• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 8,994 Views, 696 Comments

The Arrogance of Man - Johng117

When man played God, he gave rise to beings of renowned strength. This is the tale of how one turned his curse into a blessing, with power from those long before him.

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Chapter 69: A Bite at the Big Apple Pt. 2

People continued to run through the city as they screamed in terror. Tyrantdactly soared over them, grazing himself over the top of buildings and causing debris to rain down on them, burying them beneath the rubble. The Kaiju descended onto the ground where more humans continued to run. He pecked at the street, crushing those who were unfortunate to be in his sight. The beast roared as he scratched his claws against the ground.

Meanwhile, those who had managed to get away ran to the nearest subway entrance. From all their terror and rush, they began to trip and trample all over each other. People were injured on their way down as the subway felt the tremors from the kaiju's pecking. They gave panicked cries as the tremors grew more violent. Above the surface, Tyrantdactly screeched into the air as he took off. Humans were proving to be much more difficult to catch when they found shelter near subways. It was also a large city, meaning that they could be hiding anywhere.

The creature grunted as he soared towards some buildings. As he landed on one, he began to scrap at it with his claws, tearing the building's top half apart. His hearing picked up some screams among the sound of his claws scrapping through concrete and glass. It seemed that some couldn’t make it out of the building, or just decided to take their chances inside. The fools, the kaiju thought. As he turned his head, he heard enraged roars from his ally, Rokmutul. He found bright beams of light striking down on the quadruped some miles away. The beams struck his hide as he attempted to jump and attack the small figures that were above, but they were much too high for him to get. Tyrantdactly took off into the air and soared towards his position.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna flew around Rokmutul as they fired beams of magic down on him. No damaging effect was done on him as they continued their assault. Simultaneously, a second airship moved in, firing bolts of magic and rocket artillery down on the monster. Rokmutul roared as the rockets stung his hide, only managing to enrage him. In a fit of rage, he slammed himself against nearby buildings, making them collapse.

"This is getting out of hand!" said Luna as she fired another beam of magic at Rokmutul. Celestia gasped as she found Tyrantdactly soaring towards them.

"Look out!" cried Celestia as she dove towards Luna. She tackled her down from the air as the flying kaiju swooped passed them, slamming into a nearby building. Tyrantdacrly groaned as he fell onto the street, while being covered in debris. He shook off his disorientation and groaned in annoyance, hating that he had allowed himself to be distracted and not paying attention to where he was flying. He then felt explosions striking his body, causing him to growl angrily as he raised his head up to find a couple of airships above, firing their rockets and magic cannons down on him.

"These rockets and guns aren't having any effect!" shouted a rebel soldier that was on board one of the airships.

"Keep firing! We need to cover the princesses!" ordered a commanding officer on board. With them were royal guards that were assisting in loading up the cannons that were on board. As the ships continued to fire, Tyrantdactly flew up into the air and screeched as he approached the ships.

"Incoming!" shouted a guard. The ships were torn to shreds as Tyrantdactly slammed into them, resulting in explosions from the ordinance being hit. The Kaiju shrieked as he circled the air, as the city continued to burn, while the sun had disappeared from the sky, leaving only darkness and storms to be present. The atmosphere of the city gave a hellish appearance, as fire burned and illuminated the night.

In the Temple of Shadows, the Revolutionaries stood in the throne room with members of the Shadow's Hand. Sombra sat on his throne while Thanatos stood by his side. Everyone that was in the room watched as a magical smoke produced the vision of Manehattan as the Kaiju destroyed everything in their path. Buildings tumbled and humans ran for their lives.

Sombra bore a dark smile as he watched as the princesses' attempts to destroy the creatures failed. Soon they would tire out and would be destroyed by the monsters. Destoroyah watched with a small smile. These very titans were what he and his followers would become. They would become gods to the humans, able to conquer nations. He would finally be able to restore honor to his family and take back his family's rule as war lords over Neighpon like many years ago. Ghidorah bore a neutral expression as he watched the destruction. Soon, his turn would come as well.

On the other hand, Battra and Megaguirus watched the destruction as it played out. He deeply frowned as people fled for their lives in the city as the monsters brought chaos. He felt sick to his stomach, seeing more innocents die to the Revolutionaries. Megaguirus watched in horror at the kaiju. This is what would be happening to the world once their powers had grown. She turned away, not able to watch anymore. Megaguirus walked away, with Battra following her. The two left the room and made their way down the hall.

"So, you got bored too?" asked Megaguirus with a forced smile.

"No, I just couldn't stand looking," said Battra. Megaguirus softly smiled as she cleared her throat.

"Yeah. Same here," said Megaguirus. The two sat down together in the lobby area by a pillar.

"Just think. In a matter of time, more cities will experience what Manehattan is experiencing," said Battra with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah. Pretty nuts, huh?" asked Megaguirus. Battra shook his head.

"I wonder... How everything has come down to this. The fate of the humans is in our very hands. Whatever Destoroyah decides will be it. Anyone who opposes him will die, and those who he finds disposable will suffer the same fate. My sister, Jira and her group that splintered from us, and Mai. They'll face Destoroyah's wrath," said Battra. Megaguirus held a hand on her shoulder.

"W-Well, maybe he'll go easy on them. Maybe if we can convince him to spare them and maybe-" Megaguirus was interrupted as Battra looked at her with a deep frown.

"Do you honestly think that he'd be that merciful?" asked Battra. Megaguirus bit her lip as she looked away.

"I... No. No, you're right," said Megaguirus as she leaned against Battra. The two heard footsteps in the area, prompting them to turn and find Ebirah walking down the hall and towards their position. He gave a tired sigh as he sat down against his own pillar and looked up at the ceiling.

"You couldn't stand it either?" asked Battra.

"I'm disgusted, Battra. It's senseless to bring havoc onto a city filled with innocent people. They've done us no wrong," said Ebirah with a look of disappointment.

"Destoroyah would argue that it's for our survival against the humans. Something that I don't believe anymore," said Battra. Ebirah glanced at him with a slight look of surprise. He then looked forward.

"Battra... I... I think I should tell you something," said Ebirah. Battra looked at him curiously.

"What's that?" asked Battra.

"Destoroyah... I no longer trust him," said Ebirah. Battra looked at him in surprise.

"What?" asked Battra.

"Destoroyah once seemed as a great leader, willing to stand for Transmutants that were threatened by MONARCH. But as time went on, he seemed to change. Or rather, he seemed to be revealing his true colors. He may have spoken about unity among other Revolutionaries and you. But in private, with me, Titano, Shiomura, and Gaira, he doesn't talk about that. Rather, he seems to have a whole different ideology. That being survival of the fittest. He doesn't care if the weakest of us dies, he only cares about having the strongest and loyalist allies," said Ebirah. Battra looked at him in disbelief.

"I... No, that can't be," said Battra.

"I would never lie to you, Battra. I've known you just as long as Destoroyah has known you. But you aren't like him. You were misguided by his ways in desperation to adapt to the world as we are now," said Ebirah as he stood to his feet. Battra remained seated, denying everything that his closest ally was saying. He had known Destoroyah for years, and he always seemed to put the group above all.

"Battra, I can't help but feeling that you shouldn't be here. Neither of you," said Ebirah as he looked at the two. Battra looked at him in confusion.

"I-I don't understand. What are you saying?" asked Battra.

"You know deep down that what we're doing is wrong. You're better than all of this," said Ebirah as he gestured to the temple around them.

"I feel like... You should be out there, with your sister," said Ebirah.

"But I... I can't just abandon the group!" cried Battra.

"Son, everyone who remains here are set on going along with this. Despite your history with them, you shouldn't sacrifice what good you still have left in yourself to be with them. I promise you that Destoroyah will make you do things that you would never dream of doing. No matter how much you plead to him," said Ebirah with a firm expression. Battra bore a look of discomfort as he imagined the possibilities. His eyes widened with fear.

"Mosura," said Battra. Ebirah nodded.

"You don't have to make your decision now, but I beg you to make it soon before it's too late," said Ebirah as he walked away. Battra shot up to his feet.

"Ebirah wait! Tell me, why do you remain here despite what you know?" asked Battra. Ebirah sighed.

"Because I believe that everyone can change. I hope that I can change the way Destoroyah thinks, or at least those who follow him. I'm willing to stake my life on that," said Ebirah as he left the two alone. Battra slowly sat down.

"So... What do you think?" asked Megaguirus. Battra sighed as he held his head and gave a shuddered breath.

"I... I just don't know. I don't know what to do anymore," said Battra. Megaguirus scooted close to him as she wrapped her arm around him.

"Hey, I'm with you whatever you choose. Just know that," said Megaguirus with a reassuring smile. Battra bore a small bitter smile. Now he had to worry about ruining Megaguirus's life as well with whatever he decided to do. But he knew she was up for whatever challenge. Still though, he had to choose between those he considered his family, or his true living family and the indecisiveness tore him apart inside.

2 hours earlier...

Adagio was floating just at the edge of the hill that hid the hydro thermal vent. Junior had been there for an hour now. The setting sunlight was present over the ocean. She hadn't heard a word from Junior, nor had she seen him since. She was beginning to worry.

"Gojira! Are you still there?!" called Adagio. No answer came and she grew more concern. She would check on him, but the vent was producing a lot of heat and ash. Her eyes widened in realization.

"Oh no, you better not have died from the ash!" said adagio. She swam a bit closer to the hill with a look of panic.

"Gojira! Gojira, can you hear me?!" called Adagio. She gasped as she heard a growl. She turned and found a serpent sea dragon swimming nearby. She went still as stone as it came by. The beast looked her way and snarled. Adagio's eyes widened in horror as it began to swim her way with its large size casting a shadow near her.

"Gojira! Help!" screamed Adagio. As the dragon came closer, it opened its jaws wide. Adagio screamed in terror as it came closer. However, a bright figure zipped through the ocean from the hill, slamming into the dragon. Adagio gasped as she found the figure to be Junior in his human form, glowing with a flame-like aura. The dragon floated, lifeless from the blow to its head.

"Goji?" called Adagio in a nervous tone. Junior looked her way with his eyes glowing brightly. She recoiled in fright.

"Stick with me," said Junior. He suddenly burst through the water in a beam of light, leaving Adagio. As she was about to follow, a great burst of neon blue occurred, causing her to shield her eyes. As she regained her vision after the light died down, she gasped in fright as a massive shadow was cast over her and the ocean floor. An animalistic bellow filled the ocean as bubbles spread all around.

"Oh god," whispered Adagio as she trembled at what she saw.


Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued on their run through the city. Everywhere they went, more destruction was in sight. Soon, every city in Equestria would suffer the same fate as Manehattan. Twilight gritted her teeth at this thought. The three stopped for a moment's rest.

"We gotta go find the others. These things can't be stopped," said Rainbow with a pant.

"But where do we begin? You're grounded and these monsters can appear in another street in just seconds!" said Applejack. Twilight caught her breath as she narrowed her eyes.

"Doesn't matter. We're going to find our friends and leave together," said Twilight. The ground began to shake as heavy footsteps filled the air. They turned and found Rokmutul chasing after the princesses as they fired bolts of magic at him.

"The princesses!" cried Twilight.

"They look like they aren't faring too well either," said Rainbow with a grimace.

"Come on! With that thing distracted, we can check these streets down here!" said Applejack as she led the trio away from the area. They came across an area where debris fell off a damaged building, landing on the sidewalk. As they rounded a corner, they gasped as they found corpses scattered in the street. Twilight cupped her mouth in horror as she began to feel sick to her stomach at the sight. The humans were either trampled, or crushed by debris. It was as though they were witnessing victims of a natural disaster.

"Come on! Don't look!" said Applejack as she tore her eyes away from the tragic sight. She knew that despite the dangers that took the lives of these people, they had to look for their friends. As they ran, they found Sunset Shimmer and Erika Shiragami running down a corner.

"Sunset! Erika! Over here!" called Rainbow. The two former soldiers of MONARCH turned found the three, rushing to their position.

"You're all OK!" cried Sunset in relief.

"Did you see the others?!" asked Twilight frantically as she grabbed Sunset's shoulders.

"Yes! Yes! They're safe with Discord, Amber, and the other Transmutants," said Sunset.

"Discord?! Why isn't he helping the princesses?!" demanded Rainbow.

"He tried but they were too strong. Right now, he's helping us save survivors. The others are doing the same. Come on!" said Erika as she and Sunset were about to lead the group to the others. However, Tyrantdactly screeched as he soared over head, causing debris to rain down.

"Get to cover!" shouted Sunset. The group quickly moved out of the street and towards a nearby building. Erika slammed through the glass doors, allowing the others to quickly enter as the debris rained down.

"Uncool!" said Rainbow in exasperation. Suddenly, the sound of a low trumpeting bellow filled the air, causing everyone to freeze. Twilight slowly turned her head as the sound echoed.

"That sound... Is it..." Twilight looked to the others for confirmation. Sunset slowly nodded.

"I... I think it is," said Sunset. The group left the building and looked around. The sound of a heavy thump filled their ears, coming from the docks nearby. They turned as they heard rushing water falling from the air, while a chopper-like growl came. A massive shadowy figure stood just at the edge of the docks, hidden in smoke. The group flinched as lightning struck, briefly illuminating the figure that slowly stepped onto the docks. With each step, the ground rumbled and Twilight stared with wide eyes.

"Another kaiju..." whispered Twilight with dread. As the smoke cleared up, the head of the Kaiju was revealed, with his bright amber eyes, his box shaped head and eagle-like brows. His teeth were bared as he flared his nostrils.

As Celestia and Luna continued their assault on Rokmutul, they began to tire out. They soon found themselves landing on tall buildings for a quick rest. Rokmutul would slam into the buildings, causing them to collapse.

"We can't go on like this!" panted Luna.

"We have to try Luna!" responded Celestia. Though she had grown tired as well. She didn't know how much longer that she could keep this up, but she couldn't retreat. Manehattan needed them, and she was willing to lay down her life for her subjects. She wished Discord was with them helping and hoped he was well. As the two Avatars landed on another roof, Rokmutul slammed into the side, causing half of the building to collapse. Luna was on the edge of the collapsing part, unable to fly.

"Luna!" cried Celestia as she dove and caught her sister's hand before she could fall. She grunted as she struggled to pull her sister up, with exhaustion working against her. Rokmutul slammed his tail against the building, causing it to tumble with the princesses falling. Celestia quickly brought Luna close to herself as they fell. She was unable to fly herself, with her wings aching from exhaustion. This was their end. Suddenly, Celestia found herself and Luna trapped in a white orb. The orb suddenly vanished into thin air, having them reappear just on the mainland, where over a hundred people present.

"The princesses!" shouted a woman. Luna and Celestia stood up in confusion.

"What has happened?" asked Luna. A royal guard emerged from the crowd.

"Your majesties. The citizens claim that the draconequus, the Transmutants, and the Element Bearers had saved them. The draconequus had sent them here," said the guard.

"Discord?" asked Celestia in surprise. She looked around and found many her subjects, safe from harm. She smiled warmly to herself, truly thankful for Fluttershy's efforts to reform him. From the crowd, a horrified cry came from a woman.

"Look! Another one of those monsters is rising out of the ocean!" cried the woman. The people and princesses turned their attention to the ocean near the docks. What they saw truly terrified them. Up from the depths, rose a reptilian beast, standing to be 355 feet tall. Its charcoal grey scales made it difficult to see in the night. But the fires illuminated it. The kaiju stood upright, with a burly body like a bear. Its crocodile-like scales and jagged dorsal plates spilled a flood's worth of water down as it walked onto the docks, revealing its powerful legs and wide clawed feet. Its short arms were hanging above its waist. Its long whip-like tail swayed in the air. The kaiju gave bellows as it stomped towards the city.

"That kaiju. It looks familiar," said Celestia as she analyzed its traits. Her eyes widened.

"Could it be? Junior?" asked Celestia. Luna looked at her with wide eyes and then back to the scene.

Meanwhile, Adagio breached through the surface of the water near the main land. She looked back at the city and watched as the kaiju stomped through the city.

"Dagi!" Sonata's voice called Adagio. She turned and found Aria and Sonata climbing down the hill of the mainland to meet with her. Adagio sighed in relief as she swam towards land.

"Where the hell have you been?!" demanded Aria.

"With Gojira," said Adagio as she pointed at the new kaiju. The rest of the sirens stared in shock.

"No way. That's him?!" exclaimed Sonata.

"Yep. And let me tell you, hitching a ride with him in that state is a rush," said Adagio with a pant as she held her chest.

Twilight, Rainbow, Erika, Sunset, and Applejack watched as the new kaiju was fully revealed. He looked down ahead, as he slightly lowered himself with a growl. Upon closer analysis, Twilight's eyes widened as she began to find familiar traits to the kaiju.

"Gojira?" said Twilight in disbelief.

"Wait, what?" asked Rainbow in confusion. The girls gasped as a violent tremor rocked them off their feet. A neighboring building started to collapse, slamming into the small building that the humans were taking shelter in. The girls gave cries as the building began to collapse on them. Sunset and Twilight instinctively raised their hands up as they glowed with their magic auras. In seconds, the building buried them alive, leaving only a mound of rubble.

From the destruction, Rokmutul came stomping from the first buildings knocked over and turned his attention towards Junior as water fully dripped off his body. Rokmutul stood only up to his knees. The quadruped roared as he glared at the taller bipedal monster. Junior extended his neck and head forward as he opened his mighty jaws, unleashing a mighty, screeching roar that lasted for a few seconds at the high tone, ending with a low bellow. Rokmutul charged towards his opponent, while Junior stomped towards him, while giving off a hostile roar.

As Rokmutul came close, he leaped into the air to bite Junior in the neck, but the larger Kaiju caught him with his arms, and held the jaw of his enemy back before he could bite him. The two colliding had created gusts of wind to fly around, along with a loud boom from their heavy bodies colliding. Junior carried Rokmutul as he stomped deeper into the city, sinking his teeth into his opponent’s neck. Rokmutul cried out in agony as the teeth breached his scales.

As Junior carried him away through the city, Rokmutul used his multiple legs to claw at Junior's chest, stomach and arms. Junior grunted as he fought through the pain and continued towards a set of buildings that reached up to his waist. As he reached the end of the street, he slammed Rokmutul down onto the buildings, who cried out in pain as he fell onto his back. However, Rokmutul's head slammed into the glass windows of a structure that was connected to the subway. Those who evacuated into the subway and were in the lobby of this structure while the subway was full were unfortunate to find the beast's head breaching through. They gave panicked screams as Rokmutul groaned in pain as he chomped his jaws.

From a neighborhood filled with people that haven't been able to fully evacuate, they witnessed as Junior kicked Rokmutul back onto the rubble of buildings as he attempted to stand up. People flinched and panicked as the larger monster caused the ground to rumble and explosions from his general area. His height made it easy for the people able to see him, but larger buildings could hide him from those further away.

As Rokmutul returned onto his back, Junior stomped onto his chest, keeping him down on the ground. Rokmutul gave shrill calls as he thrashed under Junior's weight. The Guardian snarled as he crinkled his muzzle. He slightly raised himself higher while puffing out his chest, with heat building up inside of himself. Suddenly, a shrill screech filled his hearing from behind. Tyrantdactly swooped by Junior and dug his claws into his back. Junior grunted in pain as the flyer scratched his claws against his hide while using his sharp beak to bite into his shoulder. Junior thrashed about as he attempted to reach for the flyer but Tyrantdactly's size gave him the advantage of quicker movement, along with Junior's disadvantage of his short arms being unable to reach for his own back.

As Junior attempted to claw and bite Tyrantdactly, Rokmutul took the opportunity to stand back up and charge at the larger opponent. As he came close, he rammed his head against Junior's thigh and lower hip. Junior groaned as he was forced back and fell over against two buildings, while Tyrantdactly immediately leaped off his back and descended down on a still standing building. Junior groaned as he lied on the ground on his side as the debris from the fallen structures cleared. He found Rokmutul looking at him with an almost smug look in his eyes. This only made the Guardian angry. Junior roared at him in anger, but failed to notice Tyrantdactly landing on his back, digging his beak and teeth into his neck. Junior's roar was cut off from the pain, prompting him to turn to snap his jaws at the flyer, who had already leaped away and took off into the air. Rokmutul took the opportunity to lunge at Junior's neck and bite down on it. Junior wailed in pain as the teeth dug into him.

Meanwhile, Celestia, Luna, the guards, citizens, and what rebels remained watched the fight from a distance. The two smaller monsters were tag teaming the much larger one, who continued to refuse to back down. Celestia watched with wide eyes as Junior was struck in the thigh by Rokmutul's spiked tail, which pierced into his scales and caused him to bleed. The Kaiju hunched over in pain as his wound bled, and was knocked onto his belly by Tyrantdactly as he pushed him from his dive. The sound of the ground rumbling filled the air as small explosions occurred.

"How could that be Gojira, Celestia?" asked Luna as she watched the battle.

"I just have this feeling," said Celestia as she watched Junior stand back up to his feet while Rokmutul bit his arm. The Kaiju screeched in pain from the bite, and then swiped a claw at Rokmutul's eye, causing him to release the arm. Rokmutul wailed as he fell to the ground and began to graze his head against the street as if to stop the pain in his eye. Junior kicked Rokmutul in the rib, causing him to slam into a nearby building.

"Remember what we were told, Luna. Some Transmutants have a great power. Our visions, where great beasts will do battle. They are linked!" said Celestia as the roars of the monsters filled the air. Celestia turned as she found a red patterned fairy flying towards them.

"Is it true? Are these Kaiju actually Transmutants?" asked Celestia, wanting confirmation.

"It is. Behold, Gojira Takeshi the second as the great leviathan of the sea. He does battle against Tyrantdactly, the flyer, and Rokmutul, the multi-limb beast," said the fairy as she gazed out to the destruction.

"Kaiju are the most powerful living creatures ever to exist. Now, they have returned in the form of the Transmutants, where they will wage war for the world," said the fairy as Junior snapped his jaws at the flyer. Luna turned to the fairy with a glare.

"We can't let this go on! They're destroying everything in their path! How can we stop them?!" demanded Luna. She couldn't take seeing the sight of one of Equestria's cities falling victim to these giants.

"There's nothing you can do!" said the fairy in a loud tone, startling those nearby.

"Troops, aircrafts, rockets, they were all used before, all they do is confuse and antagonize them further. The Kaiju fear and bow to no animal nor man but the one who forged them from the Earth! They are living forces of nature, unable to be tamed! However, some have been reborn in the form of your ally Transmutants, who retain those memories and feelings even in this state! You must let them do what they must do and not take part in the fight, or else it will be your end!" said the fairy with a tone of frustration, knowing just how many lives were needlessly lost because of their attempts to fight these monsters.

"There is nothing you can do to destroy them. All that you can do is save as many people as possible from the coming disasters, because your magic and the Elements of Harmony have no dominion over them. For Kaiju are the primal stones to keep the balance of nature," said the fairy in a calmer tone. Celestia looked down in disbelief. If the Kaiju were undeterred by magic and the Elements of Harmony, the most powerful things in Equestria, then there was nothing that they could do to fight back against them.

"They can't be stopped," whispered Celestia.


Discord flew around the neighborhood, moving debris via levitation magic, exposing those that were buried under. As he, Junior’s group, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie tended to them, they heard the monstrous roars in the air. Fluttershy flinched as she quickly turned to find Rokmutul being thrown towards a building just a couple miles away. As it collapsed, a much larger kaiju emerged. Fluttershy trembled in fear as the kaiju stomped about as the buildings that hid them from the monsters obscured his lower body. Tyrantdactly roared as he swooped over the dark dragon's head and grazed his claws against his skull. Junior groaned in pain as he quickly ducked his head and rubbed his clawed hands on it. He snarled as he raised his head up and swiped at the flyer that flew around him.

"Where did that one come from?!" exclaimed Pinkie with wide eyes.

"I don't know, but it's much bigger than the other two," said Rarity with a gulp. Mosura looked at the Kaiju with wide eyes as Tyrantdactly continued to distract him while Rokmutul latched his teeth onto his arm.

"That's Gojira," said Mosura. The girls looked at her in confusion while the rest of the Transmutants analyzed the Kaiju as well.

"Oh shit, you're right! Didn't Amber say he went to the ocean in search of energy?" asked Rodan.

"So, that's what we'll be able to turn into?" asked Angirasu as he looked down at his hand. The girls looked at the monster with wide eyes as it fought the other two. Slowly, they could see the resemblance of the Kaiju with Junior's beast form.

"Gojira..." said Fluttershy in amazement and fear. The creature he changed into was fascinating, particularly how his scales appeared like a hardened lava formation. Discord sighed as he caused the survivors to disappear from the area.

"Well, you are all diverse. So, I doubt you specifically turn into what they are," said Discord. Angirasu gave him a deadpanned stare.

"I know that. I just meant generally as a giant creature," said Angirasu.

"Yes, but you know, I've learned about a lot of freaky creatures throughout my existence. Some were even imitations of Kaiju that ancients called 'Guardian Beasts'," said Discord. The group looked at him in confusion.

"W-Wait, I thought you said you never saw a Kaiju. And what do you mean, imitations of Kaiju?" asked Rodan in confusion.

"Ah. Technically, I never have, especially in the flesh. But what I'm talking about were some cheap knock offs of real Kaiju that I've seen in an alternate reality through a mirror. Remember that part everybody?!" asked Discord loudly, much to the confusion of the group. Discord cleared his throat, hoping to have stirred up some memories to outsiders.

"One of them was a silly tortoise. Pfft! How lame is that compared to Goji boy up there?! They've got nothing on genuine Kaiju, since they were-" Discord was interrupted as a loud crash filled the air. They looked up and found Junior stumbling through nearby buildings as Rokmutul hung from his neck while Tyrantdactly was latched to his back. The girls gave terrified screams as they came tumbling their way. Rodan grabbed Discord by the color with a look of panic.

"Story time later! Get us the hell out of here!!" cried Rodan. Discord quickly snapped his fingers, causing the entire group to disappear and to reappear on a faraway building's roof.

"I don't think this is the best place to be," deadpanned Mosura as she looked over the edge, finding the long drop towards the street.

"No worries. Worst comes to worst, we teleport instantly out of here!" said Discord. He then clapped his paws together as he watched Junior stumbled through the street.

"Now, I say we saved all that we can. Let's take a break," said Discord as he sat down in a recliner he had spawned and popped his joints with a relieved sigh. Everyone looked at him in disapproval. Fluttershy gasped as she heard Junior giving pained roars.

She turned and found him attempting to bite Tyrantdactly as he hung on his back. However, Rokmutul jumped and bit him in the shoulder. Junior stumbled back as he groaned in pain while trying to turn his neck to chomp on the quadruped. However, his jaws failed to reach Rokmutul as his neck was held up by his enemy's skull. Junior's massive size made it difficult for him to properly to fight these two smaller monsters at once, which was already a challenge given that there were more than one Kaiju fighting him. It was also harder to navigate through the area given his weight, causing him to fall back with the added weight on him. Junior groaned as he fell against a tall building, his dorsal plates grazing against it and causing it to collapse. As Tryantdactly flew into the air to avoid being crushed, Rokmutul began to jab his horns against Junior's side and bit down on him.

Fluttershy flinched as she cupped her mouth in horror as this happened. She watched as Trantdactly ascended into the air, carrying dust into the wind he created. He gave a shrill screech as he quickly dropped down on Junior and jabbed his claws and weight against the back of his neck and head, causing Junior to moan in pain and distress. Everyone stared with anxiousness and fear for the Kaiju. Fluttershy felt herself tearing up as she watched her dear friend suffer. She had seen him take hits before, most that horrified her, but this seemed worse. He was fighting with two other monsters that could stand together to take him on. He was alone, and there was the possibility of him losing. Rokmutul's one good eye glared at Junior, while his other eye was red, blind, with scars over his brow. He roared as he opened his jaws wide and bit down on Junior's whole muzzle and part of his brow, causing blood to splatter from the bite wounds. This was Fluttershy's breaking point as she witnessed this.

"They're going to kill him!" cried Fluttershy with dread. She began to take off into the air, but Pinkie and Rarity quickly grabbed her by her legs and began to pull her down before she could fly away.

"Darling, no! You can't go out there!" cried Rarity. Fluttershy attempted to pry off her friends as they held her back. Her eyes ran with tears as she was distraught. Discord raised himself off his recliner as he saw this, ignoring his ‘break’.

"He needs our help! He'll die otherwise! Please!" cried Fluttershy with a sob. Angirasu rushed to her side and wrapped her into his arms tightly. Fluttershy attempted to pry herself off him, but she couldn't overpower his embrace.

"Fluttershy, stop! If you go out there, you will die!" shouted Angirasu. Fluttershy went silent as Angirasu pulled her away and held her by her shoulders tightly, glaring at her. He was panting as he held her.

"What do you think you can do? What can we do? If you go out there, you will be killed by them, because to them, you're an ant! If you were stepped on, they wouldn't even know it! How do you think Gojira would feel knowing that one of his dear friends, the first one who had shown him kindness, had been killed because of his fight?" asked Angirasu. Fluttershy gave a small gasp as she thought of this. More tears streamed her cheeks while the others were silent, but feeling the same pain that she was feeling.

"Gojira would blame himself. Don't put him through that. We must hope that he can come out on top, because he has always done it before. I know he can do it again. As much as I hate to say it, we can't help him now," said Angirasu as he held Fluttershy by one shoulder and wiped away a tear from her cheek. Fluttershy sniffled as she threatened to break into another sob.

"But I'll blame myself if we don't do something," muttered Fluttershy. Angirasu deeply frowned in response. Meanwhile, Discord watched Fluttershy's distraught state as she buried her head against Angirasu's chest, sobbing. He watched as the others held deep frowns as they bore a look of helplessness. Discord watched as Junior was still down on the ground while he was attacked.

A memory from his past when he was but a statue in the garden, gathering up feces from the birds, Junior had visited him when he was a pre-teenager. He remembered how the boy was covered in cuts and bruises, with his clothes slightly torn. He recalled how the child had talked about how he had gotten into a big fight with some boys. He displayed displeasure of being in the fight, but he remembered how the boy was proud to have been triumphant against them, as he smiled at him with a tooth missing. He always seemed like such a resilient individual, even from a young age. But watching him now had Discord finding that the boy who was a proud winner in fights was now fighting for his life, and he was losing. Discord grimaced as he watched, turning towards his hands as they slightly sparked with his magic. He clenched them into fists as he narrowed his eyes as he deeply exhaled.

"Ugh. The things I do for you people!" said Discord as he took off into the air and left the group. Everyone turned their attention to the Spirit of Chaos as he soared towards the battle.

"Discord!" cried Fluttershy. The Draconequus flew above the fight as his hands glowed from his chaos magic.

"Gojira you owe me for this!" said Discord as he shot a beam of chaos magic towards Rokmutul's back, causing him to release Junior. He grunted in response as he turned and found Discord shooting his beam at him. He roared angrily as he stomped towards him, while Tyrantdactly flew off Junior and towards Discord.

"Uh oh!" Discord took off through the air as the flyer pursued him. Junior groaned as he slightly raised his head and saw Tyrantdactly leaving, while Rokmutul had his tail turned towards him. He stood up slightly and bit down on the tail. Rokmutul shrieked in pain as he thrashed about. Junior then grabbed the tail with both hands and released his bite. He stood up and dragged Rokmutul across the street and slammed him against three buildings. Junior panted as his wounds bled. He flared his nostrils as he shook off the pain.

The streets were covered in debris and remnants of the buildings that once stood proudly. From a large pile of rubble, debris was blasted away by two different colored magic auras. From the blast emerged Sunset Shimmer, who was covered in dust, bruises, and scratches. She coughed as she moved stones away, while Erika emerged beside her. The two helped Applejack and Rainbow out of the rubble. Twilight shakily raised herself out from rubble as well, with her cheek scratched, her forehead bruised, and her clothes slightly torn. She groaned as she dropped to her knees, while Erika rushed to her side to help her. Twilight was beyond exhausted from mustering up all the power that she could to save herself and the others. Her head throbbed and her muscles ached from the intense day that she and her friends have been forced to survive.

"Can you walk?" asked Erika.

"I... I think so," said Twilight as she slowly stood. Her muscles ached and she felt a lack of energy in her to be physically be active. However, nothing seemed to be broken. Twilight sighed as she looked around at the others, finding them all bruised up, cut, and dirty. Their clothes managed to remain whole but with a few tears and holes from this day. Twilight could only imagine how Rarity was reacting over herself from her condition. Rainbow gave a relieved chuckle.

"I can't believe we survived! Haha! You two saved our butts!" said Rainbow as she gave a thumbs up to Sunset and Twilight.

"Yep. Y'all sure are some fine magic users," said Applejack as she dusted her hat. Sunset smiled as she looked towards Twilight.

"I gotta admit, I'm impressed by your shield's durability. Considering how a building fell on us," said Sunset. Twilight smiled with a look of flattery.

"Likewise. Normally I have a hard time casting a spell when under stressful situations. But I think my spell would have failed if you hadn't cast yours, which I believe was what at least helped kept us from serious injury," said Twilight. Rainbow sighed in annoyance as she stepped in between the two.

"OK, yeah! You're both magical geniuses! But can we get back to the fact that there are giant monsters destroying the city!" said Rainbow. The rest of the group began to look around the area as the sound of gusts of wind howled through the city. Applejack gasped as she spotted Tyrantdactly soaring above, chasing a small figure.

"That varmint can circle back here any moment," said Applejack with a gulp.

"Then let's get out of here before it does," said Twilight. The group fled from the rubble that had once buried them and continued to navigate through the streets of the city. With every second, the horrific sounds of the monsters filled their hearing. The ground beneath them began to tremble, causing the girls to stumble. From their left, Junior stomped about from another street as he held his hands against Rokmutul's jaws as they attempted to snap at his neck. Twilight couldn't help but glance at the sight of these two titans battling to the death, as the earth trembled before their massive size. Suddenly, a row of buildings was smashed through as Rokmutul came crashing down, cutting off the girls from their path. They screamed in fright as the titan snarled as he attempted to stand, but his back was stomped on by Junior, pinning him down to the ground.

"This way!" called Applejack as she led the girls in the opposite direction in the street. But then, Tyrantdactly swooped in through the air, with Discord flying away.

"Gang away!" shouted Discord as he flew, with the kaiju on his tail. The girls ducked for cover as the wind threatened to blow them off their feet. Discord flew towards Junior's head, where he suddenly vanished. The charcoal grey dragon shot his attention towards the flying kaiju, who gave a shriek of alarm. Junior opened his jaws and caught him by the wing, clamping down hard. The loud shriek deafened everyone in the area, while Junior shook his head violently as he stepped off Rokmutul. He then swung his head, slamming Tyrantdactly against the nearest building, causing chunks of it to fly off and crash into the street. He released Tyrantdactly, who ended up spinning through the air briefly before steadying himself in the air.

Junior snarled as he watched the flyer soar around, making a turn in his direction. The Guardian growled as he tensed as the flyer came closer. He then turned around, just as the Revolutionary came closer, and swung his tail against his body, slamming him against another taller building. The force of both the tail and the kaiju's collision against the building caused a shock wave that spread debris and rubble everywhere. The building rumbled, and the girls fell to the ground as they felt the tremors. Junior turned his head back and found Tyrantdactly to have been impaled by the steel wreckage within the building's side. His wounds bled and his mouth foamed. Tyrantdactly twitched as he groaned, slowly closing his reptilian eyes.

Junior turned away as he lowered his head, panting. His wounds and his inexperience as a giant had begun to take its toll on him. He felt tired, and desired to rest. His dorsal plates briefly flickered as he groaned. Meanwhile down below in the street, Twilight stared up at the Kaiju as he panted. She then heard rumbling, which also drew the attention of Junior. The humans and the Kaiju looked up to the tall building and found it beginning to crumble and tilt over. Twilight's eyes widened.

"Run!!" screamed Twilight. The girls quickly took off in the opposite direction as the building fell. They ran with all the speed that they could muster, while Junior found the building to have fallen on his back, causing him to drop down. He groaned as he landed on his hands, but was forced onto his belly as the rest of the building came down on him. The debris spread through the air, moving through the streets. The girls took cover in an alley with a large magical force field over them, while the debris came over them.

From the distant rooftop of a tall building, the rest of the Main Six, and the rest of the Transmutant Four watched in horror as the debris shrouded the battlefield.

"Gojira..." muttered Fluttershy with wide eyes.

From the street, Twilight, Erika, Sunset, Applejack and Rainbow Dash panted as they watched the debris shroud over them as they remained safe in the magical bubble. Twilight closed her eyes briefly as she forced her hands out, causing the force field to expand and push away the debris from the air. She and Sunset began to use their magic to round up the debris and proceeded to force it away through the air. As they moved through the street, they found rubble to be scattered everywhere, while fire burned. Suddenly, a massive reptilian hand came into their sight, crashing down onto the ground just down the street. The girls stopped in fright, only to find Junior to be standing on his hands as he panted. His muzzle and brow were covered in scratches and his small amber eyes opened, revealing tired eyes.

"Oh nelly." Applejack stepped back with a nervous look, while Twilight stared with wide eyes. The Kaiju looked their way, causing them to stiffen in his sight. Twilight slowly began to step down the street.

"Twi! What are you doing?!" asked Rainbow in alarm, but Twilight didn't answer. Instead, she continued her course until she stepped a bit closer to the Kaiju down the street, who's eyes focused on her. Twilight's expression was soft, and her eyes locked with the Kaiju's. Junior's eyes were soft as well as he lightly panted. Behind this beast's eyes, there was the gateway to his very soul, which she was very familiar with. Junior groaned as he closed his eyes and lied himself down, while Twilight gasped in alarm. She reached out to him, but the clouds of smoke began to shroud his face, blocking him from her sight. Twilight lowered her hands as she stood by, helpless to help him.

"Twi?" called Applejack. Twilight looked back at her friends, finding the confused and worried faces of the others. Twilight was about to respond, but heard a low growl, prompting her to turn back and found a massive figure to be moving through the smoke. She gasped as she found Rokmutul appearing, glaring at the humans with one good eye. He opened his mighty jaws and gave a roar, causing the girls to turn tail and run. The Kaiju walked on his six legs, stumbling through rubble and the tight street that he was in, scraping his sides of his body and his tail against the buildings. Twilight briefly looked back, finding the Kaiju to be stomping after them, still roaring.

"He's keeping up!" shouted Twilight.

"Don't look back! Keep running!" shouted Sunset. The girls continued their run, but it was futile. Rokmutul was growing closer every second, crawling after them. He then began to gallop, causing the girls to fall to the ground from the quakes that his weight was causing with his running. The girls looked back in horror as Rokmutul was gaining speed. They screamed as the beast opened its mouth wide.

Suddenly, Rokmutul shrieked as he was suddenly dragged away. The girls looked on in shock as they found Junior standing back up to his feet, dragging the six-legged Kaiju away. Junior then swung him against several buildings and threw him to where the tall building had originally buried him. Rokmutul thrashed his legs as he was on his back but was stomped in the chest by his foe. Junior snarled as his spines on his tail began to light up. The dorsal plates glowed a neon blue, which trailed up his back. A low whir came from him as he opened his mouth and inhaled, revealing a neon blue light from the back of his throat. Junior then forced his head down as he opened his jaws, spewing forth his atomic breath down into the face of the Revolutionary. Rokmutul gave a shrill screech as he thrashed his legs in attempt to get up, but Junior's foot against his chest kept him down. His face was scorched by the hot radiation. After several seconds, Rokmutul went limp, prompting Junior to stop his atomic breath, finding his enemy's face to be burnt to a crisp.

Junior stepped off him and stood among the destruction and the dead Kaiju. The thunder roared as lightning flashed, while Junior puffed his chest out and roared to the heavens. His roar ended in a low bellow, which echoed out into the night. Twilight stared in amazement as he stood victorious. Kaiju were great creatures, ferocious, formidable, and frightening. Even going against two at once, Junior managed to emerge victorious.

"Wow," said Rainbow in awe.

"Double wow," said Applejack as she adjusted her hat out of her sight. Twilight and Sunset couldn't have agreed more as the Kaiju turned and stomped away. Suddenly, Junior groaned as he swayed in place, while his dorsal plates briefly flickered. He then fell over on his belly, crushing a couple of buildings under him, much to the girls' shock. The fall caused the ground beneath them to shake, nearly knocking them to the ground. As the debris rose into the air, Twilight stared in anxiety.

"Gojira!" cried Twilight as she ran down the street.

"What?" asked the girls in shock. Twilight ran further down the street, rounding the corners to reach the Kaiju's site where he had fallen. As rubble fell from buildings, fires raged, and Kaiju corpses lied, Twilight continued with the victorious Kaiju in mind. She soon found herself climbing over rubble, where Junior lied on the ground. Twilight panted as she found Junior's head just a few feet away. The Kaiju breathed softly through his nostrils, with heavy eyes. Twilight felt her eyes tearing up as she found the Kaiju to be bleeding from his wounds, which spilled to the ground.

"Gojira!" cried Twilight. Junior's eyes looked down to her, locking with her own. Twilight stared as she trembled, not out of fear, in despair. Twilight stepped closer as she raised a hand and placed it on the creature's chin, feeling his rough and cold scales. Junior gave a small groan as he felt Twilight's small hand. Twilight gave a small laugh as her eyes watered.

"You did it, Gojira. You saved us all. You did it," said Twilight as she pressed her forehead against Junior's scales. The Kaiju merely gave weak groans as he felt his eyes grow heavy. Twilight noticed this, and gasped as she found Junior's eyes fluttering closed.

"Gojira. Gojira, please don't. Don't close your eyes," pleaded Twilight with a desperate look. Junior merely lowered his eyes as his lids closed, while Twilight watched helplessly. The Kaiju went silent. He didn't seem to be breathing, and his groans had ceased. Twilight shook as her eyes ran with tears.

"No. No! Gojira!" cried Twilight as she quickly patted Junior's scales. But the Kaiju didn't respond. Twilight began to beat her fists against his scales, her cheeks completely stained in her tears.

"Gojira!!" cried Twilight. Her voice echoed out into the night. She dropped to her knees as she sobbed uncontrollably. She leaned her head against the Kaiju as she sobbed. Meanwhile, Sunset, Applejack, and Rainbow stared at the Kaiju that lied motionlessly, with looks of disbelief as Twilight cried.

"No. I-It can't be," said Rainbow in a soft tone, feeling herself tear up herself.

The early morning sun shone above. The storm had been cleared, revealing Manehattan to be lying in ruins. The air was filled with debris and smoke, but the causes were no longer a threat. Seagulls began to flock over to the carcasses of Rokmutul and Tyrantdactly, who lied dead in rubble. Denizens of Manehattan, who had failed to escape the city, were emerging from their shelters. Meanwhile, there were royal guards, rebels, and the fire department assisting in finding survivors that may have been trapped. Discord stood with Fluttershy as they helped treat those who were injured. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna looked over the destruction with deep frowns. Many people suffered during this attack while others perished. The knowledge of this weighed heavy on their hearts.

"I'm going to help look for survivors, sister," said Luna as she took off into the air. Celestia looked around, with her eyes scanning the area. She found the dead Kaiju in the distance, where the seagulls fed on their bodies. She made her way over to the area as more authorities assisted in finding survivors in this region. Celestia noticed tall dorsal plates just obscured by a building, prompting her to go around it. Her eyes widened as she found Twilight kneeling before the body of a massive charcoal grey Kaiju. One that she knew all too well. Celestia rushed to the area with moist eyes, where she found Sunset, Erika, Applejack and Rainbow Dash comforting the petite elf. Twilight sobbed as she remained on her knees.

"No..." said Celestia as she stepped over to their position.

"Princess," said Applejack in surprise, her own eyes puffy as the rest of the girls. Celestia merely stood by as she cupped a hand over her mouth, holding in a sob.

"Junior," whispered Celestia as she allowed a few tears to fall. Sunset's eyes softened as she glanced at her former mentor. She knew full well just how close she was to the Transmutant, being the one who raised him. Despite what anger she felt towards her from the past, Sunset felt sympathy. She looked at Junior sadly as he lied in rubble, where seagulls flew overhead. Suddenly, a snort filled the air, startling everyone in the area. They shot their heads up and found Junior's head shifting in place as he scared the seagulls. His amber eyes opened, wincing at the sun light. Twilight's tears had ceased as she stared with wide eyes. Celestia gasped as she felt her heart leap. Junior groaned as his body gave off a soft neon blue glow. His body was engulfed in the glow, where it began to shrink and morph before their very eyes. The humans shielded their eyes from the bright light, finding Junior to have been returned to normal, lying naked in rubble. The humans quickly rushed over to the Transmutant, surrounding him.

"Gojira!" cried Twilight.

"Junior!" cried Celestia as she took the Transmutant into his arms. She found him looking up to her with a weak smile.

"I'm... Good," said Junior with a rasp. Celestia gave a joyful short sob as she held Junior close. Twilight joined in the hug as she cried joyfully as well, while Applejack wiped a small tear while Rainbow bore a look of relief. Sunset softly smiled as she felt her eyes stung, while Erika placed a hand on her shoulder, looking at the scene with a soft smile. Suddenly, Sunset noticed that journalists were taking notes several feet away, as photographers took photos of the scene. Sunset grimaced.

"Oh man," said Sunset in worry.

Author's Note:

Entire scenario was inspired by an old artwork I did a couple years back.

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