but if he did, he would surely die. Celestia pushed harder, causing him to strain as he tried to keep the blade back. The ground began to crack more. Junior then felt something rising in his stomach.

"Why are you hesitating?” asked a deep and dark voice. Junior's eyes widened. He heard the voice before. The dragon!

"She will abandon you." whispered raspy voices.

"She will destroy you. She will be afraid of you. You must kill her before she kills you first." said the voice of the dark dragon.

"You will be dead to her." The whispering voices continued and started to repeat the previous sentence. Junior tried blocking the voices out of his head, but it was futile.

"She will not love you."

"She will destroy you. She is afraid of you." Junior shuts his eyes tightly, desperately wanting to block out these words. He was struggling to keep the blade away.

"She will hate you." The voices were beginning to grow louder.

"She will be dead to you" The voices had stopped whispering, they were will filled with spite.

" Celestia… She will be your enemy!" the voices shouted.

“Fight! Fight for your survival, Gojira!” shouted the dragon’s voice.

Junior opened his eyes, revealing orbs of blue light. He opened his mouth, spewing forth blue flames toward Celestia. She screamed in agony as she was engulfed in the flames. She recoiled back, with Junior standing to his feet with his flames still engulfing her. He continued to step toward her as the powerful flames pushed Celestia toward the wall of a building, forcing her against it. She continued to scream as the flames continued to burn her. Junior closes his mouth, stopping the flames. Celestia was against the wall, her hair was singed, her clothes were fused to her skin, and her flesh was dark and charred. She was wheezing as she struggled to stand. She then drops to her knees and collapses on to the ground. Junior was panting as he glared at the charred figure. His eyes then stopped glowing, returning to their normal state. They widen in realization at his actions. He sprints over toward the body and dropping to his knees. He lifts the charred figure toward himself and shakes her.

"No! No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do this! Celestia, please don't die!" cried Junior. Her head slumped back in his hold, revealing her lifeless eyes. Junior trembled as he held the lifeless sun princess.

"No..." whispered Junior. He then catches movement in his peripheral vision. He finds Twilight and the others with their Elements of Harmony. They began to levitate above the ground and their eyes beginning to glow. He then noticed men and women in MONARCH military attire and weapons and Celestia's royal guards preparing for battle. His heart broke as he saw Blaire among the guards.

"They will destroy you. They are afraid of you. They will hate you. They’re dead to you." The voices continue in Junior's mind. He felt his entire body burning; his sweater had burst into flames, turning to ash. His body was glowing, with flaming red marks appearing on his skin. The marks had a bright light that pulsed and glowed. His skin began to burn and give off steam. He groaned in pain as the heat was beginning to take its toll. His heart was pounding hard in his chest, slowing down and on fire.

"They will all be your enemy!!" shouted the voices. Junior gave a shout as his body glowed a bright hellish red, then combusting into a fiery explosion, engulfing all of Ponyville. The explosion continued on, spreading toward the Everfree and Canterlot. A mushroom cloud was forming from this hellish explosion, reaching towards the heavens. Junior sat in the center of the explosion as it continued to engulf the land as his face ran with tears that evaporated in the heat. He saw a figure stepping toward him from the flames. Twilight was unfazed by the fire, undamaged. She grabbed Junior by the shoulders, revealing a worried look in her eyes.

"Wake up!" cried Twilight. Junior's eyes widened in response. Twilight suddenly burst into ash, dropping to the ground. Junior cried out in sorrow to the heavens as everything was engulfed in flames.

"His heart rate just sky rocketed! If this goes on, he's going to go into cardiac arrest!" said an Earthbound woman urgently. She was nurse wearing a cap with a red cross and a light grey button up shirt and skirt. Her eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue and her light amaranth gray hair was tied into a bun. She quickly stepped out of the room looking down the hall. She called for a few doctors that were down the hall. Twilight's heart raced as she watched Junior toss and turn in the bed while sweat poured down his face. The heart monitor was beeping fast and the readings were spiked. She couldn't stand seeing him like this. Twilight went over to his side and grabbed his shoulders shook.

"Wake up! Gojira, please wake up!" screamed Twilight. Junior stopped tossing and turning. His eyes suddenly shot open, bloodshot. He yelled as he rose out of his bed. He grabbed Twilight by her shoulders and pinned her down to his bed. He growled as he held her down. Twilight looked up to him with fear in her eyes as he glared at her.

"Hey, let go of her!" shouted the nurse. She tried to pry Junior off of Twilight, but failed.

"Gojira, it’s me! Twilight! You're hurting me!" cried Twilight. Junior stopped, his eyes losing their glared. His breathing was beginning to settle down. The heart monitor was slowing its beeps. Junior's hands released her shoulders and he stood up from her with the nurse holding his shoulders. The three were panting; Twilight clutched her shoulder as she stared at him with worry in his eyes. Junior looked at his hands as they shook; his entire body began to tremble.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Junior dropped to his knees and fell on his hands. Twilight gasped as she saw him drop to the cold ground. She kneeled next to him and the nurse tried to get him off of the ground.

"Oh god, why do they keep haunting me?" whispered Junior. Twilight ears perked as she and the nurse helped him off of the floor. They got him back into the bed, sighing in relief. Junior laid his head back down on the pillow, covering himself with the blanket as he stared off toward the ceiling.

"Are you hurt?" asked the nurse.

"I’m just sore. I'll be fine. Thank you Nurse Redheart." said Twilight. Junior frowned as he stared off into the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." said Junior. Twilight turned toward him with a sad look on her face.

"That's good. Listen, I need to check on how the other patient is doing. Keep an eye on him for me, please." said Redheart.

"Of course." replied Twilight. Redheart made her way toward the door, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her. Twilight looked over to Junior as he continued to look up toward the ceiling. She pulled a chair and sat next to him by his side.

"How are you?" asked Twilight.

"Weak. Tired. I feel like crap." answered Junior. Twilight leaned closer, about to place a hand over his head. Junior immediately pulled away from her with a terrified expression. Twilight brought her hand back in surprise.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Twilight, worriedly. Junior didn't answer. He instead looked away.

"Wait, are you afraid of me?" asked Twilight. Junior remained silent.

"Gojira, you don't have to be afraid. I'm your friend!" said Twilight. Junior remained silent.

'But for how much longer?' thought Junior, solemnly. He then looks toward her and saw her worried expression.

"I know. I just had a terrible nightmare, that's all." answered Junior.

"What was it about?" asked Twilight. Junior's spine went cold. He couldn't tell her. He didn't answer.

"Gojira, I'm worried about you! You almost had a heart attack in your sleep!" cried Twilight. Junior's eyes widened in shock as he attempted to rise up from the bed.


"You could have died! It had something to do with that nightmare! Please, talk to me about it!" cried Twilight. Tears threatened to stream from her eyes. "Please, don't shut me out this time."

"I...I..." Junior was at war with his decisions: He could come clean and tell her the entire dream; he could refuse to tell her; he could lie; or he could tell only one part of the dream. Still, he considered each option. He didn’t want to break her heart by refusing to talk. He was tired of lying to her and the others. He’d rather not tell her his entire dream,but she’d think that something was wrong with his head and treat him differently. He opted to tell her the part of the dream that got him without going into too much detail.

"In my nightmare, you...you died." admitted Junior. Twilight's eyes widened in surprise. Junior lowered his head down as he recalled the last part of his nightmare.

"I can't stand the thought of that. I can't..." Junior couldn't finish as he clenched his fist. He then felt Twilight place her hand over his fist.

"Hey, hey. It was just a nightmare. It's not real." reassured Twilight. Junior placed his other hand on Twilight's, firmly holding it. A light blush formed on her cheeks along with Junior's.

"I just...I care so much about you. It kills me inside just even having a nightmare like that." said Junior.

"Yo-you do?" asked Twilight, her blush brightening. Junior nodded in response.

"I do. You mean a lot to me. It made me angry that Discord made you forget what friendship was to you. I couldn't stand that you were giving up. You aren't the type of person that gives up on anyone." replied Junior. He then looks over to her with a sad smile. "Hell, you didn't even give up on me."

"I'm glad that, out of all of the few people that I could have been friends with, it was you who first accepted me into the group." said Junior. Twilight felt her heart beating fast in her chest.

"Wow. I...I never knew that you felt that way about me." said Twilight. Junior sighed in response.

"Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve your friendship. Because I don't."

"Huh?" Twilight tilted her head in confusion.

"Who am I to be your friend? I'm just some sorry non magical Earthbound from Neighpon with no family or real goals." chuckled Junior, his tone was filled with self-loathing.

"Hey, don't-" Twilight was going to scold him but Junior continued.

"I even started shutting others out and became a jerk after my dad died. How pathetic is that? I can't even get over the fact that both of them are gone! He'd be ashamed of me if he was here!" Junior suddenly began to cough furiously. Twilight patted his back as he coughed. She then places her hand on his forehead.

"Oh my gosh, you're burning up!" said Twilight. She then places her hands on his shoulders and gently pushes him back.

"You need to get more rest." said Twilight. She then places the blanket over him and gives him a warm smile. Junior sighs as he laid his head back.

"Gojira." calls Twilight. Junior's eyes focused on Twilight, locking with hers. "I want you to know that I think your dad would be happy to know that you made friends who love you. I think he'd want you to move past what bothers you and focus on the present."

"I guess." said Junior. He then felt his eyes growing heavy. He hated that he already felt himself growing tired. "How's Angirasu?"

"He's fine. I think that he's already awake." answered Twilight.

"That's good." said Junior. He then felt his eyes growing heavy, he yawned as he laid his head against the pillow. He then began to drift off to sleep. Twilight smiled humorously at how fast he fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Gojira." whispered Twilight. She sat for a few minutes, watching Junior as he slept. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. When he was awake, he wore an expression that always looked mad or sometimes sad. Twilight scooted closer to him, looking at her surroundings to see if anybody else was present. She gently placed her hand on his head, feeling his spiky hair. She lightly giggled at the feeling on her palm. Her heart began to beat fast against her chest. Her breathing was short and her face was flushed. She slowly leaned closer to his face, her heart racing and her cheeks reddening. She began to hear his calm breathing, increasing her blush. She leaned her head closer and then she immediately stops herself.

'What the hay am I doing?!' thought Twilight. She then suddenly gives him a quick peck on his forehead then recoils back. She then sighs as her heart began to settle down.

"I saw that~" said a feminine voice. Twilight went stiff and turned her head toward the doorway. Rarity was standing with the door open with a sly smile on her face.

"I-I uh..." stuttered Twilight. Rarity lightly giggled at Twilight's embarrassment.

"I've noticed that you have seemed to have taken quite a shine to Mr. Takeshi here." mused Rarity. Twilight looked away in embarrassment.

"When did you notice it?" asked Twilight.

"No, I actually figured it out back at the Nightmare Night festival." said Rarity. She then looked at her with an amused expression. "You made it obvious."

"You won't tell anyone about this will you?" asked Twilight, worriedly.

"My lips are sealed." said Rarity. She then looks at Twilight with a serious expression. "Darling, if you want to take your relationship with him to the next level, I suggest you make an effort at it."

"I don't know. I mean, I would really like that, but..."

"You don't want to risk rejection and ruin what you already have?" asked Rarity. Twilight nodded in response.

"I had a few crushes on guys before, but I never had the guts to try to approach them." said Twilight. She then looks down dejectedly. "Guys just don't seem to be interested in eggheads that use big words."

"Oh, pish posh darling! I doubt that Gojira is that kind of person. He may be a brute and could use a bit of anger management, but he doesn't seem intimidated by someone with a higher IQ than his. Besides, he treats you with such care. Come along, let's have some lunch and we'll talk." said Rarity.

"Sure." sighed Twilight.

Rodan was walking through the town with a knapsack hanging at his side. He hummed to himself as he walked through the town, making his way over toward the hospital. As he walked, he found the large building in the distance with a sign depicting a white cross. He grinned, and then began to sprint toward the building. He slowed down his pace as he neared the doors. He entered inside, making his way over the counter. He found an Earthbound woman sitting on a chair behind the desk. She smiles as she saw Rodan.

"Can I help you?" asked the woman.

"Yeah, I'm here to see a couple of patients by the name, Angirasu Riku and Gojira Takeshi. May I see them?" asked Rodan.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Takeshi is resting right now. He had a bit of an episode earlier with another visitor."

"Oh? Is he alright?" asked Rodan in concern.

"He's fine; he just has a fever right now. The hospital wants to keep him in a little longer."

"Oh. Well, can I see Angirasu?" asked Rodan.

Certainly, he's in room A38!" said the woman. Rodan smiled in response.

"Thanks!" Rodan made his way down the hall his expression turned serious. 'Gojira has a fever? That's not good.'

"Hey bro! How are you doing?" asked Rodan. He was inside of the room where Angirasu laid in bed. He lightly smiled at the crimson haired boy.

"Hey. I kinda feel like crap right now." replied Angirasu. Rodan chuckled in response.

"Yeah, sorry about that. When Dash told me that you guys were in the hospital, I thought something was off. So, I brought these as a precaution." Rodan reached into his knapsack and pulled out a bottle of water. Angirasu raised a brow in confusion. Rodan tosses the bottle to him, which Angirasu nearly dropped.

"It's warm. Wait, is this...?"

"Yep! Water from the hot springs! I don't know if it'll work if you drink it from a water bottle but this seemed like a good opportunity to find out." smiled Rodan. Angirasu placed his hand on the cap and twisted it off. He took a sip of the warm liquid, feeling it travel through his body. He began to chug the water down, taking in as much as he could. He sighed, wiping his lips from the water droplets.

"I think we can. But it was only a little." said Angirasu.

"What happened, man? How did you two end up here?" asked Rodan, curiously. Angirasu groaned in response.

"That asshole, Discord. He sucked away most of our energy and we were forced to fight the mantises." explained Angirasu.

"That would explain it. Well, that should keep you alive and help you recover a bit until you can leave." said Rodan.

"Did you see Gojira yet?" asked Angirasu. Rodan shook his head.

"No, they said that he was resting." said Rodan. He then looks to him with a serious expression. "He has a fever."

"Wait, what?! That's not good!" exclaimed Angirasu.

"I think he had less energy than you did when you were admitted here. He's gonna need more spring water if he's gonna fight off that fever. If not, then his mutated immune system will give up and well... Sayonara, Gojira." said Rodan grimly.

"How much did you bring?" asked Angirasu. Rodan looked in his knapsack.

"I brought four. Two bottles for each of you. You already had one of the four." answered Rodan.

"Give him the other three. He's gonna need them more than me." said Angirasu.

"But how am I gonna get in? They might not let me!"

"Use what Mosura taught you! You know be ninja-like! This is a good opportunity to use your stealth."

Junior lied in bed with a thermometer in his mouth, his body sweating. He had just woken up from his sleep, and felt terrible. His body was burning and he was also shivering. Headaches assaulted him and his muscles ached. He was even dehydrated.

"Water." called Junior. Nurse Redheart walked over to him and pulled the thermometer from his mouth.

"Yep, you definitely aren't going anywhere, mister." said Redheart. She then caught Junior smiling at her. She raised a brow at him.

"Am I hallucinating or is the pretty nurse actually a beautiful angel?" asked Junior. Redheart's cheeks flushed.

"I think that you may be just hallucinating, Mr. Takeshi." said Redheart. Junior lightly chuckled in response.

"You could have fooled me, nurse. I'm seeing lights around you." said Junior. Redheart smiled in response.

"I'll go get you some water." she then took off out of the room, leaving Junior by himself. He sighed as his illness continued to torture him.

"I think I'm gonna die." said Junior. He has never gotten sick before, but he felt that was because Discord drained him of his energy. That must mean that enough was gone for his immune system to be weak to protect him and now it was trying to fight off the fever. Without energy, he wasn't going to make it. He suddenly heard a creak to his left. He turned his head and saw Rodan with a knapsack and climbing down the window.

"Oh, hey. You're just in time to see me off to the next life." said Junior. Rodan sighed in response.

"Dude, don't go all emo on me now. You may be able to get away with that with the girls, but not with me. Your ass is going to survive!" said Rodan. He then reached into his knapsack and pulled out three water bottles.

"But, the nurse is already bringing me water." said Junior. Rodan glared at him. He then opened one of the water bottles and held it toward his face.

"I had to scale the building without being seen just to find you. Now shut up and drink the damn spring water." said Rodan. Junior's eyes widened as he mentioned the spring water.

"Ah to hell with it! I'm too damn thirsty to wait anyway!" He snatched the water bottle and began to chug it down. He felt the water beginning to slightly rehydrate him and the geothermal energy from the hotspring water being absorbed into his blood. He panted after he finished the bottle.

"Damn dude, you were thirsty." said Rodan.

"I still am! Please give me the rest!" Rodan handed Junior the other two water bottles. He opened them both and began to chug one of them down. After he finished that one, he chugged the other one down. He sighed in relief.

"How are you feeling?" asked Rodan.

"A little better. I'm still a bit thirsty and I still feel sick. I think I got some energy from the water at least."

"Good. That should keep your immune system going until I can bring more for you guys." said Rodan. The door suddenly opens revealing Redheart with a bottle of water in her hand. She then looks disapprovingly at Rodan, who tittered at her gaze.

"Excuse me sir, but you will have to leave. No visitors for the patient right now." said the Redheart as she crossed her arms.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry, I just heard that my friend was in the hospital and I just had to see how he was. He's helpless without me." said Rodan.

"Am not!" glared Junior.

"You hush, young man!" glared Rodan. Junior raised a brow.

"Dude, I'm a year older than you!" retorted Junior. Rodan quickly placed the water bottles in his knapsack, and then walked over toward the nurse.

"You are a very lovely lady? You have a boyfriend?" asked Rodan.

"Um...no." answered Redheart. She had a light blush on her face, but her expression was showed that she wasn't interested.

"Oh? Well I think you would make an awesome girlfriend. Anyway, please take care of my friend." said Rodan. He then made his way outside of the room and walked down the hall.

'Gojira, you lucky bastard.' thought Rodan.

Battra walked the halls of a large room. The walls were metallic and the room was cold and dark. A few other figures trailed behind him in the shadows. Battra and his followers made their way into a dimly lit room where several others stood. At the end of the room was Destoroyah, sitting on a pile of rubble with his eyes shut. Battra continued on with the figures behind him. After he reached the space in front of Destoroyah, he got on his right knee and bowed before him.

"Sensei, Kamacuras is here to see you." said Battra. Destoroyah opened his eyes, revealing the ominous glow of yellow. Behind Battra were a couple of mantises and three members of Destoroyah's group. He watches the pair of mantises and raises a brow.

"What brings you here to my domain?" asked Destoroyah. Kamacurasu kneels before Destoroyah and bows.

"Our group is starving. We can't support ourselves off of the land and we have lost our best warriors. I come here before you to ask for your help." said Kamacuras. Destoroyah smirked in response.

"My group has no time to help feed yours. We are soldiers, not scavengers." said Destoroyah.

"Please, I'm begging you! MONARCH has taken control over most settlements of Equestria!" said Kamacuras. A shadowed figure stepped next to Destoroyah and glared at the Kamacuras.

"Lower your tone when you speak to Lord Destoroyah!" said the figure.

"Calm down. Our guest is just distressed." said Destoroyah. The figure folded his arms in response. Destoroyah then refocuses his attention on Kamacuras. "There is a way where we can help each other."

"Anything! We're desperate!" cried Kamacuras. Destoroyah grinned in response, revealing his razor sharp teeth.

"You will pledge your allegiance to my group, and we will become one. If you accept my terms, then you and your members will assist us in our war and we will shelter and feed you." said Destoroyah. Kamacuras's wings flapped for a brief second in surprise. He then looks over to the mantis that was with him.

"We don't need to be in a war. We already have to worry about MONARCH and their superior technology!" exclaimed the mantis. Destoroyah glared at the mantis.

"You are already in this war whether you want to or not. You're just not fighting. If you do nothing, MONARCH will eventually find you and eliminate you all." said Destoroyah. He then stands from his seat on the rubble. He then walks over toward Kamacuras, having a few inches over him. "Think of your group. Think of their survival."

"Yes. Their survival." said Kamacuras. He then bows his head, contemplating. He then lifts back up and looks to Destoroyah. "We will fight along with you."

"Excellent." smiled Destoroyah. He then extends his arm and shakes Kamacuras's humanoid hand.

"Thank you. We will leave and return with the rest of our group." said Kamacuras. He and the other mantis were escorted by two figures out of the room. Battra remained silent, he then turned to Destoroyah. The larger Transmutant noticed his gaze.

"Is something wrong?" asked Destoroyah.

"He told me that the Transmutants that he sent to gather food were killed by a few other Transmutants." said Battra. Destoroyah raised an eyebrow.


"Before he died, one of his men said that they were stopped by a charcoal grey haired young male and three other young ones." said Battra, his brows furrowed.

"Gojira..." chuckled Destoroyah. He then walks back to the rubble and takes a seat. "You know where he is hiding, correct?"

"Hai. He and my sister are cowering in Equestria. They are in a small settlement outside of Canterlot." replied Battra. Destoroyah smiled darkly.

"No doubt that MONARCH will have its forces stationed near the town." said Destoroyah. He then sighs as he placed his hand over his head. "That boy has already made his decision. But, I'm going to give him one more chance."

"What do you mean?"

"We will show him that the humans will never accept him. We will break him and crush his spirit." said Destoroyah.

"When will we begin?" asked Battra. Destoroyah grinned.

"Patience, my student. We will act soon."

Ponyville, Equestria. The next day...

In the woods, the sun scarcely breached the leaves. Only small fractions of sunlight made it through. The sun shone brightly in the sky, with few clouds in the sky.

"We're on our own." said a young woman Neighponese Earthbound woman. She stood at 5 foot 7, with a dark purple hoodie sweater. Her red eyes glared at the town ahead. She wore black boots and purple leggings. Her hair was short and was colored dark purple with gold highlights. She stood as a tan Earthbound man that appeared in his 30s sat in the dirt. He wore a tank top and jeans. The woman turned to the man who remained silent.

"Well?" asked the woman. The man looked to her with a raised brow.

"Well what? It's not like we can do anything about it." replied the man in a deep voice. The woman groaned in response.

"Mukade, you're useless!"

"Hey, I'm just a bruiser. You're the queen of buzzing parasites that feeds off of everyone's energy! We're scavengers, not planners!" glared Mukade. The woman glared back. She then huffed and stomped off.

"Megaguirus, where are you going?" asked Mukade.

"Shut up! I'm going off to explore the town." said the woman. Mukade shook his head in annoyance.

"Women." muttered Mukade. He then stood and made his way over toward one of the fallen trees. He began to chip away at the wood and piling it up as logs. "Better make a shelter while there's daylight."

Megaguirus stomped across town with an angry look. She comes all the way to this little town to help gather food for their group. Then, they get themselves killed and now she was confused as to what would happen to her remaining allies. She kept walking, and then a pleasant scent assaulted her nose. She stopped, and then began to sniff the air. She smelled energy from a Transmutant. However, the smell wasn't anything like the others. It was faint, meaning that the Transmutant had to be low on energy. She sighed in disappointment. This could have been potentially someone who could have helped. The woman continued on through the town, exploring the settlement.

Junior lied in bed with Rodan, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy sitting at his side. He sniffed as mucus ran out of his nose. Fluttershy handed him a box of tissues.

"Thanks shy." said Junior as he took the tissue. He then began to blow into it.

"Wow, did those Transmutants get you sick or something?" asked Rainbow.

"I don't think so. Angirasu isn't sick. I might have eaten something that gave me a virus." lied Junior. Well, it wasn't a total lie. He might have rushed eating his breakfast when it wasn't finished cooking when Rodan told him that something odd was going on at the Apple Orchard before the whole Discord incident. In hindsight, that's a dumbass decision on its own. But, Junior wasn't worried about getting sick from eating fish that wasn't done cooking. Hell, he's done it before since he was mutated and he turned out fine. Sure the fish wasn't as good when it was raw but he didn't get sick.

"How's the hospital food?" asked Rodan. Junior groaned.

"It's garbage. I'm tempted to eat my pillow instead." said Junior. Applejack chuckled in response.

"Well, next time I visit, I'll sneak ya some of Granny's apple pie." winked Applejack. Junior smiled in response.

"Thank you."

"Um...Goji?" called Fluttershy. Junior turned to her. She was fidgeting in her seat. “Do you really eat meat?"

"Um...Yeah?" answered Junior. He then noticed Fluttershy slight frown.

"Hey now, you have to understand that eating meat is pretty much hardwired into me. I was born and raised in Neighpon. An island where fish is a major commodity for us." said Junior. He then gives her a reassuring smile. "I promise not to eat your animals."

"I-I wasn't thinking that!" exclaimed Fluttershy. Applejack then eyed her.

"Liar." said Applejack. Fluttershy slumped her head in shame.

"Don't worry about it, Shy. I prefer fish from the Everfree." said Junior. The girls all looked at him in surprise.


"Why would you go there for fish?" asked Rainbow, incredulously.

"Because...salmon is really good? Plus, there aren’t any places that serve it here."

"I hope that ya at least bring something to protect yourself from them Manticores and Timberwolves." said Applejack. Junior shrugged in response.

"Meh. I think I made it clear who is king of the forest." said Junior. Rainbow crossed her arms with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah? How so?"

"Sorry, that's a family secret." said Junior. Rainbow groaned in annoyance. Rodan opened his knapsack and gave Junior a water bottle. Junior removed the cap and began to drink the warm liquid. Rainbow then looked at him curiously.

"Hey, Goji, what kind of girls do you like?" asked Rainbow. Junior's eyes widened in shock when he heard that question. He then choked on the water and began to cough furiously. Fluttershy gasped in shock and began to pat him on his back. Rodan cringed as he heard that question. It felt bad knowing that the chances of getting a girl were impossible due to being a freak that everyone hates. Applejack was stifling her laughter while Rainbow held no such reservation.

"Oops, sorry dude."

"Wh-what does that matter?" stuttered Junior after he settled down.

"Just a question." replied Rainbow. Junior sighed in response.

"Well, I like nice girls. Ones that like to be friendly and whom actually like someone for who they are. Not because they look nice or have money." answered Junior. He then thought back. "Actually, I never gave it a whole lot of thought until I got older. I guess I just spent so much time in a place where girls were either snooty or afraid of me that I just didn't care to have a relationship."

"Did you ever have a crush on a girl?" asked Rodan, curiously. Junior thought back again.

"Once. It was a long time ago in Canterlot. She was a student at Celestia's School for Gifted Elves." answered Junior. Applejack's curiosity peaked.

"What was her name?" asked Applejack.

"It was...Ah, I can't remember. Sun something. I remember that she was an Elf and had long hair that was red with yellow stripes." said Junior. He then sighed in disappointment. "Unfortunately, she disappeared one day. I never actually hung out with her. I saw her around with Celestia and met her in person a couple of times."

"That sucks dude." said Rainbow. Applejack then nudged her shoulder and shot her a glare.

"You're telling me?" asked Junior. He then sighed as he looked up at the ceiling. Fluttershy frowned as she saw Junior's disappointed look. "I'm not mad about it. Besides, she was a little too old for me anyways. For some reason, the other Elves never really liked her. She might have been mean. I guess she may not have been the right girl anyway."

"I think it’s nice that you'd rather meet a girl that likes you for who you are." smiled Fluttershy. Rainbow then had a sly grin.

"Care to be that nice girl, Flutters?" asked Rainbow. Fluttershy blushed furiously.

"Oh...um...I uh..." Fluttershy stumbled on her words. She looked to Junior who remained with his head on the pillow, his expression not changing.

"I...I like you Goji. I really do. I...I even had a crush on you for a while." admitted Fluttershy, a bright blush on her face. Junior rose out of bed, a surprised look on his face.

"You did?" asked Junior. He...he wasn't expecting her to ever have that kind of liking towards him.

"Wait, 'Had'? What changed?" asked Rainbow. Fluttershy twiddled her fingers.

"We-well, I thought Goji wasn't interested in me, so I gave up. Then, I kinda took a liking to Angirasu. He has a big heart and is gentle and courageous. I also kind of like guys that are good with children." giggled Fluttershy with a blush. She then noticed that Junior was looking down at his hands.

“Th-that’s not to say that you don’t have those qualities! In fact, some of those were why I-“stuttered Fluttershy.

“No, I get it. You said it yourself, I didn’t seem interested.” said Junior. Fluttershy frowned.

"This...doesn't change our friendship does it?" asked Fluttershy, worriedly. Junior gave her a sad smile.

"Of course not. I just feel bad for not realizing that you liked me that way." said Junior. He then sighed.

"Yep, you're a mighty bit clueless, partner." said Applejack.

"Oh. Well, if you did, what would you have said?" asked Fluttershy. Junior thought for a moment.

"I don't know. I might have returned those feelings." answered Junior. Fluttershy had a light smile. Junior then looked to her with a serious expression. "But Shy, I don't think that I'm the right person for you. You deserve better than me."

"But...why would you think that?" asked Fluttershy. She began to see sadness in his eyes.

"I'm just...not." said Junior. Fluttershy frowned in response.

"I...I think I understand. But, promise me something, Goji." Junior then looks back at Fluttershy who stared at him with intense eyes. "Promise me that you won't let it keep you from loving someone."


"No! Promise me, Goji!" said Fluttershy. Junior recoiled at her sharp tone. He then sighed in response.

"I promise." said Junior. Fluttershy gave him a bright smile.

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