• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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8: In Fear of the Flood

X frowned worriedly as he mentally went over the latest report regarding the Orbital Elevator, the tower being built to rapidly evacuate civilians to the moon should it prove necessary as part of the Jakob Project. New-Gen Reploids built around Copy Chip technology based on Axl's A-Trans chip proved to be as effective at working in uncertain conditions as predicted, and the leader of the project - a New-Gen Reploid named Lumine - had the construction well ahead of schedule. Everything about the report said there was nothing to worry about.

And yet, like Octavia, he found himself tense, waiting for the other armored boot to drop. He, Zero, Octavia, and Axl were all determined to be there when it did, to catch it before the world was crushed beneath it. Still, there was nothing to go on, no logical reason to suspect anything amiss. Despite this, none of them were willing to completely disregard what their instincts told them. As such, he was on patrol near the Orbital Elevator just in case something should go wrong. Much to his chagrin, something did.

The No. 4 descending container encountered a fatal glitch while racing down its track on the Tower, causing it to burst off and fall to the side. X managed to get to it as it hit, hearing the report of the error. He quickly opened communications as he arrived.

"This is X. I've encountered an accident while on patrol at the Orbital Elevator. Dispatch rescue Mechanaloids immediately!" He scanned his surroundings quickly, searching both for hazards and a safe path for said rescue Mechanaloids. As he spoke, however, something caught his eye that made him freeze.

Heavy mechanical hands gripped the edges of a break in the container from the inside, slowly pushing it apart. Inside, X caught sight of a face he knew all too well forcing the breach open as he started to climb out.

"Sigma!" X barked out, readying his buster. "Alert! We have a Sigma level alert-" His voice died in his throat as the breach was fully forced open and several Sigmas clambered out, one after the other. "It's...not possible..."

"X!" CiCi's voice cut through over the comms. "Repeat, you said a Sigma level alert! Please confirm!"

X couldn't make his mouth move as he found himself face to face with nine Sigmas, standing there staring at him. "It...it can't-" Eight Sigmas then stepped aside, revealing a different Reploid amongst them.

This one was very short, shorter than X himself, in light and dark blue light armor with purple hair spread out behind his head, one red eye visible with the other covered by his hair. "To protect ourselves from damage during the accident," the Reploid explained, "we had to take on a body sturdy enough to handle it. I am sure you can attest that there are few forms as sturdy as this one." As he spoke, the other Sigmas flared with light, shifting down into a humanoid form about the same height as the speaker, in standard issue worker armor.

X breathed a sigh of relief. "Lumine," he greeted, recognizing the Reploid from reports. "Cancel the Sigma Alert, CiCi. Just a first impression for the history books."

"Understood X," CiCi responded. "Do you still need rescue Mechanaloids?"

X started to respond, then spun, his sensors picking up further damage. "Cancel the rescue Mechanaloids for now. We've got Maverick activity near Point Galapagos. I repeat, Maverick Activity in Noah's Park! Dispatch all available S Rank Hunters to back me up." He turned back to the Reploids who'd climbed out of the container. "Lumine, can you and your subordinates keep yourselves safe until the coast is clear."

"Affirmative," Lumine stated firmly. "It will take more than a Maverick Mechanaloid to be a true danger to us."

X frowned internally. He did not like how smug that sounded when Lumine said that. "Then stay out of the way," X ordered. "The last thing I want to do is mistake a Copying Reploid for a Maverick while hunting the real threat." Turning, he headed towards the Park. "Where's my backup?" he called into the communicators.

"Already in position," Octavia called out through the comm. "Large, crab-like Maverick Mechanaloid wrecking havoc in the Park."

"Don't you mean wreaking havoc?" X asked curiously.

"Considering it's wrecking everything else, no," Octavia countered with a humorous lilt in her voice.

"Axl here, Gramps!" the next voice called through. "I've got an aerial position, and I've managed to identify the Mechanaloid as a Crabs-Y construction class Mechanaloid. Heavily armored for construction work at the Orbital Elevator, air-tight for eventual use on the Moon, and heavy set to take the Moon's lesser gravity into account for when it gets there."

"Sounds like we've got ourselves a challenge," Zero added as his signal came online. "I'll be there soon, X! Save some Maverick can for me!"

"X!" CiCi called out once more. "On orders from Signas, you are to split up into teams of two for this mission to ensure full coverage. You need to be extra careful here, as I'm picking up more Maverick activity than just the Crabs-Y. It looks like every Mechanaloid and drone in the park has gone rogue, and there also might be civilians in danger. The R&D division will be working on systems to help your performance and give you more of a safety net, but resources are stretched a little thin with the Jakob Project underway. Any Metal Resources you can find to help out will be appreciated."

"Understood!" X confirmed. "Octavia, Axl, since you two are already there, begin investigation. Zero and I will join you as soon as we catch up."

"Roger!" Zero, Octavia, and Axl responded immediately.

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