• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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3: Born to be Wild

Octavia and X both took the time back at HQ to inform everyone of their discovery that triggering the original personality of a Reploid under the signal's control could provide an instant opening to attach a Neutralizer. "This changes our plans a bit," X indicated. "In addition to using weakness reactions to create the openings, we might be able to find ways to free them without harming them. If that can be done, it's all for the better."

"So let's take a look at the bios," Octavia suggested, hopping up to the computer screen.

Nodding, Alia called up the bios on each of the Mavericks remaining. "Let's see...Blast Hornet's a member of Zero's unit..."

"But we can't let Zero near, because of those issues with how he effects the signal," X explained.

"Right," Alia confirmed. "We don't have any information on Gravity Beetle, except that he's Boomer Kuwanger's brother. He's being questioned about him for anything usable. There's also very little information on Volt Catfish. Crush Crawfish...he went to Doppler in hopes of fixing an error in his AI that screwed up his Friend/Foe recognition."

"That's not going to be pleasant," X muttered under his breath. "And Neon Tiger?"

"A wildlife preservation specialist," Alia explained. "Not overly fond of humans or other Reploids, specifically designed as an anti-poacher. He can draw in sunlight to both recharge his core and supercharge his weapons. Vicious with poachers or other criminals, distrustful of humans or humanoid reploids...hmm, this might be useful." A video file was called up, showing Neon Tiger gently tending orphaned bald eagle chicks, carefully climbing the tree to their nest to deliver food to them exactly how the mother eagle would have.

"He's next," Octavia proclaimed. "And I'll apply the Neutralizer."

"Are you sure?" Alia asked worriedly. "He's only shown to be gentle with-"

"Young animals?" Octavia interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

Zero snickered in amusement as he looked over Iris' shoulder at the communications from Repliforce. X looked worried, but acquiesced. He knew better than to argue with Octavia.

The area where Neon Tiger was located was, unsurprisingly, a fertile jungle, cybernetically augmented trees supporting the natural ones as mechanaloid animals supplemented the biological ones. Both X and Octavia moved carefully, doing their best not to damage anything as they made their way towards the buildings. The mechanaloid animals did attack X, but the only shots that made their way towards Octavia were stray shots. None were aimed.

As they passed through the first building, the pair were careful to destroy only when necessary, leaving as many mechanaloids intact as possible. As several only attacked if X or Octavia fired a shot, this proved relatively easy. They collected a Sub Tank as they moved up into the tallest building.

Inside the building, the mechanaloids weren't animal based, and the pair blasted their way through the security. Finding a cracked wall, X used the Tornado Drill to break through it. The large chamber on the other side contained a Light Capsule.

"This capsule contains an upgrade for your buster," Light explained. "In addition to restoring your ability to fire charged shots from both busters - which I see was removed to enable a more powerful charged shot - this will allow you to overlap the charged shots for a much larger blast. In addition, it will allow you to charge your new sub-weapons."

"Useful," Octavia commented as X stepped into the capsule to download the upgrade. She smiled down at her forehooves as they flashed, turning a mix of white and gold.

Stepping out of the capsule, X tested out the overlapped cross-charged shot. The first charge shot was swirling blasts of energy, while the second was a large blast of energy. When the large blast hit the swirling blasts, they burst apart, becoming five large blasts flying forward in expanding arcs. "Nice!" X crowed, grinning.

Down below, the pair encountered a large, worm like mechanaloid that came out of the ceiling and floor to attack them. It also dropped bouncing bombs that attempted to bounce into them. Discovering that the arcs of energy from the overlapped charged shot would pass through the dirt walls to seek out the target, they blasted away, and it eventually exploded.

The path further on was very straight forward, with only a slight detour straight upward to collect another Heart Tank, just before the path to Neon Tiger's chambers. In the final passage, Octavia held up a hoof, stopping X from going forward. "I'll take it from here alone," she said calmly.

X blinked. "Are you sure?" he asked worriedly.

"Positive," Octavia replied calmly. "Varia, disengage."

"What?" X demanded, shocked.

"...understood," Varia replied, separating from Octavia to hover around her in her base form of a lump of floating technological stone.

"Octavia, what do you think you're-"

Before X could speak further, Classic and Piano had him pinned to the wall. "I'll handle this, Father," Octavia stated as she stepped through the final door. "I'll be fine!" As the door closed behind her, she glanced upward. "...I hope..."

Neon Tiger dropped down from the ceiling. His body was a robotic mix of pink, blue, green, and yellow, with his head appearing almost entirely organic. He stood hunched over, energy claws at the end of his arms, and a lightbulb shaped energy emitter at the end of his tail. At first he snarled, glancing around carefully...only to pause as he saw Octavia. He then zipped over to her side.

"It's dangerous here, little one," he whispered. "Hunters come, and I have to fight them. I don't want you caught in the crossfire." He gently lifted her into his arms. "Let us find you somewhere safe before they get here."

Smiling softly, Octavia attached the Neutralizer. "I'm safe enough right here," she replied as she saw the signs that it was working.

Neon Tiger blinked down at her. "...you speak?"

"Yes," she replied. "Octavia Melody, Maverick Hunter Class A, at your service."

"Oh, X's daughter," Tiger replied, setting her down. "And where is he-"

X came bursting through the door, Classic and Piano hanging off of him. "Octavia! Are you alright?" He paused as he saw Neon Tiger completely calm and Octavia standing by his side. "...I guess so?" he offered weakly.

Octavia giggled a little wickedly at X's expression.

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