• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,278 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Into the Web

When X came to, he found himself in a gray metal chamber which was much too clean and well lit to have been in the Ruins. Okay, I must have entered sleep mode at some point...guess five floors of a jump was a bit much without more advanced armor. "Where...am I?" he asked softly, hoping whoever brought him here and laid him on what he now noticed was a repair table was a friend.

"X...you've come to." Blinking, X turned to the side, seeing someone in the armor of a field medic. "This place is known as 'New Hope'," the medic continued.

When he didn't continue right away, X spoke up. "By...any chance did...you find Zero?" He struggled to push past the errors his systems were giving him due to damage and strain.

"Take it slowly, X," the Medic cautioned. "The ambient energies of Giga City due to excessive Force Metal use can cause problems for systems not properly adapted to the energy. As a result, you took some serious damage. I'll answer all your questions once you're recovered and your systems properly inoculated. For now...just know this is the Resistance hideout, and we're on your side."

Nodding, X lay back, allowing the repair table to continue its work on his systems. Once the error messages stopped, he turned to the medic. "Thank you. Now...about Zero?"

"I didn't find anyone with you," the medic replied apologetically. "Sorry. I have no idea what happened to your friend."

"If you didn't find him, he's probably just fine," X offered quickly. "He's a tough old bastard, and probably didn't take anywhere near as much damage as I did. So...what part of Giga City am I in? And what's the Resistance?"

"We're in the lower floors of Central Tower," the medic replied. "We're safe from discovery down here due to the rogue Mechanaloid security patrolling the halls, so no one comes down here. As for the Resistance..." He shrugged his shoulders. "Right now, there are three factions struggling for control of Giga City. The official Government is trying to maintain the fiction that everything's under control no matter what, even as everything spirals out of control. The Rebellion Army is trying to take over important structures to complete their objective...which is unknown. The Resistance - led by Chief R - is trying to protect civilians by creating safe areas where the fighting doesn't happen, and keep the Rebellion and government in check. Unfortunately...the Resistance doesn't have many powerful fighters, and most of our key players have been captured by the Rebellion, and the Central Tower was the last safe spot..."

X nodded. "And you're hoping I'll help liberate the Central Tower, and assist the Resistance in retaking the city?" he asked carefully.

"That was the hope, yes," the medic replied. "I know it's a lot to ask-"

"The primary purpose of the Maverick Hunters is to protect civilians," X interrupted. "I'll meet with Chief R and discuss things with him." After all, I've already met with Epsilon...

"You'll need to go up, then. Good luck, X."

Nodding, X left the room, making his way up the spiraling path to the higher levels of the tower, blasting his way through the Mechanaloid security as he went. A few twists and turns were forced on him due to construction work, and he found himself in a civilian area at an observation deck, nearly a thousand floors up. He stayed hidden, just in case civilians reacted badly to the presence of a Maverick Hunter. As he waited, his communicator sparked to life.

"X, can you hear me?" Redips asked softly.

"Colonel!" X responded as he opened the comm. "Bad news. Shadow betrayed us, and Zero is missing!"

"What?" Redips gasped, stunned. "X, are you...ka...?" The signal began to break up.

Frowning, X turned the comm off. "Need to find somewhere for a clearer signal," he grumbled under his breath.

As he spoke, a news broadcast began to play from a nearby display screen. "Federation Agents have illegally entered Giga City space! Repeat, illegal entry!" The screen displayed an image of X. "Report any sightings of suspicious Reploids immediately!"

Cursing under his breath, X quickly and quietly moved out of the observation deck, making his way to a Helipad Deck, hoping the lack of a roof would make for a clearer signal. Unfortunately, as he stepped out of the halls, a rather bulky figure in brown and blue worker armor called out to him, "Hold it!" As X stopped, the figure continued, "You're X, aren't you? I heard about you on the news."

X turned to the figure, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry, but I had to report you," the man continued.

"That's alright," X allowed. "You do what you have to do-" Something flashed down between X and the stranger with explosive force, knocking the figure back.

"I suggest you step away," a deep, strong voice called out, tone somewhere between serious and playful, akin to a cat in pursuit of prey. "You don't want to get between me and my mark."

"S-s-s-SPIDER!" the man called out fearfully, running for it.

Turning, X looked up towards the figure that leapt down three stories to land in front of him. Spider, as he was apparently called, stood slightly taller than X, though was built slimmer. He was garbed in what looked like a black suit at first glance, though closer examination revealed that the 'fabric' was reinforced to the point it was as strong as armor while maintaining flexibility. His black hat had an orange pattern of five circles resembling the face of a die on the front, and had a phoenix patterned jacket tied around his waist. At his wrists were sharply pointed cuffs designed to dispense the explosive cards that were his primary weapons. He had dark blue - nearly purple - hair and crimson eyes, with scars on his cheeks under his eyes.

"Who are you?" X demanded coldly.

"Just someone looking to make a payday," Spider responded easily. "The Government and the Rebellion have put a price on your head...one for dead, one for alive. They're close enough I can go either way. So...which is it going to be?"

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