• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Melody From The Past

To everyone's shock, the body of Ninetails blazed with the light of Axl's A-Trans. When the light faded, the true form of Ninetails was revealed. Most of the outer body was in fact an armor shaped from pieces of a non-functional red robotic canine. Without the energies holding it together, it fell apart to reveal a heavily upgraded green robotic cat, strongly resembling Piano and Timbre in overall build. The cat slowly uncurled from within the pieces of armor, revealing gold and blue color patterns and a gun barrel at the end of his tail. After briefly stretching, he turned sad eyes on the pieces of the canine he had been wearing. He carefully gathered every last piece into a corner, setting the head down last of all before closing the empty optics respectfully. Stepping back, he lifted his head and let off a soft caterwaul, dirge-like tones echoing around the chamber.

The walls around the small pile of parts closed around them, sealing them away with nary a seam.

The cat stared at the corner for a time, in a silence no one dared break. He then shook himself off with a brief sneeze, and turned towards Axl. After giving him an appraising gaze, he shrugged his shoulders before sauntering to one last stairwell at the back of the chamber. After going down three stairs, he glanced over his shoulder with a look that demanded immediate action, that seemed to snap, "Well? Come on!" While most responded immediately, X stared into the corner for quite some time before catching up.

When they reached the bottom of the stairwell, they found a last door that the cat pawed open before leading them in. Inside was a capsule similar to design to the Light Capsules, but at the same time distinctly different...though it was hard to put a finger on how. Across the top, four letters were inscribed as though dug into the material of the capsule with a chisel: AXL-C

Axl stared in awe. "This...this is my capsule..." he murmured softly, walking forward, reaching towards it.

"AXL-C," Octavia murmured thoughtfully. "Does that mean...you were a third attempt?" She frowned as the cat shot her an irritated glare.

"I...I don't think so," Spider murmured softly. "I...remember Dynamo mentioning something about this once, something I wasn't supposed to hear I think." He stared as Axl's hand touched the capsule. "I'm pretty sure...L-C means 'Light-Cossack'."

"A project worked on by Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack?" Zero asked in shock...and yet something about that seemed off. "Axl-"

"Anton," Axl interrupted suddenly, his eyes glazed. The 'A' atop the capsule illuminated. "Anton...Xabat...Light-Cossack."

As he spoke each name, a letter at the top of the capsule glowed. Once all were lit, the capsule opened. Two holograms appeared in the center, cast in a green glow. One was a young human woman, and the other was a young robotic man who bore a striking resemblance to X. The robot was the first to speak. "Anton...if you're seeing this message, then the worst - from our perspective - has come to pass, and we were unable to complete you in our lifetimes...our son."

The woman then spoke up, a strong Russian accent in her voice. "We had hoped, should this happen, we could embed our neural imprints in this capsule to watch over you, as Dr. Light has done for when X awakens, and as Dr. Wily and Vinyl have done for their...Project Revelation. However, the fact this message is playing means that, for whatever reason, we were unable to do so before our deaths."

"As such, this recorded message is the only way we can tell you who you came from, and why," the robot continued. "I am Rock Light, also known as Mega Man."

"And I am Kalinka Cossack," the young woman continued as the holograms held hands. "In our time, relationships such as what we found with each other...it was frowned upon. Our friend Vinyl sought to reshape this world such that it could be, that robots and humans could be equals."

"If she's with you, and you awoke in our era, then she succeeded," Rock continued. "If not...then she failed, and I can only pray your era is a kinder, more understanding one."

"You were never a project to us, Anton," Kalinka explained. "You were always...our son. The cybernetic DNA system discovered in Prometheus that was used to design X and Project Revelation...we used that to create build data for you that was a blending of my DNA, and a cybernetic DNA extrapolation of Rock's build data. In blood...you are our son."

"While we might not have been able to complete you ourselves, we did leave you some things in case the world you were activated in was one that forced you to fight...much like Dad did for my little brother," Rock elaborated. "First, a support unit built with an Adapter keyed to your cybernetic DNA profile...so no matter what changes you go through, he'll be able to become armor to amplify your abilities. If we couldn't introduce you to him ourselves, Tango has a directive to guard this capsule until you are awakened, and are ready to receive this information."

"Merow!" the cat - Tango, presumably - spoke up at that point.

"He was also given free reign to use any new developments in technology to upgrade himself to perform as a more efficient support unit," Kalinka added. "I hope he didn't give you too much trouble. He will also be guarding a weapon we made for you. Much like Vinyl...we came to believe that overwhelming firepower is the best way to keep loved ones safe." The gun Marino had swiped from 'Ninetails' glowed. "This 'Ancient Arm' as we've decided to call it is inbuilt with nine Etheric Crystals, designed to sync with your A-Trans ability to unleash devastating power. But be careful: at even 70% sync, an uncontrolled discharge could level a city in a single blast, or punch a hole in the moon. At full sync, it could destroy everything in your path. But if your focus is off, the recoil could easily destroy your allies, so be careful how you use it."

"Oh the other hand, its bullets are effective deterrents even uncharged," Rock hastened to reassure. "You can fire up to six without reloading, and they will have whatever properties you wish them to have as you pull the trigger, as the bullets themselves will tap your A-Trans to alter their properties."

Axl staggered into the capsule, and the holograms wrapped him in a loving embrace. "Please..." they spoke together. "Accept our apologies, our love...and our last gift."

The capsule blazed with light as the Tango Adapter was installed in Axl's systems. A whisper touched his ears alone as the light faded. "And if ever this world is unbearable to you...we leave you a shape to travel the stars, for the Red Planet holds Vinyl's true legacy."

As the light faded, Axl stared out at the group, unshed tears in his eyes. Tango came up to his side, nuzzling his hand comfortingly.

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