• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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The Great Change

Some time after the dual wedding of X, Alia, Zero, and Iris, Gate stood before the World Reploid Science Committee to announce the culmination of his findings, a meeting organized specifically because he had sent forth his message that his research was finally completed and proven. Given that his message had been into RDNA and the nature of his 'side discoveries', the idea that it was complete had stirred a great deal of interest. And now he stood in his lab armor, waiting for silence so he could begin.

"People of Earth," he began, causing quite a stir for choosing that form of address rather than the more expected 'humans and Reploids'. "People of Earth," he repeated once silence returned, "I have called you here to see the culmination of the dreams of Dr. Light, upon whose work our society has been rebuilt. I know it is much to claim this, given that Dr. Light and most of his records have been long lost to our world, but I have studied everything he left behind, and two different sources of information that survived The End have confirmed my conclusions. Allow me first to explain the birth of Dr. Light's dreams."

A holo-display activated, showing a flat image of a red armored humanoid robot. "The first robot Dr. Light created with his long time friend and colleague, Dr. Wily, was known as LWN-000 Protoman, created to be the first artificial man. Much to the surprise of both scientists, Protoman quickly demonstrated that he was far beyond anything they expected and intended, and it gave Dr. Light an interesting thought: did a semblance of human form somehow allow the formation of a semblance of a human soul?"

The image changed, this time showing a set of eight humanoid robots. "Dr. Light and Dr. Wily had another project to work on, eight Robot Masters meant to help bring the world of his age towards a brighter, safer future. Following the idea Protoman's existence instilled in him, Dr. Light made the Robot Masters more personable, allowing their personalities to create themselves. And then even more unexpected things occurred.

"When six of the Robot Masters were used in a world takeover attempt, LWN-001 Rock, created to be a lab assistant, showed just how much a robot could catch its creator off guard, begging Dr. Light to redesign him to fight his brothers to protect humanity." Gate frowned. "I'm afraid information on the conflict itself is incomplete, some perhaps deliberately withheld. However, I do know that Dr. Light granted his creations request, upgrading him to become DLN-001...or as his world came to know him, the super fighting robot Mega Man.

"As Mega Man continued the struggle, Dr. Light saw the true depth of emotion and desires that even the robots of that age could achieve...and he found doubts in his heart. He felt it was wrong that a being with so much heart and soul be bound in default slavery by the Three Laws that bound all robots." Gate lowered his gaze. "Again, information is incomplete here. However, we do know now that this was the initial motivation behind his creation of DLN-002, the one we know as Mega Man X. A robot not bound by those laws, capable of making his own decisions from the moment of activation, of true free will...he became the basis for our world in this era.

"And yet still, Dr. Light's dream has not been fully realized. His dream was for robotic life to be equal to humans, that the organic and synthetic life of this world would embrace each other as brothers, that we would live as one people." A shocked murmur raced through the throng, along with a couple of outraged protests. "Yes, an amazing idea, one those in his era - and even some of ours - would find heretical. I looked into why, and discovered the one thing that those who are most vocal in opposing such equality bring up most often, their strongest point. That point being that because Reploids have no natural way to reproduce ourselves - that we can only be created in a factory - that we should be seen as second-class citizens at best, government or personal property at worst. After all, if we can't even meet the basic laws of life forms - the ability to reproduce ourselves - why should we be treated as living things?" Gate's voice showed his disdain at such an argument, and a great deal of fervor in the audience echoed that sentiment.

"And that was my purpose in studying the science of RDNA," Gate continued. "To unlock the full potential of the Reploid Genome, and find a way for Reploids to reproduce themselves without a factory. And I have succeeded!"

At that point, the entire gathered throng erupted in noise, as those of every viewpoint on the issue tried to voice their opinions all at once. It looked like the entire meeting would descend into anarchy, but one voice broke the sound. "SILENCE!"

General of Repliforce - a massive Reploid who was built to be as much tank as leader, his golden armor shimmering over a four story tall body - clapped his hands together over the echoes of his own shout, the titanic sound deafening all others. "Let us hear what he has to say!" he continued.

"Thank you, General," Gate continued. He then turned to the throng once more. "As I said, I have created a way for Reploids to reproduce themselves, modeled after the human reproductive system." The holo-screen shifted, showing an image representation of the system and all the pertinent scientific details. "Installed in any female Reploid, it will allow the creation of new RDNA code patterns to manufacture a new Reploid, utilizing the RDNA codes of the female Reploid and any male - Reploid or human - to craft the new code, using advanced science to analyze organic DNA to synthesize the proper finished construct code. As well, any female born from this process will have the system pre-built inside them. But of course, it's not enough to simply proclaim I can do this. A proof of concept is required."

As he spoke, the sound of footsteps approaching echoed from the tunnel behind him. "Allow me to introduce the one I dare to call my Masterpiece...and my daughter. The one I dare to dub LGN-003...Armatige."

At first glance, the figure that stepped out could easily be mistaken for human, so accurate was the simulation of biology and the fact that she wore clothes rather than armor. The blond haired, blue eyed female walked calmly out to stand beside the platform, smiling at everyone.

"Of course," Gate continued, "claiming this to be so isn't enough to prove it. So, allow me to introduce her family. Her husband Prometheus, formerly known as Protoman...and their three sons, Thomas, Albert, and Mikhail."

Prometheus stepped out of the halls to walk up beside Armatige, taking her hand in his as he handed over the tiny infant in his arms, which she promptly began to nurse since he began to make a fuss. Two small boys - the elder white haired, the younger with brown hair - walked sedately beside him, glancing around at their surroundings nervously.

"I am of course aware you won't just take my word for it," Gate continued. "As such, I have available for scientific review footage of each child's conception, gestation, and delivery, as well as records of their growth, made available for such purposes by Prometheus and Armatige." Gate's eyes narrowed as he noticed certain less-than-scientific gazes being directed towards Armatige. "I repeat, this material is available only for scientific review. I would also like to state that the specific upgrade module discussed today was gifted to Alia and Iris as their wedding presents from me...and now, all that is left is determining where and how it can be distributed to any and all other female Reploids who are interested in such an upgrade.

"And I now open the floor for questions."

With that, Gate sat back, knowing he'd just opened Pandora's Box, but certain that this time, the change it would bring to the world would be good.

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