• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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5: Aftermath

Once back at the HQ, X was rather unsurprised to see Zero almost immediately knocked to the floor as Iris, Octavia, and Timbre tackled him to show just how glad they were to have him back in one piece. He was surprised to see that Zero's armor had reverted to its previous red coloration upon arrival, and his hair back to golden. Then again, given X could no longer feel the power that had been emanating from him before, it was highly likely that his systems simply couldn't function at that level indefinitely, much as Zero himself had said, and had reverted to - amongst other things - self-repair from the strain.

The thing that caught X truly off guard was the sight of Varia having taken on a configuration that mimicked the Ultimate Armor, and showing ever sign of being fully functional. He stepped back to let the others welcome Zero back in one piece and turned to Alia. "So...Varia's change...?"

"Fully functional," Alia confirmed, showing him the scans. "In this setup, Special Weapons don't reduce energy reserves unless charged, normal shots are always fully charged and can be fired rapidly without buster overheat, defensive energy is maximized, though less than what your systems seem to manage now. The two biggest differences have to do with how the new systems channel her magical energy, and how her Giga Dash Nova Strike works."

"Alright," X allowed, listening carefully. "Go ahead and tell me the differences, then."

"First off, there's the new protuberances in the armor," Alia explained, gesturing to how instead of a forehead focusing crystal, a horn rose from the center of Octavia's helmet. In addition, she had metallic wings instead of back jets like X did. "She can now project her magical energy through the...horn...for various effects, though we're still figuring out how to make use of those systems. The wings are easy, giving her full flight, although still slow and reliant on the hoof-jets for thrust."

"I...see," X allowed. "And...her Giga Dash?"

"Slightly weaker than your own, but one charge will keep it going until she hits something she can't destroy with the dash, and she can change its direction in mid-flight, up to a 90-degree turn," Alia detailed. "Also unlike yours, she can only trigger it from a standing start. From the looks of the scans, this is a result of how her magic interfaces with the systems."

"Which is why I can't do that," X concluded. "Still, talk about impressive..."

"So what happened to you up there, Zero?" Colonel asked as Iris and Octavia finally allowed the S-Rank Hunter to get to his feet. "The shuttle exploded, and next thing we know your power levels are shooting off the scale and all the Viral Energy from the planet is being drained out of the atmosphere."

"I believe we'd all like to know about that," Signas intoned seriously. "It's not exactly something we can deduce, or ignore."

Zero nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'll tell you all what I know about it. I suppose it begins with the concept of military deterrence, of making war too costly to the other side to make it desirable. And...I am meant to be the ultimate deterrence..."

In a sealed chamber below the destroyed wreckage of Sigma's Battle Body, computer systems performed the function they were designed for. The program had not been contained in the giant head, but down in the core of the machine, and it was now being transferred back into a vessel that - more than any other - was designed to contain it.

The design of the body contained in the capsule below was familiar, as the same basic design had been the basis for every initial body Sigma had used against X and Zero since the beginning. One major difference was very noticeable if one looked close, however. In almost every encounter, Sigma's face had the purple lines below his eyes painted on, signifying the scars X had gouged into his face during their first fight, as he sought to protect Octavia. On the face of this body, however, the scars were dug into the synthoflesh, exactly as they had been the day they'd been left there.

It had taken a lot of effort on Sigma's part to restore his original body to full functionality, and even more so to upgrade it with all available tech in order to ensure it would be able to match the most powerful of the Maverick Hunters if he was forced to withdraw to it. But as he sat up from the capsule and flexed his limbs, he knew it was not enough. He no longer had his Virus to preserve his program should he lose a body. If this body was destroyed, he would be no more. He could not be reckless as he had been, if he sought to complete his quest...to raise himself as the God of Reploids, and achieve total domination over the world.

This desire had not been born of his infection. True, it had been unleashed by it, but as a Commander unit, his primary mission had always been the completion of whatever mission he was given while preserving those under his command to the best of his abilities. At first, sending in Reploids to save humans had made sense, since Reploids could naturally be made far more durable than humans. But with each comrade to fall, he had become bitter. Why should they die for humans?

And now, post the virus, he knew to his core that it need not be that way. X, Zero, and the others were blinded by the idea of humans and Reploids becoming equals...but Sigma knew better. So long as there were humans and Reploids, they would never be equal. Humanity's own history showed that 'separate but equal' was a sham, a cruel deception to allow those who thought themselves greater to convince themselves that those who were 'lesser' were not truly being mistreated. He would not let that state continue.

And the Virus and his own program had shown him something else. Those blinded by a dream could not be dissuaded from it...and so he would not try. Those who would fight under his banner - willingly or otherwise - would thrive when he created a world only for Reploids. All others would perish.

And the technology built into his Commander unit brain had been all but forgotten. Any Reploid brain, he could still effect, altering how they processed data. However, he would have to be more judicious with its use now. Not only were there those immune to those effects, there were those he was unaware of that had some other objective he knew nothing of. There was no telling what that Dynamo character was truly up to, or the 'scientist' who had helped him prepare the virus bombs for the colony.

He would be careful, never endangering his true body. He would work through agents and doppelgangers, finding ways to conceal even his continued existence until the right moment appeared to strike. And when it did...

...then the world would bow before its true god, and blasphemers would know despair.

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