• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Get Rekt

As X and the others watched, the 'Memezord' continued to batter Sigma. While it wasn't doing enough damage to him per hit to overload his regeneration and repairs, the hits were strong enough to knock him back and stagger him, especially the blows aimed at a head. However, the disadvantage of the Memezord quickly became apparent when Sigma unleashed a fully charged blast that took it full in the chest...

Only for the Memezord to be left without even a scuff.

"Energy batteries fully charged!" Leviathan called out from inside the mech.

"Now that's just not fair!" Sigma roared angrily. "You're telling me that thing's designed to absorb incoming attacks to recharge itself?"

"No, just the superweapons!" Fefnir corrected eagerly. "Final weapon, fire!"

The wolf arm raised up, unfolding into a massive blaster before releasing a huge discharge of energy. When the light faded, Sigma's three-faced head was gone. However, it quickly reshaped out of light. "Do you have any idea how much that stings?" he demanded angrily, only one voice now echoing from him.

"Describe it for me," Phantom observed quietly as the falcon head suddenly swung up a blade made of living shadows that severed one of Sigma's arms and causing it to corrode and decay into scrap, although a replacement arm took shape in its place. "Oh, Form Decaying Sword."

"You're supposed to say that first!" Omega complained angrily. "It's part of the whole thing here!"

"...why would I warn Sigma how I was about to attack him?" Phantom pointed out logically.

"Look, I get it's flawed strategy and rather silly," Harpuia responded. "But we did all agree-"

"No, I mean specifically Sigma," Phantom corrected. "I'm fine with doing it with just about anyone else - there's really no point in being sneaky once you involve giant combining animal robots - but this is Sigma. It's his stated goal to - in essence - turn us all into his mind-controlled slaves, including Maka. And he's got this huge vengeance thing against Dad. Do you think he'd hesitate for a moment to take perverse pleasure in making Dad - under mind control - watch as he made Maka-"

"I don't need to hear anymore of this!" Leviathan stated quickly.

The Memezord suddenly lunged forward, grabbed Sigma by his front legs, and lifted him up until he was near vertical. The head then returned to draconic configuration before lunging in and biting down hard. Sigma's eyes went wide. "...why does my Ultimate Body still have those?" he whimpered in a high-pitched squeaky voice.

Everyone winced. "Omega, dude..." Fefnir spoke up in a pained voice. "That was...brutal."

"After what Phantom just suggested?" Omega growled out, his voice very dark as the entire Memezord was briefly surrounded by a black aura.

"Fair enough, fair enough," Fefnir allowed quickly.

Sigma snarled angrily as he staggered to his hooves, spreading his wings wide. "I am done playing around!" he roared as he slowly stomped towards the Memezord. "I will rip you apart with my bare hands!" In a flash of light, two of his arms shifted to resemble those of Grizzly Slash. "And since you like bad jokes so much, I'll use my bear hands to do it!"

"Hey Sigma!" Axl suddenly roared out.

Turning, Sigma stared at Axl with wide eyes. Axl's entire right side had morphed along with the Ancient Arm. The metal of his body had shifted into a strange, pulsating flesh construct that had fused with the weapon, glowing a brilliant silver. A massive white wing spread from his shoulder, seeming to collect and expel energy simultaneously. Fleshy anchors locked him in place with the weapon pointed forward. Nine glowing crystals floated in a ring around a core of blazing white, contained within the fleshy weapon as the barrel - looking not unlike an open sore - pointed straight at Sigma. "100%," the weapon intoned, the robotic voice echoing menacingly.

"Dodge this!" Axl called out.

And fired.

There was a soundless pulse, as though a sudden weight had been pressed against the entirety of reality. A beam of purest white lashed forward, larger than Sigma's entire body. Axl rocked back from the force, the anchors and the wing barely keeping him upright and not flying backwards at insane speeds. A soundless crash heralded Sigma's Supra-Force Metal shattering explosively from overload, and then there was nothing.

The light faded, and the blast seemed to continue travelling off into space, moving too fast to be accurately tracked, vaporizing anything in its path.

Everyone stared in stunned awe as the final form of the Ancient Arm collapsed in on itself, leaving just the weapon.

"So when will that blast stop?" Epsilon asked in concern.

"When it hits something it can't punch through," Axl explained. "I...think."

"So never, then," Epsilon concluded. "That's worrying. I don't relish explaining to any aliens who encounter it why they lost so many ships to an Earth-based weapons discharge."

"Then it's a good thing Earth is protected, isn't it?" Omega declared as the Memezord came in for landing, the five youngsters leaping out and striking a group victory pose.

"You kids are in so much trouble!" X snapped angrily as he stomped up to the group. "Especially you, Maka!"

"Me?" Leviathan demanded angrily. "Why am I in trouble? I'm the one who designed the combining robots that just saved everyone's collective asses!"

"And how did you build them?" Octavia inquired curiously.

"Duboar," Leviathan responded readily. Seeing the stunned looks, she shrugged. "What? You think I design the ultimate weapons manufacture plant on commission and don't sneak in a program to build us super-tough combining animal robots anytime it's in lockdown? How could I not?"

"I was wondering why we were still losing resources at Ulfat," Epsilon murmured thoughtfully.

"And that's another thing you're in trouble for," X continued in his tirade, "but before that, put something respectable on!"

"What?" Leviathan demanded in shock, glancing down at her skin tight and somewhat suggestive outfit. "What's wrong with this?"

"It's completely shameless!"

"So what?" Leviathan countered irritably as she put her hands on her hips and leaned forward confrontationally. "I'm not a little girl anymore, Dad!"

"I can see that!" X snapped back. "And so can everyone else. That's the problem!"

"Ugh!" Leviathan groaned as she threw her hands into the air in frustration. "You are such a prude, Dad! Is it any wonder I haven't told you about my boyfriend yet?"

"Your what?"

Omega buried his face in his hands. "Way to throw me under the bus there, Maka..."

"You ripped Sigma's balls off with your effigy teeth at the mere suggestion that he'd do something sexual to me against my true will," Leviathan pointed out. "Only a total idiot wouldn't realize we were an item after that."

"You...and Omega?" X stammered out, plainly confused.

"...and apparently, our Father," Shadow murmured ruefully.

"Really, kid?" Zero asked, stepping up to Omega's side. "You landed her?" He pointed towards Leviathan. He then grinned widely. "Nice one, squirt. Up high!"

"Zero!" X demanded, completely aghast.

"Look at this objectively, X," Zero pointed out. "My son just told me he's dating a smoking hot babe in his own age group who is brilliant, respectable, enjoys showing off her figure, and likes building massive battle robots in her spare time. That's like the ultimate catch there!"

"That's my daughter you're talking about!" X complained.

"Another point in her favor, excellent bloodline!" Zero countered with a wide grin. "Not to mention our families are friends, so in-law issues should be a minimum."

"We all but raised them together!" X snapped back. "They're like cousins!"

"We...aren't actually related," Harpuia pointed out.

"Except through Axl," Zero pointed out. "See, my Mom is technically his aunt, which makes him my cousin...and he's technically X's nephew as well which makes him your cousin..."

"...my head hurts..." Fefnir groaned morosely.

"Kinky," Leviathan purred, licking her lips.

"Where did you learn to act like this?" X wailed out in despair.

As Octavia struggled not to burst into laughter - the only one present who was showing such restraint - she noticed Axl was nowhere in sight. "Axl?"

With a groan, Sigma disconnected himself from the amplifier that let him control his remote bodies. He had been so close. He had actually tasted ultimate power. He had been seconds away from claiming the minds of every Terran on the planet and achieving true godhood! And once again, just as X had said, details he'd had no way of knowing about ahead of time saw to his downfall. Epsilon was nearly his equal in planning, and he hadn't even learned of Duboar until it had been shut down. X and Zero's children had advanced much faster than he'd been able to track, especially since they spent so much of their time off-base with that thrice-damnable CiCi as chaperone. And that Ancient Arm of Axl's...

Still, he would not let this setback stop him. He had other plans, other ways of claiming what was rightfully his. New keys were presenting themselves, and soon he would...address the clawed hand embedded in his chest. "What the...?"

"Firing that off at 100% has all sorts of nasty side effects," Axl growled out as his Schrodinger form sparked, "but it has a couple good ones. For one thing, it massively boosts the point-to-point teleportation unit's range...as long as I've got a signal to follow. Such as the signal you were using to control that other you?"

Sigma choked for breath. "D...Damn you..."

Grinning, Axl ripped Sigma's plasma power core out of his chest and shoved it into his open mouth. "You first!" he snapped before delivering a final, lethal uppercut.

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