• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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5: Always a Soldier

Colonel braced himself as his security codes got him into the Repliforce Air Base. He stared around, noting that, at least on the outside, it hadn't changed since the last time he'd been there. The tall structure loomed over the land below, planes and other craft resting on their launch platforms in the distance. He could see troop transports, VTOL fighters, helecarriers...he breathed a sigh of relief at that sign that the vehicles, at least, were undamaged. It bore good news for the Orbiter Wing.

Since he'd been here before, Iris knew he didn't need guidance, so he wasn't expecting her to contact him unless an emergency came up. As such, he began his journey inward, following the paths he knew to find Skiver. Much to his surprise, bombs had been set up along the path. Thankfully, they were all on a timer, and he was easily able to approach each one and devastate it with a slash of his saber before they went off. His saber was even long enough to destroy the bombs while splitting defending Maverick mechanaloids. Given his high speed, he was able to pause long enough to warp out civilians he found that showed no signs of infection.

After a time, he reached an elevator deeper into the base. Standing atop it, he rode it down into the lower levels. As the elevator moved slowly, however, he received a panicked call from Iris. "Brother!" she called out, her voice terrified. "I've lost contact with Zero! I just warned him about a large Viral signal, and communications were cut! I can't get through to him!"

"What?" Colonel gasped out. "Iris, calm down. Tell me exactly what happened."

Iris managed to get herself under control to speak. "He'd just arrived at the planetarium in pursuit of Dark Dizzy and the Fuel Tank," she explained. "We'd talked pleasantly for a bit as he moved into the structure. Then I warned him of a Viral signal in the constellations being displayed on the planetarium's walls." Colonel could hear her tapping away at her console. "There was a momentary error message from Zero's systems...and then the signal cut out!" She once more sounded on the verge of tears. "Brother, what do I do? Zero is-"

"Probably perfectly fine," Colonel insisted, slashing through a Maverick mechanaloid to one side of the elevator platform. "He's an incredibly tough fighter, and he's already shown to be immune to the effects of this new virus. The error message was probably regarding his comm link. There's probably just signal interference. Just keep trying to get through to him, and I'm sure you'll reach him."

"Are...are you sure, brother?" Iris asked worriedly.

"I'm certain," Colonel promised. "And if he hasn't returned by the time I get back, I'll go fetch him. If he's in trouble, I'll rub in his face that I had to rescue him. If he isn't, I'll give him a sound thrashing for worrying you."

Iris managed to let out a somewhat calm breath. "...thank you, brother. I'll keep trying."

"I know you will," Colonel replied as he cut communications. Exiting the elevator shaft, he paused to split a Viral Cloud, dispersing its energy, before looking up. Directly above him, he could see a Light Capsule on a high platform. Charging his Ground Crush, he was able to propel himself upwards to the platform, landing there gently to activate the Capsule.

"Colonel," the hologram greeted him. "The Enigma didn't work, I take it?"

Colonel blinked, stunned. "You...know a lot about our plans," he commented idly.

"I'm well informed," the hologram replied. "For now, I'll give you this armor program for the Gaea Armor for X. It will drastically reduce damage taken."

Nodding, Colonel downloaded the program, knowing the hologram would give him no further information. Dropping back down, Colonel stepped onto a lift platform, slowly riding it to the top. To his surprise, large spiked platforms had been scattered along the lift path, making it difficult to get by them. Thankfully, the lift wasn't that long, and he was able to make it to the top undamaged.

Beyond, an elevator took him upwards past more civilians and more bombs, as well as a few spiked platforms placed in the elevator shaft itself. At the top of the elevator shaft, he stepped out, dropping through the air onto a large flying craft which was passing by, now setting a course towards Maverick Hunter HQ.

As Colonel braced himself, Skiver floated down, his white wings shimmering in the sun as the pegasus reploid landed. "Colonel," he spoke up, clenching his teeth. "It's...it's been a while..."

"...you've become infected," Colonel replied sorrowfully.

"I...I have," Skiver replied. "I...fought it as best I can...but there's only so much I can do. I...I got your message, but I was unable to get to the comm suite to respond. The...the Orbiter Wing is...inside this plane. It's programmed to...deliver it to your base, but...I cannot deliver it..."

"I will take care of it, Skiver," Colonel replied. "You've done well. You bring pride to the name of Repliforce."

"Sir..." Skiver groaned, clutching his chest as his body spasmed. "I...I don't have much time before...the Virus takes control. But...I can still fight. Please...let me die a warrior. Show me...you have the strength to save us..."

Nodding, Colonel drew his beam saber. "As you wish, Skiver." Looking through his archives, he found the music he sought, and set it to play from his systems as he fought, so Skiver could hear. "Prepare yourself!" He lunged forward.

Skiver moved quickly, having been a speed model to begin with. Rather than clash directly with Colonel, he dashed past him, delivering blows from the side with wings, fists, and hooves. Colonel countered by spinning to strike with his saber or fist, whichever he could bring to bear. After a few passes, Skiver used his special weapon to send his after image ahead of him, striking from multiple sides before trapping Colonel in a whirlwind, allowing him to strike from multiple sides at once.

As Colonel rode the whirlwind, taking the blows, an idea struck him. Extending his beam saber, he spun with the wind, becoming a whirling energy cyclone. As Skiver pulled back, clutching the stump of one arm, Colonel unleashed his energy charge, launching himself into the air. Putting all his energy into his beam saber, he came down on Skiver, splitting him down the middle.

The pair had moved so fast, the entire fight had taken well under a minute. With so much of the music remaining, Colonel sheathed his beam saber, stood at attention...and saluted Skiver into his demise, showing honor to the soldier who had gone so far above and beyond the call.

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