• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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3: Groundwork

When X and Octavia returned to HQ to grab another Neutralizer, they found Zero there waiting for them, along with a female reploid they didn't recognize. she had pale skin, long brown hair, green eyes, and was wearing a form fitting red, blue, and yellow dress with a Victorian flare to the skirt, along with a red beret with a Repliforce pin attached over her right eye. She also had a headset on, indicating she was a spotter reploid.

"Welcome back X, Tavi," Zero greeted. "This is Iris. She's acting as liaison officer between us and Repliforce during this crises." He then turned solicitously to her. "Iris, this is X and Octavia. I told you about them."

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you," Iris spoke up, a slight British accent adding a lilting tinge to her voice as she curtsied. "I'm looking forward to working with both of you. X, you seem to be every inch the hero your reputation proclaims." With a wide smile, she knelt down to gently stroke Octavia's mane. "And you are even more adorable in person!" she squealed happily.

Octavia leaned into the caress, discovering one thing this Iris had that made her caresses even better than X's. "...fingernails..." she muttered under her breath happily, making Iris giggle.

"I take it Repliforce is in agreement?" X asked.

"Affirmative," Iris replied, her voice all business despite the fact she hadn't stopped caressing Octavia. "My brother, Colonel, is leading a force to isolate Doppler Town and the surrounding area. Land troops, boats, submersibles, and assault aircraft are positioned at the outermost edge of the Neural Computer's reach, along with detectors placed in case Doppler attempts to move the Computer to put any of our soldiers in range of the signal."

"That's excellent news," X confirmed gratefully. "Thanks for your cooperation."

"It would have happened sooner, but it took a while to convince her hot headed brother that charging in was a bad idea," Zero joked.

Iris giggled at the barbed jab, causing Octavia's eyebrows to go up. "Also, I have a warning for you," Iris added. "Doppler apparently has three powerful Reploids at his call, stronger than those he has control of via the computer. He refers to them as his Nightmare Police. Two are his own design, going by Bit and Byte. The third..." She stood up, glancing back and forth between everyone. "The third is Vile. He has, apparently, been reconstituted somehow."

X's eyes narrowed. "We'll keep an eye out for him," he promised. He then turned to Alia. "Who should we go after next?"

"The Acid Burst will be most effective against Tunnel Rhino's drills," Alia replied.

"Alright, let's go," Octavia agreed. The pair stepped onto the teleporters, beaming out.

As the pair beamed into the rocky ground around a mine, Octavia spoke up. "I think Uncle Zero likes Iris."

"I like her too," X agreed. "She seems nice."

"Not that way, Daddy," Octavia chided.

X blinked. "Huh. Hadn't thought of that."

Chuckling, Octavia led the way in. While a couple of mechanaloids on a rail tried to crush them by dropping a boulder on them, but they were easily able to evade them. Once they were inside the mine itself, they continued on past a mechanaloid that attempted to block their path as a wall, and another disguised as a boulder. A side passage led into a spike filled room, one that Octavia was able to navigate to collect a Heart Tank.

While there were various obstacles along the way - including spike pits, conveyor belts, and points where mud and slurry were dumped from above to try and press them into obstacles beneath - the path was relatively straight forward. X took a brief detour into an upper alcove containing a Sub Tank, before the pair continued downward past crab shaped mechanaloids that climbed the walls and shot spheres of electricity that bounced around to attack.

Shortly after, the pair were confronted by an orange armored Reploid bearing Doppler's insignia, with a large focus crystal in his forehead. "Welcome X, Octavia. I'm Bit," he greeted. "I have my orders to destroy you both."

X quickly switched to the scanner CiCi had provided, confirming that Bit was not under the control of the Neural Computer. "Then we'll destroy you first," he grunted.

Bit launched energy rings designed to ensnare and fireballs that attempted to track movements, as well as charging towards the pair with an energy blade held out in front. While X went above to avoid most of the attacks, Octavia went below, dashing under Bit's attacks and leaving Frost Shield's in the air behind her for him to run into. To Octavia's surprise, this did a great deal of damage to him. Seeing this, X switched to Frost Shield and added his own shots.

Before long, Bit came to a halt. "Your...special abilities...too much...D-d-damn you...!" His power core went critical due to the temperature imbalance, and he exploded.

X grunted a bit as he got back to his feet. "Iris wasn't kidding about these guys being tough," he grunted. He'd taken several hits through the course of the battle.

Octavia panted for breath. "Well...he's down now..."

Once they were both more or less recovered, they set out to find Tunnel Rhino. One new mechanaloid was a purple tank-like vehicle, smaller than X, wielding a small bomb launcher and dual drills that it could launch as well. While the drills blocked buster shots, X and Octavia were both able to shoot at it as they jumped over the drills, aiming downward, although they had to jump over the drills again, since its destruction launched both drills forward.

Further along, X and Octavia had to dodge falling boulders as they continued through the mine. At one point, a boulder blocked a narrow path, hanging from metal cables from the ceiling above a pit of spikes. Octavia stared at it for a time, then climbed up its side. Using her beam saber sub weapon, she managed to slash through the cables, dropping the boulder into the pit of spikes. X and Octavia both followed the path upward, leading to a Light capsule.

Light smiled as he appeared in the hologram. "X, Octavia, this capsule contains an upgrade for your helmets, containing a radar system that will allow you to scan an area for upgrade collectibles, such as Heart Tanks, Sub Tanks, and my Capsules."

"That will be useful," Octavia murmured, stepping back as X climbed in, letting Varia download the upgrade from X.

Not far beyond that, the pair faced off against a large mechanaloid riding a drill pallet. It continuously tried to ram them, knocking them from the walls when it slammed into the wall. The pair were able to avoid it, firing off charged shots which eventually took it down.

It was not long after that the pair reached Tunnel Rhino's chambers. He came bursting out of the ceiling to smash into the ground. "I will crush you both!" he shouted as he landed heavily. "Get ready for-"

"Can you jump?" Octavia asked.

Tunnel Rhino blinked. "Umm...no. But I can slam into the walls hard enough to make you fall off!"

Smirking, Octavia summoned Classic and merged with him. As she floated up into the air, X clung to her. "How about now?" she asked as X switched to Acid Spray.

Tunnel Rhino sank to his knees. "Just finish me off, then."

Seeing an opportunity, X launched the Neutralizer.

Tunnel Rhino blinked as it took effect. "...huh. That's better than I thought."

"Apparently, the core personality is unaffected by the signal," Octavia commented. "And if we can trigger the core persona, we can create an opportunity for applying the Neutralizer."

"We'll keep that in mind if we can," X replied.

"And I retain full memory this way," Tunnel Rhino added. His expression turned sour. "Not entirely sure if that's a good thing..."

"We'll fix things," Octavia promised as she landed.

"Here," Tunnel Rhino offered, holding out his drill. "Use my weapon. Make them pay for using me like that."

"Will do," X promised as they beamed out with the weapon program.

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