• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,278 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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First Date

Iris once more glanced at the clock. 5:55. Five minutes until Zero was going to pick her up for the date. She wasn't sure how serious he was about everything he'd said for the date or the time scale, but she was assuming the 'pick up at six' was firm. She certainly hoped he wasn't going to back out. She had taken the effort of tying her brother up so he couldn't interfere, and the bindings would only hold for another four hours.

To calm her nerves, she examined herself in her mirror. She'd gone with a simple ensemble of a red, sleeveless blouse and blue skirt, going down to her knees. She'd kept her beret, since she felt it made her absolutely adorable, which was always a plus. She'd also settled for comfortable shoes over heels, since she didn't know how Zero intended to get from location to location. As Reploids, they could conceivably walk miles without tiring, but she wasn't about to do that in heels!

She'd eschewed makeup. She hadn't been wearing any when she'd met Zero the first time, and he'd been the one to make the first overture, so she obviously appealed to him without, and she didn't want to give the wrong impression. If she dolled herself up too much, he might think she wanted to take things too far for the first date.

Assuming a second date went well, they'd talk about that for the third.

She suppressed her wicked giggle, not wanting to give Colonel reason to go after Zero even more. Hearing the doorbell ring, she rushed to answer it, spotting the time as she passed. 5:59.

Opening the door, she found Zero waiting for her. He'd tied his ponytail lower down his hair, hanging below his neck rather than the top of his head as it did through his helmet. He was wearing a white button down long sleeve shirt and black dress slacks, along with sturdy black shoes. A ride chaser hummed on the sidewalk behind him, two helmets hanging from the handlebars. "You look very nice tonight, Iris," he greeted with a smile. "As usual." taking his hand from behind him, he handed her a single iris, its petals a beautiful array of pink, white, and gold.

Smiling widely, Iris accepted the flower. "You don't look too bad yourself in civvies, Zero," she replied happily. Bracing the flower in her blouse, she closed the door behind her as she followed Zero to the Ride Chaser. "So, what are the plans for tonight?" she asked as she slipped her beret into her purse to don the helmet.

"You like Italian?" Zero asked, donning his own helmet and getting on the Ride Chaser.

Smirking, Iris climbed on behind him, wrapping her arms around him to hold on tight. "You know it."

After a delicious dinner at an Italian restaurant that toed the line between casual and fancy, Zero gave Iris a lift to an old fashioned movie theater. "I hope you don't mind a flat film," he asked casually, "but the theater has recovered some old films from before the End Times, apparently romantic classics. I thought one of them might be a good choice."

"Really?" Iris asked eagerly. She glanced up at the list of films, to see if she could determine which Zero had selected. Casablanca, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, Twilight...

Leaning in to the ticket counter, Zero held up his hand. "Two for Titanic."

Iris' eyes widened. "I've heard about that film!" she whispered eagerly. "You're...you're really taking me to see it?"

Zero smiled widely. "Indeed. Enjoy."

At 9:55, Iris and Zero returned to the theater lobby, making their way out. "That was...wonderful," Iris breathed, tears still in her eyes from the ending.

"Yes," Zero agreed. "It was riveting."

Iris raised an eyebrow. From what she'd heard about the movie, most men were at best ambivalent about the film. "So I take it you enjoyed the boat crash, then?"

"...there was a boat?" Zero asked, confused.

"Zero!" Iris complained angrily, stomping her foot. "Did you sleep through the movie?"

"Absolutely not," Zero countered. "And I wasn't playing other things in my head, either."

"Then how can you say it was riveting when you don't know anything about it?" she demanded.

"Because I was watching you watch it," Zero replied softly. "The flicker and play of emotion over your face. Your gasps of surprise, the tears in your eyes, the lovelorn sighs..." He smiled winsomely at her. "As I said...riveting."

Iris blushed brightly at his words, clinging to his arm as they left the theater. She blinked as he purchased another bucket of popcorn and handed it to her. "...Zero?"

"It's cheaper in the theater than in the park," he explained easily. He pointed.

Following his finger, she saw several serious looking people gathered in benches around the park. Leading Iris in, he guided her to a seat near the front. Once she had her seat, he turned towards the other end of the park, drawing his beam saber.

Colonel stepped in, clad in black kendo garb, his beam saber also drawn.

As an old fashioned clock tower boomed out ten o'clock, both men ignited their sabers, and Iris groaned.

After a half hour of a very intense but silent beam sword duel which took the pair across the entire park, through trees, over bushes, and a couple of times almost into the stands, Zero held his saber vertically in front of him before dousing the blade. "Time's up," he stated bluntly.

"...what?" Colonel asked, confused.

"I only rented the park for an 'exhibition match' from 10-10:30," Zero explained. "Wanted to have time to get Iris home by 11 like I promised."

Nodding, Colonel doused his own beam saber before leaving.

Smiling as the other observers departed, Zero walked back to Iris. "Sorry the night was so short," he said softly as he helped her to her feet.

"Quite alright," Iris replied easily. "At least the ride home will be fun."

Zero took his time getting Iris home, driving slowly and taking the scenic route, making sure she would enjoy every minute until 11. Once at her doorstep, he gave a soft smile. "Let's do this again sometime," he offered hopefully, bending to gallantly kiss the back of her hand.

Iris smiled. "I'd like that," she replied, stepping inside.

Pleased with a mission well accomplished, Zero whistled 'Singing in the Rain' the whole way back to HQ.

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