• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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8: The New World Order

"...and so that's the situation we have," X concluded as he finished retelling the entire events of the Jakob Project Incident. "And as we now know, every single New-Gen Reploid has Sigma's personal data in their copy chips, and was likely indoctrinated to some extent by Lumine and Sigma himself. You can see why the situation has gotten somewhat out of hand."

Redips nodded softly, looking more than a little shell shocked. "I...I see. That's quite a lot to take in." He frowned, rubbing his chin with one hand. "So what's next? Eliminating the threat?" He expressed the idea with a good deal of reluctance.

"No," X responded immediately.

Redips looked shocked. "But if they have Sigma's personal data and can turn into him at will-"

"Sigma's physical abilities were never what made him so dangerous," X interrupted flatly. "Considering he had a new body every time we fought him, that should be obvious. And it wasn't the Virus either, considering he did more damage to the Maverick Hunters and the world stability in the short time after he lost it than he did in all five previous attempts when he had it as a crutch that allowed him to plan with greater personal risk. What made Sigma so dangerous was his mind...which according to Axl, no amount of RDNA data or personal data will allow a Copy Chip - New-Gen or otherwise - to duplicate."

"His...mind?" Redips inquired softly.

"His plans were good," X explained softly. "First time, he sought to start a war, fill the world with hate. Second time, he sought to use the thing that defeated him - Pre-End Times tech - to gain victory. Third time, he was able to amass a powerful army by promising a false peace. Fourth time, he orchestrated what should have been a full out war while having agents on both sides to allow him to make it all play into his hands. Fifth time, a global catastrophe that hid his true plan, which was another global catastrophe. Sixth time, he manipulated a group that sought to clean up the damage he caused, and nearly got what he wanted. And just now, he amassed a huge army without us even knowing it, and nearly destroyed the world." He sat back thoughtfully. "He was incredibly dangerous..."

"But his plans all failed," Redips pointed out.

"Because of things he had no way of knowing or predicting," X pointed out. "The first time, he didn't realize how strong Octavia had become, and how well we could work together as a team. He couldn't have known that, because Octavia's first mission was when he 'went Maverick', and that strength and teamwork was forged in that war." X continued to count on his fingers what had happened. "Second time, he didn't realize Serges was using him to help him restore Zero for Zero's sake, not for any battle." It had taken learning Zero's origins to put that bit together. "Third time, it was our support units - and the resulting Adapter programs - that turned the tide, along with the anti-virus, both things he couldn't have predicted.

"The fourth time..." X sighed softly. "Again, Octavia was underestimated...but also too much of the plan depended on everything happening without Sigma's interference, and on a schedule that he couldn't alter if things went wrong. And the fifth time, he didn't understand the true nature of the virus, or Zero's purpose...information he was deliberately misled on by the forces trying to restore Zero."

Redips nodded softly as he filled in the remaining details. "With Red Alert, he didn't know Octavia would adopt Axl. That changed everything. And this most recent time, he didn't understand what would really happen if he made a direct and blatant threat against your children. Those Ultimate Armors..." He shuddered slightly at the memory of those particular files.

"Yes, but he moved to account for that," X pointed out. "He had a body specifically designed to fight our Ultimate Armors, even with all the upgrades we had. In the end, what really got him was his belief that Lumine was on his side."

Redips nodded slowly. "I see what you mean," he observed. "Still, this doesn't explain why you called me here to explain all this in person." He gestured at their surroundings. "Or why you did it here, in Signas' old office. I assume it has something to do with the post of Commander of the Maverick Hunters..."

"You are correct," X said, standing up from the Commander's chair. "Simply put, with everything that's happened, the role of Commander has changed. While military knowledge is still necessary, the role of Commander will be more about balancing how the public sees the Hunters - as individuals and as a group - with what is for the good of the Hunters and the planet. In essence, we need someone whose primary skill is working with people."

"You're not going to make Octavia Commander, are you?" Redips demanded incredulously.

"No," X countered, shaking his head. "As long as I'm in the Hunters, putting her in command of me would cause to many problems. The reason I called you here..." He stepped to the side, pulling the chair out. "...is because I want to offer you the job."

Redips stared at X in disbelief. "X, I'm not sure that's a good idea," he demurred. "Even in the Repliforce, I'm a glorified analyst and press secretary-"

"And damn good at both those things," X interrupted. "Skills which will be the primary skills the Commander will need in the upcoming times. And we need someone with those skills now. We don't have time to wait for Gate to build someone new...and even then, we need the experience. And I know we can trust you."

Redips lowered his gaze. "You honor me with such faith," he responded wonderingly. After a time, he stood up and saluted. "I won't let you down, X."

X returned the salute with a grin. "I know you won't...Commander. You have all of us behind you. For now, get settled in. We'll see about redecorating and a formal ceremony later. Work will probably come first, though."

"I can live with that," Redips replied as he took his seat. He watched calmly as X walked out, then laid down a datapad.

The datapad illuminated, displaying scenes of X, Zero, Axl, and Octavia ruthlessly destroying the 'Mavericks' of the last battle, even when said 'Mavericks' didn't fight back. He paid special attention to the ones - like Octavia's battle with Earthrock Trilobyte - where it was even without warning. He then looked up at his surroundings.

A wide grin crossed his face as he whispered, "Katta. Keikakku Dohri."

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